Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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r.liss LuIuJones, a Pupil in the Public School,
Telled With an Ax. -
The Clow Struck by Clyde Yaaghny the Janitor, Who at Gnu
Disappeared The Criminal Captcrcd at a Late Hoar Last
Night Confessed Ills Crime to Ills Captor.
(From Daily Statesman. Oct. 21.)
Miss Lulu Jones, aged .13 year, a
pnpll in 4 be Jefferson schools, and
youngest sister of ex-Co. Supt. Geo.
W. Jones and Prof. C. II. Jones, was
the victim of a deadly assault yeer-v-
day mora I ok at tin hand f Clyihs
Vaughn, a pupil and Jtaitor of tlie
Kame K'bnol, srmI 3t years, who 1
snpiiosed to .have at rack. her with the
Imck of an ax on the forehead, frae
nrlng 4be frontat fame and Inflictin?
a wound ifrom whk-h the brains onxed
forth and wbk-h left little hojte oi
her recovery for to. Tlic jiartk--ulars
of the terrible affair, whk-ti
has thrown' all Jefferson and the
south end of the comity into tfa
UHWt Inleuse excitement and horror.
are thus given to 4he Statesman by
one Who was on tlie roiml huI knows
nil tin immediate circumstances:
The Particulars.
"Tmsday morning about :: l.
Clyde Vaughn, the student janitor of
tbe Jefferson school bif'.ldiug, stepped
out "of tb principal's room, treum
ably to look after tin-.furnace., lie
bad.seari-ely closed the'd-or when If
again opened it and annomi'-od that
iome one wished to icak to I.ulu
Joii'-s. The. girl left the room, and a
neither nor rhe janitor returned,
in afatut fifteen minifies n friend of
Lulu's, wiio knew of - Mome trouble
fad ween these parties, requested th
principal, I H. Wiley, to ascertain
the inn.se ( Lulu's prolonged hIk
neiKe. fearing MitimtlHu; na wronc
Mr. Wiley h-ft .-the room immediately
and began scarrlung for 4. ho girl, lie
wa found fanr in the faiseim-tit, Kit
ting lit in opriirht jMitioii on -tltr
KroumJ-floor. wMi n gliaiy wound
nlMive the rijilit eye. She wan In n
henii-conHoious 4tate of mind and
jravo no satisfactory answer "to 4 lie
tpieijtionH f lli. borror-sliiekeii tertch
rs. -Tin b.ts'imnt in- xrvll tilb-il with'
wood and i not usol as a pjay-;
smund, pupils jum iH'injr allowed to
center without iertn lesion, littddo ll"
Kirl was found n lie w at, 4h l!oiy
tmer of w Intso nH tore evllea-e of
lKinr tlie weapon n.ed by the lien j
lah would iey a slants! n, who evidently
.left tbe girl for dead. j
"Lulu- waa a- bright. - weHdtehaved
irlrl. 13 years of aire an I a favorite
with all her Hchoolmati-w. She lr l!v?.
ilantrbter of Mr. Euium Jonei, t(
.lefrer?4on."and a a;ater of tleo. W. ami
Charles Jooet of Hie S.il-m States
man. Teacher .ami Hebooltunt as
wV-teil hr to the home of Mrs. Wil
liams, where .her injury warf exa,n
inefl by Ir. Hawk, who iiiimeiliattl
trb-phon for Itf. Walla.-v. of Al
lany. t;eo; W. Join. Ir. Itynl and
Slieriflf Itnrbiu. a renin; on tin mnrt
Inc overland from Salem. The esrit
of the injury 'i uot yet fully known.
Ix-yoint a severe fp.ietirre - of ; the
Kkull anl .quite a -?ut usl,u of tls
brain. . . . j ';
"The janHor, Clyde Vaiurhiu "a yonu
man IS year of as:e. t mjHInsf. ami
a pos.e- of men are Mtmrinsf the
; woodi for him. As a student and :i
n janitor, younj VnttKiiii'.H work wan
very suitlsf-tovy. If th? strong ttijit
:elon atrainst him tnves ittmt. no
reason is known for hi' counirittin
thin horrible deed javo rejected love.
T1m whole iiuumuuity niotirm a -I
the afflleteil family and !odsatl4ti
aealiisf .ithe perietrator of thU norrl-
r ble crlnte is thoroughly around on
every hand.
"Hope s eutertainetl for tlie jiirlV
, nvovery until the doctors lune mad
a tluwouph examination, yet. her cn
cMtkw is feared to Ik qod -riUcal.
Tle forecoinsr was wrrtteu e?iclc
yesfertlay aftermxin nd iei.-lM t t U
otli"e Jy mail. - ; - ;
Dr. W.- 11. " Mynl and Slieriff 1 r -biii
returned from the wene of t?ie
1rapeiy- on the afternoon overlaad.
tle doctor haviu reudrel siH-h pro
fessioual assistance as was in bii
lHwer. lie dl not wnsWlr that, tlie
wound was necessarily fatal, but that
the rhauxvs were larcely acaiu-!t' a
'pompTele' recovery. The riybt lotnd
.Mfe of t 1m fjrt-luad wa miiR!led iti.
the boue teliijr lwtteret awl iM-ewied
in upon the lrain. " T!ie physicians
remove! . everal iiei-es of lone. re
lieving: the pressure as. f:r. as iol
ble mihI'iIwI eterjthiug; vossil for
the restoration of the sufferer, but
were compelled to await the develop
ments of the .hours that must follv.y
. tefore the etTet eould Ie aofiirately
determined. AIkhU six oVlo-k Jn tht?
cven'njr Hie la-amo sumciently .
bcIous to rtitguize relatives and ac-
qiiainlauees. rail tliem ty name and
answer pjestioiM by yes or jio, but
could not. talk coherently, or evince
any knowledge f the crime or. man
ner 'of Its roniuihwion.- ,..-'-.-. .
Sheriff Durbiu went there to look
after the legal aK-Mi of the ease
ami lu inform himself ' upon all the.
fact and circunkstam-es , connected
with it. After satisfying himself, .upoi
all HHfits. .advising! wit h he leading
iiN-n of the roiiimanity and apRint
ing some Kcial devices to aid and
direct lu the searvjh for 4he criminal,
Mr. Durbin eiinie back to" Salem U
M-iid out iioIm-m li all The feaee of
leers 1141 and down the valley ami ;o
otherwise prepare for developmen".
From Jiim the Watrtiaan pHx-nrcd
the following particular:
The general conviction in "the neig'
hortinl is tbaf thewful crime was
rotmWitted by Clyde Vaughn and his
own actions leave no iiouix m toe
Subject.. lMirhin the euiire afiernoon
aiiil evi'tiinu1. tbe country toward
whioh he escajxi! fvas travcrseJ b,
an exHtiil. iletermltted lot of ni"r
who will "leave. no'efTort untried-to
effect 14 rapture ' if 'he lie alive, but
to. my -think ttat to founl a voluntary
stra-' In .the be I of tlcv Sunt tarn
'river. ; , .. . r t - i
Vaaghn's Movements.
After the coinmisH'ou of . the crime
Vauhii wiiit to bis home, only a
.lort di-staiKi from tlie s-hoid Jiouse.
tbl bis -mother ...there was trouble
over at the srhool and then started
away from the home, across the
liehhc towanl 4hJ river aud bijr; tim-tn-r.
. AVhen .be li:ol cone attoiit 13ti.
yards, his father. Kli Vaughn.' came
to the house and his wife reje:tted
what the ly had said, whemipoi
h." vtartwl after 4'lyde, ratlins him
Tbe latter kept jriiir. flau'inj; over
his f-boulder 4HTaskwiallj-. Inrt In
cieajsine the distance, until he reachri
a ii.it ch of willows through whiHi ht
iwsscd ot:t of sight. Aliont this time,
thi .father " met -a ly. who tobl h
tlMt Lulu JoniM bad ln-eu kjlhnl . and
it -wj?s only then b realizl what
possiiily might he the trouble with
the Im-. T p that 'time in says he
thought Clyde wan goiir away in
one of the tits of stuMtoru iiiclau
cboly to "whirh he had teeu sub
He then hurrid after him, trackitiir
l.vni liiromrh th" willows and fartlir
within a short distance of the .tank
of tlie Santfeim , river, at a toitit
where there Is an abrupt bend in tlH
slrcatu ami where Mo-re are several
deep holi s aivl whirlMKIs.
TU-re all trace rf uhe fugitive, was
lost. Itetweon -the patJi atr-1 the river
is a strip of gniss, in whk-h rio.traekH
apiartd. He rnlglit hare Juniel
into the river at this point, but the
bank showed uo breakage or other
aigns. Tlie father climbed down 4h'.
l iMik. but found . uo tracks, hough,
as stated alxA-o, imejunip could hare
earricd him into leep water. A rikkI
oau.v insist -that lie nale Ids jiave
at that "'-fioint. - lie- Was known a
mnrh more liable to act ujou Impulsn
than through pmhI rcasouiug and hi
acquaintam-es mv it is. simply a mat
ser of 'rha lice wlwther he i-oiu-linled
to iyid Jiis jiiiserable existeiH-e then
and -UK-re. or whether he hggedly de
termined ; to elude his pursuers. .-If
the latter. - he --delved into the ; thick
lir UuiIht. s vine maple and other
I beay growlli of ndrriruiih. which
iteglns at the iHint just desfrilwl.
and through wh:eh for a time at least
It" could -HtH-ceeil in hiding ; AVith
this view, in mind, the search of that
region ; was; in progress ; last eveiMng
and is not Kkely -ease until eithe
the river givey np 1t dead or, tit'
trth its living criminal.
Vaaghn Is Captorrd.
; After the foregoing was ju type.
Sheriff urtiin received a iness.-e to
Um etfect that Clyde Vanghn. the sus
IKe:ed crininal. bad lieen captured
ami brought ItUo 4cfferin by Frank
Iibby. a farmer who resides: alsoit
two . miles . uortbeat of the town in
the direct kn of 31 anion. Vatighu had
made his way ti rough tlie tinils-r
and ; aronml toward the railroad
where the faruwr sav him and tok
Mm in rliarge. It Is said v Uia:
Vaughn confessed hi, rrime .to U'..
captor, but after reaching Jeffersait
he refuseil to 4alk and Would jpive do
infoi ui:llii either way. .
Sheriff iMirl.in took List night's Ia4e
train for Jefferson. so as to he qu
l and in case he might Ih neoe.1 anl
w.ll luiug Vaughu to the couuty jail.
The Man and KIs Crlnrr.
This" U one of those blooil-corllln-'
crimes that make a comainnIty?.rf ui
bl; ue of-'tlrotH? which a peaceable
farming commuuity has no reaaon to
fer or . expect and when it comes, it
startUs! like an earthuak or a ry
cloiie tamething against which there
s no guard ;- - A ' "' r ' - "-"-
Here was a i bright, aweet. intelli
gent and ioukir yonng girl, enjoying
the Innocence of her happy sHiod
days, her mother feeling no fear or'
alarm in her coming aud going, lit
tle dreaming of the ilanger tliat was
lurking In Uie Insane love of this
youth who was constantly in her way.
It now transpires that for two years
Vaughu 4ias been In. love with a
child and : ha Itn adeavoring to
make her present!! nad otherwise at
tract her . good graces, i but she has
refns-Ml to notk-e him or ai-cei: 1hvs
enta from him, and has told friends
that he did no Jike. to lie alone lu
his presence. Not long ago. he wrak'
her n note, in which he told her alie
would be sorry some day. if ahe did
not come to like frim. No attention
was paid jto these advam-es, as they
were stijosed to 'be lioyish freak of
mind. 'Hie result show how his evil
heart was working.
Yanghn Finally Confesses.
At a Lite hourr last night, after-lie
had been some ' time in Jeffersou,
Vaughn; practically, inadeTa full, coiit
festiiojt f the crime. to an ofticer. He
Maid that when he called IjuIu out of
ttK- M-liooihouse, lie endeavored to en
tice her into the lasruKMit. but she
refuseiL whereuion he struck bc-r a
blow with his fist, stunning Srer,: then
iii.wl. up hin mind to kill lier, so h
Iraggiil her. into' the basement and
struck her, with theax. '
Vaughn's 'father ' i and mothers ex
press gt-!i grief and horror at i their
sms crime and say they are wilUng
he should suffer the penalty.
' Has Diseased Mind.
Clyde Vsiujjhu ; has not di-splayed a
very healthy state of mind for .some
years. lie has twice jnmiiod into the
river with jan : intent preten-deil. at
lea.wt to commit suicide, and he lias
hal several Kpells of mejaneholy, dur
ing wlak-h lie did., not -wish -o se:ik
or associate with anyliody. lie makes
no friends or lntiiuate. has no social
iualit!.?s aud talks v.-ry little in fact,
is altojreilier a comiMsitiou which is
of liHIe gsil use to Hie. woi'kl and
which is always dangerous to its
Mitce ami IiapiMiies5. TLe one re
deeming feature of this awful trag
edy is tliat no iudeccut assault was
IMstric -Vitm-uey Hart, who was at
Albany yesterday c'a uie to Ji-fTerstui
on the afternoon ; train and last eve
ning filed'- a complaint in Justit-e
.lohn.sou's curt ; chargoij; him with
murder and a prelmnary hcari'ig
w-ill ls had this iiKkrning. the result
of wiki'li will dis.inl etrtirely uion
tli' condition of his victim.
: There Is Still Hope.
At midnight, her broHirr, ex-County
Superintendent Joins. wJw. Is sharing
rlie . iteci grief and anxiety of his
uotlKr and . other m-.'inliers of the
family at the bedside of tlie Itclovcd
,laty fif tlie housch'vld, who has iHich
4hn ruthb-Msly strh-keu, teleirfion.il
tliat Lulu wa resting as-well as clr
cuinstati'i's could give them resison to
exrect, lut tluft of course there was
still a dread uiKiTtainty."":. If she sur
vives and i-ontiaiues -to improve until
21 hours shall have elapsed, there will
thru Ih strong hop-s for her re-overy,
fm- which all ficoiruiitaiwcs of tlie
family Will earnestly pray. ,
The vrMJthful, self-confessed, would-be murderer of Miss Jones.
(From Daily Statesman, Oct. 25.)
Miss Lnlu Jones, the victim of
Clyde Vaughn, JanHor of tlie public
-hixI at Jefferson, is still lying In a
critical "comlition at tlie . home of a
friend in that city, though there arc
some hopes for her ultimate rcovery.
Her physkians and relative are con
stantly! a the tedsidv of the unfor
tunate young lady, amji everything
that -medKMl science, carefol nursHig
and loving ami devoted care can do
ro save; the threa tened life, aud bring
the wtrkken lack to health, is being
doue.,. t ;".' . .1 ; .'.'". - '
man. She had regained f nlf- conscious-
Her cond i t Ion last ! evening ' was
alntut the sjune as reporteil lu yesterr
day morning's Statesman. She had te-
?a incd t full consciousness, a nl , reeog-
UiZe l Ill6SrSUrTOUUd!u her SIH-skin -
to them and auswerimr oTt4-Miio:is liritr,
ly: and at times, in sea king, her voh-e
"rawn aimosi-as rtieermi when,
a sunny-faced child, she played with
her rom'pauiouH. A iKrtion of the
tlay ahe ; lay In . a stupor, however.
rrwiM whb h she i-miikm!
Tlie patknt a intra rel to not lie mtrl
ferlng excrciatlng ialn, until lat
last evening w lieu , her features were
badly swollen, and k1m t
evlden-e of intense, suffering.
i n rou in jo n I her Mufferings she has
been able to recognize relatives and
frauds by tlM-ir voltes t her eyes be
ing too badly . swollen to permit of
sight . but -all efforts at jt-ouversatiou
are extremely limited, and slie has
Ijeeu' unable to s.iy , anj'thing regard
!ug tiie awful tragedy, her mi ad le
ng apiKireiHly a lilank on this snl
ect. - --.'., i- - : ' ' - -
" Itr. W. If. Ityrd, of this city, went
to Jefferson on last nlght'a i over hind
train, and spent the night in-the sick-.
room, aiding tlie other -physicians by,
bis counsel; during the erltk-al stag
of the ath-nfa condition. Miss rbeill,
a professional nnrse , from t,his eitv.
is also in attendance; mi the case.
lrof. . W. Jones, brother : of ho
yottnjr lady,' ret urnetl from 'Jefferson
"last i evening. He reiwrfs the patient
in a erhical comlition, 'but lias none
for her ultimate recovery, aqd
that everything possible is being doue
for the sufferer. Tbe. ieoiIe , of Jef
ferstm feel fr the juifTerer as a mem
ber of their own families, and. doing
everything in their iower, ahllng In
eery way possible, and the warm
svmita thy" expressed by all of . them
show the deep feeling in the matter,
and the love and respect la which the
strieketf girl and her. family, are held
in that place. s- '
"CIvde '.Vaaghn,. the yoaifg criminal
whos cruel, inhuman act has plunged
two families into the deaths of grief.
and whose -foul hand has lrlven one
of the fairest of Marion county's
vonug daughters to the brink of 4he
if rave, tw-cupies the manlerer's cell In
the Marion county jail. where he will
probably remain until iried at the
iieit. term of court. In r'ebruary-next.
unless he should relieve the county.
of -the expense of this by asing le-
fore a higher judgment bar. lie was
arraigned in Justice of tlte Peace S
T, , Johnson's court, at, Jefferson, yes
terday morning, oif -the cnarge of as
sault witli a deadly wcaivon with In
tent to kill. He waived a preliminary
examination.-' and ; was IJouiid over to
aph'ar befon the (Jrand Jury at the
February. 1901, term or he circuit
-otirt. Ids lmif being.-fixed at $TiH)U.
lie was unable to give bail, though
his parents made deierate efforts to
tire it for the young criminal,
as to save him from the jail serv
I Hiring tin forenoon Constable " J.
1 Dlackwell. District Attorney J. N.
Hart aud W. 1, Jom-s (wIh. by Hk
wav, is no relation to the injured
girl i, . loaded the young would-lie
iiHtidcttr in a hack and brought
hijii to talern, delivering, him to
Sberin '-F. W. Durbiia. who at ou-e
placed the young desperado in th
in tirdiTer's , cell. -
Vaughn nrokj', ilowu when he en
tered the cell, but was curtly informed
tliat this would six? his habitation for
tlie present. letter in the afternoon
while Sheriff Dnrbin was away from
tile court hottse,; th prisoner asked to
se the sheriff, and last oveuing Mr.
I Mii-bin and lrj W. II. Byrd entered
th jail. The j fellow was "playing
crazy, but gained little sympathy by
Nns a.-r. . !
-. jLnr:ng tne nay, wnue on the way
to alem. lie retold . the storv of his
crime with variations, asserting at
one time tliat he first choked the girl
Into insensibility,' before he seized
the ax to brain her, and that when
he l?f t her for dead, he went horn
told his mother tha-t he hud killed
Lulu Jones, and then left for the
brush. This story he retold to t"
sheriff and Ir.' Byrd last night, add
ing some minor details to i m oil
lished story of the. . tragedy. He - Is
evidently in great fear of the results
of Jiis awful crime.
So far as figures go. America will
doubtless remain for some years to
J come the largest iroluc'r of Iron'- and
steel. " But something more than quan
tity and cheapness of product i re
quired, and that Is. -that these things
shall be obtained with a general well
jlming'.on the jiart of the workers eu
1 gageiL Amongst other things to the
crtHli-t of. America. let It Ik said that
her mechanical genius and f industrial
Wmrage aie nwiking Enroll understand
that there Is a dignity attaching to
human la lior. that man js worth some
thing better than to act as a la-a.st ot
burden, and where mechanical ilerices
can 4e employed to dispense with th
use of men muscular energy, siirh
aids fit men for higher ami nobler
ptu iows, haipier aud more nstf ul
lives.' ' '''"..."', .""'?.. : ,.
-Ameriran mechanical genius and
cheap steel will not only raise; the
standard f comfort, but will multiply
the wants of civilized mankind, which
consumes more Iron per head of pop
ulation year by year. But in seeking
to create ami sustain an exiort trade
In steel. America 'Will find B?l-;!uii
ami tieriuany, her most , formidably
cmietitors partk-ularly '", Germaay,
wlnise mannfac4urerH thoroughly un
det st anil : tiie; art of-"? combination to
iusm-e immunity from external eoin
etitkn. , v----":-'::-s;;- . - -
American competition will' t more
surresKfu! In British colonies, deieu
ilencies. and In neutral markets gen
erally ttian In ;r-at Britain itself,
wheie It will act as a health jnlii
iug UHiic that England has wanted I
for many a'day. U. J. Skelton. la
Engineering Magazine for October.
The bouse .nee owned ami occupied
hr Washmgtou Irving at Irving ton, N.
l ; has changed little in appearance
since Irving occupied It, except that a
three-story brick bouse has been' built
on tbe premises,'; Tlie gronmls consist
of nine acres, runirfug along the east
side of the Crotou aqueduct.
The Latest Vara"
tt ..I
A .Pittsburg drummer ; tells this 'new
yarn-. I always carry a bottle of
Kemp's Balsam in my grip. 1 take
i.cold easily and a. few doses of the
Balsam' always makes me a well
; man. Everywhere 1 go I 'siKak a
gootl Word for Kemp. I take hold
i of my customers I take old men
and young men .and tell them con
fidently what 1 do when I take cold.
At druggists, 25c and 5Uc. - -
Indetenden-e. Oct. 23.r-IIenderson
Murphy, a . prominent farmer living
near I ndependenee,,- recently W-eelved
a letter from his sou-iu-law at Dayton,
state of Washington, instructing l:im
to purchase, some stock sheep. A. M.
Iteyburn Is tbe uaniw of- t he son-ui-
law, and be took .occasion to Kay to
Mr. Murjdiy that 4f Mr.- Bryan is ckn-t-ed
President next montli, Mr. Murphy
was immediately to fatten the she p
and sell them' for mutton. Air. Bey-
burn would evidoutly rather lore f2
on each bead of sheep right away as
mutton, than to liold them for wool
and lose -the whole business Mr. Mur-t
phy has secured a good fioek of sluei
for Mr. Keytuiru and trusts that hq
will not have to sacrifice them.
Sells an Enormous Amount of Money
Orders. "
Washington, Oct. 23. A letter, re
ceived at the 'Post office Department
toilay, from Nome t'ity. Alaska, shows
that up to Scptcnilier 21st, the Nome
jMistottici had S4jld 5NMt money orders.
Tlie money orjler servk-e had licea in
oiH-raliou then alKMit thri mouths,
and the officials lk-re intimate the sales
of money orders for the uuarter
amounted to fiW,iW.
In spite of continued effort to In
crease the enicieucy of engines aud
boilers, tlu progress of luveiitioti fis
such that coal Is IxH-om-ing e:uh year
a more aud mom important article of
commerce. So a- short time ago,' view
ing tlie hlsfory of the world,. as 1S3I,
the annual coal product iqn of Great
Brilaba was 24,OW.tx0 tons; for the
year 1001 tlie coal proiliK-tiou Iwll prob
ably he 240,0UUIO tons, an Increase
of 1,HW) nr cent.- In, 1831 tlie popula
tion of Great Britain was 24.M,WKt,
and "the next census, 1!X1. will proba
bly ' show aliout4ti.iim.imo 5n that
eouutry, an Increase of tit! 2-3 ier cent,
in 70 years. Therefore the production
of coal ha increased . from one ton
ler capita to six tons, and the rate of
increase has been 15 times as great
as the rate cf increase in population.
Iu 1840 the production of bituminous
coal in the United States was bet wee-.
1.IXMUMH) aud 2.000,0KI tons, and the
production of authracke was 1,000,000
tons say a total of the country was
17,110,000. so that there was proba
bly less than one-sixth of a ton used
ler capita.
ComiKire 4liat witlr the present ton
nage of insuwfo.ooo and a poinilatlon
of aiHiroximately 75.' K 10,000, and it
will be seen that America is now us
ing iK.-r capita eighteen times as much
-oal as she dkl sixty years a go. In
fact, since lWIO the ier capita-in-,
crease has lieen 50 ht 1-etit. F. IZ.
Seward, in he Engineering Magazlu-;
for October.
She had-stoinMil on the sider-tk
and was admiring the Ix-autiful flow
ers the ganh'it
"D'v.aiit some?" asked tlie 'mild lu
natic, who was leaning against the
fence. , ' -;
"Oil. bow good ""of youl" she cooed.
"Yo live here, IhenV"
' ."Sime." he auswereil. ".list go right
in nu help yourself. Tlie Ixnl msde
flowers free fer evrybody. what I
think, an' tey ain't uo hsc in being a.
hog. is theyr ' , :
She was still ecstatically tlir.nking
him when she etrtervd the, gate, but
be had started off. merrily wliistliug
on his war. Two minutes later, she
was trying to explain tO,the angry
gatiVuiT why she was Ihere.l aud the
angiy gardeur was giving her a de
tailed story of "that cussed Jones kid
tliat lives in the next block."
There was a young man on a Liver
pool train son-e days since who' had
good leason to 1h a very'augry mau
Indeed, says I-ondou Tit I'dts. Tlie
train was crowded, wla-u a corp'jlent
U'.tman, at-conipanh-d by an iHinally
ivrpu'.i nt ' wife, elbowed his way in-
Tbe wDDniu was not pretty or at
trativi, ami most ot the niak- passeti-
grs did not even re.-wt to a i.v of
:!.e familiar tr'i-l s of ih ct,ericn.-cd
pass4nger when lie ejnyonirnllr
we.n-ts to overlojk the fact 'I bat. a
lady is holding on to the lop tail
while he enjoys a romforab Neat.
15u n we!l-dreseil young man arose
anl tu-liing tin woman's arm to at
tract her attention. jioHtely "raid:
yiere is a seat for you. madam."'
The woman start eil toward the va
cant seat, when Jn-r obese male com
lairiou. with - a sigh of.j satisfacti ju,
settled down into h ls-for her.
Thi young mail was Kttrorised. but
his astonishment soon gave way to
anger At first lie was IneKn -d to te
lieva tliat teh. puffing old- Teuton Ik.i1
made -a ra .:sta ke. but he a t m 1hi a ne
conviuced' that the action was inten
tional. -.. ; . -i..,- -- --- -
Tapping the old man on the shoul
der, he said, qnietiy: -
I lHg your pardon, sir, but I gave
u my seat to this lady, and not to
you." ;: . ..- ,-..'.. i
"Oh. yaw, dot Is all right, mine!
rrlendt," blurted out the old fellow;
sle vos mine vife. ' ; .
The young man graseil the top rail
for support, and for a moment was
too. full for utterance. A riot was lm-f
mi unit, but at the next crossing ser-
era! passengers alighted nud Moo I-j
shed was averted. . ' i
Th On Kbb4 Mltiwiiih Coaily
leks to Rcvok letters f J
C V. WJutzougensle, of Portland
yesterilay petitioned County Judge J.
II -tcott. Melting out the fact that he
(the ietitiouer) had been apioiutrd
by the prolate Judge for; Mulfujmah
county as administrator of the estate
of Emanuel Frieilrich. deceasiil, after
the letters of J. Si'tiofsky, fornierly
actiug as. administrator had Iwen te
voktHl : t ha t -1 r. D. F. 1 iu. the cor
oner of Marion county,' had been ap
pointed as administrator of t,he same
estate by tlk Mai ion county court,,
on SeptetuHr ISih two days after the
death of the dewa-d, aud asking that
the Ietrers of ailmmistratlou.. issud
to Jr. Ijiuc, Ik revoiii, and Dr. I.ain
lie ordered to deliver the keys to :
safety dciosit box bclouging to the
estate, to the pcUtioner. Judge Scott
ordered tliat a citation Ik issued t
Ir. D. r, Lane, orh-riug him to ap-I-.'ar
In wt on November oil. at 10
a. in., and show cause, if any, why
tbe pra.vrr of (he iKtitiouer blioutd l.'e
MeKee, Or., l t. 22, lftoo.
Editor Statesman:
In your Jssue of Oct. Hith Is pub
lished a report from Wood burn, dated
Oct. 15th. which states that Johu A.
Jeffrey, "Populist." had addressed a
small uuuilK-r at that pacef on Satur
day afternoon. The correction, as
noted aliove. is this: All Poiudists
want it umlerstotKl now and hence
forth forever, tliat all 'men who an
now drilling with the I enioera tic par
ty for tlie success of Bryan and Ste
venson are classed with the Deinocrat;
they are not reganhil as Poiulists by
any means. The Populist National
Convent ion wctr iit"1i iu Cincinnati.
Ohio, and not in Sioux Fa lis ""as the
'd4-puties"would have us ln-lieve. ami
Barker ami .Donnelly are the candi
dates of the Populist party, ami every
Populist will vote for them iu the.
conring eUctlon. The TciniNst-in '-the--teaiot
party. -omposcd if the Ore
gon Iiidettemlent, J. A. Jeffrey. .1. V. j
Itobrtsoii. John M. Payne, T. f.i
Jory. G. W. Weeks & Co. wMl norj
stux-eitl la their little game of -shoe-!
Ing the Populist parly down the-Democratic
throat. I't every Popiiti-o
turn out to the election and vole th;!
Populist ticket.
Two of Marion County's Youug Pe
ple Made Man atid Wife.
Wtslnesday evening at S o'clock, at
the Evangelical parsonage, No. 34
IJberty street. Sahm Oivgou, ltev.
H. E. Horuschuch. .'officiating.'-. Miss
Nanua Fickliu to Mr. Walter W. Tay
lor were; ms'.rrk-d. i .
iMr. Taylor Is one of SaWm's rising
j-oung men, and at present he is turti
key at the State lVnlteutiary. Mist
Taylor is 'the youngest daughter or
Mr. and Mrs. Firklin. living near
FruM hind. Oregon, and she Is one of
KruHland's most estimable young la -d'e-.
. ; . :. ..j
- Promptly at 8 o'rlK-k the young
couple, followed by Mr. J. Siei'Ihaui
ner. - who - served as In-st inaii. aiid
Miss-Ada Taylor, who served as
bride's maid, mart-lull Into 41m iibi-ly
decoratitl parlor, to the weilding
j. . i . ... , . ,, ...
iiian-u inajiti ii .nis. ii. iu. . iiorii
srhuch. where' they were met by -the
officiating minister, and iu a U w miii
ules were pronouuceil. husband and
wife, acconllng to 1he brief, but Int
pressive ritual of the Evangelical
chvrch. , i '
The bride was attirnl in a simple,
but dainty white organdie and carried
a lovely iNaniet of white Chrysanthe
mums aed the brilt-siuald was most
le-oieitigly attirerl lit white, carrying
a Iicauiiful IxKiuet of I pink Chrysau
tlieinums. Both ' the groom and
groomsman wore the conventional
black. ; i
After Uie , ceremony was over, f"
whole company repainnl fo Stroiijt -restaurant,
wlien a sunituous fcasf
had been prcpansl. to which each
gues-it ul ample Justice, and at II
o'clock the'happy i-ouple left for their"'
home on Huh siieet, this city, follow
ed by the iH-st wishes of all, wlio
know 4 hem. Thus iascd a most
pleasant evening for all who wefS
present. ' - -- :, ' .
Ih Dorm Pottery of Tuner, a Vie
tim of the Dread DJease-Dicd
In Baker City.
.Miss IHra Potter, of Turner, elde-rt
da lighter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter,
of that place, who has raided 1
Baker City for some time, where shs
was employeil In a private family,
was taken violently ill w ith -"smallpox
last week,, and in spite of the effort j
or her pbyMlela ns sfie sank : rapidly,
until she sikx-uuiIkhI at 4 a. m- on
Tuisday. Her parents m-elveil a tel
egram on Momlay evening, aiinouiie-.
ing Jhe young lady's dangerous ill
ness, and on the following morning a
eond telegram auuoun-ed her sad
demise. j"-
Miss Potter had i many friend In
this city and Seattle, in loh of which
places she II veil, ami where the news
of her death, will cause deep grief
among those who knew her lsst.
She was a young lady" of sterling
worths highly respected by all who
knew her. She was a member of the
Presbyterian church and an enthusi
ast ie worker lu the Christian Endear--or
tSociety. , . ;; -
Tlie remains were laid to rest in
I'ak-r City on Tuesday afternmrn. A
large circle of - friends sympathize
w ith ' Mr. and Mrs. I'otterJ in their
deep grief. '
Every one can master
a grief but b
' "that lias It; '
"Much Ado -About
Nothing." .