Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 02, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN', "' ; Friday, xovempkr. ,2, .lpoo.
Roosevelt Greeted with Enthusiasm in Many
Cities in His Own State,
Although Cffcrts Were Made la Several Plates by the Hoodlum
Clement to Prevent His Speaking- Republicans Opposed :
...... , -
to Itob Law, Democrats Favorable. '
RO 711 ESTER, X. Y.. Oct. So.V.'beii
the Roosevelt trniu arrived here to
Dlglir, tlie iary found great crowds
at the station and the hotel, ami a
xpbndid greeting was acmhd to the
Vice inhlentlal candklate. ' There
was an Immense variety of clubs -ml
business men's associations, ami both
auditorium where Governor Iloore
veU rttoke, wtre tilled.
IVsides tlu" enthusiastic gathering
at Corning, tiie home of th: club that
was assault! at Eluiira last night,
the only hieitknt of the day occurred
at Geneva, where there was an at
tempt made to prevent lb Governor
from speaking.
.';. (;MH STUFF.
Path, X V.. ct. 3. -Tie first stop
of the day of Governor Roosevelt's
train was made at Coming, the homo
of the clttb. which- was assaulted last
night during tltc parade7 in Kliuira.
The CoveTOor said:
"It is perfectly evident that Corning
has not Item daunt;1! Ity its rceptioii
In - Klmira Iat night. It iiidfcateM
that you have good stuff in yoti here.
"So have yon," shouted one of -his
"And I think. eontinm-d the Gov
ernor, "that woner or later our op
jtoneuts will grow to unlertand that
moh vk!n-e is not tie way to keep
a Republican liack. Yoii may iav
noticcil in litis morning's pa iter that
another mob broke up Senator De
pew's nueUii at t'.l.lilsk.ll. Mr.
I'ryan sjtoke there in the moi tiing and
wan listeiM'd to with due respect, and
MlM Winifred O. nnrll And Mr. Hermann
W. Ilarr j I'ait4d. for Mfe
f -Tl'trdijr.
( Ft mil Pa'Iy ;Slate.sni.ip. 4h-t. .'51. i
ycsteriLiy ntrtriitng tin - sc ? i o. oiw
of tiie prettiest we1diiit;s - witness tl
In S i!e:ti I ir a Un.x time, iu wfii h
.Miss -..Winifred O. FennHI and Air.
1'crmau W. IVirr, two .f h f;.itt.i!
City's most e-timalle young people,
-were united jn marriage.
The ceremony took pliee at fiu'dix k
a. m., aud was witnessed by a targe
congregation of Sa'evn't iium prci:i-n-ent
Mojb a large xrtioii heiug reu-
' t'atholie w ho had vsseuiblel tlin
to etiijhasb.e their esteem and goMl
wishes for the happy jouii coupk?.
Fefore 'the marriage ceremony
Rev. W. A. Daly.. tiistor or t!ie church,
lelivereil au appntitriate and pleas
ing address, explanatory of the sacred
character of the aeram-vit of matri
mony as viewed by the Ca'holie
church,' tlie weight and sol-.'iutnly of
its resiKtnsiliilMies and ih- nriyiclding
and indissoluble character of :he tie
llius formed. He also express! the
confident lw-IK-f that tiie vouug wiple
were entirely worthy to enter the holy
utate described and Itespoke for thein
a happy union.
At the close of the address. Mr
Rarr and .Miss Fennel!, . rolbavtl by
the brldcsmai4l nnd groomsuiaii. n
teretl the chauctd and knelt iiin.ii iie
altar Kteps. while Father Ilaly pro.
iiouiieed the olmu words of the Sm
prcKHive fatholie ritual, if ter whk?li
hey returned to their itewir. Tlieti
lH'gan the nuptial mass, during which
the church' choir rendered Koine In-au-1iful
music. !espclally arranged lor
the occasion. . Just before the last
gosM"l. the wedding party again -took
their places before the altar and rev
eeived the final liemsliction. Iu aoJ
emuiziiisr mass. Rev. Hal was served
by Sir. Raymond Ititrr. brother of
the groom, as t;if..ii, Mr. Barr Ix-ing
fl candidate for the .priesthood.-. j
At the close of the cereuiotdes, Mr.
and Mrs. Barr were met at th'
church door by relative and friend,
who Jdiowered upon them 4he lieart
lest eongratuiatktns and : hps for a
long life of hapiFness. It isn't often
an oien joke 1 perpetrated in a Ca-ta-Jie
church, bm as the new-roade bride
mill groom wen passing down the
aisle toward the door aid had re:i"iiod
Ihe eIge of the gallery, their friends
in tlie choir jonld not resist the t;m
ptation to tumlde a gtitle sprinkling
of rice upon , their beads -the j rat tl?
if which raided a genenil mik. 'm
gratuiatious over, tlie party enterel
carriages. Indng again" peMel with
rice profusely, and- were driven to the
passenger depot, where they toarded
the train for Albany, the former Inune
of tha brid. making a short st4y. &Bd
from there" the -wed ling tonr will lo
extendet -to I'ortland and thettooinUi
f Interest. :,.- :- :.. :. . f
The church was tastefully decora tetl
"with fiowem, plants and evergr.e?is
for the occusion aml.all -the arrane
nuts Were pleasing ami barmooious.
Tte bride ."was teautifnlly armye! jni
w hite organdie ; .oyer vhite. nilk and
carrietl iu ; heir Itaml a generous but
imtdest Ivnujuet of white roses and
f3nrnatous. , 'Mis uVniu Bafr. sister
of the groom, wa iilenntsid. Soe.
too. was drtssed in white and carried
a bouquet of pink ross. The groom
was dressed in regulation black. , as
was als his 'best man." , Mr. John
Hunt, of WoodlHirn, m ue;bew of th
bride. ; . - ; '-. - , ;
It may be said again, that t VotiM
is? difiicult to find a more worthy pair
tlitii. when Senator Dcrew.eante there
later in tin. day, they broke up hit
treetlug by violem-e aud refused to
lisle n to hhu. r
1 i".ow. fundamentally, thin omtwt
if a contest against just that tj'pe of
things." ' '
Khnlra. X. V.. (M. t.-Tlw lti.s
velt party made an early start west-
ward today. The general conversation
of the arty wan of the riotous times
of last eight.
"The city administration here is He
' publican,". Senator Fassett ald this
moiiiir-g. "but the ftolice force is Dem
o -ratlc." ;'".."
j The trains of the candidates. Wool
ley. Roosevelt ami Bryan were all
facte this morn' ng."' 1
! iMinklrk. X. V.. tK-t. .Win. J.
I'rvan ii liil d the tinal day of his
last New Yolk campaign tour iu this
city tonight. All .those towns where
lte'spofe today art' In lite sou then tern
part 'of-: the slate, aud all have; Iteen
strongly Republican. The meetings
of the-day were generally well nt
b i:deil. and muiic of them juite en
llHisiastic. Rryan !eft. tonight on the
Lake Shore road for Ohio, exiteeting
to Itegiu a one-day tour of that state
ioieoriow. Ail fold-lie had made HO
iMMH-hes in this slate. (
Rcfore kiviiig tonight Bryan made
ii brief slatemcut. giving hi impres
sion of the situat.'ou iu New York:
i-"lf'tli rciHtrts, which cme from
lite various counties where polls havv?
lfii made, can be taken as repre
senting the :pueral sen ti incut through
out the Mate. we have more than an
even chance of carrying tiie state."
than wer thus united. Miss Fenuell
has Iteen a resident of Salem for tlie
pa.f six j-ears, dtiriug whk-li sin Las
iM-cii the mainstay and itra -ticil maiia
.ger of Hotel Salem, with its varied
caies. ami in all that time sue' has
preserved a dignity of c,iarac;er. a
yw"etuess tf disixtsitioii and a jier
seveiiug, intellifuf '.industry that
hav. cemented .the coii(idesi.f and a:i
ii'iiatiiin of the en'e eoiit'curiily
Mr. Rirr lias 'lived in naleui siie-t
e.Hjy lif. He his Ijec-i pr:l-ically
tit bt.Mil of the Ba-r jewelry store
for sevrial years and siir.-e the Ieath
,t ii: faiher has liad tiie cutir
elarge. He is marker of. the jeweler's
trade and is also a gradual . ptiei.m.
so I hat lie nas - i su'tsfmti-il business
life, at home aud In public, Herman
Parr is it he same- mode!, truthful,
manly ai.d hone;- t a :di.tr.icter kin
and unt jiriiisI".I-H man in wtioiti all
who know him have ntire eoiitblehee.
Siiclra tU'ion should be a happy olo
ami Ha mail siaauine rertlixa lm in
that resjMH-t will not In' more than are
wishel for them Ity the- 'Mriph of Sab-Ill.
Mr. ami Mrs. Barr will for the
present occupy rooms wi'Ji Mrs. I. X.
Kdcs. on t.'hurch aud Ferry streets.
SIIiriMXt; WHMVT.-TIic Salem
Flouring Mill I'oiupany is shipping
the wheat purchased this year to Or
son "Ity. hav'mir ld It tt ibe milt
ing ftmpany nt lliat place. "' Tue
wliiat is Ifliig shipped by rail aud
about '2 carloads have 'already le?ii
sent nway. Tlwre proltahly remain
altour liftefn cars tt ship yet. but as
it is ;oiug at the rate of two cars a
day. the cut lie amount will soon bo
delivered. The absence of a Hourlng
mil! here lias caused uile a scarcity
in mill feed w likb is lMing supplied
by the Orcgn City mill.
Results in a Fatal Fight in Iennsyl
vania -TJk; rinijnals Dead
or in Jail.
yn i;xt FLK AS A XT, . Fa... Oct. .
- Four llungariatw Iu hi up the South
west ; Coiiucllsville Coke 'ompany's
pay' ivagon. altotit a mile from Intc,
thfs afternoon, in w.hich was a safe
containing $To for the Alviuto work
men.! Wm. llisler. the paymaster,
and Burge-, the colored driver,, were
I tot It a rated. The Huns were in am
biis:i and ojienod tire, killing !h wy
n'aster. Tlie drlvet retnrnetl the tire,
killing one aud wounding another.
The rollcrj then ran away, .without
securing the ntttuey.
liarry Burgess is a bo wouiideI.
Two of the ltaliaus are leaj. a third
is fataby wouwii, and the fourth is
in jail.
Strength and Pistribntion of the De
femlers cf the Flag.-
Washington, (k-t. So. rie arntal
reort of Adjutant-tJeneral Corbiu, to
the Seentary of War. shows that the
reguL-ir aiuiy consists of i'At nflk-erg,
and K,Hj1 enlistei! men. .tnd the vol
unteer artuy consists of .15 IS otticcrs
and 31. CK enlisteii men. a grand total
of. !S.7til, not itM-luiliug tbehospititl
corps. ' The regular and; .ol.iuteer
army at present Is distributed as fol
low: , ''....!:'- ' r ; t: - ,
Fnitti States. UOS ofticrs. and 1&
S!S enlisted men Al.-it.ka. 41 officers,
loss enlisletl nie-n; I'orto Rieo. US of
S.-ers. J4o; enllsfed men; Cuba.
ottv ers. Zvm enlisted' men; Fhilippines
olticers. I2I.BH enlisted men: Ha
waiian islands. officer. '2V.i enlisted
meu; China. So otllers, 2iai men.
In the commercial K-hola we see
the temlencr of ..the world toward
siecia! training iu every department
of trade aud commerce; eaya tlie Sat-
" "4
urday Evenlns IHtst In older to suc
eeed nowadays tialckest and best the
young: man or the young woman, must
hare a pnh-Ui! eilucatiou In tlie diree
tlm of the particular, line of busiuess.
To meet this The piclal chool arc
Iteimr oiM'ueil hillfTereut uarta of the
Atlanta. la'..'ku J . In li'a annual
report to the Ouvernor. Adjutant Gen
eral Ryrd rectmimuls that the; negro
troop of the utate ih tlislia tided, Ite
cat" k lNdiovs they canaotilH of
any service to tl'.e state f.oniia mili
tary .standpoint. ;
- in i it i ' . . -
Was .Maiiufaetunsl Out of iWbok
C'lotlW aHt Is IHu1tl by Him iu,
Uiiqualllled Terms. ;
l'RIXKTOX, ! X. J.. Oct.. pV.-Kx-Ir.-kleut
Cleveland, belnt? - shown a
publication lu the I'hiladelphiji Times
of toibty. pnritortlng to be tn luter
view with him. said: i
The whole t hing from !Hgiitit!ii;
to end is an altsolute be, without the
least foumlatioii or slradow of. truth.
I never have wttenil a word to a hu
man Iteiug that anyds the lei st pre
text for such a mendacious stateim'nt.
I have already telegraoaeil 11m l'hil
adelphia Times-to this effeot."'
Tin utteram-e ascrllKl to Kk Prtt-i-deut
Cleveland, la the public:iIoii le
trred 'o, emltotIiel an ei pies.sion
that there would be a landspde J or
Bryan the ntoruiiig after the election.
Washington. Oct. 30. Orders have
leen w-ut to 1'ekin. detaehiug JeiK-ral
.1. H. Wilstui from duty as chief of
staff undci'; l!e;:eis:l CliafTt". and di
secting him to return to tie United
Ilamburtr, Oot. 3t. The German
ship II. Bischoff has lcen wreckel at
the entrance of the Elbe. Twelve
Ifvcs ar supitosid to have been lost
in the wieck.
Rattle, WaKh . Oc. '. The Abis
KjiConufcial Company has completed
a i-nbb Ix'twceu Caie Xonie aud St.
M iclinels- i
Au Ohio Crimiuil C jii victtl Will Be
MaOsvilhvO.'. .Oct. :v.- The jury at
nddnight 'rettu lie-.l a verdict of murder
in the first d 'gree, without recom
mendation, against Rolyui Ferrell
for tin. mnnbT. ou the night of Aug
ust 10th last, of t'harles-Lane, the ex
press messenger on the l'auhaudle
rai!r.ad. The inunb-r was committed
for the piintoM. of rottierj Ferrell
se-ured f iboH In money fiom the safe
of the A.lanis Expnss Coini-any. The
verdict carries with it the death pen -altj',
which is clectrocut'ou. '
A Deputy . Sheriff to Protect -Laborers
ai Sumner, Washington.
Tacoma, W:ij1i.. 0-t. IV). Deputy
Sheriff I hi vis went ito Sninuer this
leorning to we tliat tlie Japamse la
Ixtreis who vere sacking jtotatoes. are
protected. TIm auti-Asiatiie sentiment
at Suinner tisik a soniowliajt violent
shape a few nights ago. and a tlelcga
tion of citizens visited the Japanese
aud drove them awaj.
.Madrid. Oct. no. Tlie Minister of
Finance. Seuor SaJaz.tr, refits' to in
creaM tin naval bmlget. i General
Azsearrage. th: premier, had a con
ferem" with the Minister of Finance
ami Marquis Darellano. hi'1 the hope
of arranging a compromise. Xo
agreeu'eut. Intwever, was reached, the
Marquis refusing to accept the jtort
Washington. Oct. 3o.- J. W. Yerkes.
collector f Internal .revenue for the
Eighth dist riot of Kentucky, .has re
signed. iMr. Yerkes 4 the Republican
c-imlidate for Governor of Kentucky.
A rcpreyeafa-tive of, tit ; Emersjn
tiaiit visitc! Geo. i Will ! yesterday,
fniiii vlirtu Mr. Will or I a
load of 'be p'anos. " wias only in
Sepienilwr when Mr. Will : received a
tMtat load. This sr load vill arrt-c
in Bboti tUw wee';-:.' ;
A plumber who was tent to the
hou-e if a KttH'kbroker to executt
'pome rejiairs. was taken by the tuit
ler info tiie dining room and was lte
giuning; bis work, wjien the. lady of
tlie 'house enterefl. "io!ill."f said she.
with a suspicious glitm-e luward the
ttlureber. "remove tin silver from the
'sidettoard aoI kwr-k it a pi at once."
But tb man of k-adwas iin no w He
difoncerteil. Tom." saidjbe to bis
aiiprenth-e. ; wlio accompanied him.
"'take my watch and chain and theso
copjMrH home to my missus at once.
nere ftt'iiw to Ite dishonest eop!c
altoct rhis to.s
At the City Hospital the other day
a party of go1 pcttple came In to
cheer up tbe poor patients with mu
sic. Fancy? the happy reeHmr of the
natiiiHK wheo these sfngerf struck up:
- Break tli-? news to-mother
' I'm not eoniing sbome.
1 Boston Tran jM-ript.
The Excitement "Not Over. ,
The rush at the drujr store still con
tinues and dat!y scores of papie call
tor a bottle; of Kenitp' Balsam for the
' Throat and Lungs, for the cure of
.Coughs, Gold. Asthma; Bronchitis
and consumption. Kemp's Balsam,
the standard family remedy, is sold
t-.on a . guarantee and never lails , to
give entire atisfacton. Price 25c,'
and 50c. v 2.
An Increase In the Population of
the United States Shown
'it -i:
Orfiron, Has 413,532 Bfote ; Wliltl!
Show an Increase of Nearly Doe
Unudred Tboasaiid.
WASHIXGTOX, Oct.' So.The of
ficial announcement of; the 1otaI iHipu
lation of the United States for 'RKaj
la 7Hifi,'Jt, of w hk h 4.tJ7,ifiT? arc
contained iu thj' 4.t states represent
ing approximately the population to be
used, for a pi tort ion men t purioses.
There 'is a total of J34.trS Indians,
not taxed. ; The brtal population Iti
l.V!K, with which the aggregate popuy
la t ion of the present census should Ikj
compar.! was tCJ.OB,7."s5. Taking the
iHpula tion as a ltasis t!Hre has
leen a gain in population of 13.5.41 U
during the last 10 years, representing
an increase of nearly 1 per cent, i
ill ii. ii' ii ii , .i , iA,m Hi' i . i . Mi. v r ..vrr-
-J-1 r :t
United States Senator ! from Maine, one of the leading Republican cam-
; j . paigners, ; .
The population of the! United States
'for l!JOO, by irtates, isjas follows
Ala1am;t .
Arkansas. . . .. . .
California. ....
Colorado. . .
I telaware ."
Georgia... ......
Idaho. . . . . .... .
Illinois. . . ... .
Kentucky " . . .
Maine..... . .
Massachusetts. . .
Michigan. ......
Minnesota. . . ; . .
Missouri..... ,.
Montana .......
Xebraska.. .
Xevada. ...... .
Xew Hampshire.
New Jersey
Xew York ......
North Carolina..
North Dakota...
Ohio...,'.... ...
Oregon .....
Pennsylvania . ..
Rhode Island...
South Carolina . .
South Dakota . . .
., ms.:rr.
2.0111. pe;
1. hs.i:m;
2. so.t.:M'i
It :2
H7i i.r ."i
il 7. i72
T xas. ... .
Vermont . . . . .
Virginia .........
West Virginia . .
Wisconsin. .
Total 15 static .V: .7I.027.tio7
The sipiila tion of the territories etc..
is as follows: ' f ii,
Alaska esiiiiiatdi I 4 4. 000. Arizona,
122.212: District tf Columbia. 27H.71M;
Hawaii. loi.OOl; Indian Terrfto'v.
:BiUa: Xew Miexko. l.c;.777: tikl'i
boma. Si, 2f."; Persons Ju service of
tbe I'nited States, stat kined "abrwiif
estimatelt, KI.-MloL -Indians, ele ou
I ml San' " resrva t!ons. except I mlia 11
Territory." lir.2S2. Total for tfte seven
territories, ete.,f Jj7f313; luditns,
s:.r I. - - -j - - ..- -.
Tbe popola-tion of Oregon, a shown
attove. Is 413,532: In ilm H was 313.
7(7, making tlie increase :K,7t.
Xew Y'ork, Oct. So. The
tkn of Fraiik Juaris? a
locto titen
for a iteremptoo writ of tnandanius
iiiin uiiK lire , iojjri. oi lifginiry to
n sifu-r niui a a voter, ou tlie erooml
ou tlie. ground
mat ue oeca me an i . OH-rHa n citizen
by virtue of the
iesmu of J" Porto
Rico by Sj tain toltb'
L'tlited State. ;
has been denied 'by Justice Friedman,
In the Supreme V.urt. Justice Fried-
lian. In his ilecisiou says that
treaties tak'ng f over the Island
Forto Rico did not make tlie inhabit
ant of the territory i citizen of the
Cnit-. d ;States' but. ou the contrary,
left' the dteruilnatloti of their civil
rights and their status to the future
action of Congress, which baa not yet
acted. . .. . -. .. . -. : .
Efforts Made to Find Dead Bodies or
the Victims.
Xew- York. Oct. 30. All efTorts of
the authorities are now . dinn-tcd to
clcariug away the deltris of the. Tar
rnnt ami other buildings wnvkel by
the great explosion yesterday, In the
desir -to Gnd opt bow many bodlet
are burksl in them, and to ascertain
the cause of the explosion. One liody
was recovered tonight, and fragments
of three more were discovered. Thirty
four persons are still mJsslng.
A Mysterious Exidosion In . Canton,
j China, Attract Atteulion.
Hong KoiijC. Oct. 3i.t, Reports from
Canten way the expbtsion that occur
red there Sunday morning, destroy
ing four hoiss near the Governor's
yajm'u. Is likely . to prove serious to
the reformers. The ofticialsv accord
ing to the advbis. are couviu-Hl that
the . destruction ol the minis and
th' murder of the otliciaiS was cou
teinplatd. .Tlu house In which IIh
expluisiou "tHVUireil was unoccupied,
bit was visited occasionally and
packages were taken there.
Jt is jtrobabb that evik'Hv will lie
manufactured against the sympathiz-
ers trlth tiie reform nioy,einent.
It lias bin afccrtaincilf that six iier
tsous were killed and two wounded.
Lunger May the Chicken "Pip".
Parasite Pursue Ilia' Work
In Security.
S.vracuse, X. V.. Oct. 2o. For ways
i hat ate dark tlie 'chicken "pip" para
site has held Uk record for a long
tint". Poultry raisers for yi a rs have
lain red iu vain to discover, the cause
of the disease that laid some of their
Pirest 'feathered products kiw. Xow
Miss Grace Xoris appears ou the
sec I e and says sia has found 11m; tiny
but wicked little worm, ami many
miser of chickens' rise. . up and call
her hie sj-cd.
M Is Xoi i is is a Ke;-oud-yea r st u
i'c'.ii i" the Syracuse Atedical Colkgej
Where 'sic has distingui-hed herself
by tier worl: in biology and Iter skill
in 11 i."li tical diss ! ion.. f
"1 always likil f.wls and animals,"
fny.t Miss N'orrls. "I Iiv-1 on a farm
part or each -year, and tliey were, my
-lik f (rmipai'inii-'. One' wiiilfr, when
1 was a -lind, I trained a nalr of
aeeic to draw niy Itaudsktl. They
dio. e.well logHlicr. aml I was the cti
yy tsf the- iteig'a1orh(Mtil. V-
"1 also bad a -lki f Ion of field nik-e,
wht.-h I caught on by one by ciiaslng
tin i t in the1 fields ami ttuttiu mv
fo-M ilown oil them lightly and gralt
binx lb'm up iu my hands. I kept
them in a box In the barn and fed
therr there, and I got very much t
iac ;.. t,, them.
"tine cold night I
woi Id fivj5- In the
was afraid they
bini. and I got
it after the family f bad goiK to ImmI
and brought; the hx Into tie kitchen.
Tb re w ere forty of iliejii;i, and in
ih morning there - wasn't anything
left eat in the lion-. They - had
got into the.pautry and ckanel ev
ery! hii-. ifp. The , next biy grandma
s.t traps all over the place and caught
thirty of them., I daren't confess to
her atncit tltv-m. '
f T never knew litem f come In
seek swa mis before said grandma,
as she drowned niy mice. . r . ,
"Last spring I s'Mnt my vacation
cn a farm at Rk hliel.t Springs, where
larre iiuinlters of fowls wcie raisl. I
not i;-ed,tf;at 'wane of theifoung chlck
eut. iurkeys and g tsl hit's would open
their mouths, gasp for Itreath and at
the end of a few d.tys die. apitnrently
froi'i- lack of air. Practically this waa
tie citiejsen farmers knew altout it
1 .. .. .... t r A.,... . .ii. t
ftliill;r ,,t ttl(lr ,,.. ,.vi-r!,e
with t lie 4liKe:se T1t "results of the
iuvi min..., -i ...... i .. ....i j.sn..
erfo imkimnn 1
is bright pink in
f ,iiicli kmc and
eolcr. alMUit a half
twisted in 'shai e . It fi.is an nntiend-
age "near one ewl,' whkh gives it a
forekd atiKaranc. like tho letter Y.
TbH apjtembige Tasiens itself, firmly
to tiie mucous membrane of the clilck-
en's f trachea, forminj: In masses,
which close the air passage aud cause
ilea th.
"The worm, or parasite. Is toiuteil
at the single emL where the mouth Is
locateil. When It has reached matur
ity the parasite, which I have named
Hablta tracbena. emerge from the,
nostrils of the fowl, drops to the
ground. deiosits Its ova aud dies. Tlie
fowls, by scratching in the soil, caus
thes' t'ggs to float iu the iar: they
are breathed Into the trachea, and the
cycb of generation begins anew.
"I found an average of twenty par
asites iu each fowl 1 examined.
"Authorities bate, never agreed a
to the came of the disease, and a suo
ccwKful leniedy baa therefore never
lut'ii found. TA lMokd wire appara
tus Is frequently used. The wire is
run down the trachea, but. since ihK
method nearly always kills the fowl.
It can't be called successful.
,: In nij- exiteriiuents the only effect
ive treatment was to prevent the dis
ease . by keeping the fowh ou fresh
soil, where poultry bad never been
kept Itefore. Of course, there were no
vggs to be 'inhaled and they did not
contract the disease.' -
1 Waiting: Condition on irconut of
tlie a pproaebiDsrElection Trans
portation Inadequate.
tFrcin Dally Statesman. Oct. 31.)
There is a noticeable lack of activity
iu the hop business just now. eyldeji-'
ly due to the waiting iuditiou of
ltotir- the Ilritish and Eastern mar-j
k-is on account of the appro.ichbig
-icttion.. Some of the dealers assert
that it Is partly I teen use the stock 'n
the bauds of growers is growing com
paratively small: i '
The hops already Itbught are mov
ing as rapidly as transportation facil
ities will iKMiitit, but considerable
troubleUs exiterieuced in tiiiding stor
age riMiin for those bitugut f j this
ciy. Every a vaikible store botise be
longing to the Southern . Pae.tic Com
pany is crowded with 'nips aud the
Oregon City Transportation -Company's
wba.-f is filled its limit.
The juice of imps remains alMtut ir
cents. Oregon Imps a refill choice, the
pri'j;i' l o-t.s here as : ro:iipared with
Is'st are superior in tpiabty t-. the
list hops grown in t'.-iliforuia . r
Wasiii'igtoii. Tlie f.e.iiand for ".bop
in iomlou Is strong and fully justifies
the price that lias been paid Imtc
jjaird the indications are tiiat ih' i -e
I will go bjgher than Is now iteiug offer
ed. .
At a recent sclmol examiuatioii for
girls Wiis couiiositioii was lutuiled iu
by a girl of VZ. says a '.Missouri ltaiM-r:
"lhe lMty Is not au animal, yet he f an
1k lH'anl quite a distance. When' a
Isty bobi'Ts lie oiH'iis bis. f tig mouth
like frogs, but girls hold their tongue
until Miiey are spoken t o. ami thei
they answer respect abb and till just
how .it wa-i. A boy thinks hinis Ji'
clev r Itecause 1m can wade where -ilia
water is deep. When the boy grows
up he is called a husband, but tlie
grown-up girl is a widow and keeps
Collections. Made During Ocfolier Paid
to the Treasurer.
M. .1. Cliamberlin. cb tk of the Slat"
Jjind l'oard. during the past month
oUeclcd $2.2. 13.21 ! ou account of tlie
s'veral funds handkil by. the iMianl.
and this amount was jtsterday trans
ferred to the Treasury . Oepai t iiient.
The rii eiitls of the luoiith of .Oct o
bclf were ou account of tbe following
f'vls: , "1
School principal ... ... t $22,120 So
School imerest . .. . 4.027 23
Fniwrsity priucipiil ........ loo oo
Fjiiversity lntetest ; 1O0 Ji
Vgrcinl. College princiiml. , . 817 OO
Ark-ul.' College interest. . . . 17! 4:
Tiile land : 3.32 "!
Total. . . . .
TJh board
.?2s,2:k; 2 ;
y-sterda v
approved- of
cigimcn applications tor loaus, aggif
gating lo,3oO. ;
One of the Big GanaTaen Away
the Hallowe'en Crowds Poyi
Badly Scared. ;
"Ay ben daylight canie, - yesterday
inorniiig, the effects "of the aptoiut
iirent of siMcial , police officers to
guard the city" against the depreda
tion of the "Hallowe'en hoodlum"
were apparent, an the principal itor
t ion,. of the city wa found to bae
lMen disturlted but i very b'ttk, but
further out the effif.ds of tku celebra
tion n the part of the lwya wn iw
tkabb I -'
One of tlie big brass cannon, mount'
ed on tin Capitol grouuds. vaa re-i
moved during Wednesilay night, and!
was found, yesterday immrlug, iiionni-f
el in froni of the Womau's isW'iv,
the- muzzle irownliig on tlie "ciiyj
Tills caution was removed by a crowd
of youngsters, who were ialer. H H
said, chased into tlie basement of
Willamette University, by the CapJb'1
night watchmen, and as they are
I known, the authorities assert that, ill
the cannon I not returnd in a reat
Honable length of time, some Keiisaj
tioital nrnsts will 1 made. !
Ou Xorth Front street, a. crowd .
ttoya undertook to throw Into the dlteh
the woodpile l'Ioligiiig -to a faitrily
tbe' head of which is au invalid. They
had scanv commenced their opera
tion. wlieu a shot was- tired near bjV
and the ttoys. frightened half out of
their wits, mattered lit every dim:!-:
lion. One of the 1 toy a 'was so" ltadiy
s-iiil that be juiiijKd through tk?
wlr fence Into the ditch, on Division
street, and wadeI in four feet of
wnfiT. from Froirt to Commercial
streets. In hk effort to keep out of
range of the dreaded gun. He had -a
good soaking, and the fun of llal--lowe'en
was aiKjjileil for Wm.
Twice-a-week Btatetjinan tf 1 a year.