WEEKLY.' OREGON STATESMAN, Friday; j-n-TEMnnn ii, i- JflE . lEllLV REGON STATESMAN Issued every Tuesday and .-Friday ly the ' STATESMAN PUBLISHING- COMPANY R. J. HfcKDUICKS. lUaar'- SUBSCRIPTION , RATES. One year,--in advance, $1; Six months, iu advance, 50 cents; Three months, in advance, 25 cents; One ytar, on tiruei f 1.25. If! The State-man has been estab lished for nearly fifty years, and it has some subscribers who have received it nearly that long, and many Who -bave read it lor a generation. Some ot these object to--having1 the paper dis continued at the time oi expiration of their subscriptions. For the beftent of these, and ior other reasons, w. have f concluded to discontinue subscriptions only' when notified to do so. .Aril per sons" paying when subscribing, dr pay It is said tliI voice of the calamity howlers in Kansas ha lcoue husky, on account of the big (h crop.. This nei-k will finish most ' of the hop yards-Just 1 time for t he. pick ers to attend grcfltfut Siiiii' Fair ever held iu 'Ore-fen.. The Letter of Acceptance of Pres' liit McKinh-y is the lest campaign "document that Las Im-Cii i-siied this! year, and it will not 1 improved up on during .-the campaign. It covers ' the whole fold, and does it well. M r., P.ryan's ' Filipino - Progra in. as far a announced, appears to lie that' he -will t-sfaUbdi a ; "stabl -" govern ment, pnt Aguinaldo in- power, der "cl.ire .Monro- Doctrine and then Well, he hasnTj'said. -Exchange. And Hit- hitetginatiou t left to picture tin . iWidt. II wouhl take a vivid imagination to picture it, too. Due tan hear alt sorts of foolish rumor in regard to the cornering of tu- crop, etc.. etc. There Is no occa sion for growrrs to he excited. How ever, tin- f;o t remains thai Hie de maud for American hops is luind to be greater than the supply, and this tdtotild 'make feiinmerative prices. "If there is anr one wbo bel'.eves I'm- Cold Stand. ird is n good thing. r that if must In- maintained. I warn him, not to east It'm vote for me bo ciiuse "pio-tie hint it will not he uautaim-d in,, th's- t-ounjry longer than I am abb to get rid of ii" --lion. William Jennings P.tyati. Knojtville. Tfim., s-pt. in. ts.;. With one exception the Colorado delegates wl-o walked out of ihe Si. I.omim f-n-t t-it i ion hi iwn;-1i:ivi r till.utl ti llit- K o!tli:iii fohh 'I 1 iiMirnl ouia,2t of th. iaa wh.i lin l- bimsVlf In ih. wroiitf and ndtnUs: as linn h N alway Jo admiifd. It is i this s.rl nf (miii a;- lh:i.k. has mail t'oloia'do a illftjilb stalf. An Exchange d.- lares that "M. I'ryan should edeflhe soveieignty of liis far.n at l.in.o&n. Xeb.. to Spain or Era nee. The la lid was aeiju'.red by .-the l niSed Slate.; without tie "eon Kent of the govehu-d by another lieiioMiat. Thomas ffeffersuii. Ibv Mr. Hrvaii Van rmwut io live in Ne braska". When tilts elrcumsiailee oiisidered. is unexplaiinibl "Tlie In-st service wliieli ean be ren-dei-l to lalur i to afford it an opor Hinity tor steady, and remunerative employment and give it every eneour agenient for (idvaneeiiM nt. Tlie poller that subserves thi end i tlie truf AnierU an imiIU y. The luist lhrin- year .... j.... ......... i.dilr.wa.krr tii virk i -i(Hiuirei to set iu a sonoje mei-u-Ingmeu than many preceding ye nr., vJJ u ,h luU of whrt Any ebange of tin present lml.utrial; nV, aj4sail.sl .ur soycieiui.ty and ir ilmiiichti tMilieyiof the tlovei'inient I tij,Hi niton our soldiers, and tmn 1 1.1 IHl-ll HMll .-.1 t..-...'i. - ...,i.i i. ',ju..ii i-oiis io their hit:lKst ould ! disastrous to their h.gliest rt-.-wt- win. nrovm.riii- limiH-i Hc.e.r. Willi piosperitj at tioim id an Increasing! foreign market for ' hit and American products, enipioymeiit t-hould tmtinue to wait upon lalwr and with the present gold randai-l the worklngiuan is seciiml agaiut jKiyinetits for bis lalr in a dejriH-i-at.tl eurreucv. Et)U EAP.OU A SHOUT I.VY IS P.ETTEU TII.vN A inilitarism which our oppits i n ......... ...... their platform o.pose. but Mhicn by SHOUT IHH.I.AU: ONE 1IX n)eir -(oI, ..v wouM, ,,f IMt.eH.sty w. I.ItniTEX THE ItrP.OEXS. TIIEit.,,,!!,! fa it; ,UOst offensive form. OTHEIi I.lSEX THE UEWAIlDS tF TtHl-. The one will promote V" .." HU1.1HUIHUU ill leiitnu-iit and indeendence. the otlu'rjj, q-j,K IJEPl liLK" TO CONVEY- penury n nd want. The wage t lalMr Jihoubl Ih adequate to ktnp the bonie In comfort, Iitcate 4be c-bildren, ami --onomy lay Komothing ty for tlie lay. of intiriidty ami ld age. From President MeKiuley's letter of Aj--reptanee. - . J A FEW - FOOLISH XtriTOXS." j S. M. Cla-rk, one of the bright'! minds that lia ever engage! In jour qialism, dud a few weeks ago at Ki knk. Iowa, where for alnio.-.t years die bad lived and laored iu the-editorial chair of the Iaily tJate City and a s ln-loved by all vbo -ame within Ids genial itlueiu-t-. either by "H'r.sotial iicquaiutaiiee or through tk iikhI'iUiii of his dally writings, "Sam , Clark was one or the men cfwiioiii it eanve'wbicli now exists, to that of tuircty. Mid wUh serum nieanln- that thei"r .'sionsibiiity is.to remslii. but , ,. , , ,. tur Hwer is to tie dnultusheil. Our Morid Is letter by bis having lived; in ,0,li?I:Itu i to 1h n, less, but our it. Mr. Clark was not an adherent j of , title Is to le stirrendere.! to another uny cliurrh; In fact lie was knoWu 4ol lowPf- v.bkh i witlmut experleuee 1i.itv t1eth!el oKJsitloii to t lie fonus!11" raJbis or the ability to maintain , . . ,: . . , a stable go verniucnt .at honi- n,l of Ur.s,sa rebgauu and wa geDerabj!oIulHr ,M.,JUS , perfo.u.t intc ly known &a an agnostic, but bis real, national obligations with the rest tf ing in advance, will have the benefit of the !do!!ar rate But ii they do not pay for jsix months the ra,t will be $1.25 ear. Hereafter we will send the pa per1 to air responsible persons who or der it, thoagh they may not send the money, with the understanding that they, arc to pay $t.25 a year, in case they let the subscription account run over six months. In. order that there may be no misunderstanding, we will keep this notice standing at this place in he paper. hnvt f--liTi?s n-iatire to the eternal side of life ar' well illnstrateil by an editorial wbieh la wrote some years ao am! wtileli has reprodueitl by the tlate City. A t-orrespondeut wrote lo Mr. t'lark, asking biiu to UN bis iM-n to "kill off Christianity" a lid this is hii editorial reply: 1 "So the man and the bonr l.ave come .it last, l'.ut the ate City must Ik? eon-t-iu to ro- its way with humhU-r nuit- t-rs. It was not mane ror so preai a part in the world as killing off-Chris- tiau'uv. And then we have fjot some : i hlieulous isuiwrstitlons that we eliiijr to. tf eoiirse, it Is very eowardly ami at;ie-tt !n us. hut we ar- not jrreat ami wis' ami must po our small, foolish way. Hut we do know that when we wi' a mother hxffcin's into the fa- of .Jier dead ehihl in its wjiite sbfoinl. vlth its -waxen little hands folded, we are lad there is a voice sounding to i hi- ear thnrngii all thesi- nineteen i-iituri ; Sutf-r little ehiblren to eoiiM unto Me and for'oid them not for i;f Miieh is the kingdom of heaven." Ami when the wife moans lies'ule her (h-.td husliand it doi-s set-m :ometiim"s worih while somelx'.dy has said, in a .iiniij masterly way: "I am the resur-i-fH-titui and the life." And when the father or; mother .dies who has lived a life so good and J mre. that it 'swiftens eii the -life of the . eensorious into ,piaisit one likes to think that worry ing, pool. ' uneven life is not ail; 'but that really they have entered into a -l-eat lest, and the shelter of a miglitv friendship whieh says: "Faithful over :i ft v tliiiiiis. I - make thee ruler over many: euier into the joy of thy fnl." And do you know tli.it we have a fool ish and unwise netimi. someway, that I lie I-ord's prayer and the Si-rnion on the mount have iu4 iM-en failures. Ami that the history of the erueilixion has liot 'been bad for t lie world. That do unto others as yon would that they shouhl tio unto you. is really a gohlen nile: ihar some way. t!i- song of Itetli lehem soumliug on thn"gli these, eeni Hri.s lias done something to lring Maee and good will among men. A Christian may t j por ereatiire enongli. but we woiililu't swap him oil' for at;v kind of a man the world has so far ptodiH-d. r STU.VIUIIT. PLAIN" AXI SIMPLE. The American people are asked by our opponents to yU-ld the sovireign iy of tin- islands of the .Philippines lo a small fraction of the NpuIation. a single trilw out of So or more in habiting the islands, a faction winch wantonly attacked the Americau trihips in Manila while in rigldful posM'sshui uad. r tlie prot'iol With Spain, awaiung tlie ratilicatioii of ' j the treaty of ieacc by the Senate, isialid w lsicSi has since been in active. .j-.ijM-n lelM-lliou against the l'iiii:-d i: Siates. We aie :iskd to transfer our. sovereignty io a small minority in me '-lands without ousult'.ug the ina joiity, and abandoning tlie largest jMiilioii of tbe iMpulation wliieli has Ueii loyal s to 1 lie cruelties of the guerrilla insurgent bands. More I ha n tills, we are askel to protect this minority in establishing a gov ernment, and to this end lepiess all oimosiHon -f the majority. We are . . V . , maintain it at any ost or sacrifice. maintain n ai ;ui,i o-i ;'a i ust its enemy wiiiiin and again.-t ,yv!lll, :lll,,,itions and designs wl,j,t -puis would require an aney and navy far larger titan is now , maintained in the Philippines nvd slill more In excess. f what T.-ill necessary wbh the lull regiii lioit .f our soven-ignty. A liiilitary sepjMiit of ntitliorlty not our own as thi-s iroHsvd Is the very essence oi THE AMEIMCAN PEOPLE AVII.I. eon-lNO'' MAKE THE MI UDEHKISS ,1-1. UlWItllMfV Till-'. UiRVTS ;i'lIE P.LESSIXtIS -OF LI ItKUTY AN1 OIMEU IN THE PHILIP PINES. They wril not make t hem tbe builders of the new common wealth. Such a e-onrse 'would ho a betrayal of onr sacred obligations bi lbo peaceful Filipinos, and would place at the 'merry of dangerous ad vnttirers the lives and prowrty of the natives and foreigners. It Would L.ake imssible and easy the conunis slon ' of such atriM-ities as wore to rretlj: plannetl to In exwuted on the 2Vd of February. IS. . In the C;ty of Manila, when - only the vigilance of onr Army prevented the attempt to assassinate our rohliers and all for-eign-rs and, pillage ami destroy Its sonrroe tidings. Iu short, the propxition of those op nosed to us is to Co iiti line all tlie iM.iig.it i-ois In ih PJiilippiues wiih-h now rest upon t lie t.overiuiteut. onlv ! i liangitig the nlat'mn from iuiiiciu.-il To t,bi wt . are nnto-jeL We fdsonld not yield onr title wide our ol ligations last. ; In tlie language or our nr piauorm. our 1 t I... r. ,., -rMniiK . bility." and our Tespousillity i to estalJish our authority In ail islands. From Irtsident AleKiuley's I-fter of AwTiitatKf. . i This Is the dtu.ilioii. Ktniight. plain and simple; and here is the pj-oiosl-t ion of Sir. MeKiidey and the iroiMj sitioii of Mr. ISryan. straigiitforwanl and to Ibe ixdiit. Either Mr. .MeKin lej' or 3Ir. Hryan Is to lie, ebosen for I'reshlent in Xovember, to serve from th 4tli of next Slareh. .in then le any sort of dtrtihr ;vhh li. it will 1? fan tin-re, eciisidering that tiiin is the United States of Ameriea? OXKIDA'S KXPEH1MEXT. The exieriment iu roadmaking by .county prismers undertaken two years ago by the board of supervisors of On eida eounry, Xew ' York, lias gone far euougb to. Enable some judgment to le formed of lia practical yalr.e. says tlie Xew York Tribune. The si-c-ond section of roal built under th" system has just Inn-n completed, and statistics of c-ost are available for comparison with tlie cost of good ri..:cadam road.s built under eontraet. Tin Om-ida -county supervisors !n the fitll: of l:i!.; after nearly a year of planning, pim-hased a road out tit, in cluding a twelve ton steam roller, a stone crusher aiul 'self -dumping wa gons, at a iiis'. of $:UM0. and offered to cor. tract witli Hie towns and vil lages for tlie const ruction of roads by the Lilior of the prisoners in the t'tica jail. Tlie county charges 2" cents a head for each day's work of eight hours actually performed, and $"2.5 a day for the servk-cs of the engineer employed for the steam roller. In ad dition It requires the road district or village to furnish coal and road material-am! suiM-rvise the const rui'tioii ac cording to sM-cilir-ations agreed upon. Tin iirst road building was under taken last fall of li sectwni seve-i-eigbths of a mile long ami sixteen feet wide iu the village of Vernon. This was not entirely satisfactory, owing to the exM-rimental nature of the work. A large amount of preliminary hrlKU- had to be jiorformed in develop ing a quarry, and the cost of t In road and the lime iM-cupied in c.ui struction were unespecti dly great. Af ter ,a year's wear, however, if is in perfect eoiiliii.iii without any repairs. In May a contract was made with Uoad Jitrict No. 1 of the -town o; Whitestown fov tlie ou'slriietion of ' .1 road one and . three tenths miles , in leugth through .the village of Xew York" Mills. The Xew York slate siM-eilion'ions "were adopted ami strictly enforced, ea refill a-cunts were kept and valuable data are- pre s-rved for th- ust- of oilier towns and counties. For 2" feet! the road was to; fee'. Wide; for 4,7iHI feet, bl'fii-t wide, and for l.!NN feet, 2l reet wide. The inac adain was: six inches Ihick, with a crown of half an inch Jo the foot. Thirty-four prisoners on an average were employed, -A0 cubic yards oi 2'j Inch crushed limestone and To:; cubic yanrs of ha f inch crushed lime stone were used. The time oeeiip'usi hi construction of the. road and on accessory drainage was fourteen weeks. The total cost of the it.'.W. fi-et of road, including wages of pris oners and all materials, was $.". S7::."V,. or 4.."17.'; a mile. A piece of state road ndjoiniug. of , epia' length, built by contract. rst i?:.."ioii. "The Ftk a Pri ss" gi es the .following interesting figure of other roads buiii under tlie H igbie-Arm.-trong law: Troy ami Schenectady road. St-lien-c.-iady County, two miles. $til,rl7.."il. Iieeilield. near Plica, Oneida-County, two and a quarter miles. ?Hi.- Hamburg, souih of IbitTalo, Erie County, six and a half miles, about Lebanon road to Massachusetts line. Columbia County, one and a quarter miles. ?!Ui:rS7. Ti-e Oneida County League for Cood UoaiM is enthusiast ie over the suc cess of the work and hopes for tlie widor mioptlon of the jilan. Mr. V. C. Walcoit. -suiM-rintcndent of some of the factories of tlfe Xew York Mills t'oiupany, the largest taxpayer in tlie road district, assisted in supervising tlie road building, and in a ivj.ort to the State Eugim-er points out some obje-tioii;ible features of tlie present system. The law making an allow ance to the sheriff for prisoners foixl and permitting him to save what he can from it lie thinks slnntbl be changed Prisoners at hard lalmr out door need more food than when iir jail. and the sheriff is under strong temptation, either to feiil the men Inadequately -'or to opiHse the .out diKr work wliieli cuts nlown his prof its. The county furnishes one giurd for ench eight prisoners.- They are entirely nude- control of the oheritT. Mr. Wab-ott Jinds that for lict of authority over them the Highway Commissioner is s, met hues uiiatde to seure iHrfe-t liK-iplitie or exact a fair amount of Work fnnu them. These defects could easily lie rennedied. In spite of tin-in road building by county prlsonnrn Is a great success. It Is good for tlie prisiner.s, and it makes possit-h gcHnl roads In places where the exK-UH of otiier Lilor renders' Im provement hopefe. Ity the expendi ture of the present wastd road taxes for prison la Thh on t lie const met ion f lermanent macadam roads the towns of Xew York in a few -years the world joukl obtaia ii fine system of wav.a Q tumplexuent the -main ouhfare) to built by the .... Ln:x' ,i,i..t J iu,Vi,'r1 of sa- W. ' .... , in'rvisors in ivery- county "would y da well to follow the exaiiq.Ie of Oueid.i and turn the o--tipauts of tlieir jail to good use. v;J. :'.;f.;. .;.,....'":--:. 'iv- ?'';- WOItI5 XSEU B V THE RiUDS. Twent3--five. In the .Vocabulary 'of the x Crows Hale Iteen lis-overetI. ; In the Hevue des' Uevues there Is a cerloin arti.-le on "The language of Hirds. At the end of the last -eii-turv a distinguisheil iiolitiea! (lan.i- loist. M. IliiiMiut le Xemonrs. sallieitf forth into tm tiebU to, leara the lan guage of the jrow and the nightin gale. - After tjp winters -' shivering alMiut the , hig-iayt! and hedge.- lie had made out "i" words of crw lan guage. It 'must not 1m- supiKised. how-ver, that crow language i ioor Ik-i-:iusi Its words numter but live-- and-twenty. "Tile crows ba-e cilly to i-ombine, them by: twos, by thrtv-s. by fours, or by fives, and they Will gi t Al cumber of .; combinalions sur lassing the number of "worls ctn 1 aiued in Uie richest la ugxuige In ibe universe.' ' 31. Xenioiirs iloes n jt lhink. however, that the crows do act ually make so many, or even any, .combinations of the words in theiv dictionary. Tlielr 2. wonls are quite enough to express "here." "there." "hot." "-ohl." -rake care." "armed man." "a nest," And a score or uiore of expressions which crows might naturally lie .uinose to - Heed. "Af A ter which crows have notniiicli left io 'say. , M. Xenioiirs" dictionary w;i not a crow-Frnm-'b or a Freiieii'-crow dictionary;-, rather,, he translated iiis crow words into vers. M, Xi-niours made mnny other vdi.-covi-ies while with tlie birds. Tlie goldfinch. , l'.n:iet; and gartlen warbler he found smig oJ!j nothing but their loves; but tlife cnaf fiueh sang also of , its amour ropre conceited bird; while the . niale lark Hours out its soul in liynnr on tlie !Manties of nature, ami the, vigor with which it soars aloft, rising higher anil higher In-fore the eyes of its admiring mate. The nightingale was communi cative; ir told the French naturalist three of its songs. (ierinan naturalists have pursued t'heir researches into comparative bird philology cv-n further." Out -of their eohtu-ati-d ornithologists tells us -.that the language of the sparrow may be nsel .-is a standard of comparison for that of several siM-cies. " 'I'tioV is the cry which they utter when on t'ho wing sehilp' iwheii-perc'i-ing, ami tlu-se are their' two cries for .it tract ing attention. Wl.fn they are ating or at rest th-'.v may be coiitin lially heard rejea;ing. Mik-b, bnp'jor iouin." Their cries of leTiderness ar--durr" and Mie;". "ten-. pronounced' wiih 'on-e and rolling of the rf means tlie ipproacli of danger: it jis a signal f warning. Sliontd liiif- peril in- re, ise. or l lie em-i'iv li.iK-e snaiiienlv qp-are:l. they utter .-rtiotiier cry. wbich may In dlstinguisleyl, te!lercib ellfelltell. If the span-in w is safe. ie bird of prey or the cal h:A ing dis-. jrKa.ied. he repeats gl!illy several rimes over, 'durr.' Whf-u ;ii male Mills are disputing the iossess!ui of i female, 'tell. tell. silp. dcu. lell,kv.in .1 .-m.ij.iv. .-ii-.. i-iifi.-:- i roi.t' every throat. priMlncing the deafening noise ilea rd especially In spring." Mr. 1'aringtou. vice pret-idenl of fie itoyal society of Lomlon. also .an ;iciite bind observer, is oii'.tcil ;is sav ing that hardly two bird-i of the san'u ;ind liave a song exactly! simitar. Lo alily also 'influences their songs, fine same bird yinging difforouMr in' I'm uouiitains and in the plains. 'ra--ng back the language of- man to bs ixst primitive beginnings, is it so dTf 'ereut In-nature or in origin from tin: anguage of the crows i:ind nightin gales? IX THE WII1:aT UElr. - Carey F Mart in. who returned last night, iron, a trip through Sherman county looking after business interests,; neports tint"! coiiutry one great graiu , liel.l. in ua. uoriiiern part or Uie county the wh nas an m-en threshed u. wan uoiusejj along the railroad are filled to ei Mowing ;ind in many phiees wreyt n large quant h ies Marked in sacks, iu the open aloji- the track, awaiting lansportatioi: i,," places! Iiaviug facili ties for storing. Iu one field of ion acres Mr. Martin saw. Si Ire yield was i'.) bushels and in another cousistiug icres ine average was : 7 iiisn ds. In the southern pari of the cmoi ty but little grain has yet been tbre.di- 1: if is cut and stacked but machines iiave not reached this jseetion yet ou iccount' of the work iii the iiori tier'; part. The lown of SUauiko. in tuis toiinty is a very prom i -tug piice. Al though hot having beejri in exisi-'iice but a few mouths it Is how a thriving j is but the hunger ciy of tlie starved city. Ir stands on a great: Sat planorgnn telegraphed along the nerves, .md is very t'a.vorab'y hWatctl as a s-filp - - ping point, lieing the ierm;lir.s of tin ( A XEW IiEFOHMATroX ColHinoia Southern roal. Tlie.pe.ople j ia A,erican living will start with the have great faith in the town and its i,,,,,,.,,.-, Ti. j,n,.,t ,vn)rai orjr.)u wf riiture ami are ma.ung exb-nsiye yn-1 vitJllUr wi)i C!.:ise b. Ik 'abuse!. proAemeurs. un- .. ;i... .o, the city lias jnsr been put in at .i cost of xlo.iKKi. and a new brick -hotel a nearing completion jthat "will cost iotMMt There are large stocK yarns i liere and immense wareIions-s for the . 1 - . .4-' . . I storage- or wooi aim wiieau larce iirus, ui-niuiL o. m--a muin. j have erected large cstaoiisninnis. Shaniko from this report is evident li on a loom and will no ibotbt in tiie course of time leconie; one of tlie im portant cities of that part of the state. THE OREODX. Wahln?ton. Kept. 1L The X-ivy tw.,irlmi'iit has bien Informed of the am-!" -"-- -I 1 . ... n-i. n.,....t.i n-it !itj - i .. r I.., t 1 1 ll-i.'-ni fit r W fMUig. - " i'-'i"" " : advisiMl of the arrival, at Shanghai. Foo, or the ignnixut Xasis- ntent has Jecu informS.I of the arrival of the fransport (Jaroline at ManiLi. on the 7lh int with Hght troi.p! of the First Cavalry fitioard. These trooiis were originally in icmled for service hi China, and were 'pmong the . .ii . .1 . - li... in.:i; i nrst io ih uncruii to nn- i iminpn-, ... . . ! 1 . . I. T1..i ... ut ... . ... . ill iicroruaiice nun me i.u.-in decisiou Takn. to send no more; troops t NOT AMl'SED. Uneb Jalez Oh, ii no! evt-rylif ain't laughin at Jenlen fr buvin1 the- green goods. He wishes everj lHly was. ' '".; :i.:' .''r :- 1'iiHe Hiram How's that? TTncle Jaliez Well. ' bis wife ain't. Tuck. - ' - - - fl-n-Kl I 1 1 rill.. Wnn Kllll" is Hie lMTt of Shsll- ll""Ui.'IWI VO.. i i.i' 0.i loW the Orcsron will remain, t would grow more wevere ' ' .iri win -nnt erinit of her M" water-bradi and fiiin? m Sh.-inrluii. Tlie War ' I Knurl- sl-juy, jellow' water. I 5;!1HE Mffffl CRAFfSMAN I ' .... . . .. r . . lr. Piene's iiH'dicbies did nie more ThC ReprCSfltaliVC Of AnierlCan kkI than any I had ever ta ken. lt - . - lr. Pierce's .'olden Mi.iiciil Dlsou-- i ; Skill anfJ liluUSlry. ciy is not ure-all. It cores oue ctass ' of diseases, dis-ases ut the stomach ?, - , ; , . - and other organs of digest iiiu and nii- . Xo finer picture of tl: typical Amer- trition. If It cureHiiiany form of tlis. kin cntftSBian lm ever Imhii sketclutl eases wbieb wi-ni remote j from ' the tlian that of tte village blacksmith, tm Ktonuicli dt is because these diseases lngfcIlow ilrcw.it: r have lln-ir-origin in a tliseajud ondi- 1'oiliug. rejoicing. Korrowiug. tion of the stoma cb and ils assM iais ' On wartl through life be goes, organs. I-itch moi iiiug K-es .some task Ik-gun Py way of IIIustratlon.t jsnpiiose a . Eadi evening wf.i it close. moil cooked In-a iiper kettle tainted Something attempted, something done with the oison of verdigris. Every Has arnsl a niglit's reis'." lnxly who piirtakes 'of tin- food eooketl Pehdd the ina n It The tyjial Anieri- in the poisoned kettle ! iotsojied by can crfiftsman.i He tyittes the iuveu- the food, and every leeej o,,ked nud tive skill of bis countryiiaeii; the fore- wrvinl frn tlust ' ihhsoih ves-el w ill nost inventive skill in the v.oiid. lie iwiison the . e:ier unl'd tlie keiile j tyjillies tlie dignity of the h:uidicraf Is- -P:ned from fsiisoii. It is something man as lie stands at lie anvil, swart like that . with the siomseh. in the and brawny. In '.-it ing out tlie ruddy stomach the fd is pivpaied by Ui(. iron, framed In an aureole of gbwing digestive proess-s lor the nmriiiou Kparks. lie Is the liaiional pattern of of i tie IhmIv. If the stomach is dis- if fi m tMwm '.,6Zi$M . t; --V Hi "-I 4l kH s'-Ss --ciJL.t'" I ill j . X-- -d f S -vV4- -i v-.j-rj.-"-i- 'BMi ' r-5 ii. ll iffS -BS: honest self osteeni as "lie bsks the whole world in the face,- for lie owes noc auv man." He stands up the living picture d manly health ami vigor, the ho-- of the country's growth in years of M-ace. ami of her A'-tories iu days of war. To look at lo'm suggests his national ..value 'as appraised by Oold ..niilh: "III fares the land, to hastening ills a prey. , When wealth accumulates and men dec-.:." For ;i1mvo all else this craftsman is a man: n man iu health, a man in stn-n'lh. a man in achieveuieiit. riii: IOU XFALL OF THE UNITED STATES ite from die day when this type begins to decay, at ml the ilanger of that decay is always present. The ability , of tin- craftsman to swing si sledge or swords dc's-nds up-. ou bis In-all li. and When the health of tin- eruftMuoii f the con ill ry is being undermined the national vitality is in ilatiger. In ill health the reverse of Longfellow's ph-ture becomes true: Something nttempivd. nothing done. And nlghis without repose. How lo guaid the health -of the craftsman Ms b question as vital to llie whole nation as tiT iis units. The weak Mint of the average Auwriean is his rtomach, wliieli claiins- t lie first onsideration in tlie protection and preservation of the. health. No man is stronger ilian his stomach. He can't be. From the stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutrition all tt j tue strong! u oi eacn .rgan or me ihmi.v ' must come, in the form id food pre pared by digestion for assimilation and nutrition. A weak stomach means a weak man. If the stomach can't i.roperlv prepare file toed by digestion, for tl.e nutrition of the IkhIv. then flu body wilt Ik- imperfectly nourished. The Ktdv can't have more than the st:mr.ch gives it. Tin full strength of : sound stomach equals'. the full ineds of the 'whole. tKdy. To-' partial strength of a wink stoniacli can -only partialiy satisfy the ImmI.v'k call for nonrisbni.eiit. Heme, "weak" stomach invariably means weakness . of some other organs heart, liver, lungs, kid neys, etc.. because these organs are b;ing starved,-and the pain they give - ... , t ,f monies the llieflh-a! J1ivalInt.ut. which does not start at the Utonu'i h will lie a failure. To this i Mtiibutable tin failure of a great ma- jny jihysiclans to cure diseases toem , ingly remote from the stoniacli. but having their origin iu a diseased con- ditiop of the stomach and other organs of illgestion and nutrition. The hiic- cess ?t? IV! Discivcry is due to tlie fact that it .1 ,.-l 1. .4 liV . 1 :V ; . ii" VLrJ 7 .; ' '7vate and coniidenlial. iraif i in ii oiioi in u (iiM'iiM-ii i-omii- tion of the stomach and Its associat" organs of digestion and nutrition. "VVJXf. Ta5..8g" Ml; Idonly taken with a pain in . . . S ;ih- iiiiir'li ; n sioih.hu 'which was no violent I mid not W'l Ik Btnl"ht wrltea O "Mti.i not w.uk Ptrauut. writis t. S. . '!- 01 .woum inon. 11 vox Z. "It until it caus- vomitiug of a consultetl a ;pbysician and he fob! me I had.a form j aysiiepsia ami treatrnt me for alnmt 'six niontbs with but little benefit. f i still kept getting so wfak I could Jwarr-ely walk. I .then tried another 'physician find lie told i;ie my liver was !...... . -i .. i ... I? mh oi whht -hum i nut t n.-ot iuoigi-s- IT.. V....... ..... ... ... -. . 1 T ; i ion. in- n.n e mi- a nr.iiiiiriii nun i got some liefter. lmt only for a short lime 1 tircn tried another one who tion of tlie lining of the stomach, tor- pid -liver nd kidney affection. h'1 trati-d me for more than a year and I felt much better, but it did not last. n il took to usuig several widely ad- v rti?ed patent nieilicines, but receiv- .! ioiuoii than temiorary relief w'aile vTXiug. 1 then trbd Dr. Peree'H ui..;:.ciueK usiuk ujs uoiuku Jieuicai Discovery 'Favorite' Prescription and pnas:int Pellets, an t In. two months' time I was fi-eliug betft-r than'T had for-yejtrs ltefre. 1 can trutfifully 'wi'v cased the food nnvf be. i-oni.nmiiiatcd. 'and as the blood wliieli fei-ds' every organ of .tlie Itody is made from food. i-veiy organ -ol the ImmIv wiM be eon laminated by its food supply. And this condition will continue until the stem neh is l'ie:ijed of its diseases. lr. Pierce's t 'oldeii Medical T liscov-. ety. by healing diseases of the stein ach. enables the whole ImmIv to receive its food supply of pure, rich blood, and so cures through lie- stomach ur eases of -other organs remote from the stomach. "I bail been a great sufferer. for sev eral years, and my family doctor said 1 wouhl not be ii living innn in two i I hi J 1 1... it L- lliul i .! ill lii-. ing." writes -Mr. fCcorg'e V. Trustow. of Lipscomb. A'igtista Co.. ,.Ya. "Ir. I'ieree's Ib.ldcii .Medic:)! I liseo.very is what saved my life.. I had heart troulde so bad that 1 -ould not lie nil n,v left side without a,', great -deal of pain. I was nearly pat work when 1 commenced your iiniliciii-. lmt I yan di alKuif as. much 'work as ;im.'- .linin iiow. 1 cannot say too mucu ur tue benefit I have ie-eivcl." THE LAST IS TT11ST. That niay be said of "floMni .Medi cal I dseo very." It is often the last medieliM to lx'iril, aft-r everything else lias f-iiled. Jiltd it proes itself tin first medicine to help. It always helps. It almost ill ways cures. 't..t t ln-t.1- ii.ll-i; .il' cu IY.il-1 tl - VI -1 : It .11111 111... . I ' I IIM I I 111 ' liver trouble and malaria I gave up all 1'ojh-s of ever gelling stout again, and the last chance was to try your modi-, cine.' writes Mr. Edward Jacob,, of Marengo. Crawford Co., Indiana. 'T had tried all the home doctors and re ceived but little relief. After taking three lottles of Dr. Pierce's Ooldeii Medical Discovery and ono vial of his 'Pleasant Pellets I am stout and neariy. ir is one entirely to your won-, derfttl medicines." - "Your 'tlolden Medlc-il Tliseovcrv has performed a wonderful cure." writes .Mr. M. 1 1. House, of Charles-, ton. Franklin Co., Ark. "I had the worst cose of dyspepsia, tlie doctors say. that they, ever saw.N After trying seven doctors 'and 'everything I cild hear of, wrUi-no .benefit. I tried lr. Iierce's I 'olden Medical Discovery and now- I am cured." There is no alcohol in "Clolden Medi cal Discovery' and it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotic. - All persona suffering from disease in chronic form are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. The success of Dr. Pierce and his nssoeinfe staff of nearly :v -score of physicians is shown by the fact that of.i'.he hundreds of thousands of c:ir treated in tlie past thirty years 'and liiote, there is a record of -ninety-eight-per cent, of curi.. And as a rule Hie. people cured applied ' to Dr. Pici-ce when their disease was at its wot'- -M'loirt ntlur mutl.ln..tf .. il.ul fliltl -t Pronounced a cure U. Ml correspondence is absolutely prl- Address Dr. U. X. Y. Do not le iinftoscd "upon ly a substi tute for tlie "Discovery" represented 41 o ttitr net- w-u-1 99 Th f.iJif ikti fill -substitntlon Is the b.imer nrolil paid by Inferior medicines. There is noth ing, just as good as "CJolden Medical Discovery. THE TI EE OF KXOWLED:ir nevi-r bore ln-iter .fruit. 'than. 'comes-jit the form of Drv IMerce's Coi-mio'ii Si-use Mcdical Adviser. It combines the richest resca n-bcH of scholarly minds with the ripest results of mod ern !m-l!cal iractice. It tells every thing In plain English. It fills the need, of every" family for a nracfirsil guhle to health and inedieine. This val- uable l.aook. ' containing inoS pag. s. Is "-". j.'iil free on rccch.t of stamps to iay 1 -vt..ise of lu-lilii)" onli- Si-mi ,. OiC- ,.e.Ilt nifmiiw for fhe liiuarv -ditiou in ,i,in,i,i,. voth bimJUq;. or If the lnk .stamps. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, I!u.Talo, ., Y, . , . - -. ,. ' Dried orance neel allowi.! t Rmoulder on a i.ieci. of reilhot iron, or au Ritorti wjh till any bad Mi.r in exi.steiic and leave a fra- rant one Iwlilm! lmaten.1