Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    : VEEKY.bREGON-..STATESlIATl:rn:snAT, oc-roncn a. vm.
He DiieatMi tb (JamtloM of luiperiaUan,
avitd l'rw A aiterlf-' IlUa t ' . "
tfea lalaixla. " j .
In the Chicago Record, of OetolK-r
1 St h J "Just to hand, is published au
as t ide from the able i of Oregon's
Executive, JovV T.I.T.. Oeer. on "Our
Duty to the People of the Pldlip
pins. It I a itlncmwlou of territor
ial extension. Vis uses and abuses.
The artk-le Is given l-Iow in full, as
It miikes excellent reading for this
stage of the campaign: ; ;-.-
Penult me t say' briefly ithat I am
In favor of tlie re etrtiou of the Phil
ippines; first. Iteeutise we lju;ht them
aud paid for litem. Siuee- that ; was
done- the Cincinnati; F.nouirer. the
New .York Journal,! the San Francisco
Examiner, Jlkuaru Croker and near
ly every other leading democratic aa-
thoiity have declined in favor of the
- necessity of a vigorous suppression
of the Filipino iasm reel ion. one of
tho?e mentioned going as far as ti
say that tU- ttisurgents should 1
extenniualed. . If tujeessary to the
esjahlislmicut of our national author
ity there, and auothtx 'declaring - that
hey "were uo lelTer ihau a lot of
reneaij-; Annettes, . .
There woukl be no question In any
quarter to our permanent retention
of the Philippines but for -the exi
gencies of a political campiign. If
aftr.iKiyhig'2O.itiH.flO0 for them we
li.-lil 94iflll4l4iMHl ttieiii for anr rtfttutti
ami withdravn v,nr troop, tin dem -
cmt.:c party wouhl at this very lime
Ik- black in the! face In Its vhJent .
char-e tlt Hm Ilepublican part v h.id .
!hu cowardly m its attitinle towar.1
tiie itieVtioii. was pursuing a wk;
and vn-il.iliijr foreign iHlIcy,. had dis
honored the Anienican flag, and had
done it all In tlw interest of twiiie
foreljai lmmlhoMer. etc. And for
11k- tirst tlnK in thirty years the- Ietn
ocratic Iarty would bsive Imm-h right.
It has licen little inoro than a year.
If ans', that In answer to questions
asked, Mr. Croker and Senator Jones
sakl tlHy wire iut sure yet what the
isst? would 1m iiwmi which the IK-Iii-oenatle
party would antagonize the
Kepiiblicans in I'Jixt. bnt the conntrv
iniight rest asurei that when the
time should coiih an issue would bo
found, tiiuce but "4 is.'r cent of he
Kauris City cn'entIon was in favor
- of declaring In j favor of free Silver
twitlMtttt counting Hawaii, that little
cltihl of Imperialism, our new "eolo
nkil dein-inlency' where the Hag lias
gone without the constitution), it be
came ms essary lo get a new lssne.
Si the .-nxfeter j of ImierIaWsin was
hatciHsl and christened and ex -Sena-t4r
and hi. contingent of forty-
eight di 4entrs jwere eoniipelled to re-tlr-i
aud consent t lieing goverel on
the Uver questlou without tlteir con
sent. altlHMis-lt j1ie:-.retire!.' from t lie
contest with the remark that he dis-
liked lntpertlalism In a man quite as
much as m a. nation.
Itnt he ts not the only man who has
enanged base ion i a great question
within a yar tK',at:si an Imperial de
cree from IJncvln. Neb.. reiuired It.
I am In favor of rvta'uilnsr the Pluf
lppinfs lecaHise they ore oura for the
same reason that I an In favor of
retaining California. They are ours
'because Mr. lirj-nn. by bU personal
solicitation, as he ad mi U, naumled
tm enough lieniocratic Senators to
make tlie raUficatlon ; of the tnaty
possible, lie irrvr stays llnat iSpain
had Ho title whatever to sell, but the
status of the question as to Its legal
. asiect is precisely the-SJime as the
. day the treaty jww. ratlQeL The only
thing thatiha changed Is ihe exi
gency of the lemX'ratie party. Still.
it may be said in defense of . Mr.
Bryan that Hie clwuces for another
c.iinp:iign ou frtv silver did look ntor?
favorable at the time -the 4reaty was
rstitiel than they did a year or so
afterwartl. ! ' , I
In his ImllatiaioHs . eech Sir.
Bryan said: 1 believe ' we are now
in a iHMiUon to M-alge a. more success
ful con teat against Imperialism than
we would have been If the treaty had
Iss'tt r'JeteLf lint we got - all the
Imperialism we have by - that treaty,
and if it had : f-een rejveted there
would bate Utm no linierialisiu to
wagv a coutest against." And it was
rn tilled -uIy lss-:iitse Mr. Bryan rosh
ed 4o AVashlngton and rouniled up
all the; democratic Smators he :could
in Its Mipiiort. s He knew we ' were
Inlying the al;sltite title to tle Is
lands, and lie also knew that If we
let Uiem alone J there could bej no
contest agaJnst ImisTialism." 7 !
Further ou in the same siieecti lie
.: irive a an adlitional reastn f--r
sjHiiding f"JM" .'s on a nation that
had no right (to the thins paid for:
-If the treatyj had been rejetetl con
siderable time would, necessarily have
els psed before a new treoty coirtd
have lcen agreed pon and doning
that time fhe questllon would have
been : agitating the public mind."
Now; ''suppose t"he treaty, had lcen
rejH-!eL t-onld nt another have lioen
proposed, leaving tlie Phlllppims al
together out of consideration? And
df .thtr acquisition was to mean im
pTl:illstn ami the over-throw of the
republic and itbe gencrjl destruction
or lil rty on this coutineut. , would
not a patriot: who reaHy r tlmnght all
.this would follow their purchase have
Some Reasons
Vhy You Should Insist on Having
Eonna Hinnzss ojl
U neatuded by any other,
gjenders hard leather oft, '
specially prepared.
Keeps out water. .
A heavy bodied oiL
H Anriciss
An excellent preservative.
I Reduces cost of your hamrti '
f Jever burns the leather ; iu
I efficiency is increased, . s
ecures best service. ' ...:.
Stitchea kept from breaking. '
s sold in all , ;
OU Ctmm
preferred to bare "considerable time
elaitse whale: making the effort to
secure ft treaty Ignoring the Philip
pine altogether? n-. ;.,.
According to Mr. Bryan, when the
treaty was presented for ratification.
Jie lonnu himself soo fronted by a
Krev 1 responstwuty. c v i was a
treaty mat brectlv nronoseri to
change onr form of government and
uestroy the last Test i ire of liltcrtr on
tijw comment, for our feepubtie Is th
nope or tne continent.! And lt pro-
powa ror the privilege of doing It
to pay sax!" io,(m to a country that
had no such privilege to sell! This
wa worse than anything else that
could , lie tboOifht of, excepting one
other thing, and that was to "hare
tue pnl.tr mtud agitated; Now,
anuce Mr. Bryan's aversion to ha Tins
the public mind agitated it -so- well
known, no one .need be surprise! that
he chose rather to pay $20.0io,0mt
for a despotistn than the continuance
of a republic supported by a ioide
wluisc uuihjs. on account of the re
Jectioti f sueh a , treaty might be
"agitated. , . .-. . -; , , ?.
Tht'.s is hi teason as he explains It
to the public and is as clear as mud
It Uiiist be specially satisfactory to
4 hose who tnjoy. trig hnmbuged
orer and over again by the man who
ha adopt vil run n i Lie for the presi
dency as a steady job. :
Y bile Jefferson was president
namely, on August lo, 1S)T- lie wroe
Mr. Madisoufi his Reeretary: of state,
a letter, in which he sa hi, while di-
cushUik the probabiiiiy of a war witii
: "1 had rather have war with iiaiii
than nor. If we are to so to war
oiiinst Knglaud. Our southern de
fense can take care of the Florida s.
volttuteers from the Mexican army
wJU flock to our standard and rich
pnlHilfiui will, le off erel Jo ,our priva
teers In the plunder of her com merer
and coasts. Prolably CnlKi wouhl
to our nfe.leratIon."
Jefferson was an expansionist w4io
" ilhnx to ko to xvar with , Hpain
wul -anhe -would rather do
u. tuan n?t Tlu ,orr V. S.ei
uluui and plunder" which our priva
teers would st.cure. And with tb
prolnible cliaaice of annexation of
CuIki. without the consent of Its peo
ple being thought of!
Two yenrs later. " while discussing
the desirability of anmxing CoIri. be
wrote to Madison, wtio was ; tli.
hims-lf presideut:
Ve shot 1 Id then only have to In
clude tlie north in onr confederacy
wbu-li wouhl be. of course, in. the
first war, and we should have snc
an empire for liberty as site uas nev
er surveyed since the creation.' aud 1
am persuaded that no consututloi
was ever before well calculated a
oura for extensive empire and self
government. S ; ' '
Here Jefferson used tlie wont -cm
ptre" twco when sjeaklng of smr
glorious country an act of disloyalty
flmt Mi. Bryan would Dot do for
thousand presidetieles. Put this only
shows how Mr. Brys-u has iaijiroved
on Mr. Jefferson,
On June 3d. 1S23, Prosslent Mon
roe. In discussing" the Cuban ques
tion. nld: "The acou'st'on of It it
our tin Km Is of the highest Import
a nee to our internal tranquillity ami
national aggrandizement.
In these days. If a Itepublkaf
spaks of the commercial importance
the acquisition of the : j Philippine
may prove to be. Mr. Bryan immeli
ately goes into a spastn of hysterics
and says the UcpuliIU-ans are trying
to "put the dollar aliove the man.'
But Mr. Jefferson wmtldf "rather go
to war with Si tain than not" just
for the "rich pobulunr it would -af
ford our privateers, ami because It
wouhl give its . "extensive empjre-'
while Mr. .Monroe wanted Cuba be-
canse it would conrrHmte to our "na
tlnal aggrand'zement." 4n nil these
calculations" Kiie "ciiKent c,f -the gov
erned" wa nex-er thought of by Jdr.
In these latter days, however, when.
nine men like Air. liryan own tne
Iemocratlc party, we see him hug
giug Aguinaldo and Tillman with lntli
arms. and. wlrHe Amiinaldo shouts
that he is a lover of the immortal
d(H IttratkJi of .iiulepcndenee, with It
hKtriii'. of "the-consent 'of tbe gov
erncd." Tillman shrieks Into the ottt
er ear: "We stuffwl 1 lie ballot boxes
we shot rlieni. and we are not a sham
el of it. Ilow.' vvith a fr?e ballot and
a fair count, are you going to beat'
l.Vi.(MN) with And Bryan sup
ports them both and they each' su-
port him
The systematic suppression of the
ncrgo stfm Mie southern states and
the boasting of it In the United
States Senate tills year by the Sena
tor who - was selected to read the
platform iefore tlie Kansas City eon
vent ion only shows tha t the Demo
cratic party to tn fa ror: of the ap
plication of the: declaration of Inde
pendence In sis Ms, ami the roosi
tkn that the constitution should fol
low the flag apidk-s onljr In socu see
tions of the country as the Demo
crats lid) sel-f. Ttie flag floats over
every town ami ctty in the southern
statts. but parts of the constitution
that vrere once observed 4 there are
now . total strangers by act of the
Democratic party. , -
An ;K't of Congress, pissed on May
2J. IT!", when Washington was Pres
ftlent. and amended on March 27.
IS4, when Jefferson was lresident
and approved . by theui toth. says:
The acts of rtie legislature of any
slate o? territory, or of -any 'country
subject.' to Jurisdiction of the 1 Un'Ueo
States, shall le autheaticatcMl by hav
ing the seals of the state, tcrritory
or country affixed thereto.- ' 1 "
- s -the fathers even Washing
tin and Jefferson bad 1 In ! contem
pkt t Ion countries which were ' neltliet
states, nor. territories, but which were
to "be subject to the Jurisdiction f
Wie Fnitetl tiitcs." and iliey no doubt
had an Imperfect idea that the con
stitution would admit of lu . Bnt they
evidently had not rfvenitlie constlitu
tion that profound atsdy that Mr.
'Brysn has.':'" - , ' )-';--:,
1 am in favor of ihe retention of
the Philippines, because w pakl for
them, and they are therefore ours,
ami because It Is our duty to do our
share In extending good government
wherever It possi-ble. for the ra
sou. among ottHTs. tliat 1 Jefferson
gave when he mtei Xo coosritntion
was ever before so well calculated
as ours for cxfcnslre empire and sclf
jjoverumeoL" "
It is annoomeil in London that Hen
ry Jarne, the noveMst. lias finally de
cided to end ttis long rrsldence in that
ou t inm "to this country. It la
added that he will liv efomewhere Ini the SWIFT SPECIFIC Ctk, ATLANTA. CA.
Massaehutis. ..':..( i .-'.. . . ... '..,
Property Valaea Shntakea Siae thm
AiMMsnt RoU of 1809 Was Pr
, pa real A Caaipartaoa.
From Pally Statesman. Oct, 2a)
Count r Clerk 5us. Xewburv. of
Jackson , eminty, yestenlay filed thef'V ltttnl ot a sle county In tlie
summary of the assessment rato of his
county in the Department of State f
use of t be State Board of Levy, Th
statement shows valuation of the var
ious classes of' property In detail, and"
the total taxable proetty In the coun
ty, as f3.230.!14, which is fl4t,S52
less than it was in USMK The state
ment follows: . v
80.4211 acres tillable land. ...? fiS9.r!
X2tJ.tar2.81 acres uou-tillable. K40,t4
Imp.' on denied iauds .. .. , 20.340
Town and city lots.t . . . . - 245.3;vJ
Imp. qu town lots 3TG,4(XI
Imp. ou uudetnlctl lands.... 4.'J.'
7.tH tniles railroad IkhI...."-' 2,01R
i4."i.rM mile tek-g and telph. 214X20
Boiling stock SlCil
Steamlioats. engines, etc... , ' .18,yKi
Jlerchamlise, etc ......... . 1
Farming implements, etc... 33,817
Money. . . , . . . .... . . 43.! CJ"
Notes and aecountis. . .. 1K5.30O
1012 shares of stock;......
IIonshold furnltun'. ete. . . . rd,4."M
174 horses and mules. .. ... 31JMW
tsr? cattle ................ 79,i0
P7K3 sliet-p aud goats;.....: 8.484
Sim swine ................ 4,487
. flross value proiierty.
. ln.um
nxenqitioiis. . ' ,. . . . ..
Total taxable property. . . .?330,i14
The summary of Jackson county's
assessment roll for tlie year ISJif) was
tiled in lie. state depart iiient on Xt
veinlier 31 of that year. It Is repro
duced here' for pnroses of comparison
showing wherein tlie difference In val
uation !is. It follows:
S7.324 acres tillable laud.... 79D.488
fCUITS acres non-t ilia We. .. 8!M48
Imp. on deeiled lauds.". 20!7."
Town and city lots.....:.., 213.!l."
Imp. on town lots.......... 3i8.700
tlmn. on nndeedHl lauds.... R.130
70J14 ndles railroad bHl.... 22f,120
LPullman Car Co ........ 32,451
mues tejeg. ana te.epn.. , n.4-.
Mercliamlise. etc ... 12t'..'7l
Farm hnplements, ete. v. ... 27.2H2
Sfeatuboats, engines, etc.... ZlJHi
Money., i .. ........ 3J.fi4
Notes and accounts 2O8.0!,
lOld sliares of stock... .rf,T07
llouseliold furnitente. etc. ..
1!21 lMrs's and mules. ..... 30.27
cattle 75.371
ITSk; sheeft af5d . goats. ...... 5.a7
3442 swine 4.134
fJros value protsrty .,,,,.Vi3,if
Kxemptlons.. .. ; 131,400
Total taxable proierty. . . .$3.37 1,4m
Irominent Official of That Stal
1'redk-ts rtepublk'an Success in
- the Xovenilier Election.
A short time ago Hon. C. B. Moores
register jof the land ollice at Oregon
City, reeeiwd a telegram from his
cousin, Jlon. Merrill Moores. of Indiaa-
upolis, Ind., Assistant Attorney (lehcr
al for tt;at state, asking for Info-mat Ion
regarding Oregon noted "black "law.
Mr; Moores replied by sending detail
ed iuforriiatkra, aud an editorial from
the Oregouian discussing the matter
at length. Yesterday Mr. Moores re
ceived an answer from his Indiana
cousin, who is reported as lielng a
very conservative 'man, and thorough
iy informed on the conditions in Indi
ana.' In the light of this, his report
regarding the situation In that' state
might te of Interest at this time. The
text of he letter follows:
"Your letter in -a us wer to my tele-
i.mi was received yesterday morning,
ami I took, it and the eilitorial from the
Oregonlan. which were satisfactory, at
once to the editor of the Indlanapolils
New, who wanted to know the facts.
I am sorry you did not have tlie votes
KiH'ssible. as he simply , wanted to
nhow by It that the amendments ran
Scrofula is bat a modified form of Blood
Poison and Consumption.- The parent
who is tainted by either will see in the
ciuhi me same aisease
manifesting i t sel f in
the form of swollen
plan da of the neck and
throat, catarrh, weak
eyes, offensive sores
end abscesses and of
tentimes white swell
ing sure signs of
Scrofula. There may
be no external signs for
a long time, for the disease develop slowly
in some cases, but the poison is in the
blood and will break out at the first favor
able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast
ing, destructive disease by first purifying
and building up the blood and sftm"lt;"g
and invigorating the whole system, i :
1 J. SC. Best. 1 tj Public Square. NakvtIf,TeaiL,
avs: "Tf ycr ago mj daughter fell ml cut
her fore bead. Front this wound the gland oa
the aide of her face became swot lea a ad burst cd.
Some ef the beat doctors here sad elsewhere
attended her wshoot any benefit. We decided
to try 6. S. &, and a few bottles cored her en
makes new and pare
blood to notmsn and
strengthen the body,
and is a positive ana
safe cure for Scrofula.
tt overcomes all forma of blood poison,
whether inherited or acquired, and no
remedy so -thoroughly and effectively
cleanses the blood. If too have any
blood trouble, or your child has inheriteI
some blood taint, take S. S. S. and get
the blood in good condition and prevent
the disease dome farther damage.
Send for our free book and write ocr
physicians about your case. We make no J
C&argc.wuaxever xor mcuicat auvice
alons together and received each about
the same vote: but:! think the expla
nation of the Oregnrfiian will be entire
ly satisfactory. -There is not tlie
slightest doubt aliout Indiana. My ;
impression Is that the state will go
IteunWicau by a larger majority than
it did in JH!k At that time many of
the farmers were ' dissatisfied 4 and
against us ou tlie silver question, and
icany 'Republican communities In the
cuntry went iJemocratk. ?whlch lisid
rarely or never done so before. The
state was saved by the enoruMius Re
pnblkiiu rote in tlie cities, . -.This" time
the farmers ate with us, and I have
State where we will not ffet as. full an
agricultural vote as we ever received
in the history of the party. There will
Ie some falling off in tlie city as about
half the tJold Iemocrats who voted
for McKinley will vote for Bryan.
This will not lie enouglt to hurt us.
and J am inclined to thfuk we will go
ov.r 2o.tM for McKinley.
"I think Kentucky will elect Yerkes.
have been very familiar with Ken
tucky conditions since last December,
having been in Frankfort many times
on legal business iu I cveiuber, Janu
ary. March and May. I regard tht
state as close bet ween McKinley and
liryan, but It seems to me that there
is every Judication that lerkes will is'
elected and that. tlie votes will lie more
1onesilr eonnted than they were a
year- sgo."
' Red Hot From the Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich., in, the Civil War.
It caused bonble Ulcers rhat no treat
ment helped for 20 years. Then. Buck-
len's Arnica Salve cured him. : Cures
Cuts, Bruises. Burns, Boils, Fekons,
Corns, Skm Eruptions. Best File cure
on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure guaran
teed Sold by S. C -STCN'Ii. drug
gist. '.'" "
LOAN'S APIftbVKI. The State
Itnd It4iarl yesterday approved of
twenty-two applications for kians. ag
eWiatiBK 2.S.7,JTi, and rejected six ap
iilictttiotis for a total of $4070.
We refund Kk for every package
of initnam Iideless Dye that fa-ils
to give satisfaction. Monroe I ru?r
'o.. Fh':onv!lh Mo. $mW by Ir.
Stone's I rujr Ktores. ; ,
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is better. My doctor say
it acts gently on the stomach, liver
and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxa
tive. It is made form herbs and
is prepared as ejly as tea. It is
called Lane's MeUicine. AH drutf
pists sell it at 25c. and 50c. Lane
Family Medicines moves the bowels
each day. If you cannot get it, send
for a free sample. Address. Orator
F. Woodward. Le Roy, N. Y. 5-
An aeetl coloretl Individual is mak
ing the rontuls of the physicians' of
fice and hospitals, exhibiting himself
as a man with two hearts. lie also
claims to Is able to displace his ln-art s
into the alslomiual cavity. lie has
Itav-'led widely . In this country and
ltas been In Europe. There Is no evi
dence whatever that the man has two
iK-nrts, nor Is there any sign that an
aueuiismn exists. Wlien he is about
to "dislocate bis lieart he asks the
examiner first to listen with the
wtethoscoiw or plHueiidoeoe over
the normal cardiac area for tlie heart
sounds. He then twists and contorts
himself fu various ways, wins active
ly the muscle, of the anterior' abdom
luaL As he does this there is seen to
rise suddenly In the left ilia a region a
ronntjed. ioar-shaied prominence,
widen is pulsatile and to which he
now asks the examiner to apply the
stethoscoix. An obscure rhythmic
sound Is heard over tlie area, wbich Is
.the size of a large fist, and which
conveys to the palpitating hand a sett
a similar swelling, t'liougli less proin
sation of throbbing. He can prodnee
inent, on the right side.
With a great sliow of effott he liolds
the promiiMnce on one or the other
side for a bout twenty seconds. If the
examiner, instead of listening over tlie
supposed In-art, places his stehoscope
la tlie normal situation of the valve
jKiuts be readily readily detects the
heart sounds In practically undimln
Islied IntensMy. Moreover, percussion
over tlie supioscd hearts gives a more
or less tympanitic tnote. The . man
has evidently by long practice gained
a iweuliar control ov.?r the superficial
abdominal mtts-ks such as some ier
sons have over the'walp and ears
by tmans of whlcli lie Is able to throw
.1 certain sect km Into prominence and
to produce a rhythmic vibration tliat
closely simulates, both In character
and rate, the pulsation of tlie heart.
ririlad:iphla Medical Jonrnal.
. Iearlsla tlon asainst drunkenness in
Beiicium lates front 1.SS7. It deals
wiCii the drunk and disonlcrly, supply
ing liquor to a dm 11 ken person or to
a child under liV
WILT SPE.K. Hortr John C.
Ieasnre of I'ortland will speak at
and at Scott Mills on Wednesday,
Oervals Tueslay evening. Oct. 23d
Oetoter 24 1 h. Frank Iavey. of this
city will address the ltcpublicans 4
TitrttevUie tonight.
From Da ily Sta tesma n,. Oct. 20.)
In the deiartment of recortls in -tht
Marion county fmrt house ye-t--rl.ty.
tire (U-eds were file .1 transferring
property, the ; consideraHon aggre
gating fniWk One assignment of ti
mortgage Utr f l.'HiO. otw chattel tuort
gaffe for, f'2-"". ami three mortgages
for $1 Itnt. $-S and $125 rxM'ctively
were ali i reeordeil. Tle d-xmIs llleil
wire: - ' v ' : ;
James-(low and wife 1o V. Mad-
dism and - wife 40 acvs In t
ind 7 s. r 2 w, w d..... .. .$1."iO(
A. T. Gilbert and wife to J.
Hadley. 72 Acrp in the Davhl
IeLtny d I c. in t 8 . r 3 w.
. w 1 ,'i ; . . . . . .. t . .
F. W. Dnrbin. sheriff, to A. T.
tnitiert 72 acrvs la t 8 r .1
w.: also H acres In section G, t
S r 3 w.... ... ....
Albert T. Thompson , to ; Mary
J.ineBornetr. 81 acres in sec
tion t M n r 1 e w d...
Anna Mai 3e Chalet to A. T.'
Thompsou' 31 acres in seetloa
4 t 8 a rl e q C d."V . . . . , -i . .
Total . . . . .
The 0. II, 0. Association's
Directors Will Hear Reports. '
4 Grower at flrotiks R eel ved an
Offer of 16 Cents a lound-The -
KM aceepled, :
tFiom Paily Statesman, Oct. 20.)
M. Jones, preshlent of the Ore
gon Hoi tJrowera Association, has
calletl a sjieclal meeting of 4 he dir
ectors of the orgitmaatlou to meet In
the Assockvtlon rotnus In this city
.today. - The object '-'of the meeting
is to hear tbe Teiort of the auditor
and arteaid to any other business that
may properly came before the body,
The directors are, o follows: M. I
Jones. Brooks; J. W. Hill. Tort land:
II. L. B4nts, Butteville; II. I. Mount,
Sfl vert on : K. .!. Cooier, I udepend-
euce; W. II. Holmes. Salem; James
WJustotiley, . Salem. T. B. Jones,
Wheatland; W. W. Cotton., Tortland
and ;eorg B. Ilovetulen, Hublwird.
Otlier matters of Iniiwrtance will
come before the - meeting today re
gardinic the fnture of the operations
of the organisation.
The Statesutan last evening recejv
ed a tclephono message froiii Broviks,
to 4he etTect that a $5aleiu buyer bail
made a bona fide offer of lt cents
a isitind for a lot of lnis near that
city, consisting of l.s I Miles. The
owuers of tle hois.have talteti the
off'r utwler advisiMiient, but will proli-
a.bly decline It. and will hold their
stock for a ldglKr market.
In the Kentish Observer, of Kent.
England, under date of OctolsT 4th..
just recelveti. a rorrespondent of that
.liter wives a few bints to crowers
which wight - well be sludled ami
lHrne In mind by the growTs of Ore
gon. The letter follows
"With the disastrous fall In prices
of last year so fresh in their memory.
and the present iifene of d.-maii.l.
some grower may be coutempkLtluz
forcing their crop upon the market,
ami sidling to the laiglicst bidder. In
such an liuisirtant matter so vital to
such & larsre iMdy of agriculturists
I beg to lay the following lefore all
who have hops to sell.
It Is feared tliat brewers bold
heavy stocks of 1S5KI hoiw and their
requirements for 190f liops will tie
stnau. Iieforo growers jump to euclt
a conclusion ' let tlwm cmislder the
remarkably small Import t of- lat
year, and the fact that hops ,were
exportetl. .Tlie,, difference iu last
Iyer's imports and an average year
; will. account for the balance; of last
' year's crop, and make it clear that
brewcM cannot hold such heavy
1 IW.'K
a. - 1-
"The absence of a keen demand vt-
on he market may alarm some sell
ers; but, wliat is more natural that
brewers slioiiJd not lie "prepared to
ajiend time 1n examining hop samples
wlien Iliey are In the mtdsi of a flcn
era! Election, and tlie very existence
of their trade, as they believe, is at
"L'ion the other band, let all grow
ers mark well the fact that the crop
Is the smallest since 180O, nnd it
smalhKvss Ls not yet realized., ami
i hat the new hop, together with all
hops In existence, can sarcely supply
the demand till Septemlier, 1901.
And then they will we that this. o"f
all years Is the year to show llriu
ness.fl.ud will llml a good trade with
flilslier ami nore riisonable prices
after the excitement of the electioa
has died away.
iFrom Daily Statesman, Oct. 21.)
. Tlk? Vard jof- directors -of tlie Oro
con Hop (Jrowers Asseelation met nt
tlie Association rooms yesterday af
teriHMin. The most linjiortaiit matter
to come lnfort the Issly was the re
port of theauditor, II. B. Thielsen,
w1m had Istn empioyl to exisrt the
liook of tlie officer of the Associa-
iiu- J ; ..
IIkj report! to Octolier 1st. shows a
kiln nee of f??4.r0 in the (hands of the
tresistircr. and a Imkince In tlie hands
.f Mr. Wlntanley of fU3.20, which
by s-t Ik-ineiit of sumlry" accounts will
Is redncel to about Jf40i. Tlere Is
nlso fill worth of sultdiur on ha ml.
Tin record show that tlie business
of tlie Assoi-istWin has been itoneslly
and oiKHiilcally managed and that
Us financial affairs are In a sound and
heatthv condition. '
A detallwlj nisrt of the milter will
le in tl hands of the managers with
'it a few days.
The diiectors of tlie Associatkin dis
cussing the 3op market, r-ort consid-
erahlv activity and sn upward tend
oucy-Fifteen ami onhalf 'cntR was
freely offered today by several differ
ent lKtyvrs.
There were quite a nnnilicr of hop
sak-s made yesterday, t". 1. Jessnp
& "o. pnrchasing SSC Kile of Glllier
Jk Patterson, this Wing the bt grown
on the Kola, yards. Walker Bros., of
IndejicmViU-e. sold ' 190 1 a l-s and
Yokum. of! Dallas, disissed . of H
bales. ' -. j : : :
two so; tars sins.
Sold rniVT Foreclosure of Mortgagee
Yesterihty Aftermon.
IFrom Daily Stat.sinan. O.i 21.)
SlierlfT F. W Iurbln yesterday sold
at foreclosure saie two tracts of html,
rnder order of tle circuit court.; as
In the case of David Simpson, plain
tiffs vs. Ann Thtabeth Russell et al..
W-fetidanrs a house ami lot. corner of
Hightevntb ami Court streets, former
ly known as the J. L. Mitchell res id-
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble prey upon the mind, dis- 1
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vig-or
ana cneeriumcss suuu
disappear when the kid-
neya are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It is not uncommon
. . a
Tor a emu to Da Dorn
iite afflicted with weak kid-
v - revs. 11 tne emia unn-
BT' atea too often. If the
urine scalds the flesh or if. when the child
reaches an age when tt should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon ft. the cause 01
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition cf the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are "made mis
erable with kidney and ladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect ol
Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sole
by drugelsts. la fifty-
cent and one dollar 1
sizes. You may have a I
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet tell-
of iwnMpK""-
in; all about It. Including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received.
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. KUmei
& Co.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure anc;
mention this Dsper.
em-e. Tlie suit was brought for the
foreclosure of a iiirtgjiire. tlie juoji
iM'iit and -sts. aiKriMniatins '.Ti2.t4.
Tlie proiierty. wa bid In by the plain
tiff at 4oo. I
Iu tlK matter of tla State iJtud
Pmml ttl.tintlrr. vs. J. M. leebles et.
al.. utefemhmts.OTi acres In sH'iloii 12.
18 k., r. 3 w.i tin suit was ltrouglit to
forc los a timftgtig?. of f 12S1.77. Tin
State I .a ud Board bid Itt Uh proierty
nt $I.T"...V.. .
Fopils in the Scltools of Hie t'ity, 'Who
Are Not IVrtiKineiit Besideiits
Must ray Tuition.
7 f From Daily Statesman. let. 21.)
Tlie regular nieffing-of tlie tsianl of
directors of 4 he Salem public schools
Idistrk't No. 2 It was licld last night in
the parlor of Iidd A: Bush's bank.
Dlrec.ors W. M. Clwrrlfigton. M. U
t'ltaiplerlin. T. '. Davidson and II.
!. FMchet and t'lerk Jos. Bauiirgnri
mr. were prcM'tit.
The board ftMk up I lie matter of
charging tu'ticn ffr pupils attending
school who nit not nglstered 4 it .the
district, and after a- brief discussion
determined to fix the rale 011 ali out
tHde pupds in t lie primary division at
$V and for the ntlvaiu-cd grade ot
f7JV l1" ertn.
:The following bills were examined
and ordered paid: !
It. M. Wade & i V .20
John 1 1 uirlies ............
Johu fl. Barr -il.-ile . ....
22.1 ."
1 1
t ).
Hanu'ti & I-iiitlou.
J. A. Melson . ... .
Jitht) Hughes .................
I'uivn A: Hamilloti ............
Faclfie Stall's Telephone and Tel
egraph CV ..
John M. Fnytie
IVzorth Bros .
CJllliert Bro ..
Now forpora tions Organized by Fil
Ing Articles In the Depart
. inent of State. '
In the SPate Department, at the
Cjt pi lol. yesterday, three new conior
a tions complied with the laws of tie-
con regulating lle Incorporation f
private corporations, ami tiled arti
cles, thus securing iiermlssioii to .be
gin operations - in tUis state. They
Were; -
The Standard ""(irpet and Furniture
Company will engage, in the whole-;
sale business Jn IVirlland. Tlie cori Mir
ation has a capital sts-k of $l.".o.
dlv)led Into shares valued at tK
each. II, TaulMmlielnHr Win.
Sehmeer and II. M. Cake are the jm
coriMirators. -
The oast States Investment Company-will
engage in dealing in real es
tate and jiersonal proiMTty In I'ort
biitd. - The company has a' capital
stot-k of 2Miil, llvidel into slian.t
valiw.l at floo each. II. K. Finch, ,B.
W. Callowav and Chas. H. Carey
are the fiMNirporators of record.
. The . Winona ' Cemetery Ass4clatVn
will ojMn a cemetery and sell burin 1
lots In Washington county. W. B.
Day, president, and I. 1. Sieneer.
secretary are the Ulcer of the asso
ciation. TWO " BI'KAAVAYS. Two of the
tMiys of the Orcein . Stale Iteforut
s4-hooI escajsd from tin klfclien alMiut.
nMn yeierd.iy. Thev are Uaymond
Johnson and Harry Holt. They start
ed south, but all trace of them, was
Mxvn last. HoJt Is nlMiiit .1 fst K Indies
tall and weighs alwmt J 4 iMMinds. Il
lias a star tartotsl on 1 lie har k tf 1I
right haml' lstw"en tlw thumb nnd
forcfingirahd a ring tattooed on th
li-hMlf tiiitT ' of the. same,' hand.
Johnson Is a colored lioy'. nlsMit the
same beight, aud not .quite so lteavy.
He was wearing an Iron on hi leg
wlien In escaped. - It Js.well kuowi
that $10 rewanl 4s paid for the cap
tuie of Cfch runaway lsy from! the;
Itcform Hchbol. so It Is wot likely that
Ihe young fellows will lie able to stay
out Jong, esiieelally
so easy to Ideitttfy.
as tlky are
He that stamls npoii a slippery place.
Makes nice of no vile lwhl to stay him
up. "-.:- .
la aQ IU Uea there
taooid be cttauliawa.
Ely's Cream Balm
desoKS.sooOjea and beala
tit Oiaearad tembraoe.
( lieu rem iiibnu m u mi .
j aa-ajr a 0S1 ta. to bead
Creasa Balm to pll Into tha noatill?, prtJ
orrr tbe SUrmbraca acd to abaorbed. IU.tcf to lin
nediataattd a ears totiuw. It to sot itjini'inen
mat prcdace scztoc. Lare fx; W eeitt at C.uit
(ittvor fcf maU; Trial Hiiv.-, 1 ccat l.j mail.
IILY ekOTUKBi!. U Wmito bueet. iiew to: k.