WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, friday, octonca 20. iW FEED STORES. - : Crass Seodsr A complete stock of crass and clover witK At the 1 inv est possible prices for. Urst ciass secus. ,uive as a call "tie fore buying. : , ; : . ; ESIHSUR t WHJTf, The reed Mi No. 91 Court St Salem. vnne 1781 D BALERS IN! GRAIN. WHEAT BOUGHT . or exhanged for flour and feed' at branch office of Aurora Roller Milli. warehouse oc Trade street, near High. Salem, Oregon. J. ' ; . W. S. .UUIIST & CO. Aurora. Oregon.- Wholesale dealers hi WllCJIt. Oafs. Dims. Pot.itno - r - - ' . . i " Onions, and Onfen .. &ts, :,c4c. ' tfalcui ,?tiu-.v.at t)!liv Aurora Holler Mills, on Trade afreet, iiear Illgh. ) BICYCLE REPAIRING. 6. 4 A. ROBERTS Bicycle Repairing: New and Second-Hand Wheel ios STATE STREET SALtn. OR TINNING AND (PLUMBING. T. S. BURROUGHS TINNINd AND PLUMB1NQ . Gas and Steam f.ttintr. 3 Manu!act urer of Hop and Fruit ' Pipe ioj State St.. Tel.; 151. Salem, Or. PHYSICIANS. J. r1. WUUN, iH. U. f BOTANICAL DOCTOR ; ' Cure "Con -sumptkm.: Cancer, Tumors, Gravfe' and Klney Troubles. Asthma, Skin and Ikne Diseases, wirlioirt knife, plasters, posisons or: pai-. Also Blind . ' I Salem, Oregon! LIVERY STABLES. FAVORITE STABLES - 44 S.ai- SU Salein Telephone 701 Livery, Feed and Boar tog . Horses -boarded' by day, week "or nioutli at --reasonable price. Tlie ac commodation are ood nnd tlie-rigs are first- class In every respect. A siecialty' made of rips for 'commercial Men. RADABAUtJH & FRANCIS. Proprietors. ! X. R. PAGE W, A. STEPHENS PAGE a STEPHENS Horses well led,' good accommoda tions. Fine Rigi-. Good; Rigs- for commercial wen a Specia!ty. 'Horse boarded by day. week or: OTonMi. 1 " Roa m livery, Feed cna Booming sate 164 Commercial St, ' TeL Salem RESTAURANTS. -You are"' 'most cordially invited t6 eailj at the j ; ' j ' ' ' Elmo Restaurant i .241 Commercial street. .Salem. Oregon. and try our 20..: j MEALS.-' -No U-ttcr tnt lw li ill in el ty. J tl t ! 1I!IITVI.'I ! Ii..u.nl..t..i- : The Wonder Restaurant : MEALS '20 CENTS' f OlM-n day iind nlplit. When n the city n-e jsolleit your pntronape. ( l'OKVAi:i, Sc HYIUi, IYnps. . 1 2' 1,1 t'uuinjercijil ..Street, Saleni. IRT HELLEHBRRKD'S MIDRUT - 215 Coinniereial Street,' aleiu. ' Cloid Square Meal for aoc. Thirty-two yearn In lttiMiuestt la this elfy ami liare -fed, more, poojde: than tlwre afe in .theson; all were, well pleased. Meal at, all hour. ' J i .1. W. IIKLI.KXBUANn. Kill FENCE VQST, coated with l.Carbolineum- Avenarius.. Wilt ftut.wmrOdtr It la alao a Radical Rtxmiy Airairiat .Chicken Uc. Ita application t the liwd watia or poul try Imus- will perrrtamfUly ex- -.. i terming to alt LICK.' , nouJt: Healthy ChlfkuslteB'y g. Write Tor circular anl'iTlces aud tneu- 1 , - tton thin paper. It. M. WAUK & CO., Aceofa. i aVALKM. OUEQOX. SAI FM RflNWOR S Your Work Solicited. - , : . n -4 --. X iiLUilliL L. ,oLl, oUP I WOVEN WIRE FENCING -At, frreatly mliKHl prices. Iultrft Ncttlns, l'icketa and Shluslca SALEM FENCE 'WORKS WALTER f MOHLKY, Irop. , 50!State Street, SaleHi; I. XI SI I ANTl LLLS. OIUKCT. Poluilitldn OiMHwes IVlii? Sold to the ' ' United State. Ht.'Thoma. I W- L.OCt. 21. ln- teiis4 adverse feltn 1 has "1eeii ex-t-lfiNl hei, liy the- renewal of th re lort that 1 H-utiiark intend to sell the iMnlslt Ant dies to the l!nit d States." A meeting of. tlie ttdonlal tutK.il h;t In-en nmvokeil at St. ;roix. fur the pnroe of , tuakln? a formal protect j Tin neW)jwjK'M dis cus the nutlon, dii larius lu" IkjM tyie: ; ; - -j : : . . "We do not "wish to lo svdd. . . i ' There is 110 dilre, iiioeli'l.!M an en hiniasm. anions lh iHiptdatibU to be loug to the Unit etl States.', OUT Of THE' MotTlM OF ItAltES.! -1 think Kipa 1 dre.idrii!, oblril Jlttle tl.ie-ycar-4td Marjrie. w !k l.adi . t- . - , T jesr fw-vn ehAstlxetl ly. .her.: father.! niertn Voad talk, o "' he tiwonly man you could gvultalk. -jpammaf'-Chicaffo Xvnv....; ..:'.: 1 ?As illustrating J 1-hflstlr.eil ly. tier, ralher.l , I r 1 - - ,M.,-,..,-- , : - ! T r-1 : - . . - p!aS!ll:l t I - for infants and Children. : - The Kind You Ilave Always Bouglit has borne the signa ture of Clias. II, Fletcher, and has been made under his (" personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one . to deceive yoa In this, i Counterfeits, Imitations, and - Just-as-good are but Experiments, and endanger tho 7 health of Children Experience against Experiment. A ; The Kind You Have Always f Bought Bears the In Use For twi errrau cowwif, tt S7 GRASS Our slock oi Grass Seed for fall sowing is complete, and wo invite all seed users to call and examine same before purchas ing, as we feel sure that tho quality, as well as the prices, can't be beat SA VAGE & REID, Seedmen 322 and ' 324 Commercial Street, North o' P. O. BB I -or Twlcea-Week Statesman I WEEKLY OREGONIAN, per year........ ........ ...,r..........:...$t.5c TWICE-.-WEEK STATESMAN, per year.. . . ................... .$1.00 OUR PPwlCE; BOTII PAPERS .$10 PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, per year. ..... .... TVVICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year..... ... ... ..... .........$M BOTH PAPERS I CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, per TW1CE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH TAPERS L.-. HOARDS DAI RYMAN, per year. ........ .... ...... ...............u TWICSrA-WEEK - STATESMAN, ter year .fu BOTII PAPERS ;.-Li2 ' OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL, TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS -. NEW YORK TRIBUNE, per year TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS - TI I R ICE-A "WEEK NEW? YORK TWICE-AAVEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS MeCALL'S MAGAZINE (tncludinK TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH P4 PERS The Pacific Homestead 'J-' SALEM, OREGON . ; Tho Leading Farm Paper of the Pacific North- ' f west. ; 20 page illustrated weekly, $l-perear. - AVe want good agents and solicitors, and to such will pay a liberal commission. Write for terms. Advertisers should patronize the Homesteads ... CIRCULATION, 5,000 WEEKLY ? .Special rates on long time contracts. Clubbing rat 9 with the Twice-a-Week Statesman, if jiaid in advance, or within six months after giving the 'order: Address: , : f:-; ; PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, Office in Statesman Building, s ' ' SALEM, OR. THE WORD "CfctMIWV An Old S'ttler Clves II i 0inion of the Origin of tl Term aud :f . Its Meaning. Anent the dheiisJou of the mea n luff of the wonl 'Clieuiawa," the site of , the -Indian. Traiuinpr . School,' s. y terd.iys ' ' Portland f Orcgoni.m. Thoiua X, Stronjr, , who, was. asked for bl opiuloii yesUrday sahlr t I am hrnorant of Low L'heiii.iw.-i icaa uauiCMl. hut nhvaj- had -the "jm prexxkin that it was a niisjsiKdlius of W two words L'he Wawa. The Chi Hook jarpou was .ioken .different In' diffen-nt trihet, and very ofti-n for elsn Vort! would creep lut lt fro:n rlK Kufflisdi and IimIi.iu laniriui wtrre It- was used. 'Tlie comiHou ex pression for ?ool tftfe, would lrj.Vlostr wawa,' tr -' the words u he wawa often ued in somewhat tb? rnw. lnt' nteanlns j perhaps " Vv ! . . . .... . rlic nana weul.l in some mtw where I hare heanl the jarjron nt niertn 'tron iaiK. ur uuna.n; .ut.- jhJ use ; of local Signature of Over 30 Years. f t. wrw towk trr. NO LIST T1IK -$iX0 year........ ...... Jioo per year.... ....ijoq $1,35 1 per year..... . per rear... -i$U5 ...... .......... .$t. per year .$u -f- 1.25 WORLD, per year. .. ..... 7.V. v..$i.oo per year..... ..... ....$1.00 J .$1.65 a free pattern to each subscriber) ..$1:00 per year ..i,...4i.W -- V - $1.30 wurd in: the Chinook Jargon. Taeoma was often used by tin Indians near luget Sotiwl a uie.inlns white moun tain. From flw summit of the Cas cade mountain A Pnget Sound Indian om-e pointed out Mount Maker to me & 'Okook Taemna! tth White .Moun tain, and an th4 wsh rery likely dom mH-asionalljr with Mount Uainlor, the ideti grew up In some quarters that Tacmna was Hk Indian name of that mountain. Neither north .or south of I'nget Snnd hare I ever heard the word Taooma tisHj for any piirjMt'. I do not know' wh?re any ne wouht get informatifm nion thw suhjpet of th? name of th .Indian ,-Iiool iiijleH h went bark 4a the de partment that nauHHl it, ; . UNDEIITOOK TOO MUCIL reorRe," ald Mt.' FerjrUion. for 1m wven pak. iralgh1-n up: You're woive humi-shoulliTed than ever." "I-itura," retorled Mr. Ferftu.vn. -le satlKfleil with baring married roe, to reform me. AMien you try to re!iajK jw. yon are undertaking too much." Chicago Tribune. Ajax tlw great. '. t . , Illmeelf a'hoU ' - i - Homer: "Iliad,". FATALITIES AT ' -'; A RUNAWAY Ao Aged Udy Killed in Seattle by a Delivery Itin. TVS0 OTHERS SERIOUSLY INJURED Ons If ere Expected to Die as a Result Of tbe Carelessness of a Drlveif Nome's Death Bate. SEATTLE. :Walu, Oet. 21. As the result of a runaway accident this eve ning;' here, one woman was 'killed. another fatally injured, aud a third badly cut about, tbe bead and body. The runaway occurred at 6 o'clock, at a time when the treet were crowded. Tbe team was bitched to & delivery wagon, standing in front of a grocery $ low on Second Avenue, . while the dtlver went inside, to deliver ome goods.-The boraes ook fright and dashed down Second Avenue. Mrs. jC Jacobson, aged 70, was struck by the horses and knocked down aud rou over by the wagon, two wheel passing over her bead. She died almost instantly. , . - Mrs. Arnutead was knocked down, and a hurse stepped on ber chest, lu ll let lug serious Injuries. She is not expected to live. ;-.- .-, , Mrs. -VI bert A. Jatbbsou was sev erely cut about tbe bead and body. , DEATH IX NOME, battle. Wash.. Oct 21. The . city undertaker of Nome -has compiled" a list of the deaths in the camp for the year ending September 1st. Eighty- six names are recorded, r The list shows Nome to have been a remark ably healthy camp, considering the unsanitary conditions. lneumouia tla lined twenty-four victims; . tjldioid fever fifteen; murder, six: drowning, live; suicido, four.' TUB ST11IKE SITUATION. Fresideut 'Mitchell Likely to Order tbe Men to Work. Hazclfon Pa. ',OM. 24. President Mitclietl . tonight annonncetl that he would tomorrow jrobnbIy Issue, a statement, denning the iositioii of the United Mine worker in the present situation of the strike. He also said that his statement would in alt likeli hood - indicate, whether the strike would be Immedia'tely declared .off, or whether, it would be continued. This announcement was, made as a re sult of tolays "eonference between the National and District officers of the United Mlneworkers. The impression around lieadquarters tonight is, that the jftatement will contain praetical 1 a declaration that the contest is ended. , AltMY TKIALS. Reiwrt of Judge-Ad voca to General to Secretary of War. Washington, Oet 24. Oeuerol Lfler, judge-advoeateof the army, in his an nual reiort to the secretary of war. sajs tltere were MJW trials by general eourt-martial during the: past fiscal year, of which . nutnlerthlrty-fire "wete , commissSoned oflltrs. The death sentences intiosel by : the sen tences of court martinis were: Six eases of enlisted men. Tweffty-six eomtfilsalonetl oflicers. and tJ2U offen- listeil meuwere convicted. All death sentences of soldiers were commuted to 'various terms' of imprisonment. Five natives of the riillipplues were executed. HEAVY FIUES. A L41el Suit Against a Paper in Paris, . France. Taris. 0t. 24. Colonel Piquarfs suit for, libel against Le Journal, aris ing from 4 he -Dreyfu iwktnles, was decided in bis favor toilay. Tlie court wudetuned tlve manager of the paper. M.' oufh. to pay ,a fine of 2000 f rant's, and M. Possien and tlalll, the JUST COME AND SEE c. LORD LVRGAN 2d" T Score 94 3'4t By Gore Ser7ce Fee $3. " . iMw. Bash, the noted Judge, says be will soon score more than IK points. Does and litters cheap. Doea bml mil unbred. Plenty of youngsters ready to sell In pairs, or singly. Hive the boys and girls a chance to make easy money by raising them. - Will Exhibit Itares mt the State Pair. See Them. Marion Square Rabbitry F. A. "WELCH, Prop. ' 391 Commercial St., Salem, Or THAT 0 I SELL... You Pedigreed IlnOW? Belgian ' Hans ' I ;- at $1.00 4 I $50 ! ' Each...... writers of s the articles, were sentenc ed to six oiontha imprisonment and a U'onths j iuririsonment . restettively. and all three' were sentenced to pay 30,000 franes damages. .; . ? ' - TP UONOK KOOSEVELT. ' - - ' " ' - , - -; ' New York, Oet. 24. One - of 4 he most novel features ever attempted in this city ia being arranged for Fri day night, at Madison Square Garden, for tbe demonstration la ooveraor ItooevelCs 11000 A score or more Of bands will unite in playing ,The Star Spangled Banner", and the time will be lieaten for all the bands In sight of Madison Square by. a seareh- liht on the tower of Madison Square Oarden-.This gianf baton of llglrt wtll be manipulated . oy an experienced musical director' and the volume of music la expected to be something ex traordinary. , . DROWNED AT TONGUE POINT. Astoriai Oct. 21. Harry Stendof, a young man employed as deck Iwy on the- teamer Bailey Gatsert. fell from the "-boat and ; was drowned uear Tongue roint, Tbe body has not been reeoverel. and probably will not lie for some- time to eomej The Gat ert was - on ber way to Portland when tlie accident occurred. Stendof was sent to rearrange a fiytder which was out of position. In some manner the fender broke loose from Its fas tening and Stendof was precipitated Into -the water." Tils cries for assist anee were heard by other employ) on the lower deck, but' the steamer was under full headway .and it was some time liefore - he could le stopped.-;- Diligent search was made for the unfortunate man. but neither he nor the fender ' could oe found. Doubtless he sank at once,' There was nothing among the effects of the uiau to tell where he came from. , WILL IIAISE THE MAINE. Battleship to Ik Taken out of the Harbor of Havana.. Washington, ;Oet. 24. The lattle ship Maine 4s to 00 removed from Ha vana harbor, as it .is Consldetxxl un obstruction to toiivigatiod. Today Ceneral Wol saw tlie Secretary of the Navy, and after laying the mat ter before him in detail secured tlie Secretary's consent for the removal of the wreck. - " 4 SCARCITY OF MONEY, London. Oct. '24. A "dispatch .'to the Daily Mail, from Stockholm, Sweleti. says: The extraordinary ta-arelty . of money wldch has-been growlug more acute for a .month, is so seriously af fecting commercial circles, as to threaten crisis. - NEW YORK'S DEf AILTER. NOTE TELLER ALVOItD OF THE ITItST NATIONAL BANK Is Still at Large He Is ltelieved to Hare Escaped wHb Large Sums of Money. NEW YO KK,' Oct. 24. Up to a late hour tonight Cornelius L. AlvonU the defaulting teller of the First National Bank, 'has not been arrested, and it was said no news had leen received. Mrs. Alv9id deft her home In Mount Vernon, aud came to this city this, morning. : It Is s; id she does not in tend to return to Mount Vernon. It was learned today that when the Alvords went to Saratoga last sum mer -they took with them all their horses arid carriages. It took two ears to transport the outfit. Tho horses were blooded animals and the vehicles were all of the handsomest description. One set of harness a Ion: is said to have cos-t $1500. and every thing about the stable equipment was on the same scale. Vice-President nine, of the First National Bank, In answer to a num ber of questions put o him In regard to Alvord and the general . situation, said that the bank had cleared tfl the tt-liiilfl lnltOT nf thi i1rf.nl'.-i Hon In Its own satlsfactten. This was Inter-1 preted to mean that Just hoft' nnd when Alvord had taken the moneys had een tllseovered by . the oftielals. Mr. Hi ne said he did not care to talk alont tlie matter. - IreideUt Ilaker, who nrrlvetl . nt the bank from Tnxelo -arly today, would not say anything to Inquirers exctpt to refer them to tbe vice-president. ' . A SUPEKIOIt BEFAULTEU. New York, OcJ. 24. In Wall StreetJ the opinion prevails that Note Tellcrj Alvonl was a superior defaulter tliatl la. to say, he was cleverer tlian the average of his. kind.- He probably, realized that the majority or his ri vals of the past got away with very little' money. Banking .men were dis posed to believe today, that probably Alvord .managed to make bis eseaiK with several hundred thousand dol lars. .!?'.. .... .-. , A KENTUCKY FEUD. London, Ky., Oet. 24. Another fend haji brokn out in Clay county, le tween the Philiimts and tlie David sons. On Monday David Davidson, fatlier of Felix Davidson, the deputy who was killed by A.- Ihiliot a few weks ago, was killed, and several others wounded in. a light. Oti tlif other side David Philijsit was killed and two others were badly wounded. FRUITDRIER BURNED. Union. Oct. 2L Tlie large frnit drkr of the Allen Eva iterator Com pany, Iwated at Jve. few miles from Union, was totally consumed by fire last night; 'The loss Is about tl.Wio. partially covered by msuranee. The plant employed 15 icople, and turned out about ilve . tons of dried fruit dally.; Tlie season's run wa nearly -completed, '.v.-.; f nsn coMMissioKtrs Rtctms. tl'rom Dally Statesman. Oct. 25.) Fish Couimixioner F, C iUNl'yes tenlay filed bis n port of collection of fees, fines etc for the mouth of Scirtenilrer. paying tlw amount so l-lectI,-$liyi-T, "to the State Treasur-" er, 9 follows: District 1.".. ...... ... .9 7 0 District ... ... f.. 547 K IHstriet 3. ....... .... 'JM i0 District 4... .... .. ...... mi 50 District 5... ... .... 213 0 Ii9lrlct (.;.. ... ... . ... (Kl 00 Total fliyi nnnntntt? fl Kill I n"l V I uUl LlIU 111 WHLLUim SCKKABT Of TBK ASSESSMENT BOM. V BECEITCn TESTEBDAt. Th Total Tasbl ' Property Shows - lacrc Om lt Tfr -of 04,035. "-.-';'' . (From Dally Statesman, Oct. 25.) The cUtk of Wallowa county yes tertlay filed the summary of he ass essment roll of his county in the office of Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar. The total taxable property of-Wal-. Iowa, this year "is l,12I.t;0S. an Iu-V crease of U,035 over the valuatlau of the assessment roll for- the - year lSn, whet the taxable property ag gregated ;$l,0a).Ga3.M Following ara the statistics as shown by the sum mary: ''.; ' ' .''. ' 42.t;7T acres of tillable latMls.S ia17rt 134,S54 acre of non-tillable. 2t7-U5 I nip. on deetlel or ........ 1 17.7U5 Tora and City lots. : . .... l.l,4(JO Imp. town and city lots.... ;o.K0i Imp, lands not deeded. ; HMSKi. Steambonts, Eugiues.;.. .;. 2UVJI Merchandise tHMi2." Fa mlug luiide. carriages etc, ol.UHl Money..... ... ... ... ... 18.720 otes and awounts. ."J. Il2.st Sliari's of st oik.... 5o.S2." Ilotndiold .furniture, - etc. ., 22.4'J5 S;525 horses and mules., .. 77.S5 I.T,.H2)cattle.:.. . ...... . 170.1S5 04"2t sluxp.. J. ........ .. 110.212 SStf swiuo. ...... . - 1K.345 Grtss value of property. ,fl ,.12 1.073 Exemptions.. ... .... .... 105,375 Total taxable proief ry...Sl,121,O0S Dr.rtorlGOLDFf I RELIFFI paBTBsMHaoi n tuiiu.i,I. 5Xi-Cia, j INFLAMMATION i'2 , 1 n 1 r cukxs ax saw LNbiia oa our in it Tttirr jr mihuteft, Vim am mi-mr j iaaU Fmloai Good Dairy Farms For. Sale Easy way to make money with small capital, aud live near ocean beach or on the Little Nesiucca. river and bay, where lislilug and hunting is first class. Three good fariiis to sell. Two are JS0 acre tracts; one 122 acres. Good farm dwellings and : Improve ments on each; about one-half In cul tivation and meadow, rest In grass, and timber, enough for .domestic pur poses; land rich aud ' productive, Lllv tous of hay grows iter acre. Cows on one farm have best test at the Mack intosh Cheese Factory. . Public road and school close to erenmcry. . Forty liend of cattle, household f uniltiiie, Including goml piano, four stoves, farming implements, with good farm wagou, 80 tons of hay to go with either one ortwo of these, fa rim. Terms to be vey reasonable, prices from to $4xj&c Tlie Insr price to Include two farms oP4 and 122 acres, respectively. Mllcli-ows on farms graded up with niUfed Jersey blood. Personal propertyyworth ju ice of 1est farm, to go wluff land. No flies on this offer. Adtlress H. ' B. 'Hend ricks.'. Bay City, Oregon, If you mean business. . i.-.'.- WILKES' SNILLIOX, "JEROME" ; - NO. ,29631 . " Will Mand for Mares the coming sea son at CorH'cr' of Ferry and Lllwrty streets. For Pedigree and particulars, call on' ' l ---.'.: Dr. W. Long j Venterinary Surgeon. ; Salem, Or, , Hewitt Pays the freight ; On all orders :of $20 -and upwards, within a radius of iJ0; miles of Port land. Itailroad . and Logging Camps a Specialty. ; .-. . '" ' r A. HEWITT, No. 183 Third Street, Portland Or. C. 1). JKSSU1' & CO. Mop Brokers " : 210 Commercial St., Salem. ' ? All grades of hop handled. ' j , Money to Loan On Improved farm and city Property at lowest current rates. TV K. J FORD, j Over Zadd A BuaVs bank. DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL f Has oiteneil. t Room 7, ",ray Blm-k. A perfect system of dress cutting 1 taugM, and satisfaction guaranteed.; ; V 10:l-dw-lm. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS, f. The board. of equalization for Mr loi county will -meet .at. the office of the county assessor on the seud Monday of November, Isjjug Mrtidy, Nmemls-r 12. A. D. RKvat 1) o'clock, a. m ond will remain in sesshm ir.tch suor'imivei day for oih viwli. . All iwirtl iiHen-stxl are twikhUiI I to apiK-ar . and . examine . their aswss luents, as no correct Ions can Is; .made after. tlK? adjourntmtit of lh iid lsnr. . J.l W. HOB ART, A-ssor of Marion county. Oregon., jSalcm, On-gon. holier 18, lit.,'' d vr, t d. PERSONAL SEE THE GREAT INDIAN MEDI um, born with donbl veils; tells past-present and ruture; warn against, nilsforttme; sure gull r to social and busiiwss life; confidential; IkiU all disi'ases by the nw of In dian herbs. Mrs. Prof. Wheatley Howe, 132Vi Third t, (wmt Alder, . Utalrs, spIendKl aceomnnslatlon for IwKirdlng jmtieirts. Portland, ; . Or. Offices 5. , 7. Ssclal attention given chronic diseases of loth sexes. I. . 10:ll-dw tf.