Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 06, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    WEEKLY OHEGOIv STATESMAN, I Tuesday, xovemeeiiT, isoa.
jl:z- miLVnmOiJ- gBESDin
Issued every Tuesday and Friday by the
K. J. HEKDKICKS, Maoactr,
SUCSCKIPTION RATES. One -year,. in advance. $1: Six
months, in advance, 50 cents; . Three months, in advance, 25 cents;
One year, on time, $1.25. , .
The Statesman has been cstab
Iiihcd for nearly fifty years, and it has
some subscribers who nave received, it
nearly that long, and many who have
read it for a generation. Some- ot
these object to having the paper dis
continued at the time of xpiration; of
their subscriptions. .." For the benefit" of
these, and for other reasons, we have
concluded to discontinue subscriptions
only when notified to do so. All per
sons paying when subscribing, or pay
ing in advance, will have the benefit of
the collar rate 'But it they do not pay
lor six months, the. rate will be $1.25 a
year. Hereafter we will send the pa
per: to alt responsible persons who pr-
oer.it, though tney may not send the
money, with the understanding that
they are to pay J 1.25 a rear, in case
,tbey let the subscription account "ran
over six months. In order" that there
may be no misunderstanding, we will
keep this notice standing at this place
in tne paper.
i Of coarse you are not going to neg
lect to vote. -' , " "
A Tote for Bryan Is vote, for free
rade for labor in ; Europe against
American labor.
kept flying. ' How many Californians
Mould like to have the sta teireannexed
to this Mexico that is so much bet
ter off according to Mr. Bryan?
While there has Iieeu no doubt of
the hostility to Bryan entertained by
ex-Presldeut Cleveland since I In
former utterances anil tlie honesty
and tenacity with which Jie clings to
his opinions render it impossible that
he could 1u any manner endorse Bry
auium or make pretense of doing ko.
be has remained sllenty during the
present campaign until now. But be
has now sent a letter to Don M. Dick
inson a former member of his Cab
inet and an active supporter of t Me
Klnley as the best means of opposing
Bryan, In which he says: The speech
I made at the Reform Club dinner In
April. 1897, Is a part of my record In
advocacy of pure Democracy. I can
not suppress It or abate It. ami I
would .not If I could. I shall not ob
ject to any use you see fit to make of
it." , Tills speech is one in which he
scored Bryanism severely and esie
eially denounced tlie kind of speeelies
Bryan is now making to the working
men, i He condemned ( those who sow
seeds of discontent and cultivate a
growth of sectional and class suspi
cion and distrust, the "special work
Bryan lias been engaged in during
4 llik - I lliItnItVTl al rt fr A 11 41niiu .tiwwa
course. But it Is Important that Eiy- , , . ..,
, ... , ... - , be earn into prominence, lie v also
i..r. it wni, iloke severely of free coinage of d
Many new building will le erected
in Salem next year Jf Bryan Is nul
elected ou Tuesday next. - '
t)ur friends who still have good bojw
need -not fear a lunip unless they
are afraid Bryan 1 fioing to 1m? elected.
Tlie poultry raising Industry In the
Willamette valley is ltootulng. But it
must quadruple again as'It lias done
In the past four years In order to
supply tlie ever growing home mar
ket. "
; . . , i
It ought not to-1m-difficult to eon-i
vine A lie wage-earner that if there
were benefits arising from a degen
erated currency they would reach
" hi m least and last - of all. Grover
Cleveland. - '
Earnest work, constant work, , per
sonal effort from now until the poll
are closed Tuesday evening, will in
sure tho greatest victory the ltcpubli
can party aver galnetl -in Oregon. Just
get all "the voters to the h11s. ,. i
Oregon will go for McKlnley, of
anlsm be
an overwhe
while, therefore, for every Uepullieau
to go to the polls and to help get out
n full-vote. Help to bury forever I tiei
Issues that have -been Raised by the
Bryanites this year. It Is tlie patriotic
duty of every citizen, " of whatever
present or former political faith. Thou
there will lK.jlnie enough to discuss
t he minor issues of our Internal : a f
falr. The thing now is to bury Bry
auiSm. and bury It -deep a ml beyond
the hope of resurrection. ' " i
- - i- - 1
Nothing more imiiortaiit than tlie
question of wonud money can engage
tlie attention of patriotic citizens, 1h
cause nothing Is so vital to the wel
fare of our fallow countrymen and to
the strength. prosiR-rity and honor of
our nation. Urover Cleveland. -
Senator Tillman be of the pitch
fork and shotgun for Southern m'groj'S
who attempt to vote the lUputlkau
tk-ket says that the Demoeroic Sn
ators were briled to vnte for.4he ra-tl-lication
of the Part tre;y. , As Bryan
was luy lobbying for the- ratification
if tliat Iiitrumeut, -the charge sug
gests a host of speculations. ' j
' 11 L-L L JIU - U
Bryan says that Jhxlco Is lvtler ofT
today: than if the Aiiierican 'flag had
'Weu kept flying upon the puhi-e Jof
tlie-Montexuinas '- California was a
iMirtiou of Mexico wliere the flag was
ver flutl ueprt'ciaCeu cum-ucy . and
chap money. While this letter wa
uuniwMwirr to convince the people of
Cleveland's hont-llity to Bryan and
Bryauized Democracy, It serves to
show ia a less pleasing light those
other liold Democrats who have come
out iii supiort of Bryan for party pur
joses, or, more ' correctly shaking,
for their own purposes through the
party. ; ; ; " .; :
The ItefuIHcan thirty has not ful
tilhil its promises. WilJkim J. liryan
at (tairo. . :i
In lSJi the Kepublh-au party pletlged
itself to give,, the: country the. gold
Mtaudard. It has enacted the gold
standard Into law.'
iln IKK tlie Republican party pledged
Itself -to protect the American manu
facturer ami workjuguinu with Its tra
titioi:;il tnriff ! iolicy. It J lias , enacted
the Diugley Tanff Into Liw. .
In l.H!H tlK Kepublicau party pleugetl
Itself to oob tUe factories of the
c-ountry to tlie a,iHH),() idle workiug
ukii. It has so iened thcui and, has
kept them oiMn.
I In:lKi tin" Itepublican party pledged
Itself to bring iejice to Cuba. Cuba
today Is pacltiel and Is eujoying ev
ery Wnettl of free government that
the Administration iu Washington can
give it."-. .'- ' ' "'
In addition to fulfilling the prom-
T7p ,nfTf A FTjlfl'C RnPPR tue IlIa'dlcan iarty -has given
IliC litaiW lliliil O lUI ViWII f to the American people some things
can be named in the single word-rf- j thilt n, lKirty uM ha vt Iami 1,1
fyrpsia. It Is the one disease, which more
tnan anyotner.auects
the American people.
, It is common to all
j classes and all condt-
tions. It makes life
in miserable. , It mars
family happiness. It
" interferes with busi
ness a ad pleasure
alike, and it discounts
man's usefulness
just as much as it
discounts his happi
ness ,.
-There's remeiiy
for dyspepfsia Dr.
Pierce's Golden Med
ical ? Discovery has
lifted this burden
from the . bodies of
hundreds of thou
sands. It lares
ninety-eight outvof
every 'hundred who
give it t fair and
faithful trial.
"I owrd tea bott!e ef
Dt pitTr'GoMti Medi
cal Diseoivery and !rtnil
nnl of ht Pleasant
Pr-llr' a war n tht
pnti. anrf have had no
trouble rith tnoifrfiTn
nctr." write Mr. W. T,
Thompson, of Town,
end. Broadwater Co..
Muotmna. "Words fail to tflt how thankfnl
am for the relief, as I hatl jwtfrred an much end
tt aeemen t Sat the nnctor ctnld da te no uml.
I pot down n wncht to tsj poumla. and was not
able to work at all. Now I wrieh nearlv tx
amt can do a day'a work on the farm. I "have,
recommended jrnor medictae to aewerai. mrti
hull alwara have a (rood word to aajr for Dm.
lterce and bis medicines. , ,
Free. Dr. Pierce's Metlical Adser
is sent free on receipt of stamps to
pny expense of mailing only. It con
tains inoS page and over yoo illustra
tions. Sentt 21 one-cent stamps for the
bock in paper covers, or stamns for
B.?!rh, biMii,n'? to Dr. R. V. Pierce,
"-a 2 1 M
1 1 :
thei keenest exuberance of convention
enthusiasm even to promise 4 n 181MS.
It has given them money not only to
ns at home but to lend In plenteous
millions to tlie - very nations from
which, uuder tirover .Cleveland,'., we
were leggiug fiuaucial aid. It Was
given tbem a u Increase of their ex
port trade rrora,$l,r2.uuw lu lw
to;$J,24InM'" In m. It has glv-
eii 4heui an aunmil Imkince of trade
nvetaging $4yil2,tH) since lfs!. It
b giveu tlH in not only employment,
but employment at iticreasetl and ever
increasing wages. And it has cuferr
ed A in erica u Institutions iiot only upon
Cuba, but iHHii Porto Itico and 'the
Philippines and Hawaii. . c 1
JCot ouly hits no promise made I by
tlie llepublk-an larly to the Amerk-aa
jieoide in leen lrokeu, but every
one of those promises has lnfit ful
tilltHl witlian exactness, with a muniti-
U-euce. with a pleutiluile never lfore
known in American politics, with the
jlngli exception of the one In favor
i of ihej Xicaragtw canal, which Is lu a
fair way. of fulfillment.
Only: man who was blind enough
In iwrfj iu"- preilit-t nutold .calamity , for,
the American ieople in case of Mc
Kluley's electlou .would have the as
surance now. to remind the pwple how
blstory lias crucified hhu on his own
record. . !: . . i i .
The spacious firmament on high.
With all the llue ethereal sky, .
And sjanglei heavens, - a - shining
-:. frame. . - - ..- t
Tlelr great Original proclaim.
It Is promised by he Census Bnreau
that t he figures of the iPopul.iH a by
coi'nties will be ready, by the" first of
tlie year, and that all the tUtt needed
by - Congress for ; the wapijortionment
of representation -will - U,available
when tlie jsession begins lu December.
This matter f new amiort ionment
Is likely to eousnnte eouslderable time.
The Republicans, being in a majority
in lwth houses, can put a bTl through
easily if it Is based strictly upon." he
census figures, but if .the tjnestkm of
reduction of representation lecause of
denial of suffrage la 4rougL4 up "a
long and bitter fight may - be looked
The present Ifouse has 35T members
noon a basis oM71.U0 iopuUUon in
each : diistrlct.; The House eouhi jiiot
be much j hicreased . . in. membership
without a new chamber belng nt-cS-sary,
because of lack of seating capac
ity in 'lite presenfone. Tills, and the
well known fact that to increase the
plumber of teptesentatlves materially
would make the Ilonse unwieldy, pile
up a stJH ;greater number of new
measures to consume time needlessly
and . make leglsTatiou more difficult,
will have a tendency to induce Con
gress Tto preserve nearly the present
membership and Increase the ratio of
representation. Because of ease of' es
timation and because it represents
nearly the Jncrcase In iopulatiou the
new ratio is likely to be !0i0(Jti. Tak
ing, this as a basis and allowing a
ueut.erfor each ma jor. fraction, the
new House would be composed of 71
iuenibers,ian increase of but 14 over
the present uiemlership. How this
would al'ect the iKlitical jwrties may
lie seeii from tlie following grouping
of states that would receive additiou
a I mcmebrs or ; kwe some t hey now
have," as figured by a neighboring
state newspaper writer. Ail those
uot listed would., retain their present
u umber: ; j': . :- : . .
CAN. .
.".T2I I's" were wildly tossed,
And then they sank." exhausted ,qalte,
- Because t heir- I'sv wet e crossed.
' - i - Palilmore Ameri-an. "
Connecticut .. .
Maine . . ' . . .
Massachust tts . . .
Minnesota -.;..
New Jersey .!. . .
New York .
North Dakota , . .
Pennsylvania i .
Washington . . ..
U .
. ..1
.uii "
. l ': '
- o
. o
. o
. ; -
I -o
Total ;. .'. .12 i - -v 2 1
Iui-rejise. Decrease.
Arkansas .... .....1 1 f
Florida .1 i
Louisiana .1 j O '
Mississippi ... ...1 j 0
Missouri . . . . .. .1 ! O
North Carolina'.. 0 f 2 ''
Texas J.....V ...... 2 i ' ' -i '
Yirgiuia ...... ....O f 1 !:
Tota'l 7 ;V 1 " 3
: Increase, f Decrease,
Colorado 1 f O
Nebraska .i.i.... ..0, 1
West Virginia .h...l 0
Total .... ..- J 1
This shows n net increase of ten in
Itepublicau states and four in Demo1
era tie ones, with one net increase in
the unclassified. JSome of the Renulj
llcan states may be couslderetl debst
able, yet there Is sufficient - preiKm
dcrance of Itepublican iwskibiljty o
tnstlfy tln Classification. The three
I'nclasslfied ones are more likely to 1k
Kept'bliean in, future than lemocratIc,
This F'aplHirtlonnient would uot
change tlK' relative status of the par
ties so much as was anticipated prior
to the completion of the census, thus
leaving '.Presidential elections iipt-ii
much the same basis as. at present.
New York 'still remaining a pivotal
state which the Deiuotrals must carry
in onh-r to win.
Oh. it was Webster Davis
Who slot! upou the street
And Weiliugtoti, the mountain Duke
'Twas liini he chanced to meet,'
And Joyfully and gbtdsoimly' -
They did each other greet. .
Said Wellington: "I've lilted:' .
Said Davisr So have I.V
Ami tlen iKith said: TJive rar to ine,
111 'i ell J be reasnu why'
And to lHtnJ.iard the goVeruuient
The heroes, tlieu stood by.
"To Africa I wan:ctei.
Said Dutis. with a tear. ,
"Tlie horse dragoons Mew! all around
J And filled my foiiI with fear.
I tohl Ooiu Paul I'd save hi ni surv,
; Atid Jheu I Irtirried heie."k
C i-
The .Duke then interrupted,
i u secents of srnrise.
He sa hi: "No troojs should go abroad.
Such movements I despise."
And I. 1. I," aud "I. I, I. r '.".
; lie volley for his "l'l."
But Davis was not daunted
l lie pitcfceii M rtUf in ' '
A fierce oration then he sang. s
; Coii'ixeed of P and Mf,"
Aud lth of them disputed thsre.
And quarreler 1 fearfu!l"e. t ,
First Wellington raid:. MI di'dr .
-I oidn'tr then he'd cry.
And 1 mtI hruke tle circuit :
"Now, then.. I'll tell yon why, .
Till, finally the argumeur f'' j "
" Was one-' long bhire bf'I. ' ' ,
s i , : ' j
FIrfd with, determjnatlcn j
To win at any eot, ' ...
Each houttd ! aud norted T" -
I Militarism Is nothing ui w. Its hor-
fibtc; Jf-hstl' ba ' fieutetl , and fright
ened ns often 1 efore. Ever since
Washington was accused of the , ln
tect to use "the army to overthrow the
liberties of the lxople wbcn; he want
ed'a" handful of soldiers ' to light - In
dians, we have had theaame bugaboo
of mil tar sm help up to scare ns. , In
1S72 tlie cry "was- that lirant was go
ing to Convert the 'couiftry 'Into an
aifeed X-auip. Here Is a , sample . from
the Chuinuatl Emiuirer ' of October
a l, ISTli If Grant Is re-elwtcd the
children of tlie ybuug men wlio vote
for him will hae to ierfonn not only
one year's camp serrie?, but seven
vears, as iu certain itortions of En
roie. Well, ,trant was re-electel and
no young man, who voted for him has
been made to perforin a single min
ute's military duty unless -he volun
teerd to do' If. Xe realize how' utter
ly and incomprelieuibly foolish was
the talk iii LS72. Is it any Kss fooiisli
now? ' ' ' , " . ,
Wood Preserver Used toy Uncle Sam
on Yamhill River Work.
Merits of Avenarius ' Carliollaeum
Recognized by National, State
and Municipal Govern-
The fame of Avenarius Caribolineuin
has steadily extended, as the only bona
4kie preserver of wood, since its dis
covery In Jermany thirty years ago. II
has stood all tests-of climate, soil and
water and steadily? lived down all pre
tended rivals. Today It L not only em
ployed, in all. countries for the preser
vation of' wood nsed for housi-hold ar
ticles such-as bouses, liarns, fences,
etc., ut the national government, lsjtb
of Europe and America, have recog
nized Its, value in saving public con
structions from decay. Following tiieir
example cities and counties have also
adopted avenarius ' caibolieum for
bridges, pavements, etc, and tlie lead
ing, ship builders and railroad compa
nies have shown their fait'h in its mer
its by treating sbip tluilH.'rs, cars, tele
graph poles and tics with the same
never, failing preventative against cli
matic decay and repackvus wood boring
vermin both of land and water.
Great bodies move slowly, and only
act after mature delFberatiou. It may
therefore le safelj stated that govern
reuts and corporations did not euiidoy
avenarius carboUueuui until fully con
vinwl of its money sjivlng os well as
wood prcservlm; qualities. lrlvate in
dividuals desirous of lengthening tlie
life of wood work and at the same time
curtailing expenses, Cecil not fear to
follow 1'he precedents establislied. '
Recent lfKal examples provf jg ; the
truth of -the alwve statenwnts are not
wanbiug. 'l"lie reconstructed Madison
street bridge in Portland has " been
treated "with1 avenarius carboliueum, as
has also the pavement at the Intersec
tion of four streets In that' city where
the" heaviest street car " and wagon
traffic converge. The latter use of the
compound ws made at the earnest
solicitation of street car managers who
confidently look for gratifying results.
The gentlemen in cbarge of the Unit
ed States engineer department for Ore
gon aie now applying avenarius carbol
incum to tUo dams aod lock work on
the Yamhill 'river, a tlaltering trnute
to-Ms merits--which Was certainly not
exteuded until marching investigation
satisfied the .authorities hat it was a
measure of pnu tical economy. ' -
With ueh examples before them It
would ajijcar that , tlie imlividual is
foolish aud the ollii ial almost culpable
who does not protect his own. or the
taxpayer's .pockefN by using this eorn
ouml. thus saving from de-ay, aud
lengdiening the life of all frame sftruet
ures for which ImjU individually or
ollicia Hy ref ousible. j
Fisher, Thorsen & Co. of Portland,
Or., are soje liciflc coast agents for
afcitarius cartoiImMim, and . it can be
found at R. M. Wade : Co., Salem,
wIh:w11I gl.rdly suptly information re
garding its accomplishments.
My "eyes are dim with childish tears,
- My. heart Is Idly stirred,
For tlie same tiouud Is In my ears
Which In those days I heard. -
x 5 Wordsworth.
R E S E A R C U S II O W S T n A T
The skin is the seat of an almost end
less variety of diseases. They are known
by various names, but are all due to the
same cause, acid and other poisons in
the blood that irritate and interfere with
the proper action of the akin.
T!h researches of modern archaeo
logists have proved to the hilt the
trnth of the old saying that there is
nothing new under the sun. -
Evm uch seemingly indubitable In
novations as wireless telegraphy and
tle bkgrapb, for instance have been
uliown to have had tliclr counterparts
In the thtwn of the world's history.
Cannon are known to have been
used 1.UIO years before Crecy. A
."iOD-year-okl magazine rifle has recent
ly lieeu nuearthed at Nuren.burg.
. Not Is H only ttHUiwrativery impor
tant inveifcieus. like tlie foregoing,
tlwt can be tracetl Itack to th earth's
Infancy. In the archaic vaseroom at
the British MusK-mn are babies feed
ing bottles of stin-4iaked clay which
were antique when Joseiih went Into
Egypt; '-v.---: ,
A botu t-olLiri stud was recently
fottnd iu'a Sakkarahhtn ;trcopha?as.
re?mbllng almost exactly in appeal
Slice those, sold by hawkers in the
Strand at three a penny. Yet the man
who made It had" been dust and ashes
thousands of years, what time the
liatrhirch -Abraham fed-his flocks, on
Hebrou.- --
Ages ago Shi? Hindu "medicine man
knew all Iout disease germs aud mi
crobes.' although he was Jeered at by
Western scientists because he callsl
tlie -little ; worms." .UkI, after all,
when we motlerus ''discovered what
had 1hhu known all along, we could J
find no better name for the new or
gauisms. than lacilli whk-h. being In
terpreted. Is -little wtlcks."
It has lK'en generally supjiosed that
the systeia of using raised letters for
the education of the blind was a Eu-roiK-a.n
intmition. No such thing.
Books printed in this species of type
have been in ust In Persia from time
immemorial. Similarly,- the art of
printing and tlie principle of the mar
iner's compass were known 1o the
Chinese ages I ef ore they were ac
cept ed by the more slowly-deve loping
civilization of the West. "
. The invention of guniowder 1s usu
ally ascrilxnl to one Michael Schwartz,
a German monk, alsmt lojo. As a
ipatn-r'of fact, both the Chinese and
the Hindus i0ssessed It ceuturies be
fore. . . '
The telesi-oiM, ' so far from being, as
Is generally averred, the outcome of
the famous cxict-iiiieut of fialileo,
was known at least "its yesti's In'fore
his time: while the microseoiie tT
tafnly dates from the early part of the
Ninth Century, although greatly 1m
provtd in the Sixteenth by Jauseu ami
Rubiter stamps wefe nsid by the
Mojrs l.fHKj years liefore Christ, and
altout tlie time Rome was founded
the same, ingenious race Invented the
self-regKlering turnstile, such as Is
ustNl ttxlay to check the admissions
to places of public eutertainiiicnt.
1 H'votees of golf are fond of refer
ring to it as "the ancient aud Royal
game. It is probably more Royal,
ami certainly far biore ancient than
most of tlieui have any idea of: At
all events a pictured tablet was re
cently unearthed at Carchemish. the
old capital of the ' llittites, whereon
are depleted men and women" engaged
in a pastime, which, if not exiictly
golf as played at prest-nt. is something
extraordinarily like it.
The nanibh'don cricket -legend,
which nmkes England's national game
take its rlstr in 'tlie little Surrey village
scarcely more than u hundrel years
ago, has long s'uie lK'en explotlwl.
Tlie game was played by the Vikings,
and is' certainly identical also with
tlie "club ball" of the Fourteenth
Century- '
Chess has been tfticed back G,0X
years. ...'.-"' ''.--" - -
QuoMs was ikiyil in the dawn1 of
the world's history by the soldier priest
of Isis. . -' . :.
Stories and jokes reieat thenisi-lves
in cycles, so that there is scarcely a
fttuny.tale told. today the counterpart
of -which cannot lnMraced .soiiK'where
in the writinjis of Antiquity. Every
one, for lustam-e, has, heard of the
quiet man who lived Ietween a black
sniMh and a cooier, and who, dis
tracted by the unceasing din. offered
each j puui of money to change his
dwelling pla-e. The offer was ac
ccited. ami the two 'came to him later
on to ttll him that they hail fulrilhil
their iart of the t-ontraet. and to
claim the money. After it was hand
ed over it occurred to -the jmyee to
ask the blacksmith whereabouts his
new place of aboih was situated.
"Oh," was the reply, "I lutve taken
the house th cfoiHr. has vartitetl."
"And the cooimt?" asktvl 4he tpiiet
ip.iii.. afier he had iartitilly recovered
from his ch.-iarin.
"He lms taken over my -old place.
This story dates lack at least . as
early as the time of Menes. the foiui-der-of
Memphis, who fiourislietl nlHMit
II. . rsi4. only In that Version' the
blacksmith-and the cooicr are repre
seutiil by a'cvp'terxiuilli aud a maker
of brazen Images for the Temple of
Osiris. .' . - - - . - '
Thus tle world wags! . - i
Thers la mow Catarrh in tbis rectlon ef the
country than It other discaac put tonether,
and until tho laat few veatu wan nun nosed to ha
incurable. For m rrc at many jrrars rioctora nro
nonncod it a local dlaeane. and nrencribed local
. . . r - . , . knmnuoi naiijcviunHiviTiiiiiiniioniriwiii
lo nave smootn. soil aictn, tree irom Uocal trntmcut, pronounced it tncurbi.. tk-t-
all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure r.nrr proven catarrh w be a
a TV,. nr.nomtlrm. f fdicMe, and. therefore, rcqnirea
muKM .m.m. Y A1 , 1 . treatment. Hall's t'atarra Cure, msnofactared
arsenic and potash and the large numbet fby F.J.Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio, tsthconly
of face, powders and lotions generally lcontitntional enre on th market. It i taken
nsed in this class of diseases cover up "ZifJ 4Ldwi:
. , . . - . . ... . . . r pui, it acts nirectly on the blnoa ana mucous
lor a short time, out cannot remove per- fcarfacesof tlie tyKtrm. They offer ono hundred
tnanently the Ugly blotches and the red, fdollara for ary case it fails to mire. 8eiid tot
riicfirrarinir nimnlea fcircttlara and testimonial. Addreas.
disfcgunng pimpiea. . . ( P. J. chkneTACO., Toledo, O
of bonuttfal aomploxlon
when 6ucb remediea are relied on.
Mr. It. T. Shobe. tyn Lca Aveane. St. Lorn,
Mo..aayst "Mrdanf hter waa afflicted for yer
rith a dianarnnna; eruption on her face, which
resisted all tiVataent. She waa taken to twe
celebrated health apriaira, but received no bene,
fit. Many tnediefnea vere prearribed, but with
out result, until we decided to try 6. S. ft., and by
the time the rat bottle as a nisbed the emtKinn
beaan to disappear. A dorm bottles cured net
Cora ptetely and left bar skin terfly smooth.
She is now aeveneen years old. and rnt a of
the embarrasnng discs se bas ever returned ."
S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cere foi
the worst forms of skin troubles. It ii
the greatest of all blood pttrifiers, and the
only one guaranteed purely vegetable.
Had blood maxes bad compleztons. a
purines ana inngo
rates the old and
makes new, rich blood
that nourishes the
body and keeps the
aTtin active and healthy and in propel
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
i :;--tiij2 evil, thereof. !
Let not the heart a future grievance
borrow. ' ' 1
Nor o'er onr path one faintest shad-
'. ow lay; ;;.
I.et not the clouds which may - arise
Obscure the fairer sunshine of today.
Today' Is ours the past has passed
- ; forever.-. .. ,'
Its joys and griefs alike are our no ,
- more: .''--.'
The future lies beyond Time's ailcnt ;
river. - - ' ', !
A dim and distant and untrodden,
shore. : . j -
The world's so fair, and life so grand,
. that living . i
-.'Should one sweet hymn of purest
, rapture be: . '
From Nature's hand, so bounteous in
Iier giving. . ; . ' i
The fulness ours, to rtap unceas.
lugly: - '
And ours the bliss, through Hoik's
enchanting visio, ,
E'en da rkcmI skies j to ' view with
, promise rare; I -?
To grasp at Joys, though riioenlx-llke
. they've risen ;..
.- From out the aslies of a past despair.
As to the day. its burden or Its sorrow.
So Is our strength by'. Love all-wise
decreed: i
IVyoluI the trust which looketb to the
morniw ,
-.Xot ours the striving, nor Is ours
. the netl.
He knoweth lH-st the sowing aud tlie
Who left. the power of will unfetter
ed, free:
The great, kind Ood, who holds wit hint
his keeping j
Each day aud hour. through all eter
. nlty,
I'-ea trice Harlowe iu.. the Noveinber:
Wonuui's Home t'oiupaninu. -f
the ntvr rBcwKiiTiofi ruu ma-
. IARIA. -'..!-
Chills and Biliousness Is a bottle' of
TONIU. It Is simply Iron and Qfiir
cine io a tasteless form. No cure, no
pay. Price 50 centa. j
It was Autumn, and Incessant
rijKsl the quails' from shock
sheaves, ,
And, like living coalsjthe appW
Binned among the withered bitvesi
Idleness, that 1 the gale of all
harms. An Kile man is like a house
that, hath no, walls; the devils may,
enter on every side. Chancer.
In tlie County Court of live Stat of
Oregon for the ""County of Marion, j j
In the matter of the guardianship of
Joseph S. lieck, ami Itma Iteek;
minors, Mrs. Margaret Heck, guar
dian. Now on this the 12th day of Oeto
btr, A. II. l'.HNi. -omes Margaret Iteck,
m iersoi ami as the, guardian of tli?
lHrsons and estats of said. Joseph
l'-trk. ami I-ona lteck, 'minors. wh .
presents to the said court her duly
reriiiiHl amended ietllion praying for
an order aud-license f this court. 1111-
ori.ing, empowering and ruttiig
her to sell all the right, title and In
terest of .said minors, in their certain
real estatj, the saiiie Is-ihg their un
divided one-half interest as tenants iu .
common, in fee. In and to the follow!. .
lug described premises, to-wit: The
north three-nuarters, of the -north
half of lot numbered six (il) in block
uuuilered thirty-three t:-'5i, situate la
the City of Salem, Marion county,
Oregon. Together with the tenements,
hereditament and appurtcuaiieei
thereunto lielongiug r iu anj- wise
aiMrtaiuiug then-to. j
Aud it apinrafing to the court from
said petition, that it would Is Itencli
cial to said minors therein mentioned. : j
aud Is necessary aud proisT that their,
siiid real estato therein descrils-d;
should be sold. , !
It is therefore ordered, adjudged
and decreed by the court that 011 Sat
urday the 17th day of Noveiiilier, I'.hki,
at ten (!() o"clo-k iu the forenoon of
said day In this court, in the court
room thereof. In -the County Court
honse. In the City of Salein, .in the
County of . Marion. and- State of Ore
gon, be, and the same hereby are llsed "-:
as the time and place for hearing any
and all objections to the granting of
said order, and license of yale. aud
that a copy of this order is served'
ii! ton the n'Xt of klu of said iiiiuors,
and ujkmi Maurice. Klinja-r. Iconise
Beck. Mary Heck. Itosa I-ek. i'atlie
rlne Beck, Jowph IH-k, and Iouie.-.
Beck, and uiwu all other is-rsoiis, resi- '
dent and non-resident, interested in
said estate as by law provided, .byj
publication tlKreof iu tlie V-ekly
Oregou Statesman, once each week for ,
three consecutive ami succssive
week), prior to said date, said Weekly
Oregon Statesman iieiug a weekly
newspaier, irlntetl-and publishl at
the City of Salem, fn Marion eouhty.
f)rcgon, and being of geiwral circula
tion lu said count and state.
And each of said iiarlies and next,
of kin of said waitls and all persons
interesuHl in said estate are hereby
tomiuandeii to appear - lH'fore tlii .
onrt at sahl time and place-to then
and there show -fa use why a liettise
should . not be griiiitwl for the sale
of said real premises, as prayl for in
aid petition. A
iHjne at ChanHit-rs, thlsOetolH-r 12,
t.'ounty Judge of Marlon County, Or.
10:l-r tw. i ! -
. Al'l'OIXTMEXT. .
Nothe 4s hereby given to all whom
It may concern, that tlie umlersigned
has liecn this day by the County Court
condition to peiform'iU part towardH s,,n,i,,;' " - T' ,s f v.ter
carrying on the unptuities from the body.
. If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Sll
Rheam, Psoriasis, or your skin it roug:
and pimply, send for our book on Blood
and Skin Diseases and write our physi
cians about your case. Ko charge what
ever for this service.
f : It EAT , 11UITA1 XS OX L Y
. ..'fx:-:" - MIXE. -;'. : '-'.,:
Up -in an obs-jsire t-orner of Xortli
Wales 7 the only gold ; mine in the
l"u Med Kingdom Is lieing workeil. It
i known as St. I:iviil's. tler nn.f.
Itable plant, covering 7&) acres, is fn f Marlon county.. Oregon, duly !
set he operation. Eight or nine bxhf Kfutetl as the administrator of
estate of Nelson K. Ioty, late or Clar
ion county, Oregon, def-easi!, and all
person having t-Lwiiis asainst said
estate ar hereby -fdrther notified to
present the same duly verified to the
undersigned administrator at the law
office of Tilnion Ford. W. M. Kaiser
and W. T. Slater, at the city of Salem,
in MnriHi -uiit.v;" ffregou, within six
months after lite date of 4h first
pnblbiitlotr, of this notice. All !"'
sous iudetite! to said elate are here
by reiH'st1 to iiKike iiiiiiie!i;tte pay
meirt thereof to the iiudersigntil ad
Ufiuistrator. - -
Hated at Salem, Oregou, this tta
day of October, A. H I!'.
' w J. C. NEEItHAM. i
Administrator of the estate of Nel-
sm K. Doty, deceased.
10dlt.f W(it. :'.
otw.Top on llw? proiierty, three of
which nave lieen tappeil. One of the
"reefs' averages one and one-half
feet In whrth. amtlK-r two ami .' on
half feet ami the broadst of the 'trio
live feet. The total results from all
sources show a recovery ,of fourteen
nod ;;oiK-half i.iinywelshts - gold er
ton of ore. am! the total cost of min
ing, milling aud concentration is plac
ed at the extremely bw figure if K
lowjir and Hk bydraulV iiitiiing sys-
t'.t.- combine! with a low wage t-ale,
enable this abnormally cheap cost 'of
production, and the lM ttJZHSKnn
of tlw company's capital ftmk Is pay
ing out dividends of K shillings t$l n
share. -Tho St; Ihivld's nilne is said
to Mill nudistvertd as far. as Ms
ultimate possibilities, are coiK-erm'd.