WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, -iWd vy, xnvrntf nfcn.- 2, TiwwL' mm Ex-United States Senator Mitchell at the City jnall Armory Last Nioht. N , Congressman Thoras;K. Tongac Will Address the Republicans at the Closing Rally on Tomorrow evening--Everybody r s Should Go and Hear This-Able Orator. - tiroin naiiy Mitwman, Uct. 31.) J 'In spit of I lie iieavv kwnponr of ' I. I'll. which flWled, the ...... - ... . i - Htw et. and i L i made it very unpleasant In ..I I u 1M! I 1UV - frreini . e-i until States Senator John H. Mitchell at the eity hall last I n'ght, mi the occa sion of one of the; last IIjnb! lea ii ral ly's lit tills campaign. The speak-r a introduced ty Hon. 13. Ik Crolsan and was entluisinstk-aliy; received by the -rowd prt-rii. : ? I'li. exrh wia lor j iiejra n" 3 hi aiMivss by .- (ompnrh-nii f the Harrison and Cleveland- administrations, allowing the great lifrer.-ei in tite e.nitbtioil of lhc-ouulry that existed in the two period. , Thi was foilotved by statement of th condition, prevalf !ng at the jH-e-.-uu dm .' :nr l showed ohchislvely that a ehaieje in the To litieal affairs wopl.l lie fi;::i.d w.th ;grave mril to jhe Ktih'irdid era of prosiierity whit-h; the Nation now e;i my. lui-r:.it:siii was h uoiimt-l as a false I'tul dishonest issue. Ixmiis the promoter ihouiselvcs do not bo; Ileve there i anv thing III it. lie -tiaraeierizil it as a wiirt-iw iu a Kiirii.-al cornfield, hut kiiil it had lxeu pointed nin so often before, mt aW'll ttte. I Sum of -bli-ksou, l.iut-oIn and Oranr. that f the fMtrie refuse to Is ?l"rmed iivci- it. p - A very'" a Me argument ws-i present ed in 9-orMirt of the administratUm's polf-y ill tin- l'liii(piiifs. The twiilltS of iiii rii:uiii.il law fuvolvvil - were fafein mi ainl tlioioiislily ili.--tiS!el, -Khoviu7 - the ailnte right auil-title of tt ' try t tln lI t tl?. " Mr. .lii-h-ll ili?iei!-'ii nor.ej .j Mii.ii. and t:itt'il hi position on l.l'i! lniMrtaut jmiut as follows: : j "Viiil. the I leumeraey ha in its Kans;is City platform plaeed wiiat it I ph-flM'il io term "the .inti iiitiM-rialisiii Ifsi.' In th- fuietront. and hns j.n iioiiii-el itr tti Im the (KiranwoHir tsxue of lii; eaoipain, it i- eliev'l liy mest 'Kepiibiean. anj perlilia iy fouie I t ni.h-r.it , thatl this !s in the rature of si Miitd. aiol that aft.i all the leal i-Hin i tiie moiiry o,neti-a. "While it Ih a; tnatfi'i of very sni.ill ' iiiikorniiit'e a ti tiie iinlivtln.il opinion ami attllhtle on the money ' .itest ton. either heretof.ri. now or' hiri ifter, ;f one who is neither In olfiee nr neek IiiU ollit e.- tier ih"irinii olliee at litis t'ltve. I trnsf 1 1 ni;iy a?, 1 -rave the Smh ojiiuion of the p(ph of Ihh state who hare iionor.xl nii so highly in the past lief permitted a -word in reference .to my i.t niul present at litiitle on thl pietio.i. Til? lteJii! liean itate eonventioti of the tate of Oregon, which, 'met " '.n th upriujf of lw?t. adopted titianinmuly the follow ing resolulioB a a part of the plat form of the Itepublican pifty iu thlx Mate that year: . Six ihThat, rwwnizins the fact that the I"t.Itl Ststtes Is the .tjreatfst silver producing eountry In the world. Mint that both ! ?oitt and xilrer were itally the money of the ?-uu; itut'on from the lK'sinntna of the Jtpublit tinlil the lioMlle lesNIition ag:t!nst silver, which unduly contract.! ill circulating medium of the ctitiutry. ate! teeognifciujr that the grett nit r ets of the iKopledeni.iul more monoj for tue hi the U'haunelt of trade and iwnmeree. Therefore., we dwlare urelve! in favor of the free antl unlimited-coinage of Silver, and de-jiotuu-e any attempt to .li-rimi!iate against silver in nn wise, ami unjust". "Tiie Iegilifc'itre was elected in li'iie of . that ,ar oil that platform lion. UUiger: Hermann was chvted to 4'oHgreKH ou tin same plitfor ii. That name lHgiMat ure in January, IStH. elected me lit lite 1'nit il Stai mmi ate. every liepublicaii in tin f-eglssla-ture voting for me. This wa stlter I had reeatedly voted in the Senate for the remoiiil lata! ion of silver in pur suance of what I then lelkved ttiil Mijl Wlieve to-.: hare lreoii th true construction of the Xallooal Krpubll an I'latform iof lSe on the rutjc-t of biioftaiitm. ami on which lr-ji-dent ir?rri!on wa- ehvtetl. Oiiring my servh-e ht the Senate undtT that election I lHyel the instruction of my party la my sta-te. I regarhsl ilo-m. a HMitainHl In the foregoing resolution, with thi ' xtp(lon-when iu the Senafe'of lvni an attempt wa made -io ?utorliiiate the Mritf iO' 1 ion to the uncstion of the frie coin age of. Mlver 1 vigoronlf prr.-iie.l agaitiAt It. and' I ImiIIi stike aiel vo4etl against It Ixith In he Snatorial Ile puhlicaii caneii awl" In the !cn Ken "dte. . , t -.'..' -j: ". ;"'. -ln and the voe I east In tin Senate ou t If inotwy .uesthm were idculhal wlili thoe a-t in the IIou' ..r i)uriuiittttvi hi t host year by tite tlieu Kepreseittalivt William Me-! Ktnlev.of tlbio, and by every Itepub' licau In tin ruitetl States Snate, with one JeXceptlon, represeniiug tale5 west .of the Ho ky Mmcirmiis. -The Ibpuhlk-an National t'oavtMi tlon.' however, at St. Imis In tmnle the following dclarat!o upon the money question: "W are npposet,to" 4he free coin age of silver except 'by International agreement with the leading commer cial nations: of the world which ;w nhnlge ours4revto promote nrwt nntil , swli agreement can i omwHtu not-existing- gold standard must be pre . nerved". ' ' r . -: :-:- ' 7 '" jfTUi platform of my tarty I 1m- meiliaiely aceepted.IIad I not done s there wan but one other thing :o do ami that was to laT the JliVpublioan party and join the Oemocratie party. This I ; never had either any inclhm- - .'t'ion or lunention of doing. - Immedi ately ou the adoption of the St. Iouls phHform. In JH5. I then leing at At lantic City u-the stase of New Jersey. te!ecranhel t-Hn. SoL llirs'h, then - -hairmaar of the KepnlilkVtii State Ceu ..,:.ii nf ilwx tit n to nf Oiv the state of Ore-, ir:ti .nini.'tr ... . son. tendering rt.f 'servlcr-s to the He- nublicans of the tate in tnat -aui- U lLUIViUVUUtf 11 ti II U g I! II paign. and si a 1 that I woulil Oregon in Aii-iisi f t;i:it year. le in ready " ;T . ' " 4 " 1 "u,r S-eillleutlr did' mnhiii" mv fiir ai.-1i to ent:r the ....... . T . T t " T 1 "... :. " -"---i- on ei.temler 4. istt lermg tlw cximiiaigu I made In alt Hlty-nre KiH-cchen ? in this ;ate; ami iu every one of which I announced my -. a-copti uvt- f and adLcrenc to tit princ iple oniitu-iated iu that plai f or in. ThL I did in the most i.oi4t;ve and .express tcrnc In many of ln(; jM t ch 's. and hy clear and mipie-itiu- ; Unpli-;i'iin iu every one iu whk-u I itniy liave oioittett an expn-s-s .ntat' ineut. . TU.i platform pledged t'f he; Ue pttMIcan p.irly ami tins' nation to the Iiieyer-atoii of the then existing gold s:.-ui;l.i ill. until au Interna tiouat agree in nt fur the fr- coinage; of .silver cot'M l.e obtained ..with the h-ailing iomicereial uatioioi of . tiie .: world. rii.it platform further 'pledgetl the l'cptiM;c-!h party ami Its candidate t proiuot stK-li i n teruat tonal agre u't ?tt.. What foUo.wsl?. i McKiuley vvaj -l-le.l rreshhnt; he luHiiedhUe Jy. iu pursuance of tliese Instructirrtis .ami of this pledge, took flic nfsary and piujK-r steps by the apjioiiit uieiit of a oiniuI.H)iou -otiiptseil of dis'lu gi'isltetl imn from 1m Ah i.litical par tif.. tie' present i-andHlate for 'm e rresident on the Democratic ticket, A'il.li Slevcustui. lieing olio, t ctillfer wili the represent a4 Ives of the le:ol ing tminercial nation of :thei world .tii the uhjcct. autl what was the rc-.-ult? tHir ; distinguished ttnimi ssitin. after sjiemling a. year iu Kuiopean t'apitaK. -nferrIiig with Presidi-rrts. ICiopi vors. Quts-ns. !rds. Ambiissii doi ami rieiiiitftntiaries Jwltb ikw is extraordinary, - finally discovered. I bat it vvonhl be uiut'li e;isier to-organs w a KyiidU-ate aud raise ea pita 1 with whieli to oMsruct a railro.itl to liars, than it would 1h to bring about an in ternational .agreement for. the free . -outage of silver. Hut I'reM.lent M Kiney had done lids duty; lie ami. the itepuMicmi party and the Republican .iiliiiiuistr.it iu have faithfully k;.jr Nth the pint form and their iletlge to .he extent of their iower, ami uow there is but one thing to Im done" by 'very man. woman and child who de Iips to Ik .-coiisidereil a Republican, i nd that iswlieher in the npaeity if a private, ciity.cn or a . puhlu ser-.aut-no stand by and give his uure erv autl initin-tlilKtl support to the gold standard. U. man wno not ciicerfully oJ-dierrt to the great niaii late of his party sliouhl blusli o orofess longer to be a llepnblicau, im! hou!d at ou-e enroll his name vlth the iK'inocracy. Ami I may, iu thi Kmweetlou, ay that Mluxfcver, amt tliere wjis in tiie argnmeu't ten year ag, r even four years ago, to the effect that the l i licit y of tlu; dilating uudium demauHteil Hie re- monct izatlon of silver, has been com pletely destroyed and swi-jit away bj" the trtv't .that, sim-e. 1S!J, there ban ?een athletl to our gohl unprrfy from the mines more than $1,(Nki,mmUki:i in jroltl. Ami I am free to h.ij- further, that, tinder existing conditions, any it tempt, iu my: judgment, to reverse rhe present tinam-ial iwjlicy of tills .tnintry, which is itased on ihj exist- ug gold standard, anrt f tv-estalnish bimeialism. wouhl materially, If not fatally, disturb the present jirosjier jus condition of our country, and seriously ltnMril It host interests. The" im'ant a gi Uition of the moii'y 'litest ion for so many years, was in a large measure a bhgiinng curse to the busini'ss intersts of this country, irresiieetive of any question as to who was right m- who was wrong. Antl now that it has lteen set-tied hy the Republican party, tin presumption is thait it has been settled . "right: .and. as the country is highly proer:ms under that settlement, it is 1msI fo nli concerinl to let well enough aloir and let It stay setthtl." ( : ; " Round niton rotuid of ap!ans In tcrrtiptetl ,the sm-aker. ami when he declared himself In umpialifusl terms for the sIicy oT tiie ailjnitiistr.it ion 4 hi tire currenev ;tiestUn. the cheers wcte di'aftiiins. At the che of the address liuudreds of Mr.' .MitchcH.i frit mis gn-tel him and congratulated him niton his -cxcol'ent c.uop:iigii al- di'css. . ' ; . '.! A it jC Vm.ll DLFBXDIID RY ICE. There are 4 utiles of ; hvlwrg. floating io, plains (of lee and all tlKr sorts of Arctic o!st ruction to tiaverse 1twccn the nearest ; lr4?ov ry to the ide 'and tit Mle itself. IVrhaps tti-.iiN- mean of overcoming rhese dilRcrltics tnay iress nt them selves within the next ceiiturj- as KeriHt-gHs on iu its progressive way. FAVORS CAPITAL PFXISIIMF.NT. Alarming Increas of nolo Ma Fhangt Crime4 in Colo- IIk Ijiws. - The ih-tith of Lillian B.-ll. prominent Iu I cnver musical circle. , who wa s.imlli.iggisl by a highwayman two week ago. ia anusetl tlu advtM'ates of capital punishment that will prob ably result in the re-instatement of the banging liw by tii next Iegisla tttre ef tVilotatlo. ,. i I':1- ' . -Three iiiurdrs. ftmr a ttcmptisl tnri ri ders ami a score of brutal asanlt on woiiM-n by roblier 'n Cohirado within i he past month i Hk ri-ortl- Veteran detectives ami oIhe ontclafcs all de clare that crime ha rapidly increased since tlx almlisluoent of, capital un- ishnent two yar ago. . A taute re cent I v 4mpilel hov that there were homichb s since 1S0S. In tlw same 1 1 ii' v- there hflve lcen ITil assault witlj intent to kilL - . . - WANTED TO BEAD HIS HAND. Handsome Palmist Itid Mark HaniML. but Was Sieee Ba tiled. to A liandsomo yonns woman, fashion- ably drsisl ami f . b y- j jiearJi mt. caiuti ai iii-p"1"1'- "- . rh5ii'tou ; the othr j quarter J 'cave tor ine nay. he espied them. antl. hastily ai'proacblag, graspeil eIl.'tor , Haim.i by not u liantls. i re-gardl-ss of hU cane, and extdaluieil: Why. "Senabir llanna. how do you ilo?- ' Mr. Hauna neemod astonfshett. but quickly recovering liimseir. sahl: - "Really, madam, you "hare the" ad-, vantage of jne. . ' ' . "Wjhy, Senatorvyon dont know me Wty. I amiAdele Marl? Rhine, not a palmist, bm an anatomist, ami you pttnLetl ne at lie Arlington hotel in Washington -that, you wouhl furnish me wiia a ic:tst of yonr liamt to study." .-;;'; -i -; . f f -Oh. ye. I reniemler, Veplietl Sen ator Hauna. with resijjuat-oii. , - '-;m I get It UOW?" "-' i wXo. not now" rtiHIvd Jlr. Hauna. "I am In a hurry ami I am nor feeling we. , ,:: :-.-.. . . ; s; i;- - "'an I get it toiiMtrr.w?" ; ' X. I shall le inysy tomorrow. "How a1mtn Frhlay:- i, -h. I shall be bu.t.iir on Friday than tomorrow. But you try. Bliss, he has tt.e sortesr hand ami softest, hert of. any inati.I know.". , , i -Oh. stop that. ald-Klis. "Yes. you have. Piissand you. know It. rt joined 31 r. llanna. M.ue. Rhine hiolutl at Mr. Blis ap pealingly, and then Senator Hanna. as he entered the elevator, remarked to ht -r : '.' j '"(Viuif on Satnrdar. Ij won't lie hete." ! ' SKRHH SI.Y ILL Mrs. Sarah bur bin. mtfhr of Sheriir F. W. Durbiu, who is lying ill at tin home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hamilton, was some what v, rse j-estenlay. but was re (tirtetl as resting easy last night, Mrs. I Mn bin is . seriously ill, but gieat hones are entertained for her ultimate recovery. , Sneeze and Blow. - That Is what you must do when you have catarrh In the: head. The way to cute thi disease- is to purify the blood wltli Ilotttl s Sarsaparllla. 'This mtdlcliie soothes ami heal tli In fiaioed surfaces. r built Is the delitai;' tisanes and K-nnauetilly 1ireH eatarrti by cviK'Hing from the I loot I the st-rofi t'loii taint iiniu which it dejieudsj Ite sort to get Hood's. - ., "The non irritating cathartic Hood s Pills.- i -;. . '.- .;'-.: Inning his slay in Fork the duke of i'nnuatight was Hie guest of MaJr bncral Sir Hugh and Lady Mct'ab icoiit. Sir1 Hugh was for koiih year? ti'imls'r of j mi I lament for Nrth Aie Him. lesigniiig hU . feat wlun ai-n-.-intetl to hi present coinmamlL Thoroughly by nature and practice, lie is a capable soldier of tle progressive, not-sparlng-himself trd-. r. He hunts, is a tirst -rate snot, doe not dislaiij the bicycle, and make himself agrei able wlxrcver he goes. . Lord Rowtoii, who is tle literary ese'Utor of the late earl of TtVacons Id,-ha Iweu visiting the qnet'U, and it is tii morod tint t she ha directed Mm to ptit off the publication of Iica--oustiehr niemoirs till'-efter- iir death. . ! J ' Amoii-r tho oldest niemb.'rs of the British parliament is Mr.. Chairlngi ton, who represent the Mile end di4 trict of Itmlon. He is rarely kccii 10 cir-lrialk to aiivone ami will jecuny Id scat itally for wteK intnoui uiTenng a sound, j Withal he I a iuot rliarita Me man and 1 never deaf to a tale of woe. . : ! " The mrtronis of Bute is-having fir ted up h Rothesay residence, 3Iouut: stuart dionsi. a Jieatttifnl Roman dir tholic chamd. which will lie oik of the ; tiuest examples of ictighnr. architect ure in tjreat tirpatn. jue unworKea marble alone fr pillars and sirches will cost $.,(ilt). The best laid scheme o mice and men fJang aft a-gley, And leave us naught but grief and I".1n, ' For promised joy, . . DESIGNING AND j ENGRAVING.... BY ALL METHODS W. h. CHATTEN. Mmmmger. Send for samples of our special designs in lfthoravure work for letter and bill heads, cards and envelope.. Estimates Furnished 266 Commercial f ROAl CMMi: REF41RXEBM FtCTITJOH" (iOVCKNOR To Throw Off U TvrauiT of tho Irot'! ; i UyioMtyia 1 bt OMixtry-t'ocor - Wtturti I4m. . ' i From Daily Statesman. Oct. ?A. The rhiueie llefono ' -arty, with "headtiaarter at Ilonij Kong. has ad dressHl a c.rcular ietier to the. heads of State and . Oovermnenuv" ami a -rjpy f it was yesterday jvs-elved by .ov. T. T. b-r. Tiie petit ou, which i'taied at lions: Koug. iVpteiulier "2aIJ i in t'hoiese charainer. and at tached to It a translation , In Euslisb. The aim of the Chinese reformers 1 to lay" their case before the clviliztnl worhL Tiie-itetii loners, signing them selves the "True; 4 Reformers, state their admiration for the Vclern cir ilixaiiou and the Christian religion. aief retdte the efforts of the ChiiMse t'oveiumeut in keeping the iopolace ignotant and ojpires:ed, Tbfy. tay: ' "The West, In the intercommunica tion of t ratio 'and tiie preaching" of thristianiy," ha solely the 'people. v?Tfare iu View, ; lMKtiu.e it aims at .Ik-nejitiiug the ouiii ry gei'rally, Iu ttiii the Ka-t ami WVscaw riainetri cally opjNed." - -" The pctitiouem state that, on ac cuiini of hatred for reformers, the P.oxer were organized 'ti "opjsose ami ki!I mi.-rshmaries, Christ iau enli vens ami th,- Citutouese, antl more over to opjMi ' autl kill every n.itit e prou possesillg foreign Imiileuieuts and gootls." , . Continuing, the aple:ll fcas: ';.-' ' ,-. v. vThus. some little time 'since, there was one among thore who earned for a reftiriuctl govei umctit, w4io, though mo 'exalted as to ! ,F.inieror, was rrlndess straigiit way leio- el; how iiim-h les Khali the gentry 'and the pipulaee. through' their y'arn Iug after the saine bject, et-aie puu islm tilt !nl dcsih'r : The .iiie.ll foiit-iuiles in the follow ing terms: "Tile sliM-rior iuau as a rforiuer anticlnate Itefurt hand suir-,-)ii.flil troubles. ar;tl most earnestly doe tie httj. for lhf CovetiiliK-nt . ItMdf t (diaiige ami tor the i-ettpie to In solved ftoni tln'ir distrcs.-'es. but imw the t.'ovemmcnt cauhttt change it-elf and we are forced to b'seetdi other to aid , th;- ; reformat ion: . therefore, with our .foriuer earnestness 'of heart ami Willi the sincerity wjth whitdi we Ik.-mh'c1i heaveii to save tlwi p"ole. we turn and beseech the Allied .Nations to have pity Untn the Chinese - isnple. whti sutler tin smart of severe law and unjust puutstt iii. nts ami .who -thereby certainly lose their lives In greater numliers titan tl black slaves ih'd; ami the - eopIe otiinuiiilM r the slaves a thousandfold. We hoe the ill' led iovors will revive the lwiievtdenci' whicii fivetl the slavs nutf coiitiuiit the beautiful wot-k of giving slave their liberty, by freeing our j several humlrcd mil lions, that they may Ik hsye.I fr.aa the tyrannical, barbarous, tiulust puuislihieuts ami cruel methods used jn court of law. 'Today we earnestly lteg with sor rowful hearts, ami if still there sliouhl I no anwer, theft we must lejve it for heaven to ilechle. trusting heaven .wdl reis-ut of tlK'se ca la mil !." Love ailj trust a few, v wroug to none; Ik able for tlunr1 I to etieitiy Rather in iVt than list-: and ke.p " tliv frieml Fmler thy own life key; bo cheeked for silence. But never taxed for speech. sliakesreare. ' Tito wise, man ha his fuilios. no less than the 'fool: lut it ha lieen said Hint herein lie the difference: Tiie follies of the fool are known in AVRITE US IN REGARD FIINIE JOB Statesman St him - elf: the follies of the wise ate kmun to iiinHlf. Intt hid-u from the woritl. (Vdioii. ' INDIAN SNA KK Jl "tj (JI-F-R Captain R. II.' Kllltt. who has leeu for some time conducting rcs'arche :ut the nature, and act ion .of i-tiake iiom In India, baa arrived at the fal lowing OiMiclusious: . First, tiie snake iiKti of sonli India aw c-rtaln'y . ig norant of any method of producing in tlnT.iselves a highlj"; devcU;i-tl -othIi-th.u of lutmtiultr: e;iitl, wiw few of 1 apjwar to yra-llee -the swal lowiug .if vtnoui or tite Innm-tion of venom . iuh their limbs, but It ,1s t'o-.ibtful If they thus obtain soiuo de gree of fiinminiz.il ion: third, they cot toie themselves utmost extdusively to the cobra end sea ie harm by the intimate knowltdge of Uie uiethola of hamlltng this snake. A POWER OF ATTORNEY riUCKC IS AH APPEAL CASK IN KLPfttCStC COrRT. ; Tho Validity of twtft ' O.OC I ImvoIvoH Minor Order Woro , jf . Kottftnl of Record. i Froiii Daily Staiesman, OeL r.i. yestenlay. sitbmlMetl, In the tn; cm St 'Supreine ourt, was argued antl as fo!hiws: ! Tiie SH-nrity Saving Bank, re KtKutWni, vs. Susie AV. "tuith, adm'iu istiatiix of the tate of l'rtstoti C. Smith,, thseatetl; Preston W'! Smith. Madeline Smith, Susie Smith and Henry Smith, by their guardian ad litem. Rluford l. Sigler. apllants. The" apjw Hants were renivseuted by Hon. John H. Mitchell, and 1li re IlKuitients by 'Milton Y. Smith. A .'brief statement uf the case is as fol Ij'.vs: . Thi was an a mica If roin Ok le-cr4- f the irciiit cturt fr Mnittio iitah oui!t.'-, renihifit in a 4'ase bir tii- toieciosure 4if a .mortgage. --The piop4-rty U hieattst In tb city 4f Port laml, Oiegou, ami was at the ilate .f tiie execettju f the- note i'lnl mort gage the seM:irai4 property of Pres ton C. Smith, deceased, the legal tltl ct.iintiilg in his ll:t!ll.'. On -t iber I. IHi'i I'rfslon '. rSutitii, leeias"d. es cfatnl a note f that -date, payable to 1 he onmr of the Security Savings T:ink. resptiuth-nt li?rciu. for the kutu of $-jn.oH, payabh OcIoIkt 1. tM.r, with ir.teiest at six per int jut an num, payabi .quarterly, principal and Jntercsir payable in gohl coin. Said note ajlso c m tamed a 4-taus4 for 1tn Huiyni ut of n reastniable attorney's fee in 'cane of suit. or. action on the same. The note was 'signed as fol hv.s: Pi4-tou . Smith; tSus'e Smith, by Presttm C. Smiih, her nt tcrncv fsct. . - On the same date. October l.'lStrj, a mortgage was oxevmul on lhe(proj erty th-sci-iU-d Ihi'tt'iu tt secure the payment of the note. The authority under which PrcHttm C. Smith c'.aims: to havV .lJni th name of Susie Srrith tn said imte ami iimttgage. who at that tie. e was hi wife, I the tKiwer 'of .attorney,. "I he' text' of which i r.s ftiilows: "Know all men by tlnse trS nl: That I. Susie Smith, of Portland,- r r'gon, mw teinimrarily In Matliscn county. Alalia ina. have made, cttrsti "t u let I ami aiioinled and. by Ihes4. nivsenis do make. cn-ililute anil ai point Preston C. Smith, of Portland, Oregon, my tnieii ml lawful altorucy for me and' iu my ieiiiii', tihuc ami. stead, to exercise the general control iiuil sup-rvision rT all my laml.t. tenements antl lit'ittlit;iiii4 iils In. -the state of Oregon, ami to-gra,nt. bar gain and sdl the whole or any part of such lantl-t. teneno'iits ami heretji t .-in icn is w iiny estate, right, title r interest that I may have therein thereto on such 'terms as In my said attorney shall seem meet. Also to make partllhui ami division of my Higii TO YOUR WANTS the wbiitl. but an hiMen from STATESMAN BUILDING FlRlrNITIirNO Job Office, ! ntvHK-rtv of. estate that -I am iuti-re- i t- til in aul .to uccpiit, atoi. rctviie !. shan or sm h pniis-ity. or estate and for me ami In my name and fr mi, use to Isirrov.' moneys ami to moi l gage the whole or , any- part .of my lamls or, interest in lamK se: uie ih sanie,;ti dfiuaml. receixT and col-ItM-t any sums of money that are mw may berv-aftcr tn-come liw, owing iwiyable ' pi n: - from auv pcrMia whomsiever. anl urs'a recciid ttK-re-nf tn give ii nd : execute ?jftjuittaiices. r.Heiptv '"ndea'set or 'other discharge of the Mn. e and ror nie ami in my tiaiue ; to make, .x t i!j, -ud deliver g4Mxl ami siitllcient tlts-d Jtntl HVey-n-4' iJT any5 f .tta lamls r inter est in land tiiat in.T said at brney mar we lit ' U-stK'"4 ,f I:her whit, or without covenants. f warranty, and-(generally -giving my ah! atttn n.-y full -power to lo everything whaistt ev r j reiptifite and miess;try in antl alsnit my bitsiiiess ami affair "a fully as I could , do if personally pre-ieiif. Hereby ratifying and continuing all JOHN C PIERSON, Valuable' acqiiisijion to OuneH's ftt Kill leant. t'.wl my said ai toruey. shall lawfully; tto 4tr i-aus" to Ik done by-virtue here-, ef. In witness wheivonT -ha ve h-r-tinto set mv hi'.iid ami seal this, thir teenth (l.iy nf Scptcmltcr A. I . isuj." The mill' controversy in the cas as shown by the assignment' of error, is a to whether. 4r not said Preston. C. Smith ii.nl aullim It j , under the aixive iituvcr of .attorney, from said Susie W. Sniilh. to xectite njihl trite ami iuorti,':ige on her lwh ilf. KDFCATFD MI'S ARE IN DE M AND. Never ls'ftire was the e:iH for "I rained men so IoihI a now, s.i,y Success. They are in demand everywhere. ng only In the professions, but -a lo in ttusmess htmse. manufacturing estab lishments and even on the farm, they are In" great demand. - The farmer who iimlondnnd chemistry, "who I able t analyze-"the force, tit natiir. to mix In-a'tii with hi stil,' will ! be tlM gwat farmer of the future. There is an lucreasetl tlemautl every wlmn lot" college-islucaled itHn. Wo Ilml them occupying tiie ls'st jtosi lions i In our Insiiraiiet. banking, mannfactiir- c-'l -. I :t;.v:; -;,; ,- , :,: ! "-A , I "' -: Hi' C-"""- "v": Sj'f '5; ; ' ' "'. I ' ; , '?iA -ivCX'' - f :'.;'r' ' Wk I ' ll im, -m r 'X -i' I ' : 'f'VA --;':;V, :mm - ! ' ' - ' - ' ' - i V ' - 5 ... ,-....o.,3.,.. V im ,. .v-- -', . . - - - - - - J orliug ami IraiiKiiortatloii liiNtiiiitioiis. Never Is'fore was the call fur. liber ally nluealed men ami -women; so great as ttwlay. i - Gpaijc W'oi i: Pi'OMIT liXrCOTION I-ficcs Reasonable I if I Sa.em, Oregon : .0 m r HALF-TONE, ZiNC HI'CIJING MAI AND WOOD ENGRAVING PHOTOGRAPHING . Satisfaction Guaranteed Salem, Oregon k