ISSUED IN KEMMTCtkLr 1UECTIOS. , EACH TUESDAY , A.SU FKIDAY. i - 1 ' !'"" ' . - ' i ' . i ; - i", ; ' VOL. 49. NO. 37. SALEM, OUEGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1900. SECOND SECTION EIGHT 1'AQES Have You Ever Tried the .' SHOES Tlicy'll. reduce your shoe Lilts, if you'll wear them. There is no more reliable line manufactured in the United States. Good reliable shoes at reasonable prices are what you'll find at the M i -i: : . v . ' E ' - - - : ' NEW YORK RACK El It's a spot cash house. You don't pay your neighbor's; dbts when you trade with them. We have any tiling you want in shoes, clothing, hosiery, underwear, gloves, ribbons, laces, lace curtains, counterpanes, corsets, yarns, and ladie3 and gent's furnishing gooda Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store i " ' - ' u - E. T. BARNES, - Prbprietov Cor. Commercial and Chemekeia Streets Women's Peat French Patent leath er Haiid-Tnnu-U Louis 'XV Heel, Lace SltUC. : ' Women's Vici Kid. like cut. Ixmi XV Heel. Hand Tuiwd, La Shoe. Also Plain Leather Tops ami Plain Cloth Top. ; These boea are worth $. We will sell theui for $2.50. CH, acid in -the llood cause rheu inatUin. selatlea. 'pint and neuralgia. L THE BEX RHEUMATIC RING- H.inov.4 IIh'M-suis'. A wrUlHii'jaJaraiit. with e-aHi ring -to' return your monev in r".i:,VH if not entirely satisfactory. PRICE 2. A, postal, card wH,Jmou" irwfc-.4-"k,rt ,hi,t e,U 1U' s,riiKx i'MATir ro.. .,. UAltR.lm, Qro... Hartford. Conn. Farmers, Insure Your Grain and Hops The cost JS i.mall. hIkhU on, half ef nt a Imahel I on . Months. .Kale for all wanhou In ValU-y. l;iv.-Old a nd lrlI irtule" Kink & SISTON. Uwldeut A-nt. Successors to Geo. M. lel r Co. aSS.IJoiuuierclal Mtreei, raieui. urfK.iu. LKM o ' a:i j fiA', W It's Your Ownifault m Men's downs 78C i Worth cent. a dollar if they are worth a Men's Hats I Si.65 Illack rmind top wrtb -J"iO. Jjds., Mey ers ; & S ons SALEM'S GEATE5T STORE 'si - I LouisXVJeels Reduced to $3.50 Pr. 94 STATE STREET IV VOH .HAVE -TROUBLE getting what ynu want iti the way tf Dry ibHxls. flothiug etc.. for Winter wear. Pecuuse prices are within the reach of every lnNly at our stre. Red Prices Prevail Overcoats $8.68 formerly old ror $W.0O and 12..V. 'Men's Gloves 75c fine-walking gloves worth i.tu WILLIAM RICE WAS MURDERED His Valet Confesses that Attorney j Patrick Did tbeOecd. THE MILHOAIRrS BIG fOSTUNC Was the Stake Played for by Patrick and Jonea-Botb Ire In Priaon Awalti Da: Trial. XKW YOltK. Nov. 1. The death of the wfnltby WjUiam Marsh Hiee, at hks M:tdisui Avenue apartiiMMits, ou Septemler . 23d; the atteinpt f his New York attorney.' Allkert T. latrlck. to eash -lie-ks for- larjje amoniits vhU-h! were iuriMrted i le iiiifuetl Sty th- millionaire; the refusal of one k hank io cash the dieeks drawn oa It. auil the diseovery b.v the hank's ottie ials.that Hue was lying dead at the time the clunks were ureseuted: the suh'se.juent claim ly I'atrtck that it Ice hitl niade luin y will the trust? of hisstatts which aiooiinis to aiiywbere front $:;.NMaMl to $8.Ml.tit; the charge of forgery, lioth as regards tb clic ks and the will, placed against l'atii k and Juiis.and tlielr IcMiideiit in jail, have kc(t Xcw Vork interest - FIGHTING MAHARAJAH, -.1 v. . An East Indian prince, who is fighting loyally for Queen Victoria at the head of the Imperial Camel Corps, in China. ed for over 1 in what the de velopments of -today promises to b' coute one of the inot " celebrated A f Jacket for. ...... . .... .1-J A ' f 1 3-s Jacket f or ? lltill llr-L.'t ftiT.-......... fMt A? ft4.t"l Jacket for. ...... I . 1MJ A fnum Jacket for............ MHtt' jackets A 13.."W1 Jacket for. $1M1 A l.k." Jacket for. $ t'"1 Clindrea's Jackets A plain mixe.1 with - brown ; cape 'nicely Iwakled. lU'iuoval Sale Prkv. ....fl.flO Tan Hieckeil whb large c41ar. Ueytoral Sale Price. ......... . .f2.n.j Mixed Itonde. . ........ .f4.15 Mixe.1 .Bowie ...... ;v. .... i I I I '-'T -H is? i- - Lf M r crimen -which the -onri or fits city have le-it ValKtl ou Ui Investipate. v.'Pke, lirt Ineklfur wjilck led up to tlay climax was the fact, diseloseJ yeAKilaj. that Valet Joues had twen takeu to the distrh-t .attoruey'tt-'otfiee and tlie utwetie'ut rumor that he Iiad tuade a confession to t lie authorities; Pfrt the pulilic Iiad time to learn If the ieMrt of the coufesshji was true, caitte tlie iuotv startling news that, during the night Jones had. in his cell in th Totuhs. atteuiitcl suicide ly epttiti); his threat with a penknife, j;iv.-n hiiu he says by .ttotuey Pat riek. also coufmed iu the To hi In, and for tlie purjHise of jiettlti? rid of one wit ik t Patrick' aHejretl crime. His crime, ait-ordiiiff to the -nfesr sktu of .loues. itarts ht which the dis trict attorney office gave ont totlay. was uothin less titan 4 he uiarder of .Yliliioiutii ' Itlce by. Attorney Patrick, and the purloining: of his paer relat inc to the estate. The taking off of Uic say '.loiies. was hne by inter pal administration of some po:son. sii) posetlly mercury, and the ilnal appliea lion of sotue anaeNthctic, presnmaltly elrforoform. That port ion of the con fessiitn. which has to .do with the last moments of toe old man. Is driven out bv the authorities a eoiuing from .limes, the fw-ene' takiiig place In the ajwrtiwents of tlu millionaire, and he lylnjT sick in bed. While There Is Life There Is Hope. I was afflicted with catarrh: could neither taste nor uieI and could hear but -little. Kly's (Vnra Halm cured It.' Marcus ;. Shatttz, Hahway. X. 4. The It.-ilm reaelwil iiic safely aud the eff-t 5s 'surprising- .M'yyson fays the first ap)licatiou gave decided re lief. Kisis-ctrully. Mrs. Franklin FriMMiian. Hover. X. H. Tlie li.ilui iLh-s not irritate or cause sutfziug. Shl by .drnzgisls at ."s ,Ha. or mailed by Klj Itrofhers, 5 Warren St., Xcw Vork. . iinj b.vMA(!K spits. .Chicago. ov, 1. Suits for damage aggregating '$,. km i.inmi were til d iu tin: chciiii cotirt here today, by the ae.lnxd board agaii.Nl th ;'!evaKd ra l- way -oii'paii:e-t wh'ose tracks and trai- 1 are alleged, to have damaged the h houl property. It is eiaiiueil 'that Mde" from the injuries to the buihl Ui themsclvi-s. the pupils are gr.atly hllidrctl in their work by th. noi e P'ltde hy ll:e trains. ins noiY roiTNn. fsfltlle. Wash., Xov. 1. The body of Cfctrk M. f'arr. son of (Jeneral Clark K. arr. who was drowned in Iike Washington on Sunday, was recover tH lolay. Tin IhmIj of his cousin. Yorrey Carr. who lo.-l his tlf, at the (.iin time, was recovered several ifa'ys ago.'. -."." '", ' Bmrrlh ir unu tait nan Ajamys wur 1 REAftY fOR CROKIR. R K IT It M V A X M A X.Vli: P. S WILT. PK KVKXT Kit ITS. lcirocrrttie Threats Met with the Statement that Voters Hight Will Ite protected. XEW YOltK. Xov. 1. Tlee Itepiibli cau National Committee today issued a formal statement to the voters, as follows: ' 'Mr. Croker, head of the rcmocrat- ic organization in Xew Yerk. has or dered his stilMtrdinates to gather in force at tlie iIls next Tuesday. "and" in ease they i-ee 4he result of Ihe count going against Ih. in, to eje-t tlu elee- tiou officers and take- imssiss1oii of the bailed I Mxes 'by fore-e. This astound ing anarchistic order has lweu ap proved, aud -mdorse'd by Se-nalor Jones, cluilrman of the .Democratic National .Cmiiifttee. Xot withstand ing the aimounci'inent ef this Demo eiatie iMlh-y of terrorizing i!m voters anl hiirslarizing the ballot boxes, the Kepubllcatl Xatlonal Committee ele sires to istate te the public that the IteiHihlle-an managers. National, state and local, have i a ken measure to In sure the rights ef every voter in this election, and that every vote shall be! rtojerIy e-oitnte'il and ree-ordeel as east. The cunmtttee thereTore au- UKitiish all voier that tliey must not Ite eleterntl by thes threats of the: Ieme"ratlc leaders from exercising the right of suffrage, Tm-sday next, and we shall see to if, that his Tote shall b' protee teit at alt ha.ards. Bit VAX IX CHICAGO. He Adilre'sses Ijire Crowd Xine Sie-ee-hes Iat Eve-nlng. Chicago, Xov 1. William J. P.ryan this afte,rnsii lK'gaa his thre'e elays itinerary of this city, addressing a vast -onourse at Itandolph street ami Michigan Avenue. The apeake' stand wa at the sule of Ihe public !l br4:ry. and se elense wa Hk hreug round if that the I "residential andi date wa literally draggeil to tlie plat form by a qna4 of iolieernen acting under the personal tiisrTlKSon of Ma ror Harrison, who liad ridden with P.ryan freuu the railway station. The hour wa estKeIaay anspieions. a tboasamls of ; werkingnicn ami of fice employe- had jnst completed tlwir day's tak and awaited ibe coming of the Iemoera!ie champion. After llu- ner be preteeeeleel on his tour of the nonhwest sute or the city, where lie made eight speech, all of them to large crowd. - 1 J "'. Chicago. Xor. l.--Four egg were thrown at William J. Bryan tonight, just a lie left Vntral Turner hall, on Milwaukee Awnne. where be lad conclndeel hi adelres. The egg were thrown by three or fonr young men. one of whom. John R. Myres. a ign painter, wa plaeed nnder a nest. The other men escaped- i , ' AFTER CROKER-AP Roosevelt Shows the Deraocratio Leaders to Be in Favor of Riots. He Warn? Them that New York State Will Cast an Honet Vote, and that the State Machinery Will Protect the Voters . ia Their Bfghtf. ; r - JAMCSTOWX, X. Y.. Xov. 1. -Governor UtMs'Velt tiuished next to the kist lay of his New York state, tour in 4his city, after having travek-d through live ctmntles and making tif ten speeches during the lay. His sis-eches during the day, and at lxth of these cities were fiavoiiHl with vigorous attacks on Itiehard troker and Xatlonal 1 einoera t ie 'Chairman Jtmes. for their alleged attitude on 4 he t .muling of the ballots, which Hoy etuor Itoosevelt diagnosed as an in-eilemc-nt t violeuce. A both, Dun kirk and .lameslowu, atid espc'lally iti the latter place, tonight, there wero imu'teiise audiences. HI-: SI.APPEI CliOKEIt. Attica. X. Y., Nov. I. -The first top of the Hooserelt '.'-train today was made at Itatavla w in re the tioveruor Kaid: "IVyoiMl- all other issues are the is sue of orderly liberty under the law ami of vlvic honesty. Hryan's chief li.tMeuant. Croker. repnsents the forces whK'h Ktjiiul for civil? dishon esty, and now they openly champion Ibe-caiiM of riot. iih1 violeiice, of up--ret'Ing by fre of fraud tlie verdkt leinler.'d by tlie pe'ople al the mHs. With the oj, .Mily expressed eucobrage n'Of ami approval of Senator Jonc. who is running ttryau's national can ass, t'rofeer has now twice, in open stat'uiems. Incited tlie violent and lawless to open riot oa KIcvtiou Hay, next- TttesIay." . Continuing ic.'rn.r Uoyevelt sail: "Evi ry xwer of tin state will be exerted to see. u next Tuesday, that each matt Iu thin stale shall cast his vote as he pleases and shall 'have it counted as ast. If ltryan has. n plurality of but oup vote n this state, its -on nt will le priMeHed by very-fr.-e arthe romiuaud of Ihe cxeeullve. ami the same measure cif justice that we give to others we shall exle to hav given us In relttrn." worui not- heai: haxna. Chicago. Xoy. l. Mark Ilanna 1mw-' ed to a storm of hisses, cat e-alls and eitcers for Hryati. in the bi- -lrcus tent at llalwteal and Thirtieth streets, tonights, giving tip his attempt to get THE ELECTION BULLETINS Retarns Will Be Shown by Edison's New Vitascope IN FRONT Of STATESMAN OFTICE Tula Lattit Electric Wonder to Be Uiieel ic Glviuir the Returns Hot from tbe Wires. The eleoilon new will le bulletined from the Stales man olllce em Titeselay night next by the UnHeel State Vita- STILL COKTINED IN JAIL Samuel Jackson, the Indian Hoy. Ha a HarI Time In Hi Effort to Secure Liberty. Judge It. P. Hoise liekl a lrief se shui f hi elepartmeiit of tlie e-lreiiit yesterelay. During the afternoon, the e-ase of Samuel Jackson, the Chile-at Indian from Clwtnawa. again -ame up fef argument tn h( ietitIon for halw-a corius, ami after the examination of iMme wttiiess4- aud the preeutHtin of argume-nt. the further bearing was posfismed to 2 p.; m. toilay. Jae kson tM'lng et ltaek to jail - in live meantime.-- V Tlee following ebK-ket entrie were also made by tlie e-otirt: i Fannie M. Chittenelen. plain t iff, v. VV. E. Chittenden. bfendaiit; elivor Kranted; itstesly ef children awardeel to tilaintiff. , -'Welch Jtro., plaintiff, r. tlK f.ood ale Lumber 4.'o elefendant: ellsmisseil on agreement of parties without st to ell tier iarty. -"'! itiert Ire plaltnlff. t. Win. Capo. et al- dcfemlant; confirma tion: eemflrmeel. l Je)hn M. Old, plaintiff. T Cat leer Ine Old, elefendant; elivorcel demur re on motion of plaintiff. ELECTRIC PLANT P.CRXED.-The-Engeoe tinarJ of Tuesday Im tlie fed lowing from Cottage f .rove: Tbe i-kvtrlc light pkint of this cHy, canght fire tb'.s morning, and it I a total loss. Owing' -to a failure to secure JONES a hearing until the jiolite lnd restor il order. Ir l." minutes the,'moH had its innings, and than seventy lolk-cmeu look a haiul aud cleared Ihe a is res. . , ', .- ixhiaxa is sait:. Chicago. Nov. 1. Harry S. Xew, Xntioti:il (mmltteeiuan. from ltnliaua, today Raid: "ludiana is safely Hepub ileaii this year leyonl a. doubt., aud MeKinlev'j majority .will Im greater than In ISIm;." McKlXI.EY AT CANTON'. Canton. t., Nov. 1. I'resUlent Me Kinley has h i.le.l to remain In Can ton lo receive tin news of Hie elec tion nest Tuesday night', 'and, he .will return to. Washington Wednesday. ItltYAX IX INDIANA. Chicago, Nov. t. "Front renrtn which have' come to imu ami from my own hs'rvatiju. I am watlsihtl that Indiana is us tfifcly lemKTtle aa Is .Misslrl.' H Thus spoke Wjiu J. llryau as he fllightcd"froui th Motion train at ho cirlMrn street, station, today, at o' . He had just, arrived from a tour of the Kiale f Indiana, and from prolongd trips-through ar ioits stales farther 1-Jjist ward. II adhil that the gctiecai outlook was euctMiragitig, but Iid not go iulo de tails. .' '."s ttlne-rary today Hve-red a iiuuiIm'T of HIiit U-tw-fcii ludlana sis and this -ity. all f : them In-ing lit the slate if Indiana., ltryan left; the private ear. "Itatnbler" for gMnl ujmui his arrival hem. He has k upleil It for Just five-Week, and travele.1 7" or sii miles iu It. P-ryan ran iuto a Hepublicaii, tne't iiignil Rensselaer. When-' lie ' arrived at th meeting places . there was in rge rowl to greet 'him. hn it was evident there mas a glsnl -ri.gKP of Me IIiiey fen I i men t there. (Jrasplng the nil nation. ltryan ail; , I ain'MiTy 4 hat ' it has so luijM-ned that' my meeting comes on the auu day is the Itepiiblicau incetiug. but in armugiug this Visit jl was not o-slble- make H on any oi her lay. and I am sure, that here we can me.t together as iiiemlM-rs of different parlies, ami I lwit there should be no friHioii. Is twen tliose who tiling in I do and those who- are opposed ti the opinions which 1 advocate. S4-ni? Exhibithn t'o. The canva will Is across t h tre't from Statcn-j man otllce, in the windows of Cailin A;l.lnii and Horst llros., iihI 1 lie.1niru liient Used will be the Iatst ilMTIltioll of Edison, Jin vltas-ope, .enited byj ebM-trielty. The returns will 1h 1akii elire-ct. from the wires, as funiislieel by, the AsseM-iattHl Pres and Ihe Western Pniou Tele-graph ;Co., and they wilt I full uud reliable. Tbe-re will l4 no 'Militlcs connected with the returns f course. Simply -the iie'W will lwji given. The Slatsuiau uttf some of lis Salem friend . will lwitr lhe exf js iiKe. tiiid it will lefreH 4o all the M'eiph w,ie e-an get wilhiu see-ing ell ta ice, and no doubt tin-re will le the biggest e-rewd 4 hat ever wailed for Die elee-tioii return in Salem, -if the weallier Is at all propitious. Many -ountry jMople will 'Is In 1 luw the cleiln ha gone, .and.: the-y will 1 as weli-omt! a the city eople, " I j p.etwee'ti the reliirus the living iHif llires will 1m exhibipij. Ho that I lie rewd will 4mi entertained nn It wall. wood, Mr. Xe-lui; 11m wuer, bajl 1m-u 4uruihg eff 'light alsuit 1 a. nit. Kverythfng was Tall right at the sl Hon at that hour this morning, AIoit 5:4" !H-ighlMr lise-overel the utatlon on fire, but the blaxe had made nii'ii iwadwHy that tli building and plant etnild not. In eaved. Ily tie- i' lp of the tire elejwrtmetit Mr. Xelnr rei eb'tto was savislj Tlie loss I ed t a moii t $.",. . with Insumuce itf f I4j. This i epiHe a blow to Cottagn tJrove. but it is uihh-rsttMsl that Mr. Xels.ui will at ne-e lake steps te re- luu!. TO DISTBIBL'TC AN ISTAU. Heir ef t 1m Iite James H. Martla .Iteeive Their Portion. j- In the prediate ."court, jegterda. County Judge John H. Scott ordered the estate of tlie late James S. Mart In distributed among the heirs under the will, a follows J i K. H. Martin..... $720 8-1 Dora HofTmlre 44 rT, Mattle IMatlner .............. 4H4 Ti Amy Pale 4H4 fC Tlie exeentor of the will. W. M. Kalse-r.. wa er.lered te distribute the estate, and to file 'the receipt from tlie lieirs. where-upou 4ie Is to Is; Iis chargeHl from further liability. 1 W.'IL Hobsein " fried hi bond for fTtNitl. as Administrator of the estate ef David Mulkey. deceased, and let ter of administration were ordered to Untie.