' . . . . . . ' , 1 -, - ISSUED IN 8EMMTEEKLT SECTIONS, EACn TCESDAT ASD FRIOAT. VOL. 49.NO. 35. SALEM, OREGON, FlUDAtf, OCTOBER. 19, 1900. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGES Have You Ever Tried the A TERRIFIC ARRAIGNMENT shils on the Portland and San Fran else route. The steamer "State of California, owned by th? Pacific Coast Compary, will -W - whhdrawu from the line. The steamship "Co lembia and "Geo. W. Elder w411 fill the route on the present schedule. The duties of tJoodall. Perkins & Co., as jttTperintcndents - of the ocean di Tlfion. "will be assumed by Captain Geo. Conway, superintendent of the water, lines, with headquarters at Fowland.' - BUS TOUR EPS IQMQff BROWN'S MARK Goyernor Roosevelt's General Campaign to Be i' Judge of Superior Court la Washing ' ton Placed on Trial. Closed at Baltimore. I 7 39 IN 5 HANK SHOES They'll reduce your shoe bilts, if you'll wear them. There is no more reliable line manufactured in, the United States. Good reliable shoes at reasonable prices are what you'll find at the NEW YORK RACKET It's a spot cash house. You don't pay your; neighbor's debts when you trade with' them. We have anything yem want in shoes, clothing, hosiery, underwear, gloves, "ribbons, laces, lace-curtains, counterpanes, corsets, yarus, and ladies and gent's furnishing goods. Salems Cheapest One Price Cash Store , E. T. BARNES, - Proprietor Cor. Commercial and Chemeketa Streets .Wou'en's Best French Patent Leath er Hand-Turned Louis XV Heel, Lace Ssiioe. : : '' Women's Viol Kid. like cut, -Louis XV Heel; Hand Turned, I'irv Shos. Also" Main Leather Tois and Plain Cloth Tops. ! Tltefe hocs are worth We will sell tlieiii fot .'J..V). ; Vric. acid -in the !.iod i-Jiusc:-. rlieu uatini, st-iatiea. gout -d wuralgia. THE BEX RHEUMATIC RING-- Remove tlte- ii-aii.-ie. !.V wrwicn gnat-note- wltli each ring -to return your money hi IV davs if not ent.lrelv sjitisf a-tory. PltlCK f 2. A postal card will being our; Ut tie booklet tlat telii Hie story, .ddi-ess. , . ; S,ld by 4 ! : HEX 'ItllEVMATIO C4.. J. t . It Alt II, fricm. OiTgon. ; ; Hartford, Cotm. Farmers, ; Instire Your Grain and ilops - Hip i-ot Is Wmail . alwnit one-half i..nih i.- itr f.ir nil wrhoiMes in panics. KI UK t PISTON, Resident '.Agents, Successors to Geo. M. Beller t'o. 'JSS Commercial street. Salem, Oregon. ,f .- SPECiAL ATTENTION Outing Flannel 5c Yd. ..Mead We fully Intended to move into our itai 1 ... , .,.irt i.irire tmrchases ou that ccount. ' . t- our new . - , , ,'Id onler to disiH,se. of the goods we ha scheme ami marked the ui all with red tig Best Standard Calicoes . 5c'Yard." Allen's Prints Simp.-H)U's l'rinta ; American Indigocs C.arur's Priuts ' . , Ilainilton Mints . Ali rrimack Prints Dcst Amoskeag Apron Ginghams, 6c. Yd.. rt .CostlcvlM Spool Silk 100 yard spois !e. ;i for 25 cents Rest Large ( Spool Twist " 4 for ioc. Napped Back Vicagnas Good Oiia 1 i ty Medium tjunlity. . . . .... Heaviest made .. Se:yd. . . . IV yd 11c yd Heavy Cotton Clankets 58c Pair. : Rest qualifies lowest prices. of Cot ton Fallmg - at jfcrr- ioiiis XV Heels Reduced to $3.50 Pr. 94 STATE STREET t i . J St cent a tmsliel ou wheat for Six A'allev. Five Old and - . inn GIVEN TO MIL ORDERS AND .Our Price List ... new store The goods not readv'for occupm-y and will not Ie have adoirted ures at greatly Ladles9 Wraps We have tills year -thevery lest Jackets and I aes inai science uu htbor can produce lor me prK-e. 60 Oar Special Inc Unnwns Tat. . . Rlacks Spec Red. r.Inck. Vfi iil Faston Tan. " JjUfi Rlue, Rrown ', V line of dies and Jackets, par chased especially for this Sale They are strongest values in Oregon. LATEST STYLES IX IMIES a- tsUiTS.. :- Send in Your nail Orders DAMAGING EVIDENCE IS GIYEN Former Prosecuting Attorney nd an KxDepnty Sheriff Testified for the State A. Clear Case. r COLFAX, Wash., Oct. lS.-Attbe hearing today of Judge -WIIlIanr"Mc Donald, of the Superior Court, on the charge of subornation of per jury, ex Prosccnling Attorney Matthews- ami M. T. "Coffiuan, x-depaty Kheri If, tes tified, that Mi-Donah! tried to force; Win Keecii to eoncoct and -swear to the story .collecting '-"f 15". Xesslyi Me-?-Donald's political enemy, with some erjme and said he would try the case and . send Xessly to the penitentiary for twenty years. The hearing will last all the week Mat thews testified, the reason he did not cante McDonald's arrest while ho wan prosecuting attorney was that McDonald had .surrounded himself with such a corrupt gang that it was Impossible to get justice in the courts oC this county. ; WAS FOt'XD GUILTY. Portland, Or., Oct. IS. James I Warren, charged with the murder of William Kirk, mate of the American ship Clarence S. lteuient, was tonight found guilty of murder In the second degrte. Kirk was murdered on - board h's ship In the harbor her on January i:3d ast. - XOT GUILTY. Cliicago. (K't. IS. Captain Geo. Wei-, liugton Streeter and seven cvlfeiid ants, wlKse attempt, to hold tlie tilled la ml on -the lake, froirt liero hist sum mer,' retulhjs in the mobilization of the whokj-jiolhti force- of this city, were dedan-4 fMrfpuilty of eou!iiraey to commif iriufder. The cliarge. of "unlawful assemblage' tlll remains against them. .i ..I ' ' i . SIIFJ IS SCFFEItlXG. " "" i , JIlss Mast's KffAirts to Complete the 3000-Mile Hide. New York. Oct. -1.8. With her faeo nho wing phi mly the- terrUde strain she is undergoing. 5IargiK'rite Mast, the girl cyclist, who Is trying to es tablish a record for 'the IliMiO niiles on tlie Valley Stmtm. .1. I., course, win plcteil her 2475th mile at ll::w today. Khe had 1 hen been 11 days 22 hours and :JO minutes in the saddle. She had sprinkled red iejiKr lit her stockings so -that the imlIu might keep, her Awake. Save .for tln rest Hitwen HU-o las-tonight and 3.(5 a m. today. Miss Mast rtxle continually for fifteen hours. Ry SatunLty she hopes to com plete GOOO miles. : A CHANGE. The Steamship Line of the O. R. & X. . Company t in Operation. Portland, Oct. 1 8. The Oregon Ra il road & Xavigaiion Company today Is-se-d the following Circular; - The O. It. & X. Co. will, onand af ter Oc.toler 2lh, oierate afll steani- CORRESPONDENCE: Amoskeag Ging hams, 6c Yd. altont September have arrived and until January 1st the Sjnvial Price reduced prices, Men's Suits This seasons rrodnets In all wool busmess aud working suits, ertcep' tioual values , - - : $7,50 a Suit i Xavv IMue Sk-rges. R:lk. Claj Worst U Fancy CassimereSk -ricots, and Cheviots. Special Ofterlngs at $10 a Suit f s . . Hats Men's Itlaek Fetloras-.... Men's IMund Tops in Tans. Pearls and I'lat-ks.. ... .fl-TiM The Famous Gorden Hat fa.lW Sjecial "lines 5.e and vk Shirts Work Shirts..... ... . ...23c, 4Vr Ores Shirts..... 1 i...Hf. Vic A Sjiccial Lme of Fanclc!Vort 4 1 JlV j?ir5. IUW Spit :1a I 75C i Irjinjr preparations simply develop dry catarrh; they dry tip the secre tions which adhere to the membrane ami deconiMse. causing a far more se rious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrlu Avoid all drying inhal ants and use that which cleauses, soothes and heals.; Ely's Cream Halm is stich a remedy and will cure ca tarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. AH druggists sell it at Ur cents 'or it will lln inailel by Klv Frotlier!, 5i Warren St, .N. Y. THE MINERS' STRIKE. Xt JIOVB MMK Tt tlKDKK TilK XIKXTOWOHK. Xational ExecuUve CommIltte May Fe Call d Togetlwr First Fur- ; ther Complications. ; IJAZELTOX, Pa., Oct IS-As farT as ending the coa j mhiers' ' strike is coictrneil. not a move In that dlree t'on 'was lmide by the United Mine Workers otHeia Is today. President Mitchell is absolutely silent on all questions pertaining to -the termination of the contest, ami it is not believed that he will have anything to say on the subject until he calls a meeting of the Xational Executive Hoard, for the! pnrjiose of considering the question of issuing a'-formal declaration, calling tlie strike off.. When that shall ! depends. It is understood, entirely on t lie operators. , j . The feeling i irevaient here tonight that the decision of the oirators meeting at Scran ton today, to Insist that tlie rtHlm-ition in the price of rpowder uiimt be taken into considerai tion in determining ; the net 10 inr W-cnt increase in wages, has compli cated matters somewhat. A further delay in reaching an amicable adjust ment of the trouble is now feared. ; FKAXCE TO HELP. Will -StJr Uup Tioubk'iiii Africa . the English. for Xcw York, 0 t. IS. It-js stated on e'xccllent autlKrlrS-Jayfe W -ea-ldegrain to t he Times ftiMii IMris. hat ex-President Kruger will, afthr landing at Mj4-! iilrs. wtss ihrongh Paris, and that he will "lie received with ail tlie honors due to the bend cf a state. Tlie uu'uieijiaUt.v, of NKuwllles is making pii-piun'tJons for m grand reiiitiou for Kruger, aud tt w inrito certain. that he will Jk ,mthu.aslically received by tlte fMipula tion in general. The rccoiumeiHviU'.'iit of active lt- fense In i he Transvaal has reawaken- ed Euroieau interest In the U w-r cau. and tlM 1' rench governmeut. hi cimmou with other EnrojHNMi gov- emiiM-iits. Is not sorry b see tliis n a wakening of symptitliy. as Great RrMain's hands are all but completely tied, whije tlie Boers remain active. In China and In 1he settlement of any difTerences with Great . BrHftdn. . her rivals i-jin tlierefr take advantage. . It is quite likely for this r ason. t li.it Eorj4ie, and etstwclally France, will give a emblaii"i t encouragement to Mr..Kntger; tind will hold out a vague hoe of Intervention. ' A welMnforiii- td nollhin has 8tat?il that this will be the iHMiey vt "the French govern ment. , Kruger whI Jm? well received. and tlie Bots will -lie eucouragtnl as much ns jiosslble. , The eud of hostil ities :nced i not, therefore, ie looked for At present. . - Mr. Kruger friemts are still hoiking that he will Visit America. , f : THE YACUT RACE. Sir TlKimas Lipton SatisfkJ Ho Will : . Secure Fair Fbiy." - - - - - Iondon, th-i. IS, Sir Thomas lip ton lHies 4o arrive in rt he Fikited States a 1 Mint the middle of July. In an luierviw wkli a repres-ntatire of the Asftochttcd Ire!s, Im said he was d. lightel that Iris challenge had receiv ed such a prompt and satisfactory ap- swer. .- Talking of fair .play," continued Rir Tbomss. "none of us is qurte In fallable. but I guarantee o say, should anything controversial by any chnnce ttapiM n to iccnr, 1 am certain I sIkiu aret the licnetil of any doubt existing, SiK-h is niv lielief in the integritv and siKjrtsnwin-like spirit. of the New York Yacht Club." " It is reported that the Sliamrock 11 will le built the Hendersons on the Clyde, and thst Sycamore will le her skintnTw with Mr. Jameson la general Charge. ir Thomas Ijiiiton will take lKth the oM rand the new Shamrock across tb Atlantic. TTTE TEXAS HORROR. More Ik-ad H-Klies Found at Galves- , . ton Daily. Galveston. Tex- ct. IM. on month aud ten Vla'ys iiave elapsed since tin Btorm. ami still tlie nnmler of h a bodfas lielog Ji"ovTel daily does not decrease.' Forty-six we're reco'ered tMlar. This makes a record of 107 for the, past four days, i he otai num lier f tirwljes reported to have been recovered Is 2y7. O Bwrstt 4 He Will Uo Tbroogh Hig Own State Yerj Little Enthasiasm Crowds PAHKEItSBURG. W. Va Oct. IS. Governor Koosevelt will tintsh his gen eral caiiipalgu at Baltimore tonnrrow night, after, having traveled nearly ll.'.otto miles and making nearly 5oo siK'whes. lie Will spend llie final week of the campaign in New York state. The P-tou visit has 1.mi eliinihatel. and If possible Governor llHsevelt will siiehd next Sunday with his fam- iy at Albaiiv. Today's"-work Ingan at Canton, Ohio, the home of -Mi-Kin ley. After hard day's campaigning through Ohio and Wei Virginia, Governor Itoosevelt reachel Parkersburg tonight uid adlressid a large audience, paying siH-ela! atteutou to Senator Jones de nial that the American Cotton Com- lauy is a trust. Itoosevelt produced. he. statement of the company, and trgned that its own figures, prospect us and plans of procedure, entitled It to the name of a tntft. lie said that in floating its stock the American Cot U,n Company had boasted of its abil ity to control the price of cotton, and i utcied the market with the expressed HOP MARKET ; IS STEADY The Recent Advance Took Salem Dealers by Surprise. ORDERS RtCtlVf D FROM LONDON Afftrregated 1000 Bales In 0u Day One Sale at IB Cents Was V Bf ported Yrstcrdar. Tlie Ktiddeii adv?iiHMoiu 4 he price of hops last Saturday was eauscd by the rrceijt of large oilers fjoni Ioinlon. These orders probalili' oggn-gated Hl.i- (H Iwiles, and just why dhey all caine in a Kiugk hiy Is a mystery to deal ers and growers alike, tine cxplana- thro given in, that the samples of Or egon Ikmis had arrivinl In Ixmdon, and, tlie quality they indicated was so good that brewers determined 4o jlace or ders for a quantity for flieir use. Tle-se simnltam'ous orders forced the prUit of hojM to l.Va cents and ihe market remains nt IIk 'figure even 'though these orders have . Iicen filled, and the imll caHoiw are mat the prke will go even IwgiuT. . . - lHaICr are very biny g4tlng the TWO MEN A RKESTED CHARGEOWITH COMMITTING CHIMES IX TOM CITT. - i i Picked Cp by th Prtlad rollcj-Hd , rropfty Stola In glm ) Lul ffeefc. The police of. FortLuid have ?n clmrpe two siisjicioris characters, giv ing their uaenis as VR. I. Silencer and Alliert Oortlon. and claiming that they came front Salem, and, linhed, ofie iK-rrs seme good evhlem-e oC the claim that he has Jhi-o her. In h's Lis iios9M-ssion was ftm:id an overco.it that suswers to the deseripthru of mu taken, several days ago, from Ir. E. Y. Chase's rooms, over tlie ; Wooleti Mill Store, lK-hmging 4o John Ilihiuaii. The coat Is Identified by a ritual j of the order of Red men, whii h was I In ftle stik-u 1-out.Uielng ffound in ra pocket iu 1 In? coat of tlie then. They alsw had a Irk-ycie with tlwrn whk-l s Uik-red 4o he one of those stolen :T0 icJitly iu tilts Hy. "-.;'-" Slieriff F. W. iHirlm was noli fit-d yesterday of the -h jnure if the Jie?n. the sheriff ba, instructed the lVirtlsnd loIk-e 4o lk ou for, 'and yesb-rdiy afterntKJU went down to take charge. of tbeui and brin ; heiu 4a-k to this chy for trial- They will arrive ou this utvrniiig's 11 o'ekx train. - V. F. Tucker. wl was arrested- by omr Smith Wednesday evening. ; for ii,rnwlu2 a rock through the window off a Jaiuiaee house of , ill-reimte Kerrv t liecaose an inmate refused to admit bhu lato Iver Jouse, vas4rought trore lifwdcr X. J- .itwlah yester day. 31r. Tuckr waived examina- Darlnjr the Final Wet kBrja j rinda in Kew York,Tbonfb Good Hear Him. intention of cornering the . crop and mastering tlie market. HAXXA'K WORK, isioux Falls. S. I ., tet, IS. Senator M. A. llanna and party had the big geNt l.vmonsliation of the campaign .tour tonight, hi this' city, the -home of Senator Pcyjigrcw.. , I PRY AX'S TRIP. , ' Syracuse, X. Y Oct. IS. Wni. J. Pryan continued lUs tour of tliO Em pire state today... traveling half way across it from eat to west. He Ik gan his Journey at. Ajbany, mid fol lowing tlie course of tho plctuivsqun Mohawk ami the line of - the Erie canal, lie reached thiss point late in "the.. afternoon.' .From there he made it run northward to the southern shore of Lake Ontario, ami made a half hour's sixH-ch at Oswego. Inter lie spoke here tonight. ;. ' ) The atb'iidancei, at tlie majorl.'ty of tlie imiMlngs Mas complimentary In siae,' and. some of the iiudtcnccsj were very ".large. In i-omiiara lively few places was there any marked eiillnisl asm. There was, however, close at tention, and in no case was there a uy Interruptions of noe. "H-A hop they have purchased ready for shipment ami' nre iMvictieally working" daj and nigh to Uspose of thfin v ithej- will le in a ihihHIoii 4 buyjmore. The few salew mortd yesterday are attrMnited to the great .rush of deal ers In accepting Ihtvsc s"ccutvil 1he inst tiii ee or ftnr days. There was one sab reported yesterday, nfxm good author ity for 10 cents, which Is the' irighes-t to'o et reiclx,l in Oregm for t ft- 1!XW1 product. When Bked yesterday for;an expn-sslon of his ophbTou on- tho iyniLHUn trt the market. 11. J.jOlleu helnier said to a a'prcsciHallve; of the Statesman: .'"'-!'.. -', The rnarkot the pnst,ewhl"vs ho been tiMre B"11ve than ever expci-iem-cd in tlie Im business, and in llie last three 'or four day ove"r rniti lvib Iassl from growers hands. In Ore gon, at price ranging from l.'l to l."t.j curls, whlk a MlfTnilar 4at of affairs sl exists In Wiinlil'iijrton. , where a. I'k quantity was lioitglit by ." dealers at prleis rauging from i:t to ll'i cents. Oregon .lirirt" a fine iquality tlds . .vi-itr, and the chdce crops nvo tm-eitiiig with much furor In ilnclainl. TJie stti'tMicuI piM.foit 1 gOMl find there 1-s no ivaxon why prles, should not improve. The Oregon grower Jiai the key, .to" tlie sltualUiit. and should govern 1i'melf ticeordi-ngly; j lly all iiieatiK lie shouhl V(ld Towling th market." Anollier liop ihnler speaking of the sittiallon iaid: 't Jrowers should pot be so anxious 1o sell. "The dealers have iifcixre than- they ejin do and will not buy iinliil tliey.'i-an unload what they Iiave on hand. Jf the growem will tay nt home, the (buyer will s-ek them, but, where large quant itic. nre nirown upon nie iiuii kci in- ten dency is to lepress It. Another denier aid he believed if holders of low gnide hops would be ft little isitlent they would realize ns niueh as is being paid. for cfioi-e lots. tion. and wrts lMrund over to appear Is-fotr the Mreirit -oitrt. Tlie bond for his appearance was llsed at $1"K in default of which he was seit to Jail. P.ad .whikey Is given as the i-sni'te f 4he trouiile In which Mr. Tucker limls himm-lf. The restdeUM-e: of II, C Fletcher, of Xorth Siilem.; was burglartzcj -tlie othe er day. The ifiouse was ransacked from one end. to- the other and some Jewelry and oJlier valuable, article wer. tjkeii. The fainity was sway at the time and have no idea of the Ourg lar's Jdnrtity. I KOT1CE TO THE PFRLIC. In order to give all proprietor and employes an opjiortmiity to at tend the Fhotograpliers' Convention at Portland.! on Oct. 2T, 27, it has lieen tnutiially agrsHl to cfse all Salem gallerleK on the alxive i inen rioned "date, to iieu again for bul liess on Monday, Oct. l!th. The public. Is nrKM-lfully rei-id'r" to tear tills In mind and act according- iy. - ' i : - ' v THE REX STI IHO. THE CRONISE STUDIO, "... t- ,'IIIK j ELITE HT IJ 1 lO. Salem, Or., Oct, if, lisro. . THE YOUTSEY ARIA I. The Cas" IUipidly lira wing to si Closo i .-Yerdict ExiectiHl 'IVxHy. fleirgetown, Ky.i fK-t. IS. The YMtt scy trail hi drawing rapidly to a close. All tbe ti-stiroony is in, the tiistriu tons Ikivc been glieu to llie Jury, and I the speech' are In-ing made. -A ver- diet Is extected tomorrow nftertMH.ri There jU no improvement in Youtsey'a .condition, though he Is not any worse today. Xow and 1hen the paroxysms rctuin. and for an hour afterward '"be is much worse, bnt Is si ill able to rally, showing remarkable vitality.