WEEKLY OREoON STATESMAN, Friday, seitembeu si. 1000. J ' .Gold-' Vatches Again -we desire to call your attention to our very large line of gold ami filial watt hex. :,-" We have lad !e filial watches for$10 and fl2.r.o warrant el 1.0 years. A very haudsotne little wateh warranted 2" years or SIU-jO. In ecul lemon's size we have them from Si.."! utwvards. , A in year tilled ease wlili Elgin or , We also have a niee line of chains Barr's Jewelry Store, US State Street . kj necessary to success. Students of Armstrong's Combined Theory - and Practice of Bookkeeping ' learn o reply themselves. In a complicated 4ransctiou. a previous en try la referred to In which the same principle is Involved. The application must be studied out 1v the" studeM. This in precisely what must lie done In tjusiuess. Investigate this uiebod. Call at the college," or write fur.il lu&t rated catalogue. - j ' PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park and Washington Stre ts A. I'. Armstrong, 1,1,. 1$., lrincipal. J.' A. Weseo,- Penman ami Secretary WALTER Manufacturer of i Salem Improved Grader and Pricker. -:' - ; I '. " " - - ; i For preen prunes. Practical, dura blof and cheap. TRIUMPH GRADER for dried p rune. The lst Unade. HUI' RAS KKTS and fcrnlng of all kinds, tie t our prices on SHINGLES, roultry Netting, and all Linda of woven wire feiieing. f Corresiondeiiee solieiled. ' - I ' . ' SALHM FENCE .WORKS. No,. 50 State St., Salem. Farmers, Insure Your Grain and Hops The cost Is small, about one-half rout a tmsliel on wheat for Six Months. Rates for all warehouse in Valley. Five Old and Tried Com panion, KIRK & SISTON, Resident Agents, Successors to Geo, M. Heller Co. 2S.8 Comuiereial strict, Salem. Oregon. . .', LIGHTS AX I S M K LI f 1 1 ITS. Sistcr-ln law-Ilow like his father the baby isl Mother lie's certainly like hhu in some ways. He gem-rally keeps me up half the night. I 'illicit. 'Dawdler plays glf so well he ought to Ih a profession;) I. "Yes, I suggested' it to hfm; but-he wij nothing would induce him to work so bard lit hot -weather. De troit Free I 'res. " , FAMILIAR, Sea. Ca r fa In Look. ccntleuien ! There' a whale! Forty Male laseiisrers Ixoks like the tlsn that got away from me last Milliliter. New York Weekly. LIVELY RAILROAD STATION, j In tweuly-four hours -nearly TOO train as hi and our of New street Htatloii. Birmingham, England. i . In 1 advanced and chronic a odd In the head is knosvn as form Nasal Calarrh and is the recognized, wtirce of alher ilke.iH. Ilaviiij: imul the trt'of coat iu'icd HUfeessfnl us. Ely Cream 1'aliu Is re'ojsnizl -as a siMH-if-le for meiubnuial diseaH-s in the nana! panaces. land you Khouhl resort to this treat ii .cut in yc-nr own t-iiw It Is not dryinjr. dtns not prodnee tni?)! Ing. IVIce oil cinrts at. drttiTirists or by mail. Ely Itrolhers. A Warren Siret. New Y'ork. tJive up prejudice and try it. IILS MOTIVE. Angela How careful your cousin Tm Is or his wireV liwalth. Sle toUl me yestenlay that he n.ver would let her go out. shopping iu wet weatlwr.: Helen Careful of her health; Not much! He's ashamed to have her wen -out in that rainy day nklrt of hers. Somerville Journal. MORE CAUSE FOU HATRED. The Mild Anarchist I?ut you must lnar in mind that Kings work as hard as anybody nowada'ys. The Radical Momlvr-That's one reason why I liate Vm so. What bus iness have they to" et sm li an exam ple? Indianapolis lress. - ' ' ! nF.F,CIIAMS and Liver ills. PILLS Cor Stomach BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND. mm ' r.. r I hare quite a number of second hand machines that I will sell very cheap. We need the-room - for a bl tihipuient f new machines. 1 fTliereare New Home. Davis. White. Crown. Singe-, Wheeler &. Wilson, and Feveral others, whieli we -will sell very low. Rome as low as Come and see us, - . ' - , - ? P. A. WIGGINS: 307 Commercial Street i Opposite the Post ofGce. Pianos, Organs, Sewlns Machines and lileyciea. Waltham works, a refrular beauty, for for ladies ami gentlemen. - . i Salem, Oregon M ORLEY, NORTHERN PACIFIC EARNINGS'. rrosjerity of the Northwest Enables I Roal to Make a Jood Showing. New York. Stpt. 20. At a meeting of the Iioard of Directors of the North ern I'acitie. the 'annual rejort has been ajproved and will probably bt given out tomorrow.' - Jays the. Times: The tralllc agri'O mcnt 'lHtwe-n the Norlhern Pacific ati'.i the ('hlcago. Milwaukee & St. I'aui for ne by the latter between 4 t. Paul ard lHiiutii was aijroved, and It Kily lacks the .approval of the Milwaukee's board of diiecters. il'n sidi'tit .Mellen, after the meeting! !n fapeaklng of the business conditions In the Wet, 'said that Washington, Idaho and Oregon were exeeediusly pro-5jM"roif. aul that - It was entirely due to the earnings of the .Western part of the road that the showing was xhi, as the: West division snrplus overbalaneod the dcllciency in the Eastern jmrt. f On 'the Eastern division the traffic was 2- cars fer day less than last year, due to the failure of the crops. Tlw addltkn of the St. Paul & Duluth s earnings rhouhl make an increase of alout Cih ier day. If earnings for the next few inontlis shoAveI an aver- ago iuerease of less than this amount It would have to te assigned Jo the failure of tin Eastern division of the Northern I'acitie to geep up its e.tru ings. THE KIND OF (2IRLS MEN MIRE. AD- Tlw woman who evinces a sensible, not ,u 'Meutinietital, -. Interest In her ad ntirer Is certain to win him. I'refer eenee is ,a rightful feeling in a womau .ik in a mail, with this difference, that a Won tan must '.-eipivas Ther love with lfanners. ,while a man i?xiresscs his will words. , - ,j . That it U considorel nnmaidenly tor a woman to show a preference for a man lmlll he, has declared hiinwlf is SkIdedly true, yet. to a wouuin falls an almost epfal share for love-making, and should sjje fail to contribute her part she enntjot complain If for Lick of tliis encouragement he falls to- de clare himself. For the lest of men teNl etn-ouragemeut at this Crucial time. : ...-;..:'- - :u, ; ' - i Tlwi woman who takes a Tealflnter est In' the) men with wliom she Is brought - III contact Is never without an" ndmirer. for men, appreciate this. Interest.: however, do not mean un womanly forwardness or inquisitive ness, but -the desire and the ability to make oth.iers oflfcr their lest efforts. Wtnhcnl.make themselves most at tractive Iy being sensible and natural. . ' , . -. : ' ,j PATRIOTIC SFPERSTITION. "That- candidate lmcked out and wouldn't accept Jiis notification "What aihnl "htm? ' r; "He Ud . he wouldn't Imperil his country's lestiny by Ikcomlns Presl-. lhution the tthirteenth tkket In the tield.TjrIndianapolls Journal. - i WEICJIiT OF THE GIXBESiAIR. Tlic ieight of all the- air on the glolxf vOould ln 4even and two-thirds trillion pounds, if no deduction had to le made for space fdhnl by monutains and laud -above sea level. - i STAMPS IN MASSACIILSETTS. Macacliusetts ues more stamps in projwinloii to population than any other state. COULDN'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. Ilnlliand I .we they're , advertising 1. . . ' t,:,,eui nieaicines at Kutt & Irlec drug etore. . j , Wlf Istl't that too .nrTar,il!n.i Tll"r. IjJl't a 41,1.. ... ' lauy of us. Fhiladolphia Record. ! STATISTICS OP HOPS PRODUCTION OK THE PACIFIC COAST .' " FOR LAST TEAR. About SOoO Bales Were Carried Into th : 190O SeanoBor the Crop of tb Prevtoas Tear. IJllenthal P.ros thorough II. J. Ot tenhelmer, " their alem agent, yes- teitlay issued tlielr annual table, show ing the uiovenient"f the Iacitie coast hop croi for the 30a r ending July 1 UK 10." It Is lssuel for statistical par poes only, ami if preserved together with those issued annually ly thin firm for the past : eighteen , years, it will le found Interesting and valuable to those In the Lop business. Following is the acreage in hops on the Pacific coast in INI), and the num- Ikt of bales produces: r Acres. ; I tales. California..... ... 7. ri.tio. Ori gon . . ...... 1 I'mK K-'WK) Washington. ... .1 .. o.Utio ' asoiM Total. . . ..... . . . .'JHJ 377VW The distribution of tlM? stock from June :vi. LSIK. to July 1. 11KM), Is sliowu iu the followms table: -, V t'ALIlX)RXIA.: ' Slock 011 hand June 30. ISIK). .. 3.1)00 ltwt-ivtl from Oregon and Washington. .... ... 20O Crop of lsoy..... ......... 59,OtX) Total....- t.. ... ... .....t,100 Shipiietl overlaud by rail. . .u4.tJ00 Shipiied to foreign ports. . . . . . 4.0K Home consumption. ..;'. . a,oio Total....; ... ..... ........ tn.t-oo Ou baud July 1st:.... . 1,VJ0 r . . OREGON. St.M-k on hand, June 30,-lK)9.i ro Crop of 1S1... ... .... ..L82oi Total..... ..... ... .. .Ki.ooo Slii-pied overland Iy raiL Sh fKd to California . .". . . Home consumption. . . . .. . . .. .-' ' . . . .. 150 .... .notj Total..... .... ..73,tKit On hand July lfliNK) . . 10,01 K) .30,000 WASHINGTON. Stock on hand June 30, lMK). Crop of 1SUI . ...... . , . Total. .. ..j..' .. .... "i ,si Kl . . . .33,.S.0 .... . 1-iJII . . i . .. . oO Shipped overland by, rail. . ShiiriKHl to foreign ports. , SlnpiMI to California.... . Home consumption..... ... 7-'iO Total ? ... ... ; , .34,801 On hand July 1; lttOO, . . . . .. 2.0i0 RKCAFITUL-VTION. v Tola! bales on hand June 30. ; r- Total Pacific Coast Crop, 1809.177.300 tirajid Total...;. ......... ;iS2.7b Total rail shipmem?. . . . .'ljOXi Total water shlptneuts. ... .' . . 4.1-jO l'oal consumed by Coast brew- 1 ers. . . . . ................. 4,2,u Total Kold.V... ... ..... Stock on hand ........ 13.500 :ipc July 1. 1&00. alwut 5i) bals of ninety- fives 'have lwen lmught for ksiI iKickers tmeranu a further Sooo ales have betvu shipped Eastward, of lie Istio crop, so that about ,shp0 bahs re Itoing carrifHl into tins new season. SPECIAL ELECTION TO HE CALLED UV THE GOVERNOR FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY For the Election of Member of the Legislature Vacaney Waa CanaeU by Death. Gov. T. T. Gr yesterday announced that he would issue a proclamation In a. few days, for the holding of a spe cial elect iou on Novemlier Ctlij next. In Mult mrtiiali county, Tfor the' election Qf a memWr of the lower house of tlie legislature, to succwd to the vi- cancy cauwnl by the death of A. J. Knott. rHeiitly deceased. Mr. Knott vas elected at the June election. He was a IK'tnorraL. and it I likely that a Republican will be choaen to fill the position, i -'';. ;-.'' . i THE UTAH MIDDLE. A SENATOR APPOINTED BY THE ACTING GOVERNOR. It fs ConsidTed as a Huge Joke by .'-Governor Welh Was Done in ; ; His Alisence. j SALT LAKE CITY, Utah j ent 20. A nceial to the Trlliune fmm Os?- len. l"tah.-says: . r i - t.ov; Ilflter- M. Wells, when asked for. an expression as to the actions of ctlngf Governor Nelx'ker. this after- mon. said: . :- nil is a great joker, and so is udge IViwers. I sniHMise the onlv tiling I can ih is to await tuy opiortnn- uy 10 get a good Joke on them. If ny one takes the action serlonslr. or pretends that, It will avail Judge I'ow ers anything hi the way of fumlshing him credentials for the United Stab Senate, he can see farther tlian I can If I had made the apfmintnient my self, tin Senate would not neat the appointee. .That; was settled in the tuay case. Y"ou ask nie what I will dj. Sn the matter. I suppose, when I see the lresklent of the Senate. I will l.ineli. I think gull expects that." fl:e Deseret News prints tlie follow ing.: : i- - 1. ' J udge rowers when 1 " Intervleweil and asked "whether , his appointment as United States Senator by Acting Governor Neinker was intendeil - aa d mss practical Joke, or was to be taken In seriousness, replied emphati cally, that it was ser?ous -fn every sense of the word. - j , " - "Whether I wUl lie recognized -by the United States Senate as the junior member from Utah,- I cannot r. However. I propose to make a fight for the place. I will immediately file my resignation as Presidential Electo" on th Democratic tickets with the state Democratic committee This wdl leave nie t re and unhampered to make the contest which I presume f will-be obligiHl to make, OREGON STATE. At Priedman's New Racket Store Comer State mud Comment! Streets Save From 25 io40 Per Cent By Purchasing Your Dry Goods of Us This is.no.binff, come rind at actual wholesale cost; fine dress goods, silks, satins, velvets and plushes, ribbons andiaces, hosiery, underwear, corsets and ffloves at actual whole sale cost. ; Shos, ladies, less thaii wholesale cost. The Prodioal's Return. Never let me ,pee yOnr; iace again. laddie! Ye gang forth fniin this roof a wanderer and a vagalioud, like hiin on whose forehead the Iord st a bra ml I Tlie Loird las curfed you. with a double cursed ye ha vf broken his law. and brought sorrow: .and shame on my gray head I" f . I "Uncle, have mercy! Oh, say no mon for my sakeT' - .J The stern old man turned upon' the kneeling girl, whoso fair face, was pale and disfigured with-weeping. j "'See that the, lad goes forth, Mysie! and never iet his' name be mentioned Iu my hearing!" N f .Without a word the girl rose, and with iMiwed head left the room. Gavin Carptairs. white as death.'' with a loik f ' strange despair in his blue eyes. followi-d her.. , . i , . i For a. uioinenT tney MotMl . In . the loorway together. ' IWore them lay .a' M-eiie of rare loveliness the sliores of t' Si'Ottlsh loch; the blue waters gent ly lapping the iclbles a they; glitter- ct 111 tue soinmer sun.siiinc: on the op- IMisite side of the slopes of green bills. their ridgei running Into the blue, of the" ether like sharp spurs; benefit h. wootbt of dee. . dark. "ool iine-aud spreading oak. lint In the hearts of mth was a sorrow too' deep for nature o heal. i i . : "Gool-by,' Mysie whispered, with white lips. "Take this.' Gavin" she thrust Into his hand a small purse fit may be of use. Nay, you must take it. ... And oh. Gavin. yotiTl ask Ills forgiveness, won't you, and rust to Him to direct your steps ;-. "I will,"" -fsaid the lad hoarsely. Good-By. Mysie! One wIld;ob broke from him: then he mastered himself. and taking her hand present it against his breast. The next moment he had turned - audi left the home that had Im-ii his oerhans forever. !; Teu years iijijtHt. ami Mrsie tlra- hanie had (lieard 110 word of Gaviu Carstalrs. : i' ' , . . i , : -) ' Matthew Carstalrs. nieanthne. wns iM-eoming nil old man. and verv infirm. He was tlie Village schoolmaster 1 of IK-hside; hT had 1een apiM)IntHl Joiyr btire tlwinew cmle fw S-oki;iHt came into force, and was a little ls-hind the imes. llut-lhe 4toard had rt, salutary espect, perhaps even aniounting to car. for tiie stern elder, anil had , re ainel his scrvi-es. j : One day in September the ohl school master was paeiug restlessly up ami down his little parlor. All at ouce he tarted. "It's Adam tlrant. lassie;' I kiiow his fot steps!" he exclaimed, hoarsely. Run ami oien the dor, Mysie. ! He was to bring nie news good or bad. ne was io.iirtng. it.- " - Well. dani. well? how went the meeting?" the old man nsked,; trying to stuly his shaking hands. ! ; ! Oh. well enough, Matthew, well enough!. Adam Grant answered,, visi bly embarrassed. "The Ialrl wadna withdraw his motion, IatllKw, and so It wa agreed they, were to get a younger man, and one who wail fulfill the. .-Code requirement!? but you're to have an annuity. Matthew." ."AnnititjT The old man tx?e again, and bis voi rang out shan ;nnd shrill. "Never! and : the Almighty may help me! Uorty-twh years have' I workeil in Ixjchskle, and -now I am tossed aside like a, aseless.log!' y IIIs otstretclwHl arm felt, arid tlte next ' niomeut fhe old man : drofiHHl prone on his face upon the floor. They ( carried bini to bed. and for days and nights Mysie nursed him with tender ness indescribable. , He would never le the same- again; hhi rlgh,t side was paralyted. ... -- ; - Wh?n he recovereit coasciousness the first' words he uttered were: "It is my jnst punishment; I was too hard on the lad." . Mysk then nl him with tears running down her cheeks. Ten ihxyrx Liter strange tidings ran through Lochs Ide. The li I nl. , who had been a wUd4iv ng. extravagant ' man, was ruined, and the. estate was in. the market.. . A few weeks later It was .tiought br an American. It was knew who he was. One morning - a 1 knock came t& the scuoolmaster'w-door. Mysie went to : It. A, . tall, grlzzle bairel matt etooV lief ore St. "JlysieKls ll.possible you - don't know me r ... . ' u . ' One wild cry of exceeding gladness. 7). 0u customers and visitors to State Fair will find our store crammed with bright new goods that are both handsome and durable. School suits at prices to suit the puree of all. Men's clothing . and furnish inp; goods all new and stylish. Ladies' dress skirts in all leading : colors and styles. ' Golf Cape3 and jackets, golf caps in plaid3 and ' oxford grays. Umbrellas, umbrellas. V All of the above and much more. - see for yourself. Macintoshes, ladies' or. renfs. gents and children's, some at cost and some tor Don't fonret the store. Isa dore Greehbaum First door south of Postoffice. . and Mysie " was in Gavin f!arstairs's arms, sobbing on liis lireust. ;. v "Mysi. do you know who the new Eaird of Ijoclmide IsV he asked, a Tier a long intervaL "It is Gavin Suther land, who was once Gavin Carstairs. For a year or two I .was. as my fa ther said,- a wanderer and a. vaga bond on the face of the ejirth. Then 1 went to California and' worked on tlie lemon ila 11 tat ions. In one of the wild tornadoes that swept over the country I wr.s able to save the life of an old man who was lielng swept away by t tie "river, lie Hid some inoiitivs ago and left me all lie had, axking nie to take his name. It was a large fortune, nearly sixty thousand. I ciime to Scotland at once; and the first news 1" heard of rehsite was my father's dismissal and the usik. of Uoehjdde.. Mysie. do '-you -think he'll forgive me now? My father's dismis sal Is eaneclled: the other memlers of the lHarl are agreeable." s "'It me prepare hiiii." whispered Mysie. . Half an iiour later Gavin knelt by the old man's lMMlside, ami ihl, iii trein1liiig ciccents: "Father, I innl against , Iieatvn and in thy sight; but I - lielievc my Father above lias forgiven me. Can; you do so also?" "May Goil blesf "you, m'y mn!" said the old man chokingly. "You have heajHil cils of fire on my head!" A month later there was a quiet lit tle wedding in Uoehside, and Matthew Carstairs, though he is still school master, with an assistant, has his home with the Iaird of LK-hside. Atmkricau Ouecn. . :.. COItUECTED. City Editor Evidntly you didn't get a very Hose view of Nookash's summer phi c. - J IteiMirter Not very close. Why? City Kditor You refer to It as "a magnificent marble pi k," whereas It's a frame house. Itejiorter It ls?Just cross out "mar ble" t lien and insert "woisl." I'hila delphia Press. v COSTLY SALUTING. At Cherlkiurg, France, the other day. :U..'M ea 11 ii n shots were fired on the 'evening, of -.President l.oulet"s arrival. As each shot- costs at least 120. ne:irly.-JFioo,OoO.- was 'spent In snoke. ''.. Market Reports t The local market quotations yester day vcre as follews: Wheat CO cents at tlte Salem Flour in j? Mill Co.'s o65ce. 0;tt-ST cent (buying) IIay-heat, buying fG to -fajM; tlm timothy, $8.50 to $ta l'lour iT and SO cents ner sack: S2.SO to pr bbl. Mill fHl Bran." $13; tshorts, $15.50. Butter 20 and 22 cents, (buying). 5Eggs 2214. 1 .; I'oultry Chickens. Te ner lb? mirlt liadly, oversiocke!. 's l'ork-Fat, 4 gross, ,r net. Ilivf Steers. 214. cows. 31. . imwl heifer, 3Uc. .. , . s ; t Mutton Sheen, t in 11A n 2. to 3c. j . . ; Veal &j and 7c dressed. lVtatoes-2o(r230 cenU, buying;. . ? . Wool -15 to 16 cents, market. weak!1.' Mohair 25 cents. ; 4 Hop Twine M rents per pound. WHIPS, ROBES California Oak-tanned Leather used. - 'Harness Oil. etc , , F. E. itlAFER 23 State Street ? ; Salem, Oregon mV TO-DAY. FOB SALE. Dairy stock Shtep and hogs, high-grade .Terseyg, seven spring cajves. two 2-y earmolds, ten 3-yvar-obls. fire. 4-j-ear-olds, one 3 , year-old thoroughbred bull, one tn 1 Poland Cliina ljoar, 130 Sead of Cots- , wold ewes niul Iambi, fourteen heart of eboat. I'hilip Itees, ; live; nines . south of Salem, n -lefl'i rson road. 9:20-.1t12tw(l) J : Salem, Orrgoa Never lie ashained to wear a patched garuienOf it be -whole a fid clean. Benri the lt8 ton Have Alwavs Boiigr. of J-CUrJUK Orowcrs AND FRUIT RAISERS We have over 200 empty, solid lar rels on hand to pick hops in, and about eighteen or twenty new casks and hogs heads are in good, solid shape to put in grain, fruit or .potatoes, etc. VKRY CHEAP; and will take fruit or chick ens for them. j Will trade until further notice; there fore bring in first time yon come to the city, your produeoaud get one or two; or elo.we will cut. itim for JirewiKKl; we iitntl the room, but will give you all this month's time to secure. YOKOHAMA TEH 219 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. S, C. STONE, M. D. Proprietor of STOfE'S DRUG STORES SALEM,. OREGON. The stores, (two In number) are lo-. cated at No. 235 and SXt Commercial struct, and are welt stockisl with a complete line of drugs and medicines,-' toilet articles, perfumery, ' brushes, etc., etc., etc. DR. STONE lias had poiio 2. years experience In the practice of medicine and now makes 110 charge for consultation, ex amination or prescription. Hewitt fays the freight On hll orders of $20 and upwards, within a radius of 100 miles of Port land. Kailroad and Ixigglng Camps a Sjieclalty, ' , A. HEWITT, -' '- ' . '- No. I as third Street, - Portland, Or. WILKES' SimiiOH, "JERCME" NO. 29631 Will stand for Mares the coming sea son at Corner of Ferry, ami' Lilerty streets. For Pedigree ami particulars, call on "r - ; O r. 1A. l-o n g Venterln'ary Surgeon. Salem, Or. Money to Loan : On improved farm and elty property t loweat current rates. T. K. FORD, , ' Over at Bush's bank. ni'S'I'LING YOUNG MAN Can make. $ wr mouth and exiwiises. Per - inanent Jiosition. Exiwrience unnec- exsry. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., 4th &r Locust stni-fs, r.PhiladephIa Pa.' 9:1 Otn-tlw. FlMrSALETwcnty-five or thirty head of 2-year-old steers. See Thom rjr. Watt &. Vm. 9:7-tfw. THE PACIFIO HOMESTEAD, Sft lem. Oregon. Is -GIVING A NEW MUNSON TYPE W I! ITER, the En cyclopaedia, Itiltt.tnica. valuable books, a Guitar, Mandolin, etc., to those: who will send In a certain number of sub scrfntions. iTon utmnlr cnl the re quired number and GET THE PRES ENT. This la not. open to regular solicitors to whom : a commission pa Id. Wrl te for particulars and copy of the paper. We will pay cash commission to those who will devote their time to soliciting for tha paper. . Address js . ' i. ' PACIFIO HOMESTEAD, i : . . Salemt Oregon. , nop 1