Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 02, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    . .WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN", Friday, novemcr.' iooo.
. Issued every Tuesday and Friday by the
K. J. HEXDRICK81 Xuiftr.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year, in advance. $1; Six
months, iu ad vauce, 50 cents; , Three months, in advance, 25 ent8;
One year, on time, 1.25.
The Statesman lias beta estab
lished for nearly fifty years, and it has
tome subscribers who have received it
nearly that long, and many who buve
read it for a generation. Som ot
these object to having the paper di$-j
continued at the time of expiration of
their subscription. For the benefit ot t
these, and ior other reasons, we have;
concluded fo discontinue subscriptions
only when notified to do so. All per;
sons paying when subscribing, or pay-,
Vote for McKInley and the full din
ner pail. .' ..;'
iA vote for 4 he Republican ticket -1
a vote tA continue prosperity.
.ni im.mtsmm
The tidal. war of sound Judgment,
patriotism ami business sense l ruu
niug strong in the direction of Repuli-Ii-au.
. u 1.
Th Immense volume- of business in
all classes of merchandise means an
Incredible amount of nkUlnl bUir
.which has Iieen well paid, ami skilled
labor will not rote to cheek 4 bat vol
ume of Mmsiness.
Tike conservative, inde'ieudent East
ern pat all agree that Mr. Bryan
ha talked hluiself o death, the last
self-inflicted stah being given wlien lie
)aJd a glowing tribnte to the virtues
and greatness of Tammany Hall and
Croker on the stage at Madison Square.
He whirled through qiaee on Monday
-and made thirty qetcbeK, all in the
state of . New York, excepting one.
which was made in New Jersej. This
broke bin own record for one day, iy
three iecches.
The fact that large crowds have
greeted Bryan as lie has whirled
through New York. New Jersey and
Maryland has giren mif of the Re-puhlk-ans
a wniv. This is a good
thing. The friends of progress ought
to have a scare, and we hope it will
List until the polls are closed 011 Tue-1
day eveaiug next. If Bryan is to be
.ekced. this country is hanging on the
Itrink of a precipice, leading straight
down to business and industrial ririu
and stagnation for the time being, and
even -the probability of it is enough,
to scare ail the people of this country
who desire the prosperity and well be
mg of their country. a!ml
who want
. ,.'tf :
lis redit protected at home
aud its
honor respvtifed abroad. It cannot be
hat the United States is at this time
going to take the hack track. It can
Hot lie 1 hat she is going to dim the
lustre of lite name she lias made . Iu
the eyes of the nations. But in order
that such a fate may not befall -our
country, it liehoove every man w!w
fears Bryan itn and all Bryanism
.... . i
mauds for to work faithfully from
this time on. Oregon Is out of the
storm center of the Hditiealeamj.iaign.
I'.nt even in this state there uhouhl be
no lajsjrard. There Is duo to this
country not merely a bare victory over
the forces represented by Ilryan. but
an overwhelming defeat, that, will
discourage for. all the years of the
future such attempts at foisting upon
the Ameriesin iMide 1 reactionary
tsdlclcs" nrooosetl Uv tlie followers 'of
the Nebraska orator apd actor.
1 .00 is ?ertr. the well-known stock
man of Klamath, offers 4o wager 5 to 3
n I lie .election f McKinley - and
l:ooeveU. aiil will accepr an offer
u the Ilepublican standard bearer
carrying, the dmhtful i tates--sir
Riale that aie f-laimed as doubtful
bv the Hrvanites New York and 'ln-
1iana. lie lias to wajrer these
rfuldy.- Mr. Serler is a IVnim-rat, Is a
tiisls4nt reader and'.Rcarehcr afier
knowllpe. and hU opinion is worthy
of eiuSkratlon. He says liryan has
no Mvslble chance of election. Lake
vlew KxainimT. ; j :s
If Mr. fierier lired In New Yort 1m
would hav to offer greater oilds on
the general result, or he would not
find any takers. lie would hare 10
"ner letter than five to one. "
State Mineralogist Crer say. that
In foer rears California's outnnt of
oil wi'd f-oua! In raln her production
f gold. Is the fjohlen. State 1o sle
known In fniir as the, 'Oasy
t:te? San Ji!e Mercery. ' ; '
. -
Why does not some man or wnne
company re for oil In Oregon?! lip
to a few months ago all the CalifornUi
oil wells weie In the southern part of
the ctate. lint lately Wells harefle4?n
sunk iu the northern part, te.ir the
roat. and it has dev4:pod that .a
wide region there- will produce oil In
abundant flow.' Now. there. Is found
tlu? t.ame formation along the Oregon
Injjr in 'advance, will have the benent of
the dollar rate -But il they do not pay
for six months the rat will be $1.25 a
year. ; I lereaiter we . will end . the pa
per to all resoonsiule Larsons who or
atr. it, though they may not send the
nioney, witb the understanding that
they .are to pay ta$ a year, in case
they Jet the subscription account run
over six month. In order that there
may be no m'nnderstanding, we will
keep this notice standing at this place
in the paper. ;
coast lJr:i- the same sand stone, etc..
itoiddy near Yaqulna bay, in theTila
irfok 'con at ry, au.l in the Nelialem
valley. There are evidences of the
xi.stt-nee of lxrh coal ami l In the
Tillamook country, and it is well
known that there aie coal deiwviits in
the Nehalerj v?ller.
I We t-etieve llicre are v.nt tin
lii'Vc io,il resources in our coast coun
try, outside or tlte immense forests
and dairy jHissiliilitieH,
r - f -1 '
j The einliezzui 'iit of some ?7l0. UM
from the Flrt National Itank of
New York, gave a terrible shock ' to
Onancial circles in th metroixHis of
the nation: but when rive public read
the reoort f Mr. Alvorrs Vexttava-
gant habits for tlie Jast five years or
looie. there will lie Utile sympathy
felt for the officers of the institution
irp-'wi whom. -f he disgrace or this large
defalcation has fallen.
Mr. Alrord h:d a palatial 'home on
; lies tcr Hill, and it m'rst h.-ne bieu
known to tlie otticers of the bank tliat
h? was annually seudlng, in the most
ostentatious manuer, thritv the salary
the bank paid him for bis service.
He diove the Dncst teams; ids wife
displayed the finest laces and the
most dazzling diamonds, and he was
lavish iu costly hospitality. These
facts ceriainly should hare made! the
ortiivrs!of the bank inquire wh.se
nuuicy bi was spending, and that In
quiry; would hsre ref.uitt-tl in the d'.-
oery tbet he v.'as stealing 4he mon
ey !jf tle bank to make this grand
display! !iefte hi neighbors.
The First National Itank is one of
the strongest institutions in New
York Hty. and the story of this cm-
itj'sczh-ment has brought out conspicu
ously licfore the public the vast mon
ey resource of the institution, and
will doubtless be an interesting story
to Jay Cooke, whose enthusiastic ef
forts founded that 'b.-ink'. -
When th national banking law:
was enacted, it . was most unwelcome
to the tinancial etkntres of rue country.
Tlie old state banks had few re
straints uion them; and iu New York
city there was very -general hostility
to the new system among the bankers.
Jay Cooke was then the chief financial
ajieut ofthe Government and tireles
In hia efforts to main lain the national
credit. He iwrsonally iusnlnnl the or
ganization of the First National Itank
of Philadelphia, that is. now one of
the most successful of that city. He
had to go to New York and personally
a PI cal to the friends of the Uovern-
nient to organize tie First National
Hank. lie met with many' rebuffs,
but lie 'finally succeeded. In getting to
iretlwr $."(HM0 of capftal, on which
was started the First National Bank
of New York.
This liank was founded in doubt
and distrust, and this ' is the bank
front which a teller bas stolen nearly
three-quarters of a milieu; lmt its
strong tinancial position Is presented
by its Lrst othcial statement, showing
its capital $.M),(MN), sutvlns fr.fKM),o),
a.vnniulatnl profit $1.1 14.25 1.30 with
J.-ftl.fl-Ti.vIU of deposits. exchKive of
lVW.ixsi of tlovernment deos'1s.
Siich is tin1 record of the First Na
tional Itank of New York, established
when the whole money Influences of
the financial centre of the country
were hostile to the ihw systm. It has
in surplus and nudlvided profits $!),
111251, ami this bas acctnnulateil nf
ter fuiyment of 100 per cent, dividends
for some years past. , '
V; t , ,r
The savings banks of the
States ; bare on deposit orer
OOO.tuxi. Tlie national ltasiks
on an
a re rase for evcra months past hare
bad on deposit' somewhat less , than
$2"iiMi0jlniX I-r ns snpioe the two
amopnt to le Hie same. On? repre
sents the savings of the worklngmn
which are his property absolutely. The
other rept events the snrplus capital of
tlie manufacturer and merchant, a
large parr of ' wlrich Is lnle!rtedne4.
Uttle or none ot the tarings banks ik-
posits r-preent d4s, for;the fanner
or nwhanie does not put money In the
savings bank when iw owes anything.
Mndy the figures' as yon will and
they, tell that the prudent farmer and
tailoring man is furnishing the money
for borrower.? la every IndwttT' The
laixmr uas m'UUK .. ine vcniiiairi jui
is lcn."iing hi employer . ine money
with which be does business. This
was, most ; viridlj l!Iustrattl recently
at a canqMiign meeting.- A real entate
denier and lmllder trlio was something
fof a tr-eaker was addressing an andi-
t tree in hi home ity.n Erery i one
l:nw the builder, ,wlu , had put up
hundreds of bouses ami wdd tbetu on
the luslallmeiu ilan. It took a large
canital, whk-h the builder !Krrowtl
from the savings. lanks giring mort-
sagy on thejfinisiiel houses as wctir
ilv. Smhlculy tlie ieaker said: i
-Is John Manga ni here? t;t.
John Ma ugan rose up.
vJobnM said tlie builder, "You hare
worked for nie se--ral j-cais."
'I have a id Johu.
"And you have earned a gootl many
dollars and saved ,ome, I upi?e?'
I own my; house and hare $100 in
the lank" siid Johu. ; , i
Thaak you; that is all said the
Fiwaker, and. continuing to the audl-H
ence, he said:;; :, ' "
"Now. -what is Johu's ?l,2t0 doing?
111 tell you. I ani borrowing it and
paying o iierceut. for it. I am lKrrow
lug the savings - of ereral .hundred
men and using It in developing! real
estate anj putting up homes, which I
sell to ,tlts men , and other, jieople 011
!nsta'Imeiits. Fo. reolly, John is the
capitalist ami I ant the lalsirer."
T1m audh'iice wai uick to .k tlie
lMint aud got a new Insight info the
difference Itetween capital and labir.
Tlw incident and iesKon here conveysl
vbould eouvlni'e every one of the im
portance of con tin 11 ill); our present
monetary and tariff law Wc must
not only sv to it that tue.-!e laborers
contiure to have work hml gool
wages, but that theSr dollars shall be
worth loo : cents ', wlten they are de
posited in the bank aud worth 100
ints when loaned to the buihkr, and
still worth ,10O cents when withdrawn
to s, nd the Imi.vh to college; or for any
other purpose. ' ;
And there Is another view of these
comparative bank deposits.' The mon
ey iu the savings 'bank is the j abso
lute proierty of the ileiM-itors, most of
whom are fanners aud mecha nic-s. The
money of the m.i mi fact 111 ei-s and mer
chants on deposit in tlie national banks
rf pi-esents In a great measure, indebt
edness for gools and labor. So that
j- t
a large part of this vast uin. also lie-
loncs to the lalwrei-s when Saturday
nisrht comes.
Nor doen even this measure albof the
laliotvei-'s wealth. Theie are millions
more in loan associations, trust com
panies and insurance premiums, in
vested in rent estate, mortgage. Mocks
aud bonds. Iu no other country ou
earth does such a condition exist. In
no other part of. the world is the so-
called worklnguvan so well off as in
protected, sound money America. To
the worklngman "of no other conntry
iu th world is the economic and fi
nancial policy of his oyTnment of
such vital, far-reaching importance as
1t b to the, workiugman of the United
States. ' .
I will tell you what is the para
mount Issue, said Oovernor Roose
velt in a speech In Xew York a few
evenings ago, "it Is Bryanbun in the
nation and frokerism in the state."
Said Kryaii In his speech at; Cooper
Union hall. New York, N. Y Oct. 10,
1!K)0: f;teat is Tammany, and Croker
is its prophet.
Said Richard Croker a few days ago:
"My , "advice to I M'nMK'ra tie , voters
tlie ctmntry over is to congregate about
tlie polling places on the evening of
eh ct ion da j-, -ouut nosos and then if
the election returns (or Rryan don't
tally with tUer count, to co; into the
oolling plaes and throw the fellow in
4 barge of the returns" Into the street."
Tliere Is uo tpiestion coiioeruiutf the
alliame lN'tween Rryan and (,'ioker.
Now, do the American ieofIe want
Tammany methods at Washinetou?
Oo they want a I'resldent cKctHl by
the use of fund-i that are levied on
New York's .vice? li; they Want to
encourage methods of lawlessness and
violence, encouraged and a Ivbwsl by
Rlchaml Cioker, wlio lias grown enor
ii'ousl.r rich ou iKiHtical spoils who' Is
more corrupt 1 ha 11 IVtss Tweed in his
nalmlesi days? - 1 , .
Would tlwt tin other Males liavlng
great cltie had tlovernors like Tlieo
dure llo?sevelt, wlw aid-at Rochester
upon Wlng;shown Croker's 'statennnit
advIMn r".ot and meant what be said:
"Mr. Croker mciiis notto understand
that if this incitement to Hot and moli
violenco at the ioIIs should Iiear fmit,
he would 4e an accessry lifore the
fact. The election laws, like all tb4'r
lawM. apply mo Mr. Cioker if?d to er-
ry'one ele, !aml Mr. Croker land erery
one else must and will ohty tln-in."'
Th Statesman will bulletin the elec
tion returns in full on election nlglit,
across the street from tlie otllee. By
virtue of the assistance if certain of
our Salem friend, the ctowds waiting
for. the returns will - toe entertained
with living pictures by tlie rita scope.
If the weather is stall propitious, we
predict that Commercial street will be
toi small to hold the ct owds that Will
lie waiting W hop the returns will
lie pleading to the majority, of the
crowd. But .tliey will - of 4 course he
given impartially, and as taken frouii
the- wires, eren though they may be
Hk most cheering to the minority, or
altogether, so There U no politics in
the news. - - i-: ; ' '
a . . , '
4 J JLftf)Qfgf $
Vorthy of His Hire. "
Bat & tv&gee&rner can'
get more for his personal ser
vices if in strong and vigorous
health We flood is the
life-giving and strength-making
part of the system. If it
is pure, "all is well if not, it
should be y; parifted with
HoodTsSarsaparilla, which
makes the sveak strong C
Can Eat Was iirtd out, fuJ no
tppeiHt uniX I took Hood's Sarspri2
B buSt me tight up and 1 csn ti hari
ffyi." Etta. Hager. AthoU Mass. ,
th nua trrititUdfr o4
tily cthrtic to tokg ..J Boa)1 8irMfiU.
She Will I'.e an American tJirl, in the
Ilea sing Person of Consuelo,
Uiu hes of f Marlborough.
England's outlying territ-orks will
soon lie ruled entirely by American
women. Mary Ieiter, of Chicago, now
Uady Cnrxon off KetWeston, Is the
vicereine of India. Next we Khali see
Consuelo, the little Huchess of Marl-
lMirongh.. ruling over the ieode of
Ireland; and a gentle rule It will lie.
for her .sjmce Is very fond of i lie imh-
ple of the. Emerald Isle!
If the newH that comes from abroad
lie true, lluirfes Edward John
ChurthilC Duke of MaiilMirough, will
siHin reetive front the? hands of her
majesty, Jueen 'Victoria, the most
covete! jiqsition ?n her gift. Not even
India has mote attractions than that
of the viceregal residence of Ireland.
SHuated hi the beautiful grounds of
Phoenix park, the place made historic
by many occurrences, it Is one of the
most char minsf in Ireland.
.The duke was, it is sajd. offered
tliis position a year ago, but just at
that time the little Duke of Blenheim,
the "l-year-o"d heir to the Marllxiroush
millions, was ill; and ' the duchess,
who is a very devoted inotlier, would
not allow him to accept. Rut uoav it Is
different. The honor of the position
appeals to her; and site is gratifietl at
her husband's ambition to " shine in
the service of bis country.
Ever since her marriage of four
years ago the duchess has been a
prominent figure in Ixmdon. She wore
a dtamond tielt.at the nrs-t reception
given In her houor in Indou; and
slie gave a sum of hiowy never be
fore "qualed to the ihans of that
city. Tiien the Prince and Princess
of Wales visited her at Woodstock;
and Blenheim castle rang with cheers.
Soon afterwards the tJerman emperor
paid a short visit to the Marllor-
oMghs.-SHd was entertained at lunch
eon. Her . youth, her lieauty. her
money 'and her tact hare made ber
nne of the most popular wonfen In
England. ;.
The latest news is that William K.
Vanderbilt. has given bis check for
lialf a million dollars to his daughter,
tlie Duchess of Marlborough.
T1k crlft is Jn the nature of a thank-
ofTering for the Dnke of Marllior-
ough a safe return from the war In
South Africa. . j;
The duchess, accompanied by the
duke, is now in Pairis investing the
jfeney in, autiqtte furnltun? and deco-
rative articles fori
tlw house now
Mayfair. one of
building foE .her in
tlie most
fashk)nille districts of
Not long ago MrJ
Vanderbilt gare
bis daughter another half million for
I lie houve. j
The Duke of Marllorough was one
of finr dukes to go to war in South
Africa Marlborough. Norfolk. Rox
burghe -and Wstmlssier and was
tlie first of them to voflimtwr.
When tlie Boer war began Marlbor
ough wo a lieu-tenant. in a yeomanry
i gentlemen's home guard of cavalry)
regiment called the Queen's Own Ox
fordshire Hussars, whose colonel' is
the Priuce of Wales. With l.TO of bis
men. younjrer sons of eon u try sen tie
men, he volunteered last Iecv,nil)er.
He was notified by Hie war ottiee on
the 2tli of that month that bis offer
to serve n South Africa as a captain
of imperial yeomanry was accepted.
Three weeks later he was appointed a
staff c:ipta In of imerial yeonianrj-.
But be held a higher rank in the
British army; f 1h yr appointed
last year paymaster ; general of tlie
general of the forces. That was an
lHworary. apiiointment, howerer, no
salary being attached to it.
Wlien the youug duke started for the
fieW the Ioulon newsiviin rs piked fun
at him for taking to war four horses,
four -splendid Spanish piulesl a special
ly built Ca lie cart for going over
touch roads; and the veldt, four serv
ants and every devk-e for comfort that
eoukl he utiliZ4vd In a comixact space.
This elaborate equipment was contrast
ed wilh-tlM lmpk lighting outfit of
his famous ancestor, the great warrior
Duke of Marllorou.srh.
But 'the dnke found the eqnipnvnt
very hanly and more than once he
rendcreil important assistance with it.
After aisint seven months jf orvlce.
durlnfr whU-h "time he was brave to
the 'point of recklessness, 1k retnrne!
"in splenrfid healtli.", according to him
self, "and with ia bagful of Kntger's
soverelffus.. ' The duke undotriitetlly
?has froupht home, too. a lare nuui
lier of wai relks, w-hich will help deer
orate tfie new hous-.
And now further honors are In store
for the duke. Site ts, it Is declared,
- le selected for apiiointment as lanl
lieutenant, or Ticeroy of Irehini(i in
Iilace of Earl Cidogan. '
Tlie Ticeroy of Ireland has. a salary
of 10(Mi0 ayar, two residences and
allowances for equipages. But it takes
fUiO.ooo a yenir more, to adiniUiitely
maintain dignity of bis position.
Funeral and Meeting House Regula
tions of a Ceiitury and a Half ago.
Hiring Into H records of one
of. the most charming cities of our
commonwealth, . Northampton, ' we
find much of deep Interest as rereallng
cntstoni. and habits of olden time. No
hotise - in o kKn t ime. and - com pa ra
tiely recent lyfciot store were car
ried to church., as were tallow ' ran
dies to the ihvenhisr meetings. In T-i
tlie important vhal qncKiloiir.it a Ieal
town HKins was, -Shall men aud
their wives . Ih seated, " together in
lew?; l the rote wa an emphlt-i-
, In 17-14.' alvut tlie . bealnning of
Jonathan Ed wanl -trouble in tlw? parr
ish, if! was voteil not to pay the
charge of bringing his daughter from
IVooktidd."-la. !7JS this apinars on
the town records: "Taking into con
sideration the difficulty Mr." Edwnrds
hath laiwred under this lyear. and
koumt time- past with respect to hi
firewood, the town voteilthat tho.e
HTsons, who ; lruve not- thin year
brought him a .; Uuui ' of wood
might 'iMT-e. lilierty" Iwt ween (hi time
and next Tuesday night to Iwing each
one his load of wimhI." If there was.
not a sufficiency of wood by that
time, the -town - then vivted. the Se-
ItH-tnien shall ee that tlue iletlciener
should be met at the cost if ihe
town. ' " ' i .
Ijiter, in 17Sf, we find in the war
raut for town nu eting this entry: "To
procure firewood -for;' the Rev. Mr.
Williams; to choose a ouiniittee- to
seat the meetlikg house."A most, nerl
ous -I business to-kHlde. " Who .should
take pieferemv In the broad ..aisles!
The "nigger pew well remjm bered
by thewrrter. causett no-troiitiie to
sahl officer, as that wa ; readily ' a
eptel by tlK" "colored brethren." like
cows In the stabl". who went dutiful
ly to their separate st:ilH.
Not only the living had1 sjieelal rules
governing 'their 'conduct, .-but th ruk-s
about the dead were very tpiaiut, as
by this ieHirt'of a committee. May
11. 17S0. to whom had Iwen referred,
the conduct of ftiiuTrtls. as foliosvs;
Wherejis, It J.s the opinion ' of ibis
town that' funerals ought '-to lie con
ducted with greit diMvney and deco
ruVn In order to impress on .rising and
ilseti generation the inqsirtance if the
awful solemnity, and to render the
hous4' of mourning better than the
hous." of feasting. Ik' it therefore rcc
oinmendtHl to all the inlia.bitaiits of
this tiwn to bservo the fillowiiig reg
ulations ot funerals:'; , ';''-'
' FirstThat the relatives of the de
ceased follow next the corpse, two
and two. ' ,;-
Se-ond If the deceased was a male
iieison the males are to follow next
the mourners, two ami two. and. in-.
women aftr them, two and twobut
if tlie "deceased was a wom.in. th.'n
the women are to follow next the
mourners and the men after them. '
Third Those on hoi-srhnck are to fol
low iu after the foot folks, horses
two and two, and the carriages are to
follow in the rear of the profession.
And it is requested that - no person
walk or ride on either side the pro
cession from .the house to the grave.
Ten of the prominent men of the
city were appointed and requested to
attend at funerals and to regulate the
procfcsion tlitw commended until
the same shall become habitual to ihe
lieople. In 1745 the question was rais
ed in ; the 'annual town meeting "if
the town would be at the exis'iif-e f
cidoring the meeting house, and It
passed in the negative!" Evidently
they thought that nature would do
it without expense. Not till 171!)
wer the forts and fortifications f
the town demolished ami the Umber
and lioards sold for the benefit of th
town, li ws were passeil relative to
the schooling of boys and the amount
of wood they should bring to tlie
schoolhouse; girls were of no account
In thoso days.
John Doty of Hempstead the Victim
of a Sharp Trick.
John Doty of Hempstead, L.-..L. who
known as a shrewd horse dealer,
was the vicfiiu lately of a sharp trick.
Some time ago Mr. Doty came into
liossessiou of a hue-looking jouug
lior, but It was averse fo a.l profit
able labor. Mr. Doty eventually
found a purchaser in John Reidel. a
banker who tinaiiediatly hitched his
new acquisition to the deVvery wagon.
The price paid was f"3).
Mr. Reiilel oon discoveriMl the ani
lual's weakness. After much cogni
tion he. decided iipon a scheine.Phic
ing fthe liorse in iiis larii. he '"e 1111-n-ucd
a systen of 'iierve-racking
stunts. whk-4i. after -a few w-k.
traiw'forimsl tlie lazy lua-t Into an
animal of much spirit land nervous
ness. - After this he .carefully docked
the sttHsl's mane and tail. lipiMd his
coat, and. through the -hand of an
ajtent, siMx-eedcd 111 niilo;nlinsx his
property 011 the unsuspecting Doty for
the sum of $1'5.
A single battalion of Infantry 1.000
'strong, .which Is the strength of an
Euslisli battalion, takes up a road
length of -"''' yard. IneliHling alMiut
elglHy yards for straggkrs. A bat
tery of field attillery takes up 'joo
yat'ds. ami a regiment of earalry
takes up when marching four abreast.
(."it -yards. . An army corps, with Its
Klaff. wagons, guns. Jiospintl. etc..
would extend over thirty-four moes.
Washington has grown faster than
Oregon during the decade,, and the
Evergreen Slale may continue tier
lead for some time to eome. But tnei
Is a time approiiching when there will
In a change In the program. That
time will lie here when all the
railroads headel that way get Into
Southeastern Oregon, and when tlie
Immense resources of the Oregon coast
country are in course of full develojr
trent. The progress of diversified and
intensified agriculture In- other por
tions of tlie ftate, too, - will help In
n akbig the iHipulation of Oregon more
diversified and Intense. .
Ex-Scnator John H. Mitchell is now
sqiuirely out for the gold standard.
But Mr. Mitchell's opinion eoncrning
the gold standard is not as important
in this state or to the nation as it once
Tot Inluits a&d Children. .
ft3 Ri:l Yea Bars Alvrajs B::jht
Bears the
Signaturo of
. iwinty-hcht. marriage ucinsis.
Issued liy County flerk W Hall
During the Month of Octolnr
' Jnst Closed. ;
County Clerk W. TV. Hall has Issued
twenty-eiglit tmtrrlage li--jiss during:
the month just closed, averaging a
litile better than" one for each day.
They' are as "follows: f ' "K,-.
OcrolHT 1st 41. V. Ro!fe(.tnd tUn
Ii. IV StnrtA-ant, C. 1 Nlman wit
ness. . ..;'"
Ktolr ',M RlelKfrd I. Meade and
Mis Oraee 11. Wiltens. Fre.i IK-kk-y
Jr.. witness. Oren K Lewis and Miss
Addle M. Overson, Bliss L. Daibv.
wnmsn. r, it. lwtwn uiiu m t'jiii.
fJift I ):ivti- I 'rwi.i fNinitli wit
Mumper and Miss Mark 'Matt lies,'
- . -'. t
John Ma tthes. witness.
. Oetolier 3d Charles ,J. Alv. oiid ami
Miss M. Urave Iohle, A. A. Is, wit.
ness.v ,-' - ' ; . .'
Iktolier 4th H. .'August' Elgin and
Miss Ma Fenskc. F. Fciiske wituexs.
tlctob-.-r Oth Robert Cjinn Miss
May McCalllster. W. HS.-lIsid wit
ness. Jleorge V. HayiK-s and ir!4
Nellie Mct'lme, W. F. -Dumigan wit-
OctclKT Mh-Eiig'.elft ft Si inn e and
Miss Josephine '-Winkclma 11,
Winkeiman wllm-ss. .lox-ph Sfitpfei
and Miss Maurhe Ollivette. "Heiirr"
Putsch witness.
(KmoIht Iith Alee Sanders and Mi
Up(iendakl, Csms Sanders witness
(h-tolK-r loth -I.. C. Matthes "ncd
Misrf IVarl Smith, John "ltaln-r wlt-
Octolwr l.Jtl -t'lyde II. Van'Orden
ami Miss Jessie M.j I iihrop. p. .x.
I.itluou wStmiss. Ernest W. ui.',.I
atid .Miss, Katie E. 1 lithroii. t
. N.
Iithrop witness. Marion Porter
Miss Etta Morris. D. M. .Morris
ness. F. l.eltriin and Mr. M.ary
Iin. F. I'i'r:i!iili witness.
Octolivr lh h -Henry .1. ' Yodt r
Miss l.ydia Roth. Jo-eph S. V;dr
ness. Prist K. Wiley aud Miss 'Alice
A. Parrows. A. . Hariovvs witu.-ss.
(H-jober 17th V. W. Fisher and Miss
Veio'tiia Hashing, F. A. Turner" wit-
n ss.
Oi.f.Ji.i- 'i'LIU' 1 'C. . t..- 111..
... t. t. .11111 .U7t:
Nauna Fickliu. W. A.. Taylor witness.-'
Oeiolier i;t I u A. Savase and j
Miss W. N. Savage, W. N Savage wit
ness. ' ;
October 27lh -V M. Brock ad Mrs. L
Mary E. Nost. tJrant Peter .witness.
Octolicr.LIHh H. W. Hair and Miss-.
Minified OlVumll. P. Fentiell wit-;
ness. win. .Mciuiop ami .miss
lU'iiiiiic.iii. J !. Moore witius. A.
I Whitemail and Miss Dora Atom. .11,
Henry Amnion witness.
Oetolier :Huh-Wm. H. Witzcl and
Miss Lillian Thompson, K. C. Pat ton;
witness. ;
0-tober "list Albert A- Jessno and '
Miss Ella - - Fennell, P. ('. Patterstiuj
In tne Circuit Court of tlie Siu:.
01 -if recoil, lor.iue miiiity jiu jia noll,i
I icpai t nient o. Z. ,
1-L S. Ikiliner. plaintiff, vs. Roln-rt
Iak'Ii, tlefeudaut.
To Robert Ixeb, defendant almvei
named:. In the naun of the Statcj ofl
Oregon, you are reqtiliw! to appear!
and iinsu er th conqiila int fil d auainstj
you hi the above entitled suit within
ten days .from the date of the servkef .
of this summons in.sni yon -if ttcrvcdj
within Marlon county. - Oregon, or if ;
serveil in any other county of this stat
then within twenty days from the datf
of tlw service of this vunuiioiis Uton
you, or if served by publication thetvf
of. on or iH'fore the 17th. da. v of Del
tndier. lHoo.' that lieing ihe la-t day
for-ap'ea ranee or answer by yon
fixed, by the order of the court for the
publication of this summons, ami if
you fail so to appear or answer th
nla int iff will nipy to .the coiirt for the
relief praj-eil for iu bis complaint', tiM
wit: for a Jiwluieut aud - decree
aicaiu-st the defendant for the reenvery
in Unitsl States gold coin of t!ie pritji-
cliuil sum, of $211.47 with ntt.Tt
tlwrxu from the th day of Januarji-.
lMi at the rate of f eight ikt
cent, tier annum, and for tin
recovery of f2.V as attorney fe's
heieiu. togetlier with the- costs and
disbutseuM-nts of iliis suit; and f . .r ii
de'n against the kfendant fon-clos-
inar the mortgage given by the defend
aut to tlie plaintiff to secure -the pay
ment of Kahl money and pleaded in
said complaint, and for a ditTiH-, for
he. wile of the real property descrilied
iu said mortgage and iu the complaint
herein to obtain fluids with which to
nay said Mveral sums of money with
accruing interest and costs, which
said real premise to lie sold as nfore-t-aid,
are descrilied as follow, to-wit:.-
TIks south one-half of the wiuthwest.
.ne-fourili of live norfliwest one-fourth
of wet ion r.i townslup six soulh rangt
1 w wei u ine- w iiiamei'e lili'l'ioiau
and the south oii4-half of the cast olie-
h.ilf of the sonthe.ist oiM-foiirl h of llw
iii tlieast one-fourth 1 .of miction j -I
lownsliip six stout h range thre west;
of-tlM Willamette meridian beins a
parr or tne jMiuaiKiii iini iann 01
Stanley Ruggles and wife all in Ma
rion county and Slnte ofircg.nr.i ex-
( ii f 1 1 vtLkf -v tk . . I In). t I iiur Ibif
i- iiiin 1 1 out m - -
thin of ' said "real priiilMs hcictof.ire
rt leased from the 01 hi a I Ion .of whI
ti'ortgage: Ik-ginning at Ihe quarter'
s.clion coriMT Ifclwceti wctlon lit and
21 in township six Koulh ranges two
aud three west of the WHLiniette! nie-
rtilinti In lirtm ..iiiile llr70li:
llH'iic four chains east along the legal
sulslivlsion line , running iist and
west through the fenter of ion
in townsliip six south range 1 wst:
thenn north ten chains parallel iwltl
the west line of said s.'i-t ion lO; thence
we.t fourteen chsiin: tliemo south t 'ii
chaltis to a, point on the legal suIkI'i
rision line rnnung iast and iwext
through the ettiier of se-tlon 11 iu
township six south range threej west,
ten chains west from the quarter sec
tion' corner lHtwe'n- sin-tions in; and
H. and IlK-neeen chains east to the
place of iM'glnulng. conl.Wtrhg 1
aews of land. And for such other and
further relief in the premises as Is
nuvt with 'equity and god iiTciciHe.
This sunt fuons is; published .hi Ihe
Wi-eklv Oregon Siatesman by 'order
of the Hon. It. P. Ikiise. Judge of tlie
Circuit t'ourt of tlie State of Oregon
for Marion comity Department No.
duly made ami entered of retold on
the '2bth day of Oetolier. V.M4 The
fii-st pnMication of this sumtuons Is"
!ng orbred to le made on tin 'M day
of NovemlKr. 10OO. ami tlie d -ff-ndant
bfng reqnired to answer on or before
tlie 17th day of Deieniler.1 ;
. Attorney for I'iainlifi
ll:2-7tw. ; i .
ur wa found ; in the meeting
i 1