Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Roosevelt's Wonderful
Oswego, U. Y.,
Eryaa Addressed Crowds la Chicago Yesterday-He Scfcmlts to
an Interview Which May Leak fenny After the Elec
tion on November 6th. '
OSWEGO, N. V.. Nor. 2.Governor
Iloosevelt completed tonight, at this
Iln. une of the most mnartaWe
, ' i i i-.i
tauipaigirs ever ma..- iV !
of any partyln the United State. In
eight w'H-k.i lit ha visited twenty
four state of the 'Union, made 7:s
sjieeehe, traveled 22t miles, visit-
el 5rT town ami cities and talkeil
to '.'what H estimated to lie 3.( , I
people. ' . ,"! -; .'
This record Include more siieechesj
more mile traveled, and imire terrb
lory, covered, than that of all other
candidate for President or Vice JVesir
lent of the United State, of all other
parties, for the List luo years, with
the exception of William J. Bryan in
IMsi. Tiii wonderful cmiaUni was.
finished by a. two wwk tour of the
mate of 'New York, during which the
..-m.tl.t fi tt-lt ! I - 'TJTdi mil'!.
through thirty-seven counties, and laboring men are also drawn to the
made ! speeches, the majority of lemoeratie part.v by the fact that our
them from the rear platform of tlie ; party Is opiosed to government by In
traiu j I junction, to tin black list, and to Chi-
irwevelt fmislH-d hi tour in excel-
tirt iitiit siiwl in miiMl snirits. and.
as he said tonight, "with a slightly
weakened vole-, but able to go on
with the caroiKiign a eouule of week
or more." : j .
The hist, day of tliis camnaign In-
eluded eight storis. i '
4nst as the train wax pulling out of
Waverly. a stone was thrown, break-
4ug tlie glass in an ilservation win
dow in CJiiveriMir i:Hisevelt"s car. j ;
lilt VAN IN CinCAtiO. j
Chicago, Nov. 2. V. J. Kryan's pro
gram lu Chicago- today, comprised
Iwelve sp-ecli-s. -.Tlie cnwds .that
grceteil him were greater titan those
at tlie meetings' 'of yesterday and last
night. The candidate liegaq his Itiii-
erarv at Handel Hall in the down-
town business district, going from
llicre to tln Public library, where; lie
Hoke to an oiitdisir gatheriugj of
workingineu, -After luncheon lie made
two addresses in "tld Vienna. Ik
pavilion at TixtM th street and Cottage
t'rove Aveum: one to a crowd in the
tinlldiug. and the other to a throng
mat wa tmnnle to gain admittance.
Here was the only semblance of a
X o
Of the Territory of Hawaii Tlie Con
stitution, lie Says, Doe Not
i , , Tolhin tlie Flag.
IIONOLITLU, tVt. 2... via Ran
Francisco. Nov. 2. Uuitisl State Dis
trict Judge' Kstee has reiKkrel a deci
sion to the effect that tlie -Constitution
docs not follow the flag." In an
important liliel cast t hat has leen te
fore the court Ihw. for Mtine -time.
Win. II, Marshall was pentrrwed to
mx immths IniiiHsonne'iit for criminal
LlK'l.on aciNxint f imlli titions lie matle
uiout- the late t'lihjf Justice Judge.
ir made an apjH-al lo the Supreme
t'ourt of Hawaii, alk-glng that , the
iiK'thod pursuiHl during his, trial were
Hot in accrdam-e with Amerknn pre
t.lure. Tlie lower conrt was'nsiain
ed, ond .Marshall turned t s Judge
Kstee with a tetitiou for a' writ of
habeas corpus. ' : , ' :
Judg Kd tee 'held that theilaws. of
Hawaii, oilowlng a cinvk-lion , of de
femlanb tijxm ; a verdict liTonght by
nine jurors; were still in force at the
-Jim of Marshall trial, which was
I'M after the IV111L'I nt tli huaIii.
t ion
.i!vs.iug Hawaii to tli 1-nUm
The jutl-e said tlie Ltws anl
V-'X'..-V - V
P. A1-- '
Campaign Completed at
Last Night.
disturlaiiee, manifested. Two men In
ihe audience asked almost siniultane-
onsly: "flow about ortn Carolina r'
DI liryan whs replying wlwfl one
..PstU.nr inistI on n skin- . nnM
in t.t,iM.eruing the trust. wLereuiion
he crowtl demanded f lia t he lie thrown
out and threatened lo lynch him. - lie
wa saved from violence by iiollee in
Bryan's night meeting were held on
the northwest, southwest 'a ml south
-tJI-s of the city, tin doing sjiewli
lielng niade at midnight. Iae itonight
he care out the following statement
in the form of 'an 'Interview
r "TN' Republican campaign has been
a failure. 11 full dinner pad argu
tnent has been repudiated by the work
higuif-n. ami tlie Itepubllean are com
pelled to confess that a larg priiior
lion of tlie lalmr rote will" lie cast for
i t he Hemocratic ticket. The laboring
ineu are against file trust. the large
army and tlie colonial illcy. ; The
ncse immigration, and In favor of ar.
bltration and of a Cabinet Officer se
leeted to represent the wage earner,
'The Republican are now hoping to
hold their strength anmng the famie-s
but they have no policy which will
lienettt the farmer. The man who
makes his living on the farm Is a vie
tltn of all tlie vicious legislation for
which the Kepnblican party Is respon-
Kittie.'and reeeire mine or the lienelits
m furred by sp'ial legisltitWn upon
coriiorations and syndicates. The
fanner pays more than his share of
tlie taxes, and receives lss Hum his
share.' of. the consideration of the Got
eminent. IJepuWican- pollcws have
lessened the ralue of farm lands, in-
creased tlie proportion of tenants, and
have driven farmers sous away from
the farm, thus intensifying the stritg
gle for existence in the cities.
The ioor are coming to the: Demo-
eratie party iH'canse 1liey want a
chance lu the nice for life, and many
of the well-to-do are coming lMMause
lwy realise that the lemiKratic party
afford lntter protection to the ionest
wealth than the llepnblican party. It
is a tight ' lietwwn the .DeiiKH-racy on
tlie one side and plutocracy on the
4 V
wotdd remain lo. force nntil mw laws
were enactitl for 1he Covernment of
the Territory." . - ;
NVw Haven, Conn.. Nov. 2. Rev.
Charles 1L l-5wlng. who wa clerk at
a leeeting of Aneri-an missionaries in
Pekin. August 1 St b. fonr da v after
tin arrival or the all'ie.1 forces, ha
just made public resolutions adopter!
a ft he meeting and forwarded to Min
ister Conger expressing the leatty ai
preoiation if tlH. courage, fidelity anl
IMtriotism of the American Marines:
also a letter thanking the 'American
Minister for the InUTest hown -by
him. Like resolution were adonteil
by tlie missionarh In tlie British
Legation. . . .' ' i . - ' ;
Tlie Famon School of Stock ri.
' Knglaud. I the Iargesf anl One.
of tle Oldest in tiie World.'
Tlte Greatest Sunday Sc hool In
tin World" is the Kubjet of n ar
ticle In tlie Noveiulw Woman' Honv
Companion by Belle M. Hra In. deal
ing with the famous school f Stock
port. England. Tlie following excerpt
giro some hlea of this immense- In
stitution: I -On a high hilj, hi tin midst of the
root thickly popolateil portioa of the
Hty of Stockiort. England, stand an
immense four-story trick binldlng, at
once the pride of the town and the
Meeca of - Sunday scliool palgrim
from every' quarter of the globe. Thl
i tlie worldreoowned Stockport Sun
lay school, famous alike for it gigan
tK-s!ze ami 4t Teuairkable history, ex
tending over a 'period of om bumlretl
and sixteen years. With a present
enrollment of over 5,(Wt, and a total
record, of ms. teaclrs nul m.!i
scholars tralm.-l within It walls, it
achievement are without a parallel
hi the annals of Sunday school effort
Alemoer or tlie scltool are uow
widely scat-terctl in oil part of tlie
world, and it j i intere! ing to know
that hnmtred" of them hare crosseil
the' Atlantie to make America their
home. T1k most mutable of tlie old
pupil residing' In this country is Mr.
Thomas W. Weittheretl, a retired mer
chant of New York CMty, whose devo
tion to the s-liool is. so great that for
thii-ty-one. cooieutive summer -he
ha crossed the ocean. to take part In
the anniversary of the laying, of its
comer-stoiie. S; .
.T1:is' famou Jnstitution iLite.s back
to 17S4.. four year nfter. KoJiert
Its ike began !d not aide experiment
in Sooty Alley.; It was original! v e
tablibed for the children of the labor
ing floor, whose condition wa at tha
time pUiiful In 41ie extreme.- In ':" the
early days teaclier were employed a
the rate of one shilling and sixpence
a Minoay. ana tuere were two
sioij. lasting from nine o'clock ,in the
moving to twelve, ; ami from . one
oclcx-k to 1he hmr of aftermsm wor
h 1 1, wlien t he ; pupil were eomlnct
ed to eitiier church or chapel,. return
ing again to ' the. school outil six
ocI.K'k. The curriculum einlwaeed
not only Bible study.: imt radiu2.
wrMing and sieling, arithmetic being
niuii in tne case of a few who dis
tiugnished tlninselve by , diligence
ami gisKl behavior.':
i' At Bed Time
I take a pieasant herb drink, the nx
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is oetier. My doctor sayi
it acts gently on the stomach, liver
; and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxa
tive. It is made form herbs and
is prepared as easily as tea. It it
called Lane's Medicine. All draa
prists sell it at 25c nd 50c, Lane
Family Medicines moves the bowels
each day. If you cannot get it, send
lor a free sample. Address, Orator
Wodward. Le Roy. N. Y. 5.
Xejghliors MIsseI Eeeentrie Old Wo-
man Who Had Died Aloue.
New Haven. Conn Oct. 27. Too
wak to crawl to 4he wimlow and cry
ior assistance when she was taken ill
Jiary Cnlloia died of starvation In her
renenKnt in I-afayette street. - and
lay. a week liefore lier Inwly was dis
fivcieo. Mte luii insisted for vears
mar sue wanted nothing to do with
her neighbors, and has dman:led that
tliey keep off her premise.
Ther have left her severely aloniv
but when slie lisapieared for a week
uid lier shutters and doors remained
oi-rren. tuey ttegan to be stisnicious
4iie,v caiusi in tne police .today, and
mi Investigation " showed ' nhe mut
Iiave.lMen dead a week. - - -
ine eiuac!ateI appearance of her
iKjiy proven that she died of starva-
wou. Mie wa 7(1 year old. She
wa known to ixissess. several : thous
and dollars, which it I thonght i
ouiiien in tne house.
AgedJNegro, a Former Slave of the
I First ' IYesldent, Is Dead.
New York. Nov. 2. George Waaiw
ington reeman Horner ireen.-a form
er ttegro Hlave. diel in the Aim I Ins
pita 1. at Hempstead, L. I., yesterday
at the rcnintt.il ava t .
Green I Raid to have lieen Imdi 011 a
rami near Eliza bet hport. N. J., on
January J. 1777. He wa old to a
Virginia planter named Hornerw by
whom, it is said, he wa sold, to Gen
eral Washington. In 1.S12 he wa
nade a free, man, and then came
North and wa ernwloved bv nwirira
'"mil, a i)nX isiami raruier. with
whom he remained for 4 year. -(;ren'i
f.-. oil ties remained itnlm.
paired . until -15 rear nn wlu.r
wgui ami nearing began to fail, and
he entered the poorhouse. where e
uau lived ever since. He nsl lioih
whi-sky and tobfieco. but Is aut tivr
ro iKive shown anr AaA fTfvla fmn
either. He was married several 4imes.
ami i said to have lieen tlie father
- -.1.11 1 - .... t s
. ciiHurcn, most 01 whom are
leau. -
Lancaster. Pa.. Nor. 2-iThe. Pptm.
sylvaiiia Congress of Mother met
here this mornim; in 4Uf iiii.tis,....
of the Iris Club, whkh
ly offered, by Jt iiresident. Mr. Alice
.evins, ior the t.wo ilay session.
Rotliefiier, N. Y.. Nov. 2. Tlie a n-
horitic of Allegha 11 V count v lira InnL-.
'ng for the tiersoiis who nifimifat i.t-.i
a skeleton out of animal Ixmesi which
"""""i -iary Mhinehl. of Knmlale
to . hath Weilnehir n;t.t xi-,'
Ohlfield. ticoouipnnled bv two friend
wa returning from a Hallowe'en iar
ty. where they' had lis tefted in ptiii.
sime stories until their hair iMmvt
end. Wlien aliout to enter tlie wsxls
raitung 01 Done wa ' heard over
head, ami looking np: the trio were
overcome with horror at seeins a skel
eton of gigantic proiiortions swoopig
down on them from aliove. With a
cry of terror Mary dropped dead. .
a wanning party fonnd a wire lead
ing from the ground to a tree lop. to
which was attached a skeleton liv
pulley. -
Ixnlsyille. Kr.. Nov. 2 Terrv Af.
Govern, the featherweight chamnion
deeatcil Joe B-rnstein. of New York,
in the seventh rewind before the Non
pareil Athletic Clnb aiMl n rwnnu
tonight Tlie f ea tlierwelffht rh.i n,.
Ionship wa inrolvnl and the battle
wa fKiuitnieil for 25 roinwls. The
puri wa .TWW of which n-lnmr .
eelvejl $25X1.
New York. Nor. 2. According to tha
police department eighteen person
are-till missing a. the re&nlt .r t,o.
iniijm tx explosion.
The success of the greater nart of
tiling d'eend upon knowing iiow
iong it take to succeed. Montesquieu.
. : :. MkM SlAfJfJA
lie Devotes Ms Tine to Discus
sing IraperfallSRi and Trusts.
lie Says, Is Laying the Foundation
for Socialism' and Anarchy Stev
en sob at Fort VYayur.
CHICAGO, Nor. 2. United States
Senator Mark Ha una addressed three
meetings tonight. -Bryan 'spoke In
this section of the northwest side last
night, and Senator Hanua devoted
most of his time to a discussion .of
imperialism and trusts, "on which Bry-i
an dwelt chU'Ilv. ' -'
'It amount . almost 4o . fanaticism
and chi-anery said Hauna, "for a
mail who aspire o the high ottiv of
Iresideut, to raise a question so for
eign to the principles and future of
our Government, to talk about imper
ialism as an issue. It Js but another
tiogey insrn to frighten tlie people. By
his acts ami hi word Bryan is lay
ing the foundation, in this country,
for socialism and anarchy."
Fort Wayne. I ml., Nov. 2-trAdlai E.
Stevenm receiveil Unlay the greatest
ovation ever, given any candidate in
this city. eclipsing even Bryan's receji
tlon la !. There was a parade of
2m farmers.
To lie in Session in Chicago During
This Month,
Chk-ago, Nov. 2. Martin Dodge, dir
ector of the office of the Road. I11-
qnlry, of the Iepartnient of Agricul
ture, and W. II. Moore, president of
the Interstate Good Road and Im-
pnivement Assot-iation. arrived in Chi
cago last night after au extended tour
of the West in the interest- of gool
roads ami otlnr inierifcil improve-
ineuts. They came to complete th
airangenieuts for the National Good
Roais and Irrigation Congress, to be
held in this city from November 10th
to 24th. ; ';
Delegations will come to Cldcago to
8-ttetMl the eougress from all pairs of
tm United State. There will lie epn-
skleralde discussion ; of he construe
tion of good roads to bring farmer
and city iieoplo Into closer contact with
each other, and of the dredging of in
tenia tlonal streams and tlie extension
of irrigation work throughout the
country. A national committee repre
senting every state will be appointed
by t he congress o that appropriations
may lie made to carry on the work
Bill will be prepared by. the, congress
for Introduction Into every state legis
lature so that uniform legislation In
regard to internal improvement may
ne arrange.!. .
imecior. iXMiffp ana Mr. Moore arc?
highly elat-CHl over the succca of tMsir
uestern lour. They covered i more
than 17.tt miles visiting the princi
pal western title. Tliey held good
road convention in Toicka. Omaha.
Sioux Fall, Boise City. SiKikane. Se
attle. I'ortiand. San Francisco. Los
Angeles and Denver, ami formed state
ami district organizations of the In
terstate (rood Road and , Improve
uient Association In each of .these
Emires Dowager Must Be Dejiosed
wy uie uninese
WasWngion, Nor 21 1 was stated
today Jn qtwrter well versed in Chi-
lu-se affairs, that outside of the ques
tion of -Indemnity, otmishmeiits. t-tt-
now under iKgotiatioq at Pekin. there
are Tlfal ami far-rfaehing quest km
to no iK'teriinnoit, viz:
l"imt. the removal of the Empress
Dowagpr. personally and through the
Influence of lier advisers, f mm all par
ticipation in tne Chinese Government.
Second, the creation of an imlemnitv
fnud liy t lie jucrease of China's cus
toms revenue.-ithef bv the narnkut
of tlie duiiies in gohl Insfecid of depre-
laied sliver, as at present, or else
doubling the present silver dirties from
. r cent to 1 per cent ad valorem,
ami :.: . - --
Tlilrd, the establishment of a Minis
ter of roreign Affair, in nlaee of the
old arMl cumliersonie system of the
j sung ii lamun. . - ,
Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 2. A Jana-
uese na mnl Toinmi has. dema n.h! to
lie placeil on the voters lists here.
threatening apeal to the court a a
naturalised British ellizen.' If refus
al, he will ask for a lecla twion 4 hat
tiro British Columbian : law excluding
'hinese and Jaivanese from voters
light s unconstitutional. The ques
tion 1 most imiiortant. a tlie Japan
ese wou LI hold 4he lialance of iiower
In.wveral constltuenHc if allowed to
vote. - t -. 1.
The Dalles. Nov. 2. This morning
t 7 oVloelc Elsie Sturgiir Lucas, wife
of iix . Lucas. - Retristrar nf lh
'ni ted States Iind Office, and form
erly county clerk of Gilliam county,
died in this city, after on illness of
one week, from paralysis of the st om
en. Mr. Lucas wa well known
throughout Eastern Oregon, anil her
sndden death will be a surprise 4 o her
nfiny friends. ; Deceased was born
near Baker CHy. Decern tier 28. 173,
and attemlel college at Camden. Mo.
and wa a graduate from 4he normal
ollege at Monmouth. Or. She taught
the public school at Baker Cltr
for a numlier of term. Mrs. Lnca
wa marrieI to Jay P. Lnca Octotter
Ut, 1W7. at Baker CUr. , There are no
children. : , - ' .
London. Nov. 2. The South African
itu.it Ion I improving and Lord Roh-f
ert will shortly n-itiirn to Enclsnd I
wun tne majoiTity of hi staff. Never-'Squa
lifeless the activity of ihe Boer con
tinues. ()a OctotMT 2t"th a ,-ommando
of 2tn -t-aptured a garrison of 'thirty
men at Kehlersbttrg, but a f terwa rd
released -them. Trains from the. South
to Pretoria are attacked by the Boers
almost daily. . The tale of British cas
us It i 1 beaVy. I url ng 4 lie niorrt h
of ' Octolier' the Brirlsh lost '-107' killed
in action, including fiftetTt officers
seventy-one who dietl of wounds: 1517
who diei .of dWase; 225 who died of
accidents, and ninety-seven captured
or missing. The total almost equals
the monthly average for the duration
of the war.
One of the Men Knocked Out of (the
Ring Russell Ixst . the Fight , ,
' - : 1 on a Fanlt v i
DENVER. Colo.. Nov 2. With the
blool streaming from ileep cut AVer
lion eyes, and a savage expression on
his counteuamv, big Fred ltus.4ell. the
California heavy weight, broke from a
clinch as the gottg sounded at the close
of tlie fourth round In hi fight with
the veteran Jo Choynskl. liefore the
Colorado AthletleAssoeiatkm tonight,
and with two terrific puncho-t 10 the
Issly sent Iiim flying through the
iojms and on to the fi ior, wlieie lie re
mained nearly five minute "stretched
at full length. A couple of big itolice
men then- lifted him to his feM,and
assisted him into the ring. Joe im
urediaiely walked up to Russell.: who
Mood with his second to one s!de of
the ring, appireuily wondering what
had lmpiened. and wpiaretl off 4n
front of ItusM'il. Referee Frank; C11I
iiu steiMil tM'tweeu the men. who Were
alsiut to mix it up again, and holding
Joe's arm Ju tin air declared him a
winner on account of Rnssell's (rans
gicssioii of the rules. Russe!r foul
ing, of 4'hoynski caused intense i ex
citement. The tight was ihe j most
vicious ever witnessed In Denver.
Russell is much heavier than tllioyn-
ski- '
Ma jor Davis. Who Dieil in Manila,
...Had a Splendid Record.
Chicago, Nov. 2. Major John G. Da
vis, c. s. v., whose Meat a at iianna
from Br'gh't lisease, was auniunfed
last night, was well known ah thi
city, where he had lived for 20 years.
For his efficient services in New Or
1 1 i
lean uuring ne yeiiow iever ejMtiem
ic. tlM Unitel States Government gave
him a medal. He also made a sin
cessful war on the yellow fever epi
demic last year- at Havana, where he
wa cluief sanitary officer.
-John G. Davis was born in Lex ing
ton. Kentucky. 52 year ' ago). He
served -through the Civil War In .the
hospital coriis. 1 In Chicago he was
known as a railway surgwin.' ha viug
wrved tlie Monon. the Cldcago &
Eastern Illinoi-s and otlier radl-ays in
that capacity. He went to Cuba nfter
the Avar broke out, and last January
was transferred to the Philippines.
lie nave a wmiow and child who ar
at present in Orlando, Fla.
Seattle Wash.. Nov .2. The steam
ship St. Paul arrived today from Nome
with 1.T2 pas3engers and $1(10,000 In
Easiness Will Soon Be Unhampered
by . Politics. i
New York. Nov. 2. R. G. Dun
Companj-'s Weekly Review of Trade
tomorrow will sai':.
The period of suspense is "nearly
over. Business has been longing for
a free held in which to lean forward
but restricted buying largely to wants
ior immetuaro consumirtkm. Jsoine
evidence appears of a willingness" to
take siieeulattve chances in the move
mnt of a few standard goods. 110-
raiiiy or iron and steel.
Tne failure for the Week were 1 OS
In United State against 18.1 last rear
and twents'-three in Canada against
twenty-live last year.
Four New Jersey Men Indicted
Murder and Rafe.
New York. Nov. 2. -The grand jnry
of Passaic eoryity, .N. J.. today report
ed Indictment for murder andxape
against McAllister. . Ket r, Campliell
ami iiea tn. the men accused of having
caused ihe death of Jennie Bo-sehIefer
leu days ago. , ?
Expired Suddenly as a Result of Over
Work A Busy Life.
ew lork. Nov. 2. William L
Strong, last mayor of the old city of
ew mm, tiifHi suddenly at 3 a. m
at hi residence in this city. Mr.
Strong had not lie n at hi place of
ousiucss ior several fciy. but 00 orw
Kuni-itn in.-n 111 conttifiou was
alarming. 'Mr.. Strong took an active
lirt In tlie present campaign, and It
I said that hi jsl ti(al laliors, com
bined with his nt tempi to retain u-
pertion over hi business affairs in
I lie face of . iimtairt d halth . bromrht
about the illness that resulted n
dfntb. ' - ,
'.William I Strong wa Iiorn In Ohio
n wsi, and came lo New York when
a young man. He found employment
with different firms until January 1.
lS7f. when he organizl the firm of
William L. Wrong & Co. The firm
soon grew to lie one of the prominent
business houses In tlie eitv. He also
Interested blms.lf in banking matters
ami. was president of Ihe Central Na
tional Hank. Mr. Strong was on of
the leaders of the reform movement
In this city, and was decieil mayor 011
ne ueiui.ncan irinzens U11I011 ticket
lu ..He was the last niainr f
he old City of New York, tieforo con
solidation with Brooklyn and the oth
er Isironghs, composing tlie orescut
city. ;
At the time of Ids death Mr. Strong
wc a memlk?r of a numlier of socre
tie. Including the Ohio Society, the
American Fine Arts Society. American
Museum of Natural History. Metro
politan Museum - Association and the
American Geographical Society. Mr.
Strong had lieen , in . poor health for
about six weeks.
At a mass meeting in Madison
re Garden In 1SH, a non-partisan
committee of seventy wa appointed
to organise the opiiositlon to Tam
many Hall, to frame a platform and.
select cnndhlates for office, ami It wa
thi. committee that - selected Mr.
Mroug to run tor mayor on -tne rororm
phitform. III opponent , wa Hugh !
J. Grant, and the contest wa a bitter j
one. The out-ome wa the election of j
Mr. Strong liy a plura"Kty of 47.1S7.
The administration of Mr. Strong
waau evcutful one. Mr. Strong wa
avowetlly iudetndent in hi views in
city iiolitlcs.- In the municipal cam
paign of lR)i. which resulted'!! th i
i turn of jTaurmany to it'er. lie to, i
tlie stump for Jetlr Ijiw.' ns against I
General F. Tracy, the, regular Repub-'
I Uau candidate. .. After this elect his
he virtually retSrel from active hi.
tics, due to failing health. .. :
Man and B'at Have an-Awful Strugs
' ' ' t gle la a Well. r
SusiuelianiM. Pa. Oct. 27. Samue;
Felton Is thanking his lucky star
that he is alive todiiyt III exH?ri
enee one night -recently ha made hint
rpflect upaxi the uncertainty of 4hiu(
uiumlaue. 1 . ,t s,
A U Is. he Is considerably used rrp
and it-will lie some time before b
will be aide to get around lu hi usual
active way. v
He had lieen. attending a politic
meeting at Gulf Summit; in the after-
noon, and. ou rcturulug to his home,
had occasion to; iwss through !!
farm laud of Farmer Gilliert, whose
fatally was away jfrom home. lu pass
ing through tin' yard Felton saw a
big wilh-:it in a tree, lie was not
armed, hut he at once made an attack
iiM?ii thecal by throwing stones at the
With a savage )-ell the beast sprang
from the limb ami landed u'mmi Feb
ton's shoulders, and immediately be-g-au
ojKiatioiis on hi clothing and
(MTstii... Felton defentknT . himself ;is
Iwst he could, but wa fast lsNJoiiiai
Ixattu when 4lM-re was a sutldeu
crash, and man and cat fell through
some rotten lioard wad Into a weil
twenty feet deep.
Felton wtis iKirtlally stunned. The
wildcat, however, lauded upon him
and escaped lujuries. The animal at
once renewed the attack, with tooth
and .nail, when Sam. with a supreme.
efTort. loosened a stone from tlie well
Mall and dashed it-upon the hevid of
the cat, crushing its skull and killing
it almost 'instantly.
He then et up a loud shout which
attracted 4he attention of some . men
who were passing by in a wagoa.
They procured some rojies and brought
him to the surface, where he fwa
given medical attention. He j was
lndly lacerated and hi clothingr wa
lu tatter. (-
To remove a troublesome corn or
bunion: First soak tlie" corn or bunion
In warm water to sofftcn it. then pare
It down as closely as liossible without
drawing blood and apply Ch.unlh'r
la Ins Pain Balm twhe daily; rubbing
vigorously for live minutes at each :i- '
plication. A corn plaster should - he
worn for a few days, to protect it-. from
the .hoe. As a gi-iwral iininicnt! for
sura ins. bruises, lameness and H11-11-imttiMm,
piihi Balm, is uucqualod.' For
sah by F. . Haas,! druggist, Salem
Oregon. i
My age is fourteen months or so;
I've taught myself to walk.
But I oni now cohcerntHl lo know
How I shall .learn to talk; j
In fact, how any babe who lives
Both day and tright among s .
His idiotic relative j
Can learn the English tongue s : "
-' 1- - -. : ' . ' : I ' t
And therefore I would make Mt clear ;
Nor deem Ihe act amis) I
What clianee have we when all we
. betir i - ' ' - - - -I "
I language such a Uiis: l
"7.e iHH'ious sing"' "Ol wtsy wootsr
IIi muzzcr's (tinnin' is't!''
"Ze itty, ' nitty, witty tools!" f
"Now what does danma det?"
They tell me that n drink's a 'dink;'
-My fingers 'fingies" are: ! '
That think I "sink." or also "finkf'
.Mui tnat cjir s a "tar."
With "tumpty ttunp" and "Ihuv wov
wow," :
Ami "diddly. dnldlv. dee."
And other phrase that. I Tow,
.rc useless, quite to me.
So whx-'n'from mother, aunt and all
I ve gained a moment' crneo.
With noue to clutch nie lest I fall.
or stare nie lit the face.
I've printed out, thi statement.'-rude
Ohe letters learned with nciin
From cans of patent baby 'food!.
Ami fioe 'tis not in voin.
Elwiii I Sabiu in the November
Woman's Home Compatiion,
For Infanta and Children.
flia Kind Yea Kars Alwajs Basght
Bears. th
Sisn&tur of
Blessings on thy cheeks of tan.
Autumn glrlMlast won a man?
f - :'.- '.- Chicago Record.
visit DR. JORDAN'S cnTl
13:1 iiumT.,tiiruiicuc,tiL. 1
VfiMUL Heaknr-cs mm an cnmrctcT
p I444 r j tle etOcvf t
bofctahq tm fib Cuatt. ktt. 4 vera.
' mmlMim fVe ad mt Hr prime. TnManal fwr- ,
m. v. mt ttm ifciuii. rBil.w
turn mrm t lw m uh
DR. J0R0AX a Ca.. 1031 Mart at ft, S. f.w
nr. WiUUmV InJUn fia
us m WHiltic. irlre instsnt re
lief. Dr. WUiiamii'IlHlianPlteOilll
nAnt iann.na.rMi for riraand iUB-
fnj of the prlvaio porta. Every box la
warraAted Hr Uiwrlt. ' re
I IT Xl B Tim hi ltaOfuFitt mmtU,
mm II iX Urn ! Ank awl
r if it V rxlical o fr riir r I ..'t
ceipt of prl.-e. 60 cents adu f I.0O. WILLI' Ml
KXkUF ACTUR1XS CO.. rrV-- Clevelana. OUhm
For aalc by all drug-p'sts.