WEEKLY ORDoON STATESMAN. Tuesday, September la iooo, i aiches nOCXX)OOOOCOOCOOCXXXXXXX3 Uili Be Elected Again we desire to call jour attention to our very large line of gold and filled' watches. . j ; ir We have ladies filial watches for$10 and $12.50 warranted 10 years. A Tory handsome little watch warranterl 25 year! for $10.10. L; V In gentleman's size we hare them from upwards. ! ' - A 20 year filled ease with Elgin or W'altba in -worlds, a regular beauty, for $12.00. . ! . 7 ; We aLo hare a nice line of chains for ladies and gentlemen. How Many Votes Will He Get? t: Barr's Jewelry Store 118 State Street Salem, Oregon -Tt- As. -t 7 IN CASH w UI7i;i7 IT ki necessary to success. Students of Armstrong's Combined ! Theory and Practice of Bookkeeping learn o repIyon thenid-ve. Iu ;i complicated tranaetion. a previous eiir try 1 referred to In which the same principle Is involved! The application ' ,' I ' ' ' must be studied out . by the student. This i precisely what jimwt be done In business. Investigate tbi method. Call Jit the college, or write for il- lustra ted ea tn logue. j POIITLANI) BUSINESS COLLEGE Park mni Washington Streets 1 1 :A. P. Armstrong. 1,1. It., Principal. .1. A. Weseo, Penman and Secretary 131 COURT ST.. SALEM. OREGON W. I. ST ALE Y, Principal When one invest.- in a business " Iiu -a ; t.n such as may-be secured at tlii school he assured of -uhstaut tal ' dividend. . It is a paying Invest ment everywhere and Always. Tii'is fact is demonstrated continually by the nueccs. of our graduates. Three distinct an I complete depart incut Business, Shorthand andglish .Student1 "admitted at any time. Visitors welcome. Class and Individ ual -instruction. We the fullest Investigation of our methods. work and ispilpnient.by those who think of securing a thorough training for bus iness. Send or call for a eopj f out illustrated catalogue. Farmers, Insure Your Grain and Hops The cost 1 small, alto.nr one-half cent a bushel on wheat for Six Months. Rates for all wart-house in Valley. Five Old and Tried Com panies. - K1UK '& SISTONV Uesideiit Agent. Successors to Ceo. M. Heller Co. 28 Commercial, street. Salem. Oregon. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weafc dcss, irregularity and omissions, increase viy- or and banish "nains of menstrnation." They are LIFE SAVKttH " to pirls at womanhood, aiding1 development of organs and body. No ; known remedy for women equals tbero. Cannot do harm Ufa . Ivoomes pleasure!." Kl.OO Ji;iC IMg. 11Y MAIL Sold Iy drujrjrists. Dli. MOTTS CH EMICAL Ou., Cleveland, Ohio. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. EXAMINE THIS LIST... SOMETIIIXG NEW AND GOOD ALL THE TIME, $IOOO $700 Will buy 21 acres of rich hill land. MIU miles from the big bridge In Polk county, overlooking the city of Salem, and tlie valley, and with a magnificent View of the mountains; fair house; barn 2ix30 feet; well; 5 acres fruit, orchard ten years old. Good term. A liaridsotne cottage of six room" and basement; nice south front lot, fenced: fr deuce portion. lot, fenced: fruit, garden, flower, etc., centrally located In resl- This is a sacrifice. 173 acres Five mile until h of Salem on Jefferson road: has over loo acres of lieaver dam land: line ! and barn: 2o acres of good timber; well watered with springs. An ideal farm and can be Ik ltought cheap. ''.'"" no acres Three miles northward from Jefferson, In "Parrlsh's gap." Rolling land. fnrt boflom; all black loam soli. Well watered..-.. 160 acres Close to farm last above; all but 20 acres In cultivation. Good ground for nil kinds of crop. 7 acres In fruit orchard 8 year old and In" good condition; near McKinney - 'place southeast of Turner. Can le uad cheap and on good terms. i acre Near West 'Salem,. !n good fr ult; will exchange for Salem towt property. 14 acres Of fines! of 4and"vlose by fair jrronnds, good house, barn and out i - btiihlings; good .orchard: plenty of 1 erries and everything to make - - 1 . 1 . 1. & ii:isaiii aim nnuiuiiuv Home, j $750 Will buy ten acres of land Just outside the city llm-'ts. that will b worth $200 an acre In two years. 1 SALEfl LAND OFFICE Up Stairs in the Statesman Building. S. C.STONE, M.D. Proprietor of STOE DRUG STORES SALEM, OREGON. Tlio stores, ttwo In numlerl are to cated at No, 23T and 333 Commercial street, ami an well stocked witli a complete line of drugs and medicines, toilet articles, perfumery, brosh. etc etc., etc ; ; , DR.' STONE" , ITas had some 25 years experience In the practice of mellclne and now makes no charge for consultation, ex amination or prescription. The jeat success of- Chamlief-laln's Colic. Cholera ami niarrnwa uemeuy In the treatment of Imwel complaints has road it standard over the grfatei part of the civilhted world. Fer ssk? by P. IL! Haas, druggist, Salem, Ore gon. TUshead War Is a : terrille curse, isn't It? i "Critic-!-! should say so. I have no- tt"sl that every war adds a new dia lect to our magazine literature. NOT HIS FAULT. 4- Patbcr Wliat! More money? When 1, was your nije 1 was earning my liv ing by hard work. 1 Sou I don't svp why I should suffer for that. New York Journal. i .,;.'::. :':'. - ' . O. .ii, 1 V 1 &y. "i'xT? ,tj m i ' j - .. j ' . 11. . t . it . . i .'V7.r.-.f y 1 57-iT JW ue gve away 10 guessers coming me tiosegi 10 1110 orn- f'-X'' ciai iipnires 01 me nonutar volo casi ior uib vis. ,1 . ------ r , , ..." T v f ;;" successful presidential carxlidnte it!Ccwidi''i Tlie Pablishers' Guarantee Associatiori lias Deposited 5,000.00 in the Metropolitan j National Bank, Chicago, III, for the Purpose of Paying these Prizes. First Grand Prize $2,000.00 To the Nearest Guesser and 197 Mort Cash Prizes to be Awarded as Follows: To the Nearest Correct Guess To the Second To the Third - - f . To the next 5, 50.00 each To the next 40, 25.00 each To the next? 50, 10.00 each To the next 100, 5.00 each ! 198 Cash Prizes - $2,000.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 5,000.00 omEsaamsasmai TO AID GUESSERS McKfnlej's Pop. Vote !n 1885, 7,107,304 Bivan's H ' " 11 6,533,088 it ' Cot This Out and Send With Your Subscription. My Candidate is My Guess is i ! My Name Address OUR OFFER: We -have made 'arrangement with tlie Pl'liLISIIKUS i tPARAXTKP ASSOCIATION OP CIIICAllO to enable our subseribers and frieuds to parii'ipat( in tlies 'great -ash pri.es. Everyone, present subserilmr and tlie' puliln- iii renei.il. is inviieil to 'partichu:e': and l'n- EACH MON THS' srcsciin-rmN skxt . to ; rs. a(m:ompaxieh with ck.vts.- a guess' will in- alh'wel. Those who are in ain ais. by remitting amount due and paying for one year iu advau-ie. will be given two guesses eaeh. To those disi ring several guesses the following oiler i made: trial snbserii!io!5s. with ."M.." in casli. in guesses: 15 trial subseripiions witli S.r.o in easli. 11 gui'sses; 2 trial uheiiMions ' witli in cash, iil gitesses; trial subseript ions, with Sin in Cal). ."C guesses. HOW TO GUESS: Win-n you siikI iu your "subscript ion you make your guess. IV sure and name,' address ami guess as plainly as possible. As soon as we receive your subseript h u. -w ill till but and send you a vrtilicaio 'ejin'espoiiding to guess I'hade by you, which -will cutith- you to any prize that you may draw.. I!e sure and keep your ceriitieate. We will tile the duplieate .with the I'ubllsliers iJuarantee Association. Evi-ry subserilMr will receive as many ccrtilieutcs and have as 'many guesses as he sends 'subscriptions to THE WEEKLY OltEtjOX STATESMAN", if you waul inoiv than one guess get your friends and neigltbors to. subscribe.' In case of a tie. or that two or more estimators prizes wMl be liviill e.ually lctweii them. THIS COX I EST WILE CLOSE XOVE.MUEi:. awards will be made as soon as tlie oflicial count is are- equally corre-t. 1!XN. AT ! r announced. M. and The Statesman Publishing Co. SALEM, OREGON COOOOOOOCOXOCKX)OCCCCOO EUOKE! UI THE LOVE MATCH. rlltale Spots on a Young Woman's Ears Indicated leprous Taint. A young man of Hryn Mawr went to the South seas fiv his health two" years ago and returmtl last week much lcuelitel. He tells a .sad story aloit the daughter of a native king whom 'he met on one of the smaller and more remote of tlie Hawaiian In land. She was a lx-auiiful girl, and It 'was bis greab'st pleasure to lo with her. fishing ami bathing, and to sit iN-side her in the ouncil 1mus listen ing to, tlie songs of the king's jioets. It U not unttsiiat for a white man to marry a Hawaiian, and the youth from Hryn Mawr. without prospects, almost jtennilcss and with health that was always wretched in the uncertain climatejof his home, thought some time that it would lie wise and pleas ant to marry the Hawaiian princess and to live on her quiet and beautiful island for the rest of his days. Hut suddenly the prtnctus liecame and, heart-broken. She went out no more. She jat alone and wept day and nfght. The young man could lind out; from no ; one what' troubled ler, for all ; whom he questioned prctendel not to! know. One day h met the prints by chance on the leach alone and lu askeil her what had fiHel her life wilth sorrow. She pointed, with a strange gesture, to a tiny brown spot, like a mole, on the lole of each of her ears, and she ran her finger over Iirr brows, wldch. he now saw, were thinning. Then she fled from the mystified youth ami he never saw her agaln.j A year later on another Island he heard a physician say that the ab sence jof eyebrows, together with the brown spots on the loles of the ears. Indicated the beginning of leprosy. for polie mounts in the Transvaal a:!l Orange I'ree State." It i understood among Htocfcmcii tiiat Enghuid will soon begin shipping horse and mule to China .from New Orleans. . AitEs orixiox. MOUE IlOIlSIiS FOU EXfJLAND. Some" time ago the Uritlsh govern ment ! stopjMl sliipping horses .frgm New Orleans to Smth Africa, and It wa ftjStetl that no more would Ik pnrchaseil In thfci country now for service In South Africa. liuHthc other niglit a shipment of 3oO telected horses arrived from Tex as, ami It la now learned (that, others have teen pwrchascl sutHcient to make up fwo full cargoes. In nil some 'jvtt. lliese animals ate to be usel Ixmg and -arnetly they hal argued in the grocery nltout the way in which the world would Ix destroyi-d. says the ItidianajMilis Sun. For four long weary hours these resident of Saw ville had st fottli f Ik ir theories. And-finally they 'had asked the opin ion of old Alio Hartley, who. among them all, had alone -remained silent. Taking his pije from his lips for one brief moment, lie answennl: "It will probably lo talked to death." ' " . Without a word tlie debater; led the way to tint cider barrel. Abe bringing up the rear. NEW TO-DAY. AHMIXISTltATIlIX'S NOTICE TO , CHEDITOItS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Marlon -County. In tlie matter if tlie estate of William A. Hummel, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the nmlersigned m .peen , duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Wil lie m A. IJnmmel. deceased, by the Honorable Comity ('ourt of Marion Cornty. Oregou. All persons having claims against the estate.of said de ceased are hereby required to present them with the proper vouchers, with in six months from the date of thl rotice. to the undersigned, at the law. office of Carson & Adams, In. Sa lem. Marion County, Oregon. Dated at Salem. Oregon, September IT,. 0 EFFIE RUMMEL. liani A. Hummel, deceased. . j Carson & Adams, attorneys 9:l&-rt 1 Money to Loan On Improved farm a.nj eity property t lowt current rate. . - ' - T. K. FORD, Orer Ladd A Buh' bank. Market Reports. The local market quotations yester day Tcre as follows: Wheat Ttt cents at the Salem Flour ing Mills Co.s Office. ( )a.t s- .IT cent (liuyingl. Hay 'heat, buying $ to $0.50; tlm timothy, $8.50 to $10. Flour"." and 80 cents per sack; J2.S0 to $.1 per bid. Mill fevd Itran, $13; shorts. $15,50. Itutter 20 and '2.2 cents, (buying). Eggs- ITMi. Poultry Chickens, 7q per lb; market brully overs tK'kel. I'ork-Fat, 4 gross, $yA net. IV4f Steers, 3 cows, 34c; good heifer,' SVic. Mutton Sheep, 3 to PA on foot; shear ed 2J4 to 3c. Veal 614 and 7c dressed. PotatK's 254,'JO cents, buying. Wool 15 to 16 cents, market weak Mohair 25 cents. . Hop Twine 14 cents per pound. WHIPS, ROBES California Oak-tanned Leather used. Harness Oil. etc F.f E. StIAFEK 23 State Street Salem, Oregon nop Growers AND FRUIT RAISERS We have over 200 empty, solid bar rels on hand to pick hoiw in, and about eighteen or twenty new casks and hogs head arc iu good, solid shape to put In grain, fruit or potatoes, etc. VEKY CHEAP; aud will take fruit or chick- on for them. Will trade until further notice; there fore bring in first time you come to the city, 3-fnir producc,-and get one or two; or else we will cut it up for firewood; we need the room, but will give you all this month's time to secure. ' ' YOKOHAMA TEA STORE 240 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. FREE TIIE PACIFIC ! HOMESTEAD. Sa lem, Oregon, is GIVIXtJ A NEW MUNSON-' TYPEWRITER,- the En cyclopaedia Itrittanica, valuable books. s Guitar. Mandolin, etc., to those who will send In a certain number of sub scriptions. You simply send the re quired number and GET TIIE PRES ENT. This is not open to regular solicitors to whom a commission Is paid.!'-Write' for particulars and a copy ; of the paper. We will pay a cash-: commission to those who will devote their time to soliciting for the paper. Address PACIFIC IIOMESTEAD, ' Salem, Oregon. Hewitt Pays the Freight On all orders of $20 and upward, within a radius of 10O miles of Port land." Railroad and Logging Camps a Specialty. "'...'.-.... A. HEWITT, No. ESS Third, Street, Portland, Or. WILltS' STALLI01I, "JfROMt" NO 29631 Will fftand for Mares the coming sea son at Corner of Ferry and Liberty v treetstFor Pc Jigtteand particulars, call on . r -. , , ' - ' Dr. W. Long Vertterlnary Surgeon. : Salem. Or.- RUSTLING YOUNG MAN Can mike $G0 per month and expenses. Per manent position. Experience untiee essry. Write quick for particulars Clark & Co., 4th & Locust streets, Philadephia Ta. 0:4-Cm-dw. FOIt SALE. Twenty-five or thirty . head of 2-year-old steers. -See Thom es,Watt&Co, 9:7-tfw.