Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 14, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, Friday, September u, -1000.
RIIHtzry Antfccritlcs cf the State
la Control of Galveston.
Ab Appeal for Aid Issued bj the Com
mlttee Awfnl Condition of
the City ktporled
OALVESTO, Ttxa. Spt. 11. Mar-
or Walter C. Jones estimate the num
ber of dead at Za), and lie is conser
vative. Over 2300 bodies bare been
taken out to sea. or buried In treui he.
Other hundreds are yet to be taken
from the ruins. These fiodies are now
alt badly 'decomposed, and tbey are le
Ing burled ! trenches where they
are found. Of hem are Iielnjf burned
In the debris where It can be safely
There la little attempt at Idenfifica
tlon. and U Is safe to say that there
will never be a complete list of the
dead. ' -
Chief of Police Ketdmm is in
of the work of burying the
There are large, bodies of men
ed in this work, tearing up the ruins
and getting out Hie ronws,
Several persons have already been
hot. It is reported a soldier of Raf
ferty's battery while patrolling the
beach litis morning ordered a man to
desist from looting., The .follow drew
weaiton and the soldier shot him
dead. The soldier was attacked by
; three other men; and he killed ail of
them. T?e had J8ve 'cartridges hi Ids
rifle, and each of them found a vic
tim. It la probable that twenty-five In
all have been shot. Some of these
were-nor iot inning to naif wnen or
dered to do so. Others were shot for
The ruins of big brick buildings have
net yet been Searched for dead, and
there Is a larce number In them. A
mass of ruMiish marks the site of the
I .ilea Terrace bridge house. Here
forty or fifty people were killed, and
tlylr lKMlies are still in the ruins. The
Oj-phans Home la totallydemoHshed.
Xjrnety-two children and eleven nuns
"Were killed.
Honston, Tex.. Sept. 11. Editor O.
O. Natl m. of the Vila eo World, bring
Information .of the death of twent.v
two persons hi art around Velasco. as
the result of the storm. Seventeen
re negroes.
GALVESTON. Tex.. Sept. 11.- Some
order I I icing brought out of chaos,
and something like a systems-He at
tempt is being made to clear the de
bris aud 'remove the dead. Idlers are
lielng pressed into wnlif at the .point
of the bayonet and made to work,
and the military cordon is In-iug drawn
tighter ami tighter alM.iit .the place.
f. very Horse and mule that was kfi
In-the. city is in service. Supplies are
coming in from Houston, mid the lirsl
line of communication witli the outside
-world -was olttatHHl ttlay, via Texas
City. .
I-irge ones are working on the
railroads, and in a few days the peo
pie of Galveston lielleve the situation
-,wlll be greatly improvel.
Houston. lex,. .'Sept. 1 1. -Another
train over the International & Jr-at
Northern- road left; Houston tonight.
The train carrhil men. 'water, sup
plies. Iuirt.il necessities and other
tilings, or which Oie sufTerrs lu i;il
veston are In the most urgent need.
St, IHiis. .Mo.; Sept. II. The Grand
Recorder-, of the Grand Encampment.
Knights Templar of the United States
has Kent the following telegram, to
night, to the lira nd Commanders of
e-very state:
"The recent storm in Texas has left
numbers of ' our f raters in distress.
Immediate relief is needed. Appeal
to yqur enmmanderics to siid at on-e
what' they can. Wire or send to Henry
I?. Stoddard. Deputy Grand Master,
at Galvestou, Texns.'
Galvestin. Tex.. Sept. 11. The fol
lowing statement of conditions at Gali
vestoti' and the apical for ail is isi
siietl by the 1hh1 relief committee: A
conservative estimate of the loss of
life Is that It will reach ::.: at kas
ft.tMSi r.-imilieM are shelterles and
wholly destitute. Tiie entire remiau
der of I1m topulathii is suffering iij
greater or less degree. Not a singl
church. -" Nciion! or charitable instil u
Hon. of which Galveston had3 .so many
Is left Intact. Not a building escaped
damage, and half of t lie wlio'e num
ber were entirely -obliterated. There
l InmiiMliate .net.il of 'clothing, food
and household goods of all I ds. If
nearby cities will ojMn asyl, :ns finr
women 'and children, the sit ir.it ion
will, lie greatly relieved. The roast
eltles tdionld send us water s well
a provisions. Including kertsene oil.
gasoline and camlles. iSlgitedt W. C
Jones. Mayor; M. 1-nsker, President
Island Savings .Batik; J. D. Skiuner.
'President Cot ton Kxehange; j A It.
Met Jaster, for ChamtHr of Commerce:
1L tl. Iswe,Ianager tialvestm News;
Ctaretiee Owsley, Manager Galveston
Trlbuue. i
Houston, Tex Sept. 11. latest es
timates front the Post corresiondent.
J'. S. Back, from Galveston, places the
uumiier of dead at o.t. j
; The tail end of the West. 1 Indian
storm, which deVastetU GalveStott
striTt-k this city last night and today,
making Itself jippareut lu tie heav
iest rain ever recorded In ttf local
weather office. In sixteen ho'qrs there
was precipitation, 4.23 Inches t i
Houston, Tex., Sept. II. The
rors of Sunday, jit Galveston, were as
nothing compared with Monday's at
tenpt to . bory the dead, 'but the
ground was fnjl of 'water and it was
Impossible to dig : trenches and the
bodies were taken to sea for buriuL
Ghouls have stripicd the dead bodies
of Jewelry and articles of value.
Chicago, Hept. It-The citizens of
Cbieacd have donated a trainioad of
provisions and $15.tuo In money to the
Galveston sufferers. The Chicago.
Rock Island & Pacific has donated
$44MN) and will haul a trainload of pro
visions free.
New York. Sepfc 11. The Standard
OU Company has sent JliMWi to Gov
ernor Fa vers, for the Galveston suf
ferers and the New York Merchants
Association has raised $4STi.
Washington. Sep. -11. Acting Sec
retary of War Meitleiolin today au
thorized I the chartering of a special
train from St. Ixmls, to carry quar
termasters - and commissary supplies
tt the relief of the destitute at Gal
Jienver. Colo.. Sept. 11. The state
Democratic -onvention today raised
$!X0. In a few minutes, for the Gal
veston sefferers.
t. -
Houston, Tex.. Sept. 11. G. I-u Russ,
passenger conductor on iie interna
tional & Great Northern Railroad Is
.11110112 a party of refugees who have
readied this city. Mr. Russ said to
"I will not attempt to descnie.iue
tiorror of It all; that is impossible
When I left Galveston men armed with
Winchesters were standing over bury-
iog squads and atthe point of rifles
coiuiM lliug- them to load tue corpses
on drays to lo- hauled to barges on
which they are towed into. the Gulf
by tug and tossed Into the sea. --As
I left I saw a Iwirge freighted with
dead on its journey to the Gulf.
i 'This manner of burial is iiiiera
tire: the living must be protected
now. .
( Mr. Ios" story was continued. Ad
jutant General Scurry, wbo is now In
Houston, states it as his opinion thai
I tire stale militia will le caled out and
sent to Gatvcslon to prevenl looting,
vandalism and other lawless acts.
Dallas. Tex.,
Sept. 11. Adjutant
General Snirry. who '.reached Galves
ton last evening by loat from Holts
ton. today sent a courier to ' Houston
to notify the militia companies of tlie
state tluit he would call on them for
oetaiTs lor service in tSalveston. Cap
tain RoacHe. of one of the Dallas In
fantry comiwnies. was notified to hare
men in readiness for orders.
: Information leaks out tliat the hor
rors of vantL-ilism and general looting
have Im-cii started by the vicious and
criminal element at Galveston. It is
cxiwcted 1 t the city will be placed
under martini law.
HOUSTON. Tex.. Sept. 11. Details
from the storm-swept district of Tex
as hourly -disclose more heartrending
features and 'confirm early rumors of
'one of the greatest catastrophes of lab'
years. No wire communication is yp
Mssjl!e with the- city ;of Galveston
nnl the only definite news obtained
so far has i-ome by tugboats and refu
1 In-re seems to 1k no ground for
Hie Iiow that fuller details ' wouh
sliow a reduction in the number of
lives lost, and a .conservative estl
mate is givn nt Iimhi dead, all
Tiie procrty loss is. Krhaps,
higher than at first given.
In the city of Galveston the dead
are itciiig gathered up as rapidly as
possible, taken to sea on -.barge anil
there i consigned to their last resting
places. This action is necessary to
protect the survivors from pestilence
and tli ground IS too wet to iM-rmit
of digging graves.
Ghouls have begun their work, ami
ttodies are ling stripiKMl of their
'Relief trains are hnrrvlng forward
with supplies as rapidly as jMissible,
Outside Galveston smaller towns
are lieglnuiug to send reports as tele
graphic communication improves, and
many additions to the list of dead and
property losses are- receivd. Rich
m.iltil 2ilil 1 1 It i-hiN Mk -i..i rmuirt 11
live lost. Tahwna. Arcadia. Velasco.
Seabrooke. PM-lleville. .Vrcola and many
other towns have from one to eight
. lu most of these places many Ihmiscs
have been totally destroyed, and
thousands of head of-livestock killed
The railroads alone will suffer mil
lions or dollars in actual damage, to
say nothing Of the loss from stoppage
of business.
The International, V Great ' Northern
and iSante i'e have mil of track
waslwd out. and tlie bridges iinini-t
Ing Galveston with the mainland must
Ie entirely rebuilt.
Idaho Politics Are Still as Badly Mix
ed as Ever.
IVoise. Ida.. Sept. 11.- Senator Allen
is ai van i wen lonigur. Where lie was
A 1 A . (A'
Held to deliver an address. There Is
no light on the fusion matter which
he Is understiMxl to have come to Idaho
to look after. Tlmse who went with
him to Mountain Home have not re-
turneil. and no information of anv
thins having been done has readied
A Chrsh in Pekin. Between the Pow
ers, -Will"-Be Caused by Diplo
mats, Not Soldiers.
SIIAMiHAI. Sept. lo. tpyright,
lOtM. by tlie AssiH-iatetl Press). The
Taku steamer which has arrived here
brings reiwrts of tins latest events in
Pekin. These advices are to the f
fect that the greatest harmony pre
vails among tlie officers of tlie allies,
who treat each other with extreme
courtesy, and that tlie soldiers are liv
ing as though uiemlters of one army.
Late arrivals say that if any clash
occurs during the occupation of Pe
kin; It will be brought ou by the dip-
lomats in Europe and not by the sol-
uiers in tue neio. -
The, pjareb rbrough the- palaea wa
- t - . : , . .- J -
4 Historical evrui, rrj aiuij- am
reiresentetl. The ; Russians b?d and
the troops of other nationalities fol
lowed in the onler previously report
ed by cable. 'Each regiment of Amer
icans who participated in the relief
of Pekius was represented by about
lot ineu. General Chaffee. General
Barry and other officers leading. A
Russian band and the Sikhs liagpipes
played National airs while the troops
tiled through the grounds and build
ings. There were many eunuchs at
tached to the palace , remaining, and
tbey stood by looking as though they
were attending a fuueraL Tbey were
evidently deeply huwIHated.-
After the procession, which began
to move at 8 o'clock in the morning,
and was an hour and a half in iass
ing through '- the grounds, a party of
civilians including the legatiou ladies
and some i prominent missionaries,
were admitted. ; Tea -was served to
them, and tlie palace was inspected.
The mot nuiarkable featnres of the
buildings are said to In tlie gilded ex
terior staircases, carved from single
stones with; dragons, lions and other
ornaments. The Empress lied is
trimmed, with solid gold. After the
InsiKftlon, tlie palace gates were
again cioseti ami no oije was permu
ted to, enter the'groeuffs.
The jrtKfs arrived lwy-e and are for
warded to Pekin as fas as they land.
The Ministers remain jin Pekin. Tlie
city has leeii entirely looted except
the palace, and auction smiles tf lot
lu which valuable silks, furs and
bronxes are the principal articles, are
held daily. The chief bidders at thtse
sales are army otJiecrs.'
The newspaier corresHndents had
a. eontrovei'sy. witn me omcers, who
it first propowil that no eorresiwiud-
euts should be admitted to Hie palace
with the procession, but the press
representatives wen finally a!lowd
to ais-onqsiny the troops.
The Chinese forts at Tie Sang, near
Taku, are - still undisturbed. The
British made a reconnaissance in that
vicinity, but the British commander
ays he will remain passive unless lie
is attacked, when he must fight in
order to preserve his sclf-resiiect.
The Russians are expected to attack
soon, out they lack sumclcut artWery
for .their purpose. A Russian scout
ing party was niown up iy a mine
near the fort and several of its mem
bers were killed.
The commanders of the Chinese
forts at Che I'oo are greatly disturb
ed by" reports that the Germans pro
pose taking tlie forts, and they are
threatening to defend thcui-to the end.
Tlie heavily-manned Krupps in the
foreign settlement will lie destroyed
if the light occurs.
The -United States lmttloship Ore
gonarrived at Woo Sung today. She
dcamed at good speed throughout the
trip. Her officers say she is in per
fect condition for the present, though
repairs of a tcuqiorary character have
been made.
One May Carry a Picture of a Friend
' L'lKiu His Flesh Terjietually.
A scientific discovery is Ism ml to lie
picturesque and interesting, and must;
attract-, universal attention. A Rou
manian chemist named Dinkeresco
ilscovered a means of combining tlie
snbstauces which are useil In 'sen'sb
tiding paper for photographic purposes
so that tliey can Im-a-pplhsl to the hu
man cuticle without, injuring it, ami
the skin thus lie made a sensitive
plate for fhe printing of photography.
Dinkeresco s rcmarkahlo discovery is
a combination of photography "and
the etching process, and that 'to some
extent the. image is "bitten" into tin
At any rate, the
impression is
manent. the image
tim t. and the skin
a five, but really a
is clear and
s tint made a
sort of sensi
paper. The impression
does no!
away with the change of the tissues
ami tlie renewal of the siiiT.arc of fhe
skin liecause the substances or changes
whii-li have been produced liy the pro
ess of photography are renewed ac
cording to the niiMlilicat ions produced
by the "biting' process, just as those
of a tattooed outline jirc. Ami 'what
ever the iiiH-haiiii-al means employed,
the results are remarkable. By 'this
means every human being Imm-ouics a
sort of photograph album. The- like
nesses of his friends, landscaoe "'views
asxM-i.-iled with his childhooil tir with
significant events in his life, lmrtraits
of the creat men and hetroet whom
lie admires ami many other things
may t rcnrodtli-eil Iwaotifnllv an,;
permanently on his surface.
'Ilello. where's hit old friend
Hung Lung?" askinl a -man as he as
cended into a South Clark basement
laundry with a bin o.-ickace of wash.
ing under his arm. say the Chicago
"Me Hung Lung." -mildly said the
Celestial Iteliiml the counter.
"No. you're nof. I've known Hung
i long time, and you can t work
game like that on me."
"Me buy laundty."
"Oh. you houglit out the Iaundrv.
hare you? Well, that hasn't got any
thing to do with what I was talking
iitMiut. I waneil to know
Lung." "
"Me Hung Lung."
"What the dickens you talkin about?
huh you i knew Hung."
ie ouy lamidiv and loir iin.
Lung alio same time. Me afle same
tiling i.nng.
Oh. you bought Hunz Luucr's on i.
wnen you iKinght tim. laundry, dhl
fun :
leu. mat s light. Me Hunz Luua
"Name just goes with Iaundrv
Weil,' that's a new one.
Scores of towns in the Southern
sfab-s are. Kecking to attract capital
ist by advertising tlie atenee of nr..-
legislative restrictions ;
lator in their state, sav the 1oT..v-
national Monthly. When the chHd fell
of Southern factory towns are re
clalnoMl from ; brnorance and nmnx.
ture decay. It will not Is through th
efforts, of the so-i-alled trpier classes,
tint through the Ktrrnnnn Hr),tl.,.r t
the worklnsr cLi
unions. I , ; i
Ita Kjad Tw Haw Kmn Zczi
growers Jake more bopetcl tiiax
IX THE FAST. !!-",:
Coofldnc of . Sccarlnc RemancrotiT
Price I nrowlif-Ilainin of
Big Offers. -
I From Daily Statesman, Sept. 12.)
"The- confidence of hop growers. In
receiving higher prices fur their pro
duct than are now beaig -offered, ''.is
growing stronger every day, and the
reports coming from ail parts of the
world where hops are grown would
seem to justify their lielief. There
were reports In circulation yesterday,
of offers "having lieen made alsire 15
cents or individual crops, but in
quiry at the offices of a uumiier of
dealers failed to substantiate the rum
or. The dealers all said they would
pay 13 cents, but were hot, anxious
to buy for a while. They t want to
wait until the hops are in the bale, ami
the bales counted and ; the quality as
certained liefore they buy Tiny large
quantity at a price exceeding 13 cents.
The following excerpts taken from
papers published In the various hop
growing districts of tlie world indicat
ing the condition of fhe crop and the
state of the market will Is of interest
to hop growers.
Chehalis, (Wash. Bee: Thirteen
cents has lieen offered this week for
hops at Chehalis but the offer does
not find as iiimy ready takers a. 12
cents did a week or two asro. Heiiriot
Bros. of. Cowlitz sold 1.".mi ouml
to Rose at that price. LllieiitU.il at
tempted to secure options for a few
days on V bale a 15 cents, but
growers would not gPve options miles
considerable money was put tin. In
addition to tlie contracts mentioned
last week and the Ilenriot contract the
following sales have Jwcn made: Ed.
Klause, 1 1.IWO iHiunds; Herman Young..
1(MMK poumR to Neis at 12 cents;
Job ti O. Dos. Kt ivjimds t Xeis at
Wj cents; Sam and J. Senn "skio
pounds to Rose at 12 cents, l'icklng
eoninieiH-ed in a few yards in Lewis
county this week. It will lie general
in this section Monday -wbeu Dobsou.
YoiHig. Diniiiliop, Elans. Haz.ard and
Tratiim nvill commence. !
Wheatland Cab. Four Corners Seiit.
1. M. II. Durst s;iys of the liops In
Washington: In -Washington. Ch
lialis was the only point visited. Thb
is tlie center of a hop growing district
oi some .sum naies output. I lie crop
on the isiles liMiked bright, clean and
promised a good yield iierhaps lo jer
cent, more than in 1WK. At this writ
ing the Indications are-as follows: A
shortage in California of 15.mmI bales
1-roin England tlie latest advices by
cable report and weather condition
promising fairly satisfactory, with n
liable estimates of yield of 440.0UP
ewts.. for 1!SM1. Tlie official return of
the IH'Ki cifn puts it at ri7n.os ewt.
ImiHirts into Great Britain for last
year ' were under 45.(nmj bales against
lio.fxm bales for IS! is. Taking it a
a whole, it looks, as if growers might
count on fairly good prices for this
seasons crop of choice quality.
OtsBgo (N. Y.) Republican: Hop
picking Is now in full blast. Reports
are to the effect tJiat In new yards, or
yards Mint have lieen frhoroughly eul-
irvaieu, the yield Is fully as large-and
in some instances much larger than
last year. .Old and lvoorly cultivated
yards are very light, however. We
learu of no sale since our last issui
Pve-w ,iork Journal-Bulletin: The
strong tone of. the market- Is maintain
ed, the feeling in New York state UXMI
crop being particularly firm, and some
of tlie growers, it is rciwrtiil. are b
ginning to talk of 2t cent hops. Last
i. . , ...
rains in ureiron. wnic i. it was
feared, might cause mildew, appear to
have been too light to have any affect.
telegrams just . received stating that
i tie crop is doing well and will turn
out. alnntt 75.IWO bales. Nothing new
was report I'd from England today.
onronta IN. Y.) Herald: Picking ha
begun in many yards. The quality is
uniformly good and with proper care
in picking and drying there should In
ho irouoie in securing top prices. A
rew sales as liiglu a 1., cents have
been reported, but even at that figure
growers are not anxious to sell. A
well informed local dealer estimates
the state crop tlFis year at rs 1.000 idles.
which is a. large reduction from last
year s crop.
sv-iionarie i.. Y.I Republican: Tin
iiumptirey - soeiiunjr or -which there
are several yards throtish the rallev.
iiave leen gatJiered and vork in tlie
later varieties begins today. The Hum
pnreys snow a hue color and rich
quality this year, and the yield 1$
equal to and in some cases si ightlv
exceeds that of a year ago. Fifteen
cent lias 'been offered for at least one
lot. Put -we learn of 110 sales at this
I ho M YiWj Haw Alws Bougr
Mexico eek a Settlement with Mrs.
f.race aluable Priqiertie. x -.
Syracuse. N. v.. Sept. 11. -Two prnu-
inent lawyer or the Citv or Mexrco
i.ui ue la isarra and t raiii-is.-o Oreil
I 1....... r .1
j. hhc mr iiir puriise of-con
ferring with -Mr.' Mary D. Grace re
ga ruing tier silver mine in tlie state
of Durango, Mexico. Tliey have come
to arrange a final settlement with Mrs.
itrace. 1 he proorty Is valued bv
uiiiiliig experts at anywhere from $1
Mi to 912.mio.imn. .Mr,. f;race is
the principal of the Tompkins School
here, and has leen upMirting herself
wniie seeking to recover the mines in
wnicn she neeaine Intcresteil In 1SS2.
at wnicn time. she lived In San Fran
cisco. - ,
I he mines are now bein? worked
.. .1 11.... . . . m . ' I
uiin no- iMii(uii in ore uas neeii con-
tracteii for by Ouggeiiheirner Brothers,
or .w iork. miey nre bankers who
e:u in silver.
William J. Grace, eldest son of Mrs.
Grai-e. is In charge of the mine. He
was superintendent when (he property
ww iHM-n irom sirs, urace by Mexi-
'" no nave neni it ror the past
eveu yearn. 1 ne nunc are situated
near me village of Nombre de Dios.
aooio injo nines norm of tlie City of
Jir-A 111 . ;
. Itefore Mrs. Grace was dist-an.wt
by Spanish claimants under 1 1 IP nrfl.k
i a iiiioor courr a iiteit an.t
ideteoulfTt of mining machinery worth
ucany minion dollars had leen In.
stalled. The mines tlieniselves earnetl
mi onnay. -,ine. property come back-
to sir. Grace stripiied of most of its
vaiuaiue inacninery. Even the mules
Bears tli , j9
which drew the ore ears were taken
away. The pumps were smashed, the
tuuePer was destroyed, and evei-yr.
thin? that could Ik done to Wreck the
projierty was done by ttie Mexicans
when 1hey J found that they could not
longer hang on to the property.
Evacuation of Pekin to '.Follow the
Opening of Pea ee Negotiations
To Protect the Empire. '
IXNDON.' Sept. 11, A special dis
patch from Rome says the Italian cab
inet has decided to initiate immediate
negotlaTToiis with China. It will form
ulate demands for an indemnity' and
if they are- accepted Italian Interven
tion will be eonsHlcred terminated and
no propoals tending to further war
fare in China will be considered.
Pawls, Siiit. 11. A
iqieclal liatcli
from Rome says that the Italian Min
ister of-Foreign Affairs, Marquis Vis
contl Veuosta, has Addressed to; fhe
Powers a note proposing negotiation
with Oliina on the following basis:
First The evacuation of Pekin as
koou as the peace preliminaries have
iMH'll wiglHHl.
StHwid The participation and sup
port of the Powers in enabling Cliina
to contract alone to pay the indemui
tleu. Third The ina iiifenance of the in
tegrity of the Chinese Empire by the
collective eiigagemeut' of tin; Powers.
London, Sit. 11.. The Tokio eorres
IMiiideut of the Times, wiring Septem
ber S!h. says: Japan lias' replied that
she will not object to the withdrawal
of her Minister from Pekin and to the
other measures, recommended by the
concert of INiwers and since her gio-graphh-al
position enables the prompt
adotion of th necessary military
ineaKures she Is willing to withdraw
sujK-rfluous triKips. I
According td trnstiwortliy rumors
Russia i preparing to Winter 15.MH)
troops at Chi 11.
Taku. Sept. M, via Shanghai. S
JO.'llie cxiM'dition to Pao Ting
will leave on Friday. Jt is mule
Sis follows. British, two regimeiit
cavalry, a battery of horse artilldry
ami jtnt inrantrj; Italians, ltUKi; J;jp
anese, jsi; Russians, uuu, and Amori
cans, iMH).
die Foo, Sept. S, via Shanghai, Sept
10. 1 lie I'ao ling J-11 evpeditiou leiv
ing today numbers 4UU0 men.
r rmn many iarts of. New Enghiud
this sumtjier conn's the news tliat jlu
ong bird.i sii'in to be more in eviit' fiui
than tliey have Imm-ii for many ye:rs;
An old Rangcly guide said receipt ly
tliat'it was hardly within his recolk-v
tion of tlie past 2 years that the bird
- 1
nan fSH-n so aiiiiiui.iiit or of so iu:iny
sjmhmcs as there may be seen t!h is
year. In the want of any other reason
fp aei'ount lor the welcome change ii
iceni fair, to asume that the New
r.,-. .-1 .i ... . ' . .. .. i .
r.ni.-iiiii laws lor. inc. protection ol -in.
sectivorous birds are iM ginning to li(ivi
some efl'iH-t. j
Emieror of China Sends Ilim to
Capitol for the Purpose of Se
curing Fence, with Powers..
WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. Minister
Wit hits received a cable dispatch from
Earl Li Hung Chang, giving an Tmper
ial edict sigiieil by tlie Emperor, ilir-
ei'ling him to proceed immedialelv
to PckJn ami there to co-operate with
Prince ' filing toward iM-ace negoiia-
tioiis and a set tleiiient of Jill war dif
ficulties. -The edict is dated Auztist
7Ii3n Acisinlingly. Li Hung Chang
ask that th I'owers co -om-ralf in
l n'oidins: him iM-i-sona! protc-t ion. lie
probably' will leave Shanghai at once,
going to sea. Sir Robert Hart.' Imper
ial Minister of Custom, has . been
askd to proline steamer .K-comino.li-
lions for
the trip. Minister Wu will
ask that a United Stab
Ih desighateil for Earl LI
Iondon. Sept. 11. Fni nee has form
ally adhered to the Russian orooosal
to withdraw front Pekin lo Tien Tsln.
A representative of the . AssociaU-d
Cress learns, on iimiiiestiouable auth
ority, that telegraphic, instruction
sent from Paris and St. Petersburg to
M. Pichoii and M. de Giers. respective
ly, the .Ministers of France and Ru
sia at Pekin. directing both Ministers,
in conjunction with General Frev and
Llnowitcli. to take measure to with
draw the legations and militarv. eon
tiugeiit of lioth countries, of Tion Tsin
llJlliK-diatelv. if circumstance Twrmit
Diplomatic circle in, Limdou an
Inclined to IieJicve that this step will
lead 10 slmil.-ir action on the part of
the I luted States and Japan, and that
while Germany may liold out uiitil
Field Marshal Count von Waldersee
irrives 111 China, she will ultimatelv
lea ring Creat Britain little
choice. -but
to follow suit.
lindon, S-pr. 11. A dispatch from
Nagasaki. Japan, says It is renorted
. . . . - .
mere unit the . Iowager Kmnre o."
iuina uas mn eanturetl lv tlu tint.
sians at Johol (?). '
; WArlir.UTON
I From the Newspaper Correspondence
Division of E. G.jSiggers.)
Professor Galloway, of the. Agrh-ul-
tural Deartiuent, Sis-aks with eiithu
siasm of the displays ami the advane
in the florists art howu at tlie expo
sition of the SK-iety of American
Florists in New York,; which he at-
tendiMl as representative of tlje gov
ernment. To show tlie ImiKirtauce of
the industry be presented some sur
prising ngures. Tliere are more than
SMKM) commercial florists In the United
States, representing an la vested, cap-'
ltal of $llXsMHrt and fcri annua! frhde
of ?27,7oJ,tXNJ. The -Insurance com
panies carry risks on 13,02.i,7ia square
feet of, glass uiwd tin- hotliouses of
the florists in this couutry. "Last vear
70,mn ; square feet of glass 'was
broken by hail. . The liuurlier of cut
roses Sold annually in the United
States tls estimateil at Iimj.oihmniii
valued at $'.htn),tt; 1(nmmnmm,m car
nations, valued at I,(mm,oini; violets, -7,i.otM,iMio.
valueil at 7."SMitB; chrys
anthemums 5),ixm,mn, valued' r.t JVm.
IN.N1. - . 1
The Treasury Iepartmeut has ih
cidl a case of much Interest to l-or-poratious,
relative to Mi e powers of
the secretaries thereof to sign custom '
house lionds as owners. The Deparl
liient directs that where tlie secretary
of a conwratlon, claiming to act bv
a special autlioriKJitioii of the boaril
of directors, makes, the owner's decla
ration, lie shall lie required to state
that he Is a stockholder in tlie corpo
ration. When, however, it ;iiim-.h
that the secretary lias authority by
law to bind tlie corhralion eijruhV
with Hie other duly qualified prluej,
pal otlicers. he may ulisril- to ihe
owner's declaration as freely as Uny,
providej he produces coiiies of " the
charter or articles' 'of Ucoi-oraiioii re
lied on to confer such authority.
Despite tlie constant bragging: of
onr British cousins in regard to the
greater safety of railway travel ju
tireat Britain, and the almost universal-admission
in this country Htm
such is i'lie fact, official British ,t'n.
tisfics show that the loss of life t
emidoyHs Is twice as jeat there a
lu te. The Britisli railways are al
most entirely without - safety apj,i,.
an ccs, .-for coupling and. uin-oiiiriiiS
car, for iustam-e. Parltaiiieiit lias
now pasKi-d a law conqK-llin tliest.
to be ailoptinl witiiiu a reasoiiahle
time and it is hood that the ratio
will In reduced at lcist to the Amer
ican one.
This city is of course the .Mecca."
where every crank is rr to bring
his devices for the ' Improvement of
the world and force them, umiu ih,'"
unwilling but helpless heads ,,r Gov
ernment. Some of the hli-A serious
ly advanced are truly annalltmr. Th.
latest Is-rroiii a t'alifornta man who.
signs himself "Professor" and w.nit
the (bivcrumenr to back hiiri in build
ing a iK-lt railway all around the''
Ullitlll States. Tite "Professor" iu-
iptires of "Attorney General Siuiiir'
wheilier j it advisable to delay the
progress of this work until afle'r the
next session of the United states''
legislature? The professor sefms P
think that railways are built for the
fun of it, and not for the purpose of
Turkey ha again revived I be pro
position to pay the missionary claims
Nmliiig against her .under cover uf a
contract . for a cruiser .to be bv.il I in
Ihe United. States'. Secretary Hay h;ix
replied, with anofiier "ultimatum" -demanding
the .-immediate payment of
t'TTe money.
Nearly all of the old brown ariillery
Mvilcr in the United Slates is cx-Iei-teI
to be used up during target
practice at the sea coasts fortification
within the next month or two. 'The
War Department has issued instim- -tiotis
that all the S. p and . 1-.'4cli
guns and all EMuch inott.iN shall be
worked at most jioints. , .tlioiigit In .a
few -i-ase .Hrmissiou has been grant- -
ed to coiilijie firing to gnils of on
ca liber. 1
Coniin.-imler Tiller. IT. S. N.. has re
porled 10 the Navy Department in
regard, to the moiiuiuellt iled'n-aled bi ,
memory of the .-America n and Britisli -dead
-who fell in the shore. 1 engage-'",
inents in Samoa in April. tS!!. ' The
olliceis and men of the cruiser Phila
delphia and also of several lirllisir
ships contributed to purchase- tie
lueiijorial stone, the hind having Iwen
given liy t.eliii.niv. I he stone weijfh
tons and-was btunrlit in Now Son'h
Wale. It is surrouiided by a liaiul-
some railing, and the (b-rmaii Gov-
rnipctit is pledged lo cause ij'ie pros-
(M'ct to In? kept oiieii to the sea.
Uncle Sam may be said to have ner-
maiiently decided in favor of lips.
Recently the Controller of tlie Treas
ury, after mature consideration.
passed a charye of twenty-live cents,
tip to a Pullman imrter, and now lie
has again passed a chanre of lo ex
pended in tin to stevedores bv the .
assistant director of Tfie A iiiei'ii:i 11 ir-
hihit at the Paris Kxposit ion. The
latter state that .-1 loi.-mtu- ..r .,..,ij
lay on he wharve of New' York, coh-
signetl lo the '.Exposition, aii'l the
stevedore sliowiil a 'disim-liiia t ion tf
handle them. He exoemle,! l..i lo
in lieing "a .goo. I. fellow." as lie ex - '
?resscs it. .and ffM. goods were prompt
ly . 'handled. Ho could obtain 110, re-
euipr ror Ihe money thii'
said if the Covernm'eiit wer
ing to refund it he would
up to "patriotism."
pen! .in I
not will
charge It
tJetieral Joseph W1ieler,' in coai
icand of the Department of the Lakes,
with licadquarter at Chicago, will
be retired on Mottday, September 1",
011 -account of llie!ageIiinit. On that
day General Wheeler will b.iil years
old. and he has 110 option about re
tiring, a the law which regulate-this,
ina tier provide that an j-rniv oflh-cr
I. permittiMl at r, but "retires-involuntarily
'at 1W. He will probahlv 1
succeeded by ;eiieral ChalTee.
Spain will no longer be tw hind tlie
times. In fact, she will hereafter if
distinctly ahead of them, the giieen ,
Ecgetit Iiaving' signe.1 a- Idecree. es
tablishing the use of -dockji ' jtuiahered.
from 1 to 21 hours Instead of the
nsnal 12 hour form. : in all oflidal
hirtmeiits. Midnight "will be -
Iff clock and noon 12 o'clock
The controversy -over the adoption
of a typc-of field gun ty the. United
States has. reultei in ifeneral .Bnf-i
titigton's decision lM-ing overruled, ami
In a general couitotition of all types
whose owner desire lK-iiig ordered
held within the next four months. .Ml
gun must te of .'Much cablier aiff
have lixcil ammunition. The test will
Ik? coniiM'titive.
- Fine prifYting. Statesman Job OfHce.
ROUTINE WORK. The Stale 1-and
P-oard held n brief stssion at the enp-
Ifoly yesferdaj-. when a la rg" amount
of routine business, that had aecuniu-
lattHl. .was diposd of.
!M MnvtHir mi Lcimi i
bat ta baraalraa mm rmmnmt fall. Ra f
MKS. M. ItOWAN'. H ttt M ilwa..k--. Wl.
or nj6 pay. O.'H. HO WAN,
- Milwuuktc, Wis.