Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 23, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL. 49. NO. SG.
Grand Lodge, A. 0.U:
in the Montour
The Claimant's Father Died While Suspended as a Member of the Order, and
the Effort to Secure Payment
Adverse Decision
A ease of considerable importance
o ml v Sde-spn'ad Interest in this state
was decided by the Supreme Court yes
terday at noon. It was that of Lillie
Myrtle Montour, a minor, against tbe
tlrand Lodge jof Oregon, A. O. U. W..
on appeal front the -circuit court of
Multnomah eonuty. Judge M. C. George
presiding. The plaintiff Is the heir of
Dan Monlouty who was a member of
Fig lion lodge, at. Oswego, and who
dlel a t a. time when Hie lodge and he
LIuisHf, evhlently thought he was
iHTiuaiH'utly iusiieudod from the order.
After his datb, she nought to hare the
Grand Lodge iay the . amount of his
iK-wliHary certificate, which was re-1
fused, lienee this suit, whlcfh was tried
to a jury in June lMW aiul a Yerdict
obtained against the order, from whicli
the apiMiil wa taken to the Supreme
-Court and there argued on Oetober
1th. , . -. i: -5 !
It augurs that Montour became de
fllliHfMvut in the assessments for May
am! June 1M!H. and his lodge paid these
usscssuicnts :for him, but when tin
July assessment also liecanw delin
quent, lite bulge usiended trim oil the
2'tk day of Jnly. The laws or the A.
O. U. W provide, that a uiemlier may
re instate himself at any time, within
thro month from tbe date of sus,en
liii by the payment of delinquent ass
essment and iiecding assessments, but
after thre I moiit.1i tliere must lie a
ttctr medical examination md" n voo
of the bw1g to reinstate. Therewa
it payment made for er by Montour
nftcr his susi-nsioii until Novemtier
15th. wli'tt a sum to cover delinquen
cies was paid, l rhe linanHer. No ac
tion was taken by the hslge until Jan
uary, l.s&t, when Montour's medical ex
amination jwas presented." together
with more money 10 cover k'Hiiquoiicy.
Imttlie lodge by rote refused to re-Instate
trim. I Mnitour took no a pj teal to
the Grand Lodge or any oilier step, and
(wlil no further attetitlou to the matter,
but died, tin following' year in that con
dition, t '
j"he pr!n-lpal claim relied upon by
1hj claimant was that 1n the spring of
IN'I tuifficieut money liad liecu paid to
.ihe financier for Montour to pay one
more assessment than he was -credited
with, which, with the two assessments
paid by tlw hfdge, would liave covered
the July assessment, Iieuce he- was hot
'legally suspend d mi til August 2JSth.
and eoheinioiitly the payment iu Nov
rnd.Tr was', clearly -within, the three
''month, and of Itself establislied a re
instatement, u rliis contention,', tbe
claimant was aided by the man who
was then financier.
The attorneys for the f Stand Lodge
veil d iti-a the law and lite facts to
reverse the Judgui tit. Reliance was
Idaced tqiuii the universal decision of
the courts so far that the meuilvrs of
an order must xhaust all the tribunal
of the order Is-fore the, civil courts will
Interfere. The claim was made that
tle verldet was wliolly unsu'fported by
facts and was Voutrary to the instruc
tions of the courts
The court hi passing on the cflo re
cites at length the laws of the Oraad
Ijistge A. O. 1. W.. regulating tlie eol
Hcltoii of asMssiiKnt. and gives In sut
ctanci the evlib-nce In the ease, regard
ing tlie piiyinent of Montour's assess
ing ints, and the manner of his snspen
tdon. tget!MT with tut reasons tlwrc
for th KtitMiutey of Ms assessments
td dues. J It was cMitendel ty defen
flant that Montour was susiended July
JX, lfOI, try reason of his failure to pay
an assessment WhiHi tsyame due at
that im?? that be iKd not pay the ue
lln.pH'iit ,ind accrue! ass'ssnients tip
til mora finui thrvc immtlis had 'Iaps
from s his snspviisiou; that liaring
made application for re-Instalemeait
within six immtbs from August
lt. the Ttslge of which lit lid lsen
a member, by a majority rbt;. ri'fus
ed its ttntsent" thereto, fnnuwjlileh ac
tion tok no appeal, 'tint acquiesced
therein; aud hent-e tlie trial court err
ed In refusiug to charge tlw' jnry to
tind Tor the- ik-fendant as reuestHl.
The piahttitT urgel that the subordb
rate bslge m rejecting the suspended
umticr. ncteI ; without jr.nsiicuon,
and that Montour having, otTert.l tlw;
assesstiM'uts ami dues 4missel by tlw
graml Knlge. which wer refusedV he
was af nemter. aud Itence m error
bid been n!itmittedd Tlie apisllate
fnrt holds-in 1 ho premises, that the
trial court erted In failing to give tlie
Instruction requesteil by tlie defense.
Tlie appellate curt holds that there
1 another feature of fhe ease wliieh
is ' enclitstvei ' Tlte court wiys: '- T1m
Ils1ge financiers beneticlary reort
Khowed that Montour was siispendisl
for nou-payn-ent of an assessment on
August 1. "iWM,: after wlvich he tnale
no payment of he dxiuqaent asscss
trent cr.Kl NovemU-r 19th fcf
that vear. arwl havlnz . allowcl
more than three months to ci.ipse af
ter be was suspended, Ife con tl not
le rtnstatcil on bis own 'motion, but
was required to pass the neccssa ry
reelieal r exaMOiktin. After iissing
fmh examination and being reeo?B
litctnlel 'for re-Instatemeiit, the iiiem
licrs of Tig Iron Islg. by a majority
rote, refused their, consent thereto,
W., Secures a Reversal
Insurance Case, i
of the TJlalm Is Futile' '
of the Court.
from which action be never awcalcd;
and his wife, who testified that she
generally paid his assessment, and
had authority for doing so, accepted
for him a return of the greater part
of the money which he paid Novem
ber lit, l4.Und January? 17, 103.
thereby acquiescing in the decision of
the sulKM-diuate lodge.? Tlie xwirt
Isolds that a member , of a benelic-ial
assocmtion must exhaust the reme
dies given him by the rules, of the
rtM'ictyi lxfore applying to the courts
for relief. Tlx conrt says:
The evidence shows that about
XovemIer IO, 181t tie Insisted that
Iw was a memb?r of the order iu good
standing. I'.ut Jnasmudh as he there
after : signed an application for rein
statement, he thereby 'admitted that
a controversy existed resecttug Ids
tiositlon in tlie onlr, ahr liavlng sub
mitted this qtMstion to the members
of the lodge :for their determination.
ami -not having apitcated from their
decision rsis'cting a matter of which
the lodge had jurisdiction, he Is liound
tlK-nby." , t -.' , 1-
Tlw.ctMirt holds that "it follows,
that Ihe jtlgtm-nt is reversiHl, and
the cause remanded for. sul further
proe"t!iiig as may In necessary, not
inconsistent with this opinion.
Ot her ca es dtK-ided by tlx? Huireme
Court, were: ? ;
J. H. I'ark?r. apis-llanf. -s. Nicholas
Furlong and James Farrie, restMHid
ent; apiMNiI' from Iouglas ounty,
Hon. II. K.f Itaniia, Jtnlge;; atfinned.
Oolnion by 'Chief Jn-lh-e U.; H. IVau.
Asher Marks, adiiriidstrator. resisju
dent. vs. V. II. t'oats, administrator
of tin stale of Thomas f Coats, de
ceased. apsllant; aiic:il from lHug
las itMinty; Hon. II. Iv. IIaun:l. judg"
atHrn-'il. Opinion by Chk'f Justice It.
S. lUau. .-.;'.;" - ' I. .'!::-
H. V". 3Iiser, resismdeut, vs. P. II.
o SlM-a, 15. 1. Hyi-r,f II. Dy r, and
Koltert liowetl, - apisellants; appeal
from Ihmglas iwiutj; lion. II. K.
Ilruina. judge? aftirmrtl. Opinion by
Associate Justice 1 A. Moore. :
- Tlie cas4! of 11m United , States ' Na
tional Hank, rcsjxmdcnt. vs. 1 Ferd
Fhss. aiM'llant. n atieai from Mnlti
onmnh iunty, Hon. Arthur L. Frazer,
Jmlge, was "argml and submitted, by
It. t Wright for tb apisdhint, and
It. Montague for the resisndent,
Otlier minor order were male as
follows: j ; :
. lsniii Whit;. aijsllant .vs. Wm. M.
Iadd. administrator, i respondent; or
i1ith1 ii 'stipulation that resondent
have until November 15th t wrve and
tile his reply brief.
Hiram Stone, appellant, vs. Win.
M. Ladd. rsiondetit; ordered npon
sttpnlation ttiat respondent havV until
NovemlHT 15th. to lile btlef.
.f. M:. litrtsT. ivspoiMk'iit, T. C. W.
Miller. apiellant: argihl .and submit
tetl on morion for extension of time
to file- transscript; resiiowlent objects
It;- letter. 1 . ; ' ' :-
Nancy H. Telle, et tA.. respondents,
vs. Ch-is. A. Brown. et nL, appellants;
ordered tlut jetiitlon for rehearing bo
overruled. 5
S. I. Itaer. et al. appellants, vs. Ada
J. Baniugall, et ftl.. ressiHlents; i)Oti
tlon for rehearing denied. ;
tnirouie Nasal Catarrh poisons ev
ery breath that is drawn Into tbe
lungs. There Is proevurabk from any
druggLt the renuilyfcr the en re of
this Irouble. A small quantity of
Ely's Creanr Palm phu-I ihto tlie nos
trils spreads over an inflamed and
angry surface, relieving hnnwiliately
the palnfnl ! Jnflamiiiation.- cleanses,
heal a ml enres. A cold in the ?iesid
vanishes immediately. Hoftl ly drug
gists or wUl Is mailed for 50 cents by
Kly Brotlwrs, 5( Wam-n Street, New
York. . 1
Either Mrs. Koosevcjt or .Mrs. Ttryan
ti L'e l'nsHlent of th iMuxh
ters of the Revolution.
- New 'irorR, Oer. i-Whicheve'
way tlie I nsident la 1 ckct ion goes
may decsh ; who , Is to le he n-x
president general of the Daugtiters of
the American; ItevdnJion, says a spe
cial front' Washington to the Hera! 1.
It 3ias lKeii deeldiil hf many of the
hailing members to tsk'eitler Mrs,
lloosevel t or - M rs. . Bry " flI1
jKvit.:on. Neither is at present n
iuendMr'or tlie organization, but Isstlj
are eligibb'. ami one of the boanl of
in ana gent has just made tlie- states
inent that within .tbe. last week p-M
pers have 1h- ' uwde out. for tlw adi
minion of K)th to tin; r.inks of th
daughter, j, ' ' 4 J
If McKlniey and Jbwsevelt art
etectsl. then the eboUf will fait npoit
Mrs. Koosevelt. and if Ihe Innnocnits
win, the Ismor will le fctmfenpd nisu
3Irs. F-ryau, Ti; ciH-tiou ill n I
take plac until liext Febmary. If
kitlier Mrs. lUxWfti or airs. rrju
shonhl fail of ek-.-ti..a men irs. .
aid Mel-an. of New .'Yortc eonres Iu
for third cltok-e. , -,
battle, Wash.; Oct'. Z2-X
to the Times, from Vancouver, B.: C,
ays: v - )-
The steamship City, of Seattle ar
rived this morning from : Kkagway.
with 278 'iiassengers anL a case of
smallpox. ' She is now anchored In
in Id-strea m, . flying the - yellow nag.
The passengers auu crew will . prob-
ably lie - quarantined at : -.William
Head, B. C, for at last two weeks.
All but thirty-five passengers aVe des
tined for Seattle. When the doetor
arrived on board the smallpox patient
was walking about deck, the disease
ha ving broken out all over bis face.
One .'Million Dollars Arrived in San
Francisco Yesterday.
San Francisco, Oct. 22. The bark
eirtiue Morning .Star arrlveil toilay,
twenty-two days from St. .;-Michael.-IKsides
eighty-five y passengers, tlie
ship carried a rouml ?l,(OM.mN wortii
of gold dust from the mines of Dawson.-
' ' -' -
During the winier of 18f7 Mr. James
Iteed, one of the leading citizens and
merchants of Clay, Clay Co'., W. Va..
struck-his leg against a cuke of ice In
such a mauuer as to bruise It severely.
It became very much swollen aud
pained him so badly that he could not
walk without the aid of crutches. He
was treated by physicians, ab used
several kinds of liniment and two and
a half gallons, of whisky in iiathing; It,
but nothing gave any relief until he
began using Chamlerlaiu'js Fain Balm.
This brought almost a -eoinplete eur?
in a week's time and he believes that
had he not used this remedy his leg
would have had to be amputated.
I'aiu Balm Is nuequalcd for spra.ins.
bruises and rheumatism. For ale lv
F.- C. Haas, druggist. State street,
Salem, Oregon.
vrtTBE&a fob tiik state.
Thrr. rrmnlacal Attorneys oa
Cbrg-ed With SatroUon of
Dennis Whltmore. who Is serving a
term. In the penitentiary from Wal
bwa TOiinty, was'jesterdav uio'ulog
taken baek to Enlerprle, wherej iu
w 111 gi re "test I mony ia a
case tmw
Y .4'
pending.' . .--' -... -.',',.,
The young man was
ei2iged with iHr jury, and
iLnvd 011
trial at tlte last term of court
Iowa county. When the v.
iu Wal
Iw.ts calk d. he plead guilty to the crime,
made a clean liioawi of the wliolf af
fair, ami stated to the court tkiii iu?
had lfcon hinnl Ui swear falst?ly by
D. W. Sheeliau, Walter ti. Hayes and
J. V. LutterlL. throe prominent atsor--
tKys of Wallowa county, they fiarim
given him $KS in cash and a horse
a ml saddl. 7u Tfftyment for hH wo'r
.' V w
: T '.t . " .HI-. '
Street travel b revolutionized by
at once a wheel and an engine. I ne motive power is auaencu. 10 uic wncci
itself; which can be attached in a few minutes to any vehicle, thus enabling
the conimoriest wagon to become an
Jndffe' Eakin
promptly onleretl
rrrest 'of ; t he t liree t tomeys. m 11 of
whom were in t he court room. a ivl
they were t onv Uk;u Into custody
by the shcr-iff.':. ; - r "'V -"-,;,
At the present term of the court
the men were" indicted and their htr
in-g Is Mt for tlaywhen tle testi
mony of the young prisoner will le
given for the rat?. Th ca prom
ise to be tte of tlie litwt desierate!y
contested - legal battles in Oregon,
Jntge Bennett, of The IVtlles, havle
iM-cn retained by the tbre? attorneys
to d'fend them. '''.;
..'...... 1 t " :
Koosevelt's Campaign in His Own State
Bryau Shouters Interrupt Him.
Vast Assemblages Greet the Speaker at the Cities Along tbe Use of His
Travels A Scathing Rebuke to One of tbe Disbarbers of tbe
Republican Meetings. i
KINC.STOX. N. Y., Oct. 22.-4 lov-
eruor Thco.Iore itoosevelt liuished the
lirt div of his flvin-' ciiuoiI.mi
nrst uy or iu iiym iampjn
through, the state In Kingston, to-
night, after traveling 9 miles and
in.lkin? eight speeehes. At Newburg.
the home of 'the Republican candi
date for Governor, he talked to a
vast assemblage, having to siieak in
two places. The sinx-'tators
ruptyd the t--peaker with q'.iestlous, in
every ; iaslauiv rejeiving a reply. A
West Nyack a man close to the car
cried 'and, reiterated "Hurrah for
lirjtui." anil Koosevelt replied:
Why don't you horrah for Aitgcld
and " Aguinal loV "
The Ooyea-nor was interrupted a
numiicr'cif tittKs by shouts of "What
is tlie matter with Bryan?" "Down
with tho trusts."
.Sovri'B:r Ufssvelt remarkeil:
"That gentleman has the symptoms
of a llrj-anite." Then turning to the
man lu said:
"You- ksk like , one of those nnn
who wefk exclusively with their
mouths, j What do you mean to do
Willi thej Moii bale -trust of Ir.
.101104. or 'it In hx trust 'of .Mr.' CrokerT?
'Cries of; "What's tlie matter with
I'.ryanr JleV all rlirht") That Is an
argument; of wind. You are afraid to
hear thef truth: You interrupt tills
meeting' irecn use " yon art a hoodlum.
You nureseut 4hose iieople who not
only oijivt to prosperity, but who do
in ft get any of it because you won't
work. .Now, go back' to your fellow-'
hoiits and lean after this tmore yell
ing, audi tlie U'Mit evidently turned to
dcKit-ti, that yiM vtaud tfg:dust the
lig. I am glad you sire gIng away.
1 think you Iiae learned enough
fcerrnffer not to " mvtikvy with ti
buzz-sa w.
Ne w York. Oct; 22. Wit h the Inten
tion of travel'iag 21 H. miles, almost
all, of it within Ihe contitws of New
York state and outside of" the "Great
er Citj'Y liouudarfes. and with the
purpose -"of deli vering IKi' iswhes,
latMfin'g fioin seven minutes to two
lioins in duration. Governor. Theodore
Rxsevelt left Wcchawken by special
train on the West Shore this morn
ing r-t 11 o'clock: . . .
The day's close will find him at
WjO - lrt
the marvelous new unicycle. which Ls
Kingston. Tomorrow f cihids to
the atiex of the aisk'lls. descetMlmg
on the other side of vlie range Info the
Susquehanna- Va Hey. From there be
tons up and. touches at'isdnt along
tbe Mohawk: then away out to Water-
town ami back to Auburn in Central
Nw York. Krrfkias Svracnse on
ThnrsIay night, be wnf down the
Mohawk & Hwlson Valk'y, reaching
New York City in Friday night, pre
pared to talk to many rntings. Sat
urday following be will rusk along
the Erie road, reaching Bingkamton
that night, and remaining over San-
, 1 .. . '": .- .-
'day, The following week will find
at every place of Inuortance In
vt,m New York and Uick in New
ywk c,ly tm samnUy, November 3J.
Monday, NovemU'r 5th. the day le-
, fore election, will find him making a
' tour of . Ix)ng Island and finishing his
tlj'ing canvass of, the state.
Oovernor1 Itosevlt arrived at 1ho
West Shore deiiot at . 10i o" lock. ac-
(ompaiiied by his scretary, William
hJ- Youngs; Walter Emorsoii. of Maine;
Joba Hodges, James .It. Shemebl, J.
S. Whipple,'' Arthur von Yrieson aud
ex-Senator John Ixtughliu. As Gov
ernor' Roosevelt stepied on his car
tliere Weiv cries of "S!eeeh." The
Governor uncovereil and said:
;My throat Is not In good condition
for me to say much, ,but-I will say a
few words. Wo are going to, knock
Hmto out on. the otli."
As the trafu pulhil out of the yarI,
the tJovernor was clieered by the dis
wrsiug crowd.'
Chicago, Oct. .22. Chairman Jones,
of the Democratic' National , Commit
tee. n id tislay:
"I do not Is'lleve' there is auv. donbt
that Mr. Bryan will carry New York.
I le!i.ve our chances for carrying
Ohio are letter than the Republicans.
I regard Illinois as an exceedingly
do'ibtfid state. j .
"Telegrams from tlie chairmen of
the Hemociatle State Commit tee slab
we are g lng to carry California. Ad
vices -from that state a while ago
were some what doubtful as to the
result.1 Mayor Fhelan. of San, Fran--isco,
says 4hei Is no doubt atsmt
the stato. One of tlie causes of this
cltange of' sentiment tin Call font fa is
the decissu of Judge Hstes on Ih'
Cldrtese exclusion act.'' in ". which lue
vl that a. Chhiauiau at any port in
the.-United Stat could go ti any 'oth
f r' port... and. therefore, a Chiuamau
in Hawaii, couhl visit any city 11 any
Part of the I'nifed States, thus pi-ac-tleally
throwing the ihsir ojhmi to'the
Tree enlry"of cnilnamen In this coun
try. I have no doubt , of the elcctjqn
of Mr. Bryan."
Chicago. tct, 22. A crowd of 3,trf0
colored rolnnteer listened to an ad
dress, tonight, by Snator llanna, at
the first regiment armory.
H in ton. W. Va., Oct. 22. The i lino
of the ClKHjiMake Kalirond. travers
ing the picturesque valleys of the Bin
Ivanawha and New rivers, was the
seene'of Mr Bryan's mtnpnJgti 'today.
Stieeches were made at ; Hunlinzfort,
Hurricane. ft. AllMin.4, Charleston.
Itrownstrn. East .Hank. Montgomery.
Swell. Thurmond and Hinfon. The
size of Ihe audiences varied, . but a'l
of thm were large Jn proportion to
the population of the towns, and of
the surrounding country. The one
notable feature of , th day. was IJry
an's repeated reference to. the race
question. Ills line of travel today
was further South than he had gone
before, and further than lie will go
again, and there was quite a number
of: colored peopfc sea t tered through
the wood at all stojiplng : place.
Bryan evidently noted their presence.
ami took K-easion to address tortioiis
of bis. admirers, especially apiwaling
to them to do Justice by the Filipino
as ttiey would nave justice ione nr
thernse lvrs. , Bryan
will Apeak , u
Maryland tomorrow.
Grand Rapids. Mich., 0t; 22. Ad
la I E. Stevenson addressed an oien
air tnei'ting here -today. A notable
feature of his handling of iiripcri.-illstii
was the emphasis which he placed
upon the Boer question. Owing to
the great uumlier of I Uaud-American'
voters In fthf ct,ioti of tin slate,
thla subject Is forced to the frutit by
all Democratic orators who visit Clio
fifth conjjresxional district.
Brave Men Fall
Victinss to stomach, liver and kid
ney trouble as well a women, and all
eel the results in loss of appetite, pois
ons in the Wood, backache,' nervous
ness, headache nd tired, listless, run
down feeling. But there's no need to
iccl like that. Listen to J. W. Gard
ner, , Idavii'e, lndt He ay: "Elec
tric Bitters arc just rhe thing for a man
when he is all ran down, and don't care
whether he lives or dies. It did more
to give me new strength and good ap
petite than anything 1 could take. I
fan now eat anything and have a new
leae on life." Only 50 cents, at Dr.
STONES drug stores. Every bottle
guaranteed. - .. s -
Lietitenant Ilobson Tells of Hi Old
(kmitmiHlpr'ii Failing. and tbe
- Cecse of His Grk'f. -- ,
ATLANTA. t;a Oct 22. Lieut.
Rlchaoml I. Hi-lrson is qmded as say
ing, that Admiral Sampson is dying
of a"lroken lieart, owing to. the Sanq-son-Sohley
controversy, which' follow
etl tin? naval engagement at Santiago.
Lieutenant HoImiu visitetl Admiral
Sampson at Itostou a I few days ago.
."Mrs Satiqison told , mo that this
grat man was lnod3ug. and was
breaking his heart at tlie thought that
his fellow countrymctif . were so un
kind." " Ilobson. in his speech at a puldie re
ceptkm - lmir today, said. Ad nil nil
Samison liad not neelvel simple jus
tice at the hands of the American peo
ple. . .' . " ;
Georgia Showers, j
Th (ieorgki shower is a iecuHar
one, aiHl so me timet a single day has
a score of them. It Is on you before,
von know It. ; For a few moments 11h
lightning flashes, the thunder rolls
ami the rain falls. nnr It Is apt . to
cease as sthhhnly. Out .comes rhe suit
again as smiling and sereue as thouglt
no great, damage had Ix-'ii dtue to
the rops. Then is something else
that eon ief on one unawares; and that
is dysjiepshi. Marty people have suf
fered years. from this complaint, le
tati4 they have allowed, Indigestion.,
constipation and biliousness to Iktuhh
1imn1c. llostetter's Stomach Hitters
slitmld Ik taken at tlie lirst sign of In
digestion. It will strengthen your
stomach and jirwliuv sound sleep,
ami good health must naturally fol
low. .- - :'
I 'lea sea the Administration at Wash-
iugton Very .Much Accord
ing -to tSecrtary Hay.
WASHINGTON, ct. 22.-It was
aitthorilively stated tonight", that the
United States Government views with
distinct favor I In principles of the
Anglo-German agreement, relating 10
China, and that i formal rcxiMue
to lhat effei-t will 1h made at an
carlj- ilay, o the invitation extended
this Govcruinciit to accept 'the princi
ples of the 'agm'inent. The Gwi.Viti
charge !' flairs, fount le tjundt,
had a confereiH-e with Si-rctary liny
this afteriUHm, pn'wntliig otttMally
the tevt of the .Anglo -German agree
ment. Including the invitation to tin
United States to accept the prltil-
ple4 .''.therein recorded. Mr. Hay ex
pressed his satisfaction at what had
been done, saying lie hit It to be in
complete harmony witli the policy
this ' tloverniuent had pursued, both
sat' to ihe inaiiiteuaiK'e or an timuo
strttctiil eomuienv In China.' 'Ami Hi'
territorial entity of the -.Empire, and
adding: that a formal reply would Im
given in a day or two.
In order togive all' proprietors
aud employes an opportunity to at
tend the I "liotogra pliers' Convention
at Portland, on Oct. 2.", 20, 27, it has
leeu ninlually agnail to close all
Salem galleries on the alsive tm-ii-tionetl
dates, to oom again for liusl
ness on Monday, flet. 2:th. Tho
public Is reieet fully reiiested to
iHtir this 4 11 mind and act acconlhig-
ly- i '
Salem, Or., Oct. 9, V.m.
Discovered Within a Short . Ditaiiee:
- of Sjiokaite.
tIKkne. Wash.. Oct. 22,Nfttiiral
gas has Iwhmi dlscovcrd nJoM(r Pine
t;reek. ''' mUes HnilhveoT tfliis city.
th outllow being traced , fir eight
miles along that stream. R. T. Deb-
oey and asss-lates have secunil it
twenty-five year lease on l."i,ni ncr;.M
of land along the creek, and will
sink a deep well to tett tlio Uou.
Convicted Horse Thief Itaptlzed in
Kansas Church.
WUliH. Kan.' Cut '22.Frank AI-
eool. sniteUc'l to threj sears In the
penitentiary for hH-s-sttiil!ng. was
bajitlreil by Immersion, yesterday, at
the Clirlstlau church here. Ills hands'
were hickhsl and be had to Isj ca-
ried to the baptistry.
New Ywk, fh-L- 22. A- dlstwiteh to
the Herahl from Buenos Ayros says:
TImi Argiiftine press : contlu's. to fti
demn the Chilean reply to Itolivla 4
well as Chill's attltmle toward tin
country. It Is urged that the United
States should not tolerate the. aggres
sive policy of Chile.. ,
Madrid. Oct. 22. i'lvil wrvico ex
anHnatioiis are lit progn-ss for the dip
lomatic and consular appointment.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs op; n
))ed a reglser for those proponLug to
compete ui the 15th tnstaut.
H36 T G 3T2. XL. .
lh ,?.(! tia Ravt Lays B::r
Wha tever a uy one doe or sa r s, I
mut !e gojd. AureMus Antonlus.
Working tN ig-nt and Day
The busiest and mit?htift' little tins?
that ever wa made ij Dr. Kirrg's New
Li Pflis. vcry pill is a sugar-roat-ed
irbVbtlle of health. iht r4ianor weak
ness into strength, listlessnes into en
ergy, brairi-fag into mental power.
They're wonderful in buiidinz no thp
health. f)nhr ier box. Sold t,v
l DR. STONE, druggist. .