.WEEKLY OREGON STATES-MAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1000.- A "IS Stccfis of Teledranis Received by tfiB Repabficon Compolgri Manager. ' the Next Senate Will Have a Good Repsilicaa Majority-Two leslsfatsres ia Doubt Delaware and Nebj-aska, Have Each Two Senators to Elect this Winter. , CLEVELAND, O..- Nor. 7. Senator fnnton. O.;' Nov. 7. Pnsidenr Mc H.yjtia. found a ijrfeet deluge of eon- Klidey was up early this morning af aiatulatory telegrams jil-3 oQ his ilt-kk, n a few hours' rest. An army of Vuiny. The Senator said: - z '-, ; "It Is a veritabk Republican land k1X1. It 1 even better than expected especially In-Indiana and Nebraska The general result ; Js . indeed most gratifying." i --V, . , , roosbvelt talks. New York, Nov. 7. Governor Roose- velt was up in scood waxon today, lhe t;trer::or wiul: r I ndolft- lKyond nuasnre oter tUe war rlie vot ha gone. . lreslU-nt Me Kin ley had to faee tin most shtUhis and ron.iillerited prolileuw "that have bi-en faced. 1y auy 1'reslden.t since Lincoln, and by any President a jjeu eration lie fore- Linctn. It seeni to Ih a perfectly fair text of the 'way our jx;oht are willing to back up a man wlto iian none sueii nirncmt anu an In:Nirtant work for thv Xatlou." u IIR IS SPEECHLESS.' ;i Lincoln, Neb., Novi 7. W. 4,Jtryan said thlM evenlnc that he had no state ment of any kind to: make at present. -; . f'l.OSE CONTEST. k St; Paul. Minn.. Ndr, 7. Th.. only lK.iiu not settled In the '-Minnesota -'.. ion Is I lie contest over the Uov eruslitp. Everythiufi has jione Iteiul lkitii by majorities so large that there J no possibility of a change. Hoth tilde claim the tiortrnor. TRAMS OF- .FIFTY' HOUSES. Wonderful Outfit That IK New York's Heavy Trucking The Veld-ck-s t'oiif rm td f StM-l Thmtigh out and Ih-.iuel to t'arry Iwuls of Nearly Kmi Tims CurkMts Way lu Which Potnleroih Horses Are IlitHied to Theut. There are employel In this city at heavy tfnu-kinjr teams tlutt for the iMiiiilx-r 4f horsts hookel up together Jeiive the hliriri-st. -of ..circus team far - lu tli lia.!. Ttie t.inl wairoii with maybe tweuty handsii- liirws mrnns out III pairs Is tiresit. ami the driving of tills oitMlt by a single man is in-sMerrtltb- of a feat, bin far more im-H-esslve siv some of tlK trucking t fit fits avIj Ki-;isIiMi.-ilIy run up to tifty lwrss. tin 'pa-hijr f such s team ttein? like that of a troop of cavalry: whik- the weitrlrt of tin- load it is h.-iuhnir iiKiy 'fall not nim-li short of a hundred toie. Tills sortf turu ont atfords one cf tlw nwwt $-trikiujr of the city's street sinhts. Peode liite np on the aldewalk ' wlwu H'jjoes by. a-s tlK-y would to watch a prfees- u. and then are not .--many proces sions that can enal It for iuterest. A thirty-horse triu-k team een in the streets m-etitly hauled- a :, giant Nwd of -win cable. In Itself a very -onspleuous ohjee. The spool Js ntaiU of two irmit liss of w4od. Jolnel.by an axle-like spindle, upon which the atIe Is wound. This particular pieee of cable weiliHl forty-six tons. The truck that carried h was all of steel platform, frame. wtKHds; everythinji ami Its weij;l alMMit tvn tons. Tlie wlnnds. fllsmt thm and a half feet in diameter, liltve a face a foot In width, so that they wUl not cut throusti the pavemeut. The fifth wheel, utxvn whk-h the-forward axle turns. Is alxHit live fet In diameter and 1 praetlcally a wmall tnrntable. The ma uner In which, tlie team is booked, to one who sh-s such an outfit for the' tirst time. I ure to prove f ln4Test. At the wIkM. as mizht be exiHcten. rt fi pair of bijr hrss; buti these are nt- hooked to a iole: tltey Maud InHweeu shafts. There are three of tlee haft. : the middle on Irojeot1nfr letween tlie "two ltorsew. Tliey are small tlmlers. six Inches or N in . tliilim'ter. and at the ends where they nre attaeheil to tlie axle they are framed Into solid Mfeel plates. Like any oilier nhafti tlny esin be raised or lowennl at the front end. but framed an they an. at the other end. with ahos steel plates, there ts no sprinst orlve In any other dlree tton. Wlien thor are tnniel to risrltr or left the axh turns with them for m're. And nor only are they'thusi hei'd rls!lly at he axle, but they are likewise so held at tlielr forward "ends w nere -a umiit iar i piaei acns tbetn. The bljr wheel horses, driven Irr a man wlKi stands on the front end of Ihe I ruck" plat form, are not csisect-f eI Jo pull the load: thetr. work is to keep. the shaft steady7 1 and trnej Hltclal on nt the end of each outef shafts Is a pair of liorses: tltese two pnlrf tints standing shle by side, mak In? a rank of four Jwrrses in front of the two, wheelers. . Then, from the end of each ' one; of the two outer shafts there Is rarriel f!mrt . a .steel cable to whieh additional airs are attached. The two eables tlm running ahead, one from -ach outer shaft." are made In sections whica can Iki readily joltl together so as to nake practically continuous tow Ins cables f any hnfth hslnHl a cordin to tlie mimler of Itorses to le hooked u to make up the team, f A thirty-horse leant sueli as Is hert' referred, to w-onki thus le made nil. ! lieskles tlie wheel pair, of two col- tuiins of ?even pairs each, strnnp atone on ttwo caiues wtretchlnjr for ward fmm the shaft."- The two col umn eanlie driven out Into the form of "the lettr V; ami in some eircum stances, as In workltijr the testm around a coruer. It J liamly .... to be able ftd use them In two line. In the actual straight ahead haul the two strings of horses march side by side, in a sol id column of ranks f four. V. The horses are iiowerfnl animals, sixteen hundredweight or therealionts apiece. an;l they take the jrreat hind alous with ease: ivresent Ing. as 4 hey move, a stirrin spectacle. For the fiften iKiJrs , thTe are flfieen drivers, . te fi.les the man who stands on the truck and guides the wheel team. brlugiitg eongra tula tor y telegrams; and friends and neigllliora gathered to extend- their congratulations. '- The president hnak fasted at S o'clock with M r. MeKlhley. ami then went to the library, where he ran over the morn ing papers and" listened to the dis patches am Secretary Cortclyou picked them from the- thousand receiveil. TiK'X came', from all miarters of. the ronntry and workl, 'many Iielng rnble. vrnniu f rnm A ...I m ditrvi Hint Minl. trrs abrond. "All the member! of the fabtnet . had Ix-en, heaj-d from. Sen- th hue. Ten rears" agofMr; It-rn-ator ILitina'and many of his asslst-l stein left New York ft)f Sntli Amcr a nt of the I'niou rixdn of CleTe.amL lea; Ills success lias been nbenomen jtilned in a. inesstige expresiius: their satisfaction. All the j disnatclw lrestthel a si.irit of nersonal devotion to- the I 'resident and a patriotic sense ,0f 'the. iilt. ValliInjrton. Nov.' 7.-Tlie next Sen ate. 1ntint!nff' that tlu state .T'slshi tire.i wFll fulfill' their ilnty and clios Senators to represent their states, will stand ou a ImsLs of yestentay s elec- tioii. as follows: Forty-nine liepubll- cans., twenty-ieveu Denwirats. and nine InIejendnts. with the Legisla tures in? doubt In three states with the, privilege of 'elet-tlns five Senators at this time. The IegisIa-titre in -doubt - arc Delaware, and- Nebraska, hi ca -h of tliew states two Senafors ate to le -lwseu. and Idaho Jias one Senatorial chair to fill. . jAnd n!i-nd Walks a man ito clear the road, especially to' " warn passlhs teams in juterseeting streets; while Iwhiihl the great truck are. a coujile or oruinary trucks loaded with the materials that will lie.-brought Into tfs in "unloading the reel when It shall have lnn'U brought to Its desti nation. The heavier of these two trthks, weighing wtth its load three or fonr tons, serves the purpose of a brake on the great truck If -there slrotild Is occasion, f Of course th wheel team, big as it! Is. eonldn't 1m gin -ti hokl u muk wHh its enor- umius kntd on down gnwle, ami so on -suei! a stretch they carry a cable from the rear axle to the end of the pole f:fli truck - Iwhind ami roje taat trticKs wiMfRtw that th.-y won't twit, nhh steel shoe under , Its Wheels to save the - tires' from lie'hig rtonhd on, the material truck witn Its load o-f thre or four tons thn Ihv (iuik-s " a ilrag''aifd It 3s enough to I'obl ! the in.iiu truck oir any grade that ,-wtiukl Ik encuiitered lu'. tin? city. i Tl whole otff fir is under. the charge of a foreman, who goes some times afoot, lint coiirmouty in a buggy. All 1iivmcnts are made umh-r Itis a'rrec uon. iui-lndiug the starting of the team. Tie . forema n -has previously tfe-termined th. route to -lie followed. He knows the city's streets well what streets he can go oil with lteavy hwifts wttliout sinking through the pavement..-and all that. ' II? knows wtwre all 1he manhole covers are. arMl. with the heaviest loals, lie ktvps on iihmo. 1 Of course tliey t-au't get around a I ioruer with such a toad 1n the rdi-1 nary iuamier, liecanst a team strung I otu so rar - aiieau as this Is wouldn't have, lu ih,-rt, situation, a straight jnm ui 1 no losui; ami if tlav dkl-thev ,-.,,.1.1 .....if t. . 1 ,r,lr,, . fIIn 11 ii(.-roM iue -ornT. r get tt Into the gmter. or where It f ctiuktn t Us handhtl to advantage. fcSolfoaw, It Is but reasonable, to expect isTe tlie very: simple war In whtetilthat American caoita! and entenirise 1Jy " suppose they are going up an avenue, aud tlwy want to turn to the right Info a .cross street. They Keep tlie team going im the avenue, past that street, till the lead i.-ilr I irre half way up the next bhK-k. Tlienfeoal resornes of the United States, of ,m-' iwH wuii xne rrock lkK-king the cross stre't. IreKently tbe driver gins to swing tin right hant sringlof the mfdtness with which the v?ry of horm amnml and. head theut u hrst coal In the states can be brought """J'smu tneu ,ttie drivers I 01 iue lert nami. or nigh string, swlugllca will.; In the" near future, lie En- hmmiim ami over into that wiMHders cramp the front axle rouikl no'i uf.id iiiniivw along the crss I hum wo i ne wnoie team stands Z: A..m ip!T3on ?op- -nn1thr-. pull .... ,..- jinn wiiii 1 ue ioal so piaeeu m.-it tt Will f ltovr- ivluiro 1,... drag it. ETervthiue readr. tl, rl man priTes a little blast on hn whis tic. every Uriver gatliers up his reins, and every liorse knows n-tmi n.i. llmlnary toiw-h means. Then from the ems u a K.rswr mast on the wldstle the drivers tighten their lines and the uorses set ru down, to . btwuess again sn; 11 loaoM as tnat d-scribHl are al- luv.-inaoiy nwtei at night wlwn tlie streets are eompnriHivclr free of rucK,itiion wllch It was carried Inn been tested to a weight uimiireii ions. There lias txtn nirmi n h 4 hill of mrmii on u 4 of elehtr-onel. tons in a wire cable, and this per- bans is tin hMrUi LxH , I on wheels hi the city. Flftr horses were hioked to it, making a "team of int-ne ranss wtrn jour horses abreast! ami two horses on tlie irliwl I ; MANY MILLION'S pnn.TnB eiTiAv S1TION. Tlie eople of P.uffalo lia . 1 . 1 . , --.-..!- lueinseires to an.ciDon.1imt' rl about S-ViMMiimi r .k " 7"" 2 11m Pan-American Extiositlon to u. v-- iV-j " V," jMiwe ., 01 .,, . , ... ., iM.-,r ground wUl cost the concessionaries lieftceen S'TMHlOOO . 1. W.Z -'. 1 K re open. ;an addition to these sums, a citlzen'of II.. v.i l Mr.. J. J. Albright, who is widely j.. w iue two siring of colli trade or the world, and. next to M.VrTif;, hnrtlut, ! again the English, the largest owners of tZ!!L -i1? f,or,artwi otvoii H.llieis,F. Sea fn Snowdon. Ii,; i f t I L lU f?Tn ' nnk- i The Englnrerlng Magazine for No alicad of the two Jrig w im4otm. 'rt.. r.m.iu.. . lK-tf.V V. . A. . ' c, t ' .' 1 uii-iocen one or the aides-deamn of N 5S-?i ' "oTernnuV, P1M,0,,infr ,K,,an HI. After the defeat at Seda .rfot)0 on Its irroiin of hntl.iinrr .n.ilo. 1 ..1 ... "a el.U.!t Tl .'""r"?"". ,"'u aiHami 1'ietTon a r: m : .V" Ml1 theeniperor-to Wllhelmsh known In , the Iron trade has given f-j.Vi.iK mi or an Art Gallery which' I io 1m a isruuinenr building of white uarltl-. This .will serve ax the Tfin ple cf Art fur the Exposltkm and will afterward become the home of Buff a? lo's public art treasme. Th Buffa'.o Railway Company, exiieets to -tend nearly n.MU4io in' new tra :-kV. and emilmmnt In preparing for the Pan- An't-ru-an .rear. The aggregate gates open thus heroines .very ,Iart;e. V "YANKEE millionaires. Tiro American . . Wlm "Hare Made Fortunes in Chile, i ' -.'."" . "Don Pedro McKeH.'ir I a t North American lnno' of r STOtc-h dtMrfnt. Tbiii.v oM joar a?o t- ws i my i-lwk In tli Id iuitj- 'or Unci?' Sara. II ship vas,itatiomd n tit South raf-itk station, f.nd hp saw an or-por-tunity at .Valparai'!. Ills resignation followed, and todajr the - entire dfig boat !jtem of Valparaiso'i harbor i owwd 1).v tHiii foruior naval aooodnf- ant. From one injtle tujs hi : buff lMf lia Inereaaed nnflL It now mhh pri.-M'.H a whole fleet, erery. craft df whUli I bnsj adding-to rlie already lalrge fort true of Hon Pedro.' He has iHbifel sucH-ej-sf nlly In poHtle. ; He alj niarrie.1 ; am etlmalle Old'eau laidy. and Id Wms are now roeojrnie! latponjr the inot Talued ?upiorter of il there - is I one successful American. Thi Is Jlr. Hen tain In F. Ilernstein of Santiago nl. its the Chilenos do uot take klnd'y I" mencnn unaneiers. lie saw mat Mo carry ont his 'phins Itwonld be necessary to adopt at least temporar ily . the methods of the country, overthrowing- every precept of his educa tion in money maWers. Not only dfcl he siwced In this resiiect. ittt. he has gradually liown some of the bright-i-st men in iHantiago the mistakes, and they liave platlly enough profited by his suggestions, i Mr. Pfttisteln'Is the yonngest of; the wealthy Americans in South . America. His personal for tune equals a million pesos, not to mention the-fortnue of hbiiwife, wlw came of the famous Cousino family. the richest in oil Chi!e. ; One of . Mr. Rernstein s suc4ies.es has been- the handling of tine affairs tH-rrainlng to an uncle's estate whk-h Involved extensive dealings with the ( hilean government. , Tlie?e the voting New-Yorker ha nnraveleil with miK'li profit to all Interested parties." A IIFGE RUSSIAN LOCOMOTIVE- Tlie most remarkable Russian en gine In the Paris Exposition is the gi gantic twelve-wheeled ' donble-slx- ciUpIefl duiilex compound on a nirsdi- flea t Ion of ih:? Mallet system, and Hearing tlie number II. 810. This is Iy far -the biggest ami lieavlest en gine in the whole Exhibition, weigh ing a ft does St; tob.s, and having vast 4'-ton tender ajqiended: the fatal wHglit of engine aud tender lielnir therefore no le than 132 tons, while the top oT the chimney : stands feet : Inches alibre the ralUcvel. Tills ntiihty lo-omorlve Is ; constmctecl on the an iciilated olan. tlie44-ffMt driv ing wheels lx-ing coupled In two groutis of six lnch, one l:eing practi cally a. steam tsigie. wliile each group :s driven by on, high-pressure and ov low-pressure cylinlpr, tlie rrsnee- five diameters lieiug 1 mi inches aud 28 inches. In the case of this n"r tlcurar eugine. mon maj-, lie, said Vu In'half of tlie complex system of ar ticulation e.mpfyiyed than In the case of the smaller, but similar locomotive urerlously referieil to. VThe Russian twelve-wlieeler is intended for the haulage of Immense doads and the as- c rt of steep grades. It is essential to 1 i:e oeveioiwient or its ruti nsetuiness that it shonhl be able to util'iKe its en tire adhesive weight for traction., and that this weight should lie d 1st rib" h'd s widely as possible niMin th raus wniiont sncn oisrrinmiou in- volvtng an undue length of risid wheel-base. 'harls It n-Marten. in The Engineering Mairmre for No- veinber. ' AMERICA AS A COAL SHIPPER. ; Having found the markets for theb will on provide the shins to carry thein iu. ami we Slwll exoect to 'see many a self-trimmer flying the Stars nod Strints In the near future. Nor can we. after a careful review of iba I the exce-itional ease and cheapness lte-lwith which ther tun Ik mh.,.1 ' to the setilio:inl.-but admit that Amer lianrs most active eomnetltor In the AUNT LEAVES STRANGE WILT f.eineaths Vortnn.V to N leces for eteauiuj. Kaa.lly. Pictures. - aran ami i.iii r Hart.- sav thni when It 'conns to cleaning pictures nicy are in a t in ny t heuisejres. and In support of their cLtftus they point with prkle to the cc. mil I lon.of .sundry fatnily pllnt mars in the residence they occupy at Third street. New r j- . ; ....... i.ut tceir work comes hhth. - Ther are demanding f2MMMit for keening iurr- im iores cnan for two, rears. which Is at the rate of aliont M a iar ea-h. sarroarte Thomas will soon deckle whether he thinks wuciner ue minKS they "Vi? U s . : . , he sisters Were tlie lietiefir-in Ha n H. -.jrH,.wf ,llflr n"' Mrs. Rlehird " oo.l- who left them muioi cir V iui,iiu-y k. e in order the pictures of her husband and two sons land occupy the housj ntooe. Having T - they anplle.1 ,u ourrouaie inonuin 10 compel the the execntors to hand over to them amont. m -.... T .-. "r i t rencn army wuo nas jnst retlretl. Was tlie last of : s ueincer of toe active army who had .1 n. ccom- ohe. his piniTM iu i m national derene gor- hrnmtnt. '.-Tlie rti,,i m,.- t. z ."- iuu .t iiecn lor a time liead of the milltarr enWnet of the Emneror Mai-tmnia Mexlct. who wa shot at Queietaro In . ' " " WQn " ft In order to offer THE COUNTY COURT - MEKt' TO M 1ND PAT BILLS. -'. AtDIT Tw Mlsor Oam Umv Bs f b1 KJqaor . Lictta Grsatod la St. Pslsd. ' ' - : BttUl. ,-,1-:: f ' ' ". ' (From pally Statesman, Nor. S.) Tlie tarlon t-onuty eouamissloners fcourt ronvened yestenlay ; afternoon. fo the'-regular, November term of the court, "as an auditing. Isjard. ahd c-on-sklerable . bnsluess was l transacted diHiug the ;day. ..-;'-'l. . '.-'" - ! ,M)uriujr the afternoon the court con i4eted the is-tUions for t wo. liquor li censes, and acted ". favorably upon theuw A. Lambert.' of St. I'auL wa given a' license . -to" sell lhinor in ' Sr. l'aul ireclnet for six mouths, aud II. J. Belhirtswas granteil a license for one year, tocouduct a salcou In Butte-ville- 'i: ":-..:! !,'.'" t -:'-.. I The resIna l Jon of S .T. Anderson, as run d supervisor of the Silrertou dis trict, was received and accepted, and Eden Bower was appoiutMl to fill-thej vacancy. ... -r ;. ''-.' ;.-.- "i .:.(: ' .".Tlie court also receiveil th re?ljna tlon of W. J.' lrvln, of 'Mehama, asj lustice of the-peace for that district, to take effect upon the tiling. wttK the county clerk, of all the liooks and re cords of thr otlice.. ; "'' i After-eonsidering a mimlier of bills .n the road and bridges a ccooiit. the court adjourned to U a. tu.," today. Among, the, bills to lie considered at this term '-are a. vast unmlier on the lection act'ounf, lieing the exnenses Jm-Jdent to the National elei-tlon held on Tuesday. :l. THE GOVERNOR AT HOME (Jr. T. .T." tieer-was at his office at the Capitol yesterday, and wasmneh pleased with the feiorts received from throughout Oregon and the United Stares. showing a great revival of Re-publicsiu-' seirtiment: This was -the first time lu several w;e-ks that the Governor was to he found at the office, he ha v lug been out'" on 'a campaign lour. with Ihe success of which he is much i)leasd. - t ' w ; ADMINISTRATOR. Mark S. Skiff was yesterday appointed administrator of the iwrtnershlp estate of M. . S. Skiff ami Luke D. Smith, with his bond fixed at ?12, too. - 4 RESULT SATlSFACfORY. Canadian -Oovernnu nf Snstalneil at Yesterday's Election v ' ;. -, - ': Ottawa. Ont. - Nor. 7. The resnlts cf Joilay's ehxcllons show that the. Government has been sustained by a n.iUrIty of from fifty to sixty mem tM rs. oii a basis of Ihe returns receiv ed up to midnight, and wJlh fire con stituencies to lie heard from. Today's elections were iu 2i8 out of 2T.'i constitnencres of the Dominion. a"d the remalnins.five will .hold their eVetlons at a 'later . dflte. AN EPIDEMIC. " Mill fi The Dalles. Nov. 7. The scarlet fe Vfr eiildemlc which has -s been." raging tl"elpasr two months bas ccasetf to s) iVad. and it is. thought by the doe- t rs iii.-t it lias rnn its course, and tl at the city wfll lie entirely free from it m a short time. FIRE IN ASTORIA. Astoria. Or.. Nov. 7. The residence o. "Maxwell loung. in Alderbrook v :s Iestroyetl by fire this afternoon 'Mi prolwble loss Is 40O), partially 1 ti -Tire 1. .. , BLIZZARD. 'Minneapoils, Minn., Not. 7. A bl!z ii 1 d is tearing down i upon this sec t:. u. Tlie weather has turned cold fid heavy snow storms are reported f..m various places. ' IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Elections in That Province Do .'.'.: Endorse the-Government ' Not .ancouver. B. C Nov. 7. British f luinbia has not joined In the gen f -! 1 aptirovaJ of the Hurler govern 1 " ti't. expressed by the Hi stern Pro- 1 :ices of Canada la "todnr s election. 1' x seats lu the House of Commons . e allotted to British Columbia, and if two of these constituencies th t" ction ha leendef erred for on t ith. Of tlie four British Colutn b a seats contested today, two return- et conservatives, one labor with coil s' . vatlve 'leanings, and one lilieraL TIk two rem.llninjj oonstifuericli'S a . expected to return suiiporters -of 11 j: t.owruinent at deferreI election. FAMOUS FAMINES 7 OF THE WORLD. Tlie worst famines of modern times Were the famine In Ireland In 184(47. In which l.tMNMJOO people ierished; tDe Indian ramtue in lNf!i, which eUtSiued 1.4-VMKKl rictlnis: the ludiau famine Lin 187i. In which .vmmm people inr Ished. and th rgeat famine in China in 1878, h, which 0.o00.(ifM) died. MRS STONEWALL JACK- 7- '- SON NEAR DEATH Mr. Stonewall Jackson, widow of the t onfetk-rate general of that name is In Baltimore and t dangerously ill. 8i?e rs at -the Church Home and In firmary, where she Is preparing to un dergo a .surgical operation. Tt."..! feareil that she may t not- ? recover, Mrs.-Jackson Is more than 70 rears oh V and time has dealt -kindly with ner. in siute, or, her , many sorrows. Her home Is , in a ! pia m : t wo-story bouse at C'liarlotte. N. C. Her wondor fnl genius for Jnutifvlng ererTthin has made this house exceedingly love ly. In spite of Its lack of exterior dec ors t Ions. 8TOLE A TRUNK. Sneak Thleves-at Work Ii The Dalles . u.t.,' cecurea .otng. ... . : The Dalles, Not: 7.-?neak thleres took from the passenger depot In this city a trunk and it conteri'ts. belonc. tag to J. CMelns. a resklent in this cityand carried It; about a quarter mue awar. behind & Inmhor .1 ami broke It open, but finding nothing but clothing for a child, "after acatter- iog the sanw, left; it lay.; FiteAoNis found in thp tlclultyy were 'arrested, bat it is dmbtful If .anyone wilJW couV ieteI of "the crime, as ' t here Is no posUlve evkleuee against them. -- When the trnnk was carrJel away one of the parties evidently Injured hs h3iulu as fresh lIotst wai found on the trunk and some bf J th trunk and some of. thei clothing. None :"of the five tramps showanysaco iujury. PORTO RJCO ELECTION, ':. San Juan, de Porto Rico. Nor. 7. It is. estimated 7ri.tKl Republicans voted a t the election yesterday, fr Com.mlssiom-r to Congress, and . nienir liers of the House, of delegates." Net mows . tliau 2H1 Felerals ..'voted."-The election - was exceetllnglj orderly," ' SAWMILL" SOLD.v PuMiaser, WUl at Otve Place If - 7 " Op-rathm' f or the Winter? " In -' Ipthintk'hce,) Or ; Nor. 7. J. - M. Stark lias bought' the local sawmill. and will at once place K in, operation for the winter.; The tSnill IialHn llie for some time, , ami . tlu neol of luni- berls bejainnlnK to lie felt. ' : ',.- ' Jolm R. Cl'.tyho,''liaa a contract rtto:. supidy the jKtm'r'TnllW at Oregon i-ifv wntn lAMMF.tirtir -Teer. or 102s. . is '"ready to send ttotfn, 'rafts containing one-half . of the amount, called for by hi contract. The logs vwIH W rafted here ami towed Iown to Oregon City by one of the company's, steatners. Tlie rain has -stojujied ami the river. w-hi-U had; reached the 12-foot stage, has commenced to fall at a rapid rate. ' Tini;EEJ MEN KILLED. " ;Tacoma,': (Washi. Nov. 7. A cave-In. at thine Not 7. a t Carliouido. yesterday, resulted ,'1n the. leatb of three mine employe" - Tlie dead at: Karl Ilnh tvla, lattl IHHlem, Gust. Snndienr. The accident' was caused by the giv- Ing vay of one of the -large .support ing lieams. - -About, fifty men .were working In the mine"" at tm'tlme. - :-fit ..-V AN EFFORT IS MADE TP RR-OUOAKIZE THE OLD COLLEGK ASSOCIATION THIS WlXTEK. - Exeeatlre Comniltte of "Stat Teachers AfsocUttoB Takes.th InltUtlve . . lr the Msttsr. Tfce Executive Commltlee of the Western Dlrlskm, Oregon State Teachers Assix-Iatlon. hiis" issued., a circular .letter, to prominent e.ltn ators of Western Oregon, nrgllig them to attend the next nHftlng of the State Teachers" ' Assoc iation, at Albany. IhVemlifir 2'tU .-1)th, arul there- re- organize, the old Ct41eg AssK-iat hn, T'he letter was yestenlay font -out tiy Pfof. J. .'II.' AekeruKin. the. sniieriii tendent of tiublic instruction, who is secretary of tin." coanruHtee. It reads as ' follows: ; "It has l;on dxcided by the Execu tive Committee of tlie Western Divis ion of the Oregon State TeacIiersAs 'social fun TO 'ask the-C61I.ge. -Academy, Normal Hi-hofd and High School twich ers of the state to re-organlze tm old tVrlleire Assoeiation at fh annua meeting f'-tlre Association, to Ik held a r Albany. DecemlKr 2dt-h. 27th. 28-h. and 2ltlt. As it 1 difficult to get track of t he old orga nlzatlou. Sc'vera 1 years having elapsed -smce Its "last ir-e4lng. and the time is shorx tai which to prepare a progi-am. the Kxe entire Ceiuniitlee 'has veufuriHl t& take the initiative for tlx present year, and Invites suggestions of topics for dlscnssiou a t 'the I leeemlier' meeting. "The plan of -ork of the Teacliers' Associat ion. -as now a rrauged. pro vides for departmental meerings each afternoon, the BJt'ral program oe- cnpylug the foremsm. It is !olieved that by -this arrangement ' strong de pitrtnients cau lx organized ana main tained. ' ' - . , 'Yon. are earnestly hivlted to make such suggestions as may mur to vou. i'ud a1s, to fljisist us in thcorganiza-, 1 1 tin liy your presence,. - . . WANTS A , NEW PARTY. - " -i . '.. .-- PETTHJItEW FEELS HIS RECENT DEFEAT KEENLY. Thinks' the Xew Orgaiib.ii t Ion May Be' i. niicd -so-iai i.aiMir," and He .' - Bi? In It i - T- . -; ' T. lVU Mlnn.;;Nov. 7. A Sioux FaKsI South' Dakota, special to s tlie DlspatchC says: . ' ? irl' predict the formation.'of a new' party based on, the protests on . the outrages against Republicanism as taught by Ha una," dyclareil United States Senator R. F. IVftlgrew this nrcnivins. f'Defcct f Is the more wel conn to me as It has come, than vic tory would have lieen If It came.br ennorsirrg me sm or policy, which the iM-liirMiejiii -pariy reneseats. les, orionrse. 1 will J in ihe new P nr.; ' Wliat it will lie called Is of llt- ne moment. It nmy 1m 'Social Lalwr or It ' imty J ttttotwr detiiocracy. it "O made imi fKif: trrsfi , dla.n- tctitid with tjHnelemeats in politics. as a protest against the existing coo dil Ions ajtd the " presenf tenilencr of things.";,;;. , . :.. ; ,.. , - J 3IYSTERIOUS MURDER..- Leavenworth. Kans ' Vnr 'tTi. OT-Tiu iiy or i-eafi j-orit. ageI 20, wn louiKi near - her . homo to iit. iiiy iiiis- inommg., Marks on her throat, Indira ted site ti - 1 - - - - - iiiiiiiivi cine to tlie munlerer. - '-'- THE MARKET EXCITED. V t - STOCKS SOLD WITH A. RUSH IN k THE BIG EXCHANGES. : As a Result of tl. P.Wftnii .f 'tt. Repnblican Ticket New. Y'ort and London Excited. . NEW YORK. Nor. 7.N0 such ex ited demand for .stock has been wit nessed on .the New York i exchange since the boora day of the flotation of securitic of .the -new Industrial combinations Jn nbe spring of LSOO. as today. . It kept: all. departmenu of iue stock exchange atn ferer lieat of an !in.1 1 ion and acilvlty.v The ru?uo bny mckf! v: ft .is ; vef jrholinV-Srf1 1 14 a Lsor h a fl , f cry J.t 1 1 i Us Ji t J grt effect 011 prlees. .V Tery l.trge business lu Aiovricans hail tieeh 4line tu f Iudou" uuirket liefore tlie 1 stock" uufrker, opene.1 in "New VoVkj The Counufsi-ion Jotik?s keifc:-their otllcew cjien all night, and tsk orders which wete cxeuied lu Lbud.Mi. as early as ,T oeJd-k. .NT srkuin. .....-.,. W ILll SCENES. , " London. Nor; 7. The InhJal scenes on the stock exchange" totlay were a ni-H-tltkm of -4be wild , X(,cni:-nt .df lNts;. perhaps exci-cding . it. The ' t tctitkHt of 'the', stock exchan'ge' cettler ChI almost entirely Vu "Ann-rlcaus. The excHnient - contlnitetl .,during.,tlie grtvater itart. of, the day. , u . ' , TRIEirBOXER CIlIF:FS. ;j - ' ' : 'i .i ,'i 1" ' it-ii . Murderers Captured Iry British .Troops ; Were Extcutt d. --J. 1. - , ' 1 1 . " 'i ' 1 Takn, Xovj 7. -The British 'colttnin enhr tleneiiil 1 Richardson "'eft 'Iat Ting FH ?Octier' JSlh.-i;uuirUiiij3 .In thedirectlou ef lVklu. At Tung Muug fin (troops tried three Boxer chiefs. dHf rovers of a chapd and killers of natlveCliristians. Tlw British shot tlie chrefs. 4 - SIGNED A. CONTRACT. Woodburn. Nov. T.-TIm 'City 'Chun ell; wbk-h- had beer divided .oli 'the nr5t5f)n'of glvlrtg 'eHcouragement' to A. B. Kltrtx.- at !'its"egukir' Tfivsiou Monday night;- granteilf to the latter ft iVKvear. ekctrle light s ami irrater-' works franchise and nl-s vincn'd into contract for street lighting: for two years.il4tlie-old- ralej. A. couuiiittce was also' sheeted do' purchase ix, hy drants, .200 fee- of luAse, aud,;u. hose. Cart. ! . ..., . I. ..'.- ': SEEK RIGID . I(M A RR I,A 1,1 E .',iAWS. Doctor Wa nts Crlini'ualsV4" Drunkard , ami DriijT Users, Barri-'d. - A lease rtin n i tig tr. .voAf,j, "at, an an nual ienta of 1O4.400 grain. of pur,e. ' imalloyed sold., is hi .iiJyel instrti lpent filed or re.wd yesterdav, savs the Chicago Chrnnk-lcP '". The leasehold' Interest 'fieid ' by' Mrs. Elltsa 'IL Gates fi-Jinl Charles' 1.1 Wil hntghby as lessor in the bniktyhg" at ."iT.i'-ri40 Waliash avenue ?i:iVf Tn'en con veyed by tlie less; ir to David R'Fia rer. togetln-r with tlie building leased. The.;tH'ojK'rty on., which ht-ivrdcliire stands is m 2.7x171, feet. The leao is for tnt years., dating from April 18Jm. at nn, aiinuaf:;'ivhtalrof gold as stated. Thi- inTei-estt-iniVcyCd Is" thi't of Mrs. Gate. "which she tr'ari'srers for $". her husband.' Ralph j; Gatest alsi signinthe lns'trttment.':".1 ' '"'" - ' . ;''- ' : .1. ' "There are two ' kinds- df business conrtesv.' - j .... 1.1 "What are they?" '" " ' " "Wi'll: the fkiitil W'e! extend' to p.oiiIe. who' have paid and rlie kind we' ex tfnd to Peoiile ."jrho" liaren't pnid., Detroit Fre Preys'. , n . ,..- !' ' ' '"'.- ,.i!i.: ' WPHFOOT . STATE SttOl'Lli BB BErBESKSrW T BUF 1'ALO.XK.XT VKABi;! 1 '". ' - " ' . ' f- - .. . . --iff 1'-, ',t4 i .?.'-. (.' ranimerlnn Kipnillloa--Th "' " ConimUsion Inter(it. ' . Tlie members of the OreofS .Com n,T!v.u ,.to-.tiie ,PaiVVwefii':a;i jiiiosi Jlon.to lie hchi at..Biifjralo.i Ncav York Aiirll-XoyeuitVcr in-10iM,l3:iveiliectimc thoroughly intcli-sfed hi the " hiove mcut to hayt (ouV 'ex'V),s(Ve Jn- ?rveiAe renreaktet?, a't, ( 'ho Ex position . and will muke- an: Hrnest and aggressive campaign In-this !e- half. " f '- .-.:. -' !;., ; - .- ' To make ft'cttVlife VeiV of.' On'gon's resources, wvould . Venire the exiK'nditura. iof oiue- funds. that ;tho comralttee.4ioix to- lravp inn ided mirVrt I that rhe varied interests' ' rhh ivw- luuunraini iiiay ci ii im rcjreented. The nv?mrxrs 'of th''bottnti1ssliti' and tlie department over wlilcli e.ich , will have supervision are" 'as' follows: J,' It. Tlffr, of PortLiml'.' ffahsiWirlalion; John II." 'Bnrgnrd; -lWtlajidV'- litilntt factirres: W. " T7 'tYantiten- 1'oHl.m.l eilncntlou; A. ,T. Johns-on .."A'sfoila - fftr- stTy; E. I- Hmi'flt.TToori Rirer . hor. tlcTiltnre: Mrs. EdHh Tozlef" Watli r- redf INrtlan4, i'tn!rtTng: - Heftrr B. Thlelsen; of ! Sah4n!,'!gfk'ulrnrrt.'4P i The sta fe of Oregon' is not ' ii 4 t hor-! oughly ndvertIsHl, in the Eastern ! states as Its extensive Interests re- i quire aud Hlrts apiM';frsvrtn!iill.r "t be a splendid : aiTportntiirv "to give the state-some very ralnabfe ttdvertising. The state's tcaonrocs; on this' wna skin could be exliitdteil 'Ixfore J he liiern liHihiifsttutYrs aud flie-gri at vahte of! the. raw and Undeveloped 'miifteriaLs here Would surely, Sit Impress 'tis un Infonneil Easterner that it would re- suit, in 4be investment of Ivistcm cap ital in . this state'-iind; thelihelop rant of'varkMts'JndnsfrlW'that ikw. cxIA tJily'ln tlie.-raw state, ..jl'wonM prore on in valuable tycjiiis of adver tising flregon anl 1 the utiiiiuiie re sults' woujd donbths"more tJian Justi fy flu exiiendJtitre of the nmonnt ofj money that will le rptiml o accom plish the foninplated work. Tlie first lot of -souvenir advert fet ing .the.. Ihiffniot.'cxiiosfeHm Hts -arrived. i'Tiiy afe.aa itigeidts -device -a ml very original In design. -Tliei nuibleui Is a miniature frying inn attached t a small stick pin. O11 the liottoin of the pan Is a "raised, huffnlo lj a(r,s1g rilfylnrf tlxipM-eof hilHngnt be exiiosi- tlon. 'flie hiiffaki's head Is sn r round - PAn-AHierican in 1.. . . 1 , ... V fJacal ; GATAnnu la sit tu tt them thoald M etesnliaaB,' ',- CiT"wt Elji Cream Balm' tb diseased, mcfubraaei ' ItcarcscatMrrTiuddVires lt . In tbA hiut i 1 1 Crtam Balm U ttlsecd Into tb tsstrus, (preait . ... -a (rrer th nemtrsa scd la kbsorbodl Ee.'lsf U Im mediate &nd en no loiUrtrc It is not dry mg-aoe Dot trodac sneezinr. Vr9 f ".Izo 60 ctnl t t glt of by vomU ; Trial J 1 cents by touti. ELT liltOTggKili Wanes streevj new . bjJ a ' Cegislatlve 'appiriili'ftluf' this winter.' The, Oregon., ;omuilssioii jcon Kls'ts jf seven very; '.cpaTae'cltfr.eu: Wllil haVe''.llllirVrtIoii. i1 il'.H'.WrV t, ff aT.ftMrCOltll i