Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 09, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    WEEKLY: OREGON STATESMAN,: friday. November o, iooo.
Marion County Does Itself Proud for the Repub
. . lican Standard Bearers.
Enlhsslasrn anjj Nslse the Order of the Day Last Evening When
the Cetnrcs Cane ia, Showing the Election of : '
' ; , McKInlcy and Roosevelt.
. ,1.
From taHrVS' a ""! Xov. 7.1 '
line result-of yesMerday" eet ion in
Marion count r Is entirely satisfactory
to 11m friend. .of the Administration
aml-tltWUcijuWii iiu- 4u generaL a- the;
return thus far at hand indicate lmiD
plurality for tin ,'McKinlcy Sectors. I
This In the face of boast, of of
till I ftt.liljhr.it. lkiit l,.e 1 ..... .1 . .. .. '
irinrality tf four years-agw-altout Goo
- nvnKl not la- tcecdc4L ' ' The re-
jort3 A-vniiu'lMto fho StateMiiau idihe
early - from t lie several iniling pre
cincts f -the-county, and every re'awt 1
made tW Bryan rihonter more Holier
until, by oYhnk. last evening, when
half of the precincts rtortul,
they reluctantly j voitccded that Mc
Kinleya majority lu Mziyiou 1 o:mty
wouhL greatly ..ciccid. . that of four
.yearjllajjoand some even .acknowl
edged.. 4M-ftUiliiy oi tle. hlgliest
Republican' estimates ben. eiua.ed.
S ncn. at U o clovk- tin leu Salem pre
einet were In, flmwiug a "iluralify
for McKitley.iif-;2;- thi ia a j;au-of.
M;Jiyrr CUa,. Ai. .MarpUy ilural.y
for. thvriff Jbj June. , i r ,
" TIm IVi .prefcluetirin ' Marion ootiuly
riwrtlnjr-ni:, tf. fli hour of going to'
1 r .." jsiowi.utryloralltyi fon tbi Mt
fncreaJH ovit: i&Hi -in tint :reciui't,
t l4 ouUl-:a4l 1 ,nttd'H t" to h k
to mafeir.tfiP to.tai ivraTity of tlie' Mci
Kinly -i-rt-J-tM H i i ia' .; Marion "ouuty
aliouf ItW-i-At-t tir- -eaiue lnvre:,
thrutuwrtte' atati' .init- tbi will
1k11 svH-,lcSIK'r4lS l?aJ;lnjJ Oivgou
will tr0Mt-KijiHT- phirality of
atwut '.'JiiM'pi-r,mnK :w-'v -
b MryrJniHi.!ua r Tt ert of t he l r-
tioti tnlxda3r.ijt;!fsatHi anl tiirouglw
ut MArhjrrnsrttuTrr wa" the a!wcuf
of iHiiHImlLsi-usKioiisfc'whfrli always
takyplafRrtrtitort 4 tJreiTotlnn. pi--.
niTP. Wft JR"tXuiiS Vif tin kiutj iuduls
1 1tIyvJtu?rta3f r ;-tlit votfM Vame to
tlw- iwj tfLf-tJirlr 4wMot. antl wrnt
alHita.'thrlrZlaciHlm'x What few illl
rcliw to 4ia'fwfth tlwir noIiilNtrx
iHMlalbtftiux-tri ?ay-:itont ikHUk TU
lt,iiWl',:jiii, U"w intaw-- sJmwpil
a wtlHnriH'.-rttr:t?lk. '"t no vtmnre
r wrtH'Vlv,n ly-tTii' Iniiiot-rat!, ' who
MPiiicrirto li.irruttW!51 ty. Kvn
thefAjAJlUt' litmor han a-wonl Jn
J-i l-hatf oftjt-jialvatioii oftlio
tunrr tir tli. iPnic.oC ..IujiH-nains
valanTfy. j ' " ; " -
TJ iery AaUfartoryf jvs ather 2n
fttittA tntiitMtQiritv riili.tItr
ix'ufUTi'fnjr . 'tj,ryw,Tittv. Tar v"
ouUl iw aoorrtaliKtl lat nfjfhr. the
h natimNt lo .-'of j roti'n v',"pa tb
prrTl at iolliai 1iwvh ; of -th- -muty.
A' Vrry imo!lf TiH- wan hail, and
tli" l-flvi rsntt wa ' m""k!s satix-
, ra-fory to tltc j vjMniuIshwl. as to thr
virtor. !ik KhoxvioK ,tht thi "o!U'.
ynat and tinairT'tTiloi'!d. the Adiniu
isthttloti in -itss h'm "of;, war ami
:iH-nf'. iilnrii'ff ,tv lat fouttywirs. -,
t'l 4o tht Irtiitr if.soiOr t prn thi
iWiHlnHilay;iurtrmnK. tin foliowitiK
inft iikt), or;Mariou yauty Juid n-iMn-tiHl'
lite ri"pflts bf 'Hilr . 4ftioiis.
hoWln -tk-elsri-fe 'rvHoltf i i ' ' -';
Tlie irisoner' in tba Marion eouuty
jail -iliere ilfe'six r ih!n -iM'hiR le
piivilf .the jn'ivlJ'eir of oinjr to, the
IoHj ami e,vetTllnr tlie rijflit of free
Anerieau ettifceie. in, "voting for lies
iden t al , KkTtorf , : 1st eida y. deekled
t hold na etectt.m,v Uieir own. ami
a t i lie efo.-e of Ih' Mt in, a nuoitueeil
1. Janito .Motr. ami tlinwih- hint to
th SUh-smii. ,that: they had. by
uearMou"rite. ehVnil llrj-au to tie
li esidehry. . v f I hev amiounwl - t lia t
should the etiile of the eountr' , re
f u-e I heir' verdicts titer, - ; Of iui ie.
woh,.wafdi .their; bam U of the matter
as ' tljey Were! unable, -lindrr the ;ir
emiisane.-mirt'oininiiiK tln'ir severa'
aeH, io:nftn-!e tlH'ir verdiet. ' It.ii
bejlevel t,hat I their t4hok,e of Hr m
was prhiiarMyf for the pnn f K-iln
inff fsMor, w3b' their present landlord
Sln rlfT .F... W ; 1 mrliin, wlnne ardeul
lvJ!ef 'In'ISfjatii'sm was well known to
tlie VVT. -.
iljfht.i when'the viaseoie lie
pan to give -the retitms out of tlm
up taim window, of. tiK State.-uian
ImJhlinrf,' ' Tiy 4ji;owiiir tbm .oir a
slM'et,: oir, the oposlte side of tlHstrft.
a erowi niiiidrintf. many s biimlreil
filled, th dIewlk'- ajl streets " In
front oC tlie .Statesman otlive, amt
thiH.tC4 jMtifti lmli-asefftli fhou-aiids
of eheering. .sleHitjua' ami wildly en
thnl:iKtte p;ole; the- returns,
throw A tfn tin shtet: indh-ateil a prad
ml tint steady -liH-rea! f MeKinley's
majriiy over I'ryan. - tlf crowd le-
came wildly j itimuist native, resolving
tt.-eir Into il riH!l-nattireU hut kowl
inp iiMv and tin horn and whistles,
the eLishinir of -yinba4, the blowing
of tss tiorus. .ami the iM-aflug f
i1runis'1hf: imiiiild with the , clMer!r
of 'thevhappyt'H,'iiiv mafeluK a din
tjrat '-can' K.-:ife e ie deH-rilMHt. Aud
when, irt the Interim. 4lw luoviqpr pi
ttire wer . latnjdu'-"'': inierspetTetl
wlfl? iHlIiN-aI cartoons and Jllnstmt
adTertitemnit.' the crowd : as
rool-natitredl.r; HKf're! these. as ? it
1 ad the returns: from the ele'tits. !
. oAll uisht loujt ;Uer crowd .remained,
enjoying with the exceimHlon of the
few unterrlned ""who w-ere inwnt
tlie an vet extiiemetit of, readina tbe
ltulMluA lHt f rui. tin" .wiiy tellins
i'f. swet'jiln ;epubicau victory 'a
UauHlide; for tlu party of business.
t ltwierlty. of expansion, if un lion
. i-it d.iJLla fi and of. tJe iDnn.r imU.
And tlirouklMMit the night the . elcc-
tkiu ri'liinw. alternating With th
flilC!rtt U'tlie'movlug fiicturtti ever
sv.en-iH S;iUtw were sliown fn-e to the
UMiimudes., atth',' -exsne of - the
Jiail.v -tatesnuin ,stnd wmn ttt the en
terprWasr merehantsiof .alem; tin
-r ,tt eii j oy inen t f 11 - w U w i t ness
Vd tlie vel nterttiHimeitt. Wh:it
matti'rIt ine of tlmp?c!alonwere
pat ii
conwiN-Ihtl lo wlarid fit the mud? What
mattered ir if the night wind
somewhat chilly? T1m shrk)iM mw8
from tl", seat of war. diowin;r a de-rkk-d
endorsement of ' the principles
of the dominant party. : and i tlelec
ui illation of the'iteoide of Amerk-nii
rrs,l' ,,M fruit of tbe late war with
of pulling down the gkHoiis Starry
Fanner wlii're hwJt has teeh plant
ed.. It was. Indeed, glorku.s victory,
and the iieoi'le of Salem wen? jnstilied
in cvlebYatiug it by a "night out.
In many of iFk. iirf.-iiH-tx.'' fid one
of tin? rh'rVH r jBdjrj-x faill to nH
IHur and liVKtan'tWr w'cre liNl to
I ll . tlw )da--. - In Kaleni No. 1. t Fu
iH'ii'OfTatk- jihle waa absent, and At
torney . John , A. Jeffrey wn-eil in hi
lead. r. is. Soi)thw1rk Jr..; was one
of tlie r'.snlar -letk, lnrt as lie Is a
re?rterel rot-t In IJncoln -ounty.
oljH'ti4u made io his, ervinjr.
ami a not her t-krk wa t-liosen. ;
At Salem Xo. t. Oiiring ,tue,, fore
110jr.11. wljii tjm; flrxt of .CVuhty- Clerk
VV. W. H alJV 't-rt i nVa te , t resist ra -tkmra
4Vreeiieil. J. A. i Jeffrie., one
of the jmlye, o!--ed -ito allowing
the .voter to -at his liallot on. the
TkU'nee tliujpreseirteK: tjut he wars
overruled hy the two -1tetublleati
Judge, and tbe voter. was allowed to
east -hi UallotA ' In otlier re-inet
KSmiLir eert Ui-a t.were -reneiited.
and, 1h"Uk eousfcterert the lewt of evi
dence that the - parties presenting
them were lejjal Trters, ;tliey Were al
loweil to; vote without oltjeetiou. "
r' THK VoTrllX UETlUu';
Salem Xo. 1 Tilmon Ford 1 OH. J. CV
Fullerton. ins. W. J. Furnish K1H.-0.
F. Faxton 107; Kinst Kroner ."S, Wal
ler AI. Fierce ), Hell Stuart tins. Johu
Whitaker ff, X. A. tiavi.s 4, XI F. Mey
klu 4. t. F. Mills 5. F. It. SiKinkling
5; T. V. Kmbree J. J. L-. II ill 1, John
t. Luc- I . - .- ' . '1
Salem Xo. i-Tihiion Ft.rd 'JTsl. J. V.
Fnlh rton 'Ml. XV. J. Firrnlsb 2rsS. O. F.
Pas ton iVtl: Ernst , Kramer 7., Walter
M. I'leri-e :1, Hell Stuart XX,; sJohn
Whit-ker KS. u . ' '? ', 1 :-
Salem Xo. 0 Ford l.K. Fellerton
KJ!i, Fiiinish l.Ri. Fax ton l.Ui; Kromr
Flerei' .". Sluart r2. Whitaker 'l.
Salem Xo. 4 Tilmon Ford IKS. J. C
Fidlerlon IM. V. J. Furulsii 1K7. O.
F. I'axtou l.si;;, Ernst Kroner HC,
Walter M. Fierce UC. Iell Stuart HCt,
John Whitaker JC; X. A, Havls Id,
'..j'AjcnkiuHju, :l t MiUsivi''if-
Soaiddlnt; HI; 't. W J-Imhrei Lueus
Henry I, J. I,. 1 1 ill 1. Jpltn C I.nee 1;
X, I. J. Folen 1. Joseph 11 indt 2. J.
Frank I'orier 1, -. V. Kinm-rford 1.
'Xorth Sa U-in--Ford 113; Fullerton
114. Furulsii 114. Faxton lUMxrouer
110. Fierce 110. Stuart 110, ,WhItak?r
tlOr Iavls Ii. Jenkins .li jklills 1
Sn.:dfng fj; Kmhrce I. Henry 1. Hill
I. LUe 1 ; Folen 11, Melndt 11, Fortcr
II. Uilerfid 11. r a':
East Sak ui Ford . .FuFcrton 3l.
Fm-uish Faxton. 5: ?Krmer yi.
Fierce 31.. Smart 31. Whitaker 31.
South SaTeui Ford 71, Fuhrton 7.1.
Furnish 73y Faxton 72: Kroner Kl.
rierce SV Stnart SI. Whitaker S3:
Lavls a, Jenkins X, Mills S. Soauhl
ng s. , : j"' i -i ' '
Sublimity Ford 72, Fullerton - T'J.
Furnish 72 Faxton 72: -Krjm;r JIH.
1'hrce Sw, Sttiart 5S. Whitaker J(X.
lrosiH-t TihMn Fa d 7, J- C. Fnl
lerton liS, W. J. Furulsii i;7. O. F. Fax
on 07: Eiust Kroner 7:1. Walter M.
Flertv Zt. I)ell tnart 7.".. John Whit
iker 73: X. A'Harb k X. J. Jj-nklns
t..F. F. Milia 15. F. Ii. Sjm Hiding 1;: T.
V. F. Embree 1. Luctis Henry 2. J. I
till 2. John laK-e 2;,C. F- Kutlier-
OTl 2. ": ; " "' : -.' ? " -j :
Sidney Fonl IX.,. Fullerton 17. l'ur
ilsh 17. Faxton 47; Kroner 3L Fierce
U. Stuart 3T.WhitaJver 31; Iavis 3.
.eiikiiis 3. Mills .3. Sp.iuldiHg.3:Fohn
Xeiudl 4. Forter 4. Hutlierford 2.
Sillvetton Ford 12 Fullerton -V-'S.
Fnrnisli 12.x. Tavlon I2d: Kroner 4U.
fierce 4TK Stnart hi. Whitaker 4.;
tavis 7. Jriiklns 7, Mill 7, Siaukling
7. V. . - . " -
Xorth Slivertou-Fofd S Fitllerton
Fiirnish N2. Faxton M2: Kroner, 4r.
Pierce4i. Stnart ;4."V.. Whitaker 41:
Pavis 3. Jenkins :U Mill 3, Sirtnldlng
3; Fok-n J, Mojmll 1, IVrter 1, Knther
ford ?. ' ' . i -' ' .
!Aurora-Ford '81. Fmlerton Si. Fnr
'dsb S4. I'aiiuii 1: Kreiter 1:1. Fierce
I.T. Stuart 13J Whiiakr 13; Iavl 1.
Iciikin L.MHls 1. SMioldiux 1: Km-brea-1.
Ilenry. 1. IHM 1. Ln 1; Fokn
t..MeltvlI 1. Forter 1. Itntberf ird 1.
AiH'svU!e-Ford !. F'ullerton f.
Furnish Faxton !ni: - Kroner tS.
lh-rv tCv Stpart f: Whitaker r.
FroksxForI i- ijilh-i tou X.V Fnr
iith 8T. Faxioh xS:'Krner fv. Fierce
Stuart r. Whitaker ."; Davis Tt.
Jenkins .".-MU1 a, SjHiuklius 5.
' FnttevUle Fori "1. Fui.ri t
Fnrnlsh 151. ;Iaxton 01: Kroner 41.
Fiert e- 41, Stuart 41. Whitaker 41;
llavls Jenkins Tt, Mills 5J Spaubling
. ;errals Fortl Mi- Fidlerton Fur
nish mi. Faxton Kron-r 1iv I'lerce
1 ui. Stnart Whitaker Iin;; pavH
3. Jenkins 3 M1K 3. Spanblinj: 3;
Foleu ; 4. M' indl.4. Forter 4. Ituther
rr.l 4.. r .'-.'"'- " : vJ
, Itnwell-Ford : Fnllerton 70. . Fur
nish f?l). Paxtou 7o; Kroner 32, Jierce
o2-. Stnart .r. U1i taker rl; Etnlre 1,
Inrv- 1. Hill 1. Ice I.
- If nbbard-Ford . S4. Fullerton ; S4
l-'nrtiHh t,j Faxtot 84: Kroner V7
ru-r- 2T Stnart, 2.V W hitaker 2T:
Pavis 0. Jenkins . Milla Spauld-n?
J ffetvon Ford 87 Fullerton S7.
ST. - Faxton x: rvroner .
i picTis Stnart " wnitaKer
Davis 2. Jenkins 2. M tits z. cranium?
S: Kmbree 4. Hfnry 4, Hi.l 4. Lucr 4.
Mt-hamar-l-'onl 51. Fukdrum 52. Fur
nish r.- l i x ion 52: Kroner ;M. Iien
.31?. Stuart 3. Whitaker 2!?.,
1 MotirtorFonl 1, Fnlk-rton tn. Fnr:
lnisU UI. Faxton 151; Kroner 48, P.rrc
4?, Ftuart 48. WTiItaker 4.8; Pavlg 2.
Jenkins 2. 31ills 2.- Spaoldin 2; Eui
bree 2, llenrv 2. Hill 2. Lm-e 2. .h
Scott MilL Ford C5, Fullertwn XZ.
Forrlsb CU Fax torn: Kroner 33, Pierce
33. Stnart 33. Whitaker 33. '
South Silverton Ford . Fullerton
7t. Furnish 70. Paxtoa: Kromr 47,
Pierce 47, -Stuart 47, Whitaker ' 47;
Iari 2. JeukhT 2. Mill 2,. Sjmu1
ding - . -, -T, ; ,-
! Turner Ford 110. Fullerton 1 1 0. Fur
nish 110. Faxton lit); Krouet 40. Fleree
fO. Ktifart 40l Whltakir 4U- Tlarf 3.
eJnikns ?. 3IUIa 5. Spanlding 5; Fole
G. Meimll 3. I'orter Rntherford 3. ,
Yew Park Ford Mi. Ftillerton J13.
FnrnisU 112. Faxton 10V: Kroner C5,'
Piedce tr, Stnart ti. , Whitaker VI;
Davis 13. Jenkins 14. Mills 14. Spanld
ing n4:;.Fokn 5, MfiimH 5, Forter 5
Ttkerfcrd 3. - ,
Easlewooilrr-Ford 147. F'ullerton 140,
Fnrnisb 145. laxton 144: Kroner Fn
Pierce 1:J2. Stnart i:S2. WTiitaker YX
Darin 11. Jenkins It. mis 11. Sp.iuld
5ng 11: Folen 4. MeimU 5, I'orter 5 5,
!?rtk! rfrd 4 ' '
Wuoilbnru Ford 1 04.' Fullerton HU.
Furnish JHI. I'axton KM: Kroner 1-"
1 Tn" tr. stnart ii. Whitaker lrrfi;
Davis 1-V Jeukius 13. Mills 13, Spankl
h.g 15: Kmbree 1. Henry 1. II 111 1.
I.nce 1; Folen 12, Meindl 12, Porter 12,
i:rthrford 1'?. ' ? .
3Iat-lay Ford. SO." Fullerton 3o.
Furnish . 5o. Faxton 30; - Kroner "33.
Ilem- ;KI.' Stuart 35,. Whitaker 35,
. POUTI,.XD. Xov7 7.-Tbe Nearly
complete vote of Oregon gives Me
Klnley. 40.527: Uryan. 2S.1XO; HleT,
1247; Barker. 12S; m-bs. S54. McKln
ley s plurality. 12JU7. Estimating
finepjarted prei-inct. gives McKiuley
a plurality of' 14.225.
, V j R04JKF.S (JAIXS.
; Spjkane, Wush.,fXov. 7. The"eonht
1- proceeding very slowly. ; Euonb
letuiiw are in to show that .IIogers
lias probably carried Siiokane county
by ; l.'aiit plurality. AIcKinley carriel
the cocnty Iv lVi.
UogcVa will liave plurality of ahout
-Ka m King county. 4
The f entire , Itei'nblkan ticket V 1V
Pkrce; covntv is elected. . i -
1V.f i WASHIXtJTOX. v i
Tacoma, Wah.. Xov. 7. In eight v
ihrce.out .f . eferhty-live 'precincts in
I'lerce j-oouty. McKiuley . has ,373;
rryaui. 3723. Rogers Hem. I for1ov
crtKir,. ZXU; Friuk tlleti.), .45117... -Vw"-;
man and Jones iKeps.i fortoitrei!S,
will carry tbe -ounfy by about 27no
majority, ': . , ... V -
Sim tile. Wash.. Xor. , 7. Xearly
eomiilete return front three-fourth
of the counties of the state; and esti
mates: f roin . tle remaimler, indW-ate
that MiJinley will carry tlK s-tate ly
altout 10.tf n. Rogers 1 1 kmu.) for ov
ernor.: is .alMHit ta .ahead of-Frlnk,
ami the indk-atious are that he 'has
lmu electol. . Jones : ami Cnshinan.
.iIUiMiblicausi are elected to t.Vntjrfifss
.by giHsl majorities, though '.ni'ivhat
ks than McKiuley. The enthe Re
lublican state ticket, with the .xr.'p
tUjit of Frink i for tlovernor. is jHli
ably electtsl by majorities of : 2t to
ijoui. i 1 ,. - '-. .' -. ' ' j . .
The iMMiMM-rafs tneek ilat hlc
Kinlev : has carried tl" tale. i S'lie
IX'iiuMTiits are issltive that tJoVeintor
Ilog'.'rs. Fuionist, has lHen el'S-teil by
finnu .'jSUO to UN"! VfKes. The Rc)uh
licjins still profess. to iH'Iieve ihat
thejr 7imlikite, Frlnk.-- will fctilt
tliroui? wItli!vraFiiumlr.qi 4 vlt.es
to spare. . .- ; '.
- r CAIJKOUXi.V. ; I
. San FTaiM-is-, Xv.' 7. Tlie iiKijor-,
ity for McKiuhy -ami Roosvelt I Ui
Cialiforhla foutinues to grow, and tlK
iudk-ations are that it ..will reacli 4ti.
W. Tlie Ueiniblicans have 44Htel;
all feveu Congressmen. The lejEila-J
tore Is Repulilicaii . by a ma jofity( of
:sn. 1 .-McKiuley majority iu. San-Kram-isco
mm , : ? 1
lAiTlsvllIe. Ky Xov. K, At 1 J'Ai a.
m- with the returns fnnu all Iwt-tU!
out of lxsi pris-im-ts in Keutc.cky, the
Couclcr-Joiinial puts llrjan's major
it v at 77SI and ISeckhain'ri at 4im
TIm;" niisiiig piccim-fs are-aUnit even
lr ilividist HmA ween r-inocra ts and Ile-
publicaus. Ieslie Couibs, Reptrfdicau J
. Taaagrr. j
Send for samples of our special deins
" in lfchojjravure work for letter ?nd ,
bill heads, ca ids and envelopes. ..
' Furnished .
266 Commercial
cbiUjaB, said:','. C- i " ; i , :,'
,-We still believe, that Terkca has
Ueu elected by a, luajori toyf 3uo'
votesj" '.J ?' . : :? '.- " ";
t Louisville, Ky Xov. 7. The : Conr-ter-Journal.
with, returns froth 17oo
out if 1SS4 precinct In Keutwky;
inn rBryan majority v at S!iO:i and
Px-khaara iDeiiHH-rut , for 4lovernor,
at.'.tn. ' .... : :.
Oiualnt. Xel.. Xov7 7 elect Son
retnens In Xebraska an so ckse as
to ts , wa tcbel , keenly. , Chairmen
Lliidisey, of the- Uepubik-ans. claims
tonight- that IcKlnky carrie tluit
state- by 7ooo or more; that the ltetml
tkan state tk-ket. wiua by SOtiO to 7UIIO,
and that the' ItcpuUkivus' have a ma
jority of tbe. eeventt-eu in tlie' Legla,-.
laturev ' - ;'':;,-; jr::"... : ; "'''. ;...'''; '.'"-.-.(
Tbe IenKcrata aim ISryan haa
carrie! tbe Mate, though by i mmnif
margin of not over IOOO; that tle
.Fitsionists . have a safe' working ma
jority In tbe Iwegiskiture; tne Kepulai
eau j Kta te siftVer have leen clH-tel
by from Soon to 5ooo.
r. i The legislature will Ik In dmkt un
til 'OTjilvt tvtnrns, are lh'. Tin ludi-
eatfoito are tiKit it will le fusion by
a sihall majority. ' . .
::'i!' iiaho. :
Rrtse Ida ; Xov. 7. TIm latest re
turns Indicate , that tlie Legislature
will la? Fusion. ; ,: ,v--" .
'" ; 1': - UTAH. v - ; .:
Salt Lake City.'I'twh, Xov. 7. The
retnrns are In from almut three iiuar
tera ! of the tate. McKiuley major
ity is 4500; Wells. 4 Kepi, for tJovcr
mr, has a majority of 2iO. Tlie leg
islature will have a KepuUlH-an ma
jority of eleven on joint! Imllot. .
lmlianaioli., Ind.. Xov. 7. The Re
pttliilcans has elected nine of .the thir
teen Congressmen, with a lighting
chance for two more.
'If.' MISSOt'RI.
St Louis, Mo.. Xov. 7. -Congressman
Dockery s elected tSovarnrtr by aliout
35,000 plurality. J:
' - ; '
St.' Ixinis. MoM Xov. 7. The Demo
crats carried, Missouri by 40,000. and
elrete4 thirteen out of tiften Con
gressmen, ; f - - . TEXAS. '
i Houston. Tex., X'or. 7. The only
Republican Congressman from. Texas
baa la-en rejdaceil by a letuwrat.
' : - MAINE. ' .
Portland, Me..- Nov. 7. MeKinley's
majority in Maine is about 2X.riOiV a
loss, of 1(5 jH-r cent Rim-e 1him. and
l'.i y a 11 gains 21 jht cent. .
(MancheVter. N. II.. Nov. 7. The Re
publican majority in the state will Ih
tx,ooo. .',.
1 -
Plovideu-e. R. I.. Nev. 7. The Re-
iiublh-an majority in this state, with
twenty' three towns' to Ik stippIiHl,.is
15,oiO. - . "
f St. Paul. .Minn.. Nov. 7.Iovermr
Ltndil'eiii.,.'tnicdea his defeat for
tc-)c?ecUou. ' " '
1 Jat-kson. Miss.. Nov. 7. Tbe state ts
eom-eded Ib l'rjan by '4n,ono. . -
; i;ntp!.. .
I Atlanta. tJa.. Nov. 7. .orgla gives
I'.iyuu a jiluralitff of 40,0111. .
! : ' FLORIDA,
f Jacksuvtlle. Fla.. Xov. 7.-The ISry
hii electors are -levted 4ij- 22,m ma
lority. "
: Charleston. S. C. Xov. 7: Hryan s
majority will not fall short of 3'i.oisi
iu tliis at-.te.
. LtlUISIAXA. . ,
Xew Orleans, Xov. 7". Bryan's
- :" " " :- ' . ".'- - - - '' ': 1 ' ' ' 1 ... -,l
majority. In the state Is 30,000. ; : ,
. I . "- .; .
; ; AKKAXSAS. ' -1 ;
1-- Little" Rock. iArlfc, 4 Xot. 7.r-Rryan
carried Arkansas by aUiut 55,0tO.
- Raleigh. X. C. Xor. The Reptd
Ikuns carrknl two of the nine ' C011
sres.slon.il districts iu tin Mate, and a
third Is very cke. Itryan's majority
in the'state Is altout StMHUt '
' "' .-'-": ' - '' .. . ( '
', lierlin, Xor. 7. Tbe Senna u circles
art all delishteI aFPreshlent MeKin
ley's ieIectiou. " "i
' Keei Yourelf Strong
Ami you will ward off eolds, pneu
monia, fevers and tlier disease. You
need to' nave ' pure, rich blood and
gMd' digestion. Hood's Sarsa pari 11a
makes the 4lood rich aud pun as no
other medicine can do. It tones the
stomach, create au appetite ami In
vigorates the whole system. You will
lo wist to 1c;in taking it now. for It
win keen J'a atrons and well,., ' .
IIods Iilk- an uou-irritaiiug. Prk-e
25 cents. -,. -.-.; :-
Judge and grs. C A. ' Schlbrede as
' llost anj Hostess at a Society
Ftuictku in Skagway.
The Skagway Weekly Xews, of
Thiirsday, Octolter 2nh, ka.s tlie fol
lowing interesting a-couut of the
twentieth anniversary of the wedding
of Judge ttud Mrs. C. A. Soklluvde,
of. that city,; aud" formerly resideu is
of Rosehurg and Siilein, Mra. Schl
brek In'iug a daughter f Hou. tksi.
S. Dtmning, of this city. T4tj reinrt,
ouiiltiiig I1j- Iktt of gm'sts, is as fol
lows:' . . ' " .,
"0:toler 17th was ih twetrtietli
anniversary of tke weihling day 4 bat.
united Judge aud Mrs. Sehlbrvd'e iu a
life iartiieryhip. The event was Jwie
pUy nMiiemlH-rol r by their many
frk-nds. who, in reiMn.se to invita-
tkns issueil, assemiik-d at, tin! r home
Wednesday . evening. The . parlors,
tastefully decora u-d, were tilkl with
the elite of Skagway. overflowing into
the sitting and dining nxHtis, whk-h
alo lvn lestinrony to the artistic
ta.U of the bride of tweuty years and
lier accomplished daughtrs. Judge
Schlbrede's court room, adjoining, was
also taken ososHion of, ami tin hours
slipped qni-kly by in social conversa
tkns b-. Ska g way's lieat artists, ami
In tudving "Vkilet'a Iotx Ston. Tie
most Inijresive part of tin evening's
ideas tin Iteing tlte marriage cereiiiotiy
by. Rev. X. lt. Harrison, reimwiug 4'he
plislgia made twenty . years ago-, by
the Imtiorod host aud hostess,
Jmlge and Mrs. Schlbrde were as
dsted In nssMVlng the gin-sts by. Mes
laines Wooilrnff, Fird. Ilaradeii. Pat
tersoti. Halm nud - Harrison. Tim
im-sont t tin liavpy couple were
handsome, didaykig (taste-on the
part f the dkmorJ. Tlie veuiug
hour was eulivenel.with a piano dint
by Mrs. F. M. Wo.druir and Mrs. X.
B. Harrison, an instrumental doet by
Mrs. Harrison and' Inf. Wall, olos
by IJeut. Jeuks and Win'.. Blam-hard.
and a duet by Mrs. I'atterson ami Sir.
(SJtortfrill. iJaintl refreshmetts were
wrvel by Misss IJiblxiiis. knling.
Heniclt. a's?, aud Ik-rtha am! Eiumu
Now lining - Well lu. BoIk. Idaho.
Where He Has a Sil-.mKd Trade,
.. -1 ' ' -
R. Bnckingbaui, a fogimy reaideiit
t f this city, where he was engaged in
a confectionery store, as - a . candy
ti-aker, is now engaged In tlie wlmie
sale cuifectioiery trade in Boise, Ida
ho. Tlie Boise Sunday Siftings, In a
recent issue, -mya of tin firm:
"The It. Buckingham & Co. vvhole-sah-
cnre-tkners, are now doing bus
iness at 512 Main street. It Is the In
tention of thi iM'Opf ieUrn to make this
the largest wholesale eoufcrlonery
hous in the state. They already
iMiinl r anioug their iwitrous foni of
Sa.cm, Oregon
Job Office,
the prominent stores in .the. city. Mr.
Fuckinsham snianufiicti-n - his own
confectlous, having len cmi!oy,Kl 'by
tlie largest jcoufectionv-rj- hou.s-.-k in
New York, Host 011. Chicago, St. I-oui
and San Franclscti. He intends to
manufacture only the best; their va
nlla and oi-ange cliocidate cnatus are
of. tlie limd. Xotiilng hut the lest of.
fruit" ami' extracts 'are used iu their
bosincss. Their gotwls are first -class.
ajd pru-c reaiMUiiible: the. Iwst of
cn-aui is"tisHl in all their productions.
Tliv oU"pan.v will m-ive as soon as
IheV'caii Jim! larger and lelter tuar
ters In the center of :-tla city, w here
I hey wiU l iw-tter able lo haud'v the
large trade whu h ' they have already
acmtiretl. ; .
Frank Iktyds't'ou. who was arrcst-.'d. in ':
Ibis city Tues lay night upon the r-
HHst of the Polk cioiuty autlnrltks.
was turned over to Ieputy Sheriff
tyrant yesienlay iiHrning. to lie taken ;
Ia4i to Dallas." The young matt ii;
vfaniol at Dallas to answer a cittrg
of fta-gery. He drew-a- check for $H
on the t ank of Imleie:nii m. sigmng
a resottsib!e irty" name t. it and
theu' iretitel It to ; Porter' saloon
In Jalkis, askius i for $:t3 alvam--ltvut
itMn it. Tin money was readily
advanced ami nothing was thought
atmut the tint Iter .until a ivuu,!l for
iooniuo!iy ea me from the fellow.;
tium tlie herk. whk-h aroused sus
picion. Inquiry at: I iidependenee re
vealed 1ht -fat t . that tin check was
fraudulent and a warraut was imme
diately sworn out for the- young niau'a
arrest. Frank Koydston Is a son of
David Roydton.sof Indcjicndenc, and
is fibont 2o years of agi'.j He has not
iMirre-tle test reputation for uare.
'ciiing. and those who Tjiiow him say
I bey an not surprU'd an th.a act.
atj thta
WANT,- A l'AUDOX.-A '.'petltiou
was yesierday ni'lvisl by ifov. T. T.
. ... . i . 1. .... 1 I. ..
r iani(ii J 011 11 vainpotsi. ni
victed in Crok iunly. In - iStHV of
I iniuwlcr of Is.irn- Swiiiiii''n. unit
"iiteia-'d"l' life Iniprisnnment. Catup-
inai was on a visu at ine uome or
Swearingen's family, having gone
i tli VOI1 fl -I Ittrtl lak axf t ttltuV
although forbidden. - tt m by the
taiiK-r. ?wcaringen ani ins wite mm
M'paraiei . ome aime iiore tne at
fair happ'iiwl. When Swearlngeii ar
rived at this farm one day und found
the -young man ther. h attempted 'lo
hoot tlie alk-gd itit'rmier, and was
promflly shot and kilk-d by the young
t!-an. Mrs. Rachal Campbell, mother
of the Jinfortuuab loy. 'IvJH aeiir
lefore tlie -lioverimr tmlay. ami urge
ck'niem-y. alleging that 1fr koii kas
b-en 'Utlichtiily iunl!ilM,"l. The ' -tl-liou
Is signed ly several hundnsl re-
sjieciable itiT.cn.. of Croik county.
UXABLE Tt UK - OUT.tJeorge
Murphy, who was H-everHj- injured in
a light in the Western Saloon last
Saturdav." was rcnirb-d in a .danger
ous condition vesterday ami was nti-
able to appear in nnirt to tirosecute
tlie cast against W . Martin, whom
be charges with -assault with a dan
grrous, we;iHi. The physician v 1m
tisited hdn .votcrdav says that his
i-c td it ion isiioi at all tlaugfroiis, and
that he will l aliict to lie out in a
short time. The cawe aga inst Mr. yiar
tin was inistjioued ti a time when lh'
in'osecutin; w!tnei'swlll Is .able, to
come to court. Meiinwhile Mr. Mar
tin Is at liberty. 4:elng ri'Ieascil Upon
his oj ii fecogulxauce. , , , ,-.t , x '
I'AR.V BURNED. Tlie large liaru
on the farm of RkTiard W. t'ary. near
Marleay, binned -to. I he ground early
vestenlay moriiiugi The origluof Hi'
tire is unknown, bm it might have
leen f't by tramps wln were ikepiitg
In it for the nigbt. The laru was
erectitl alstut twenty-live years ago
at a cst of $5o. (Tim reuter on Un
phws ns-enllv gave up his lease oil
tin farm, audi as a cnsetuetiee llu-re
was nothing in it exceof a sesler,
which was tlesifoyiit. The barn wa
Insured for 25o In I lie ISullevlle l-'lro
RcHcf Assel.nt'n.
Rubber stamps j wen iisihI by the
Moors a lliousjiiid ! years ls'fore t'lirist ;
and alsntt the thin; R01110" was found
ed the tniiiie IngtMitoiis rae Invented
tl' self-nglstcrlng liirnstile, mcli as
Is itsetl IimI.iv to check the adiulssloiiH
to jdats-s of 'public eirlertaiiiincut.!
- Grade Work
Fompt Execution y
Prices Reasonable.
Salem, Oregon