Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 06, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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    vni: Aft xrr
T JJ -M.f,i.-J. O
1 , -
lioosevelt Compels New lork's Mayor to Sup
port and Enforce the Law.
Chief f Police Derery Rescinds tfce
' V. With State Election Of fleer
; j tlettlsa Will
NEAV YORK, Not. o.-Tbe mot ki-
tvresllng developments In New York
on t be eve of the election la the In
dictment found by the local grand
jury against Chief of Police- W. H.
I m. very, on a thnrc of interfering
with the work of Superintendent of
State Elections MeCulLigb.; Chief
. m, ,J . ,
i-Tfrj imii was. dusi ami arrange-
itt nts wi re made or hearing the. cane
the day after the eleetkiu. The In-
dJctment lias created a. 'great deal of
excitemcut. in political circles. . The
M)IntM involved appear to hinge on the
representations of the men who swear sihle. a the bead of the city govern
in their vmes, when challcn by ""f'l'f. for the actlou of the chief of
9uy deputies of the State Superintend- iC Jt honh I"1 u 1,mul1
, ,,,, .. t . . , . of the peace and Intimidation, or any
rut of Section. It I feared that a crime whatever against he election
crash may occur at the, polls tomorrow laws. The state and city, authorities
between : tin? 1 HtM policemen -aud : 800 -s.hknhf work - togetlier. L ;
deputies. Richard Crokerv claims that - "l wlU not fs,n to tall: to summary
it.-, m-iii .i - . ..' v - - i account cither stale or eitv atfiborl-
liiyan iU carry tireater New lurk lIps m tllo vTtnt of eitt.r lv!llg
by between and Wxm. v guilty of Intimidation or connivance
A a t?ieral Uln t lie , Ucpublica u t fraud, or failure, to protect every
liaderH will not 'admit that the Itor- legal voter In his ri:rh. ,
oush of Manhattan will be carried for "I.- therefore, hereby notlfr you.
I'ryan by more than ."ifMNiO plurality, that in the, event of any wrong-doing
Itofh :-' Midex ' claim thtt Horough of 'following uimju the failure Immeliate
lnklj n. Hh ltepublicauM ty 12.m: ly-to'-recall . Chief Ih?very'a ortlef, or
the IennH-rntH by Nki, The nopnia- nnoo .any .'action, or Inactlou on Hi"
tion In the lHroush of jtrouxt giuvm
aini Kicnnioiiii j m relatively small,
The lK-iiKM-rats and RepubLicum claim
an mrec iMrousr, iut tn lHmocratti
UHPaily carry liuoenx and nicliuioiid.
A to r.nmx, tin? increase In iHmula
l!u, ovviug'to the uptown iMoveineut.
ha teen o Rreat that all citlmate
ore - wort Ideas on the iHtpulatiou . In
some llstrkt, cite.er wav
l he OetiKK-rat! are JucIIued to con -
i-eile the state outside tJreaterNew
loik to McKIniw by .rfUX. ,
. Thin I ItMUXH) U'pk than the Rcpub-
Heana allow -ItcKlnley In the .s.Uhe
terrttory. L nairiuau Oueii...or the Re-
'puMU-uu -oiiiniitti-. ahV McKlnley
wcuht carry New York Htate by Unt,-
llll 1 If-mtfif Vim- V.u-L- tn-1ll1"t Tliarn
was very little lu ttliift lone . tonight
on the eicetioiij The m11. dropped to
:iv. to 1 on McKluIey towards the lat-
Now Salrm Lout Ilia Life In luring
Sea Vrbll4S.KtDtli)e from m l'ro
. pelln Trip.
Mra. A. A. Halwr In In retflid of a
letter from John Sharrock a young
man residing hi Seattle, and who was
a shipmate of, Mr. Pashor, when the
latter fell overboard hi . Ilerlug Sea.
aud was droyned. on :jOctober 8th.
Mr. harrock letter is; written for
the lttriKse of Informing the family
of the death I of the husband and
father. - The f following excerpts 1'0
tak n from tlie letter: f
"St attic. Wash., Nov. 1. Mra. liashor
Sal?m. Or.:' I take lhi privilege aud
opportunity to write aud Inform you
of a fact thej memory of which iIn
ti'y very hearty and I never wrob? a
letter in my life that caused me the
iralu that I feel t this. 5 I know It wiJQ
give you as 'much ialn to lwar that
Which It la my duty to communicate
to you. If you nave not heard it before
this, which you may rnive,. a ouie
of the men who knew the sad occur
rence left l0tch Harlmr Iwfore I did,
aud they may have Informed you be
fore this. - i ' :
"I. with thirteen" other, your hns
Iwiid, Mr. Itasdior. included, left Rri
UA Ray for Dutch Harbor on Irttle
whooner calKnl lUar. of eattle. ,We
had a very rough trb. and wrw lif-
t-en days making 4x. tulles, iihost of
the time In a severe storm. On iR
tobef Tth Irv Pashor eemed very un
easy, though it was not storming that
night; lie at-up all night and told me
he was afraid he would never ree his
family again. ; He allowed me the pic
tures he had. and spoke of thr whole
family individually. Of the boy work
ing the dog: the youngest girl being
so quick to leant music; the goodness
of the oldest girl and wife. -.1 iw be
was nervous, and fcahl all I could to
crnsnde Ijim, though lto. felt con
siderably as he -expressed it, that I
would never te my : friemls again.
Ami It is a pleastant urprie to me to
be here, r.nd alive. ! , , ; 1
"Well, th? night passed away, and
the next day until after dinner, with
out incident. I was Ktanding on, th
deck about the middle of .t life loat.
and Captain Krlcksoii was at the tiller
strerlns ibo buat We -had . tried to
turn the vessel on ' a different 'tack
three times and failed. .Hie pea was
chormv ami for some reason th; brj.tt
would" not handle. We wVre tryiflg to
get In a place to anchor, being alwut
a mile o?i lamb
M.r. Iashor had Just flnlsheil his
Order, Prevfcasly Given,' to Interfere
- Mavor Yaa WvckSavithe r M '
Be Orderly.
tor part of the evening and remained
there. ' : ' . . ': - A
Oyster Bay, L. l. Nov. li-JuoTerDor
Rdnseveft cent the following commun
ication tonight,, to Mavor Van Wrek,
ofiNerr York;
"Sir My attention has tieen ca3cd
? ?n I order, foiled by CHilef of
Police livery, In which he direct hi
State Election Bureau John McOil-
high 'and his deurtjes.
tn!ess you have already taken step
to secure the recall of this order, it
is DwwHary for mo to point out that
i unaii oe oimgeti 10 noiil you resou
lart of :hk-f iH'rery. l must n"etfa r-
ny can you io. account. s (M2nei
Thcinlore KoHn-eltf liovernor.7 ,
New York, Not. !ovefnor, Rooe-
veil iueswi-re to the Alayor w:m dv
l.ivereil. to Mayor Van Wyck tonight.
The Mayor and X'hk-f of Toliee were
closeted tost tber for an hour. f At the
conciuxJ u .'of tho confetcnee Chief
Itevery announced that, in a-ordance
wftb Mayor Vau W.trk's owlt-M. the
order's Hxueil Sjiturday to the captains
resardlujj the LMcCuilaKh deputk-s and
voter .would be. rescinded.
l.ater 'Mayor ,Vn Wyck made - tlw
following statement: ' -
"Tlit re will be "no Intimidation or
vloletite ft in election. It will jtn&st
off a quietly as that of a country
vula-e." ', j , , ; . .
dinner .aud came up on deck. and for
ward to ask tne if I 'thought w
would get Info a safe place to anchor.
H only rcmaiiied with me a few mln
t'tf s. going back to the captain, and
lu just a little whl!e I heard the cap
tain shout. I I-'xiked back aud saw
Mr. P-ashor just as he struck the wa
ter.' He had be-n knocked off by , th?
Invoni whlk throwing the-lead to see
how deep the water was.: I ran for n
rotie. but there was none-looe that 1
could get.. so f threw.' over a log of
wood, thinking Mr. Bashoi- or Alee
a we called him would get bold of it
and had he done so wp would have
saved his life; but he did not notice
It. but swam toward shore abotit 20
vards. then turned aud swam about
10 yards the same coune the boat
was drifting: then he fame toward
the bout. His rublier loot had flllel
by this time and pulled him under the
water. 1 could ree everything he did.
and at the same time I wa helping la
ttnlashing the little boat I on the
schooner, unhvading It of boxes and
other stuff. We threw the boat over
and i man went to see Ifj'he could
find anything of '.Mr. Bashor. I kuew,
however, that it was useless, as I had
seen Mr. Basbor sink 'when we had
the iMKit aout r)alf nu!oaded. ;
Thus at52 iK-loi-k in tlie af ternoan of
the .eighth day f Oetolef, BK), Mr.
Ale Pashov. was : drowned , In the
Bering Sea. aliont a mile from land.
We never saw him after ho sank the
f rst time. I will never forget bis
face as I saw it last. He never spoke
a word from tlie tlm he fell in.
rNow yon know the worst. His dogH
wa left In initcn liarior uy some oi
tlie fellows that claimed to lie jwrtuers
of bia. I do ;not know auy of tjiein
n'ore than I learned of them'ou the,
trio. - ;- - " V ; ' ' - -i
"Thl Is all I will ay now; if there
1 unvthhi!? more; von wlsk to know
of the s;id fate of your Imsliand. of
tlw circumstances, writ me ami
wMl tell you what I: know of U. After
extending my most earnest symiatny
to yourself aud children, ana to an
friends and relative of my friend, I
will close. i i ?--':,-;-'-
"If I can ever assist you In any way
I will be glad to do sn. With this I
will say pxwl bye. iod bless and
protect jvou, is my prayer. . ;
To accommodate those who arp par
tial'tn the use of atomizers In apply
lug liquids into the naKal passages for
en turrits! trouble, the proprietors pre
pare VAr'm Liipiid Cream Baltm Price
Incliiuing tne spraying i.vt-nu.
firo'rscists or bv mail. The liquid ein-
bodica't'he uieliclnal properties of the
solid preiwiration. Cream Balm Is
absorled by the: membrane nd does
not dry up the secretions but changes
1 hem to a natural ami neairny enarae
ter. Ely Profilers, Zi Warren St,
New: Yvrk. " - ' '. f'
1 A BRAVE orEEN. -
New York. Nov. 5. A 5 dispatch to
the Journal ami Advertiser, from Ioi-
doii ii vs: .
-The oneeu of Portugal, at Cascals,
a fashionable resort, made a thrilling
rescue. Ca ta to Croonv tier boat nuin,
was caimlxed and was about to droWn
when the Queen, wbo is an xpert
swimmer.- wran s into the sea. swam
to the boatman's side, 'and held him
up nntll otiier persona put out iu lioatu
and rescued born.
The Boer Tresldent Will Be Honored
' .:' : in -Paris. .
Farl. Nov. o. The municipal conn
ed has adoptel" a motion, expressing
warm sympathy and admiration for
the Itoer "in their berok defense of
their Jndejendence,' : and resolving
that the jPfeKklent and other ottlcern
of the council will welcome- Mr. Itru
ger at the station, ujmhi his arrival iu
1'arix, aud shall Invite him to -an of
ficial retcpton.
Liberty' Ughtniug Hods.
Tlie istatue of l.iterty. in New York
Harbor, was recently struck ly light
ning and emerged unharmed. One lolt
Htruck the upraised arm and another
hit U on the , forehead. The
statue Is ' protectetl by She, fiut'St
system- of' lighiniug nwls' ver
made. Lightning Is no more. danger
ous than diase. and yet many people
will protect their homes, while expos
ing tlw Ir bodies to this deadly enemy.
The best protector In the world Is
Hps tetter's Stomach Bitters. It will
cleausi the system. Invigorate the
nerves, and enrich the blood. It does
this by strengthening the digestion.
(Sood health lcietids solely ttTon the
proper lKrfprmanc of this important
function. Weakness hrr results In
constipation, ludigestlon. d.vspejm'a or
biliousness. See that our I'llvab Rev
enue Stamp tniyers tho neck of the
Iwttle. ' :" . ' ,.
. . VERY
With few "Kxrepllontj, Pair We.iH-et
Is IVohiIsimI for the .Kntlre tTouu
try Tcttar" a.nd Tomorrow.
W.tSlIIXt.TON. Nov. o The weath
er condition, tiiid liie gcnentl fore
easts. given nut by this W'.'dtuei
Itme.iu. -'I:t tonight.' are a fo:iu.a-:-
Tl: : stoi-ni ' center I:a iiuved t.
Nova Scotia.' end 'the- presume 1 g. n
el all v. high tonight- iu tie.. Allaut e
StatM and Canada. Tlie wt a ti er hat
been eatircly ckar : Ihi-otighuuf ,tht
eourtry except. In Nertlum and West
em New Yoi k where jlwrre w-ie light
showers. In the l'aeitie coast ami
tv'ateau region. th.v weather hits It
clear, with lltth -hnnse In t.n':era
tnie. With but very few exceot.ons.
fair weather is indicated for TJidaj
and Wcdneydar over the enthc co'ju-
tl.V '-':' :'.'-. ' '..". ,; : "
i Robbed the Crave.
A startling, incident, oi which Mr
Jchn Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
mbject, U narrated by him as follows 1
'I was la a mo dreadful conditioo.
My skin was alnxJVt yellow, eyes sunk i
en, tongue coated, pain continually in
back and sidcsl no appetite gradually
growing weaker day by day. Three
physicians had given tn up. For
tunately, a friend advised Ifying Elec
trie Bitters;' and to my great joy and
surprise, the first bottle anade a de
cided improvement. I continued thei-
use a or three weeks, and am now a
wcU man. I know they saved my life,
and .robbed" the -grave of another vic
tim.": 'No one should farl to 'try them.
Only 50 cts.. guaranteed,, at DR.
STONE'S Drug Store.
North Yakima. Wash.. Nov. Tt. Sher
iff Tncker has rec-elvtl a dispatch nn
norneing the jirt si of ih'e murderer
of W. W. Scott, the Kloua' mereiiant.
at La Orande, Or. Tlie man has Ix-eu
iiositively .Idcntilied by two citizen
of Klona. Scott was shot through tht
heart at Prosser alnvut a month ago
by one of a gang of hoisvs whom he
was trying to arrest.. Since the mur
der. Sheriff Theker lias leen Indefat-
igabk la pursuing the criminal. lb
say. be will be able to show that be
is one of the desperadoes who held up
And "robbed John leman and rred
Brooker, of this city, ou a freight
train. lrtween here and fclleusbBrg.
hist spring.
China Is Pretarel to Acceit tlie Ideas
v' of Western Nations.-
New York. Nov. o. Wit Tiru; Fang.
the Chinese. Miiiister,. thinks that when
the allie withdraw from China, rad
road constrwtiou on a. large scale, will
Im jiesrun there, way a Washington
dispatch to the Herald. Minister Wu
bast Just returned from Pittsburg. H
sa Ml last night:
l;ha-e; ih doubt that as won as the
peace negotiations are jsarisiacioruy
concludeiL Western inventions, parti
culariy of a transportation character.
will be IntrmliKHtl Into my "ountry.
Tbe-Cbinese peob' bavehad ' tlicir
ere oivoned to tl? aI-antages j of
Wk-stern metlMtd.'. Tliey will desire
to. utilize the rfc-b mineral and other
deposits with which the country - U
favo"rel and liatre ntt-an for pronitly
trsnKoortinethenvto theoast. I there
fore expect that the railroad lines wilt
fe exteiMieti. our i wwre a to oe no
dertooI that I have no authority to
iwsotiate for material or grant con
cessionslt These 4ire matters jablch
must await the eoncltislon of neotia
tlons." . '
Bears tha
. f in Kan in turn hhmts
Vai Vw Raw kwm
Itsolve, anJ thou
art - free.-rLong
President McKinley Makes an
Address to His Neighbors.
Hepubllcaa State Chairman. Claims a
ifyjority of 40,000-Great Gains
Made by That Party.
CANTON. O., Nov. .". 'Hie MtKin
ley lawn, as in the -ampaign of 1HJM'.,
was tonight tln fceue of ah enthus
iasth; demonstration, : similar to that
wlik-h clostHl tlie camiuiigu of - foj;r
years ago. J. .
The President was prevailed upon to
depart from jf rule,, which, iu the
face of inii-h pressure, lias beeu In
flexible all through the campaign, ami
lie made a short address to fiis iH-lgli-
lors -and, fellow townsmen, free from
William. McKinley, of
partisanship but apropos of-the erec
tion tomorrow.
New York. Nov. Tt.-A kvvernor Roote-
Velt wound up the Republican Nation
al oamifcilgn toniglrt by delivering'! an
address at Oyster Bay. L I., beftre
one tf tie largest gatherings that
ever assembled at that iilact.
Washington. Nov. 0. Intense Inter
est in tlie result. of tomorrow's elec-.
tion W manifesletl In Washington.
Never have tweiM rat Ions for rt-ceivitig
and diplaying the chn-tion returns
lH.n more complete than tor tomor
row ulght.
IndlanaisdLx. 1ml.. Nov. Ci. 4bair-
Hiiiu Martin or tue iviiM-raic rwiu
Committee, tonight aid: "I Ih-Ih-cc
Indiana will go Deiuot ratic by a very
safe majority."
The . Chairman of the i;epnili-n
State ComiiiHtee. said: "It Is a latid-
slhk w : will elect ;. eleven t.'ongres-
- .. ....... 1 .. .
men wire.: wui carry ine xiaw o 1101
than ,4U0 will eb-ct the entire
state ml' National lickets. and will
carry loth branches of the legisla
ture-. j "
Chicago, Nov. '.". The following
statfn'fiit wa uiveii out at the head-
(inarters jof'llw- Repuldh an Natloiral
Comhittfee tonight:
"There are few surface indications
at this tinw-.Tdi-odiuilar; fo those of
four years ago when McKinley wett
thin eotmtry by 'the greenest, majority
nmliablv cr given to a-Pr's:dentlal
candidate. McKinley will carry every,
tta to which voted for M"Kinly and
Hotwf fonr year ago. and certainly
seveta or eight others that toiwl for
Bryan hi 1V.uL Tle allege! hopes of
Croker ?nd Bry"-. s tf earrylng Ind
iana and New York, are -lmpiy fol
lowing out the ingran of claiming
everything la sight for the pnrpose of
em-onrsigiug tlfeir;-followers in clo.
states, to make' most desterate etTorts
for kuccch. The ciahns f the Repub-Ik-an
are taxel upon the re.nB f
actual WH"k. rcirt-d by "-men ..In tbr
field, and tM-ought up through pre
clfKt, tvard.'-towmhip; !cify, county,
and aie organization tl npti aet
nal fact a shown by the closest vote
poll over made by any organization."!
Chieago, Nov. ,5. Chairman Jom?s,
of the Democratic National Commit
tee gave out the following outlook oa
the eve, of the eleetkin tonight: '
"I have no doubt that the result of
the Iwllot tomorrow will be the tri
umphant election of Bryan and Steven
sou. Four years ago the Democratic
iwriy was, deficient iu organixation.
wbereas now it is perfectly organlxMl
arI more efficient tban it has Inn-n in
any -campaign. The N.ttkmal Cotn
mittev Ua ts-en in touch with every
IHtrt' of tlK etvuutrj-, ami is familiar
with all the. detail of the work.
While the campaign fund ha .not
Ikcu enriched by the coUtrilmtlons of
the great trusts.5 It has1 received the
patr:otk mites of the gr':rt working
clas?s ln.nttieknt iiiautity to defray
i!k exiHn?ies t the campaign, which
l more satisfactory than if it . had
been' otherwise. The .country is now
srouv'd as It has never been 1efore
K-ue the T-at Civil War. and the re
rlt can lie nothing less than the tri
tMnphaut election of tho National Dt'ni
ocrati. ilckv." .
Ijotiisvllle. Ky'.. NoV- o. It is gen
erally believed that Bryan will run
al'.'u I of lUs-kham. ' lUMiiiK-ratic, for
Oovcrnor.' and that' Ycrke. lb-publi-ian
for tjovernor. will run ahead of
McKinley, whether Hh l'imx-rats or
Republics ni earry fat?.
Ciu -innatl. (1.. Nor
Th spec.
elation tonigh!
is on tlv m"stiii of
tie Democrat:
gains In the .cities, ami
Ohio, for President.
the Republican gains Iu the rural dis
tricts of Ohio. R?iuiliean State
Chairman Ijlck says Ida; ioll shows
over o.ms) for "MeKInleyi and s.vcn-
teeti'of the Jwetity-one Congrssnien.
Demociatie Stafe- Chairman-' Long
claims 'Bryan will carry Ohio, "unhtss
prveutinl bj- ferfion and purchase. '
Baltimore, M.l. Nov.. The lenders
of both iKditjeal parties profess to tie
cou fide tit of victory, and lmth sulci
are hiiming the state by ironouuced
majorities. -
Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 0. Tin eve
of the election Pud Isnth pn.rth-s wtlll
stoutly claiming that. 1oy will rry
tlie state. Tlh-courvative Reitubli1
cans cstlnuite. lliat tlie nuijority for
their state ticket will Ik between
cnt ami Hi, and that this majority
will -arry with It the . CoiiKirsjikmuil
and slate tk-kcts and a eouirortabk;
majority on joint Intllot. In -the next
legislature. Tlte I'umIojiWK Ciy
Hryau will carry the state by at least
211." - - ..
Poise.-Ida., Nov.-.". Even bH ore
freely made -'tonight on the result of
the eh-ct'MHi in tlii late. The most
otxv rtl?i elenw-ut" in the situation ap
lc.irs to le Shoshoiie e-oiinty, the sc'ne
of the riots of Kf.K
Omaha. Neb..- Nov..r. Bryan tonight
gave out tin flowing ittatement: 1
"Evidence i in," ti argnim-nt have
been iead. and the cafe Is now sul
tnitte! to' the Jury. If the jury will
ai-tit the IeIaration of Indepen
dence and the ; (on$tltnloii of - the
1 'tilted State a tlie instructl'vti of
the court, there will le ho doubt about
tb verdict I bo that our ieo.le
will vole early, and then that. the
vote is i-ouiuel an cast." .
Onaba. N l...".NoV. o.-MTuesla vb
Pryaa closed the ivr,ipaigu here, inak-
irg eight si. vch lat night, lie cou
clkided at 12:4" o'clock , this morning;
and when be Ifft the platform after
nineteen hours" of consecutive' work
and an exceptionally long and ardu
ot"s camitgn. bis, voice wa still
strong aud clrar, ami bis pliysh-at con
dition first-class.-' Bryan fiKut the re-
iraliid'-r of the night, after cer.chidmg
bis'flteeem.' In this city, Intending
to rciurn to IJwJn early this moru-
Iug to cat his vote. ' i
Me CobIkI DIhum la the InaUtatloi
' Tta C1m4 ,Cattac at Farm
arly Completed.
The loarl of tmstees of the Oregon
Hospital for the Insane held the. reg.
ular monthly btislnesa rowting yes
terday, when the report of Supt J. V.
Caibmith, for the month of October,
was received aud audit d. The uper
lutendent's letter of transmittal aays
iu part: . ,
. "There have been no acute or In-'
feetlous disease hi tlie institution fur
this month, excepting one case of
typbold fever. Tho iM.mu!atiou for the
mouth has- nveraged 11HM, which lsi
coirparatlvelt", low. .
"The lower story of the closed cot
tage at the Asylum farm, has been
coii'pletej by flie -ontractor aud is
ready for occupancy as mkiii as it can
be supplied with the necessary furni
ture ami tedding.' The Work oh the
kit hen building at the farm Is near
ly don. . and will soon be ready for
fiw. The mas.in and bis lo-liu-rs are,
now at work-the", new kitchen at
the inatn ttulUliug, and we hope to
(-OIII!ll-lC H IM'Tt lllolllll.
"The new a Hit mui-lf needed washer
has lieeu receivii. and has proven to
Ik a splendid machine. Tills greatly
relieves f the laundry department,
which has been working under great
.lllHcillties. All outside and farm
work Is well np, as sliowu by the
Steward." -
Tlw reiort of the nuiitlicr of patients
in the asylum, and those received, dl-cbarg-d.
died, etc.' during the month,
shows the following statistics: .
. Mh. Ciole. Til.
Xo. natielits S'bti ' :W. '.71i y" Hot
No. reel in Oetotior. . . O
No. retttrned esihiiH'1. . 1
No. undi'T care ..-...' .SIO
No. dlschgd neovereil. 2
No. dlsthgd nmeli Imp. '2
No. dlsHigd Imnrored: .
No. d!s hgd not liitp. . . . 2
1 tsi
.' o
No, dls-hgd not lnsnii.
No. died .. :..:.-ri..,..
Xo. elojted . ...........
DIschgd, died. cbeM'd. .
No. fiatlents tl. t. 1 . .81W .Til' 1 Ht2
Average nuiutior daily,, lirH2-V:il, ,
The number f 'otllcers. 4 niolove'.
patlnts, etc.. fed and lodijrd during
the month Is as foll-crs:
No. officer . and tctiiployea... HI ' l
verage , nuuiber patient. .1 1.2 2-i-.tl
Total. . . . . 1. . . . . . . . .Pli'J'J.V.il
The -jt of keeping the alsive Is a
follows:- Per capita, monthly, fUMtoy;
dally, jr4rv-liti. S ' j
The KUpplie piirclnis'd and cxim-u-fiteres
Jueurred during the month ng-
aregated $!27'..73. charged to the sev
eral departiuctim.ua follows:
Kitchen and dining rooms..
Male department . . , ,-. v . . .
Female department . . . . .
$2tr.i, si
4":t 85
i7".i n
421 P t
iim :i i
2Hi 0 I
11 K1
Liundry. . .
Engine room
Farm. garleu.
etc. r..
4 1
Stable... . . . .
RCnair. . . . . . j
lrni r.!i
Drug store ....
Sewing room . ,
Center building
OfHee. . , , i , . ,
2K bo
. 121 21
i C 112
. 11 5.5
.! 4 tNI
.') s i 71
. Ml 21
L B"'"
. pl Tnt
. 4 od
.- ird m
. 1( 21
.C27J 73
West cottage . .
Fast cottage . .
StauK-y farm ; .
Exjmiih. ... , ,
Iuunrmary. .
Carpenter shop-'
Tailor shop -.'. .
'Total.. .. ...
lie State Hoard if lvlucatioti met
at tlie . Caoftol j-esterday afternoon
and diiosel of routine business .The
only matter of liniMirtance, taken up
by tlie tHKinl, was tlv subject or In
trsluclng more Industrial work In the
school for t he deaf-uiutes. . a.nd for
the blind. It was decided to Iriiro-
dtlce- In these two w-Iund the paste-
Uiard work lu Sloyd, a far. a" prac
ticable at this time.
: Eli tor's :Awf nl Plight.
News,! Wat afllictctl w years with Tiles
that no Ktor or remcuy 'lepcl uotii
he I tried CucklenV Arnica Salve He
writes twtv wxe wivoiiy urei rum.
It's. the surest' Pile cure on earth and
the best salve in the workl. Oirc
guaranteed. Only . 25 ccnls.' Sold by
DR. SPONI-Driiggt.
1 NEW CITIZENS. Three gentlemen
of foreign birth '-yesterday foreswre
their" alles.a-ke to. their conntrie or
natjviir. ami wer' nmie luu-unisni
rltiins of the I'mb-d tates. They
were Earl A. Mordell. a . native of
Canada; Andrew Kohlman, a native
of Norway, and J. I. Patterson, who
was' 1orn in:' Ireland. County JhiIko
John II. Sctt ndniitted the first two.
and Judge R. P. Itol' the last. Mr.
Patterson proudly .displaying a good
l7el McKinley button on the lapel of
bis coat.
BOUNTY FUND. State Treasurer
Chas. H. Moore is In re-eipt of t'MTi
from the treasurer of Malheur county,
on Recount of the walp bounty fund.
;" GJX.
Bnmilw t.
She doesn'f have to raise her hat -To
make her manners fit.
And what 1 more, she doesn't have
To rabje the price of it.
Detroit Journal.
. e- "
' , i. .... - V . ' ' '.