.WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, triday, November o. ir cMLEY fit An Overwhelniino Majority for the Hepublican Standard Bearers. The Nation Arose in Its Loyalty President with a Will Dinner Pal! NEW YORK, Nor. .-OIldii!gut.-- It became evident at an early hour t bis evening that lle election of McKinley and Itoosevclt n assured. At half nat 8 o'Hork return from nearly two-third of the eleetkm districts of Orenter New York had been revived, indicating lieyond a question thai Prvanand Stevenson cuuid not xj iieet more than 2Ti.fi" if 'or 3II.OOO fltir-i ality in this Democratic stronghold, and unless there wax a landslide in ihe outside- counties lieyond all reaaoa able expectation, th pivotal state; New York, had declared iu onniistak able term, although by a greatly re duced majority, for the Republican candidate. An the night progre-sed it only served to confirm this Judg ment, but Hie ret urns from Illinois levealed a like condition. The Bepubi Jican plurality of wn greatly, ret ilnwl, hut wan still far too large to tie overcome. On the tit her hand, the returns front Indiana. Michigan, the Dakota. Utah and Wyoming, as well a Nebraska, seem to indicate, steaoy Republican gains over 1811. Ikel; ware. Maryland and Wst Virginia had given decided Republican Mural Ities. The const in several far West em states was naturally so delayed ns to give litth liidinli.i of the opin ion there, but they had ceased to have a determining effect, and before 10 o'clock the Democratic , leaders bad given up tlie 'content, and it wax an liounced that Bryan had gone to bed. ami waa sound nsben. The whole story was easily and briefly told. The Republican ticket would give a larger electoral vote than four years ago. but In the larger statu and. in the Middle West, the pluralities were re duced of i.( to TiO.OOO: in New York. &iHJt to 1.Mmi. and in Illinois from 142,i to Ul, or less. The roll call of slates Is apparently an follows: : i For MeKIuleyConhect lent 3. Iela Illinois 24, Indiana: 15. Iowa 13. Maine Maryland X. Massachu setts lo, Michigan 14. Minnesota H. New Hampshire 4. New Jersev 111, North Dakota ."V Ohio 'SI. Peiinsyl auiw :e:. Uhode Inland 4. Vermont l. wet Vlrgiufa u. Wiscousiu 12. Cali fornia !. Wyoming H, Kansas lo, Ore gon 4: lot.ni. irr.x for Bryan Alaliaum 11. Arkansas 8. -Colorado 4. Florida 4. Georgia 13. . Iul!ana X. Mississippi .. Missouri 17. Moutan.-i 3. North Carolina 11, rviutu armuia leuucssec ja Texas Utah 3. Virginia :.; t.ll.i:l. r l'nreorted -Idaho :t. Kentucky 13 Nebraska S;l Nevada.:??. Smith Dakota 4. Washington 4; total. IT. ', Tlie la lest reterns from Nebraska indicate a l(epuhlicii plurality.-, j i ne j itiy-seveiiin ngress yppnif to le Republican by a :ilsisiotial working niahrftv. T1n giibtmationaI tU-ketw apiar'utiy followed the - Na tional ticket, and Odell I ele'ttl New York, ami Yates In Illinois'. in AT Mi KINI.EY'S HOME. Cantwn. Nov. rreideirt Me- Jvinrcy reclved tin eeclioii- ielrus touight at his home, fdirtotludcd lit i, larite ikiiiiIst of old friemls fut iteigliiiors. Iiirect wlrt'S conuectel the hous' wit Ik the Republh'tin Nat fili al headquarter In New York ami Chi cago, witii Senator Uanm at Cleve land, a ad with the Itome of Oorertior Roosevelt at Oyster liny, so til. lres- Ment was -lit. constant tek-gmtihlc totich with his associate on the ticket and with the camiialgti leak-rs. Tin I 'resident read aloud some of the re tnms. but refrliied from making any coin merit whatever on the result, anil m-ccpiing Willi Hiirutuetl cinmsuie me raroralue reiHrts. whii-li l.-gaii to (vine m at an early hour. . ROOSEVELT AT IfOME. New Aork. Nov. . Oov. Roosevelt. (imundel by liU family, received 4 1n return at home, ojfc Saga more lull. 1 Im tkiveruor at m time during ihe evening twnKil auxioiw altoutftbe retsult. AN 1NCRIUSE1 VOTE. New ork, Nov. 7-tl a. m.i.4.U 12:3ik this morning Co1umitl( men .'lauifj, iiiuus ami itiiu neiti a coii - lorence.. at Uk (-onchision of which Ihe following statement was giveu mil:- . , :' - . ' j "On the returns received at lhejR tuddican headnarters up to (hi hoiir, Itepuidjcau National Commit tte claims It hael'Cted McKluley by an electoral rote otJ84. with a possibility of il vtues In addition, making a total of il5. These tweuty-one votesi ennsLst of thirteen . votes In Kentuckv aad lgut in Nebraska. I. MANI.EY IS I'LEASEIK ;. New York, .Nor. "fK At 1 oVlock National Coinulttvman Manley K:iid: "The reports liow that McKinlcy la re-electel by an electoral vote larger than wa rtfcelveI in ISIm. New Etg Jand. New York. New Jer.-ey. Pennsyl vania, pelawnre. Marylaml. West Vir ginia, Ohio. Illinois. Wisconsin. M Igau. Minnesota, Iowa. North Dakota, and 'South Dakota are all In the' lte- lntlU'an eolemJU -r '.' "No definite; hi formation ban len received 1 from Indiana. Kansas or Western or Northwestern tate.1 v- A QCIET ELECTION. 1 New York, Nov. ;. The. ebtn .ussd oft quietly both in the olty and Mate. T1m return from Congression al districts are id-attereil : and Incom plete. in the Wall Street dintrtct. which includes tlie Itorough of Uich li'otxl and Staten Inland, Nicholas MuHer. Democrat, Is probably elerteil. The Republicans concede tlie election of Sular. Iennn-rat, In the llth dis trict, and Hill. Democrat, lum 1m on l-atn by I kocglas. Republican. In the district now represented liy William Ator Clinler. Cummin and Me ClelUn, UHi "ivemocrats. t'e undoubt edly iv elected. " - ' ' - and Endorsed the Latest War roar More Years of the Foil and Prosperity. Topeka. Ka baugtv of the . Nov. CJiairman Al Iteiubliean conimillee. Jays: - , . . . - -, . "Returns indicate that the state will give , MeKlniey over 3l,it plurality. tlat a solid Congressional uVlegation will be W-ted. Tlie legislature will le Reublican on joint luallot. and the llepnblican state' ticket will be elected t .-, ORE;ON IS LOYAL. Portland. Or., Nov. d. Oregon today gave McKhiley the largest' plurality ever given acandidate footH-e in this state..: WiNi more than half, the total vot of the. Ktate counted, the result 1s as follows: McKinley, 27,11; liryan, 17",073; McKinley pliHTklity 1M-V. M nit iioinali Minry. whiHi in cltKfea tl city of lVrtlaod. with four small precincts missing, gave McKin ley a plurality of i4.Kl, and Jt i eMi mated the stale oiUskle this coiratv will retnni plurality of near'-; utmo, making McKIukys plurality in tlie state cloHe to 15.1 MM). McKMiley has earned every county in the state with the exception of Llun, ITn ion and Baker. . - In tlu's 4-ounty Jolwi Mtra'sen. Re publican, was elected a memlier of ;tbe legislature to fill Hie vacancy canstHl by th death of a member. INDIANA REDEEMED. IndianajKdis, Ind.. Nov. 7 A con srva.tlve estimate' placet" McKinley's plurality in Indiana at 30,000. The entire slate Republican ticket is ele!t el. The DemocTJitic Congressmeu ele-teI -in the .second and third dis tricts, whhV the Republican Congre. shmal catulidatett were successful iu the "Sixth. Eighth, Tenth, Eleventh ami TJiirleeth. NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN. Omaha. Neb.. Nov. 7. At midnight 20 pncincts ottt of Kill hi tat? had letjirnwl results, thirty of these being r roin Omaha, and IXMiglas coiMity. Tle majority or Hiem give ilu Repulv I'cans gsiins. which, if they hoM ginxl thtonghout tlie Mate, will Indicate a Republican plurality of 2tMM to 5UK. W A S 1 1 1 N O TO N. toruaTiii. .ov. rorty-ttve pre- ciiu is iu 11m gtate of Washington, on of !(.. give McKinley Jlil. Bryan Vultt. For Oovernor, Frink, Republl an. iu.;: Rogers. Democrat, 1411 For Congressman, Jones,- nepublicau l.ixs; Cusiiinan. Reimldicau. 137! ituall. Iemo-rat. il!: Itoltertson. itmM-rat. irsx. McKlnky will oiob- aily have KM mi plurality in the state The vote fH- tJovernor is very iucom plete. though the returns so far lud cate the election of Frink. Republican iy a siiuill majority. Jones and Cusli man. Republiau.s. are elected to Con gress. , Seattl, Wash.. Nov. . Tlie present lmlh-atioii art that McKinley carried S,iitle and King county, by Hmx) to l.rfMl. lie The returns from the state are coming In slowly, but the Indira tions are that McKinley K-ads Bryan by a large iiiajkrity. and Ls well In anvanw of the Itepnblican state can tiidates. - eat tie Twenty-seven nreehicts In Ihe state of Washington give McKinlev l-"i37. Bryan. XTiX. Frink. (Rep.k for Governor HiK.N Rogers. tDeni.) 002. Skane. Indications point to h large majority In this city for McKiu H-j. iniiK is ruming far liehind the ttcicet. and Rogers may carry th -Miiity by "Wmi to KM ml rseauie. At liiMl Chairman Scldeve- ly iainiel tlie state for McKinley by mn to Sim Ml, ami believe that, while Frink will run behind, lie will 1m NEW-YORK. , 1 New oi k. Nov. II At 11 o'chu-k tne lmiications are McKinley carrks .w io state- ly a maiorUv l.'SMMM). i oriMreii witii tike Rennblican. ma lor ny in the last Presidents! Uction of 2iW.lH. The total vote of I ) ,Aw ,t N'W York is ainroTlntfifilv lanoi larger than In is: Mt mwl n tju tat 1Ik incrtase is aUmt :wi.mmi. in tlie city Bryan Mrineil mtt a blmLilUr of mm mi, which McKinley. had four years ago. ami took on a. oluralitv for it. . . . - niaiffl or niHMU '..( MM I. I'll, Mu Rlit jicivtniey narly leld a vote which he had in In;. tlie ad.Tl vrtes going to Bryan. The vote of OdVIL for Jov- eriwir. Is consider blr Iart-r- th-n. r.,r Aiciiniey. : ; : Aew lurk. Tlie eitv of New Vnrt complete, with l.Vi election diMrtcta mwsnig out or a total of .ire? rix, jiimiey, kii.r'; Bryan. 273.kJ8. OHIO. ; J -" lot unit HIS. O.. Nov. fL Romil.livin imirman k mck nas elven nnt r.i. : lowing, statement: ; -. t s , . riuiiiKrnvimi nn to i n m Justify the claims tlmt Ohio has given .ot-ixuiiey a piurjllMT Of 7...MM Xa SO . tsi. and the election of seventeen and snsitily eighteen out of Ihe twenty- KANSAS.' ; Kans., Nov. 7.' liV a. m i Topeka. The e Retmblicau CMinnltte mm claim ie for McKinley by ; 40.000. and sta f leet the entire Republican Congres- oual . kh legation. Tlie- Democratic committee, lkowever. still Insists that by a small Bryan carries majority. , the state ; t KENTrCKT.; U Loutsvilk Kr-Xor. fi. A innCwi- loth the Democratic ami Republican committees claim tlie state, though tbey. fnraish no fismres In tnmurt r t he ctaim. : Louisvlllfr newspapers jHaim Bryan ami Hwkhsm. or McKIn lley ami lerkes, have galnetl a Victory, Just" according to .-whether; these ; pa Iers snppport the Democrat! or Ite pnblican tickets ro the campaign Just t-ftscd. McKanley majority ' iu l. Htt of 2tM preclnetft in Louisville and the county, -4"U. . " NEVJElIsEY. ? Trenton. N. i Nov. a-4neonplete ret iirus from tlw tate Indicate that. New. Jersey .wis cdrrWdj fort McKin ley by mom than jU.ImjO. The Rerhkb- 1'M-auM tjJ-ct ix of the eight Congre-. men. - , -. Newark. X.,J ALO o'clock "Cha ir man AIurjdiy,rf the Republican ow ml t tee,' claimed -tlM Mate by j,000. , : WIStXlUSIN. - '.:-. Milwaukee. . Wi -Nov Returns froiu iWlsonsia up to 10 j oVIock. though comparatively fev on tin face when compared with the vote of IStMi that 'McfCtaley j lias car riel the ' Mate , by a large 'plurality equaL If not excelling the figures of lMi The imlk'atious are that Wls cnosins Congressional delegation will lie solidly Republican. ' , ; : .; ; - iirAiio. Boise. Ida..f iNor. . 7. Twenty-hree ont of MOfk precinctH in Idaho give Mc Kinley i-WO, Bryan 2242. E f . INDIANA. ' Indianapolia. ; Nov. 7. 1 . m. Tho returns from SOU precincts in Indiana Miow a net: Republican gain of 2102. ThU Indtcates a plurality for McKin ley of about 34.(MN iu the Mate. ' CALIFORNIA. Sim Franciw'o, Nov.; J.-WliIIe tlie returns f pom tlie. state and- this city are very incomplete, enougli is - at band to warant the prediction that McKinley carried California by a plur ality of lO.CMMi. XU'Klnley- plurality in this city will prooaoly reach 7imm. The Republicans elected Congressmen rrom me thiru, rourth. sixth ami sv enth districts.! The second Eand flfth districts are running very close. San Francisco .Up to 9 o'clock the returns 'from this city and Mate Indi cate that California lias gone Repub lican, io.uuo to iri,UM. San. Franclsco.-rChairman Stone of Republican state comndtHee. states rtinr. atctviniey litis carried California by 2.I.OIKI. aad tlie Republicans have elected all seven . Congressmen: also that tlie Legislature is Republican Frauk J. Could, of -1 Ik Democratic state coimnlttee admits that McKin ley carried that state by a good ma jority. He concedes the ICeiullicans, four t Congressmen. UTAH. ; . , Salt Tike City, irtah. Not. fi. Flftv- five iireciucts of Salt Inke City and county show a Repulilican gain of 2i 2S over Roberts' vote of LSbS If tlie return continue nt the same ratio. the state will go for McKinley by TsiOO majority, elect the stat. and Conirres- stonai ticket.- and carry a Republican majority m the Legislature. I t i COLORADO. Denver, Colo.. Nov. . Returns in dicate that. Colorado has given Bryan otUKK) plurality. The Fusion Mat? ticket .Is prolKibly electetl by half that plurality. ad ltn4fears the Fusion ists v-ui liave a majority of the Legisla t're. ' s .-, NORTH DAKOTA. Fjirgo, N. T)., Nov. Chairman Klpluegen of the Iemorrath com mi t-te-. ctMix-etles the ele-ion, of the Re publican eletoral ami state, tickets, tlie iiossihle exception of Altorney- uenersu. , ; -i ' . . -:: SOUTH DAKOTA. .-kmix rails, s. i.,Xov. . ISO a. tn.t orty-ix precinct outside of Shinx Falls, McKinley, 4250; Bryan. 27.U. ;The chairman of .the Republi can sate, committte. at I a. ni.. esti mated the plurality for McKinley. the i ongressional nomineeM and the state ticket, at lO.OiMt to 12,(MM and the Re publicans will liave forty majority on jotui mi i lot tn the Legislature. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia. Nov. Estimates rrom one-half tlie counties iixticate a plurality for .McKinley of over 2O0.- in this cltjr the fusion of Demo crats with the Municipal League cut down ,tlie ; Republican county ticket T ; ILLINOIS. Chicago. Nov. 7, CMialrnttn Rowe of tlie- Republican committee, gave out tlie following: - , . - . "McKinley lias carried 1he state by wFssr outsmi or UooK ' county. ". . In t ook cmraty Hkx Indications are Mc Kinley ami late will have a majority with McKinley In the lead by aliout lo.WMi." ' ; - ' " ' - - . Chicago.-At ft p. m. Chau-man Rowe. of , th' ltenuldi-ai) mmmiii said Illinois was carried by McKinley by at least 1oo,nmi. , RhMnultigton. 111. In Stevensmis hmue ; prw inct McKinley 3od; Brran. 112. '. -' I- ORKOON. . Portland. Or, Nov. '. Elirht-seVen precincts in the state. ouisl.U f ti city tof Itrtlaml, give McKinley, tKCW; -Bryan. 74. Forty pnvincts In the city of Portland rive MeKinW !223: Brian. 27K1. If Oie am ratio is maintained. McKinley will have plurality f 20,kk) In tlie state. a Portland. Tlie rltv of Portlaiwt complete, gives McKinley, rT4; Bryan Portland.--In 2tSl precincts out of i2 1n tregou. inclndinr thti-- IVrtland twnpjete, McKinley receirea 2.12'; Bryan, 17,073. I ,'MAIIYLAXD. Baltimore. Md.. Nov: MictntT- lias carried Marvland bevo;ul ttw. shadow of a doubt. With rirsttsiltr innete returns from this . city, he - - nas a majority here of aliout tVM. while from the stae scattering returns Indicate an additioual sundus of .Vmmi inajiriry. a total maioritr In ilu ia Of KMNMk. . , " ' - -.; e . j1? r;- ' ': - -' . " -r Baltlniore McKluley -conthincs in make large gains In Baltimore. His majrity In the state trill reach 1 1,4). Baltimore. MU TMcKmfU carrietl Baltimore citr bv (2 Kir., nr. ficial advises from eltrhtv-one ed precincts out of 3Tv4 give McKin ley 1K2S.". Brran lfi-1'k.V siH..ir.. Kinky a majorltr of 10,ooii in stirte The defeat of t Democrats thor ough and KurpiMng.- it teing thought they have loM live of the six. Cougrea tneii with 'the. probabilities Jo faviir of a cleau "weep bythe lts.s of tne other. MICHIGAN. DTi. MJcli.. Nov.? (I JIcKlailey ha ar-d Mjv-higan Is-yoml a tloubt. Conservative eMiiosites dace tlR nia JorHy at traKMl. IIU majority in 1WM was 41,452. ? Tlie Itepublk-an state Mate tU-ket 1st leted by -a uialk-r uiajority.r It Is thought the Republi cans liave elected all : Cougressioua! nominees. , J, NEBRASKA. .i" , Omalia. NVb.. Nov. tl In fiO.i" cincts outskle of Iiouglas county,' Klnley, has iHi; Hryan.: '7,oftl. . pre.-Mc- Omaha TwHitjMi' pwijicts "out M"de of Omaha and 'Douglas- comity given McKinley 3ol5: Bryan 2X. The na iw jie'iiicts ' In 1XHJ gave McKin ley 31 5i; Bryan 2XKL Unoolu Bryan told the newspaper coresitondenta he would liave no Mat ment to ma ke : Iiefore tomorrow. ' Omaha; Neb.At midnight Editor Rofnewater, of the Bee, Republican, say, all liwlic-ntioirs; point to the elec thu of Dietrich, Republican, for Oov enwr. by 3iti. and IleMtblicao elec tors by from 15(0 to. 2.100. and that the. Legislature Is Republican. "the e TEXAS! Houston, Tex, Nov. ? C The Demo cratic state ticket Is elect ed by a ma jority hi excess of 100.000. The Leg i slat ure is also Democratic ; BRYAN SAYSi NOTHING HE REFUSKD TO TALK WHFN UK HEAKO'tHE KESULTJJ. He Rf tired to His Private Boumi atidH Would Se No Oue Joj Kelgn ' 1 In MeKlnley's Home. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 6. Bryan re ceived the election returns at his resi dence in this city. The bouse was fairly overruii by uewspaier men and telegraph ojn-rators : After the tele graph wires Tan to the' house, Brya had with liim his brother, ('harles Bryan; his former law partner, Sen ator , Talliot; National Coiumitteeniafi' Dahlmau and Attorney S-hmidih .Mrs. Bryan had is a companion her cousin. Mrs. Rogers, and Mrs. DaL4 mai Bryan took dinner at 0 o'cioc ami kaier spent a rew minutes tu con versation with newspaper men, refer ring to tlie returns received, and ak lug oueslious ainnit the dilfetent states,,, put without; venturing ? any opinion umhi the figures. Tlie first bulletin announced that Poug'hkeepsle, N. Y., had given McKinley a majority of 1331. and this quickly followtd by another that Khnlni bad gone 'in Bry an's favor to the extent of 1722 m.i Joriiy. Other bulletins from -New iork came thick and fast after that and While Bryan made no eo mint! it there was a feeling atnong those prc?t- ent that he was disiipmiinteil m the returns from New York City and Brooklyn. II is observittion had ?etl him to believe rliere would be a large increase in bis vote, rather tlmn a loss. Early dispatches Indicated the losi of Maryland, and this was also a dis- apiioiutment. . After receiving earlier returus In the library. Mr. Bryan re fired to his private apartments, which wi re ronenrted wlfli the outside worM by a special wire. REDUCINO A NAVY. New lork, Nov. . A dispatch to the Herald from Valparaiso sftys Slgu Meant annotincement Is made in view of tlie reiiorted greemout c live pwtuwi America n republic to i-p ply arbitration in the settlement of their disputes 'that Chile is about to rluce lier nary. -The (Jovernraen wis! sell one third tdass cruiser ito l'tiahr aud another to Peru am two torpedo boat deMroyers to Japan 1 he fact that one of the warshiiis will !e sold to Peru, which Is one of ( hues opponents In th Tacna-Anier can dispute, gives additional weight to the declaration that a settlement of Hk controversy ? will lie . etftcled S4NIII. i . A MURDER. Seattle. Nov. C Ieonanl .Maier, an fnipIoye of, the Bavvlew brewHy was kuiM. tins afternoon by Frank Ilager. . He was struck Over the head with a. brick, as the result of a tnuir- rei. ; . , , TU Ky Yw tow Alwars Emr 8i(aataT CHINESE AND JAPS. All Legal Opinmns Hold That They Are KntHieo to Right or Suf- frage la Canada. k - VANCOITVEB. B. C. Nov. r..-Five tliousand Japanese and Chinese "who have beeu naturaliKel during the past year may vote at the Dominion eiec I Ion In British Columbia on ., Tecen IW l. Tbe Conservative of Vancou ver have oldained legal obiulons that JaiWiuese are entitled to vote Just as soon as their naturalization y, papers are uaierout. v-.,-.-- A telegra m recel red from David MM. Canadian Minister of Justice, admit m t general contention that the Jaanese may vote, but suggests ruati -uie t-ftvtlon ; returning otScen in each case take competent legal nd- tmh in. their own ? localities and ct uiMin H. . - .i At Bed Time : take a pleasant. herb drink, the next morning I fee! bright and my com plexion is better. My doctor sayt it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidnrji. and is a pleasant laxa tive. It is made ' form berbs and , is prepared a?-easily as tea. It is called Lane's ; Medicine: All drug gists sell it at 25c-and 50c.'Lane Family Medicines moves the bowels each day. ff you cannot get it. send for a free sample. Address. Orator F. Woodward. Le Roy, N. Y. . 5. EVANS Of. MONTEVIDEO. ne Came From Mlnersville, Pa- and Has Made .Millions, ia Uruguay The Best Known Civilian in South AutiTica . to Naval Ott"KHrs of the WorM.. iDougkis White iu Aiuslee's.1 "Over in Sntili America's eastern roaM". at Uruguay's pretty capital, dwells an' American whO Is Wtter known to the otllcers of oil ' navies than nnv single Individual In the world. , This is Mr. W. D. , Evans, of Montevideo; ' . -''":rr " "For more tlun - forty years Mr. Evan?i was tl:e mot proiuinent figure a t M oirt e video's jiort. lia v hig from a smalt Iteginnlhg built op a buslnea in ship chandl-ry until he was prac tically without comietltion Iu the harlsw. It was from . Mlnersville, Pennsylvania, tlmt this present -day n'illionaire set out for tbe lauds I e youd ; t he equa tor. i His advent, in the harbor of Montevideo was as mate aboard ' a sailing; ship.; He saw b chance to " nuike money, and , left his billet to. slart a -busintss on shore. After having nvide an excellent start, his ,-. venture i was1' wreckel by the nmnipuhitions of "ills imrtuer. "Tills meant-jj not lier liejinnlng and jMactk-ally iSSeF f niggle Uuiu the first, but Mr. Kvans. Jiad not started out to, submit to failure. He was looking for siKfess and meant to find "On his .stM'ond raoe for fortune his most valuable possession was a 1ot with , which he personally serveil his wares to the! various, ships. Tlie stock which he carried in this same craft ofltliiKs repristntHl his entire ca Ital, mid in the rough harlsir of Mou teviiltHi any hour might render liim again penniless. He liad many nar ikv escaiies. Finally he had uiade a sutlk-l?ut amount of money to en alde him to send to Baltimore. Mary land, for craft whtcii v.ouUl stand all weathers. 4VIth. the m-w lioat can-e addl prosperity, 'until linall.v H required, a steam tug and several lighters to handle bis, enormous trade.'- v "Iroserlty in business made out side investments possible. . These were hand led 1 1 h so m ueh foresight t lsi I as MontevMeo expaudel the Evans proiierties Increased iu value, , until today they are worth millions. 'Mr. Evans lias retireil . from , active Ipisi ik'Ss. He, is succeeded, by his former clerk" Manuel Bottini an Amerkwi citizen of , foreign parentage. i, - "Air. Evans has sjeclally endeaml himself to tlR officers of every navy which has bad ships 111 ton the South pffrfanUc Station. These war '.ships have ttlways been hs esjieclal charge. aud no'fighting craft ever entereil the harlior of MoutevHk'o that was not met by an Evans I mat carrying ice. fruits, fresh provisions and -all j those things 'which are impossible accom paniment of a. long cruise. Toinaval officers Mr. Evans has been a bsuker. ami many an tliw wife has blessed this man from North Anieticn f -when she-arrived at Montevid eo and found her hnslKi-ttd's ship not y't In tmrt. Tf you arrive at Montevideo and do 'not .11 ml ine there, go to Evanjs. He will take care of yon and see that yon waut for nothing.' were tlie trav- ..1! 1 . f , . ... i-uiiK i"iruci wins issik'ii 10 omcers . wives when they started tto Join rliolr 1'tisbands on tlie station. Evefl now there i no change save -the siibstitu t'iou - of Boniiri for Evuns in ihe In structions, for the system Inaugurated by the founder or the , business Is. still tnalntained nntler his urces(r, f Since his retirement from 1 f . active inss-nessvAir. Kvans siiends m ost of his time at tlie 'Qui nta del.Ev magnificent -subnrlmn estate outskirts of Montevideo. ThU ana. a on the quinta iwcoraes a familiar pot to all vlsit- ing Americans, for one of Mr. lEvans greatest 1elights is to entertain visit ors from the states. A sojourn! at the Evans home become entertainment Indeed.-for the quinta s iMispitality Is extremely lavish, anI when diMrKnsiI amid the estate's delightful surround ings, itcconies doubly attractive. The inmiran useir is cnarminglv ro mantic, consisting of a series of bulld- us ii-u representing a uncrent era inv Montevidcan home building, and nil couneeted by tilel patios ovcrel by vine-clad trellises and broken by shaded nooks and splashing fountains. Hardly a room is there which does not give souk proof of the owner's lovt for the states. Here Is !a nair of flags drapeil over the picture of some favorite American, audi at' an other point ft umgnlficentlr I earvod coat of arnvs of the United Statesdon by a clever Umgit;iy-an artist, while from the high Hag-staff above the qtrlnta Old t.'lory flutters to signify tliat through half a centurv of rsi. rem-e in South Atneria the KvAn-i he-.irt lias remained faithful to lh ilag of his country. And this flair does not fly alone, for but a few hnn-i 'red rards a way it lias an official eomiiamoii. which . floats over the I nItHl States Legation, where our minister-to the rciiuMic Is nuartered iu one of the bouses built ou a por tion, or tn- Kvaus estate. Thus u mis man. ielovel by every offlecr in the American navy, built up on the banks of M Bio de la Plata a hom. wherein American feeling throbs as strongly as though thoMsttnds ofj leagiws did' not sciKirate he nn-nr! irom ine country which lie so dearly Ion." '.---j, . . FILIPINO BELICS. A Most, liftn-fT-stinir Collection UlnaJ trail re of1r and-Pea-e 1n Amer ican Possskiw to Be Shown at the Pan-Amerk-an Exposition. A remarkaifle dleci ion of Filhiino retln ! will form one 'of H most uniqus and attractive features of the Ian-Am-ric:iu Exfmsltlou at Buffalo. No great Interna thmal fair lias teen beld ;luf the United Stale or on the A m.?rica 11 continent niiur 4 he annexa tion of the Philippines to the United States aml.no opportunity has liereto- fore liee n offered for a complete and comprehensive exhibit from - tliese Islands. The United States Govera DH'nt has undertaken to collect 'ex hibits from tlie Plulinohke Islands. lawali. Onarn. Cuba, Irto Itico. Tutuibt and Manua. Naturally bv far the most extensive of tliese ex hibits" will tie that from the Pfrllin- pines which, on avuint of the great variety, of native jieoples Inhabiting fheiii and the richness and diversity or the ratma and nora orrer tlie beat. oppoTt unities for an InteresUug lisrfe play. The war in tbe Philippines ami the fact that even yet American sol diers are being killed by the natives who do not accent -the anthorlty' of the United States still further Increase lie interest that will lie taken In this exhibit. ExiKi nslonlsts and suttl-Im- iierlalists alike will view the coll,- lion with keen -utiosity. t'olonel Vi F. Hilder of tli Burean oX.jucrica Ethuolozr. Smithsonian Institution. has been engaged lu the collection of many relics for this .Philippine ex Mbii. He r.-t-ently rturneil from a sojourn of five iminlhs In theM new Ip-.issesslousv'of theT "luItel-States. Many of the articles whk-h he gath ered are now in tliis--ouulry aiil are ls'iitg prepared for the Pau-Amerlcau. Tbcse - iHU-s are rich in instructive qualities ami show In a graphic man ner the I- ilfpliM ; metmslA of : living. For "example, there are.-iHi the iMlld; tlon a numlwr of iiuslels of Filipino house, of veiik'ie aui ot the npar- ' atus eniplo.veI:1n i1k mauufa'ture of tlie various frodtirts of the arch ipcl- j ago. One of the Implements to lie shown Is a Ltrge wooden mortar such as the natives have nsed for -enturies for Is-ating aud .liusklng ri and which is known a.-. a -"lazoji." , Froiu th.ls Implement tlw principal island in the Philippine group derives ts name!.-'-Tlrfie-will also Is in the co'.ect!ioii a cpiupleto .set of -4he. tolH 1.1 in. each trade practiced in the Philippine I1 ands. - '- ; I-ispeIaIly interesting to the mili tary men. members ' of tike 'National tlujird. et- who attend tlie Kxposi t ion will lie the collection of imph. ments of war. In 11k fighting which Ikis been in progress for nearly t vo ytiars- tlie FUhn'tkowariitint haVe us'! their own weajsviiM. as. well: ns the imxiern arms securei rrom- the armor ies ami , arsenals of. other, countries. Knives and swords or "many curious fashions with ekpeiiftlve, oruamentdi tions will figweainuuUicse relics..' Ther will also ls war troplres which, will ' imssess Intrinsic Interest lHcanse of tlieir association, as well as on ac count .of their- curious, workmanship. Among these : trophies -will - le two brass cannon.. mounted -..mi swivels. whMi were capturetl by the Filipinos'.' from tlie Moros mid afterwards can-'' trel by the ' Auierk-ans. Aihither. ' relic of the Spanish regime--will. In a gar rote in use for many years for the execntlon "of" "crlmhials by tlie Spanish authorities. . : THE COST OP fiPiPLYIN(J THE - WOHLD'S COAL; : At la-esent tlie demand, for -oal the world's great imlustries is ah. ad of the slippy; how long it will keep so remains to le seeu. Certainly the lieriod will -be -sltorteneti. -so far as Cr-at Britain is coucernd,, If Aim-ri- " can coal can be importetl at a sutti cieutly low prk-eJu .other, words, when American sbipowhers; or, Tail- " lug them, 1 coal "fwners tlicnisvlvis, find it worth . their:, while to biylkr ocean colliers on a sutficieatly large" -ah;. The- average cost of tnial per Uui at the pit head in tlie - Pnitd States is given on a computation bas ed on the returns for 1 Kin;, as 4s. itU. IH-r ton. -as comparetl . willi. ."is. HhI. in 'the. United Kingdom. -.. lid. "in tlcrmany, 7s. 7d. in Belgium- 8s. SI. in 'France, r.s. !l. iu New Souih Wales, los. In New. ZealVodJaiid j a fraction over .s. In Japan." "If. tlien--. fort - n.rW-i n mitil . . si-arcely yet ho?o to break.; with any nrofit -to theinseives, the tiroverbiai record of "sending coals tolWwi-is- le" they liave si ill other i-oiniiru-s open to them. As iniiti'titors. Brit ish coal sellers are already -' Ikeghuiiii to fed more severely than mayji; pleasant the 1 i csviu of. Aiiici-i.-iii coal in markets in .which English codl has hitherto lnvu supreme. F. Seaioii Siiowkn, 1n Tlie Eugltuering Maga zine for November. . IMPEfHAIi 'FBEEDOSrSVSOXt; Oh,' Where. Tell me where, have the Bryan prophets gone? 1 Oh, Howl Tell me how, was McKPn ley's battle won? ' j i -". ' - 4 .' " -t- - " 1' - Tlie prophets of tl.e " Tlryaii 4 brand have lost themselves In sleep, i Tlie way McKinley . fight was won was an iiierial sweep.' j The voters of America waketl early in - the morn, And saw the Nation's empire reach . far ns the day is lMrn. They said, the- same tsf gtssl enough for Uncle a 111 and us; , Bryan and AguUiaido. Imth - aren't' worth a tinker's "cuss. t Their proDhccie have come to grief; the next thing be will note Is when the world has time to count i. the. sixth of November vote. ; New England comes a wheelTng ronnh from Maine to little Bhode; New York wakeil up . lo show the world er Uoosevclt's -nbisle: ! Ohio st 1 lie pace, as came Indiana. Illinois: '..;, ,. . i Tlken all the Western world awoke With racket of the lioys. ! For Kansas, couiins to the front. - marched with the two Dakotas; Nebraska choked lier Bryau will! kiia- Jorlty of voters: P-ack, ou the stern sliore sbssl firm, brave men jn Maryland. And, 'even . In JlttV- .- I-buvare, Mc Kinley was on band. '. And on the Wetern sloiie from where , . the. Alle-haiiiM are, Poan went down U-forc tlie vole of West Virginia: ., And then the Midland mountain realm". a thing of wonder saw, McKinley and Uie looseyei.' sweit Bryan from Utah. ' But on t lie Western slope of all, when votes we ionic to count. McKlidey and the Koosevclt are siire- ly paramount, . j While Kmi-t roplc southern shore of CaJSfornia, , s I ?nd Oiegon and Washington, answer . j ; t lie summons r.i I.-: " ' f jist evening aw .tle suit; go down 'v, ""'." nrn that sitn?et Aea.J , Wfth glow that fold -the Orient far, - , McKIuly's victory,- t - ; 1 A victory won for common sense' by isople who ate great. Whose fntnre. destiny. Immense, shall keep the world elate; , Ami every land ami every rea. this - earthly sphere around. Wlierever Fwilotii' Empire, far. has Its imperial honnd. Shall let Its shouts for Liberty swell 4a the farthest shore. That false Democracy shall fool the r Orient Isles no morel . FOlt - SOLDIER-'. - nOMB.-State Treasurer Chas. . Moore is in re- fpt f $14.i from tbe General Treas urer of the. National Home for lbs-. abled Volunteers. -In payment of the amount due on account of fifty-eight inmates of H he Oregon Soldiers Home, at Rosehurg. for the quarter ending Septemlier :ik)th, being $2.1. for each-inmate.