Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 02, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    WEilKLV UiiLGuX STATESMAN, via day. xovcmceii..2, iouo."-'i
In Bnsiness Offices
re opo io two jtlasses of persons. ;
in figures, understand iok keeping, ct
hand and typewriting. Persons who
ter off still. They are always given
branches, ami many more.
i Park and Washington Streets
A. P.: Armstrong;-LI.-It, Principal.
The right thing at the right prices if j you buy yonr underwear of u.
we call secfcil attention' to our line of 5tie good which Is the strongest ami
most complete we have, ever placed on sale.
fxtra Heavy Wool fleeced
Heavy Katnral Wool --
Heavy Camel's Hair " -
The Norfold and . Newhrunswk-k Hosier Co.'s Underwear, $L25 and $1.50.
Flue IVtnv SMid-ed Worsted, $2 to $3.00.
. ., : - ,:-.r-. '-:- : -
Special This Week-Extra Ueavy BIbaed,;Alt Wori, 95 Ceats
The People's Clothiers and rurnishers
?57 Commercial Street Salem, Oregon
tiivi: rp -OHIO.
lMi1oeraM No Ijonsror IIojh to Carry
' McKtulcy's Stale. ; I
St. Paul. - Miniu Nov. 1. Secretary
Charlex WiUUuits, of the D-inM-r:itie
State CeutrnL toinmittee of Ohio, tn
d:ty telegraphed 1 to the Minnesota
emoM-utic State Central Conuuittee
that Ohio is hit to llryau. Mr. Wil
lljiins inforuetl his Minnesota sym
pathisers that be had --secured-rejHirt
from all imrttons of his state, and
from the most reliable Information
obtainable be estimates -that McKin
leySt idimility in Ohio will le at l,st
25,ohi.- .
ScccnMIand Sewino Machines.
for nlMut a week I had almost c-K'.in-ed
out nty ;tov"k of thise, but during
the just few days I have taken jiu
a lot more. . :;. .
Tlwre are now two good low arm
Singer, one Ameriean. one , Davis
oue Howe, a . fine low arm enhinet
Singer, a most excellent Wheeler &
Wilson and several otliers, prices rang-
. I O . JKI .... ..It .1 .
JH l.U.I f.!..". .111 H .111.1 lf W ,
many of them sewing splen-lidly. j
! , F. A. WD it 5 INS. .'
e six
Cups and 0 saucers for tr cents.'
In plain white, iniu-h bettor line 10
57-Piccc Dinner Set for $4.25
v j
(JvHd smoi-th wan S0.t. Ciwue and e us for Iinips. Over 3iO
Lamps In stock." j" ' '
249 Commercial Street
' For a DUcr v;:v
Of what takes, place around you:
ltrln- thing t"arer. Your sijilit tway
be defective Wo have The faculty
f.,r testing tin eyes a u.1 the iomds of
rnpHjlng what may be necessary to
Improve the sight. s
; Our stock of cye;:laises and spect.ie
is well .assorted aud of fine quality
Ordinary ease of defective vision rau
In- fitted pttuiu-e. .Wbere-.it. i ueees-
fcirvn isake tenses ..14 smi. we pan
fill ;in order In from four Jo Ave ilays.
Reiuemter we cflU relieve those head
aehes that medieine'does not help.
Ilefoian V..Barr .
, Scientific Optician . ,
t 18 State St. Salem. Oregon
0) Those who write well, are accurate
c. b) Those who are skilled io short
are proficient In lotu lines are bet-
the preference.
We teach all these
obr woht. It will pay. Call or write.
J.' A. Weseo. Penman aha Secretary
75 Celts
- 75 Cents
95 Cests
Youths' . . $1.40
Boys' 1.75
'1 . ;
tJus Kaiser, Kepajring. ;
(RAND JURORS. In the United
States oonrt. it Portkmd, yt'sterday.
a grand- jury of thirty , men was
drawn. There re two Marion coun
ty men among .the munler, viz:
Joseph O. Evans. Jr.. clerk, of Salem,
and T. HenneiiM. farmer of (J.ites. The
grand jury meets on Novemter 12th.
ONE LICKNSR-Countr Clerk
W. Hall yestenlay issued a marriage
!ieeuse-to lrank lletttuper and Mis
Kate Wletling, Charles Hettinger n r
pea ring as witness, and making the
teouirel atlidavlt. J
firmi of Kirk & Liston Is tbis day lis
Kolved. VV. A- Uston retiring and L.
M. Kirk continuing the bu-U;i .-t
the old stand, ami collcctWi' r'l -accounts.:..
- i W. A. LISTtlS.
Salem, Or. Oct. 31, 10in. ll:2-5iw;
v.. -'. -' , I ,..,, ." .
1 w jn mm mmm w mmmw v 1- it--
count of fl.c coft.
PrlciK Idi'cel
Orcat Variety
W)V SUInghK, Picket,
waiisr noriey. so em Fence un. 95 um
Pl.i-e 55 cents. Very pretty shape,
cents per set higher.
Salem, tJrcgon
ri 1 o o nr - - .
riutwona Ur ;
: - V:' - -r' -.? 'i'"": ? ':, B ; v-,- -
Truscrer A.' i. -Dowsing Issues His
t Moat&ly StaUinent
ifiuy Warraala oa tbo General Fond,
Htretofore palled, Still OatsUod- 1
lnr Interest Stopped. .
County Treasurer A. I ' Downing
yesterday gave out a statement of, the
liuanees of liar ion county for the
month of Oetoler, showing the re-
etipts . aud disbursements for ; the
mouth ni the, several funtL and the
anounts ou baud October 31, UM).
The. aiuiutmi . ou liand iu the" general
fund, $17,77:?, lis l4d for the payment
of warrants which were called for
some time ago, but the holders have
failed to ireent ; them for payment.
The in teres t.. of .course, Js ,stopied uj
ou these ouuiamlinj; warrants! from
the date of the call, so 4 he county fi-
liauces are not suffering by failure of
tboe .bldin thi ni to call for their
mou,y.. " ...... ' 1 :-
TIm' statement' shows the following
as the condition of the treasury:
. Sieelal City and Sebool DIst. Fond
Gash ou baml Oct. 1st. .$ 1.704 1S
Ueeeirttx. . ....- ,: .
. 13,712 48
. .f 15.41U 70
. . i:ij!! 5i
Cash on luiud Nov. 1st. ,.'.$ 2,017 2)
ieueral Fi:ul t j. ,
Cash on baud Oct. 1st. . . . .$10,104 77
Receipts. , . ; .. .. .. . . . . 31,325 o
Total ..
..$41,400 27
.. 23.7a; 15
Cash 011 hand Nov. 1st. .$17,724 12
General S-hooI Fund
Cash on hand Oct. 1st. $21,000 70
Receipts.. . .. .. .. .. .. 0,278 03
Total.. ..I.w . .. .. ...
.$30,374 82
. 10,142 80
Disbursements. . ....
Cash on hand Nov. 1st...
Indigent .-J&old ier Fund-
.$11,232 02
.$ 180 01
. ISO 0J
Cash ou haml Oct. 1st..,..
Total.. .. . .. .. .. ...
':Sftt 27
. 07 00
Iisbursements. . .. . . .. .
Cash on liand Nov. 1st. ..'...$ 3f) 27
Institute Fund . l .-.u
Cash on hand Oct. 1st $ 15850
Canh on haml Nov. 1st 158 SO
Tax Sfile Iinid
Cash on band Oct. 1st
40 OO
40 00
(!adi on hand Nov. 1st
Xjiiiiiiirfrv of Toials
Casli on hand Oct. 1st. .... .$33350 a"
Rcitlpts.. .. .. ..?54,45' rr
Total. . .:. . ., . .
, .$S7.847 2
. . S45.375 51
Disbursements. . , .
Cash on hand Nv. 1st. .. .$31,472 11
i ado by Sberiff F. W; Darbin to
Coanty Treasurer A. L. Down-Ing-
A Large Sam. .
Sheriff ;F. W. Durbia yesterday
made 1iU regular monthly turn-oveT
of taxes to County Treasurer A. L.
Itovinhig; The au)nnt thus -turned
over represents the collodions
for i he month of Octoler, and aggrq-
gbtes $2:3.'2.i. Tlds Is tbe ninth
turn-over made by the sheriff on tlie
l,y.f.l tax roll, aud brings the 4 oral
amount collected on Its account to
$tOO,434.49. This leaves but ft small
amount yet due on the roll. The
turn-over wa Apportioned among the
various funds as . follows:
State, county, -state school. $17,708 57
Poll . ' 230 OO
City of Salem ........... . . 2,438 83
Clt.v of Woodburn.. ...... 44 41
Special " sheep tax. 215 00
S hool District No. 3. ... 2 57
S hoal District" No. 4.... r.'.t 74
St-bool .District' No. - 5 ..1. . IO 70
SclHMil District No. 10.. 7 t1
S I-mil Dmtrict No. 12.... 8 28
S.-Ihk.I District No. 14..,. m 27
Sel t :d t District No. .21.... 7 To
H.'hnol i District No. 24.,.. 2.074 25
Scixwd j Distrkt No. 33.... 3 32
c-ii it ' Dintrk-t No. 37.-. i. 14 S3
FVul Distrk-t No. 4S. ,' ,
19 17
Sfho.ih District No. 57.... 30
S !".d District No. ; 05. ,L. 4 21
S.-l u.iI 1 district No. ' -71 . .'. .. 48 44
S I-.t ol District No. 80. . . 4 31
Sc5vjrl Distilct No. P. ... 8f m
S hoal District No, 104. J.. 3 24
Scb.Mil DlstrU-t No. 110.... 10 75
S. lfoi District No. 118..'.. . 303
S. Imo1 District , No. 121. J.. 10 14
School District No. 123. ... 12 71
f ... $23132 10
At -Bed Time -"'
I take a pleasant herb" drink, the nxt
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is better. My doctor sayi
it acts gently on the stomach, liver
and kidneys, and ii a pleasant laxa
tive. It is made fomi herbs and
is prepared as easily as tea. It j
. called Lane's Medicine. All drug
gists sell it at 25c a-nd 50c Line
ramily Medicines mores the bowels
each day. If you cannot get it, send
for a free sample. Address. Orator
F. Woad-ward. Le Roy. N. Y.
GOOD ROADS. There is no strong
er argument in support of letter road
buildins than to be, obliged to ride
over miles of poorly constructed road
ways. A drive over any of the prin
cipal roads in the north end of Marion
county at ill's reason of tbe year em
phasizes the need of practical road
i .....:'...-. l. " ... . .. - '
And take notice, It I not only to elect the President of the United States that the. people are the most In
terested In. but they puould take, an interest In what interests them most, for it Is 40 their Interest to save as
much .of the principal, that will Interest th most of the Salem and surrounding finhlle. Th llrst that will In-
terct the. people. ' i. The 'Almighty Dollar, and it. Is to your interest . to tof ' howliug altont, whether it - U
li to. 1. 21 or 3l to Vbnt M Is to your, interest to luy. as mucjj gools for a'dollar, ainl it Is-m.lvKly'M luisms
what dollar, how you obtained .It. where you got .it. or how you got It. Putlf-yo bring it to Friedman's N'ev
Racket no quest km I asked where you got It, but what will you do with It. There Is one thing eertalu. thai
you can save from 15 to 40 per eeat If you . Invent it at Frlnhuans, than what yon conM have Ioim etKewiiere
Fr:edmana Is the only, bouse, election, ?ers for notKHly, knows no xolitics in business wbat will t.ikt everybody
dallar. aud give good ralne for It. It 1 a plaee, where you , will find a good line of children's clothing, ami It Is
to yonr interest to bring be i'oiths to be .titled out at Friedman New' Uacket. And the men who have the
priiMlpal. will find it-greatly o their interest ,to buy their puita and overcoats at Friedman's New Itacket. and
to say more of the principal to these tluit want to make gootl Interest, ami. for a better mnlersta tiding wHl eouie
to Friedman's for their JUlblier twols. Overshoes. Mackintoshes. Oil Clothing and Itiibhcr rapes. rie ladies" who
take interest, will call for the ladies Mackiiwoshes. Rubbers, Capes and Jackets -at Friedman's New, Uacket. A
word to the k-vel beaded w"ao don't let nonsense get away with them,, will find it "'Is to their Interest to buy
thir bars at Friedman's New Racket. Now. while there is ko much strife.lietweea the different Democratic, IJe
putdican, ProhibHIon. .Imiierlalistlc, Anti-trust, Mliklie-of the Ro;id Populist.SK-kilis, Sochtl Democracy and So
cial Labor parties. You can all unite on one man whom you can trust that will give yon the be.t 'bargain, and
that Is at Friedman' New Racket. ..Saleiii, Oregon.-. . . . .. ,
Corner State aarf Commercial Streets
. . ".. '. - ' -; '"- y " - - ,. .-'. "' - 7 ' " ".''' - - ' ; -.
the Osburn Racket Store at COc On the dollar, and have moved 'the goods into ray store, first south
of the posloffice. I will give my customers the benefit of ray purchase by sacrificing the goods, some
at wholesale cost, some for less than wholesale cost. The stock consists of ladies' arid gents furnish
ing goods, shoes, umbrellas, mackintoshes, rubbers, notions and hats. Come edrly and get first choice
bnilding. Put few of tbe highways In
that section are proierly diained, while
scarcely any asre provideil with gravel.
Chuck-holes are plentiful and as a
consequence of the recent heavy rains
portions of the road are practically
Inundated. 'After driving over such
a thoroughfare It is a decided pleasure
to strike a well-graveled road. A more
teautifnl stwtcu of road .work tbau
that which penetrates the Mission
Pot tout country north of alem Is dif
ficult to find. A proper grade waa first
established aud then a substantial
covering . of tine gravel literally dis
tributed over the surface. More such
work ou the roads of this county
would materially enhance the value
of real property. Where gravel of
such fine qnality Is so plentiful as it
Is in the Willamette valley.. It would
seem that there was an entire ab
sence of a reasonabe excuse for the
cxistnee of suWi poor reads, some of
Which dnring the Winter season are
almost Impassable.
Phillip H. Remey, Claimlag to Be an
, Army Officer, Swindles a LI very
man An Ex-Convict.
Salem has several times been select
ed as the favorite field j of operations
for the light-fingered penmen, who at
tempt to live off the gullible public by
an indiscriminate writing of checks,
on banks where no money is deposit
ed to meet this class of paper, . and
yesterday another one of these people
found one man willing to invest. The,
fellow doing this work gave his name
as Phillip II. Remey, and the victim
was Pearl 'Mi Her, one of the proprie
tors of the Club Sta'blcs.
Remey, as he calls himself, reached
this city on Wednesday evening, com
ing! In on horseback. He left his horse
at the Ciub Stables, and yesterday
morning called at the barn, ordered a
team, ostensibly to drive out in the
country to visit, his parents, who lie
said lived near here. He claimed to le
an officer of the regular army, and as
he was well drest-ed,' his statement
was not questioned. He tendered in
payment for the team a check, drawn
by liImsHf. on the Capital National
Dank of this city, 'for $, und receiv
ing in return $ to. He then entered
4 lie Tehicle and drove away, accom
,anled'ly ft local-man whom be had
invited to accompany him.
Mr. Miller, after the disappearance,
of tbe young lieutenant and the rig,
.i.n l.l.xl tn Hrt-iire his monev on the
"check, but was astoundfd to find that
lleauywas not known at the bank,
that the fellow had no account there,
ami that "another sucker had been
caught. ' '
A warrant, charging Remey with ob
taining money under false pretenses,
was quickly secured, ami Deputy
Sheriff -II. It- CoI1ath started on tlie
fellow's trail.' Meanwhile Sheriff F.
W. Durbln nsel the telephone, and
alxuu noon liKatel the fellow at Tur
ner, where he had stopped for v lunch.
Here Mr. Cojbath found him, just as
the "army officer" bad finished hi
meal and was preparing , to leave.
The fellow was quickly put nnder ar
rest, and brought to tliis city by Mr.
Col bath, the only incident of the trip
being his remonstrance against being
ha ndenffe!. which, however, was of
no avail, for he wore the "darbies
when Iu reachetl the pity. Before le
Ing placeil in jail he was sparcbed, and
was found to have a flee gold watch,
$23JJ0 In money. 'anil a few minor ar
ticles.- Among his papers was, found
another check for $ltM). drawn on the
Capital National Bank, with a revenue
stamp duly . attached and cancelled,
and sighed f-Philllp II. Remey. In
hi Imggy were also found two bottles
of wbiskey ami a box of cigars, lie
was neatly-dressed, but l!d not bave
the apxearanee of an army ofli(er. IIo
was considerably under the Influence
of llqmrtr when be arrived at the court
house. . -.'.."-. ..
loiter to the afternoon Remey ent
tor Attorney X. u. Itay.len, retaining
that gen tieman as his counseL aud at
5 ii. m. he was taken to Justice of tlie
Peace J. O'DonakTs oQlee and ari!gn-
-- ' ' i 1 . . . - - . - ...,
's New Racket Store
Isadore Greenbaum
First store south of Postoffice.
ed, and his preliminary hearing set for
1 p. ui. tiMlny. His Ihu1 was fixed at
$2im, and as he' was uiutlde to furnish
this, he went back to Jail.
' Remey is aged alRut . or 35 years,
of medium lu'lght, weighs about loo
pounds. He has regular features, ami
blonde hair and moustache, and Is, as
said before, well dressed.
IVfore driving out ' of the city,
Remey drove to the eniteiitlary, and
;fsked to 1m shown through. Here he
again stated that he was an army of-
ncer, but as Ik addel that he bad
"stMrvetl time here, and as he was
considerably nnder the. influence of
liquor, admission was denied him, and
he left. Some of the officers at the
institution recognized him as having
served term in the prison nnder the
name of Edward Downs, showing that
a part of hls statement was true.
Looking up his record last evening.
Snpt. J. D. Lee found the following:
Edward Downs was received at the
penitentiary from Umatilla county on
Octolcr 2i, !K!t5, convicted of obtain
ing money under, false pretenses, and
sentenced to serve two years; he then
gave bis occupation as bar1er. He
served his time was released, and on
October 30, 1897. he was again receiv
ed from Umatilla county, on the same
charge, for oue year; this time he gave
his occupation as barter and enguiecr.
lie served his term and was released.
and probably enlisttHl in the army dur-
inir the Sianisli-Anierican war.
The ofne-ers tereve that Remey or
Downs, stole A he horse he left in the
barn, and that he is probably wanted
at other points on charges similar to
the one staring him in tire face here.
He claimed to come from Eugene here.
but tbat Is probably one of h's fictions.
Nearly All Groweri Have D it-posed of
Their Stocks-Quick Work for
a Bitr Deal.
With but few exceptions, the grow
ers of the north end of A he county
have disposed of their bops at' a re
munerative figure, the prices ranging
from 9 and 10 cents, contract price,
to 3 4 14 and 1.1 cents. In fact all
growers who arc not independently
situated have mild their hops and are
happy aud pro.ieroiis. SiK-h growers
as are holding hop are doing o
purely for iiculative purposes.
One of the promptest business
transact Ions In "connection with the
hop business t his sasm was that by
which T li. Jones, of Mission Bottom,
sold and delivered to T. A. Llvesley
ft Co.. 340 liales of hops, tlie price
paid tieing 14 cents. It n-qnirel but
fii-e days., for the entire fulfillment
of i the transaction. Ott October 28th
the sal was negotiated, the bops were
5usiMcted and. recelvt-d two days later
and yesterday morning they were
sliipiwd to Portland via the O. R. ft
N. compauy's steamer.
, The local market qaoUtloas yester
day- trere as follwi:
Wheat 50 cent at the Salem Flour
ing MilU Co.'s ome'e.
Oats 37ffi 38c. . 4 ' ,
J Hay Cheat, buying. $7 -to $70;
clover, $0 to $tJ, timothy, $9 to $10.
Flour 75 and 80 cent pef sack; $20
to - per DDL- (
Mill feed Bran; $15; shorts, $18
; Butter 1722 cents (buying). T
Eggs 25 centa. : .; - i-.'-
Poultry-Cblckena Cc per lb, market
UUll. , . . ... . ,
rork-Fat, 4 4o 4, gross; C net.
Beef Steers, 3H; cows, 3c; gool
peuer, avc. . . f ; .
. Mutton Sheep, 3c on foot; ahear-
w an to 3c
Veal G and 7c dressed.
Potatoes 25c. buying.
Wool 14 to 15 cents .market weak.
f Mohair 25 cents.
California Oak-tanned -Leather., used.
Harness Oil. etc -
?3 State Street. .. : Salem, Oregon
YE t:
- - ,'. i f - . : : ' i T . 3
Salem, Oregon
Th n gently scan jur brother man.
Still gentler, sister woman;
Though they '-may gang a keuuiu
wraug. ,
T step aside is human.
Burns. "The Unco ('nid.
Proprietor of
T1.3 stores, (two, In iuuhIht) are lo
cated at No. 235 and 333 Commercial
street and are well stocked with a
complete line of drugs and medicines,
toilet articles, perfumery, brushes,
etc etc.. etc.
Has ,had some 25 years experience In
the practice of medicine and now
makes no charge fori consultation, ex-"
aminatlon or preatrlptlca.
Don't put off taking the Kin-ley treat
menttake it fodny. It is he unit;
.... ..........1,,1. ...... .,..,. ...... 1.
tions. SmhI for printed matter- tliat
telts all about Jt.
rae Kteley institute, Portland, Or.
revealed by the great Indian nti'di
11111 and prophetess ofthe age. Imihi
with double veil ami second sight
revealed every hidden niystM"y nver
known io fail. Know yonr fate at
once when all others fail. Consult
the oesr. Jieat iy tlie uses or tier
Revealeil Herbal teas. Cure chronic
and so-called uncurable dlsi-ascs.
Vfno tr.Ml tnwnt- f. ir tlio tiwir lt.ii.
. 'sulfation -fmv L'hVi Tliird sfre. t,
near Alder,, Portland, Oregon.
lorep and Naiiye
Marble and Cranlle
Largct assortment
in the stale always
in stock.
William Staiger,
297 Liberty Htre t,
Kaleni, Or.
C. D. JESSTIP & (!().
Hop Brokers
21f Commercial St.,, Salem.
,A11 grades of hops handled. I
The lxiard of eqttalizjitioii fr .M3r
Ion county will nx-et at the oflict..fi
the county assessor on the sin-ofi'l;
nioniay 01 .voveinuer. iM-mg Monday. 1
Novemlx-r 12. A. D. IO00, nt 0 o'clock
n, tu ami will remain in session ea-!
BiM-iu-ssive nay tor one weeK.
All partR-t Interested are reipn'Stetl
to appear and examine their assess;
ments, ns no corrections can lie made,
after the ' adjournnxnt of tlie said
board. J. W. IIOI1ART, !
Assessor of Markra cwtnty, Oregon, j
- Salem, Oregon, Octolier 18, 1000. j
- d w. id. y r
Money to Loan
; On Improved farm and dty property
at kmc 1 current ratei.
Qrr I-dd Buah'a bask.
FOIt SALE 42 acres of land, lietweca
Chemawa and Brooks; 20 acres Is
cultivated; 5 more easily brought
under cultivation: . balance cleaned
and seeded.' House and outbuild
ings and well; V mile from school:
Vi mile from II. B.; cross-roads on
place. Title good. Address L. Halm,
Brooks, Ore. 10-lml. !
$00 per mootb and expenses, re
manent position. 'Experience nanec
essry. , Write quick for particulars.
Clark & Co., 4th & Locust . streets,.
Phlladepbla Ta. 0:4-Cm-dw, '
it f
1 i ll i-S
Vht--,-T-ut -