ISSCED IJf BKMI-ITCEKLT SIC CT I HSU. EACH TfTKSDAT AND FRIOAT, ,VOL. 40. NO. .SC.. SALEM, OREGON, FUIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1900. SECOND SECTIONEIGHT PAGES ; Have You Ever Tried the BROWN'S MARK IN SHANK m SHOES They'll reduce your slioe bills; i you'll wear them, moro reliable line manufactured in the United States, shoes at reasonable prices are what you'll find at'tho NEW YORK RACKET ' It's a snot cash house. You ; j " - ' ' ' '" . when you trade with them. We have anything you want in shoes, clothing, hosiery, underwear, gloves, ribbons, lace?, lace curtains, counterpanes corsets, yarns, and ladies and gent's furnishing good. Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store a. E. T. BARNES, Cor. Commercial and Women's Best French Fatent Leath er Hand-Turned Louis XV Hwl, Laeo 'Women Vici Kid. like cut, Louis XV lb-el. Hand Turmd, Lace Shoes. Also I'lain .Leather Tops and Plain cloth Toiw. I s These ar worth $5. We will sell them for 3.o0. , . . ' ' ' : rr ' " ' Crk acid 4n th! Idoo&-auses rheumatism, Wkitlen-,' gout and neuralgia. THE BEX RHEUMATIC RING- J ' ' ' i ' s c- Remove tlw cause. A written guar ante with each Ting -to return your .nionev iu .'JimIa.v if not entirely s.itisf netory. PRICE f ; A 'postal card "will bring our Hrtle lssiklet that tells the. story. Addii. Sohlbv I HEX UIIEI'MATIC H).. J. . 11ARR. Salemi Oregon. Hartford. Conn. Farmers, Insure Your Grain and Hops Tke cost"! small, about one-half Month, Rate for all warehouse in panics. KIRK & SISTOX, Resident Co. 2SS Commercial street. Salem, O SPEC1AL ATTENTION Outing Flannel 5c Yd. Read i ' Best Standard Calicoes 5c Yard. Allen' lYinls Simpson's Print - ' American Indigoes t;.ini'r'si Prints ' . llnmiitou lrint , Icrrimat-k Prints . . .Best Amoskeag Apron Ginghams, tic Yd. ' Pet Cost Icelll Soool Silk 100 yard pM'inl4 be. i 5 for 2t cent .net-Larp Sikh)1 Twist 4 for 13c. Napped Back Vicugnas Iisd Quality. . . , Medium tonality. Heaviest made. . So yd. . fKr yd lie yd i Heavy Cotton Blankets I 58c Pair. Pest qualities of Cotton" Batting at lowest prices. ' There is no Good reliable don't pay your neighbor's debts Proprietor Chemeketa Streets Reduced to $3.50 Pr. 94 STATE STREET cent a 4 bushel on Valley. Tire Old Agent, Successor regon. i wheat for Six and ' Tried Co in to Geo. M. Iieiler GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS AND Louis XV Blefels .1 ' ., "- . : -- . 5 . - t ,- . i ' i - -, t Our Price List ... We fully Intended to move inlo our One new More about SepteroWr 1st and made large purchase on that account. The goods have arrived and our new store is not ready Tor o.-eupncy and will not In until January 1st." So In order to dispose or the g.ods we have ; adopted the Sicial Price scheme and marked them all with red figure at greatly reduced price. Ladles9 Wraps '. . . t - We have' this year the very lwst Jackets and CaiN that scieuc- ana lalior can proluce for tne price. $4.60 Prowns. . . , Tan. lllacks SiKHiial........ Our Special Ine lied, .Ttlack. fll Castor. Tan..... ........ J)B IMiuN Ilrown . 4 line of Capes and Jackets, pur cliaHl erirNVlally for this Sale They are strongest values in Oregon. LATEST STTLES IX rHICS SUITS... ..... Send In Your Mall Orders THE STRIKE ENDS SOON ! Orders Given to Resocie Wdrk In fleveo of tbe Collieries WHERE THE ADVANCE IS GRANTED Presldeut Mitclie 11 II a Issued a State nienr, Showing: tbe Eutire ; Success of tbe Strike. I1AZELTOX. - Pa.. Oct. : -The miiieivorkers strike has lteen ile clared oft against fhren conipanie. whi.'li lravf complied with tlto xtrik ei f'; deinaiid. ami tlic strike , will he mt'uue! against those companies whicii lave nt granted tu Sera h ton env-ntknr"! demaudx. Tint trikers wlfli return to work iftii4lji. at those plarex wliere the iie-np ix ended.' ' A ! statement addressHl to the min ers and inincwofkorx of the. anthra cite region, wax given out' for publi cation toniiit. by President . Mitchell of 'the I'nHed Mine Workers. In which he says: 'After carefully canvassing the en tire xtrike Kituation, we, your otlicerx. listri-t and National, have conclnded that, your victory j ix w nearly, com plete that no god end can Ih x'rved by continuing the strike longer. The practical lieucrttx to the jninerx. whk-h ac-riK' from 'thorough organiz ation, hare b-en so. clearly " denion xtratetl tlnriiig lliix strike, that it hotUd be ukiIIish to'nrge utKiti yott. the' iM'cenxity of maintaining your union intact. "Ax it here are some few companies who have neither. itoxted. notifietl tur xisrnifil in any other manner, their wilhiignesx to pay the lit jn-r cent advance in wag. and fusend tbt sibling . Hcale. we would advise thatj unless t fho men employtnl by such ciiopau!ex receive' notice Ih'f.H-e Moil day. that the advance will lx paid. I Lev remain away from th minejji ami continue' on the strike until thf -uiikiuI.- employing them agree 1 li ciimlitloiiH offereil Yty tlie th"r eouijuinie. Tlie eniiloye of th eouj, panicx .who have offcrel the advjiice of 10 jr cent anl alndixhed the blidf ing sc:ile are hereby ant hoiized to rcximie- the work on Monday. Orto !er ami to n prcfiareil. If milleill on. to contribute a reasonable amount of t heir earnings for the maintenance of those who may 1h compelled ic coiitiiim- tlH strike.? AliMEp KAItOUEHS. Sliamokin. Pa.. Oct. 2.V-Fifty tlp uth'X with revolvers in their hip pockets are shoveling "buck wheat" Coal from the Cameron colliery enhn lank in the separators today, whik? 'Jtt eeul and iron polhvmen juitrol tine groumbA, euciwling the seirators to keep striker at distam-e. The kil ter at intervals pass tlu public road west of tiie colliery and -urxe the lcptiex. No iMrson.x other than lueiu wanting to go to work are permitted to approaclh the breaker. TIIE TUAXSPOIIT SERVICE. ; Wiil Xot Be.Abamlomtl by the War 1 department. Washington. Oct. 25.-rAfter a full discussion of th subject With Quart-cr-inaster-(ieneral Iudington and Col onel Hi rd. of his oHiee. Scretary Root has reject cl tlw pninisition -t bav the military traniort bns1nss be- CORRESPONDENCE. Amoskeag Ging hams, 6c Yd. Men's Salts This seasons products lit all wool business and working suits, excep tional value r $7.50 a Salt , Kavy Iilue . Serges. Rlack. Clay Worsted. Fancy Casslmerea, Tricot, and Cheviot; : : ' ' ' i - Special Offerings at i : $10 a Salt Hats . ; Men P.laek Pedora 1."0 Men' Round Tn in Tans. PearU t and Black .. ... .$ls The Famous Oorden Hat. . . j . , . .3.WI Slcial line Title and up. . ! ; shirts Work Shirts . ... 2T.C. 4V? Dress Shirts . ... ... 4tic. 01c A Siiecial Une of Fancle wort fIZS. l.t " special .e. ; tween this country and Cuba and Por t Jtli condm-t-d by a mn-liattt line of steamers on those route, instead of by. restiLir Army transirtR. as at preii'nt. It was fauud that the ex panse ix practically the ame under toth systems aud 4bat otliwwise t!ere wetd be no " sp-t-Ltl . advaurasre In tntnsferrins . th; work to , private steamship eniipanhs. ; One rexulr of the decision -to continue tfceijUovemmeut trausurt ' service Is the eitablixhuiein f a rejothir euii niontlily transiioit on each of the two ro-uP-ji. . .';. . A PIONEEU lHUD. . Thomax . Stewart; who Crossed the 1'lains In lHV-K Passes Away. IlilMMM-o Ott. ri. Thomas' Stew art, an Ori'goii pioneer.' died at the home of ' his daughter, Mrs. ft. A. Hood, in tills city, at ." bVUn k yester day' afternoon, after ail lllms ex tending over a jvear. . Iks-easiHl was lorn ; in Misorri in IN Hi,-, where be was raised and niar rUnl. and in lKP.l, with his, wife, cross ed Hie plains, coiiiinir to Or-!irn.where he has sinc tesid.-d. His wife ditl sH'V'eral years "ago. Seven, children survive hini. four daughters and th-nv sous. Tlw-5' are: ElizalMth ltol ertx. of Ilarrisburg. Or,; Mrs. Andrew Uooal. IIvic.-r: Mrs. W. A. Wixe, Port la ml;. Mrs. .A. Umm1. lIHlslMro; Wilda Siewart. Sjin Francisco: K. C ?ewart autl Luke Stewart, of 'Port land. . ' l'ncle Tommy Slewait' as deceas ed wax familiarly called, was lield lit liljjh esteem "by all who knew him. To know hint was to love him. lie loved to tell of the times wik-ii Oregon was in its nndeveIoH'd state and of the many . Incidents that ' occurred while making the Journey acros the plains. lie wa an airwtionate hus band, a kind fa titer 'and a true friend. CRACKED A SAFE BURGLARS MAKE A RAID ON Til K AURORA GRAIN OFFICE. Tbey Blew Open, the Strong: Rox, but Were Frightened A'way by Citi ien Stole Twj Ca.t. , Tlie olfiVe of W. S. Hurst & Cx, tiioi bu.wrs and commission mer chants. lo-atl n slHrt distance north of lh, dejmt at Annua, was ; entered lty burglars Wednexl;iy night. The man gained admission to the building by pryins tlie front dmir 'open with a lar of steel. Tlie s.ife. which con tained a large sum of money.', was drilled Into ami a ixiw rful explosive was used, to blow oien tin tor lo it. The explosion threw tlie door of tlie safe across the room but the Iuikt door was left without injury. The explosion was heard by Jon n t.reen- wald and ' I- H. binders, at ir:."s o'chxk, who at once proeeeIcl to th phice where it had occurred.' When they reached the o!Ih they found tlie door'oien and realizing what had hapiH'tied. Mr. tJreenwald left Mr. Samlerx to guarl the kor wlnle 1k went to notify tlie owner, not know ing that the burglars -were- ftill in side. The burglars now had their only chance of escape. Creeping tip on the unsuspecting Sander- they- oealt nun anowerfnl blow on the skull, which rendered him unconscious. rh'fore the return of Mr. Hurst and a nnm ler of citizens who had !een attract- ed by the loml explosion, -the safe crackers disappeared ip the darkness. taking with tlM-nt two ovetvoats. one l-longing to C. lu Wilson, a mining man of Stimpter. ami the other iti'n Stronp. an employe of 11m firm. They left a pen-knife, a nort piece or stKd and 12 inches of fuse. A 'the. firm had dealt largely sn hops and iotatoes. a - consiieraiie sum of money was on nana, ami uati thev not iwn snrpriseil, would have made A gool haul. This is the iwH-oud work of this kind done In Aurora, the Southern Pacific Company's afe lMing blown oien three weeks ago. l&i bid Ym Rate lrj BarT BmisO at LAID IN (1!S GRAVE. THE T.ATB JOHN ; .IIEr.MAXS REMAINS AT REST. President McKinley and MemlNT of His abln Were l,reseut The CVremonle Simple. MAXSFIELIl. O.. Oct.' 2T,.-Frotn the qnalnt little Episcopal chnrcJi, where as a youth he worhipiKl. Joliri Sli rn)n. 4lte statesman, was burk-d tolay. -! tp the narrow aisle which throuzh long" year lie trod as a ves rvmau.'the remains of tlie - former 1'nltcd i State Senatfr ; ami Cabinet member were carrlwl to tlie chancel, where. In a casket' of black, sur mounted and hedjred about with a sen. of floral tribute, they nsted from shortly tiefore 11 o'clock until nearly X when they, were removed with Kiuiide. tender ceremony to their hit restln pi. ice in the Sberuwin fam ily vault In the cemetery here. Every business house was draped In mourning, every church was imi. and the street were thrdujred with sorrowing friend. Including deleaa tlons frm Washington. Cleveland and near-by title and town. The ' fu s9 neral procession - wended It way from the Pulon station, where It was firuiiMl with Presldeut .M.cKinIcy In the pLuv of honor, to the- tlrace Epix njial church. , ' The train Hearing the distinguished dead ami those w1k esttrted the IkxIv froniuhe Xatloual capital, arrive.! at Hi:lG a. in..-. AwaiiiriK were Mayor Prown and a citizeu' viumitie of live, a squad -of indhe and Company Mi Eighth Infantry. O, X. ti.. which did service iu the Spanish war? .Close by the wr which contaltuil the c--falqne and which wa heavily drainvl. were 42 meinlsT of tleueral Shcn man brigade, all old men. gray and 1 it. ' " v. , . .. A President McKinley. loatuus; on tlie arm - of Mayor . llrowu. stepjx'd from hi private ir, the Otympia. every man In the 'crowd at the h-jt raixel hi hat. as did the lresideut. ami siocKl luireheadeil tintil tlie -as-ket containing .the ' body, of frmer Senator Siiermau wa removed to the harse Then, without dirge or other sound of mourning, the - f ttnern I c.;' tge slowly pnx'tHhHl to t Ik church. The .body wax " lHrue iKtwtH-n . t wo tile of the meinliers of Sheruian Itrigado and double tiles of Com pan v M. I'nKHHliiig the hearse were the carriages le:irlng two party from Washington. In the lirst were I'n Ident, McKinley, Sd-rcblry of AVar Uvmw. Congressman Krr. if this city, and Secretary o. the President Cor telyoii. ---The I'M-sUlent lil uoi etiliT tlie church when -the- remain were tirst laid iu state, but prot-eeded to tlie reshIeuH' of ' Congressman Kerr, wlMre. with other nwinlwrs of the Washington, party and meniticrs , of the Sherman family, he partMik of luncheon, remaining there tintU tlu formal serviiTx at the church, which Iwsan at U:o p. m. lvm-wn line of spectators, among whom were many who had known the deceased tl greater part of hi life, the casket was curried into tlie church lmtween eight mlcem'n. -'and esorted by the honorary iallhcarers, tieueral Nelson A. Miles. P. "T. Sher man. Alfred W. Tloyt. William Mc Conib. (.'Italics W, Sherman. Hoyt. John Sherman Hoyt and Frank 15. WHorg.v The plate n 4 he casket lsri Ihis inscription: . - "John Sheruian, May Id, 1S2X Oc toler,,rJ. 1 !."' The altar wa decorated-In whih at lle riquet f tin family, and the ofhViatiug rctor. R'v. A. It. Pfft manV roln of odhv were white nlo. T1k r-ter chantetl a brief ritualistic rite, a procession,- headed by Oavecn or Nash, of Ohio, filed by to look tqion the ace of the hcc:ised. During the succeeding hours tin crowd came and went with noiseless tn'nd H(ca sionally brhiirinc nhlitlons to the jro fnsltnte Korwt "tffrrJtzAmrrt -fltf latter wa a larg wreath of white ros's from the White House.' the gift of the McKinley family. TIhtc was a tall shaft of roses from the City' of Manshehl. a law look wrought of white .r6sis and carnations, from the locn 1 Ila r A sstn-la t ion, a w rea t h f r m the Loyal I'gion, anotlKr frVuu tlie survivors of Sherman' Prigade, and many "oilier. ':. TIktc was. no formal sermon, the officiating clergyuinn adhering closely to the Episi-opal ritual. At tlie" coti clusion of the services the funeral train proceeded to the ci'metery. a mih distant. At the sepulchre cere niouies were of the- simplest charac ter, and nt Its conclusion the casket was sen hi I. ' XO CAMPAMNINtJ. Columbus, o 0t. 2-WAll action In the Republican campaign In Ohio was suspcuhd for bslay, as a tribute of respect to the memory of John Shermau. w1ki fnueml Nctirred-at Maustield this aftertmon. E TALKED Or E Governor Roosevelt Wonders at Bryan's Ref erence to Seward in Syracuse. Ne Says the Democratic Candidate forgets tbe expanding of the Country la Taking in Alaska Without tbe Consent of tbe Governed i in That Territory. SYRACPSE. X. V.. Oct. 2T..-;ov-crmir RoseveIt sakl tonight, referring to the quest km of expansion: - "In this cilyMr. Itryan actually darel to apiM'al to the memory of Seward. I womler -well, I don't wonder at Mr. Itryan, but unbr any other conditions 1 should wonder at any man making that appeal,:' and f ot get t ing t Ira t one of the grca f est servic that y Sward rendered this coontry, was tlat nuder hi guhlam- this ountry expanded cer Alaska, ami It expanded without the cousetit of the governed t here. CLEVELAND TALKS. ' Prlnct ton X. Oct; 2o-In conver ftation , with a representative of, tlie Associated Press. txiay, ex-President tltovrf Cleveland said:. , "L am sunrisl that my opinions nl Intentions, as related to the pend ing canvass, shoul.l at 'ttls ftage so suddenly lie hemel ImisirTant. 1 am dally and uightly sought wtrt by newP paper representative and piled with all. sort of iuestion, -sonie of which ecm coite senseless. If. in gonl ill tiire. I say a few harmles .won' they, ar so iathl.d before public t' ! as to be unrecognizable, or an ir -the pretext for utterly unauthe presumiilioB. - It' swemx to nn that rny I f TWO SENT TO .TAIL WILL W. MARTIN, OPWO0DBURS HELD TO TIIK CIRCUIT COURT Oa a Cbarjtre of Forsriur Q Order for Good -An Indian Fined for .a ' rt 1 . MriEiu; nomn iracurr. Will Y. Martin, a youth of .eightwn years, was given a .preliminary hear ing, yesterday, U'fore II, Overton, Justk-e of the Pacc for? the Vod burn district, on a charge of forcing an onler for goods." The evidcoco addue-4l at the examination "'.-shown that Martin -wa In theh employ 4f Rett. Ilrowu. a farmer resld lug jiear Wootlhuru. ami that a few day ag. Martin, Ivelnj; In med : a pair of InioIs, wrote out an orIer hpi.stlng S. I. titilsa. a merclKint. to deliver 'to him the article uetHhsl. and larne.I his employer's name to it." Tfu lNnt wen delivi'iN'il UNiu Ihe order, and Mr. Irowu was 4-hargel . with the amount. Martin stwin after conchMed that tl ra,niic tUm was not exactly acorillns t aiiroI liiixhieMX. nieth- oils, and told '.VI r ttrown what he had hm, wheretiiNin tlM' Inty was arrest- nlt charged with forgery, ami at the preliminary lKatiu was 1huih1 over to amir twfor the circuit' cojrt at its next session.; whicii finv"iieH in F4ruary. 11ml. He was coimuiit.l to the county Jail in default of tli Iniud required for hi a prnm ranee, and wsi brought tip and ''turned- over to Sheriff F. W. Imrbln last evening, by , tVuxlabh IVte. IkkIc. Tlie ytiuug man Is an orphau.. having ibecu brought up Jiy, his grandfather, Joint Watson, who- lives at VVHnlhurn. The Iniy rvel a. sixty-day 'niciii-e a year or so ago for nival loir a wat-h ntlit .fli,,. irl1.1.M. j.r l.ic-.t fv Tf.i., lil . - ...... . ...... " ' ... .. t Ihiirding .place Iu Oregon CHy. Samuel Jackson, a student at Hm Indian Training School, at Ciiemawa, was lie fore Justice of tlw Peaeo J. O'lKmald. yestifdaj-, charged Willi as. vault and IxHtcry .upon tlie )Nrsou of Mho E. M. Jteasou. tlio heml-tcaciir In 11k scImnL . It sihmus that MN Reason had corrected the yoiiiie man In Home matter at which ho tMik of fense, nud following' Jier Into atmther iHwilit u t flli'lr tk 1 ii.m ! t la li 1.J t.ul "" m . usr v 1 111! lii the hack if the4 Iwa-L . MUs Reajjipn. i wtij klMH-ki'.l alow u tir th funn of the blow but sufTered no 'serious In Jury from It. The young man plead guilty to tlie 'harge and was ; limil JO or lo days In tiw cotinly Jail, lie chose the bilter allernailve ami was committed to the county JaiU THE IRON TRADE. Orders An Plentiful to lie Filled McKtuley'H Election.-;. ou Cleveland. O.. -Oct. 2o. The Inu lYadi Review -tJiis week says: "Willi the elect i Hi so chs at hand, ht iiiljrlit In nsMuiiHMl that buyiiug of Jnm and wted would wait on the. act ual amiounceiireiit. of flic nvult. As a. matter of fact 4here has Ihvu tin ac tive market in the jast week,, finished.. tiMiterial Is-ing In largo demand, tlie platting of contract x, . with ilN irovls that they In 4itiic-Ucd fu case the re sult Is tuifa voralih 1o biislnesx. or moie siMfitlcaliy 1 against tin admin istration, dias Ins-ii the fcalun of thei wii'k's business.' on 2 lit to lw sufUcIetitly nmU-r Pltnchittl hy thoughtful f Justify, in their minds, my atlou to n-inaiii silent dnr sptIonaI and dlstnssinir " PR VAX tllVES ' Trenton." X. J.. Oct. his spi-ccli here, Mr. carnext apjNaI for r until the cIom of t askisl his support the results, saylrif "If you have u- In tlie campalgr a : . lit. i ' J A h Refinblican ir vst miot ' eo te and ask tliei' do not lnr f it back got to r you. wl ought -; i with ; t and ' -, spa' 'tt e i. n. tell Videnllal; fJ'f of In- ' V,rHVlMafley ' . "r ti T Alder, r''y.v'y 'JmolatIdn c'o, '"jit 't ,','t '', t, MA attention tt lioth wxM, ;ll-dw tf. XTANSON