u 'WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN,"' Friday, November o; iooo. FEED STORES. Crass Seeds ; f A complete sjoeK'ot grass anil clover 'needs, at, the lowest possible prices for first liasO'ls. Tjive ns a. tall, be fore ' buying . ' ' r ;.,. . .,--: BStWSTCa i wmTE. The feed Mea So. 91 Cotirt St-,- Salem. 'Phone IT SI DfcALKRS IN GRAIN; WHEAT BOUGHT or e-xhatrged for flour and feed at branchoince . of Aurora Roller 'Mills. wafebone qn, Trade street, riear'Hig. Salem, -Oregon.- ... ' ; . Aurora, Oregon. . Wholesale dealers In Wheat, i Oati; - Hop. . rotate.. Onion' inftrrfrikin -fW, -cHsalem Ajsncrlit,bfHH!"XnrVra"Rin-r Mill. ,on' Trade stri-et, nwar.IUjcli.V j. I BICYCLE REPAIRING. .', ' - . r '" G. A ROBERTS Bicycle Repairing"- ., V New and 5epondHarid WbteU i 105 STATE STREET SALET1, OR , TiNtNG. and. plumbing. . t: si:, burroughs V T1NNIN0 AND PLUATBINa tGas. and , Steam . fating." Manufact urer of- I lop and Fruit Pipe, j t 103 State St. Tel. 151. Salem, Or.1 PHYSICIANS. J. F.. C00Kr ) . BOTANICAL DOCTOR1 Cures Consumption, Carreer, Tumor. Grave.' and' Kidney Trbtibles; Asthma, Skin and Bnne If?eaWc. .Hhosft knife, plasters, posasm' or pain; "Also Blind" Bit -. - , Salem, Oregon. LIVERY STABLES.; TAT VV, G ' d I ADtCO t ,. . ( ,t LIvtry,' Feed and Boaralnz Horav ' TihAf (list , 1jr" 'day. 'vrotfi or nionih' ht;!rnwunllp'. rici!l ,Tlu at ctHiiHiutlntfcmft ar ctiI ami- ili rlS art llrs- vl.i! tn efprr' niocf. X siwirtalry "rh:il,- ff Tlsrs or cniHHfct:il ni-n. T RAH ABA.rn II & FU A NJIS, Troprlotorw. - - W "v '.i , I' - ,, it r , . A. R. PAGE ViA. -STEPltENfS MtiGfi STEPHENS : lIorse"cxH fed; -good- accnriTnolaJ tkn. Fine r. Ripi. Good Rijt for comtTvercial men -a- Seta!ty.fV 'Horse boarded by day wxefc -of nvorrtli.- ? R20 Froni livsry;. Eeed und MOiinT 164 CoimnerciaJ :St, . Tel. 851. Salem t. -t' Yon nm most. trlL)Il.r liirKi"d . to rail at tiw'' ' ' ' ,.,,.n. .: J : ElmoJiestnurarit iH I'.MiumTelal srrrrtr.llin; Orpjrnn. aud .try urK? 3IH.VLS. ' No 'iK'tM-f t:;ii ! iiarin :Ui4 lt.r; ! ; lJI,lt?ItTNEU. fropretor.' The Wonder Restaurant : .. .. ' ! ' MEALS- 99 CENTS : citywt foMcil yoiir patronage. FOli W'AUU V IfVlE J'tops. 2U CiHunveivIal trwt; Xalin. m mmmt-mmm 2 15. Totnroa; Prreef;- Salem. OodSqr Meal forta.oc i Tli tr ty-i yea r,4 Jin" '.liijv? i n this ntr and: baye Jfel .mor .pcatple than there -ri iu .Vt:sri:., all. fere '-well uleastNt. .MMHtat.nl. Uour. I ; " I ! C. V. 1 fE LI.KN B R A N I. llt '!piCE.i,OSTtCod.wlU.. ..CarboHhaiim; Acnkrius-i "'will'odt wWr'catr'Vi Is nfso! IUdical Kmeilr Atlt ChJcfeen lM-. ' ItM ppilctl t wsU or pool- ' f. rmluatf nit 1.JCK. Rults'Hehhy Chtck MinHeBty Wrli tr ctrtuUrs ana lyHcw ana ! , 1 km this rPf" 1 J Jt. It AVAtR C9.. Aceots. fliUfFsMiliiOtiliP'r if it? afiml fnpratfs flu cotnJns swu at Cimr of . FVrrj and .Lilerty treeu. tFr. I'etlige ami particulars, all on 7 ';;! '. . - . 1 Dr l-ong r Vomer! nary StrrgwK. ' " ' " Salem, Or. 7 !out thfon'.awltyyott tU'lapUlatr 1 FuiLri'llas. -v u :. f t ''A it '-It )- ' ' G. A: Roberts an nivnd'lt!fotr 83 3S Ut!Vr Tako It. to him " ... . . ' ; Bircli RMiri"g "IP '. i FLAX CF LTI II I!. Mt. If. L-Fit-tKk an.l .Mr. E. A- Stt-arus.. diri" tw rr tin On5rott WwmtiV 1-Iax, Filn-r .AiSoeU4toa.;'W in Hrcm y-tc-nlay hwkinx' after' the irtt.'Wts of niio prHTty iw AKx"Tiitioit 4irv. The tronWf 1h1 wlulv4hr former mana sir rc-mltert-lwbU'Trtwral -iHit the la!irs htirMK,n5-l'Anothr man who .will asmu chftr?r-of.arM tropi'ry at ont-o. ; It ,Is:;ili'termtn?HHn Tof hi ditchiTs to "rHAU j th" itcork of th? Aclathmr TPlikt- -i;- tw -in)fnt t4i- enlture of flax- juitt4!Hy. aro. nntturliisr plan.' to uUlHJieKt-.vr'imt ttax cnl ivr in vrt iHyond tlwr PxiHTlmpnt al -ta go.- It. .i-tv lt nhoHtl that thoy i-wiil interred lnTlK'k- ftkrtJa&J tin mhnsiajMiu.:tth v.waioJi th vnmwn art worklnj? I almost jruarants? of i-tte'st.'.l: . j : . : : . - - . - LlvfrpAoC: ; or'SAVHo'at,, Plju Iwr. (U 'id: - iiii'.Vi wi,V, .v vIn-V w-v v ..... . ..... i ' x for Infants and Chifdren. r The Kind Ybu Have Always Kouht has borne the siffna- ; ." tare of.Chas. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his personal supervision for orer SO s years. Allow no one . to deceive you In . this, ; Counterfeits, Imitations, and : - Jnt-as-sood are but Experiment., and endanger the n . i health, of Children Experience against Experiment. irf. The Kind You Have ; Always : Bought SI Bears the M I - -ii' - In Use For Over 30 Years. 'titwp Prtoi eotamwv. rr nvnuv mttT, untcM errr. G4 S S Our slock of Grass Seed for: fall sowing is complete; and vre invite all seed users to call and examine same before purchas-. ing, as we feel sure that the quality, as well as the prices, can't be beat. ' SAVAGE '& REID, Seedmen , 322 and 324 Commercial Street, North . P '- "ol -of Twice-a-Week WEEKLY O R EGON I AN, per year. .TWICE-A-WEEK. STATESMAN, . . . ,1 . .. OUR PRICE, BOTH PAPERS. ...$1.5(1 PACT FIC HOMESTEAD, per year . . TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per COTIi; PAPERS CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, per TWICE-A-WEEK. STATESMAN, ROTH PAPERS i- HOARDS DAIRYMAN, per year.... .(.... .... , TWICS-A-WEEK . STATESMAN, per year.... BOTHPArERS OREGON TOULTRY JOURNAL, TWICE-A-WEEK . STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS . NEW YORK TRIBUNE, per year . TVICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS ...' THRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK TWICE-AAVEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS .4 McCALL'S MAGAZINE (inclndins: TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS.... The Pacific Homestead . SALEM 0 OREGON '. The Leading Farm Paper of I he Pacific North-. west. 20 page illustrated weekly, $1 per year. ..: We want good agettts and solicitors, and to such will pay a liberal com mission.' Write for terms. -Advertisers' should patronize the Homestead ... " CIRCULATION, 5,Q0O WEEKLY Special rates on long time contracts.; Clubbing rat? with tho Twicc-a-Week Statesman, if paid in advance, or within six months after giving the order. : Address: j . . . PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, Ofiice in Statesman Building. JOB 266 Commercial Street, . SALEM, - mOTT!S PENNYROYAMPILLS of raeostroation. They aro LIFE SAVEKS" .-to, pbls at 1 ;.TT. m1amhmi( nf . nrmiM asd . txialr. - Xio worn a buuuui tMutitjj .w . .t- - -- - - - known remedy for wo;uen eqnals them. Can not do liarna lila tSZSn Ta nplewuro. gU.OOVCIt 1SOX BY MAIL. Sold r rx. . r. rr . cicTni.-vnd. Ohio. drostar DlL ; FO R A 1M BY A KFSSIAX CLAIM. ' TieA Tfci, via Shanghai, Xov. S. Coneral Lineviteh, eoumwuder f th Kussian treobs. has otFa ially liotlflM the foreign consuls tlirough the Rus sian e.insrl that the laud .r it" river Fide opposite the British and Uermaa ttVmenrs has lya annexed to Itns "bv rinht of . eupu A. rnless-all toieign uwuers of proin rty immediater Iv dt posit' docuim nrs proving the.r ownership, no claims will bo enter Signature of S Tins Statesman . fr.50 oer year.... . ....... .J1.0Q . . ' ' . ..... i. . 1 . . ...... ............ i. .. ..... ....... bl.00 M-ix) year. .-.1L-:- ... ...$1.50 year...;..... per year.... .... ......S1.00 ,,.$I.op .... - .. - m. ..$1.35 .$1.00 .$1X0 J $1.75 per year..... per year.... . .50 ........$io . -$1.25 per year -oo - .. -.-- 1.25 .WORLD, per per year..... year... .....$i.oo .. $1-65 a free pattern per -year. . ; to each subscriber).. $1.00 .$1.00 . -.--$10 SALEM, OR: PRINTING STATESMAN. JOB OFFICE They oreraonift Weak ness. Irren laxity and Omissions, increase riff rtr sjid lnni&h "nainS 5TrS CUBICAL CO.;dTeiaa( ALL DRUG GiSTS. "S tained." : Mnch railrojid pro!erty. as well as the east arsenal. Is Included in he territory annex-d- by Knsla Tbe roasnls Will protest asatost the anut xation. ' u - - ; : " BKI BATTtESniP.' 1. London.; Xor. a Tlie- -Japanese' bat-tl.-ship' Mikasa. nald to Ie the niot formidable vesper or its kind In. the world, was lannched toxtay ' at the Vkkers-Maxim Works, tftf ltarrow. The Mikasa Is of IZX) tons dlsidace toeuL - . " THE r.mJ0RlTY -- 1 Wm McKiNLEY "'. 1"' .1 In Ortfisa tte HcpatHcaas Cell f:':f Up a Big Votcl BtlLETlNS f BOM MANY STATES Coafinu tha Earlier, fieports of , a Landslide for tbe Candidates of j ' the Party of Business.' -r ;v STATES . i . . .. - . f ' ! Alabama...... .. Arkanitai. . ., California...'. (lorado. ... . Counwtk-ut. ...... Dt-hiwar. . . . , . . , FloH.lit ..... . . . ; VJvcrjrla. . . . . . . . Idaho. ,,.. ,., Illinois. . , , . ... In!iana.. . . ... Iowa. ......... . Kansas'....... KentiK'ky Louisiana. , , Electoral Tote. IcK. Bryan 9 6 3 4 13 3 24 15 13 10 13 8 fMaim. . . . . ..... Maryland. ...... Masr hnotts. . Michigan.. , . .. . Miumsota . .... . illsiiissippi. . ... Missouri........ . .Montami.. ..... Xt'hmska, Xi'Tathv. . . . . .. Xew Hampshire. Xevr Jrsy. . . . . Nw Y6rk . . . . North, Carolina . . . North ' Dakota Ohio. .... ...... propon. .... ... Pennsylvania . . . , It hotle I .la nd . . . . Houth Carolina... &jn Dakota Tennpsw.,. IVxas. '. . . . . T'rali.I . .. . . . . Vermont. .. . .. , . VlrjfHiia . . . . ... . Wahinzton. ...... VVt ;. Virginia... Wisconsin.... .. Wyoiuiua Total.... .. .. s 15 14 9 o 17 3 S 4 lO 315 3 2T. 4 .r 4 11 12 15 .4. (5 12 3 02 9 12 155 THE BACKWARDNESS P NA VAL STEAM .EXINEEi:iNO. Formerly the Ktea ur holler never re ceived the Mrlou! consideration of scienfifie sfndents. most. If not all, the attention belnjr devoted to the improvement aid investipaition of the steam 'nsine. The result of thia neg lect is, that at the expiratin of 'more than xi century fronv tlie birth of "the tiN'am engine, there is a most striking difference of opinion, amonjrst engin eers, upon the respective qualifications of the wat?r-tule .steam' generator and tlte' "Shell - or cjiindrleal steant gene rator. ' Another result of the want or the alsene of knowledge of all he sub jects that War uiMMi the correct de sign of a. st earn generator, and one that Is evor asstieiaUfl with Ignorance, i 4 he fact that an innovation in es tablished procedure or design Is pro ve nted from Lick of confidence. This want of confidence has given birth to the principle of the policy of follow mydeader. which has teen adopted by most' of the naval iwwer. Of all of them. Frjince, and in a 'less degree, the Fnltel States, deserve the praise that should be unstintlngly given to any nation that adops tlie brave part or pioneer of new developments In structural science applied to Iwittle sl'lp "construction. In, the work of pioneering, the Britisli admiralty has hitherta notoriously lagged In the rear, and its only claim to recogni tion is the -fact that it is of all the lowers the most generously endowed with purchasing jiower by a Riidly non-re tleot ing people. .B. II. Thwaite. in The Engineering Magazine for Xo vemler. ECOXOMY OF LARUE CARGO SHIFS. -The tendency is to Increase the size and speed of .111 steamers nowadays, and the rule holds good in regard to THAT I SELL... , Pedigreed Belgian Hares at $1.00 1 to ' V$50 . - Each:,,,., .1 JUST COME AND SEE ; LQRD LURGAN'2d" Score 04 3'4, By Gore ' , " Sertlce Fee $3. Mrs. Busn. tbe noted Judge, says be will soon score more than 05 points. . Does and Utters fheap. Uoes bred and anbred.: Tlenty of - youngsters ready to sell ra pairs, or singly. 4 ' Give, the boys and girl a chance to make easy money ty raising them. Will Exhibit Harts at t me State Fair. Sj ; ;f is nMfc'V v-:- Marlon Square nabbltry ; F. JL. WELCU, Prop. 391 Commercial St,t Salem, Or - ! Do You ' Know? - - - - - f . J t 6 t ) 1 ' soifsTimmers Many of , tl?a will carry -7. tons oft coal as cargo at 11" knots', and there sutflU-ent evi dence vto s.itport ihe:Ylev that the larger 4 hex vessel tlie more eeotiomieal la proiortion Is the coal eoasiviltiou. A return now lefore ui. iu- which are given -the results of a large nuui Ittfftit'r" royage ' by differing - ships, sovra that a lu(X-tou steamer, -rtui-nlng 257 tulles a day. liad a consump tion of .o:t lbs. of coal per ton dis placement per mile.. An 8,tVton steamer, running 2 " mile a day, hsh1 .i CIS His., while a 7Jvt on ves ted, steaming 2U miles a lay. burne! JMS llw.. A Ut-tou stamer,. going 257 miles a day.insetl .054 'lls. of coal per. ton d1s!Jacemeut. aud a 5.tK-tou steamer, traveling 2H miles a day, .(r7 lls.: while a 4,00O-ton steamer, going 22V miles a day, eonumel .S1 His. Tliese figures show in each case speed of close abonr It -knots, and tley also show that the- cost of the fMMMMon ateamer for coal was less than half rthatof the 4.uMon boat, pr me per ton displacement, show ing that -the larger-tlie ,snaimr the bss the coal consumption pro rata. F. Featon Snowdon. In The Engineer ing Magazine for Xovetuber. THE BUSY BEE. The Stnnday,;school teacher was tell ing little Uijw i of. her class alnuit the beet. atrtl sIk- asked them what they know. " - . ; I know something," cried slx-ycar- old Charier. . v "Well, Charley, stand tro and tell us. what you knovr alnrnt them."" So Charley 'shnxl up and rattled off these lines: " liow doth the little luisv bee 1 Might to bark and bite, : To gather honey all the day ' And eat it nn at nisht. , "Did your mother' ta eh you that, Charley?" said the teacher, smiling. . "Xo, ma'am .but Fucle Arthur did. SAVING IX CROP PRonrrrriox. - f .... According to the Department of Ag riculuire, the .potential saving in the lo' juuooob no aoqq unman jo iso.i Improveil Imp!eiiKnts, machines nnt proci'sses. at the rate per.s bushel or ton. as the case may. be, has been computed for seven 'of the principal crops of 1S1R: the comparison between the old-time methods of roductiou. in which hand labor was assisted only by the com pa rati vely rude ami ineftt clent. liplemems of the day and the present time, when hand labor has not only tlie assistance, of highly effi cient and perfected Implements- and macliines but .liaiji .!hmu -'considerably dlsplacd by them. . The saving in tlie cost of human la1or iu cents, per unit of product, permits "a' very forcible statement of its equivalent In money by means of a computation consist ing of the multiplication of the .sav ing ier unit into tlie crop of lSi0. The result expresses the potential labor saving in the prtMluetlon of seven crops of that year, .and Is not an ag gregate of the saving of human lalor in the cost of producing the crops for all of the years' between the earlier and the later ones, during which tbne this economizing and displacement of human labor has taken place. In the case of the crop of corn, the inoney measure of the Reiving. of human '" la bor .required to produce It in IWH) In the most 'available economic manner, as compared with . Its production -.in the. ohl-tluie manner, was $"2..2T(;,-CA-2; w.hoat , f7!.r!L!57; oats, $52.8ia 2K: rve. I.40S.n5f); barley. $7,:23. 4SO: white potatoes, $7,0.S2O; hay. 10.f4.WiS. '.' '.-y-- The total potential' saving In Hip cost of Jiuman lalor for these seven crops of 1S!K, oAving to the possible rtilization of the Imolements. ma chines and lnethtxls ' of ithe present time. In place of the old-time .manner ofonxlnction. r-aches the stupendous amount of sffiSl, 471.827 for this one year. ..- - . . SAMPSOX.S. SOX IS ' TO ( TO AXXAl'OLIS. President Has Appointed the Lad a Candidate, and He Will Euer the Famous school. Boston. Mass., Oct. 27. The hero that Ralph Sampson worships most is his father. It is the ambition of 'the loy to sail the seas and fellow in bis illustrious father's footsteps.- It has leeu lie dream of the lad's life to en ter Anna :hjI is. and news, has jst come from Washintgon that the Pres ident has a planted him a candidate. Admiral Sampson has two sons, sturdy lads, intelligent, ambitious and patriotic In a high degree. Tbej are favorites at the navy yard and in na var circles wherever they gtj, IMinh. tbe elder, is now 13 years obi, but this Is his lucky. Instead of unlucky, year, for an appointment to Annaioli Is a prize longed for by all lioys whose fa thers have served -Uncle. Sam, as well as others less favored. v ltalph cannot enter-until 10f2. This means two years of hard stndy. which the youngster says he is not in the toast afraid of, and a. 'look'' at t his bright, earliest face would convince one that this Is true. The boy Is stu dious and determined, and it is easy to preIict his sr.cc-ess. ; Tlie honorable record made by Ad miral Sampson has' liren an inspira tion to I oth his sons, and bis experi ences "In the recent. ir wlih S?mln develojied ,niarkel traits of character in tlwm. ; V Admiral Sampson not .long ago rc latrd to son': frjends abroad the fri gate Constitution an Incident which Illustrated ih heroic and , patriot k dtsirsiUon of the little Annapolis can didate. The hoy bad lscme so Im bued with. tbe spirit of patriotism and impra.--el with the manner la which the. flag was respected i. on shipboard that .be became Quite an cxamole when on, shore. - - The first time h attendeil school af ter these Impressions bad taken root he arose from his seat and stood up at his dsk at the iirst strains .of "America. At this all ihe. children in tbe room legan to laugh and ma4ter were made yery raicomfortable - for the little boy. but he stood his ground. determined to saftite the national air If no one else did. Sot long after this he went fo chircli where ilicre was a patriotic meet Ins and again stood np alone while The tar pagIfcl uan nerwa tieing played Again ibe children tittered and the grown folks, too. looked at him la surprise, which did not seem In the least todisooncert the" boy"." This was ?nt at the out break of the war with Spain, and very soon there ffer tlie flag bad a new meaning to the little school children who bad laughed at the Admiral's Plucky "A.r Amt now IMlpu !?.fmp-it never stands al.me. ht. imtc -i- ways'doxeus of boys -to kerp hmi coupany. . -The iior's freouetit visits n-Mna lsir. lil!,l llllll AVilh Cnthll- shism on all tltat irtains to the navy, and many who know the younger nrMlic thai snutiiir- tlie coming leadi r'iihe nam' of the 'United 1 Sat cm Th name of Ralph Siinvpson w flgurej-f '..,1,..',. 4 -: : .:". ' ilia fcr4 Yon Haw Aiwa-? CJi-jr. HE HAS FR1EXDS. Independenee, Xoic K Frank Boyds- ton. wln was arrestevt in sviiem ami taken to laIlaR yesterday, to answer the charge of forging 1is father's name to a check, will prolauiy escape the penalty for bis indiscretion, as In fluential friends of id 'parents bave taken up the matt.r and. are now air Dal:ls endeavoring to have the cliarge withdrawn. The nimey seiMtrHl by blm has .been repard by ispular sub-.' scription. ". "'.:' . Twiee-aAVeek Statesman $1 "a year. Sergeant Mia 1 1 I uetan an oiucer iu citizen's c'ot lies? - . Captain It won't do to have hi;! Identity susiectel. 'Better detail an of ficer with". citizen's manners, to makei nab.- .', - t.-,,-.--. Dr. Tenners KIDNEY 0 Backache Cure. For ntt KMiWT, BUMtrtcr il Urinary Trouble. Lame ll-k.Hrt ln-.kia lklMM kteauawm. Bid Wrltint . cln Unfailing in Female Waaknsss. Market Reports. The local market quotation! yeiter day yere as follows: "J ' ! - Wheat J0 cents at the Salem Flour ing Mills Co.'i office. ' 'f Oafs -37ro.:iSc. . , :: - '., ' Hay Cheat, buying, $7 to' J7.50; clover, ?5 to $0, timothy, f9 to $10. Flour 75 arid 80 cents per sack; 2.80 to $3 tier bbL Mill feed-Bran, -.. $15; shorls, $1S. Butter 17Cr cents (buying). . Eggs 23 cents. , Poultry Chickens Gc per lb, market dull. . , - .. j ; Pork Fat, 4 to 4. gross; O net. - Beef Steers, 3; cows, 3c; gooct heifer, 34e. , Mutton Sheep, 3c on foot; sliear- ed 2yi to 3c Veal d and 7c dressed. "i Potatoes 25c, buying. I . vi ooi it to io cents .maraet weaic. Mohair 25 cents. ' ': ., .' -" ' ! - .'' .'- '"..'.;; WHIPS, ROBES ' j v ' California Oak-tanned -Leather "used. '",' Jlamess Oil. etc ' C D tHl CCD ' - I ' 23 State Street. Salem. Oregon ' XOTICIi TO TAX PAVERS. Thej lioard of equalization for Mar lon county will meet at the ofiice of the county assessor on tho second Monday of XovenilHT, lioing Monday, XovemlsMr 12. A. D. 111. sit 0 o'cloet; a. m., and will remain hi session; eacli successive day for one week. All partieH interesKsl are reotiested to appear and examine their assess ments, s no corrections can lie niade after tho adjournnKtit of tlioi wild luiard. .L W. HOBAUT, Assessor of Markra county, Oregon. Salem, Oregon, Octoler 18, 11XJ0. d w, t d.' Foreign and' Hale Marble and;. Cranite MONUMENTS Largest assortment in the state always ' in stock. '; j ,'.'. William Stalger, 2!)7 Liberty Street, Rileru, Or. TAKE IT TODAY Don't put off taking tlie Kecley! treat-im-nt take- It today. It is' he only euro for -alcoholism and drug addur tiotis. Send for prlnteil matter that tells all about Jt. y"'- Tne Keeley Institute, Portlaaq, or. G. d. JESsurTco. Hop Brokers 21 J Commercial St, Salem All grade of bops handled. L BV MUTUAL AOREEMEXT Th firm of Kirk & Liston I -this day dis solved. W, A. Llston retiring and I M. "Kirk continuing the business at . . . i 1 . ..... ...II .If in OKI . Fiauu, niiiiTiiuc mi i counts. f " ; ' L. M. KIKK. w l.tTllV ' Salem, Or. Oct: 31, V)? l l :2 5tw. RUSTLlXO YOUXO MAX-Dan make $Gf) per month and cipenses. 1'er manent position. Expcrienee tiniiec essry. - Write q nick for particulars. Clark & Co.. 4tb & Lot-nst streets, ' rbiladephia Pa. - 0;4-Cm-dir. TERSOXAL MYSTERIES OF THE UXKXOWX revealel by the great Indian medi um and prophetess of. tbe age, Iwirn with double veil and second sight reTealel every bidden mystery never . known to fail. Know your fate at once when all o.hers , faiL- Consult the lMst. Ileal by the use of Iter Revealal Herbal teas. Cure chronic and so-called mtcurable 'diseases. Free treatment for the ioor. Con sultation free. lS2',j Third, Street, near Alder,' Portland, Oregon. ' -;-' 0mk f if 1 r ?t'J jrdy nop?