Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 14, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, Friday, September u. 1000.
Gold Watches
Again we desire to call your attention to oar very large line of gold and
filial watches. . i ! :..
We have ladies filled watches for$lV anJ 12.SO warranted 10 years.
A very handsome Utile watch "warranted '17 years for $lti.oO.
In gentleman1 sixe we have them from ni wards.
A ID year filled caw with Elgin orWaltliatn worts, a regular beauty, for
$12.o. i S 1 -
We also have a nkt line of chains ftr . ladies and gentlemen.
Barr's Jewelry Store
118 State Street
. f !
Manufacturer of
Salem Improved Grader and Pricker.
'P.r ffTK-n unities. I'ractirnl. dura Me ami cheap. '
TiMi'MPH CRADER for IrI-t i
KETS and fencing of all kind.. '.
Netting, and all kinds of woveu ;w:Ire
Correspondence solicited. '
Farmers, Insnre Your Grain and Hops
The cost l. small. aloiit one-half
Month. Rate, for all warehouses in
panic.- KIRK & SISTON, Resident
Co. 2SX Commercial street, Salem, Ore
Kafrcahtnrot aacl Other Itootha Are
Operation SpleaUld Line of
County k'xbiklta.
The- Stale Fair ground ha Income
a busy place and, from now until tin
fair iwii- the hammer and saw
he buiy, and the. decot -a tor's art will
be in constant demand. Yesterday
saw the leginiiing of. real. work in the
Colialruct.iou of st.llld.'. the setting up
of tents.- the hauling in of exhibits,
tlie brushing up of old buihUngs, the
arrangement and decoration of res
taurants, and the fitting tip of exhibi
tion booths In lite pavilion.
E. II. Flagg and family are on the
ground and have their restaurant al
ready in running order.. The Raptist
ladles have commenced putting the
big building' on the north side of the
walk; jiear the gate.Jn order and will
conduct a restaurant, therein. Ellis V
Zhin ' coiiHiietieeil the erection tf a
stand ;for their candy and otlicr deli
cjiefes. 'Mm Catholics set up yester
day the big tent w hich they h i v rent
ed from the MothodisT and will, con
duct a bazaar and restaurant on live
north side of the fountain, tiideon
Stolz was tixliiir m his pTii!:io. ut
building for the sale of cider ami sim
ilar drinks, while Walter T. Stolx -was
similarly enauetl 'with the "Spa"
buildim: a little further east, and m
'era I other similar enterprise will 1m
thus encased tiwiay.
4tiu K. .Murphy was on tlie jrroumi
8ettinr up hi: 4ynuiul or dram I lie; I
It. -Watte v .. ami .Miiclicii. !-1 (im:- jiu the ground yesterday dirict
1m Ai Staver were on I he ground with tnz the work of renovaiimr Mm sttn-k
a iortion of liieir machia ry. wasou.
etc.. and jrettinjr it into, place. Mrs.
Wolff, of Falls 'City, was .aranging a
part of her exhibit of farm pi-oduee.
with Which she expects to capture the
Sludebaker prize or a line wagon.
Three ladies from the aylnm w-re
busy in the pavilion preparing a placet
In which fo display the tun asori m-ril
ef U.'antiful articles' of handiwork j
which that institution 'show each
year, and several .other were taking
preliminary step in the saim- din-
I he.
The farmer who steps m.n th p.i-
vilin this year.-wilb realize the im
jortanee of hi vocatimi more fully
and will have a .higher, pride in tire
gtui larm lite ma ii ev r iwiore. iiej
will timt Miat a gr.-at manj i . 'if
liner es of the vhoii and store hav
had. 'tu step aside this year for tin
unwind of the sil. and a he tiiarclM-
throngli the grand array.--the -wheat
and oat, aud flax and fruit and vege
table and grasses of Western Oregon
will claim their tlrst attention by tea -imn
of tlM'ir prominence.
There will lie six county exhibits,
all with generous ace and all well
These will Im ranged on en her
rf the middle, aisle, tbiing south
igh the building. Marion - eomity
will u found on tlie left, jnt past 1
the center. iH-cupying .M by fHt
.Rapid Rotary Toints of
Speed Is the M$t Imptsrtaat feature.
Vm can. do fonr yanU of st Itching
lit the same time reipiirod t da thnti
n other machine. TJiY IT and be.
Ueve. TThi means tWo hour work
saved out of eight. It mean money t
the wapi-worker-It nu-tin rest lo tin?
hnRc-eiwr. ' j
tlon of the shut tin is continuous in ti
direction, while long 'shuttle machine
stop and start twice In making each
fit itch. When tlh;-treadle Is worked
rapldlr, tn stltche can l made la
one minute. On the long shuttle ma
chine that. mMns iaw starts nd stops
to the Shuttle In one minnte. Jnstt
think of tihe reistancr eausl by Mich
abrupt changes! It is no wonder that
idirKlcian will not m-rmlt women f
weak constitutions to ojerat6 sewing
machine; but the Itotary princlpk;
ilo away with all thi and it la a
fact that physician permit c the use
of tlie "Standard" Hotary when they
would not allow-the use of any other
machine. iMei 'wot bnak t!inad whe-n
run hack ward. 1 jrst stiicu perfect
- I
307 CemmerciMt Street I :..',
Oiiposite the Postoffice. .
natio?; Organs, Sewing Machine
and Bicycle. ' i
Salem, Oregon
ruuiel The best made. HOP BAS
t ur prices on, SHINtJLES, Poultry
fencing. .
WORKS, No. r.9 State St., Salem.
cent a
bushel on wlnat for Six
Five- Old ami Tried Com
Successors to Ceo. M. Keller
)pMi.ite will Ik Clackamas county,
with "JO by 'ZTt fe-t: next on the left is
Lane county. opiHisile which will be
Pentou county; next on the left, in
the Southeast corner, will Ik1 Washing
ton county, and on the right wiU 1m
I. inn county.
Marion. Washington and Linn coun
ty exhibits were on the ground yester
day and were rapidly assuming form.
Clyde 'Ki Folic! t has advanced far
enough with the work lo demonstrate
titat he is an artist and his booth will
'U grand. The Linn county eollee
tiim" i under charge of .7. It. Douglas,
llv man who ran Alex. IaFollett such
a close rai for the prize, on an hull
vMtial c-xhihir a few years ago. Tin
Washington exhibit Is handled bv W.
T. Jackson and lie is doing nice work
ill its anang mt-nt. There is a revela
tion in siore for the farmer this year.
-'Word come from Portland that the
intention is to make "Portland Day"'
bigger and better in ioint of numbers;
than "Salem Day." Now, that all Is
right and the Statesman will give a.
fair count, gnarantecmg to give Port
land the ltciiclit of th doubt ill case
of a disput" alN.ut a thousand or two.
more or less, but tlie Statesman is not
prepared to believe that the people of
these parts will allow "Salem Day" to
l eclipsed by the metropolis. There
U just one way in which Portland
may -possibly ( come out ahead, and
that is by the thousands of Salenj po
ple who j will go to the fair on "Port
land .Day" to welcome tlie people from
the big city who are coming to lay
tlie corner stone of tlie new" State
Fair the structure that, is to risje by
the united ettorls of a people whose
interest are identical and 'to whom
ft prosiwrons Slat' Fair Is a soun-o of
cote moil pride.
f This much canrbe said, however: if
"Portland Day" beats "Salem Day."
there won't be standing room on the
; President Wehrtmg and Secretary
wisdom sp.wt a pood portion of tlM'ir
j ns. the erc tim of tlie new stalls
3j tu. trcncral prejuiratious for the
iru.tuns. During the day President
Wehruug. while passing one of the
ate stalls on tlie ground, one
i,g out rf" use, found Secretary Wis-
(i,,, c'taed.wiilt.a rake in his "hands,
cleaning out the stall and removing
he old' str tw and hay. Mr. Wisdom
.,jl: ( that moment called away,
r. Welirung volunteered to continue
.). Work of renovation, as the stall
AVJIS ,,, M. pm in use tills year, lie
bravely Ingaii his work anil while tak-
OII'; the 'debris was rewarded for
his lahors bv timbng in tiie mraw a
gMcn Jj:j( ic e. Mr. W lining pio-
j,s,.s 1o titaie thi money to somo
,.)aritabie institution, 'ami the
HudV thm is ii.w. wlm will mh iiu- tin
Licenses for .Inly Aggregated ?21(t
Amount D witcil with State
Treasurer Chas. S. Moore.
Fish Commissioner F. C. Ited 'yes
terday de.ile! with th State Treas
urer S2H tin amount of the collec
tion for the month of July from lish
ing licenses in the Several ilisirict of
the statt'
from the
Thi . amount wasr received
several district in sums as
1 listricf
I. ..
4. .,
i . . .
II. . .
!l (Ul
C .'Ml
r. m
UK .Ml
. . .?2K! H)
A FATAL FAnL.Yesterd.tr N.
I'aiher. who resides near Irving
while; peddling vegetable about the
city stopjwd a the residence of Mrs.
M. A. Ilunsaker corner of Olive and
Ninth streets about 11 o'clock a. nt.
While here Mir. leathers asked for. and
was granted permission to pluck a few
prune from a tree In the yard. lie at
once mounted a ladder which atood
agafnsi the tree and stopped out upon
an Insecure ,llmb which precipitated
him to the ground In snch a manner
a to break hi ne'k, J. It. Campbell
who happened to be on premises rush
ed to the assistance of the prostrate
man only to find llf apparently ex
tinct. Dr. Knykendall who was sum
moned appeared ' upon ,the ncene imi
tnnliately. A hasty examination re
valel the fact tliat the neck had been
ln-oken by -the fall. Coroner tlrltTln
viewed the remains and decided that
an inquest whs unnecessary a the
eau of death, was filainlj evident
Eugene Register. f
of wheat waa quoted, yesterday, at
the Salem Flouring Mills office at Ul
cents. This Is one cent higher than
has been quo'ted for the past 4pn days.
The wheat iu this section Is nearly all
stored, there only leing a few hun
dred bushels yet left In the Holds.
Shortage f World's Crop for 1bl Ymt
" 111 Bt TMdeaey to Strrag-Uiea
the Market Contracts FUei.
The. local dealers In hopa are skirm
ishing among the growers, aud secur
ing sample where the crop has been
put in the bale, but there are few.sale
recorded tint far, and what few are
made are in the neighborhood of 13
cent a inmnd. Iealers are willing to
lake options, tlioiigh making few pur
chases, but grower generally, where
they have not contracted, are nnwiil
lug to give options. , In the course of a
week or ten days Jhe entire product
of the wolid, tot this year, will be
known to .a certaintj-, and it hen the
price' for hops will be fixed for the
tIening or trie market.
ine i on nun lcicgram or last eve
ning, iu an article on the hop situation.
ha the following interesting account
on the shortage ot uiils years crop.
and the market conditions in general:
Fnited States crop. ., 2ri.iMi
Englaud'i: crop .. ....... . I.Vi.ihni
(icrmauy s crop. ... '2-Af
I Sales.
Total U-iMHsi
"That is the estimated shortage of
the world's hop crop. Tlie estimate
arc based upon reliable returns, which
will le used in fixing 4 he market price.
J he- Jomlon market mis opened at ai
md ll'o -shilling pt-r cwt.. equal to 1
and P cent ier pound. This would
m.iKe tne price lie re JL"-. cents per
pound on Ioard.
"A. J. I'ay, after sizing up the situa
tion, predicts, that the market here
will open this week at 1-Vi cents to l
cent. Most of the hoiis In Oresron.
Washington and California are in tluj
bale, and the samples are in the mar
ket. The samples are of excellent qua I
ity, which is hound to stimulate prices.
"Market conditions seem unsettled.
cry few sales are being made. Lou
don buyers are sluggish. Advices- re
ceived this morning" state they an
waiting until tlie hops are all read v.
in the horn of seeing the -bulk of th
crop 'thrown upon tin market at om
time, winch would have a tendency to
keep down tlie price. One sale of ."OUU
bales of Sacra mcu to hops at 11 and !
e nt is reported, which will be a good
thing for the trade, as the sale will
work off the market that quantity of
hojis. Every, large sale made will stim
ulate 4 -he price of hops remaining, be
use it will kiM-p the crop from be
ing "bunched", upon the market, (irad
mil nales is the liest thing for prices.
Once the maiket is glutted fn obedi
ence to tne desire of the London deal
ci!. price are ooiiiio 10 tane a iirp.
even though there Is a decided short-
ige in the world's cro.
"However, now that the world's
crop is exactly determined it is pro!
able s:tle. will liven up a bit. Tlie
shortage is bound to cause competition
among buyers if growers will avoid
"bunching", the hops by holding too
long for uureasouable prices. If ham
died judiciously, according to the sam
ples seen, there is no reason why .tJn;
remaining hops in the hands of grow
ers should not bring 13 cents.
"More than anything else prices are
termined by the world's k-rop. It is
out the same as estimated from time
l bout
to tune by reliable-dealers.
Tlie Eng-
crop Is In
short. The
lish yield is .".KMM.lii cwt..
4ales short. The (ierniau
jKr cent or .'3.(HiiJ bales
New Yirk j-iebl is rcjX bales as
against CO.mio last year. California i
'S per cent less than last year, which
was .Mi.iSm bales. In Oreiron and
Washington the shortage is very slight.
The extra; quality and good weight of
the hop duorc than balance I he differ
ence. Tin- next few days will deter
mine exactly the market price.
"Fire blight has scorched some of the
hops. This is something that has nev
er made it appearand- In-fore in Ore
gon. However. excejt for this fact, it
would Im hardly worth iioliny;. because
it is so scarce. Fire blight gives (lie
hops a rusty appearance and is caused
by the hot rays of the sun striking
hops that are heavy with dampness.'"'
The following excerpts from the Eu
gene Cuanl of recent date show the
shoiiiage of the hop crop in Lane coun
ty: "lieorge A. Dorris wa in the Cuard
ollice today, lie says the hop: crop Is
from I'd and '17 ier cent short iu his
ami the Wm. Neis yard.' but tin qual
ity I the liest for years. Tin crop
is what i kiMMvu as a 'top' one.
"Hop grower who have commenced
picking report the yield short but the
quality spletidld. N. Owen told us to-
Lty that his crop is Mo jmt cent short
of last year while T. I. Linton, who
has t4 acres of hops says that ids will
be from :ui to :k" jmt cent short. 'Last
year laue county produced nearly
1.HOO IkiIcs or. hops." said T. D. Linto'n
this forenoon, 'while 1 predict she will
not have over :Ml. Ivalcs this year." "
Five chattel mortgages and contracts
for hops were yesterday tiled in the
ollice of the county recorder, as shown
behw: ,
F. i. Davis, of Silverton. to Ilan
C. Wahlberg, of Porthind. lt.tKu
iwnurts at In . tvmts a pound, 3 cents
advanced for picking.
Win. S. MeKiuloyr of Silverton, to
nans C j Wahlberg. iii.iNMi iMiunds at
IU cents.! 3 cents to be advanced for
harvesting the 'roj.
W. If. Egan. of Itrooks. to the Ran'i
of Wooilhurn. 22 acres of hops on the
home farm of W. II. Kgan. in t r. 9
r 2'and :i w chattel mortgage. $1inio.
A. 15. Crosby and Hung On, to the
Dank of ; Woolbtim, 13 acres of hips
on it he A. R Crosby farm near Wotnl
burn, chattel mortgage. $iKI3.
Olen !. Ca rot hers, of F.ntte'ville to
the Bank of Woodbnrn. 330 poun.is
of hops In warehouse of the Carol hers
farm, chattel mortgage $130.
Cnn Ymt Tell Why
Yott hao constant lieadachcs. are
nervonei acJ sepless at night aud
fevl tlrl la the morning? Your blood
iwi't carrying the right materials to
your nerves aixl other. organs.-- Kesln.
taking IIol'j Sarsajurilla. tho grat
blocd t uricher, ond you, will so-n rcal
liv a change, You niil feel 1 4ter and
stronirer, will relish your fowl and en
Joy refreshing sleep. , :
.Nausea. Indhjestlon
Ilocd'a Pills.
are cured bv
Fine Job prin.ojr. Statesman Office.
New and nequallel bargains in gents' and ladies wear. Note some of our bargains in hop pickers
gloves, 15c, 20c and 25c per pair. A largo line of gents negligee shirts with silk bosoms, 75c, $1, $1.25.
You should see them. A swell lirte of blankets at prices to suit your purse, 40-4 white wool blanket
at 3.50. 11-4 white and colored cotton blanket at a bargain, $1 and up. Comforts- Silkoline, lamin
ated cotton comforts; $1.50, $2.25, $3 and up. Our laminated comforts are filled with the purest of cot
ton and covered with the best of silkoline coverings. Just arrived,, a lot of fine working shirts at popu
lar prices. A new thing in men's working shirts. A heavy double breasted and lleece linetl shirt for
hartl and rough wear. You should have one. Our straw hats for hop picking must be sold. A 40c
hat now for 25c. Just received an immense stock of men's, j'ouths' and: children's clothing. You
should have the latest. We have them. A well made dress suit with a reversible vest. Our clothing
fi!s. ;? We also can supply j-ou with an overcoat, the best for the least money. Boys' double breasted
two-piece suits, $1.50 and up, a bargain. Just received a large line of ladies' jackets, cajcs and skirts.
You should see them. Exceptional values in wrappers. A large stoek to select from, each, 40c. Ilos
iery extra, for ladies, fine finished seamless black, 10c each. Laces and embroideries, over 1000 pat
terns to select from, lie-member the place, '
At Friedman's New Racket Store
Corner State and Commercial Streets
By Purchasing Your Dry Goods of Us
This is no bluff, come and srie lor yourselt Mackintoshes, ladies' or gents,'
at actual wholesale cost; tine dress goods, silks, satins, velvets and plushes,
ribbons and laces; hosiery, underwear, corsets and gloves at actual whole
sale cost. Shoes, ladies,' gents,' antl children's, some at cost and some lor
less than wholesale cost. Don't forget the store.
And Deliver an Aldrea on Folltioal
Issues Uovernor (ieer Is UnnlrU la
AVelser, Idaho.
The local Republican campaign com
mittee, appointed at Wednesday even
ing's meeting of the Salenj Republican
Club to arrange for the campaign, and
at the unamlous renuest of the club.
has invited Hon.. Ringer Hermann.
Commissioner of the (Jeneral Land Of
fice, who Is now in Roseburg on n
visit, to come to Salem and deliver
the opening address. Mr. Iler
maun s accaplam e is anxiously
iwaited by the i-onnnittjcc and pre
parations are already uilder way for
thoroughly advertising the opening
rally for tlie campaign.
Gov. T. T. tlcer is in receipt of a
letter from . V. Ashbv. former! v of
this eitj but now a resident of WVHer,
Idaho, urging him to stop off in that
place on his way to Ohio to take par
iu the campaign, and to deliver a
campaign speech in the interest of the
Republican ticket. The request is .back
ed by the Republicans of Weiser. who
are very anxious to h;rur governor
(ieer's assistance In helping t5 wrest
their section of , the couutry from the
Bryan forces. Th letter states that
the last Republican campaign speaker
was compelled to leave .town by the
Democrats, but assurances are given
that, should Covernor !eer decide to
come, ample protection will be given
him against interference.
While the Republicans are jubilant
anrl certain of success throughout On-
n. aud have no fears of losing tiie
state, they do nor projiose to allow
ov r-contertice to cause ihem to net:-
ct any work that mi'ght be done for
the suci-ess of the ticket. iand ni stone
will be left, unturned, that can In mi.v
way a i t in securing votes. The Itry-
an Democrats and their allies, how-
ver. seem to le In a bad way. There
is no e:tihi!l ism amoiig them; aid tii.'y
e taking no steps toward participat-
ng In tlie- camjiaigu with their old-'
hue vigor. They, aimont without
Iiion. conccoe Oregon ao tne itepno-
llcnns. and many or taint expect, the
Republican majority io far excwii
that of the June elect loru While sunae
the local ltryanites mildly 'hope for
something that may turn the tide in
their favor in this state, they are not
found among those of the party who
look upon Ihe matter fu a practical.
way, and 'their counsel in the party
ranks do not count for much. Oregon
1 conceded- to the Rcpildicans by the
leaders of the Fusion j party in t lie
ftate. the question loing Only the sifcoi
f the majority for McKinley, RooSe
ck. prosperity and expansion.
Hany of the Hop Yards In the North
End Have Been Strippfdbj
the Pickers.
I From Daily Statesman, Sept. "13.
Nearly all of the hop yards in the
north end of the county will '"finish
picking this week, in fact, nearly all
Tlie hops in the Willamette valley will
be off the vines by Saturday evening,
though a few of the yard will not iih
ish until the early part of .mx5
week. It Is the consensus of opinion
among the growers that the rains! of
last week did more .good than harm.
It filled out those burrs that were hot
mature, making thom.Tieher and bet
ter, while doing no damage to the ma
on soon. , 1 ' '
There is a little mold on the nn
sprayed hops,- but it Is light, a n is
causing no special concern. The mold
Is eaued by tb liceof which there
. , ,
are a few, in some cases only In a few
hills in a yanl, and their presene.0 In
tlie unsprayed yards shows the' value
of spraying as a preventative.
In tlx north end yards, the ollest
hop section on the Pacific coast;, offers
of 13. cents are made, but there are
no afes and no contracts reported.
Many hop dealers are aliont. however,
and the hops are liefug; closely examin
ed. The yield this year is an average
Isadore Greenbaum
First door south of Postoffice.
one a lid the quality is of the very best.
Then are plenty of picker in all
Hie yards, and many of these, who
were employed In the smaller yard,
have returned to their home. ' In the
larger yards all the pickers reiiird
are at hand.
The Order lias (Joiie Forth to Tie
the Pennsylvania Coal IMggiugs
Next Monday.
This afternoon President
Secretary Wilson, of tlie
Workers of America, ;
. Sept. 12.
Mitchell ;ind
Flitted Mine
Uiixed their
signatures to the tlocumeiit which will
call ItU.iMNi miners of the Pennsyl
vania! antliracite .coal
(heir work on Monday
precipitate one of the
strikes in the history
region from
'morning, and
most gigantic
of the la I tor
The document was an ollicial en
dorsement of .tin request of the an
thracite miners to strike. The official
order to strike was sent to the three
presidents of the l'eiiusylvauhi dis
The onhr is a simple recital of tiie
prociHlure of the three district blies
in applying to the National loard for
authority to strike, and a formal an
nouncement that the application is
endorsed and the strike is ordered.
The order says:
"Do md wait for any further not ice
to strike, but coasi work in a Inxly on
and after Monday, September 17,
As to maintaining tiie men during
the strike Pntddeiit Mitchell said:
''When men are fighting for wages
they can ubsist on very little. At
any rate, it is safe to say lhat holxxly
will starve or want for necessary
clothing. Most of the men livi
company houses and we must
shier tlie probability of eviction;
hllt con-
these tilings have all biVn fully
manners betoken either a
stunt heart or
a weak stomach. De-
ex-Mroit Jou rural.
The local market quotations yester
day vcre as follows:.
Wheat .Ml cents, at Ihe Salem Flour
ing .Mills Co.'s o&ce. -
Oats 35 cent tbuying).
Hay Cheat, buying $! to '..."hO; tlm
timothy, $8.50 to $10.
Flour 77 and SO cimts per sackr?2.S0
to pr bbl. .
Mill fid-Rran, ?13; shorts, '$lo.r0.
P.uttcr-20 ami 22 cents, (buying).
Eggs 15 cents.
Poultry Chickens, 7c per lb; market
iKidly overstocked.
Pork Fat, 4 gross, net.
Iief Steers, Z't, cows, 3V4c; good
heifer, 3Vic. :
iTtitton Sheep, 3 to 3 on foot; shear
ed 2Yi to 3C.
Veal 6j.i and 7c dressed.
I'otatoes 2.J03O cents, buying.
Wool 15 to 16 cents, market weak.
Mohair 25 cents. . , .
Hop Twine 14 cents per pound.
California Oak-tanned Leather used,
f Harness Oil. etc
F. E. iliAFEK
23 State Street. Salem, Oregon
Money to Loan
On improred farm and ty property
at loweat current rates.
T. K. ' FORD.
Over Lsdd ft Stult'a banki
$00 ier month and expenses. Per
manent position. Experience nnnee
essry. Write quick for particulars.
CI irk & Co, 4th Sc. Ucust streets,
i PUiladephla Pa, . 0:i-(Jnj-dvr.
Salem, Oregon
Hop Growers
We have over 200 empty, solid bar
ret on band to pick hop in. and about
eighteen or twenty new casks and hogs
head are in good, solid shajH to put In
grain, fruit or potatoes, etc. VERY'
CHEAP; aud will take fruit or enick
ens for them. '
Will, trade until further notice; there
fore bring In lirst time you come to the
city, your produce, and get one or two;
or else we will cut it up for firewood;'
we neitl the room, but will give you all
this month's time to secure.
'IM Commercial Street, Salem, Or.
Proprietor of
The stores, (two In iiuiiiImt) are lo
cated at No. 2.'." and '',1X1 tNunmerclal"
stretnml are well , stockiil with a
complete line of drugs and medicines,
toilet articles, perfumery, brushes,
etc., etc., etc.
Has had some '1.' yc:frs" exxrlence In
the practice of medicino and now
makes no charge for consultation, ex
amination or prescription.
lem. Oreiron. I OIVlNii A NEW.
cyclopaedia P.ritfaniea, valunlde books,
a (iiiibir, Mamioliii, etc., to those who
will send in 11 certain numlcr of siil
scrlpt urn's. You simplv send the re
quired nunilM-r and ET THE PULS
EN'T. This is not ops-ii to regular
solicitors to' whom a -commission is
paid. Write for particulars, and a
copy of the paper. We will pay a
cash commission to those who will
devote their time to soliciting for the
p.lHn Address
.i Salem, Oregon.
Hewitt Pays the freight
On all orders of $20 and upwards,
within a radius of l(n miles of Port
land.. Railroad and Logging Camps
a Sjieclalty.
No. I HS Third Street, Portland, Or.
j NO. 2Qf3l
Will stand for Marcs the coming scs
son at Corner of Ferry and Lilrty
slreets. For Pedigree and particulars,
call on - - - -
Dr. W. Long
Venferinary Surgeon. Salem, Or.
SALE. A public sale m ill
at the Farm House of '
lu lie!
n. east of Saletn. on -
lt. loth, to commence at i"
11 the foretiom. consisting "
Harrows, Cultivators, Hcs.
Shovels, Scajding Vat, R'tf
1 Crub and Stump Machine
w!lh 'HH) ft. wire cable, pulleys, etc..
1 Four-spring Hack 1 set of Farm
P,laekniith Tools, Saws. Axes
Chains. 2 set of Work Harness. Sad
dle. 1 Rifle. 1 Shot (inn. 1 Hay Rake.
Terms of Sale All' sum under $1".
cash: over that mm. twelve months'
tinie with approved sureties. '
Kj Allen.
MRS. C. IL SIONROIi Representing
the Natural IVidy liraee Co will I
at 3T8 Church street, Salem, during
the Fair. ltw-dSan.
FOIi SALE. Twenty-five or tttirty
head of 2-year-old steers. See Tboiu
t, Watt Si Co. 0;7-tf v.