Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 30, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    .WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN Tuesday, October s ir.
Tendered Governor Roosevelt in New York City
Last Night Great Enthusiasm.
Ills Appearance Greeted With an Uncontrollable oatberst of Cheering--An
Object Lesson of the folly of Militarism
, No Reason to Dread Troops.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2fiL This citj
overflown with 'Republican enthusi
asm tonight, on tlit; occasion of the
reception farranged t for Governor,
Roosevelt, I the candidate' for Ylee
President. Iteginning with hi arrival
at the Grand Central station at ."
oYlock, until a Ions toward midnight,
when the Rough Rider went," tired
and weary, ; to his sister's home for
the night, there was such a series of
receptions, .such . a hurniug of fire
works, such electrical displays, and
niK'h volumes of eloquence as are sel
diBii Keen In New York. It was the
climax of the candidate's tour of
many thousands of utiles, and his
friend) and admirers made the streets
rlng with their shout of "welcome
home." The doors of the Madison
Sinare Garden were ors-ned to the
public, at 5 o'clock. The bin amphi
theatre was surrounded by oth-e-men."
drawn tip In single nie on the
urb, while Spvtide the building were
m-ores of hluecoats. s
Outside the Garden, Waiting for the
owning of the doors, was an orderly
crowd. There was no rushing or in
fusion. Inside were two regimental
bands, one at each end of the garden.
They continuously played, alternating
durh.jr th. three hours' wait. Every
invention in the i.vrotechnieal line
al line
was utilized, and some of the displays
tiHk the Towd by storm. The great
net pictures of the -full dinner pail"
and the representations of Iresident
McKinley awl (iim-mor Koostvelt.
were cheered vigorously. A Ik-iiio-cratlc
nurtoscope on the Bartlioldi
hotel was at work all the time, throw
iug mottoes on the Iewey arch, bn
ihe clouds and on the walls of the
buildings around the Square, but the
Uepublicans ignored it.
Auother feature was the playing t.t
niiiii.v i kiik is 4ii unison. nrvieii by a;
earchligld, ami vast chorus singing.;
The tSoveriior reached Madison
Siiare harden at 7utH o'clock. Thei
audience s!okI. waving Hags anil
cheering.' who'U the tJovemor apis-ar-i
ed. There was a great lunujilt. Bands
were play lug hard to-make their music
heard, but exc'pt to those i m tni li.i
ly alongside, they might hate k.pt
Several lrg UU Sold Yesterday to I-ocw'.
1 eaters The Eastern and New
York Iw.
(From Itally
Statesman, Oct. 27.1 I
1 fie Iltq
market is reinainiug sta-
tionary, althougL there is a gosl de
n'and. with prhvs ranging from 1.1 to
loj cents and.;1ut for the fart that
no many growers are now anxious o
ncll. the price would lw higher, as
Jvji stein and foreign factors and brew
ers are ls-ginning to 'buy, and are
eager to secure Oregon bops.
i Among tin- sales reported yesterday
(was the Coleman lot of LtH) K'tles,
Innight by Bamsey &. t'o. Tlie prluo
was not as-rUin-l. but Is In the
ueighborhots'l of 15 cents. The tJ8
ls'rt Patterson lot of ,'KC. Imles, grown
m the linn's Eda ranch, has n td
C 1. JessHtK ilils lot was tpUt.
day Inspected, and will be
sent east at
I.'eneral -'Freight Agent. II. P. Mark
ham, of the Snith.ni .'Part tie Pom-
. a . 1 - .. . x . . .....
j-.ini, i.iini yefieruay mai tlie ir
duet of the Oregon hoi vanls would
aggregate nearly iMMHio lales, lieing
jar nt excess oi me isst aopea of the
trade. As the world supply gener
ally: is short, this will le welcome
news. eseclally as the Oregon hops
are all of a quality for superior to the
hops produced elsewhere.-
Tle Waterville X.
er. of .October lJMh.
Yi Hop Report
Mys of the hop
market in that citv:
."Hop growers are feeling good over
the gradually Im-reaslug. firmness lit
Hk hop markeL This wwk has eeu
several Hi ceat ftles, while last week
ir eeuts was the prevailing pri-e wtrh
anything higher tin rafe exwption.
Itichard Lewis sold yesterday To bales
nt lt wttts, a also did, C. I Terry -V)
hales .It the same prini Edward 'Bar
ton skl !l ths at l,ij cwitu; Thos,
Hughes. 3iat 15 eeuts; Robert Began.
SO at 15 cents; IVterrFotey, 40 at S15
cents; Smith Pray, UT at 15 cents. In
fart, a tithe buyers here have been: in
tli market, and there nurst have b-Ten
llHH) to 12t lwils bought, here, tills
week. There have been numerous
other sales at ill to ItJ cents. 4
"The Tmfrket is rerted very
strong on the Paeilie coast and in Eng
land, and it will le nffteMl Uiat the
Journal and Bulletin c of New York I
has raised Its quotations a cent, t -;
"We have heanl of ih offers above
10 cents here, but it is reported that
better -than Pi' rents luvs N u iwtid to
a grower cear North Brookneld." J -
The Coopers! own tX Y.l Republican
of tK-tolaer 17th. says: I V
"There has r continued to lie wme
buying the iist week. The market
has not lieeii irery at tlve.ho wevr.' as
. ir.. mn -"",..
i""e m i" iie luejis or, grow-
ers. J tie lnyng ftas leenf at 14 o It
rents, with one sale reWr ted at: 17
cents for shipping. , ' ; '
Tlie Kentish Observer. 'of Kent. Eng
land, tinder date or October ihh. has
the following .market reprrs that may
The of interest to local hop growers:
. "London-Trade bv-jlns to show
hi lent. .
I Francis V- Greene, the chairman,
tried to get order, but the crowd clu-er-ed
the louder. 4The Governor- stood
quietly beside the chairman. V The ap
plause lasted nine minutes,
f On iurpcriali.in Governor, Roosevelt
HaHl: - 'f-
f 'There are CO.) regular soldiers in
- the 'United State. Greater New( York
would ln entHlcel, according to the
population, to alsiut 2ott soldiers, less
than a third of the police in this city.
J Five years ago, when, I was iolice
commissioner, I asked for and ol
taiiMd an Increase of 2IM) members
of tlte forte for the present Borough
of, Manhattan alone, tasked for aud
obtained,! without a word of protest or
thought from anyone that Ms liber
ties wre to. Ik. endangered, a much
larger body -of men than would have
len obtained now by giving t!i;
Borough of Manhattan its proiiortion
site of the rgular army, and no h It
alian ttcing has any right to feel afraid
iof the soldiers unless lie is also afraid
of the police. "-"' -' ? "
i oirrsiDE tiie ;auiex. .
Xew York, Oct. Madison Squacc
oer us lengin ai im-antii, was one
mass of color, J n honor of .tlie com -
i iug to town of governor lfHseveIt:
the lhf the tumult miYi. e.i" The
4 1 :i rk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?! I fe III
tire works .tl..L,v i,,,,, .,i. o.ifi
filleil the air continuously for hours,
While Ismibs burst, scores of vari-
colon-d balhoiis of iaier Mere sent
aloft. Tens ef thousands of persons
ine nspia-. i ne. lower oi
ihe flardeii was illuininntetl' with
myriads of Incandescent lights, while
red. White " .-Mid - blue lights --' blaxed
from big buildings. Brilliant foun
tains and showers of sparks Were
sent off from all sides of the Park.
v mie ine nspiay oi tireworks was
at its iiciKht a lug chorus of .mwmi
voices. lcJ by Bandmaster Humphrey
oi ine revenr n regiment -1m ud. burst
forth wilh the strains off the Star
Spangled Banner. In Madison Square
Park Bamlmastcr Hiiuihrey directed
tlie -iiorus fiaiim tire tiarden tower by
mem or a searetmgnt there. "Amer
ica" was rendered by Ihe chorus, it
also ls'injf directed in the same man
ner. ! : . i
signs of animation. There is a ln-ttcr
giMier.-U enquiry, with a tendwncy in
Vnluc io lianlen; the market is still
SMi';nigly snppllefi. .. .The trade dur
ing the past week' has ,lsen decidedly
Hcarcc,, Indeed, and eomiiiamt verv'full
Values, when met with. The tone of
jur market is firmer. . . .t; rowers are
still maintaining their firm attitude,
consequently the business is limited
to those '-hops' the growers are willing
to offer. Prices must le quoted linn.
"Won-ester Picking rs now com
pleted in this district, and It is found
that the crop is fully ."io per cent less
than was grown last year. There was
a large attendance of growers at. Sat
urday's market, and rathe I llLnrn Tiik.
tnessj done than the previous week.
prine pally In the longer growths, but
tnufej was by no meaus brisk. Forber
vaiufj Avei-e malntaiiMMl for all choice
and useful nielium qualitk's, while
several growers are holding for prices,
wptcli are at present prohibitive.
iast week VZAt packets imssssI tlie
publik- scales only 125 of- which vere
weighed on Saturday, making 4710
packets weighed this season, as
against 1,".U7 packets weiglied dur
ing ihe samp period last year.
jNiirrey Our hois ls-iuir imw nicked
-and iwcked, we are euabltHl t crir
approxiaiaie results of tli growth.
we una -rrom enquiries made that the
estimate we gave a few weeks ago,
.... ... . . I . .. . , . ...
-wirt'e-; imnureuwelglit per
acre, is ine average cfowth. Some
'loiiW whether this is not au ove-r-es-
iiiii.-in-. j ne r?one nail nos come
ut. tx.st. the irrowth t oi n ir. a little
Sthrt of seven hundredweight to the
a, rN vnaiity generally goo.1. but in
some . cases
picking was commenced
teo soon."
The Iiiilicatioa Are Favorable and
the Family Hopes for Her
fehtlro Restoration..
tFroin Daily Statesman. Oct. 27.) '
A resirt. rerWveit at a late hour last
evening from Jefferson, was to the
rtTect that M?ss Lulu 'JonesVeoiidit Ion
was somewhat, improved, and the la
dleatkns are favorable for a vin-y sat-isfae-tory
termination of the case.
She is entirely eoosc4ous. and snffrs
very little pain, and the attendinc
physicians and her family are. more
man pieasej with the rsults attained.
Miss Jones Is now1 able fo see out of
both eyt's. the swelling of lier fea
tures haviuglieen redih-ed. Her right
eyel seems to have been injured a itt
tle.las It seems to have double vision,
lut this, the physVia'ns say, will only
l teniporary aud will respond to
protwr treatment.' . - ;
The story of the would be! murderer
that he ehokert be girl. Is proving
true, as lier throat now shows a num
ber! of brp'ses. evidences of sever?
choking, the fiuger-marks of the vi
cious brute who attempted her Iif?
having IsesKiie quite plain on tlh
young lady's throat.
An effort was yesterday made bv
the father rf the young criminal to
seenre trvit Imt t x
j.ue - peopie or Jetrersin
are bitt?r!r
oihmjsciI to - the
youn-r fellow l
...i urn ytu n ua-u. ' esiaiir al this
, . e results or the ywing
Lidy a injnries have not lieea detcr
wincel, and the cocseasus of nninUn
1. i ...... .
umi m.- -ril!MUai SHOHId lie
'uuiii in ihs cell for the
dine, the new invention of W. If.
Roach, of the State Printer force. Is
securing a world-wnle attention. Re
cently Ir.' Roach shipped a J sample
order of It. HI pounds ; to Melbourne,
Australia, and he now has an order
for Hunt iMMinds from the same ieople".
Offers nave ;leen made ' him' for the
agency for Great Britain, and large
orders ftvm; Philadelphia and '. 'Nvw
York have recently lieeu tilled 'by
hint. The pa dd ine is extensively used
In IookbinUng and in job-printing of
fices generally, and is unexcelled.
Mr. Itoach eiects to- begin the .manu
facture of the paikline on a large
scale in a short rne, the demand be
ing now far, in excess of bis ability
to supply' ; l X li-'r:- ' ' ' -
the charges "of the Reform School, a
loy aged 13 years, received on Sunday
last from Union,, escaped from the
school yesterday. Officers at once
started on Ids trail ami Allert Mj Pat
rick, one of ' the . othVer. found the
little fellow in a, lox car at the South
ern! raiitte stMion. The little fallow
was Iiatlewi and cositb'ss, and. was al
rejidy ttoroughly j sick of rnnning
away. .Homesickness caustnl hfm to
make the break from the school. He
was placed in the city jail last night,
and will be taken back -to the school
this morning. m
Some Few Sma,U Wafer s Mad, tint
lBryufi SnppirteM Sot AdxIoos ,
: to BUk Money.
" There is a certain iercentage of hu
manity always ready to risk some
niom-y ujkiu chance. This disiosltiou
woiks itself out in various ways-;
horse races; shit machines, cards, dice,
wheat options,! real estate, etc., and
especially diou the result of tleetious.
The event com iag on -Xoveniler IHh
bad for a time this fall sufficient ele
neiu of chance to arouse that disiK
sition to a cf rtaln extent, but the un-
certainty has so far disappeared from
il,t rn i
. " SH lo rr-K nienej uion one slue of H
j ,s n3W'1 yvTy f-um met with. There
jls an occasional "blow" made to the
i effect that some man wishes to put np
' money on Bryan, but when an effort
Is made to corral it. it cannct lw fouud.
A great, boast was made in a Bryaa
organ here that it had $i le-ft. there
to bet that Bryan would carry Indi
ana, but several men have bea chas
ug H without avail. .When they call
ed to cover the; wager, "it was taken
yesterday," but they would not tell
who took; it.
Son e geuuine bets have leen posted
i'owever, ly .aleni men wImj are will
iug to back their judgment on t-oniing
lesniis. the, favorite place to go, to
make these (deposits, seems to 4k at
Waters eigaf tore, where, up to last
evening, the following wagers had
!s en ":df:
against $sqr on general results,
ti e odds leiug given by the lUpulli-
ca;?. . ... ( . ;i
iMui . . . ....
eMi, on ine sraie oi Illinois.
?lo, even, on the state or New York.
j io ma i m'gon writ give
-Mcfjiny .mrm i. majority or more.
even, ou the siao of Indiana
, i- t ,m KlKn 'le8Ult
'Th 'said ist "rtbV whati
tO'$ion on general
ever to tinrl mouev that will k.iv th.-it
McKinley will Is? electtsl, also tliat he
will carry New York. Indiana. Cali
fornia, Washington, Ilfinols and pret
ty near everything in sight
l lie New lork Sun says that Itryan
money has -entirely dlsaniearel from
the betting places so far as the gen
elal results are concerned, and that
mere are iewYiaiert so uouotrirr as
to frlglrte-u the McKinley men. Even
offers on Missouri hare' Ieen accepted
i ne next, thiug will be proisj.sIng to
bet on Texas. .
Judge Hamilton Finney, who is
visiting friends in .-Kansas City, was
formerly Police Jntlge here, and he
has by long odds tlie time record for
holding a "ease under- advls-ment.
Twenty years Is the time and the case
Is not decided yet.
it na Rim .iiioge liuiuoiie was a
yemug mw stmbnit In the office of
Tichenor & Warner. He had a ease
In one of the Justiceti courts one day.
...t.t. . , .
huh-o oafi oeeu jNisiiKHien on two or
three occasions. Ou this particular
day he di4uandd a trial. The lawyer
ou the other side, a. man , very unpo-
uiar wiin an lunges and attorneys.
grew a i in si ve. rin-n hitei-ame so in
sulting tjiat yonug Giiinolte's -French
blood I h.I led over aiwl he threw a
neavy inKsramt at the. man. striking
mm ou rue tiejiit. . me result was that
.uinofte was arresttrl for disturbing
the ieaee. Tie went lnfofe ' Julg
rniney ine next mommg tn police
"Are you guilty ornot guilty?" ask-
eu i ne .lunge. ,
"tJuilty," answered Mr. Guinotte.
Ilf.lln.k.il.. a 1. a . ...
'i'mikii iia Klfll -OUI4l Set fit ft 3T4l
ine juuge is suptsiseil to have no al
ternative exept to punish. Jmlge Fjn-
nev scowled. ,
"Young man." he said, "thi u ...
m -a -most, aggravated assault.. You
tujinj Kiniok tins man with an ink.
"IBil'l. .lIM.Mfi S4TtMIIl I'll lat.. tf...
matter ninlt r ad viseiuenf." .
- - - " . I liT
tie stiii bas it under ndviwmoni
. , . i. . ..... v
iw reason can tw understoo.1 frm
- ' i n leni irin mi l HP J i v l m
aiHl 31 T. 'lKMW'UOr rlfftr Pour 'n-nl ,l
jourueu on the Kime lav of tbe iriji
-- - . ai
t-xr .. . . . - " - - -
lOlI 10H liOIDOtte S f!tt llnrt..!- ..,1,
iiaemvui; asKeel Sir. Tichenor '
xew. auswereii the Jitdire' 'Mint i
oiigm io nave nned him for not break
iug mm reitow s neck r Kansas
Star. ; i ; ;.: ' , ' - ' :
f Glorious Nnvs ' ' : v
from Dr. D. B. Carctte.
..mi?" lro Ur- B. Cargtle, of
yvasima. I. 1;. lie writes: "Four bot-
ucs oi jectnc Uitter has cored 11k
Brewer of scrofula, which Jvad cansed
her great suffevrng for years. Terribie
sores wcHiKi break out on' lux head and
face, and tfii best doctors could give
no help: but her cure is complete and
ie:r ticann; rs exccilerrt." This shows
what thousands hve t nrnvnt
Electric Bitters is the best blood puri
fier know n. It's the sunrenv rmv
v. ICn,4. ttuct, sau rnenm. uicers
boils and running fcores. It stimulates
iiwr.kidrrey and bowels, expels poi-
n. JW,ps aigvstKm .ijuiid ."up- the
VSZZiV! f'X -So cents. Sold by Dr.
&TONR, droggist. . ' . .... ,
There Is a weet Joy which corner to
us inrougn sorrow. spurgeon.
Transport lawton Brings Down
V f ive Hnndred Miners. :
Terrific Storm Over the Gulf of
Georgia Does Great DaQise-to
' Shipping: Fisbermen Drowned.
SEATTLE. Wash.; ! Oft. 2tl-The
United States transport jlawlou ar
rived' in iort this afternoon frotn Cape
Nome with oM - stranded . miners,
Iwoeight down at tho expense , of the
Government." One man,1 James O'Brien,
died at sea as -the Lawton was arriv
ing at Dute-h Harbor. Two others,
J. Carpenter and W. Bauer,, lost -their
risistm in the North and will be
placed In the insane asylum at Steila
cooni hi. this state. Thirty-three of
tlie crew of the wrecked cable steam
er Orizaba were also on the Ixiwton.
i A. detachment of twenty soldiers
-".- ; - X V
V- " ' " " y - ' 1 1 ' " t-t
i y "- - I Z. 'J ' - , -
i . -.fs3SiT I -t r J. - : - j
f" ----- v , t k - ' -
' ' " -4
'tr; . ..' ' , ! ,
V. ' f ;t , ' T - -: - L, j
s -. 'ja f ii Imt-tt !, in m ? iiiii T'f 'i . miiiiii i n nmt i ' ..urftw'wwiuiu
The great Russian author and rhinthropist, who was recently nut
ban of the Greek church by the Metropolitan of Kiertt
came down on the -Lawton to preserve
i orden among the passengers in case of
Vancouver, It. C, Oet. 2. A storm
which raged over the northern part of
the Gulf of Georgia, 'on. Wednesday
night and Thursday did considerable
damage to steamers and wharves.
The Comox, which .arrived tonight,
brought. the 'news that, the Comet and
the Itrunette, two large tugs, lost both
their tows off Gower Point, seveirtv
i miles from Vanetwiver. They hail
throe scows ami a large boom of logs.
all of which were jhrokru to pieces.
Two tishing iMwvts were picked up, th;.
I wcinvants of which bad bin drown'.-!
as the -sjiils othe Isat were still out.
i though under water, for . the small
boats had capsized. -..'.'
Tlie Transvaal Added to the P.ritish
Empire by PrislanKitiou ,
Raiding in Natal.
IX)XION, Oet. 2i.-It was rejM)rt.Hl
bere from Caie Town t.slay that the
Bm-rs had apttired Jacobsdahl,
' - -
southwest of Kinils-i ley, after a stul-
born resistance iqoii the part of, the,
garrrson, which eoiisisteil of a d
t.'iehini nt of Cais Town Higldauders. !
The latter were sjild to have suffered
severely, losing Ihlrty-four opt -on
lllt-jlllir uut VI (
ow appears that i
caTurel by tlie'
fifty-two men. It no
Jacobsdahl whs not
Poers. Advle-es rceivel from Csp
Town, shortly after midnight. say;
"Later news from Jacohsdibl show-
that 2i M, Boers tinsiK-'ssfully cttack
d the garrison. Tlie Highlanders
had foiirlca kilhtb and twentv were
wounded. ' '
I'retoria: oe t. 2U. vrhe Transvaal
was , today , proclaiuieil a- tart .of th
British Empire, the proclanuition 1m
mg attenaeu witu impressive ces-e-
ui wiles. , -; -'..-.
LrnriKin, icr. i. ine noers are
raiding In the nortlwrn part of Natal.
They have burned the railway station
at Wa sch bank, and blown ui a cul
vert., .. . . . - . , - - .
or. jospim. mo., tier. A inessace.
directed to the slierinV w-as reeeivetl
liere late tonight from an officer In
Spokane, Wash., asking that the InkIv
of AI j ss Cla ra Wa gner, which a rr i vetl
lie re teslay. lie seized The dlHcorery'
was niaue tesiay. n spfaiie, that, she
had been murdered. Miss Wagner
lived here. She recently paid a visit
to a sister in SKkane.
was taken ill
aud diefl -in a hospital.
Two Umatilla Indians Convietod
KJlltng a Medicine Woman.
Pendleton, Oct. 20. Toy Toy, a
i , ' - . . j ;
atilla Indian,' was today found guilty
f tnnrder in the first degree for pois -
oning Annie lvilua,. a ''iuedicine- wo -
rnin. "
Columbia ttorge was also fonnJ
guiltyiof ttio same offense yesterday.
Tbe jeualtr 'In tlie cases of tbee
two Indians is death. ' V "
The Government Oold Balance Iteach
es the Highest Point.
Washington, Oct. 2(L Tlie. gold in
the treasury totlay amounted to $151,
477,404, the ilgtiest point ever reae-h-eel
since the foundation of the Govern
ment.. This is ahl to bo the largest
gold fund in the world. . x
Illinois f'x)iirt Holds "That, Wife Hied
AlKad of Husband in a Storm.
Ch lea go. Oct.. 2. X 1 ire-ial to the
Keexrd from Ix'lMineoi,' III.; fays: A
novel Klnt has Ikh'U VieidtHl in St.
Clair eounty.. Iavbl S. Gage and wife
were killesl In a terrible storm t hat
swept over- the couuty four years-ago-Tle
botlles .were fouud lying side by
side. They had one daughter, the
only lineal heir. In a suit for a set
tlement of Hie estate, the question
arose as to which had dktl .tirst. If
Gage. ,then his wife's vehitlves would
1h .entitled to her award, consisting
of the Homestead. If his Wif d-id
tirst. then her relatives wonM.lw en
titknl to nothing, tntt tlrt jwhole estate
amounting to alsmt Slo.ooo would fall
to Miss Mals-1 tJage. the daughter.
There was no way of proviug which
hatl died first, and the court held that
since woman physie'ally is weaker
than man, Mrs. Gage must have diil
first, and iqion this hypotln'sis award
ed the estate to the daughter..
Cbilicothe. O., Oct. 20. Harry Gud
geii. agint It; years, shot and killed
Mattie-Nicholas, aged 1 years, tody
and then killed himself. He had
quarreled with the girl.
Until the Result of the. Election
Known Tlie . Steel 'Kail Trade
Is Very. Heavy.
Nini YORK. Oct. 2i. R. Dim &
Company's Weekly Review- of Trade
tomorrow will say: :
Tlie ehH'tfons mean a gii'jit deal io
.nil business interests aid although
cnitidence in the future is seen ou
every hand, it Is but natural that men
. t . . . a. j.' 1
1W unr care 10 tawe unmsssiiry
,a"i inen-rore tucy-delay new
"vnl ,ar s hsii. until
fiilfor lha I.illi4i iho 4jiiitii.l Ir..
MrtrH rr" -tWl rails Tor the season
thus-far are within rsM" , tons of
,;,s- years lieavy 8sMkings. and con-
tnb-in- in the ultimate marked bn-
pl'eveiuent Is mi strong that all raw
m,,, ,,s,,!-" ""n ami without any
- t4i ! n niiinn H1I.V
sisfulativij a-tivity to stimulate Hksji.
Failures for the week were 2lt in
me L-mtcti ; Mate, .against 1! last
year, and twenty-eight in Canada
against twenty-seven last year. ,
Jianv. iteeiiesis Kelatlves and
i-.triends and Elncatioiial anl
J Charitable Institutions. ' .
M ANSFI ELD, o Oct. 20. The will
of ex-Secretary , John SlH-rman, who
was buried here yesterdaj-, was taken
i'ummiv niurc iyiiiq. . i ne estate
tt-estimated, at $.'UXK,fi. Mrs, XIary
Sherman McKelluni gets l0O,00O. half
In real estate of her choice and the
ha lance In' bonds. Aftw the other be
quests are paid, she. with five others,
get -the; refdne..; making her share it
is esUamted. fotMt and'.;.-noibly
more. A large -number of i relatives
get from $.V!M6 WAt each. .Mans
field gets J.KWO for nark imnK.
Olierhn College and Ken voir
.MM. ..- - . . T '
O.. Oct. 2L IVestdent Jfc
now fnlly ntialiflHl to vote.
KJnJey is
having n-gistered this morning.
Letter from
two subscriber were
Kansas editor on th
corresoudeiit asklt;
received by a
Um-!laiue (toy-one
I ....,
j for advice iu the .matter: of raising
1 twins and the other requesting advice
, am to: how he should rid his orchar-4
of grasshopiiers. The editor for-,
wanled tla answers by ; inail, but
nilxeil the enveloiK's. As a result the
proud father of twins reeelvtl this
answer: "Cover them earefnlly with
stiaw and set Are to it, and the little
itest,-after Jumping In tlie Haunts a
few minutes, will In? sptvdily wltled.'
And the man with the gnisshopis-ri
was told to "give them east or oil and
rub their gums with a bone."
Twk-e a-Week Statesman $1 a year.
To Sarvaln th Cnltad Statrn Coart-I.Ut
oT Tho Cltoaaa from Marloa aad
"".' Polk Coaatha.
(From Dally Statesman. Oct. 27.1
Tlie first grand jury INt for the ex
clusive use of the. United States Cir
cuit' court has licen selected, says last
evening's Portland Telegram, and on
it are the names of liMi. taxKiyers of
tin slate of Ongon. who may ! ral.l
ed tiiiou some , time to act as jurors.
The li.-t -is 'expected, -to last several.'
ye-ars and It may ln sum-' time Wfore'
tlie Jurors' names who appear will le
drawn for the jury box.
The iist was made up by Clcik
Sladcn. Of
court. 1.1 n
theM'nitisI Slates Cin-nit
this (Multnomah) count v
he se'lectel 'theS names from the tax
roll and In other 'counties lie sent to
me cicik oi ine' i-ouihj lor a ihuuimt
of names of taxpayers. Irrespective of
inirty. Each eounty has 1kmi accord
ed a certain uuinlx r of. jurors, the
ratio Indus' .tt ruck; according to the
IMipirlation in the various parts of the
state'. Most of tlie jurors in the coun
ties, outside of Mull noma li are farm
ers or stoe-kuu-n. art hough all the
t..llll .!! I ... f. U! .J I . . . ..'..14 .........
There-Is only one editor iu the ItKN)
names, and he conn's from the Hood
River eoilntry. How- he hapened to
Ih -lMsen Is a mystery." as editors and
newspajK'r iix-n in general are usually
conshlcrcd to 1k ts w'M int'ormeil on
matters of the court to make irood inr-
ors. without prejinlkx. and they are
therefore lardy chosen. This editor
Is alone in his glory.
There is but oih Smith. whi."h is
more remarkable even than that tlie re
Is only one editor. Among so many
names it could lw e'xnctMl that there
would be at least a half do.en Sinilhs. .
but such is the fact. There are
names galore, and if any one iu Fort,
land is tlrd of his or her -name they
can look ever the list and make a sc.
lection. ; , -i
The jurors chosen- from Marion al
Polk counties, as shown by tlw list,
are 'sis follows: " .
. Marion county Henry Keeiie, farm- "
er; B J. Grim, farmer; Frank Butler, -farmer-;
E. A. M. Cone, farmer; W. II.
Savage, gardener: G. B. Miller, farm- .
er; C. A. iKMinigau, farmer; E. W.
Manning, farmer; R. W. Tucker.
farmer; II.' A. Snyder, nierehant; A.
M. La Follett. farmer; James Hunt,
farmer; A. D. Wlnnder, farmer; La ban
Mauiding. faiine-r; J. C. Siegmund.
clerk; R. S. Shaw, niorchant; C. W.
Stege,-farmer; W. T. -Grimm, fanner;
D. II. Iiooney, farmer: -William Short,
farmer: M. L. Eskew. farmer; J. II.
Ross, farmer: S. A. Hughes. lalMiK-r;
H C. Taridey. lalsirer; i. W. Weeks,
farnicr: G. W. Diinhk, farmer: W. A.
Taylor, farmer: W. A. Pearson, farm
er; John Palmer. 'farmer; .T. II. While,
farmer'; F. N. ltotiillard. .nurseryman:.
AIouzo Moffet.carien1er: M. E. fbol-
ell. canienter; A. O. Dayton, clerk; P.
J. Iirscn. mechanic; II. J. Workman.
farmer: J. II. McCormiek. farmer: '1.
C.. Davidson, farmer; J. W." .lory.,
farmer: C. F. IlUks. farmer; W. S,
1'ckner, nMs-hanlc; W. P. George,
clerk: II. Cleavelaiid. farmer: W F.
Palsixk. clerk: Walter Bu.kner.
farmer; II. D. Mount, farmer: C.
II inkle, farnicr; S. T. Hnbart. f irmer;
J. I CeMk. farmer; W. W. Eh lor. r.ni
chant; It. E. lowning. famwr; W. S.
IjiFore, farmer; J J. Hall, fanner; A.
V,. Keene. farmer: T. D. Allen, farmer;".
George ..D. -'Jack, farmer; R. E. Kirk,
leorchant: W. E. Thomas. merc'iant;
R. A. WMr.el. farmer; A. E. Austin,
merchant; II. D. Brown:- farmer: I..
W. Dui'ant. carreuter: W. H. Simp
son, farmer; E. E. Tauner. teamster;
E. II. Pugli. blacksmith; Josph Cirrd.
farmer: W. J. Irwin, dairyman: Jo4-ph
li. Evans, clerk: L. M. Ilerreu, fann
er: J. St e I ner, merchant.
Polk county A. L Ailkins;' farmer;
W. Cbaoiuan. farmer: William Coekbv
farmer: 12. J2. Conner, farmer: S. M.
ianiei. merchant; a. c lienuy. iauu
er: I. A. Allen, fanner; tJcorge II.
Ball, farmer: James Itoydstou, farm
er; B. I. Carey, TarnH-r; G. W. Ch.ik.
farmer; A. II. Collius. ranii"r: V. -Cook.-
laltorer; O. It. De Armond,
farmer;. William Ellis, farmer; W: W
Fa wk, fanner; II. C. Fox. far-m r; A.
J. Gisslman. merchant; E. li. Harris,
farmer; D.- L Hewitt, farmer; A. M
Holmes, farmer: Wj It. Dn'uctu. farm-.
er; Willraiu Faull,' merchint; II. B
Fi a nnery, fanner:; William Fr.qua.
farmer; T. P. Ground, fanner; JoliO
Hastings, " farmer;: Homer Hill, farm-
er. - '-:.!
visit CH. JOtmAirs encsTi
. a . . . Uh.mm In th .
K . " . I
fclUOllKMIMlldll.' til fr I
Vrnil.ia IWrfelT rud-r4 i
A tm.lettli-. Wtf f -nk. ri
9 eh. joroam a ca. tost ma: f . s f.
0O:ilin.it will rure onnr
BlCfdmii nd lie. bin
Plle. Iiahaorli-tlietowoi".
allays the tlchlnc al oucc. '
ja nouli. rlon Jnstsn re-
Ittf. Ir. e.'tl.iamK'lnili iB Pi"' ,n'r
mcnt lunrnnarea for IMleisnn nrn-
tn of th prrai p:ri- KrrT., ,!!!
. ........ w i .. .a. . kr mall nil T
clr of nrlm. M rmii ami f I.mi. WILLIM
KfckUFACTURIH; CO.. ror. cieveUua. om
For mIc by all dmggiits.