WEEKLY OREGON STATESM AX,. , tuesda OCTOBER 3,' 1900. SPOKE : TO LABORING- M M. Ai Hanna Completed His Toiir of the NortU western States last Evening; ' Will Speak at Varloas Points Jn Jlliuola Dnriai . tbU Week-Hanna Mada One HandrelSpeeebes la Six Veek-Brjan Reacted' ' . Buffalo Last Evening. OMAHA. Neb., Oct. 'JO. Senator llauua, eotsel utUtl hi fix day's tour ci ppcaking at Omaha tonight, wlud- lag, up hi itinerary ly making four speeches, thr.e in South Omaha wltere are located the big packing bouses mid mill of Mm city, ami where !ui andicuc n w for-1 lie uioxt part -om-ptM-d . of laboring jueii.:nd one In Omaha. Late tonight the eeial train left over the Burlington road for Chi cago. awl will arrive 4lre tomorrow iconiing. . , , . Senator Hanna will devote but Utile time I the bushies of tin Vational Lfadijtiarter next neck, however, a be, i ljokd for "siwiflie iiarly ev ery, day nest week, most of them in Iliiitoi ' -, The week it lin-Tary ha Inclinlcd. over ,:Si miles of travel in the three Mau-. Senator Hanna in tliat time making nearly one hundred ieeclres. II ANNA'S QUICK .IT. Omaha. Neb.. Oct., 2. The fqx-ak-Ing stand at Auburn collapsed, and Senator Manna and every other oc cupant of the stand -were thrown in a heap. A, lMiy named Huglie was badly hurt. llauua. wl had Wen thrown Hat on hi baek. aroHo-aud tlii'. crowd -cheered wildly a he srool o: a ohair and waved hi h:it. "Ve were jnt . -jrlrln? an objeet lexson of lioff we proKe itf treat tiie Heine -rat ic party lie slenrted. Hint tin crowd cheered a jra in. ,1 - "Ttda wn a Ienio-riitic platform. I think. he nald. and another wild cheer went iin. ROOnVF.LT AT IlAInMOHR. . Italtimore..', Md.t Oct. Ltt. 41owrnor l:MiHm-lt spoke here tonl:ht to nm nany ix'ople am could -;et within raiiKe f hi voie. Hq aKl rested two meetings, one oufxide .ami ilie other A FAMILY OF Prof. J. M. Letsche,'wife mil. vote for Mckinley. AltCIiniSHOP IliELAND iJENiES A IU MOU. And Dclars Hi Intention to,Sui port the Hepublioiin Cjiiuiidate on Novomlicr tlth. . NEW. YOKK. Oct. 2. An hblshop Irelaihl today -Ravo out tii followinj pi'T'Ual statement, a to 'his attitude In the'politieal cainjKiIgn: "It. cannot, at ttrst lpht, soem non or les iinportaut -for any citizen to tell the public how he Intends to vote, lu vtrtinsr each it izeu ii4nvr hi own scme of civic duty; Ik? should simply do thk and leave others to do like alse. However, h Mice a certain nnnilnr of n.wsiwiiKr. have , undertaken to say how I inteud to vote, ami in so doing; liave lnUiuterpreted my inten tion and have not In-en unwillinjr to nuvke itolitical capital out of my snp oset vote. I -will give to tin iM'tion how I intend to vote i categorical and uiunisiakal'k rjily. ; intetiu to vote for WiUiam M luley and Th"odore Iloosevelt. In sriylni my vote to tho caulid.u. of the Itennblican party, I am satisfied In tuy own consi-ience (that t- sitvc the lwst Interests of the Mtutry at homo' and abroad: that I conlrfhutc to the nialnletianec of tl eonntry'i ni.iter- in! prosiHTity. and of tlit hwi; and piMsl w ill lH'tween the several clasixv of It population; that I aid t my coun try iu brinsriuar alnnit tiu fr-.-st and ii'ost honorable solutions of the- com plex problem which .-''conf rout r I tf a result of the late war. and tin retinitis- for itself the exalted oltlon whlclt it hold 'at present commercially n ik! -Uplouuif icaliy iH'fore the other ; Na- tiun of tht world. ) AMEHICAN SHIPPING. IJoyd's f i:iHrt Shows a Great cr:f in Buildluc. ; , In- i Lontlon. C'ciL . A quarterly rettim lias ltecu '-IsAUed by the Lloyls how tiiiT tlwt tin UnHeil States. at the end of the last ouaxtt r had. !uxL1: Clmtt I'Htirin the lartrest tonmisn lu ship pla under,, const ruction. This tvturn iattraMhis nuth attention,' and the St a list publishes a lonr article in wh it'll It iHklutsout that the actual and prospt-ctive developments of slw'i brUliivjr in Aimrica 'is even " much pi-i-ats-r- than might be tuferved. from the Lhyd's report. The Statist consid ers that the. hnietu to shlp-btilldili?;. eiven by, cheap tuateriaJ and' a laf?t demand for tonnajre. - will' tveivo a further stimulus from the maikuUnj; lPPffli ft Inside Music Hall, tin- largest audi torium In, the. ty.. and. everything lie said met wltU enthusiastic r applause. Ill reference to Senator Wellington wa rce'ved with mingkil hiss: and applause, and when lie spoke of Bryan. tm-re was ; much cheering anu stamp Intr of ' feet. Aside from thin there were no contrary' interruptions, wbk to expectation. were I ISIiYVN'S ti:ip.- IJnffalo. N. Y.. kt. 2L-Mr. Dryan oat iiidetl ; hi four day campaign tour of the.afe of New York with twit Kirj;e uieetinK In IhU city to r'shr. I';-fore reaehirti liuffaio be had made iifteen addie? during the day. Tbe atteudanc at moxt of t he day Ki.-cii-le1 wa goswl. and at nonie off theui jnlte .lar-e. The audience coiihl not !k said .. 1h enthnsiaftlc a?, it : mle.1 but everywhere tire I fceino ciatie party camlitjaie wa acconletl ihe inost careful attenrion and rpect ful trejiiiuent. iMirinn hi xfate tour I5ryon ba. 'made about sixty-five tn.u'hif. He left .thl city tonight at, VZ ocWck for llmitintoiu V. "a.. wjwre he will IKin a one-day trip aero Yest Virginia. Monday.; ! AN A N T I -1 M I 'III 1 1 A LIST. jt'inciuiiatl. O.. K-t. 2.-Jtidm Her . iifn. who MtjiiHirt'! Palmer ami Iluck ner four .Viars a-;o, d;clareI iiiuelf t!ay for Itryan. Jml-re Harmon wa on flM IkmicIi here for many y'ar. ainl m-i-Utl Sii-retary Olm-y as At-t?iut'y-eueral in the t'lilnner of fJrov er Cleveland. Today. ie pave out a Utter "In .reply ti;ji It-tter from" Mr. Irwin, an attfiwy' at Colarado Sjniiis. cij(i. Judy:e Ilvruion saya: !"AVhlK- J disatrnv with Mr. Itryan art Kironiy a ever -ilHitit many things the ..frn oiuaffe of silver itrelixl.'d. I ii'tend to vote fori him. iH'caus', like him and the Democratic convention 1 IwlU've tlMs thiu. art' not mi poruiiu nor so uriient a others on whfcli I h.artUy a?ree with liini." HYPiNOTJSTS. and children, of Jersey City. or. American, coal abroad, which, the inper says, is cue of tlK most remark able 'economic evolution of our time. CIVIL WAlt GOES ON. 'olotnbia Is Will Beins Devastated 15e I'auperlzetl, and Panama, Colombia, Oct. !. The civ il war roc merrily on ill Cnlonvbin. The tuntry I lK'inj- dralnel of all it resources, and the most pitiful IHivetty prevail in all directions. The interior of this naturally fertile and rich land is devastated. Colom tta will, : at the end of the 'war,, be a country of pauiwrs. OOEItEL Ix.VW BEPEALED. Frankfort. Ky.. Oct. The two houses of the .Legislature this after mvon ixtsH'd the non-partisan electim law. asri-eed upon by the LesUdature. 'ioveruor B-klrani will sign H. YOUTSEY f OIND GUILTY. JUBY SO DECLARED AT -FIRST BALLOT. THE Ills Punishment Fixed at j prisonment Motion for :. . . i '; ; . of Judgment. Life Im Arrest iEOnrjRTOWN. Ky.. Oct. 20. The lury in the case of Henry Yottt W'y, it trial on the charjee of Ileitis wy. on trial on t lie chars? of lielna tioti. returned a vetvlict of gnilty thl mornlnjr and fixwl the jKualty at llf? imprisonment. ) 1 When the jury was -called. ' tji!.; tnornlns Judge Cantrill asked; ; "Oentlemen, have you made a ver dict?"' ' , ; ; - The ; foreman, R. II. McCaiie, nod ded his head. : "Pass up the papers to the clerk,, said the' J mice. ' ; j Th ser'fr passo.1 them uj) and the clerk read the following: t s We. the jnry. find the defendant jniilty and fix his puhLshment at eou Hnement In, the peniteutiarv for life.' "Gentlemen. Is that yonr verdict T flDkvd tlwe Jmlsre.; , i The jnry was diseharjrejl.i ; It was learned from one of the Jurymrn that ik Ktllot was taken last night. This hiornlnsr the Tote was uuauimous that Yotitsey was gnilty. Then the dejjree of V""-Idimeut was fixed. i ' , , Attorneys for the defense ire pf paring a motion for an arrest of Judsmtent, whfch. , If sustained, ' will lostiKue :the,stntenee-of Youtser'uq til the next ' terra of court In Feb ruary. It Is likely a jury will be lm- 4 I paneled as soon a practicable to in quire into Youtsey's sanity. The defense liled a motion for 11 arrest -of 'Judgment the Judge Canr rill set the time for hearing on the second day of,-1 he February ? term. Youtsey will not 4v sentenced; ibefore that time. Youtsey will .'be taken .to the, Frankfort Jail tonight - for .safe keeping. . , - . -.. YON Bl'lOWK . APPOINTMENT' A Chanc-e'lot of the Cleriuan : Empire Liahl- to .Cause Trouble- .. v New York. Oct. 1X1. It I stated Jn hlsli thurch circles In Washinj'top. fay a dispatch U tlie World, tliat; the apjMiintment (tt- fount Von UiiWw .to Ih- Alluister of I'oreiga Affair of f!er- many romie to yeviircoutrovcrsieva 1 t ween the Va 1 iea a a nd t he Gennan Emperor. " r . ? ;;; '.-.. .;. .V v 1 ". Iii;lS!7, nt the time wit, the Ger u&n Eu)jeror soutxht t a-.ume he protectorate , of - t'bristianity in ; tlK Holy Land; and at moxt critical per id of iiegJtJafIoii witU the 1 Vatican tVatnt Vonliulow wa. aecreUited a th Iuie:ial t'erman Ambassador to Pojw Iah XIII."' Thi wa a departure froo. tlic a?rea of tlw- tier man Emperor, and tin- ste wa heralded an an; evi dence, of complete reconciliation 1e-twet-n the Vati.-n ami lterliu. JTlie Count did, not hold the poult ion more ihau a iiHnth. AlmoKt eoiiH-itlent with tiK r-ce:ti3t,at tlte Aatlcan, the no tice, of hi promotion to the. Ministry of the lmix-rial ; Foreign Office I was published. ; ' ' ' i " ' Two iMorleK exidanatory rt thl are lo!d. One 1 tli.it Ilaly obJectl , to a triple alliance taking do ojKn an in terest in the sovereignty, spiritual or t'inJoraI, of ilie Pope a to apiolnt an ambassador to him. Tho other Dtory I that Count Von Btilow. wan indis creet in petmiitin;; hi. Knipttor f le liere that the Pope acquiesced lh' tin tripan pKotectorate of the Holy Laud. The Catholic hierarchy throughout the world will now watch with co-n imble interest the development 4t Crnint Von l'ulow's attitude toward Pol Ijc. " - ... i IJEPLAINf i THE HORSE. Chicaco. Oct. .'Jit. The horse show opened today with . full entry Hst a ml a larjjr,-. atlemlance. The tlisolav of stN-ed and ntylish horses is larjte and very line, and afford, up indication that man's best friend is to be driven out by the automobile. BEAB MEAT AND BEANS.Bear ncat ami 5 bean was the . Jsurnp tiHui and; lusclons bill of j fare indulged in for several j days pat by a party of Sabunites. who were spctiding a short ; tlnn carrjing out improvements on; their, homestead claim in the Siletz couu ti', aud wtne ; at the "Toledo hotel Wednesihty. .011 their return home.i Tlicy were: D. O. Minto. M. E. Itob-j ertson, Mr. Dyer, W. E. Kemih. Lou isa Sonthwk. Miss Bramlt, -L E. Al lison, Edith Kelly. Mrs. S. C.. Dyer. O. M. Simthwh-k, kl. V. Bolverts. and A, G. Croisan '.They were chaper oued by Attorney B. F., Jones, of To-: ledo. . While Win. Smith alias Wild Bill, of Otter Bock was attached to the party, in the capacity of hunter.' to provide tlK-ni wath game, and act as guide durin.5 their meanderin.is' through the tali -timlter. During their! huntin? expeditions lu which flic la dies of the. party participated, several deer were seen, but none killed Three bear were also jumped, one- of which fell a victim to Wild Bill' fe roclous ltear (krgs ami the unerring aim of his trusty Wiuclwster. aud providel an abuulance of choice joints and - sticks of "rich" juicy meat, at a. tinie when other provis ions, xceptiur beans, were at a lotv ebb. Newport , News. . GREAT I M PROVE M EXT. Edi t o E. F. Bennett, of the Stayton Mail. says of , the condition of hi; father. who wa recently very ill. but I re covering as a result of treatment re ceived ati the Salem TTosnitnl- v great change has leen effected in the condition or l ather Bennett,; a fact generally commented upon here. He appear tipon the street without can. when a month ago he itsod two and needed more.' Sunday morning he reit young again aud tried, to preach iioiu a local iin t t. Tic tell, iu...l ins cnnaren carrteti nim to the s.-. ien jiospitai and Dr. Bvrd il!d tl rest. He give to Dr. Byrd great prals ami a generous share of the credit for hi recovrv.. REVIEW OF THE .WE.EK. New York, Oct. 20. The market ad- vanc-l on large dealings on last Sat urday' good Kink statement and. the further addition to reserve promised by the gold Imports, Increased inter ior movement of currency and pension disbursement by tlie suli-treasury. A large sliort interest was driven to cov er, helping on the dvanc. and out side buying was attracted J)yj growing confidence--: in tlie btisines outlook. With h reduction of the-short inter est the taking of proflts made inroad ttHn pri and a litar party was or- eanizeu on the IkisI of posible furth er disturbance in. money rates by largeTntnre requirement. .The opera tion of lhe oiierators were strtwiglv contested by a weU-eouinDitl litill party.; .. ,; . ly. . ..,:;., -t SII AFTER REPORTS. --''"' i '- !, ii. . - s Department of i Wm Columbia Is ; .. -: Short. .- , The Washington, kt. H. General Shaf- ter. In cotnmahd of -the Ietiartnient of the Columbia. Jias m.o,b a to tlM Adjntant-Genetlil.; A porUon of It Is devoted to the defenses of Pmret Sound and the Columbia rivci. show ing that they are In a satisfactory eon- dition. The report of sJencral siinfir 'ntain a riiort from General lies, d, the Third Artillery.' who says that thete has been an essentia) Mneb nt nstroments and eoninHnt for fli nrtiLlery for ; lle kiart nvenf - i.-(TnMa tave Uen made to kep the irnnf aiY ma ferial In . the best 'condition but there ha Wn a lack of artillerytnen for this punvose. tlier liarlni? lrafted for duty olewhen. LX CIRCUIT COrnT.-Juflfft. Geol H. s Bnrnett held" a .brief fhe circuit court yesterday,; when the argument in the case of Youue r Wagner Mere concluded. Jndze Bur nett took the case.under advisement and adjourned court . to Novemtwi 5th, at 9 o'clock a. m. . AGREEING ON CHINA'S CASE tzzrA -nd Germany Mm fcrtned a Strong Alliance TO' ClAIUNTEE THE INTEGRITY Of the Celestial Empire It la Thought That America, Japan and Friire ' Will Agree to It. 4- LONDON. Oct. c 2).The a ereement lietween Great Britain and German to maintain the territorial Integrity of China, while It savor of Indepen dent action and would doubtless Ie adhereil to despite the protest of. any otliPT -Power, is not looked upon here as forming an obstacle to the pro ieres of - the negotiations. uon ? the basis laid down Jn the last French note, or Indeed upon any proiKsition which will not infringe upon the es sential priueffde of . the Anglo-German compact. The Associated Press is. Informed, that Ixrd Saiisimry's re- commemlathHis. when answering the recent notes.-especially that of France. all bid fair either to le accepted in KMo. or !o result In uch a modifica tion tliat Great Britain will le assur- etl. that the territorial Integrity will le conserved, and will be able to j.iin whofc-jhea rtcdly in the nejrori.i i ions Which may tilready lie mW to Ik" started in Pekln. . Ajart from the gratification over the agreement with Germany, a ranch more hopeful spirit Is evidenced at the foreign ottice-'at the end of this wk thau was shown hist week over the prospect of the Bncccssful termlnarlon of the nego tiation. There is no effort to con ceal the fact f that the new compact Is practically ai repetition of Seen.--tary Hay's "oien door" note to ih. Powers. That Lord Salisbury .should haTe selected Genua ify. or vive versa, to be the party of this pronouuee eut. is taken I to 1k highly 'signifi cant of the close relations between the two Powers in question, and may. almost, he txiid to constitute an 1 Icance, which for the puiHci of the inimiHliate future, -bids fair to brinj; Germany into even closer touch with Great Britain thun she i with the other tuemliers ot the triple alliance, thonsh it can be" safely asserteil that Antria and Italy will readily accept the invitation to concur, in the prin ciples enunciated by the Salisbury .Ilatxefeldt agreemetttj Tla,t the lnitejl States will follow suit is tak en here as a foregone conclusion, while the British foreign office ex- pu-ts Japan, and hoes -France. d the same. Russia, of cours, d jhcult factor in the situation, li 1. not lelieved she will stand aralnst the world. will is a but out WILL BE RECALLED. iVtoln, Oct. 2" .Field Marshal C -unt Von Waldersee said this morn- r, that he reganhnl the campaign a-, over, and expected to be recalled. p. rsonaiiy. soon. MURDERED IN CHINA. """'-'-,"' w . ', lie ir-uiit I . ltmcnt ha recelvetl a dispatch 1 ni the Consul at Che Foo. umler te of Sptemler. Dth. transmit ting ; t account.' based, on apparently -t worthy Information from Chin sources, of the massacre of iu!s maries in Shan Si province. Thoss rdered were: .us vaiitechurch. Miss fSearll. Mr. r: i Mrs. T. W. P.jrgott. and son; Mr. u rttiusou. Jdis Dnvall. and two t ighters of Rev. E. R. Atwater, -u wiokc ani wife. Mr. Bevnon. ! 1 X e ami three children: Mr. Farth- wife and 'three children; . Dr ivett, wire ami on? child: Mr. .titchouse nd wife. Mr. Sknpson t wire. ir. sillier Wilson ami wife Koman Catholic nriewt iFiwnehi. V W. Davis. G. E. William. Dr. D It. Clapp and wife, and M ls.se Row- v Bird and Enaan Partridge. One h-ndred ami forty native Christian. 14'. and Mr. E. R. Atwater and t. s Idren, 3Ir. and Mr. G. W. Price r 1 son. Mr. and Mr. Langren and . . Eldred. COMMEMORATION DAY. tUNCETON - UNIVERSITY HAS INTERESTING EXERCISES. Secretary of State Hay Receive tlie Degree of Ioctor of Laws ' from the Old School., PRIXCETON, N. J Oct. 20. Com memoration day exercise - of the 1 ."Villi year of the founding of Prince ton i Uni versify ' were held in Alexan der hall today." before a. verv lafi-i atfdience. Bishop Satterlee. of Wash ihgttn, delivered the address ou the "Ethics of American Civilization,"; In whkh he denied that the Government bad developed imperialistic tenden cie. --' .. , r . '" i "The nation," he said, "ha . loss greed for territory today than whin Jefferson bought Louisiana, or Mon roe, Florida, or Seward. Alaska, ami far le than when the annexation of Texas bronght-on the Mexican war. We had no thought, whatever, of ter ritorial aggrandizement when we went to war with pain; and now. before we had -time to realiiedhe fnll meaning of passing event, certafn islands.-a a resnlt of that war. liava become, de facto, an actual . part of the United , States. We cannot oro baek if. we would from these newre fflKinsiWlitle which have been tbru'st Upon -US. n.'-')''tv-:i.,'-.TA':;,! "The- greatest danser of all is th peril of an arrested devekHmien t. Y hatever has life must grow, or it mnst decay,' : i y 'K; , ; iPreskleat ' Patton conferred mmn Secretary of State Hay the desree of Doctor: of Law. Mr. HaT. In reniv said: ".- .."-..-: - '.', ,f "1 accept the honor "with deen -tn- preclatlon, for I am allowed to In terpret It a a sign of your approval I of fhe manner 1n which, I .and my colleagues Jn the Government have, under the direction .of . the President conducted IhelforeUm relation of tlie conutry for the past two year.- 1 THE ANARCHIST PLOT. - - To Kill King vilumlx rt Waa ', American . Origin. Not of r New Yorkw Oct. ai.Snpreme Court Commissioner Trimble, of New Jersey having cnipletel his iuvcHtlgtttion, declare It to lx hi, convict Ion that no narcldst plot exiteI in Faterson or West Hot okeu for t lie assnssinailon of rbtt late King HundxT of Italy. lie liejlcve! that Bresti planned the mur der; after going abroaiL Under Ids Petal sen it ho CommUsiouer will sub mit to the New Jersey Supieiue CMirt T pases of typewritten testimony taken from twenty witnesses, a copy of which will be firwarhil to the Italian authorities by Governor Voor- : Edward McCalie. -." I'atersjn's man aser of the lo.tal Telegraph Cotniwtny, a train refns4l to surrender dispatches ui id to have leen recelretl by anarch ists from Italy. Commissioner Trim ble, na id the ItaMan Covemnieut would Ik able to get them whcteithey orig ln:Ued. 'I - '- , -. -" PREMATURE EXPLOSION. New York. Oct. HO.-i-Angt lo Gonzalo wa itijurvd 1u a remarkable way by a prtmatnre explosion at Beilford Park a few da jm ago. .When oierated PlMni at! the Harlem Hospital. Dr. Mul- ler, the house surgeon, found in the orbit of the left eye, which was re moved.! sixteen small stone, one of wh lib was n onarter rf n 4ncli loner. lhe left check I tone wa also removed and M'Veral piin-e of stones from the man's fact ami ticck. One piece was half ati inch 'wide.. One piece narrow ly missed cutting tin juguhtr vein. Gonznlo's condition is sTlon. . - - - -- - - - --r - 1 On the imh of Decemtier, 1S97. Rer. S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church, -South, Pt. I'leasant. W. Va.. cou- ra-ttHl a severe cold which was at- MMighing. He says: "After rcsofting io a numlH'r of so-called 'sjM-ilics,' usually kept in the house, to no puf Tiose, I ptirchase,l a bottle of Cham-Iv-rlain's Cough .Bcimly. which act ed like a charm. I' niost- cheerfully recommend it to the public. For ak by F. G. Haas, draggist, Salem, Oregon! RAINY DAYS. Do you not' think one of tlie nice stiitar. , mandolin or banjos would le a ni thins to have 1n the coming rainy days? teo. C. Will has a ver ulc and large ass-.n-tim-nt of thetu. ' A FOURFOLD CELEBRATION. Colonel Girard of Ncnfehntcl. .Switz erland.. 'on one ami the same day -ele-brated hi eightieth birthday, his gul den wedding, the silver - wHlding of his daughter, and the marriase of ;i standdaughteiv ' ' LINOLEUM PATTERNS INLAID. Up to a -short, time ago the pa ferns on .linoleum were printed. By. means of a no wniachihe the various" colors are inlaid, so that the patterns -anuot wear off. j ' :: 1 i FASHIONS FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE. Pretty and serviceable shirt waist for the girl at school are made of cashmere-, either in plain color or of bright colors. ..with polka dots of dif-fei-ent ' kIzc in white or black. The resular shirt waist sleeve. vith cuff, is best for these, mouses. Little linen furu-ovcrs are not only pretty and becoming, but they save the neck riblKHis. , . Cluirming fabrics In shades of red are shown for children's dresses. Dainty co-its for small gfrls are of cadttblue broadcloth, trimmed with black braid and brass buttons, nud lin.d with scarlet silk. The 'wee folks arc to wear erin'n' agaUi this winter: it Is essentially a twiby's "ftir. Paune velvet Is a conspicuous- fea tire In the const ruction of smart hat.' for the little people. t.irls s-1kmiI ssi'.ts :aie made' of swei'd. v-itli little reefer coal a:ul plain skirt.Tlie coat have fly. front: and are bordered i 1 1 -around wLrh fhree rows of soutache braid and fin ish.il with macliiue. stitehinz. tioir. jackets, even for little fofs. are ninch in vosue. tine, in white cloMi Wi.Mi a ollar and cuff of red silk, is very picturesque 'for a dark-'yed Iltt I- maid. Others., in red cloth, have doub le cap of red velvet. "''. irctiy uanctng thick for youns girls arc, made of a soft white silk net,, with a very open mesh. The skirts are plaited and finished around the hem with three tucks, sewn with filoselle silk. A nash of soft, whit, saf'u riblion. drats;! wide nround tlie waist, and a narrow Itcrtha of tinv white roses ami nink buds comuVt.. simple, nut charming sown, which 1 made over sal in or white faffera Silk.- '-.-..;.: Velvet ribbon In row Is still a styl h and effective triuimlng. especiaily for; waists.: '':.-- -.- '.The skirts of chihlreu's frock are not much trimmiHl this fall. "hmlicity Is a leading characteris tic of the Russian mode, ami , rliey an' in consi'queiKV partlcirltirlr n darn ed for juvenile use. I'Liid will Ik lunch, worn bv -i.il- drcn. , - - A TIIACIvERAY STORY. When Tlaickerav went down to Reading once to lecture at its literarv institute, he wa receleve! dy tlie h' retary and one of the tHjmmittee in the. ante-room. , Thackeray's manner wa inclined to Mm bn mrl.tr- but lcngttU, tt chins ight of a fiortrait on the walL' he reniarkecL "Ha! von have there a irtralt of my old friend. utistavns Adoliihus!' At tin nwment the c-aretaker. "wa crossing tue room with wine and biscuits.- but. hearing Tliackeray's remark, he siotmed sud denly, and said. in a. tone of superior know ledge.' "No, sir! yon are mistaken. That I the King of Sweelen." At thl a thaw set in. and Thacker- ajr related with a smile, bow. the mo ment he emerged -from . the railway station, he had roWl a. hackney coacli man to drive him to the nearest ho tel. The driver closed the door cere- monlously. mountid his box. and they started. In half, a tnliiute the Cai) was at a standstill, and Th.-iekeroy-saw, the i-almiau at tlediMr, 'towing to him to come out. He did so with out a vord. aud found that he, wa at .the lortico of the station hoteL which Iik had falltni to see ' was nht a dozn yanl jlist-int. But he handed the man a shilling, ami was entering the ihofel tuthcr pleastM with his own sang froid. wlieu he was amazed to Sie tlie cabman taking on his coat and olTering to "light Iimh for tn. other sixMme, It ajuvearcI 'that on that -day a resolution of the-Reading town .council bail 00:10- into o,t-atlou, eiirtMtw-crins -.hackney ciKicbiucn to charge IS Muin for ..;ajy -' distance within the townshiji. Ahi was tt first fruits! The cabman got 'it molt y aud Thackeray al g.xsl story to tell. Lmidon Houseliohl YonI. POWER DISTRIBUTION AND FA TUOUS LEtJISLATlO.V. T1m firoietity of any country is so closely iMiuud up with the poxsession of cluap power that the country wdj win in the r.-u-i that first griitiiilcs with the ptiilileiii of power )iroviiou in .-oir:c communal form. A slai.ee at the isiwer conMiuier today shows' the wnter-upply station busy inuuping all day with a small night load, the tlecirlcdjght station busy at night ' iiiruaii throwing away milions of horse jtow er all the year, tramways absorbing" iswcr twenty hours a day from coal burned in lx.iler furua(s. Were it possibh' to siqiply only the foregoing from a common fund the economy uf fuel would Is euormou. The ex 1 ,Ii in.- iSjsiem - nt i iier sencrarton ami . u. i the sysieiu of anarchy,- wasteful.-i'iisi-h-ntitic and um-ommci-clal - It im I'itheiio Im'cii almost or. wholly iiiip-r-atlve been use of inan's ignorance. But the adveut of eh-trieal . transmission j leudi-rs possible sueh aii economy.- a pointed oh i above and a parliament ary committee say no. This economy will interfere with tlie desire of a few mhnk'ipalitics to supply power theni Hves by means of cojil carrliil from a distance and ' burned under little knots of S4attered 1 toiler af extrava gant rate ami turmil into powt-r by wasteful little engines. It cannot lv other than a subject for regret that such narrow and parochial legislation should obscure the prospin-t of fiitnr, H.V. vt. ji. lUN.tii. in Ilie Knglneer iug Magazine for Octoln-r. THE FOOLISH BOY. Under tlie .spreading apple trie .The lniy -with freckles stands; A hungry little lad is he a Wit h scratches ou his hand. ' Alipve him i san apple that His apiwtite demands.. I and" The apple's young and small gr.H-n. . A deadjy thing to take. ' . Tlie asile Ixiy climbs up the tree And gives the limb a shake. The howling that you hear Is from ; A child with stomach ache. Man is.hnt'of few days, a no flill Of trouble. here below; He starts wJih colic and he keep On adding to his woe Grn'M ppfe,' and.AVelsh rabbits and That ,ort of things, yon know. Chicago Times Herald. "A MATTER OF COURSE. II1 Well, tlicre's one thins-you never hear, of u man wishing he wa a woman. ; . , She Of course, not. It might Is his fate to niarry some horrid man. Boston Transcript. m m allay u as a n Xr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure ItlinC. UleeiUnr and Itclnnr Pile. It absorlir the tumors. too tlcbiuir at out -. act us a noultice. cives instant re- iet Dr. W illiams'lndian Pile Oint ment innrcnared far Pitas and Iich- Intf of tho private pstrts. Every box in warranted, liy anurifistf . tiy mail on re ceipt ot prir, M Cfnti anl f I.OO. WILLIIMS MANUFACTURIRq CO.. Propa.. Cleveland, iW For saic by all drnggists. sir DR. JORDAN'S orcati I'usEun OFofliisTony IS.1 IlttET ST., SII rilSCISCO, ML ' Thm Ljkrft II iilti liril Mimmmi tn Ke . bpccMUica l(Mf Cmmk. hi- fer. CH. 401TCA9-D!SASCS OF MfNl rear; Wrat'r br latltr. A U In cave A m.Wfera. Write tnt RBk. (ail.4CN V Vataaunc, 'mmliiui'uil tK t tofnal CaHwcviA bh. 10R3H A CO 10B1 UaAet St.. F Market Reports The local market quotations yeiter d7 fere as follows: Wheat Tin cent at the Salem Flour ing IVI ills Co.s office. Oat 31 cent (buying.) Hay Cheat, buyins. S7 to S7.T.0; clover, 5 to $, timothj-, $9 to $10.. ITour 75 and 80 cents DeFtfack: $2.80 to $3 per bbL ... ' Mill feed Bran. 10 to S0. short Bntter 20 cent (buying.) Eggs 25 Hiita. , : PcHiltry-CliIckcn fsj per lb. ntarkit dull. . , ' - -, - ' Pork Fat, 4 -fo 4't, gross; 0 net. ! I4Hf--Steer,, 34: -cows. 3c: good heifer, 3V4e- . -. . Mntton Sheep, 3c on foot; ahear ed 24 to 3c" ' . . Veal and 7c dressed. ! ' . ' Pcrttifoes 25c,. buying. ' Nool 14 to 15 cents ,market weak. ; Mohair- 25 cents. V 4 i - , WHIRS, ROBES i Calilornla Oalc-tanned Leather ; tJed. ., Harness Oil. etc S .. ,.: r? tn tn a ctio .' 2s State Street. - Salem, Ottgoa f I vewsmeinwiiauIIACIi-t M -rrau n-rt hr a e U mm mmmm fur ll.rf.r. 7 oUical t ! r l-llm.