Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 06, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    WEEKLY-' OREGON STATESMAN, Tuesday." Novembers, mooo.
In Business Offices
are ope q to two clashes of persons. (1) Those who write well, are accurate"
jn figures, understand bookkeeplng.'ct c. (2) Those who are skilled In short
hand and typewriting. Persons who are proficient In both lines are bet
ter off stilL They are always given the preference. We teach all these
branches, and many more. Investigate our work. It will pay. Call or write.
Park end Washington StreAs
At P. Armstrong, XL. Principal. J. A. Wesco, Penman and Secretary
Wlfen one Invests In a business education such as may be secured at
this school he Is assured of substantial dividends. It Is a paying Invest
ment everywhere and always. This fact Is demonstrated continually ty
the success of our graduates. Three distinct and complete "departments.
Easiness; Shorthand and English
Students admitted at any time. Visitors welcome. Class and Individ
ual Instruction. We ask the fullest investigation of our methods, work
and eqnlpment.by those wbojthlnk of securing a thorough training for bus
iness. Scud or call for a copy of our, illustrated catalogue. , t i
t.V 'VA.
Even If the weather is ever so-dis agreeable. jou won't mind !t 1" yunr
tfe-t are protected with our Waterproof Rubier. We carry all kinds,
of WET WEATHER FOOTWEAR. Our.-price are modi rate. It Is easier
to buy rubbers than to pay doctor bills... " - .
Next Door to Bush's Dank, State Street '
?.. LEA B09 Manager
Dollars ii
if you read this
AflcrHhe most' gratifying and ge nerotjs patronage the people of. Salem
and vicinity have given our children's Clothing department this fall weliml
a grc:tt nwnv 'lrk-i line- mi mr kaiuK Tle' we "have placed on SALE
AT St'CIl TKMITIXO -PUICES that you cannot afford to pass heu even
though yotldo not need theui Just now. I -
" : tin f rit.'cs itfttelf t'eui V jtf '
A few $6, $6.50, and $7 suits at $1.50
t . , . ' . .(';!. ' - "
' " A saving of 25 to 50 per unt. to yoa.
The People's Cfotbier$ and t uvnis'jirs
257 Commercial Street h Salem, Oregon
Cnis and G saucers for.C" cents. riates cents. Very pretty shaps.
In plain white, much better line 10 cits iht set higher.
., ..--..". I ;
, 57-Piece Dinner Set for $4.25
Oool smooth ware "?'UHii.' tTome!
Lamps In-stock.' ".,.,!
r - y - i -
249 Commercial Street '
Farmers,' Insure Your Grain and Hops
The' cost Is small. altont oue-h;ilf cent a bushel on wheat for : Six
Mouths, liates for all warehouses hi
auses. K1HK & S1STON, IUskkilt
o. 2S3 Commercial streeL Salem,
.for a Latter Vis;; - ,
Of what- takes place around you;
bring things nearer. Your sight may
,be defective. We, have the .faculty
" for testing the eyes and the means of
suplriying what may be necessary, to
improve the sight.
Oar stock of eyeglasses and spectac
led 1 well assorted and of fine quality.
Ordinary cases of defective Tlsion can
be fitted at once. ; "Where It is neces
sary to mate lenses to salt, we ran
fill an order in from four to Ave days.
Remember we can relieve those head
aches that medicine does not help.
'Herman T.-Barr
Scientific. Optician.
113 State St,
J , , ,
Salem, Oregoa
W. i. STALKY, Principal
' V
wiTllnt'T t Vf 1 it t T -jaT
and Me us for 'Lamps. Over SOO
' s
; . i .. . ' :? .i
; Saltm, Oregon
Valley. Five Old and Tried Com-
Agents, Successors to Geo. M. Eeller
Oregon. , s i ; . .. i
, jr.
'"'MANY ONIONS. John Knlghtt has
sold iJiu sacks of onions. of the 1100
raised on three acres of land. For those
sold he received IK cents a iek or $540.
If tin; remainder froes for a a Rood n
price, h? will receive for the product
of the three acres fO!W, which 1j ex
ceedingly good when it is considered
the amount of labor and expense that
I required to raise them. The crop
sold will go to California and .. from
there wHl probably be shipped to sup
ply the army In the Philippines which
consumes a great many . onions. :
FI XAL ACCOUNT. The; final ao
count of E. A Pierce, administrator
of tlie estate of J. L. Parrisn. deceas
ed, came up for hearing yesterday, and
the same was allowed and. the admin
istrator ordered discharged, by Coun
ty -Judge John II. Scott, after the ex-
I n.'' of administration have - been
settled, r i . i -
A BET:'-An election bet was made
last evening, in this city, that shows
how -confident onie ioile are in Or
cgon's loyalty, to the present Admin-;
istratiou. Charles Schmidt watered
$10 against Bill Meyer' $1, that Or
egon, would go Republican today..
IleittK. of Scott's J Mills, is seriously
ill at Her home. - She wss formerly a
nurse at the JSalera Hospital. . j ,
That Throbbing Headache.?
WonM quickly leave you. If you usei
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thou
sands ci sufferers i have proved itheir
matchless merit for Sick and Ncrvwis
Headaches.. They make pure blood
and strong nerves and build up -yotir
Health. ; Easy to take. : Try( them.
Only 25 cents. Money back' W not
cured. Sold by DR. S. C STONE,
IJruggist.' t .
WAXTEI W(x bushels of cider
appJes by. . Stolz & Co.. at the
corner of Mill .and Summer streets,
Salem. , t JlaWSt.?' Wit. -
Notice Is hereby given that I' have
funds on hand with, which to redeem
all outstanding county warrants en
dorsed "not paid for want of funds'
prior to and Including. May 14. 1U0O.
All of said warrants, will be paid on
prcm-niation At my otllce, . interest
tlictt'on ceasing from and after date
of tills not ice. ;j ;
Dated this fourth day of November
15XR. .' ' " '
f ' A. L. DOWNING;
Trn sorer of Marlon dounty, Or.
dilt-lwt. ' i i
The board of equalization for Mar
lon county will meet at the oflice of
the county assessor ou the second
Monday of November being Monday.
NovemlKW 12. A. I. 1K). at J o'clocl
a. m., nnd will remain in session each
successive, day for one week. S :
All parties interested are' requested
to appear fliwl examine their assess
ments, a no corrections can be: made
after the adjournment of the said
iKxird, i J. W. IIOBAltT.
Assessor of, Marion county. Oregon. .
Salem, Oai'on. OctolK-r 18, 100a
-..' - d w, td. . i .. :
m and
Marble and Granite
;i 1. 4V i Jargess assort menv
the state always
flvv J (I-, ?. ! 1U St OCR.
William Stalger,
297 Liberty Street,
Salem, Or.
count of the cost.
Prices Reduced
Great Vaiiety
YC5l-'-Shingles, Pickets,
waller loner, sa'em Fence works. 95 siaie $
loultjut off taking the Keeley ireat
mit take ' it tolay. It , ts ho only
enro for alcoholism and ; drug ; addic
tions. Semi for t printed matter that
elb all about it. 1 1 ; j -fe
Uteeley tastltatv, Portland, Or,
Money to Loan
On tmprored farm nd etty property
it Viwt current ratss. :;.'.; .-.7 i,
1 I ' , Otr Ladd at Buaa'a bank.'
C. 1). ' JESSDP & CO.
Hop Brokers
. -JK. CommeMa! St., Salem.
All grades, of bops haudletL:
iir:u of Kirk & Listen Is -this day dls
vdre I. W. A. Listen retiring and L.
M. Kirk continuing the-business at
"he old stand, and colleetlnar all ac
ounts K M. KI1IK.
Salem, Or. Oct. 31, ls. ll:2-5tw.
f) per mouth And expenses. . Per
manenr position. Experience unnee-
1 essry. Write quick for particulars.
Clark Sc Co.. 4th & Locust 'Streets,
IMiitadephla Pa. ; 9:4-Cm-dw. .
reveale! by the great Indian iikmU-
nia anl proplietess of tbxs age,- born
with double veil ami - second sight
revealed every hidden mystery never
known to fail. Know your fate at
once when all ot tiers falL Consult
the best.- Heal by the us of her
lteveareI Herbal teas. Cure chronic
and so-called , uneurable , diseases.
Free treatment for the poor.-. Con-
sunatum free. ,- lXJVj Third street,
t near Alder, Portland, Oregon. .
gnt ni HitUn Dljpattd t. Md Bth
Cmrts Ad Jnid Clli Later In .
- tb Month.
J wlge Oeorge II. Burnett hv!d ' . a
session of the first department of the
state circuit 'court for 'Marion county,
at ai m., yesterday. The court was
In session but a auort time, anu, al
ter' disposing' of several minor mat
ters, adjournment -was -had -.to Nov
ember 2Gth, at O a. m. Following was
the ' bnsiness bad as - shown, by the
docket entries: - ,
Francis 'Feller, plaintiff, vs. John
Gates t aL, Uefemlants;, action for
niontr: iudgment against plaintiff to
favor of defendants Corby and Gulss,
dismissing Action with costs and dis
bursements:-: '"- -.!rv.-'- ' -
i C. F. Young, plaintiff, ts. A- T.
garnishee; appeal; Terdiet for plain
tiff against garaisnee, o-jso.
, a wink; nlahitiff. vs.'M. F. Colvln,
defendant; action for, money; default
and judgment. - ; . , A,
Goodale Lumler Company, plaintiff,
vs. W. M. Wekh and "T. P; Welch, de
fendants: action for money; settled as
per stipulation. i - -,, -
Eank of Woodburn, plaintiff, vs. Lee
Tong et aL, action for money; default
and judgment with order to sell at
tached property as to defendant, Lee
Tmitr- motion of Tone tO "dlS-
clKUire attachment being overruled.
Bank ot Womiuwn, yiainnn:, vs. j.
It. Jackson, defendant: settled. t .
Mr T,. 11 - Vnlilit and C. F. Ziesler.
plaintiffs, vs. F. W. Durbln, defen
dant; replevin, motion of . defendant
to strike out parrs 01 compiami; mo
tUm of lefendant to reaulre plaintiffs
to make complaint more certain.
J wlge IC P. Boise also held a brief
session of the second deiMWtmfcnt, ami
disposed of several matters, after
which adoumment was luid to Friday,
Noventber t)tb, at 10 a. ni. The docket
entrie were as follows: 1 ;
C ii. L. Benson, plaintiff, vs. Ha tile
A. Benson; defendant; continued.
JI. II. lleniine. plaintiff, vs. 31. u.
llotitino lfnnl:inl- divorce, default:
trial Saturday,. November, 10th. at 2
p. ; m. - '; ' -s -.;-' : -. ;
- , A Thousand Tongues.
Could not exoress the rattuve of
Annie E. Sorimrer. of 1I2S Howard
Sti PhiladeVohia. Pa., when she found
that . Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption had 'completely cured
her 'of a hackinz couirh that for many
years had made life a burden. All
other remedies and doctors could give
her no help, but she says of this Royal
Cure "It soon removed Che pain in
my chest and I can now .leep sound
ly, something I - can scarcely remembet
doing beforey I feel like sounding it?
praises throughout the Universe.' So
will every one who tries Dr. King s
New Discovery for any trouble of the
Throat, Chest or Lungs , Price 50c.
and' $1.60. " Trial bottles free at DR.
STpNE'S Drug Stores; every btt
Hunt, j-esterday received a telephone
message from Gaston, Washington
county, announcing the death of his
brother-in-law. C '.Aj - llaymond, a
merchant of Uiat place. No particu
lars of the man's death were obtained
further than that he died very sud
denly, while at his accustomed work.
Mrs, M. W. Hunt, a sister of Mrs.
Itrijinoud. will leave today , for Gas
toii.'and Mrs. G.' S. Dunn, who is til. -to
a relative of the family will prob
ably accompany her.
TO THE PEN. Special Deputy
Sheriff 1L M. Thompson, of Multno
mah county, brought to the Peniten
tiary last night John Zoller, having
been sentenced to serve r a term of
two years for jcrand lar-eny by ...the
Ircnit court of Multnomah county.
Sheriff D. Y. K. Deerlng. of Union
county, was also in Salem , yesterday,
with two : priwmers for the ienlten-
tiary. TJiey are, A. It. Beck, larceny,
four years, ami W. M. Gray, larceny,
two years. , .
Earl, of Compton. Canada, died at
lier home September 27. 10OO. She
left a small estate.. Word was receiv
ed yesterday from the executor of the
will, that the proierty was left to
Mr. Esirl's heirs, and Mrs. J. W. Har-
rltt, of Salem, Oregon.' Mrs. Earl vis
ited Oregon In 1S5K1. and will be reui-
emlKTed by many here, who formed
her aoualntance. She way a very
estimable lady. , , v;
t'.EHVAIS ELEtrriON. . Gervals
held Its regular city election yesterday.
and there were a nnnilier of tickets
hi the tiekl. with the result tliat some
of the a ndkkiks m all of the tickets
were elected. The result was as fol
lows: Council men. F. A. MangohL E.
Zelgler, C S. -Whlte E. Dnptiis,. John
Signmml: recorder,' R- Fitr-goraM;
Marshal. A. M. White: treasurer, Jno.
Weiss., The total vote' cast was 0O.
A. L. 5asbt Formprly of This City,
Killed AtTheDalles-Bemtlns
.Barled inlStlem; ;,j ,v J
Sunday niomiBg Clell Nah,' ofthls
city, .receiveil .the sadrhrteUcgeuce -of
the iath of his trother A. L. Nash,
at .The Dalles,; froui IroJUTles teeeived
Ui a railroad accident. Mr. Nash. was
yflnl-uuister of the 6. it.'& N. Co:f at
The, Da lies, ..and., was on duty at night.
The following account of, the unfor
tuna te affair yonies ' from - Tlie , iall?s
- "A ; collision be tweenr. freight - traiii
No. : ?1 and- a -switch .engine "on the
tract of the tfc It. & N. ln tlii-s city
at 3:15 this morning resulted hi ; the
dea tli of .John ,MeVey j and .l Nash,
both .switchmen in the company's em
fdoy; Tin f relgbt train arriving from
the East ran. a W Its custom. 'into
the idetracji at the foot of Jefferson
(treet joft as switch engine with a
caboose attache! approached from the
westt-Tho eaglher -of the 'witch en
gin' aw the freiglit, awl Judging it
to tawiii)R on the shling. ran
ahcaiU striking;' the freight MeVcy
ami-Nash were rkllng 'on the front of
the switch engine when the collision
occurred, and were both thrown dir
ectly under the switch engine.. .
"Besides, having one leg caught un
der the trucks, Nash was crushed
about the body and died ax 5 o'clock.
McVey " was terribly injured ' across
the stomach, but lived . four hours af
ter being taken from under the engine.
He was an unmarried man, 23 years
of age, whose people are said to live
in Oakland, California v
Mr. Nash was born in Missouri, Sep
tember 0; ; 1850, and came to Oregon
In . early manhood. xnilng to Salem
in 1870.- He lived : here about " ten
years and is "well known by residents
of this city. He was yard-master here
for the Southern- , raclfle for four
years, and later, went on the road as
a freight conductor. He was a . con
ductor for a. time on the Astoria road
awl a little over a year ago accepted
the position of yardmaster at The
Dalles. The deceased was a niem-r
ler of Washington lodge No. 41 A. F.
and A. M.. of Portland, of which be
wai a, Past "ilaMer. lie was also a
member of the order of ltailroad Con
ductors. M lie leaves a wife and a
young daughter to mourn his demise,
The remains arrived in this' city on
the 11 o'clock train yesterday, and
the funeral exercises conducted by the
Masonic lodge, took mace In Lee Mis
sion cemetery at 2 o'clock.
t IS NOT A K. OF P. Phillip II.
Kemey who wa recently arrested on
t charge of obtaining money under
false pretenses and is now languish
ing in the Marlon county jail awaiting
the action of the circuit court, makas
claim of being a member of the I. O.
O. F. lodge and the Knight of Pythias
as well as being an officer in the 14th
U. 8. Iufantry, It Is very prolmble
that all Jhese . chtlms are without
fotmdatlon and that they : have been
made In order to furtlter his schemes
to gain the confidence of people he
wishes to defraud . of their money.
His claim of mehiliershlp in the
Knights of Pythias was shown to lie
groundless by a search of the records
of the Grand - Lodge, which falls to
show the lodge lie claims memlersblp
in to be hi existence. He says be le-
longs to Guiding Star lodge. No. 132.
of Chicago. There ; is no lodge , by
that name in Illinois, 1mt there k one
In the etate liearhig the number, but
It Is not In Chicago, It is in-olable if
Ms record were looked up In the oth
er order it would be found that he
has no right1 to his claim of member
ship in It. . .' ' - -
wrote a letter sonre days ago to a
friend in Baltimore, Maryland. He
received an answer yesterday; stating
that his letter was just four and a
half days 'from its, Salem itostmark
until it was in the hands of the Bhltl
ipore man. This is the quickest time
on record. '.'Mr.- Wagner's eorrts;iond-
eut Is a leading Democrat: but he says
Maryland will go for McKiuley today
by a small plurality.
state's cannon, taken by a lot of Ihjvs
on Hallowe'en night from the lawn in
front T the Capitol and placed in
front of the College of Music, was
yoKterdiiy returned to Its placed and
again mouiitcd. A local expressmen
delivered the gun in Its iMace, and re
ported to the Secretary' of State, that
he had found a note under -his door,
(together with sutticient money to pay
for the return of the gun) tusking linn
to do the work, He could not give
the names of the iieople engaging
bini, but turntNd the note over to the
tSeeretary of State. The; writer of the
note did not disguise his liaudwriling.
and as the result of a little effort, his
name has been discovered, and it Is
likely he may , l.-e callol upou to ai-
peiir before Secretary F. I. DunlKir
and apologize for the act of vandal
BoHedale. Or.. Nov. 3. 1000. The fol
lowing is a reiMrt of the , Ilosetlale
school district. No. 5. from Octolier
8th to NovemlieV 2d: . Numler of days
taught, 20; Numlier of puiuls enrolled.
55; Numler days attendance, ofHii
Number days absence, 25; ... average
daily attendance, 31; Number, visitors
3. .. ; '-..'. - :. ;
Pupils not nlwent since the day of
enrollment were: Beatrice Bates,
Blanchie Hunt, Echo Hunt. Charlie
Willard. Clinton Bates. Ooldie Coj
lock, Lillie Coppock. Jessie Cpppock,
Herliert Wllbird, Floyd Bates. . Mag-
g:e McGIkhrlst, Roy Bates, William
McOUchrist. Blanche WHlard. William
Battey. oiloii MtJIk-hrlt. James
Mecnichrist, Wlnfrert Needbam. Mar-
sltall Teter, Miller McGIlelirist.
. . j - . Teacher.
Frank Leslie's ropular Monthly has
a large subscription list; but it should
be larger. Its maiuigemeut is more
energetic. Its plans better than ever
U'fore. -'As an added stimulus, toward
an Increase, the Monthly offers no less
than two hundred and sixty-four (2M)
nrlsses in cash to the men aud women,
boys and 'girls, who show most energy
in securing new subseriliers. This of
fer means that Jliue and energy shall
be well uahl for. , -..
The price of the Slagaxlne Is one dol
lar a year. Its, com cuts appeal " li
rectly to wopie who care for good and
tlmelr literature. A few spare hours
a week will add to your Income suIh
stantlally. -If you want work that will
par you. write for terms to. Frank Ijs-
lie IHiblishlng House, 111-147 Fifth
Ave., New lork. -
A Football Player of Washington Still
Lives a ar eteran. ;
i New York, Nov. 5-Wohn McQuade,
a clerk in the War Department, is ly
ing jn the. -Emergency Hospital, ; his
life In the balance, says a Washing
tort special to the World. The doc
tors say there is an even chance that
he mar live. . ; --;
SIcQnade, who Is 19 years old, was
formerly - a student at , Georgetown
University. He enlisted as ta voluu
ter at the outbreak of the Spanish
War. arid when .he returned home a e
eeptcd. a posltlou In the War lepart
ment. ' Jle was an enthusiastic foot
ball player, ,t Sunday. '. some of the
young men In the neighborhood or
gaulzinl two scrub elevens aud -started
a xanie,, A-nnmlcr-of skilled play
ers, were engaged, and the ort soon
became very fast. On a fumble Mc
tjiiade caught the ball and started for
the, omoite goal. He was tackled
liard and. came directly down -on his
Uvad.. , Several ' player fell on him.
and when be was lifted from the
groand his head fell ; back upon bis.
shoulders, his ; neck having J been,
broken. T ?
The doctors at the hospftal are tak
ing a great interest In the case, and if
McQuade has strength enough to
stand the operations tbey are contemplating-,
there Is hope that he will live.
It has been vaguely asserted that
health Is already fashionable and It
probably Is In some isolated circles
but it i certainly not throughout the
great mass of 1 well-to-do women, Ja
spite of the increase in golf-playing,
tennis, boating and "physical culture'4
among women. Look around you In
a lngle walk down any fashionable
avenue In 'any ' large city on a
pleasant day. You will see nearly ev
ery woman 'whom you meet with a
more wasp-like waist than ever before,
and with clothes more hampering,
more voluminous, " heavier. Among
your own acquaintances count up the
cases of nervous exhaustion nud vari
ous kinds ,of "tis. , Women . eanuot
be strong and healthy when tlie paltry ,
ten dollars' worth of streugth which'
she has to siend every day (and she
may be .sure that it Is a fixed amount,
and . better represented by ten cents
than dollarsj has to be frittered away
In resisting the pressure, of several
pounds to the square Inch, of her cor
set around ber body, and In carrying
skirts which weigh from two to ten
pounds more than they ought to. The
handicap Is too great for any woman
to bear without paying the enalty.
Kato Upson Clark In the November
Woman's Ilome Companion.
San Francisco. Nov. 6. The cam
paign In this state has been ended
with little excitement. It this city
there has been no general parade nor
any attempt to combine the nighty
political meetings into a big demon
stration. The leaders of botli parties
seem equally confident, and it Is 1m-.
possible from surface' indications to
predict the result of tomorrow's eht-'
tkm. Chairman "-Stone, j of the Uepul-'
lican tate CommHb?ei In a signal
statement, declares that California will
give MeKinley at least 12.ni0 jIur
alrty, and send a full Republican dele
gation to Congress, Clralrmau Sims.
of the Demwratlc committee, states
over his signature that Bryan will have
Io.imnj .plurality in the state, and that
no less than four of the seven Con
gressmen elected will 1h Democrats.,
"Did "you get rested?" Fogg asked
of Fenderson on the hitter's return
from Europe.
"Yes, I did. answered the traveler.
"Got Into Liverpool Friday morning,
reached London In tin? afternoon;
went to Paris next morning: left for
Switzerland the day after that; stop
ped there two hours; ..then started for
Berlin, and did It up in a forenoon: -
back to England the next da3'. and
caught the steamer Just In time.
Rested? By Jove, J. feel like a new
New York, Nov. 5. A dispatch from-
Paris! to the Herald says that the ex
position authorities have closed: the
Transvaal Pavilion lecaue Mr. PleV
son, the Transvaal Commissary -Gen
eral, refused to remove tlK 'Inscrip
tions Insulting to England, with which
the walls are covered.
If not. resolve, before we go.
That you and I must pull a crow.
Y 'ad best (quoth Rulpho), as the An-
Hents '
Say wisely, have a-care o the main
Butler, Hudibras.
w. l.r1i1 li truths to Im self-evi.
ti,.uttliat all men are create! ecnal;
that they are endowed ny incir 1 reaior.
-tn. rt.ilit Imillenable-rrlsrhts: th:ft
among these are Life, iLlln-erty, and
fJe pursuit or uappiness; 1 noinns jei
ferson. "Declaration of Independence."
Conscience avaunts, Richard's himself
again; ; ' , '
Hark! the shrill trumpet sounds, to.
My sotd's In arms,'and eager for the
-' fra v.
Cohey abber, "Richard Il.H (alterwl.)
But Ht tie do men pereeive what solU
tnde k. and how far it extendeth. For
a crowd Is not company; and faces
are but a gallery of pictures; ami talk
but. a llakluig cymbal, where there
is no love. Bacon.
"I see that tlie servant-girl problem
has been made the subject of a comic
oicra In London," said CuniKO.
"That's all wrong," resiled oiwKer.
"The servant-girl prdlem Is no laugh
ing inatter'IIarper's Bazar. j
-Twlce-e-Week Statesman $t a year.
The local market quotations . yester
day vere as follows: -1
Wheat-SO cents at the Salem Flour
ing Millj Co.'i ofSce. .
: Oats--37f3Sc. i
Hay-Cheat, buying, 7 to 70;
clover,' 5 to $C timothy, f9 to $10. ;
Flour-75 arid 80 centa per aaek; f2.80
to $3 pet bbL .
. Mill feel Bran. $15; shorts, flK.
Butter 1722 cents (buying). .
')Eggs--25 cents. . - r'H.,
Poultry Chickens Cc per lb, market
dull. -i' .
Pork Fat, 4 to 4, gross; 6 net.
RHf Stew-s, S; cows, 3e; ood
heifer, 314"-. .-' .
Mutton Sheep, 3c on foot; abear-
ed V to 3C " -V" -
Veal 6 and 7c dressed. - 5 ' i
- '.'-. . - . - - ;
Potatoes 2Cc, buying.
Wool 14 to 15 cents .market weak. 4
California Oak-tanned Leather used,
i, : Harness Oil, etc --
23 State Street.' 6alm, Oregon