I I I . - v ISSUED US SEMI-WEEKLY ' SECTIONS, - KAGH TUESDAY AXD EBIDAT. , . ! , S . 'i ; i I. VOL. 49. NO. 38." SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1900. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGES l I I I I i i .a"j . .i ' ' ' V " " " k .- r ' -.. .-V- . : . - ' .- i - V GOLD" IE MOGRAT AWAKE John G. Carlisle Advises a Return to the Con- .... ..xrtal'V Sara X fl S. 4 M. M . " a a ' eiyauyc diiu rdiriouc rosmon i , : ' ' . - - - . .' formerly Occupied by the Party on National Qoestlonseryan Makes a Statement, and Says tfte Election Snrprised Ke Charces Cornrptlon. ATLANTA, ;., Nov. John O. Car lisle has wlrtMl the Atlanta Journal, iu "rpxpotiKe to a miucst from that imper, Lis yk'ws ai follows:: "In my opiuiou the Democratic party lRnld at once ' organizej hu a iH-motratle basis. jThe imtncdlate n turn to the conservative, iatrlotlc posi tku:wciprl by the party before it was ktnora'UziHl Irj Populist ' and Free Silver lUiubllcans';. lu lS!J(s will lnvJte all true Democrats . inj active oplioHitioi. to Ahe objectionable inAi-t-hi of the Administration,: to insure the success of our! Northern friends in fUrle aud local coutests. and preiwre the way 'for a great National victory in 1004. TIh; Democratic votet' cat fwr McKiuley, were j not endorsHnien ts his iKirty or hiai Administration, but protests against what is -coushlertxl ilto dangeroirs purioses and5 tenden cies of t he opposi ug candhla tes." IJitcoln. NeW., Nov. 8, William J. I5ry.ui tonight ptvc out Hlie folkving statement i-oncern in?;, the eUK-tiou: The result was a surpri to me, ami the magnitude of tlie Ilmblican victory : was a urprie to our opiOu eii'ia as well as to thoHe : wlw voted ur ticket-- It Is ! Imjuixsiblo to an alyw the returns tm til they are more tuipl'te. but, ti'akins ; ffi'iierally, we wem to Ixive gaid iu tlw liirge cities and to have- lost in the smaller cities aini iu the eouulry. , j4 . The Keputlk-ajj jwerejabk to e enre tickets, or jkisscs for all tlteir toier wi were a' way from liome, and tikis gave tlH-ni a conjll,rablej ad vantajre. We have; uo way of know ing at thi thH how" much money was 4lN-tn iu the purchase of votes aud in colonization. Rut -whik these would account for some of - the ltepublioan gains, they wotihl not account for t lie widespread' increase in the Republi can vote. The prosperity argument was probably the most ' iKrteut ; one ised by the Republicans. The apieal to Ntaud by -the IVesUk'nt while war Ls ou had a great deal of Influence among theme who did not realizo that the war against the- doctrine of self government in the Philippines must react uimmi ii in this country; We made an lKnest ftgiit upon : an lionest platform. Having done tmr duty as we waw it we Jftive nothing to rejjret. "We were defeated but' are not dis couraged. The 1 fight must go on. I am sure that the IUpubllean policies will be repudiated by the people when the tendency of these -policies 4s fully imTt.Kl. The contest between lliWocnicy and Ienix'racv canit end uutil one oT the other i complete ly triunnhant." ; t'oiiei-rning himself Ilryan .ild: j "I have come out of the campaigu with perfect Kalth and a. clear rou txence, I did m'y utmost to- bring sm-cess to tiie prin-tphs for which -1 ?ttnl. I have no fault to find, and no reproaches'. I shall contniue ' to take an uctive Intewst in itolitlra as lotig as I live. I xlwill not 1k a Sena torial candidate lnfore tle Ix'gisla tuiv which lia niy clectetl." Hryan wiys he has no other platis at present that to remain at home. ; Washington, Nov.?1. Assltnnt Se--retary of . War- MeikleJlin' tolay tele grapliel Iter as follows: FuHTtoii, Neb.. Nov.- S. Nebraska Is rtleemel. Mcivhiley.'-'ha ' -arrhHl the state by not'less tlian .VKj. Tlie legislature is v Republican, ?lnth .Houses. ' ' ,-: ; ; Chicago. ; Nov.- 8.-Vice Chairman Henry I'ayne. - of the i Republican Na tion I CommJtt0j, today received a telegram from the chairman- of - the stale committee of Nebraska stating that the KepnbliiiM carried the state by a tafe majority; also that they bare the state Senate and will be able to organize the Hoove. Leslie Coombs, ciairman of the Re publicau State Committee. telegTsipb vil Mr. Payne that an official conn will be mxvssary to determine the electoral vote of Kentucky. The tele gram rates: Three thousand legal Republicans t enia In uncounted 4n the ballot boxes. Other frauds will cost us 5000 votes." Lincoln, Neb., : Nov. 8. "William J. Bryan sent the folowlng telegram at noon today to President McKlulev: "Hon. Winiam, 3IeKinky. Prel(k'ntl of the United States. Washington, I. C: At the close of anotiuT lrei tHntial camitaign it is my lot to con gratulate you, upon a second victory. i "W. J. BRYAN." Wbnt, Would You tJive To ; be cured of catarrh? If you or vour friends have this disease, t jan knorr how,' idisagreeabJe . it i i. ; Its symptoms are inflamel eyes" throb bing temples, ringing noises In the ears, headaches,, capricious pin,tite, and constant discharge of mucus. Fortunately: ,ts Hire is not a cuestion of what, you will give, but what you will take. If you will take Hood's Sarsaparilla. tin , great constitutional remedy, which thoroughly purities, cn-rh-hes ami yitalixes the Mood. ' you may exjH'tit! to be "completely and ier niaiM'utly curtHl. Tlie - good blood which Hood's Sarsaparilla ,.;mak?s, teaching the deli-ate passages of the mucous membrane, soothe aud re builds the tissues and ultimately cures an symptoms of catarrh. IfY&u a neat, serviceable shoe, made iu the latest styles, tlio ., : ? : f i i ' " - i is just what you're looking for We've sold thousands of Iheso shoes during the last eight years, and wo know from experience that they are one of the best? wearing shoos on tin matket : Our price, $2. It's beeo a-trade builder for mWYORKRACKEl rn- n.mr firps.q mtoat our lines at $2.75. $3 and $3.23 for ladies are un equaled.' See our sjdendid assortment of men's shots almost anything you want ia tae snoe line. - , - e -; CLOrHING at "racket pricei." You must see the cloth and stvle of garments to appreciate I them. f Hosiery, underwear, hats, shirts, notioiss.; - ' , Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store E. T. BARNES. - Proprietor Cor. Commercial and Chemekcta Streets They want have sc one more cheapest aXl that itcilliAPNESS qiwtity cons.dere.1 e.have the FATAL WRECK ' AT ROSEBURG Walter Crennan, formerly of Salem, ' Araoag thelnjared. ENGINEER SAM' HENDRICKS. DEAD Two Freight Trains la a Head-end Collision With Terrible Results- ' .1 Two Isstaatly Killed. ROSBBUKG, Nov. S. The worst wreck " ever known ,ou this division occurred about daylight this .--morning two, miles , south of- Rotieburg. Two freights, tl'. regular No. , 22-1 .south bound, and a long ex;tra coming north, met on a curve in a hsavy . fog and literally telescoped each other. , Kngineer Sam Hendricks, of , No. Jind Fireman Wllhelm of the extra, were caught beneath the wTck,oud almost iiistantly killed. Fireman IJd. Riddle, Engineer Walt. Prenuan and Head Krakemtm Charles Campbell, were all IrntUy lnjuml. ' the latter two diwbtless fatally. Riddle lost a foot and suffered a broken left arm. Camp bell -head was ladly hurt, and it Is feared tils back waa broken. Drennan receivetl a cuts through .tlie '"skull 'over the left eye three inches In length, which 'exposed the brain. His leg was broken and lte sustaJntHl many bad cuts and bruises. ' One of the trainmen ran to town w!thk the neWT. and an englue and caloose were sent out after the three Injured men.4 who were rami for by three physicians on arriving In the city. Some time, was required to get Hcndrkks and ..Wllhelm from tlio f wreck. The latter was pinned .down in the cab. -the coals frpm the tlre.-box burning off both his logs to the knees. Tiu bodies were brought to the un dertaker's Immediately. The aged parents of Hendricks are almost dlstractetl from their awful grief. Campbell's, homo is In Salem, where he Jia a mother and sister. He Is tlie .man who gained fame In 'Alas ka' by making a revord-brenklng' trip with a dog ttHim from Dawson -'CHy to Skagway some time ago. It is statcil the. wreck waa 'duo to a nisiiiren",,t''tu r orders --on Wm? part , of Kugineor Drennan of the ex tra."; -:- " - "- " - : ; Superintendent I R. Fields ha pinn ed to le in the city, aud !s.'lookiu after tlwi dead and -wounded incn. Co'roikT TwitclM'll has .summoned a jury antl will ; hokl an uwtnest tomor row ou the remains of Wllhelm and Hendricks. Mr. l)rennan has numerous frleudi In this .ity. Jwving llretl hen for sometime, ami le is an honored mem ber of Salem Lodjre No. lUi's B. P. O. Klks. He has a wife and . young daughter' lu lrtland, their home U lug on the East Side. Mr. Camplwll Vs a brother of Mrs. Arthur D. Welch, of South Salem. IN PORTO TtlCO. - . .j,.-..-V . Republicaus Electetl the House -of Del egates Without Opiosltlon. San Juan. Porto Ri'o. Nov. S. Tho official returns of Tuesday' election show the Rc!oblU-ais electtnl tlie en tire House of ' Delegates.' and Senator Frwlerleo Degetatt a Commissioner of Coiurress. hdy 131 Federal - .went- to the polls, the. total k Republican voto belug about S,ooo. ' DIVIDEND DECLARED. New York. Nov. S. Tlie - director of the Northern Pacllic. at a iiUM'iing today, declared an extra dividend of one per cent on the common stock. Twice-a-Week Statesman, 1 a year. OF 1R I Ol M 'U ' RETURNS QUAY IS SANGUINE. SAYS 'II B WILL BE ELECTED UNITED STATES SENATdll. He Namesj-tho-president, and Sfw'aker for Am- Next legislature His Claims Disputed.. WASHINGTON. Nov. ? H. Former United States Senator Quay, who Will leave here tomorrow morning for Florida, touight gave out tiie following tatement for puldk-atlon: v R "TIk c-ontt'st on Tmiwlay resultrtf in a sweeping 'victory' for the stalwart Itepvblicun ofmy sttate. Tiw Senate will 1m organized by tlw regulars, no matter what tatMuent A o tlie contrary may be made by the insurgents tir hostile ne'wsiaers. Senator. W. 1. Snytlcr, of Chester tunty, will lie elected Presiih'ut pro tem of the en aie. ami Representative W. t II. Mar shall, stalwart Repiililican from AUeglieuy county, will Ik SHaker of the House. 1 will be elected Snator Irv alsmt ' loil. out of a total vote of 2o4, on tlie tirst ballot lu the joint assembly." The Vote of Marion County for Presidential Electors Canvassed ? Yesterday, and the Hestilt Shows a Majority for the t: r ' Republican Ticket bt 788. ; v : 1 1 i Couutv Clerk W. W. Hall. II. Over-'error that might be discovered. Tlie ton - jwiu. '-n'r IVa-e of the Vni- MwtH of each iminct were found ton. Justkv of "yliu good form, neatly and accurately burn, dlstrlst, and J. O Donahl gotten up. lu nearly every instance the Salem district, canvassed , the the tally sheets were found . without election returns from the various pre-an I takes so the work of canvassing the .ln.iit r Marlon ci.imtv vesterdar returns luiaiiie a. vry easy matter ami timts or.Marloa vountj isteiuay. f VkM.k-1h 1ask waH Wmplele The canvassing board met. at 2uM au , fWltiugs were .tiwde. o"ilK'k and at once "proceeded to . look j Tt" hfHciat count sh;ws an average over the tally "sheets to -orr-t any j Republican plurality, over the pemo- crat of 7KS : and i a clear majority over all of. 4W vrtes. comiwired to the vote lu 1S!m;, fliwre I a large falling off. The hlgliest Republican elector In that eanuwiign vvurHl ;iTl? votes, while the highest. Bryan deo tor had ;MH to hs ciinllt. But niio majority this year ;1s one that is en tity satisfactory. I - The - official .table1. -allowing the voU iu dilafl by precinct is us follows: , THE OPPOSITE SIDE. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 8. -State Seimtor Martin, , tanti-tuay), .touiglit sanl: - . Quay will not lie 'elected United States ; Wenator. v We will without doubt have ii majority of 4he Legisla ture on joint iwiiot. . r- i ii i i i if TWO GOLD MINES. Cripide Creek Properties May Be Cou- 1 1 . i . t , , - : . i . . Denver. Colo.. Nov. S. Although tlie rtiHirted isale of the Portland mine, is denied at tlw offices of the company. In Colorado Springs, it'l generally be lieved In mining 'circles 'that" this big Cripple Creek property will pass Into tlie hands of an 'English syndicate The plan reiwrted from Ixndon Is .to copsolldate tlie Portland with Strat- ton's lndeinidonce. and to form a new i-ompauy to control both of these great gold proiertie. Such consoiiuanon would create the greatest gold mining property in the world. 7 To accommodate 'those who are ir-' tial to tlie use of atomizers In apply ing llouids Into the nasal passage for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors pre pare Ely's Liquid Cream IValm. prhe including me spraying iuik- is . rrais. Druggists or by mall. Tlie liquid em-IkxIK-s tin lueilicinal proertie of the solid preiMiratiomr - t.'ream Balm m is absoilKHl by the membrane and does not dry, up the weretlons but changes them to a natura.1 and healtuy charac ter. Ely Brothers, , oG Warren St., New York. - DOUBTS THE STORY. Russia 'Has Not Annexed a Part of tlie Chinese Territory- WashJngton. Nov. K Count Casslnl, the Russian ambassador, said today, in regnrd 1 the reported annexation of -terrltery In Tien Tsln by tlie Rs- sl.in loverniiM,it.f that be frit very sure no such step had been taken. lie tombed upon the osIbiIity of a. Rus sian rotteesslon." simitar to tin British and French' allot meuts. having bceo m.vk. NOT HOPELESS. 94 STATE STREET rhlmsroL Nov. 8. Looter Weasels, a fornvr officer In the Boer Army ami brother to one the Boer envoy to this country, addressed an andietfc? last evening on affairs In South Afrfcrt and tho present condition of hi coun trymen. ; lie -asserted that the Boer cause i far from hopeles and that It U in a favorable a coiwlitloa a three nonths asro. An effort will be oak lo tsentre, tbonsnm'l of signature to PtitkMi that will lie presented tn Congress asking the Intervention , of tle American Nation. T-' -' mmm '. .' - . il! lZi TW B3W JCS3T5 ITO AttniHriUe ... Aurora... PrvU-iilitt-h. Kmnict. ......! Riittrrriilo.: Knrlawnuit ...... Kairlicl'l Bcottn MUltwi .. ... ;ervt ......... HnwcIK. ... ; ... HuMHrt.... . Jcfl'criii . Maclcar.. liartoii .... . . Mouttor... ....... .. ML Anarcl - Praapect. ........ Sslem 1 .. Salem 2... ...... Salem 4 . . Hslem Y.st .. ........ Sslem North..i. Kftlem Bouth.--.. ... . . .. - Sldner- silr-r T Fouth 8ilvrton .... North BiiTerWn - , ., ... surrrton ... StitlimltT Tnrner......... Yew Park...... KL-tllftlCD. St 21 Urni-I'vopk.-BV r. Z 3 i t t H.rrt SI r.i 2ft 7 Sfl u Si 2-V -6 W UK 39 an fcTi' tin! . ' ri M; 70 SI SI S'J! M 4i) 41 Ml 62 1 ' 1 M ill 1.7' HH' 1K; 1H 114L 1H W. SO; I M s!j 201 li 71: 7 4S Jl7 ;s 14 6 70 4 45' 0 71 1(W 1G1 V2 7s 110 14 All ili i IK 7 - ' 14-1 IMt 20; i!0; B4' tti ail 7 Ui 41 f2 61 SI f.7 37 70 M S7 W 41 M fit 81 67 1I8' 107 2-1S! 257 119 18T flu 78 47 12i l; 96 114 74 47 14 70 a 82 12M 4-i 12fl 4S ft PI 7!ti 72 ll HO 144! 13 10V 1131 I Ml 10 v. 61 41 l'.t n 1.T0 .TO: 104 31 64 as 41 r.i 41 l.i R 1S2 ' ; 10f iw! 2.' 36 - 4t - 4 l: 7 i: 7; 60 87 SH 4v: ; r,i to.i ia". HI SI in M! S4, S4j 81 12l 12 47! 47 I 441 Jt 45 45;i 4H 45, 46 45! h7j 6: S71 iN iaoi iu lis; !s; ' w h; 4! 41 40 JM'r f 147 152' l.W 149 15 tKt d W M la ii. 1'nlIUilion. )i Re. l'wpien. . Sjlsl b-iu. ; j a i t? 1 1 i i z t? k- h r ? K I? i 5 i F' i5 s f j : i' i r j j ! iiillhiiiii Li: L- j j i! 1 .... .J 1 1! Il l; 1. I 11 1 1:1- i 1 I l.r i l. i ...J. H 4 6, : 1 ii: M ii is -U- ...J. .-:- a! 4 4 a; i i i i 1 a-, 1- 1 . - .... ...A ; "2; 15 .15.- 10 15 U--. ! 1 ' " m 1 ; fii fi e ' Lu I I 2 1 2 4 4 - 4 4 I ' ! a s 3 s 2 i r aj a - t- i( t 4 4 4 3 1 1 X 1; 1 li 1 t 4 4 4 .4 -...Ui I .... 1 1 ; a 2 t -.aj a 3j j. a , sp.... ....j. , fi " s ""' I '""ijl'L:-t""!f' i ""2r"ii " i i.4 4 f. ji . i : i; ij. - ! 4 4 4 4K-. "..1 1 1 "1 Ifl 15 15 ' 1' 2 Ij i li 1; li 2 1 t 4 4 4 4 .... ).... 1 li 1 t ! W 12 12 12 ... : 1 i HI HI II J I ! S HI SI! 2 2 ! 2' 2' 2 S Si 3 8 8i 8 ' 3 I....U... ....i 4 4, 4 4 A. .... ...j ...-.i . .... ' U-U-J-J! 21 , 2; .2 .. .-I.. . il 5 5ti - ---- -i - ii il i i"'S 7 7j... 2i2V2 1-2 2: 2 2H... ' !........ ( II 1'.... ... IS 15 15 . 1 ll I! 12 .12; 12. 12 .It -14 1 -lai I ' 6 61 6 6 j 1871 lWil 1S7J JSCi;. 21! 29! " 11 l:tj 20 19' 6i! 62 41 41 in; r. s: s l.T.!! i:ui ak -Uik ion; ic atj 32; 51 51 1 154 25' fti! A5i R'H 5 40 40; ?! 29 46: 46 ISSi' 7Si 7S' " s! KS, 52 50 105! 106!! li SI! 110 111 St S3 HI, 81 ( 12 11 47 47... 21h 19,1 S5) '( 1 l T..i -' '! I Jill 2 .1063:3081 ;22S0 231S2:il3 2J93.) l7j V. lS7j lSC . 211 23 : REMAL SALE '" ' "' " . -. Silk Petticoats Our entire line sale list ' : , is ou tin removal $13.50 values $9.87 A swell lige la also shown at $4.87 Moreen Skirtings ' ' . - i cl '1 ' 1 . ' ' $ . :. t f Regular 05c" all wool Moreens. 47c a Yard ! A line of rtriied Mack Moreens reg ular 50c values. : : " 39c a Yard fancy Ribbons A Kah of regular 25, 3,' and 35c values. , 22c a Yard , Another line of f5, W and 85c values 55c Yard .Dress Goods A line of Zylalin plaids." 23c a Verd Thanksgiving Linens Now Is tli time to preire for th liolldajn. tilereral, big feasts ahead and you know, the service is lialftof the meat. . ' We now offer, our entire lino of . NapklM Cimnks, Sets CUtks. at Beawval Sale ,. - JVIte. Eagle Fins AH Sire, 5c ttytr Silk Waists Our entire line prVes... , , at ' removal sale Men's Suits . A big Hue 'of : good value one of 0, kind. t 90 Of them 90 $ 7.5n Black Cheviot... . ..i. . . .' $ .M Fancy Mixiil.... $41.25 $lo.m Wisd f;iK''Wit blink.... .$ S.I5 Sin.iDl tw-oteh .Tww.i,... H.25 $I2. Cassimere. .. . !M Pi..V (lxfiml 4lM-vIf.t. .- $ ti.fil $lli.5tl Black Cheviot. ......... $11.4HI Mon'c ilfifinn ilnwnc llivii o uuimy uu if iis A ' very, gocsl lino at removal sala prico . 43c Each Another line of henry outing gown 95c tach - BoysMJnderwcar A IV-liw at'Us-i Men's Underwear A 75c line at 5,'!c. . Men's. Hats A line of black crush values at $L4j?. ha1 $2..X) Kf.:0VAl" J' i ' -.-- T S ,, .- SALE JOS. itfEYE&S 6 SONS ' , SALli.i'S. OREATEST STORE ar m a-k m t m m iimuviL SALE