WEEKLY OREGON STATESMA H T ri:riAT. feitemrer it, iroo.; PEACE TALK IS ERUITLESS State Department Not Ready to Negotiate With the Chinese. Will NOT BREAK WITH POWERS Advice of Minister Conger la Awalt edKrporiM of Looting by Troop, Denied from 'lien Ttdti. . WASIIIXCTOXj Fk-irf. ll.-I'mm a formal statement,1 given out today it apear. that the Stale Department U ; not yet read j to Jicg'n direct negotia tions .with EI Hchg Chan It foe.. not question his credentials as pleni potentiary, but siuiply leaves the mat; n-r In alieyanw; Probably tltia k 1 eause all of the 1'owers have 'not rc .turned their responses to tin Russian note, as it !." desired to' avoid having the. United Stated lte the first among the Powerjt tat alia ndnti lioio ut har-i.-.iiiiou anion. Iiii'l t;-iiW for itseir toward a settlement dlnt-ily with f'hina. Al-so it may be deemed wcil to vvalfeto hear from Conger, who -eral days axo was invited to express his opinion altoiit quitting IVlfiu. jjumxa rjtoiiiiiiTEiv WasItinKton, "Sei)t. 11. Th" War D partmeiiE todaj' 4made puldK.- tlw Col lowing teh-rani; :' " ; "To Fowler, Che Foo: Send t lie fol lowing cablegram ' to 'oolidse." coin , ma iKl'mg I lie t'liited Siate forces at Tien T'sin; Heported. here, extensive oolhlge ri-pliitl: 1.00IOIU ll I- . . . . . -iiii truiiiia in tii.v W'llU'! i-itv I ien Tsiu, is unfounded and N denied. No projHTty destroyed exeei)t under mili tary exigency." , . FAST SHIPS. 'ilUt Tlie reutschland's Performance At Ir.icts Creat Ilritaiu's Attention. Ii.tidon. Sa-irt. 11 The remarkable , i nn of the I lam lui rg-American lin steamship Deutschland is exciting un-: looting in Tien Tsin. Ib-tKirt Miimed;- V" " -,,M: " mu '? HS' "Pa ,':u 1,1 ; aiely whether American ' troops took I f.'1 "f ,e,U,mV 1 V'' r;U,,; oiain-.. part. If so, punish severely, and re..':a-" ln New- .ork. woullm.t . give press stcrtdv. Absolute tegaiul furl"3 1h" "'. -'V 'lt,i,!'vv :., , 7 , . , --. ... ',t!i Uipnbtcan inajoi ty to IMNm l.fc and pro H-rty of imiM-om ...taut f majority f k in iv.. "ry 4'f(Tl.ens,dt,imor,:,h,n gratifving.com- usual interest In England, and there j their williugiiess to meet us in eonfer is much complaint le--ause Ttrifisu j cin e. I shall immediately order a vessel are thus distanced in the j strike. Kpee.1 etmipetition. The Daily Chron-j These witc I he words of John Miti-h-i le: m tints out the danger that iujell. president f the I'niied Mine Work tiute of war lirltish lrate would lie j ers of America, tonight. at thetnercrof such swift conunen-e-1 "U is- with the greatest reluctance tl.t rovers, and siys the government and nation inn.t look to it Tlie Cunard line manager, when in terview-! yesterda5 said: "There .Is no bflt. that (lermany is alive to the Value of sindi fast vessels iu the event- of war, and the lieuevo teni attitude of the Herman govern ment has Itei-ii hu-gely instrumental iu stimulating their production. It is all. a- question of cost. Experience has proved that there is no linaliiy in Mtecd levelopment. The Cunard line has its eyes fully oeu to the situa tion. " SIEVEU THE ISSUE. Mark Hanna Says that Over-Confidence Is the tSreat Danger. Chicago. S'pt. 11.' Senator Hanna, at a dinner at the ll.imlllon Club to night, in honor of Senator Mason, talked frankly of the danger of over--onrideuce on the p.irt of 'Republicans, and declared with all iossHle em phasis that everything that the Repub licans hud pal riot ie Democrats fought vr- .n The silver nuestion and not Imperial Ism. he a saw ted, was tho paramount issue. i x . i " .K'OOSKVKLT AT YANKTON. Western People (?ret the Candidate With tireat Enthusiasm. Yankbm, So. I)ak.. Sept. 11. - The h ministration here tonight, in honor of 'Coventor! Roosevelt's arrival, was almost- nneiu:ille;l in the history of Ibis small city. f iletnoiist ra t ion .liier .in r" '"' , the social train pulled out for the WVM. and is to make eigiit calls to- u tor vow in ite journey through ?Mutti 4:'kota and part of Iowa. STOKM IN C1HCAOO. Chicago. Sept. 11. The ptorm of to da was one of the severe-vt that has visited Clfungo in years. At me lime the wind Miicle.l vUor-iiy of seventy two miles or btur. and t no tint during -the lay vas it les than fifty miles an tiotir. Two in ople lost, their lives. ud j t. number were- injured. The damage amounts to thousand of dollars. '. ' ; . ' : I-: - SPAUKEINtJ : ATMOSPHERE OF V , PKKIXC. , A termau diplomat is resxmsible for the epigram. "You appro-icli Pe king In trars, but yon leave it wcei Ing." The reason for this apix-ars to lie the pure atmosphere. The ipulity of the air I descrilK.! as one oiit'.niial exliilarathm: la winter dry and spark ling, the very champagne of atmos pheric vintages; in spring ami autumn a delieiou blending of frost and still. Tlte keen 'air braces the nerves like a tonic. They admit, bowever, that the sun N hot In Pektjig. but residents eu joy health .nd physical comfort la the eilsp lVktng air : - FHJIIT DECI.ARE1 OFF. Kan Framdsco. Sept., 11. The Tom my Ryau-Jaek Moffatt fight for the niiddle-welstht championship of the world, whic it was scheluled for to iiiorrow night at the Mechanic.-? Pavil- ion. han Imii Wiarl off. Ryan, who has, J,eu aufferirer r . .? .... - ..Bntitu4'.ii ail- flncnt for several day. Las deckled Jo 7 r . 1 -' -'- date with Moffat i 11m. National Club ha sun t:tltund Al. Xeill for Ryan.. KIJItAXI OF MEItcy. San Francisco, Sept. 11. The United Mates tiaiisM,rt Iiwlou fallal on her errand of mercy to Nome tod.is. Sb, will Lrins Lome over Km destitute miners. ' .. i To accommodate tho.e who are pnr tial to rhe use of atomizer in apply ing litiil into the nasal passages for tatarrhal troubles, t ht-p.vmrieter vre-pare1-Ely Liquid Cream Halm. Price luctmiiug ne spraying tut ifi cn-nr. Druggists or by maiL quid embodies the medicinal "" of t .solid pecpa ration. Malm i quickly absoi Ited irembrane and does -not tlry The li-prorier-Criai ly tlw oil the .accretions hi 4 changes them lo a uat 1'ial and healthy character, Ely liroth ers. Warren Si.. X. Y. DEMOCRATS REJOKING. THEY CEAIM A YKTfini' IN; THE maim: election. The Ratio of riain Tlure. They Claim. Will t;ive ltryau the Kle'iioii a In Xoveiuler. CIIirACO. Sept. 11. There w V! Joieiiis; txlay, at Hi Democratic hctd- ; finartt-rs. over the result of the clee- tion in -Maine. Secretary Walsh and I National Committeeman Johnson pre-' pared a set of liiruri. Vas'd himu their1! j present pralns In : Maine, npon .which ! they claim these states for.Iryan: j .Maryland by a majority of S.oni; i Indiana, .vii.ikmi; si ten ijran. -..-. m: i Minnesota. 2Um: Kentucky,'- i"i.n'm; I West Virginia, 20 (XHi; California. 3-V iMjlaware.jO.rtW; North Dakota, "The iKmioeratie sain In Maine was 2'i percent' said National 'Commit-j teemati Jolinsotx, "an. I the Republican j loss Avass 1 er cent, baed on the I voti- cast in 1Sm;. if similar results ' are obtained in ot'ier static now cfaim I inn ..ft.... V. ..I....... 1.. I- .. , !...... .!... .1... 1, i ll iii'mii. II ?l un- II I. II III:- I.I IJTIIII I .III- .. ." of Maine are dissatisfied. A sriitKi: 'i:i:taix. oa-l Oper.iiimis. Mu.d Meet the I.ah orers r Me Tied l'p. Chicago. Sept.xll."I will leave for Indianapolis tomorrow night, ami. if ujnui ,y arrival there Thursday juorn-4 ing I fad to hear .'iii.vthuig from.th oM-rators in New York indicative of " ,''s s" 0 l oniiooeu v,r Mitchell. "Hut nothing else remains for us to do.' FEACHES 1 AI'lECE IN I'AHIS. . merh-a n Costly Kxn-rJmeut With Two Demure Young Women. Ile is not so very young, neither is he without eXM-rienc. in the ways of the world, -says the New York Times. He has lieen more or less of a rounder ami the patches of gray above his tem ples indicate that he is no longer a boy. The fact-t tut t he i a successful bny-r for one of the largest retail houses ill the cit ought to lie evidence that he is not without hoth shrewdness and experience. After 'some 1 or a d. zcn trips abroad in the 'Interest of his business, hi friend;: say that he ought to have known better. Hut that only ailds "test to 'the telling of tin stiry and they have told it often enough to necessitate his paying for a good many "rounds" sim-e his return fiom Paris a few days ago. For he jidmits. a little sorrow- .'wriS. ... 111 off n-.Htr e.iriv iu the aficruitoii. siK-nt a toupie r iioms at the eXHitioii and latiT dropiMsl into an einpiy chair at one of the many, sidewalk cafes in the gay French city. It may have befMi by accident, or it mav have Ucii by design, - that his chair was in dose proximity to two 1 cenpied by a conpie of demure look ing girls of English aspect. It ?s cer tain, at least, thai they sitefce Engiisii. whatever their liatieiirlity. lb- ay ahat he was lonely: the demure oue ..mcd similarly ilepressed- Shy I. j en - ' ' ? '' - ''V'V e'e were followed- by synipai he.ic a-matter of eonrse. in versatioll eusueil. It was ine iiio.-. harmless thing in the wm LI. S.tj to. wa his invitation to them to partake of soie refreshment. We're just waiting for ipa. iispc.. one of the girl, and the other said that they couldn't think o! ac.-epliug sun, cvi:riesy from a stranger. ; Heinsisted; they resisted, then con s i:?d. '"rin ret the '.least bit hungry." said demure Miss One. "Neither am I," cchoi-d l-jtshfrl Miss Two. A waiter wits at their elliows. "What will you have? ashed the .allant New York man. and when one of them aid sdie thought a ieaeh would be alMtiit all she could eat, the !.,. nt-i-eetl that It 5 Wttuld lte "SO til. " -' And the niaircongrjitulabil himself on the nitMlesty; of tlieir deniaml. lie had vet 'to learn . thing or two almut the wst of fresh fruit in J'ari. He in- KtsttHt tJ1.1t they must have samr witches, too, and a moment, later the at:er' serveil the order. , Sijc 1hs-Ioui eahe rfMsed on tl?e !late. Each f the g-ris took ne. Their appetite." were Duly while they munched sandwiches tliey playfully teyetl with tin renutining jteacheH. In f-u-t thev piet el , Hmhii w ith their knive. The fruit was a complete wreck. -1 ' . ' . Then one of the maiden remember el papa and mrgestcd that tluy lek for hbn. AVith rretty Kws awl thanks galore they left, just as the waiter pie.euted the bill. 4 AVlieu the New York mfn fast his eye over the paiier he read ja.meihing like this: . Three sandwiches at 2 franct? each, A Word to the Wise is Sufficient 99 . Bat some stubborn people wait until 44 down sic&" be fore trying to ward off illness or cure it. The ivise recog nize in the word 4 4 Hood's" assurance of health. For H biood troubles, scrcfvU, pimpUx, ms tveS as diseases of the kidneys. Ikkr nd b&akls. Hood's SarsjLpArSU is the effective and ftositless Rheumatism " ur prsciicsSy helpless from rheumatism in my shoulder. Hood's SsrsjLpsrHU cured me and ever since is a household favorite," SMrs. IS. E. Town. 43J2 SL Lawrence o4ve. Gvfcago, JSL a - Ilwod ir Htct til; th DU trntmXing u4 cUirti t tk with Hod' SanutioytlU. : francs: six i-achesat 3'fraucs each. VJt fram-s. lie paid the bill. ST,.2. and has lieen oiideriu ever since if fruit farming tor t iie l'arjs market will not pay bet ter' t ha u his biisjiu-ss. Since his return 1 :e ha leariiel that demure girls"- iu i . -iris sometimes iravv coiuiihsshi!C- for golM'giiig (teaches, a bit ovel-lip. lo please Americans who are more than ,-ii bit green. 44 s,... . -i.i ' r .i . "f . 1 Mahan. defendant, is the title of a hmposs de f,r the men to woi-k.'IM.w suh i(1 . fJrst i ,Kess,t therefore. cotpelle,l I the in-f t)j, st.1(,. ,.irt.uIt. ,v,nf.f. ,-,. a,.tlon T, ai.para.u, lor aril- neiai vein ii.i i uiu. Vogtte for hllll- 1 The oi l in; hods in , i- r. it, ,. : "" '.: "" r:i,ops are grown on the farm of ...i . j,- a iniiiiijiiii. Slfill DIM IOI the striking of direct inierference with lighting capacity would have remained for many years lunger. In the Monitor was place. I a rotary blower, worked by steam. Air was t litis drawn ti-om one-hair of the steamer through a system of pipes and forced into the outer. various cn-inges were made I iu later ironchiils of this -ierioU Iiri some the air was drawn down the; turrets and forced throughout the vi--sel. thus rendering them more ih.-in evt r liable to suffocate the men below iu battle, while in others the supoly was obtained through armored cylin ders and forced out through the'-turrets. It was iti (he early ironclad that a peculiar dis'ase .l.-vclope.l which. Iic iug 'on!''ned 1.1 those vessels, was" si ton desi;it:i!ed irmitlad fever. In this alTt'ct'oit . t 'ie initial sv inpioins were much like those of typhus, but in a short lime .-.eve re occipital pa '1; was folio we I by complete aphonia and I hi:! by coma and death. The intro iluctioti of ventilating appliance caused the disappearance of this sin gular disase. and in time I hese 'metal boxes. al.uost etitirely sulitiii rgiNl. came to Ih regarded as probaldy the !ims; sahilo-ioiL-i vessels a float. ii:tNci..D crm: ok FEVKU. - ExH'!-)mt'iiis tshowei Due 10 back of 1 I lisease ' Ventilation. Was III 111 fight iM'twiN-n the Monitor and Merrimai' It' was found that there was not sutticient air in the turrctod steamer for Hie crew and that t tie sullocaling gases generated hy Hie explosion' of gnnMwder found their w'av ltohw and rctiderl it praciicallv A LAV A Y S H 1 : b I E V E D. "People are growing more incredu lous each year." remarkiil the 'man wl.M d'sltclievos- iu human nature. "I don't think so." answered ttc optimist. "I have notice that when- ever tin von can day. eve you for therniometer gos alxive s." lell auytHy it's tlie lmtlst known and he w -oti't, d.eilit ;l se.'ond." Washington Star. t tRATITT'DE. Young T.ndv - Oive me one 'yard ol - why. haven't I seen you before? Dry. CooiH ' Clerk--.ih. Maud, can von have forgotten me? I saved your life at the seaside last summer. Young K-idy 1 warmly 1 Why. of course you did. You may give me two yards of this rtMtoii. please. - I'.oston loiirnal. RAISE TOHACCO I NDER TENTS. Attempt lo Crow Havana and Suma tra Leaf in Connecticut. An experiment in growing 'Havana d and Sumatra tobacco in Connect cut' soil, under a tent, is lteiug can aiM tiMi by Prof. E. H. Jenkins of the -late agricvdtmal station of .New Ha ven, and -Marcus A. Floyd, toltacco ex pert ol the United States department if agth tilture. The -overing is made f hee.e cloth. Is nine fiid high and contains llo fet of cloth. "Prof.' Jen kins toid a Sim ittirter that the covering- oiTered many advantages. r--lainiag the moisture in the ground longer than where It. was exiosH. curing a temiK'rature of from to ilegrc- liotler. ami protecting iiicjnt, t'effcrings of an utiforunate sov- the! plant s frotiv heavy rainstorm or ha it. Excessively heavy hail mav -iietraM-through tlie cloth, but the fall will ho Mdliciciillv broken to prevent the plant .from l ing broken. Mr. Fioyd i id : i "The Sumatra is progressing, finely. The leaves are smaller, of a brighter green and liner shade, and 'are silkier than that raSfuil In the el n. We ate gathering the crop; by leaves, picking them as they Iteeome fully matured and b-aving lle taik. This prodin-es ntticli I tetter result than to dry thvin on the stalk. The Havana seed 1 not doing ft well and the oettiie Is In donbt." lrof. Jenkins said that Cnneet.cit tobac-o m longer anweret! the le ivand if the trade, and if . the attempt t grow Sumatra here was successful it would result 'in great iireierity for Connecticut grttwers. , IX CEOSE TOt'CII- XoW This nio. lent American life-i all wrong... Too much hurry. I hare lust taken a quiet, retired nook in the country. -where, a. niiu. c3b have at so lute ref . -' ' i :V l .TotWHow far away? '. x'oJ.I-Tuaft fhe Iteauty of the place. Only forty minutes from my otlive. Ha liter's Barar. Wil SUITS ARE FILED X KeCEITCR ASKED FOR BT A HOP UROTTEK. WaU UU RltkU ProUrUd as (alut Hrai t'liUwulf-Mill la JLorr m Coalnrt. . - ! v ' ' .,'.-'', ,' - From I aily Siaiesman J Sept. 12.) . . Joseph Hull, juaintiir, vs. Janie lSiiuek r, JoseirfM Miller ud A. J. Itifitan'sou. rfndants. I the title of an action lih-il in dtcirtutent No. 2. sist- drciiit iidirt f.ir M.iriuu jcouufy. Tfct .laioiir alljfi that I leased tvo lop yards, from defeu 'dant MichardsouC cusistiutj t 4 ami a'aerns. respectively. That later he , entered into partnership w ith defeud F.iincker, ott an ajrreMiint that i plaintiff aad lluiK-ker should take the '"hop sanN jointly,- and share iu the i work, ex iejise ami profit, taking three- fourths of the- crops, one fourth to be jdeliverel to the owner of the iwemises. 1 He further alleges that Muacker re ! f it-s to alhav plaint iff to manage r ih.tve any part iutthe ' uianajreiueut of j the h.ip yard, anil has attempted to j mnrtiraare fl&e crop for $oi. The plaiu i tiff, therefore, asks that a reeiver be uppoiiitcij manage the luirvesting i of the crop an to p;iv lo etlch f tile parties the hare justly due .them. udge 15sm llxed t.l.e time for hear- , insr tihe comtiaint for 1 o't-I.M-k this af- termHm. John Mj.vue is attorney for the plaintiff. MeKinlev Mitchell, plaintiff, vs. Je-'in !s (,,, ; o rt.iXtVt,r ,M,s.ssio!i of (".MX) iMtunds of hops, -alleged to 1m- w ...':. i.i-.. .1.1 r !..:.,.ir ri'ij T!ie V. A. .i1'11? tiiiiii-m .1 1 ?tii . it.i 1 11 1 1 11 . : .Manning, uea 'contracted to the! hops the the value of tlervali. and had tMei the plaintiff. In lien of plaintiff asks for Sjoii. the hops and for $rH damages and costs. Caron & Adams are attorneys for the plaintiff. ATI i urr ics WANTED. OI.MS'Y. NOT THE- An amnsing :ng den.iand was-, rei-iMitlv Ilusf ration of the grow for athletic i-h-rgymeu given by a country curate Who reCeived notice to iplit 1m-.-ause. th-iitgh imexceptioiiable in oth er respects. 1.: vicar deelansl tliat "what tin", parish realty need is ,a ginl fast bowler with a break from the off." sa vs the . Ini liiii Telegraph. No doulit the worthy vicar perceived that no village hrtl could -tossiM re ject the theology of a curate capable of winning the annual cricket match against the ncighlioriHg hamlet by own. prowess. his SHAH'S BAD TOOTH Auierjrtu Deulist Helieved Him After Forty-Kiglil Houru of Ag:oiiy I U-Mieived, Jligh Dfcorali 11. ; Facts have transpired since the de parture of the shah which indicate that total ingratitude if not among the itialities that dwell in his oriental majesty's heart, says a Pari letter in the New York Times. He has con ferreil the Order of the Lion. and the Sou of. Peisia, iu its various grades, oil, more thait ''' people who hav- lainistereil to his comfort and his I ....- -in-,. ,1 1 i.rin.' I.lj vUit to ! I-.lllcc. I - - 1 These iH-iieficia ries Include the presiT dent and the memlters of the French government, the managers of "the tlie ati rs who have etitertaiiiNlt he king of" kings, editor of ne-wsf labvtr ,-ai I nWsiaM-r writers who may have in junil their tinaginations iu describing the royal visit and visitor;" police -.officials and detect ivi who ltave pnv servid his sa. red jiersoii from harm, anfl others who jnay have in some manner lightened the weary burden f 11..... nr. . - . ol I'Msieuce 1 or soieiiiu .m ua.i 11 ri . .ji .. . . '. . .1... , .. 1 .Villi IIOI least .1111011- llie ' itt-uci ;n-. tors of jhe shall was the Marquis d'ttyley, ihe lithvl American dentist. vtTi'o in every day professional life is Dr. Evan, nephew of the late more celebrated r. Thoma Evans, dental adviser and iersoiial friend to empe rors and kings. It aim to pass when 'the '.shah was at Centrexeville lat June, playing the little horse. at the Casino and taking the wafers for the gout, that Allah saw tit to afflict him with a most fearful toothache. His grand' vizier oliiued -the service of several French dentist, pone of whom Was itigs is aide to relieve the august suffer- f hi master, ami finally the name ami rame or tlie .Marquis u 1 iy ley lieiug mentioned, he- was com iiiaichil. in lue form, by telegraph.' t.i proi'ee.l ai once to Contrexeville and iusM-ct. ihe royal patient. Dr. Evatis replied by -telegraph that he was IJot obeying comma mis at Hie present stage of the game, and forth with rHeived a Itolile request to come i,iA.1i it,.lr I., t ,iTtlr.,fvttlf tfol ilc- vot his taietits to the mitigation of ereign. The title1 dentist, with hi lilt led son ami assistant, the iscouiif d'ttvlev. hrri'UlMiii set out by the next train and relieved tlie delighfeil MilZ affer of his toothache in one short bft!f hour after their arrival at Con trexeville. The dentist was received by his il lustrion ikitlent sitting in a straight hacked chair, surrounded by all tin high ofticer of his court and attembtl by a Persian and Keveral French phyk'cians. ' He wore hi tall aatra kau fe-t. and hi almost ntiiversally imi-erltirbabh cottiitetiauce was agb tafeil i.tinfnlly. the deatist stutiks French and so d.te the .t-haJi. al though Persian ethptefte icq 11 ires that con versa ti ti Itelwecn the monarch and foreigner of infertof rank khall ie at sei-oinl liand through I lie grand vizier. Preliminary inquiries thus eouditeted throiigii the vi?.ier. while the court looked were grand 11 in ail-eyd sileiice. "1 wat getting a little lmpatieut. saiiljtr. Evans, in relating the experi ence to a friend, "wiih that rrd standing around and hi Infernal hat In ;my way whenever 1 tri1 to looTc into his uvoittlt. ttnd ftttaliy I couldn't stand It any longer. So I Jnst walkel aro.m.l in front of hi 'majeffty and toLl him fight out that be was not a sovereign now. but a patiect: that I wa-9 b sovereign, and that if he 7 ' t W$$A 11 r ; ttT&zxvtxy.wc&s Street, Grand Rapid, Michigan, relate the following ttory : The birth of my first child left, rue la a deplorable condition. Mr ere tern waa broken down and I autTered from trrnwral dMiillty. I wan ei.ct iDRly uervoua and rheamatiam often troubled nut. My appetlt tailed nte and the mot delicate and Invltinn food failed lo tempt in. . I wm thin and ' pale, and bad neither energy nor ambition. My case had been growing fUradiiy worae for two years. 1 bad uaed aeveral ao-cailed rvtuedlea but found nocurativeqaalltiee in tbem. " In the summer of ions. 1 waa viaittng m v grandmother In laidlngton. Mien., and there learned of the wonderful cure effected tor lr. Wtlllama' , Pink 1111a for Pale People, 1 tried the ptli and had tiotflnlihed one box be fore I felt notch better. 1 continued them through the vear and Ui retatlt. waa a jierfit-, cure. 1 am no longer urrrui nor rheuuia'tki and hay more tint 11 rc;alned my lost fleah. I certainlv recommend the pill to ail wbi aeed thein and their reaulla have always beeti tteneflcial." binned t Miu. utuci CAHrssu. Stat or Micmiuasi t (Vi'nTTi.r Kknt. . - . ., . ' Bubacribad and iwgrn lo befur in tUla 3tth dy of Ju!r. iced. fcai. H. V. iLmiLxu.X, Xetary PubU. Or. iVilliams' Finlc Pills for Pale People araaoU la box (never la lonaehalk)at tOeentaa bos or tds boint fnr fit, and may be bail -f all druKiOsia, oc diraot by aiaii fruut lit. Wtillauia Janulcla Cuiu pauy, tjcbvuautatly, N. Y, wanted to get over his pain he would Izeii residing on It have gone nVmg have to obey my oVilers. First of all. 'after !t p. m. not daring to lift tlie4r I told him 1 wanted the crowd' d is-' eyes from tin pavt'Uiettt. and fumbling misseil and after that was -.lone I'd distractedly for handkerchiefs to hide thank him to remove hi hat. i their blushes. "He jnsi looked at tne." emit blued j Young men ami '.their sweetheart the dentist, "out-of those Somber -yeJ ha v e claimtsl Hie street for their W II. of his and answered never. a word, ji'nd as soon as darkness fell have timiigh he iinderstooil evervth-'ng I svVanned so tlihddy i:i -its btticst h:tlf- t td said - Th'it ihe grand vi.ier went over it all 111 Persian. t lie shall then 1 hand and all j ma.ie a motion of his Willi. ll'cw Wit it the exception of Hi A grand vizier, my son and mvself. soon a the d'Mtr W;is closed off came his hat and tni-ic went his head. an. I he proved a perfect ly tractable tia lient." - . Having suffered with n raging tootli- a.-lre for l hours, his sudden cure ted th shah to believe I ha I Dr. Evan was little short of a wizard.;.- When he came to Paris, therefore, one of his lirst requests was for the Mar -1 c.iie-. d"Ov!v '"'''I on him. and'. he subsequently aceonleil Madame l.i Marquise, who "was foijnerly Miss Macihinaid of I'.ili iinoic. tin honor of a private interview, sue liemg the .ftily woman in France tints favored. More than thai, he ircsetitcd to her ;i;i exquisitely, jeweled bonbon box. s:iiil lo be if almost priceless vnlit". IIovever, it was when the tdiah came to dislrilillte the ileeora t ions', oil leaving, that his gratitude to hi -.'delivered was most strikingly '.manifest ed. The Order of the Eiqn and ' the Sun' is iu several grades, the highest of which, the Cr.-iiid Cordon, ha nev er hitherto been bestowed upoti any one under the rank of reigning tnoit licit its last 'e"ipiHll being the 7.;ir of Kussia. A mbass-tdors. gener:il. cabinet ministers and Ihe X'isc.Miiil,' d'Oyley were m;ide olt'u-crs of the orde' and those of inferior podlioit cheva liers, .while President Eiuhel ami the M-tH-qui d'ttyley were invested with ttfe ; ra ml Cordon of t l.ioil and Hie . , llll The Oaulois. by ihe vvav. draw a touching picture of the overwork of the smaller otli.-ials of the Palace of Sovereigns while the shall was here. From morning until night, says the Caulois. messages, letters, telegrams, packages of all kinds arrived for ihe shah, and also, for -a liuiirliir of Per sian residents in Paris, who made the palace their headquarters during the visit of their sovereign, and in many cases jM'otiiod by his presence lo feast light royally, free of all cost to them selves, ai' the expense of Ihe 'French government. When the hah .'left however, he p rsoiiall.V distributed golrj medals in all the servants of the pahtce and also left a substantial sunt of iholiey to be divided among Iheni.' Not only, says the Caulois. has this money not Iteeu distribute., bit) a sum which- " a left for the saute puir jwise" by King Osi-ir of Sweden has not yet found it way into the servr ant' .and, neilhcr ha an increase in salary promised to them Iteeu hand ed over. And the Caulois points out that even a wtate official can not long slls'lill life oil a gold medal.' - HONEY FOUND. An undertaker at Sunbury .Center. Mich., had a number -of coffin boxes stored in an outside shod.' Needing one of them, he and an assistant went to the st irchoiise and. selecting one, proct e !.d to lift ii out. Immediately afterward they lifed theinseive out of the slu-d In a hum. .pursued by a tlirt k of bees vvhic'l h id , est;ibi;hed their home iu the Jnx. having gained access througli a kimihole. After the busy Insects, had "wen driven away by fumigation i:t tuud of lirst -class honey was found in the 1mx. MAKES COUUTlNfJ IEEECAE. When It I Carrietl On In of Peru, III. - Ihe Streets The cilr council of f IVru. III., has Just passed thi ordinance;. 1 "AVhoever Khali in Hjiid Hty congre gate on or upon any of the si reel in Ihe city of Peru for- tl" purj.s n,f courting, making hue or n.toti!ng or carrying tut courtship shall la guilty of a misdemeanor and shall 1e- fined not le than "" or more than flfat for e.icli offeno', Mayor Ilwrm-r says: "I lo .not op-, jktse courtship when It ' is conducted in an oidiiuiry manner. Hut when It is carried -on inliserlruinatelv and in a style offensive to the pn71h'f ! lhv. -like all olhr nuisance., 4ionJd ! alia led. Tin ordinance will, I think. lring altotit the desired re suit. -. ' .' "Pi ru citizen will not be annoyed by lovesick "ami enti mental persons or any otJier. Kpeeles tf aoffering hu manity If it i in the Mwer tf inyielf j and the council to prevent it. Fourth street 5 the city's niaia thr oughfare.. Staid and conservative eit- Mel Weak Wo mieffl Tboaunda of women adur Uu tortnra of living death and at hoit uccuutb to the dltwsvkea pcultr to Uioir mi iUf out ktiowlng of Ut lift and bettlUi , which la thelra If they u DrAVlllUmi' fink 11 U for Vmlm Ptsoplo. u Tr faithful remedy Uiat com brt 11 other talk Mrm. tiraca Campbell, of 881 Logan 'mile - that no tin it tacloil citizen dare walk I'.em then for 'fear of colliding with For mont'iis the people of 1 'cm nave iHren eiubarnissiil :ii:d iriitatc.i at the -.sight of this cxlcinive and In disci imiiiate loVciuaUing on li. r- in tin thoroughfare. A MEMOICY.-Thr- Eugene Street"' Ifailway system ' will -MMut lo a mem ory. . A a means of rapid transit !l passed Into history at 1; o'i-I.M-k last evening. No longer will a.-Jingle of , Itell and a rumble of vvleid gladden I t he ears of flu suburbanite. Ite-iea.l. . tin klofiely klop of Ids weary led will Hiuinl the sap out of creaky sub urban sidewalks while he pioii-dyiVr coniemphites - various calet hisins. Pursuant to insiructious from W. It. I Iciinis. rolling slock, of tlie. system has been placed in the shed for the last lime. I lie track -will lo lorn up niid ihe raifs iillilT.ed for mining pur poses. 'The, Eugene SI 1 eel liui I way system, was built in 1V.U by W,' II. Ijohleir dining an iiiclpieii.t . In tout. It lei pevr . 'more than paid ; operating Xfieliscs MS its lilies ' '!; el" r'X lell. led far enough in "tiiir 'iiv ir.tos to ilaco it. on nj payjng basi; hat ,, iiiigen really needs is :i line which -will ex tend from the thickly set I led port ion of-West - Eugene 10' Springfield. ' When this 1 accomplished it promoters will realize.' handsome dividend.--Eugene Register. ;i (TTATioN. . "'. i In the 'County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for iho-County of. Marion.- lit the- 'matter of the guardianship, of Joseph. S. lVeck. and l-eoiia lteck, minors. - : Now., 011 thi the . twenty-foiivrh-ih.y of August, A. I. 11iiH, comes Margaret Peck, iu person and as li gictrdiau of tin', persons and est ic of uid Jo seph. S. Heck and Eeona ll.n-k. mliifvn, who., present, to the said cinirt her duly V4ritied ' pel il'ioii pr:iyiug for an oitlcraiid license of thi coit.'t, auihor ifcing. eiiipovveritig.; ittnl direct log I er to sell all ihe 'right, title 'and Interest, of said minors, in' Mieir certain, leal ev-tate. the same being' I ted r undivided one-ha If liilcrcst in li-e, tu and t the following 'de'scril'ed jiieinlse fo-Wit : The nurili I hrii' quarters, of the north half of lot 11.11 ml -i-.-,l seven, ill. in bliM-k numliered thlrtythre- :::, siliiiile In Hie, City of Sah'"ii. .M llieil County, Oregoiu -.Together tVil'i the f iiemeufs. hereditam nt nnd apix rie neticeK. thcreiuiio belonging -r t:i uuy wise appertaining ther .o. And it. appearing to Ihe coqit from said jM'tilion. 'that tt '.'would e It-m ti cial to sdid minors llicre.n i.'in h.ikiI. and i necessary and .r pc- nia tneir said . real estau -! therein . ties M-ibe 1 j should lie sold, 7 - ';-". j It Is therefore iordered. adjud led, :and decrei by the court. Hiat on 'Saturday the' t wetily-eond dav of j SepleiiilHr. P.sxt, at letj : CO . . -'cbek in the foreiMMin if said day in 11-is court, in the court room thereof. In the county .court house, in the City of Salem, in tin ; County of .Marion, and State of? Orgu, ts. .and the same hereby are fixed as the-tint 'and" place -for hearing any and all objee lions to the granting of said order, ntel license of sale, and that a . opy of this order lie servt JlfhUl Ha next of kin of xaid minors, and tqVot Mai rice Klingcr, fiOtil.se Hek,Mare 1eck, Kfa Heck. Catharllie lieck. Joseplt Hek. and Ittlv-.Itck, anil ii.;i all other jutsou luIt-reHietl in .aid - ate as by hlw rovldcd, by publiia t I.i-i thereiif In TJii ; UValy . Oregioi SUirniiiiii, once t'ach wek for t.'ir"' coii-cciiti vo aiiib MUCceKSive weeks, prior to tibl date, said Wrkly tre gn Statesman being a Wt.-kly news paper, printed and publis'ied at the City of Salem. In Marion County, Oie gon, iitnl Iteing .f general -1rculatii-ii iu thIA county and Mtate. Anl each of suiil parti" and licit of kin of s.i u I wa id and nil . ter-oii Inlerent! In sahl estate are hereby commanded - to ap-tcar iH-f;r thiii court at vaid lime and I;l-e b then anl there show can' why a bcensi xhoiild not 1-. gran ted for the sale of said real premises, as prajeil for jn wild petition. ' .".'','. Done at Chandlers, this Angust 114, l'Msi.. '..-.- -f- - JOHN II. SCOTT. County Judge of Marion County, Ore. Count' Jndi'e of Marion County, Ore gon. ; 651-5 tw.