Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 30, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL. 49. NO. 37.
r 1 - ; - ' , " "
sL 4 v .A. . J' v .A.'
A Seven Story, Business Block
Biown Into the Air.
I 5
II an J reds of Human Lives Beljeved
to Have Been Lost Heroie Efforts
of the Fire Department.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2ft. To the long
list of fir horror that hare, occurred
Jn ami .irotiud Ihc rily nf XVw Turk
wax added one tlay. by lire and an
explosion 'which shook the lower end
of Manhattan island like an earth
quake, hurled a wren-story building
Into the air, and set lire to" two blocks
of buildings, with a loss of , life that
only th' efforts of hundred of men,
who wcr rushed! to the work of dig
Kins awaj" the ruins a soon as the
fire was extinguished, will .reveal.
Tl'-Ma building or Tarrant & Com
pniiy. maker of medical specialties;
standing at the northwest corner of
tJreeuwick and Warren streets. , and
-tilled with rtjeiuji-alt look lire an:
hour and i a quarter after. 12 o'clock
this afternoon. One tire fomjaBj- had
just arrived when the terrilie explos
ion occurred, ami threw the' engine
tcw- down the I stairway. The, fire
men, realizing the danger of their
jMisitiou. rushed out of tin? building to
the street. Captain Ievanney order
ed hi crew !svk luto the building
again. They dragginl the line to the
tloor way a second time, when came
an explosion more terrilio than the
first, "am! tlM' whole, crew was hurled
across Oreenwleh street. Devanuoy
w so Istdly injured that he was went
to the hospital. In the meatiiue other
engine that .had resimuded to the
alarm, had collected and the firemen
were busy rescuing . ieople from tbe
surrounding .buildings. !
The firemen had already taken
many gilrs tkiwu.-tlte only tire p
njKn the building and more person
had lHfii carried tlown lite eseaiie of
the building adjoining. when , the
fotve of ttw explosion tore away the
wall 'of. the, big commission , store
house fronting on, Washington street,
ami caused them to collapse.
Aiiw U'arre u street to the optioslte
buildings the flaunt leaped, setting
rtiein br. In m, momeut Warren
xttect. wa cIioUihI with A niasit of
debri. iiud tht whole place 4 wa
aflame. A great explosion was fol
lowed by & half .Ioxeii more, scarcely
Jew Intense, and by a couutless ninii
Iht of smaller e.
Hy thi thiM the Ore aHaratu wa
iiJrr'ving from i cviry dre-tiou. TIiu
explosion ami fin together' -had uo.v
assumed the, proiNtrtions of a great
catastrophe, ami it wan thought that
buii.lr.-ds of liven had been lost..
The oidy p'i!on known to liave
l-vn kllhI. up to 's o'clock tonight,
wax a man who tiled In the hospital
an the result of an Injury received in
the Htrvet. 4'hief 'rok-r say no fire
meu an- milug.
wouu r-PEfuinn' amf.uican
Her FJTrt Now IMreeteir Toward
tletting a Ftiot-hohl In South
Antcrlea-vMounH locirme.
vtm vnttiv. n,t. 20. Any attempt
oa HicHKirt of tSennany to establish
a cm ling tat Mn in territory ofA en
ill Im onnostnl by he Inlted
States, aits a Washington 4'al to
the Herald. Such action wouhl lie In
violation of the principles of th Mon-
rw tloetrino. A cabh tiisiwtcn i rom
ii..t. tt Miuttn has tieen receive! con
Trying a Tumor that the Vouer-nelan
i.....,Pnn...i.i l considering the advls-
abilitv of leasing to tb-rmany a. port
".. i.inul ir Margarita, and It
i.. i rt..t.xi nnirh. attention. ...
t;ermany I anxious to acquire sits
f U co.tlIng .station in the Western
.iL.H.ioi-.nv, It has lsn fnquenily
rkiHirte.1 that she was endeavoring to
establish a coaling station on Uie
Itrailinn tvJt. but o negotiations
t-en entered into. Xatal officers
ti.at 4Jennanr-conld have only
... t.ieet in establishing a tiaval sta
Hon In th Western IlemisplHre to
prepare for Imst Hit k-s f aga Inst t oe
FnittHl Ktate. Thff ' Vpitwl States is
the onlv I'ower whose tomM'n.mj
the Itetira 4Joveninent fears. hen
1 i.li t!.wriinMnt WOUld JlOt tHTtnit
ithe actpiisUion of the lanlsh Wc-t
lmll-s by any EuroiKait stale, reports
..... '..-Hilt fx i tlat tJermuay was
t-vrin, trt establish a coaling
station at Sent Catharina. Brazil
Tinfl rettatrts were not confirmed-
Ur- t..ll.l. the Venezuelan Charge
.r' k'tri.i- jsavs that he heard not !
iug coutirmatory of tbe.reiort that
Ti.ii. iiii- at leaslnz to krmany
lHirt iu the! Island of MargarlU for
as a roa I in z station, lennany s
claims in VvnRela arise from Ihc
construction of the trans- Ande.m
itnir..-hl from Caracas - to Valencia
Ihaus of these. tScrmany last year
bud a hari correspondence with A ?
ezisla. and notitv was given that the
claims uinst be paid by January
' 11-ktl. , ' - ;: .-
Margarita' Island would be ralnable
. f:.iisiic as a bane. Itocause of its
strMteiu' t'tosltion In th Caribln-au.
It ,U near the mouth of the Orinoco
Hirer, and could le nsel effectively in
operations centering atut a Nicara
gua or Panama CaaaL The Island
has several deep harborst.' tltat eould
be slrongrly for titled and easily held.
- err yacht: hacks. - '
Talk Almt Changing Cour.. From
Sandy Hook to' NVwport U Idle.
New York. Oct.. 2ft. While there Is
talk in wme quarter of transferring
tle America's cup , ra-e to Xevort.
the Journal tateM on the lst author
ity that there !.- not the slightest
ctiau-e of the raises being preseutt-l
there. While tlie -oure oft Brenton's
Itecf .. I JghtRhip in giMMl. it 1 not a
ecxnl a one for a fa ir tet a rhe Kanly
Hook course. Off I'olnt Jndith. LHock
I-nd and Vineyard Sound four titles
wonld liave' to W em-ouuteretl during
a race, agaiit one or, two at Handy
Hook. For" thU r axon. If uo ther
r ajon. It wouhl le nufair to ask Sir
Thomai I.ipton to acept isuch ft handi
cap,, and there 1 not the' lightett
chance of hi Iwing retjnt ted t do
sk. ;':'" . ;
Ko far nx wind--go. there is quite as
miu-li chance for n bre'ze on Sandy
Jlotik Ui August a at, Newiirt. tor
hey hare t-alm day there juxt a.- they
do nt Sandr Hook.
While Tlx-re I Life There I HI.
I was aftlictetl with catarrh: euld
neither taste nor' smell and could liear
but Jh tie. Kly'w Cream Balm cured
It. Marcus H. Xhautz. Itahway, j.X. J.
The Hal in reached nn wifely and
tl)e eflrcct i.-t HHnrling. My son says
the flrt applu-atiou gave dechbd i re
lief. '- Iteift fully. Mrs. 1 Franklin
Freeman. Hover. X. II. '.' '",' i ;j
The Ilalnt doe Tjit irritade or cause
sueezing. St4d by ilruggl.tst at SO ds.
or mailetl by' Ely Hrotbera, 5G Warren
New ork. .
Xavy Department Froposes
lrove tm Effecttvcn'S3 of
New York. fk-t. 2ft. Imiwrtant ac-
ion fr the Impnjveineut lot gnmery
tractive has leen taken by the? Xavy
K'iartmt?nt ujxiu the rtHwu mcud.it Ion
of V Kejtr-Almlrnl' 1 s CrownlnbieId,
Chief of the Hut can of Xarigation,
.aya a 'Herald pecfal from Wahing
ton. The department has Issued a
general onk'r extending the course in
gunnery Instruct Ion to each squadron
of the Navy. ;- '" . -: . ' '
I ue new order estanusues an nv-
stM'tor of target raft'iee who shall
b present at ' the "lighting etlieieucy
practice provided -tnd Hbiint a
lonprt'lienslve report tliertKin. : It
also constltntes a Intard of otlicert to
Im known a tin lutrd of Uutuitry
Instruct ions, who will iK'lcct aubjee;
to the approval of the commanding
(theer. memlK'n of the tran crew. lu
lake gunnery Instruction cournes.
Ireliniinarr . Instructions 'will be
given; thenjinal praclk-e, with .small
armx. TIten oil-calilcr practice wm
Ik? held, and then the preliminary tar
get practice uhlpR gun ttointers will
iH-k-cleil, and tlioe liitrlng the high
est pTCf'iitage wdl lie detailed at tlie
earliest opiiortonity for the advancvl
course provHt1! ror on; noaru a gun-
iwry trainlus-sliip. 4I , .
During the winter of 1SM7 Mr. James
Reed, one of the leading citizens and
merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va..
struck his leg against n cake of Ice in
such a manntr as to bruise it severely.
It became very much swollen and
(taincd him so hadjy that le could not
walk without the am of crutches. lie
was treatetl by physicians, ajso used
several kinds of lluiment and two and
a half gallons of whisky in bathing it.
but nothing gave any ndief until he
liegan using Chamberlain's Pain Italin.
This brought almost ft complete euro
in a week's time and he believes that
had lie not used this remedy his leg
wonld have had to be amputated.
Pain Ralm Is tineqnaled for sprains.
irttises and rhenmallsm. For sale ny
P. O. Haas, tlrngglst, Bfate , street,
Salem, Oregon. H,
Congress Will Bo Asked to Establish
an Important Weather Station.
Washington, 'Oct. 2ft. Secretary
Wilson probably will .ask Vmgress
for authority to build a cable from the
mainland to Tatoosli Island ",at the
entrance to! Iuget Sound. Wash., and
then establish a: iermanettt weather
bureau and sliJp rciMirting station
there. Tlnee the disont in nance of
the station at -that point, the San
Francisco Chamber of Commerce and
other P.-wlfle coast organizations have
iietiflnunl for its re-estaUlisliniettt.
nd the enlargement of the protection
,xt stibinlns!. esiH-clfllly f vessels hi
dlstn-ss. The weather 'inspector
rt'ijortetl fn.orab!y on the project, and
the bureau mis rvoommeuueu n-
Woltmrn. Oct. 2ft. II. ? I Bents.
acting for M- II. Durst, has pur4iasel
fifty bales of hois ot i. i. rsarour m
1.U4 cents a pound. This is the high
est figun yet reached in th'M section.
Most of the hoa nere are aom. mw
.r t it l lioldtnsr with the-extweta-
tlon of realizine 1 aid proisibly 20
cents, t W . . . .
lor Infaat and .Children. -;
Tt3 Iti Yea Wzn ktezjt E::M
Baxs the
Blgaattiro of
Tw Ice-a-weck Statesman ?1 a year.
Its. Advantages as Compared iYitb
California's Resources.
& A. Clarke Writes A jraln of UU Trip
JtcroMti the Continent and pme
Conjpriaoua Oe Made.
Having jilyen atbrk-f sketch of the
journey by rail fron the farthest
East, by the 1'niou '.Pacific route to
the eastern line f Oregon. I am
ituqited to word jiicture I lie various
Hues through the Inland Empire and
draw comparison of witat our' region
fiosv-esses with the thousand utiles of
mountain iateaux to the eastward
can offer, with elevation of "l.ts'tt to
8,its fee, averaging, for the entire
tlinlaiKv fwiii Ixsige V. tu Nebraska,
to Huntington, in Kaker county. Ore
gon. Hum miles, over 'ttKK) feet of al
titude. All that distance the range
Jntfiesis predominate ami iIm "cow
boj is always in evidence.
When we near tho Oregjiu line
scems change, and while the stock
man Is alway prominent, there are
beaut if ub vallej-s, as the Hoise, Pay
ette ami Weisei, where farms or
chards and homes arc unsurpassed
and the I towns and villages speak of
prosperity ami social pmgress. Thia
is also a region where fmit growing
Is a feature,, for even the sage brush
plains of Snake river have been, re
deemed and 'irrigated, so transformed
to fruitful orchards.!' And this Is but
the commencement of progress fhat
will in time redeem immense present
wastos ami Create a productive r
gion.. This is a matter I have studid
from t lie work of the Oeological Sur
rey, whose mission is to convert arid
lands' to homestead.!
Almost 'A year ago I was in B;tker
couirty and at its ' rganiz:itiou was
trado its county rfcrk. I then stndieti
all the interests of the wile region;
it fruitful t brads, ami mining tlis
tricts, ami later traveled tbrotigh
the fertHc valleys and mining dis
tricts of Southern " ' Idaho 'as cM-res-iMimltnt
for the NeW York Times,
San Francteeo Bulletin and a .'Port
land tlally, As we sjMtl oyer tlioc
scenes on t lie rail, jlh luxurious cars,
there taiiM. renHiiisceiM-es if the jsvn
cl ftt Ion sigi when Ij rx (e the trails of
juountaiu and plain ' on horseback.
The: region had realized all that was
cxiHcterof if in the early tlmet and
yet has made but a commencement in
tlie litve of progress, tltat Is to' come.
There Is no imrre Iwautiful spot on
tlw earth not even the Yale of Chani
ounl than t-he fJrand l'oitde V"1le
Cratlled among the mountains ;it has
become a home for many thousands
and has cities, towns and villages
that show refinement as well as pro
gress, and Its industries f nily ' corrcs
IMiud. Ixvokiiig hack Jhose years,
memory has a r picturt of a tent
pitched 'one May, on the overlooking
hills near La t;raude. after a day's
journey Iowu tlui river, oftn ue-k
deei in ice water. ; as there was no
trail through the all iiervading snows.
We ' had "shoveled snow to make a
liathway to cross tin Blue mountains
by a new route. As the sun went
down We reached I this salient ioiot
ami looked over the - beautiful sii'tn
of 'the valley, . shrinetl among its
snow Ismnd ranges lsfore J4 Imw-;
sesssl a si ngle home save , as Nez
Ien-es wigwams were indicated ly ,
cnrl'tig wreaths of smoke. Iowtl?r t
river was as nature left It: Fmatilla
had bre and there an - adventurous
settler; Walla Walla had become a
village., br.t the Inland Empire was
then scarce discovered to 'civilization.
It Is worth while o have lived to
see, the time when great, railroad sys
tems hare tlevelotied tlw Juland Em
pire: when the Iron horse nad the
rlrer steamer compete for Its; trartic,
and both are taxed to carry! tin
world's markets 4he -mlUlons of bush
els of wiieet to. feed tlte world's peo
ple: when shipe and steamers ctme
from earth's farthest shores,, over her
widest oceans, to load this crain of
a metroislis that was a struggling
village -log houses planted. often
anug gfeint sturaps when the
writer landed there in Seytemlicr,
18oO. v.-; -.f'-' " '; '; ''
; East of the trascaws the traveler
Unds rich fields and homes A hat adorn
favored distrtets lit ' Idaho, Washing
ton and Ongou. wlose pnslnct calls
here-the world's ships and commerce.
As he comes through those scenes.
and down the eonrse of the River of
the West, he sees orchanls and vine
yard whose protluct Kwuis trains to
supply Eastern cities with the choic
est of fruit in season, ami curetl ami
canned fruits later. This transforma
tion of savage wiW to ctrilizatioa and
omsrress many of its hare lived tn see
and to reloiee at. TlWfalded 2,n
or .Eden was net more lorely than
were neny of tlMs seen s In th4r
sta te of , nat ore. . S.' : '-i;.-There
is nothing - more dpeeiving
ihaa tlte journey down the Columbia.
It shores are basalt precipices.
to Wi ftet lilgb "Itock-rjbUtt and
anebni as the Sun" with jlrifting
?aul left by the river flooils. Occa
sional accretions of sandy loam cuake
fruitful spots, but there are not over
a thousand ecre of. arable soil to lie
fonnd in a hundred miles of Its flow.
Tl:e stranger who -comes " from the
East ?- wonder stnK-k when told-that
broa j cplands spread from the um-
mft cf tLe?e -!lff. the richest wheat
lands to be found, whose product
htad-i great fleets "of merchantmen,
that cross all earth's oceans, to "feed
the peoples of Asia, Europe and Afri
ca: whcic fields whose value rea-h
"the; "diltb of Ormns and of I nd."
lie 'looks mote kin.lly on the
flomiing clitTs wheu . he barns what
fei tile seres ther uplold. '
" The last hundred miles on 'the O. II.
A N..is a fitting finish to the 32ts
leiles of travel, for it includes the
fearfnl rage of wafers at the dalles
ot the Clumbiii, where an ichosita
ble lava stirfjce ltses in. aroumi the
trtter hell or waters: then -ouie The
Dalles City, and a few miles of rare
shore with t irchard-4 and homes fill
the inieral Jifoiv we euter tb won
derful gorge that for 7. miles reveals
an tmsur.ias.-l wobder of mouuta.ii
scenery. ' always changing -ami ever
new. The tqwier river is a trnmuil
flow through mountain vistas, with
uowy paks g!eaitUug through the
jb-e defiles. In the 'enter of the
ttjnjie we View .the cataelysiu where
the cascades rage and foam, and
where ludbti! ftfide has l.x-atel the
Bridge of tlie !mIs. Nowhere is this
-ene suriiassed. except it may . te
eji3llel In tlw passes of ihe Deti
ret; & Rio ; ramie. While. -tltat may
le tituiHr sublime, it has tlitTeretit
features, lacking the fury of the cas
cades tush of waters, and the ma
jestic placidity of such waterfalls as
the ' Mcbiioinnh 'ami Oneotita, that
gis-e the lower river.
lcaf iug the gorjre one is in a differ
ent regku and climate. ' The sliore
of the lower river aretiiOI sides wlwre
hoircs and orchards grace the sivtie,
while seowy iw.iKs add awe and sub
linty to all the world tielow. At
Portland we' -see the worUl's com
merce iu ships waiting for cargo,
while the local .trade Is tchowii in the
multitude of river streams and small
er craft that line the shores or ply
tlie stream. Wlhen we cross the river'
the scene Is'famMiar. for here. I built
it saw mill, just where the steel bridge
land-, in ISTil. wheu Hhtc was no
house within sight and majestic oaks
lined the river Imuk. What Western
Oiegon Is. It need not to recite. There
are no richer field, more beautiful
si- nes. more tleliglitful homes, more
refined jwojile. Its cities liave every
modern -advantage; its Institutions, of
len ruing tMpial tin' oldest states at the
East; facilities for Imluslries exist In
million lior-etiower that can le
brought, to the line of the, Soutiieru
PaclUc -railroad, tliat will in time-all
U tnade useful in prisluctlon. Tliere
Is no vegiottf flint offers more genHine
indt'-ment. and yet. this Empire of the
Xorthwest ttutst teVeKps but slowly.
We have Immense . develojiment in
traus)hrtat ion liues, with live great
tt-niiscontluctital .systems at our tloors,
wUile this bra ncli line enters every
fertile dlstrtH. It is Irtu that - slnc
picueer 'tfars ; the -oijnirv w't of the
waters vf th Mls-sourl has ilcveloped
.Imperial states that haw offered ad
vantages nearer the East 1 bait , n
gniK tint none of them have tlie
'world' 'ecuirttt'Ne at .command as we
have: mme have such moderate and
lieakhfvl cliuiate; such mineral
Wealth; such- future eertainikis. And
in the state of the farthest. Northwest
there' is soch vnrhd possibilities as
cannot be equalled elswheri.
Why is it. then, that when tln Den
ver train came In -at Cheyenne I was
transferred from a full sleeper, lnmnd
for t'alifornia, to ttecupy alone, the
tourist sleeper that was to take t.lw
Oregon Short Line for Port html? Cal
ifornia may be the land of fruits ami
tIow'rs; Its climate seml-tronlcal.
sSoee of its valleys fertile, but. when
eomyard with tlie North I'aciiic,
lands ere not iisuallj- so reasonable
In priei or sure to produce, while re
ferring diKinths are frequent and the
greater area of sol!. is less pnnluctive.
It was apparent that-travel was
dieei-tfil to the south that I have lscn
templed to show tho. advantages of
the north coast. Surely, fclie Colum
bia river and Pitgct Sound, the west
ern valleys of lktlh stales, ami the
temjH-rate vlimaie of the scalsjartl,
with the vast areas ami unrivalled
production of the Inl.iml Empire,
leave nothing to lie desirtnl, but more
cnefilte development.
Montana Miners Overcome by
Powder Smoke.
Pntte, Mont., Oct. 2ft. William
Whit more, Robert Campliell and Chas.
Blackle. three miners employed In the
Smokelmuse mint, were asphyxiated
this aftcrmsin, by rstwiler as. They
had fired twelve shots, and went down
sMn afterwards.
The three Isslies were found by the
foreman of tm mine in four feet: of
water, at the Isittoni of the shaft.
All of the men have fired many yean"
in Montana,, and have been promin
ent, in mining clrcks. ."
Sheridan. Cifet. 2ft. The Naze from
an open tirtilace Igrritetl the clothing
tf a little K-ytUr-old girl of Jann-s Xor
r1s. living iu tin- fmHIiills atsire Wil
larrdrta, ou Saturday. She ran scream
ing to her mlottier.'who was banging
Up oum clothes outside. Tlie -hild
was frighrfnpy burne1. ami bin little
hoie for Uerreevvery is entertained.
-.'V .;, ; The Appeilttr of a Coat ?
Ja'ewvied by all poor dyspeptic
whose Stomach and Liver are out of or
W. All such fchould know rJiat Dr.
Kings Nrw Lifrf P.lls, the wonderful
Gtomach ad Liver Remedy, gives a
sptendki appetite, sonnd digestion' and
a regular bodily habit rhat insures per
fect beabh and great energy. Only 25c.
at Dr. S TONE'S drug stores. :
Twloe-a-week Sta teaman SI a year.
Elmira, New York, Hoodlums Insult Their
GovernorThe Police Looked On. !
In Otn.r Cltici the Bepnblicao SUnJarJ-Dearer Was Deceived
nthasiani Ilia Coart(,sy and Constdt-ration for (ha
Sou of Blelard Croker.
ELM IRA, X. Y.. tVt. 2!. For t he
first time in New York state. ami in
the lioitK of the Demoeratie candidal
for !oernoK HThedore IbCosevelt
was nss.tulHMl in the streets of Ebuura
tonight, on, his way to' his place of
meeting. He was in a carriage with
former State Senator Fassct and at
several imiuts along the'. route was
pelted with eggs and vegetables, and
greeted with the vilest epithets. Ha
tsat . In dignified silet.ee while
the police hKikiil m tpilcstvut
ly. During bis campaign in
the moritiug In was also assaulted
Mrsouafly. ami a bitter, fight ensued.
In the place of meeting the Jovermir
lwd uo interruptkiu. After It was
over he sit id:
It was misty conduct; the conduct
.or i uoouiums.
Elmira. N. Y. .OcU 2ft.-Governor
RtHisevclt tinislied the first-day of his
second wtvk'j campaign in this state
by ait invasion tif the home of . the
Dcmttcratic candwlate for tlfoveriior,
John M. Stnnehtield. In lili.ua. tlie
ttovcrimr's reepthm was of the most
friendly nature, .and he paid a com
pliment to one of the college then, the
son of Richard t'roker. by refusing to
ei.. as he has generally tlone at other
slops, make a iierxoual attack upon
tlie Tammany leader. His" welcome,
in Elmira was a great political k?ui
oiist ration.
N w York. (Kt. 2ft "And T ant feel
ing tolerably well. I thank you."
This was Mr. Bryan's response, wheu
i ".:r 4w. : 7?. ?
Tbl!on Bit Way Heme from a rraltUM
Proapvctlng-Trip In tb Interior
of Alaska. -
"Messrs. fiilbcrt Bros., of this city,
yestcnlay received a letter front Seat
tle that conveyed sad" news to one
family in this city. The letter was
written by H. P. Wilbur, of Chlco.
Montana, a returuing Alaska gald
hnuterand It gave the tlefalls of the
death at sea, by neeident, of A. A.
Bashor of North. Salem.. The uuforu
nate man. who liad gone to Alaska to
lietler his fortunes leaves a wife and
three children, two daughters, 2ert
rude and Chkie, and one sou, Elmer,
all of them residing In North Salem.
He Was 43 years old, and belonged
to tin Hnbliard' lodg of Odd Fellows.
TlM family was last evening apprised
of the death of the husliaml ami fa the;;
by Rev. W- C. Kantuer. pastor of the
First Congregational "hurcb.
TtMs text f the. letter receivetl ly
Cilbert Bros., is as follows:
I regret, to inform yoti of the mis
fortune that has befallen a family of
your town. A. A. Bashor, of your
place, was ht at sea. on a trip from
Brist ol Ba y to I n tch II a rTsr uo 1 he
early itart of this month. There was
a rarty of its wlio had . U-n up the
Xusuayak river and its tributaries,
ou a prospecting trip. Ou our return
about th last of September we were
all looking for some way to get out,
when a small ehner came there and
offereil to carry - eleven person to
Dutch Harls.r. - . . ?
"Jlr. , , Bashor ami myself were
among the party; of eleven who-' took
Isage. Wlien some distam-e east of
L'ulvik Pass. Mr. Bashor was knock
ed overboard by the swinging of the
fork of t the, mainsail as, the vessel
was trying to go atmirt ia - quite a
strong gale.' Timlsrs and boxes were
thrown overboard ami a boat wait
gotten off. bat to no avail. Mr. Bail
or was talking with one of the; party,
named McMuilen. .of going 1o White
Horse, so be (McMulk-n took charge
' ' ' - '-: '! "
. -
told tonight that he bad made thirty
leeches during- the lay and thus
broken , lii own record fiir- sjeih
making. As a rule the .ieeches were
hot so long as oh most occasion, but
they exeeedeo! iu liumtier by uiuti or
ten those of any previous il.ty 'during,
the pies nt iMiniuigii. ami by three
the highest itumiier made in tlie cam
paign. U- any one day. In 1V..
Beginning at -'ItalubrMge in the In
terior of the state, "at t o"clo-k in
leoruiug, he spoke twenty im lime,
iu New York ..City he nuiiK' ioue
sHH'eii. ami iu ltrMklyn durlns the
iiiglit he made eight speeches; makiOg
.thirty in all for the 'day and 'night.,
Mrs. Rryjn ae.-niip.iuied lir Iju
baud during tin day, ami she receiv
ed almost as , much applause "as! l
did wheir sh' apisitred In-fore jibe
crowd-asu'iftl.led to hear hiuw ',lh.
crowds were gem-rally large iu ro
portioa to tin- population. '
New York. Oct. 2ft. -The last 'sjWcii"
made by William Jennings Bryau, ou
5lauhat'iau Island , 'hiring the ptvjeiit
cintaigit . was made tonight to the
Hebrews of the East .-aide. In many';
resiieets this was one of t is most re
markable Scenes of the- ea llipl I Ull
Without the fireworks which 'attracted
the" crowds- to the Madison Sqfiare
tJardv-n galheriugs. with a knowledge
the the Presidential -candidate Welti. I
not ssak more, than H or l.-" 'minute.,.,
the fmwds begali to ."'gather on! the
East side at the Hamilton Fish, park:
a t 4 o'cloek. Tlt Mnost conservative,
t'stimatcs of the crowd tiv tlie number
at. at least. .M.on. Aetoniing to th.
)Mople who have lived all their lives
oil the East, lIe, no "prevloti erent
has ever caused such a demonstration
in that section of tlie city.
of bis "" effects and will, I iiresume,
write you ir his family. I had no
heart to break siieh news to. his w1fo
ami children, ko write you as I had
often heard him ssak of you during
the two months wo were together,
! "I came iu last evening on the South
Portland. 1 think Sir. .Mc.Mullen ami
the rest will Is in tishty or soon
thereafter tut the steamship - Robert
Dollar. There was alo tin , ttoard a
member of the Odd Fellows, who. I
Ihink... will coinmuuicate with htx
lodge. - ; ,
"In concluding I will say that I
have never known a more pronounced
ease of presentiment. Mr.'Baslior was
Iieartl to Kay, several days ls-fore i the
acident, that h hardly thonghti ho
would ever sts his family agaiif.
"I hoie to g-t tin to tuy home to
morrow, tChlco, M out ana). If I can
give any information further then I
have hero given, will do no at any
time."-. ,:'-.
trcsisurer of Malheur 'county yester
day paid $72..'7 to flu State Treaur
cr. In full payment fur Interest! 011 J.-llnqtH-nt
taxes for-. lite ye.tr lHft!.
On the ifttb of Ikwuihcr, 1S!7. Rer.
S. A. iHuiahoe, pastor M. E. Church.
South. PL -. Pleasant. W. Va., con
tractcil a severe cold which was at
tended from tho ls-ginning by violent
c0ugUing. He says; "After resorting
to a nniuln-r of so--ailed 'apei-lues,'
usually kept In the hotise,. fo no pur
Mje. I purchased a bottle of Cbani
lTlalu Cough Remedy, which acr
ed like" a charm. 1 -. most, cheerfully
recommend It to the public." For
Rale by F. (J. Haav druggist, Salem,
Oregon. i
Two Steamer Come from Nome With
Piles of tiold.' j.
Seattle, Wash. Oct.- 2ft. The long
overdue steamer . Robert Iollar . ar
rived here from Nome touiztit. with
'XAi passengers and $l.iNH.tMHi iu gold
tlnst. She. was hlayeI by storm.
The steamer Ohio arrived this af'er,
norm front Nome, with 427 passengers
and $2."iMJt In gold dus.
Bean tt v t&i Ici Ram AIm fcaJ
f VTr