ISSUED IN SEMI-WEEKLY SECTION, EACH Tl'ESUAT AM) FKIUAV. VOL. 49. NO. 30. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1900. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGES Our Mew Of clothing ii now ready for your values f r yon.- Don't buv a suit for CiO Alir IlllA I 1 hnca jOWN'S M & ! I IT SHANK Shoes Rive the lest of satisfaction and ihe styles are right tip to date Veicll more slioea than most shoe stores. There's a reason for it Our sfot cash plan of business enables us to sell at smaller profits than any store doing a credit business. You'll need a suit of warm underwear fur these cool evenings. Best line in the city at THE NEW YORK RACKET Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store I Choice of Any Tan Shoe (1 90 t. in tho tnro . Ill UIU UlUllf v -A Pr I-adies Iconic Heel Cloth Top; formerly $ a pair. J .a dies' i.ow Heel KM and Cloth To, former lice. 3.r.O a pair. Men's Hiimanic Shoe; also M. n s Cloth Tfp, former price. J4.00 Only a limited supply. Call while we have your size. The only pl.n-e fur go.l shoes cheap. ooyd SHOE STORE 94 STATE STREET vwwuvwvyvwwv- SHOE HAgraN-BFQjvyjj 1 iPlGWlfL v mm FINE JOB RRIISXING 1 - LEGAL BLANKS 300K WORK ' 2 ft ft Commercial "Street, SPECIAL ATTENTION Outing flannel 5c Yd. Mead tst and made large ...,r .t,.ro is So In scheme and marked Best Standard Calicoes . - I 5c Yard. Allen Trlnts - Slnipsin"s I'rint - " . y : American InUigoes i , t:aruers Prints Hamilton Print ilerriuiack l'rints Best Amqskeag Apron Ginghams, 6c Yd. Pest Costioelll Spo.d Silk lot Jrd msoU '.h t for T eents liest ltrgi Spool Twist 4 for 17h Napped Back Vicugnas I ".mvI unlit V. t ........ .. .. Sc f yd. Medium oinflity . ....... . . Heaviest iuad AC yd 11c yd Heavy Cotton Blankets ! 58c Pair. Hesi '.qiiaHties of Cottou Itatting at lowest price -. , j a . , fall Line inspection. We have LeJrock V J T MARK $2.10 A PAIR Noyes iNorman Work ing Shoe for Men. Repairing Neatly Done by Gus Kaiser....... C. G. GIVEN STATESMAN JOB OFFICE GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS AND r JCJU Our Price List tv- fnllr Intended to inove int our line new store T e U". ...... 1 .. purchased on that aceounr. im' spoons not ready for ocenpney and will not to or!;r to tlisise Of the we oae auopieo d theui all Witlr reu ngures at greauy Ladles9 Wraps We -have this year the very best Jackets and Cape that science and lalxjr can protluce fr tln price. $4.60 Rrowns., ... . ' Tans. . .4. .... lllacks SiH-eial. Our Special Line lied., ltlack. . . Castor. Tan. . . Pine. Krown. V line of Capes ami Jackets, chas.d eieclally for this Sale pur- They are stroupest values iu Oregon LATEST . SUITS. STYLES IN LADIES ...... fC.93 Send In Your Mall Orders THE CRISIS IS AVERTED Diplomacy Is Dealing With the Mat ter of Evacuating fella. MORE HARMONY AMONG POWERS Correspondents la tbe Orient Itsert That China la to Be Diaeinbered . ty Germany and Russia. WASHINGTON. Sept. 13. The crisis tliat was near at hand yesterday over the evacuation proposal of th? Hus fhiii I overuttieut, has leeu averlejil. for a time at least, auJ -the diplomatic side of the matter luis again lieeome tlie object of attention. The ofder to General Chaffee to leave. ' a-t ouci, w hich was expected in some quarters, did not issue today, instead earnest X- forts are making; to arrange' prelimiite IB 3 arie for negotiations . which are e iwehil tinally to settle 4 he Chine troubles. I.1 Hung Chans: inesssig ttMlay removed. iM-rlia1, the latol Macle to a sjMfily lie ginning of these iK'otialioiis. and the only doubt that, now exists is as to his ability to re dH'in his i1h1i' to prnttH-t ,-Aiueriean interests and stop 'outraK on mis sionaries and native onverts. If he can do this, and thus manifest tlx-ixistiu-' of a de facta (SovermiM'itt. I hero is no reason to doubt that the negotiations will le iuiinetliately in order. The notice, that the ti'oops will not evacuate I'ektu until soiee ai raiipeuieiits have I wen made for the installation cf a Covernmeiit to take charge of affairs. Is .directly in line with the aim the State Ieiirl--HK'iit lias beii lmrsitinsr in the .ex changes with I.i I Iiinyr 'han?r. and If this decision is adhered to. it certain ly will facilitate the ultimate . with drawal of jall;roivivtti troop TO PROTECT AMEHICAXS. Wasliin.tbn. Spt. IS. Minister Wu has receiviNl a telegram from I.i Htuhz t'liati ansyveriji: tlie. hope expressed! in the American note of a few days auo that Ills powers are suttieient to pioteet American lives and interests in China. Karl Ki says he has 4 ha I power and will sic that the protection is iven. wants i:ai:k i.i. v I'ekin. Sept. i:!.-I'iince filing.' tliit ing tin course of interviews with th Ministers yesterday. Informal thenl t hat while lie has Mwer o negotiate he cannot act without- Ki Hung Cliaug. An t:rgeut reities; has Jieeii tc'i-grapli-ed I.i lleng-Chang; asking tint !--ial to come to I'ekiii. Manptis Tsiaug Mates- that notliing can be d ne until the arrival of the Imperor. TO IHVII'K CHINA. 1 on. loii. Spt. I I. No futilii r J'tght is 1 lit own. this niorniug. upon Ki Hung Chang's movements. The Tiniex has a dispatch from IVkin. dated Septeiu lier ttli. .which says in part: Russia lias lH-itiNl to withdira-w-her legation from I'ekin. leaving a purely '.military command. The bttic i:il annoum'ctneut of tliis is cx-tecled today. Other pjtvvers will also pre sumably ' withdraw thHr Kegatious. leaving Feki'i under the military ni- CORRESPONDENCE. Amoskeag Ging hams, 6c Yd. aiwnr eptemier t t ..1 I nave arnviNi ami until January 1st. me re-iaii 1 rice reuueeu prices. Men's Salts ' i - i This seasons prHlucfs In all j wool business and working suits, excep tional values S7.50 a Suit Xavy Blue Serges. Black. Clay Worsted. Fancy Caasimere. Tricots, and Cheviots. Special Offerings at $10 a Suit Hats Men's Black Fedoras Mn Pound Top iu Tans. and Blacks. Tire Famous tJorden Hat. . Special lines .MK and up. Shirts .$i.nn Pearl- 1.."M ..$3.t Work Shirts ... ... TTJres Shirts .2. 40e .4loi. !lc A SiH'dal Une of ravfl worth $IM, f lo, ?1.U0., Fperial . trol of tbe allies during the winter at letKt. . . ; ! r4n th lst iuforinetl ipurters the vpiulou is expressed that ltussia aud i eruiauy are a tiun iu aeevrd. Itussia Wekln a th-tlutte annexation- of all territory west of the jireat . walL and Crerunuy the annexation of Shau Tuu. Klaujr Su ihI the Yaua; Tse pi-uviuee. The disiueiidtermeut of Cliina seems almost inevitable. i The Shanghai on rsMtnd-uj of the Times., wiring Wdnes.lay. coutirms the rejuirts vf an uueasy feeling there bnceruins: Cermauy's intentions to waril the Van j: Tse provinces. The jt. l' t-rsltiirs corvspndeut of the Times says he is in a Misition to a'srert--positively that the Uusslan thHps iu Manchuria are preparing for a winter enmpnisfn. fSTlKK 1T.KKIXC. i Shanghai. Tuesday. Sept. 11. From nl reliable source it is as-ertainef th:t Im Kmpress lowaer. Kmperor Kwantf Hsu and Criuce Tnan are at T.1 Ttiti.', In the province of ShauR Si. where they will remain for a short time, after whivh. if not disturlM.!. they will proceed southward to ,Tai A' nan in the same province. COXKKSSEI TTIK- Ml'ItPKli. I'ekin. Sept. o.-rThe Jatanese have arrested the assassin of Baron yon Ki-titeler. the late Cermatr Minister to Chitui. The assassin, who has Ihm-ii Itandenl over to tlie t'erma ns by the jlapaiiiese. has confessed his jrtiilt. lie jwas 'arrelel for trying to sell to a Ja-iiu'se ollli-er a watch with initials 'which he admitted taking from the IhmI.v if Itaroii von Kotteler. lie after wards admitted the crime, saying that the 1 wiM-ri:i 1 Government orderel the coniiiiissioii if the crime. KASK A X I IHSKASK. A Siurt Lesson on the Meaning of Familiar Word. IHsease is tlie op-Misite of ease. Webster detiues lisease as "lack of case. lilieasiuess. trouble. . Vexatiou. 'isjuiet.'" It is a condition due to some derangement of the physical or ganism. A vast majority of the "dis ease" from .which' people suffer 'Is duo (: impure blood. IMsease of this kind is cured b"Hood"s Sarsaparilla which ( purities, enriches and vitalizes the i blood. Hood's Sarsatiai ilia cures scrofula, salt rheum, pimples and all ci options. It tones tlie stomach and t-ieaic . .tr good appetite, and if gives vigor ami vitality to the whole lxxly. It reverse the .condition of things, giving health. -oiufrt 'and "ease" iu place of "disease." JIOMKKKSS AXI HFXOKY. Tex.. Sept. 13. Iloiton is prt-n- the haven of the unfortunate peo ple (f t'Jalveston. Trains have already brought in b"tweon.SMl ami limit tf the survivors, and a ni4tley crowd they are. . Men 4tareheaded. harefooted. hat- Pless anl "atleiM. with 11 welted feet and bruised and blackened bodies , uud heads were numerous. Vctuen of wi-alth attd refinement, frequently hat li ss and shoeless, with gowns iu ahrwl were among tlie refugees. Sometimes t here would ibe a Uiau. wife and a child or -two. but these cases were rare, nearly all of those who came in havL ing suffered the loss of one or more nieuilM-rs of their family. Never were there so many Bad hearts. Men lx?reft of their wirves and children: women who were widowed: children wIdo were pa rentiers - it was enough to touch the heart of any one. and it dil so. Never was there more hero isln shown. Although a week agi thcjse ieople had happy honied, they am now homeless and NnulleM. 1 trey lMre ui lravely. True they all wore sad expressions, but there was no wliimieriiig. bo complaining. They were all made to feel that HoiiMon Is now their home. that, they are wel come, and that everv4hing for their comfort and welfare is "elng, done Tli ev are Ix'ing. hottsl ami TwI. and tltose iu need of medical attention an jlacc4l ih .the hospitals. Where they re cetve- every care. 1 'Many of the refugi-es to reach Hous ton have tasteil little or uo food ainco tbo jtoriu. THE COAL MINERS STRIKE. KOW WACES 'AlSE THK " PENN SYLVANIA DlSTUilBANCE. Some of the Causes of IHssatlsfaction Set Out by President Mitchell In Pablle Statment. INPIANAPOKIS, Ind.. Sept. 13. President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America, has Issued to the public! a statement giving the causes that .have lead up to the strike in the anthracite fields. Among other thlnirs the statement says that the av erage wag of the anthracite miner. for many years, have 1een less than f.J."iO annually. Iuring that period .the cost of man v necessaries of life have len increaseil -over 'JO twr-cent. Tl Increase in the coat of livlnjt wlthottt crresnonHug increas in wage, is etpiivaletit to a retlwtioa wages. The laws of the state of IVnnsyl van la, make 2.4s pouml a ton or an thracite coal, yet the anthracite coal miners are -omtelled to tnlw from 2 7m' to 4.m iKtnnds for ft ton. and re docked exorbitant amounts for auy impurities sent out iu the coaL Where paid br tbe car. they have te'n comiwlled t increase the amount of ttial In each car ly bnilding the name Dernciulicularlr from Ms teen 4 o eigh teeu incbe alwve the eIge. They are eonuielled to purchase p.wiler from their employers, paying $2.73 per keg for powder ; 1 hat can tte parcUased elsewhere for flM per keg. Its M Yn Ism Vxm totft. A HORROR IN CALVES Disinfectants Urgently Is Left of the Dead ft dies Floating Aabure Create a Xew Terror-Effort Made to Kebab . llitite the City-Work of Relief Coutlnufs, and Efforts Made to Open Trantportatlon Lines. " I'AI.KAS. Tex.. Sept. 13. The cry Mil! '.come' from CalvoMoik for C I'AI.KAS. Tex.. Sept. 13. The 5- lisiufei-tauts. It is the one hoM of Bavin;; what Is left of the popula-.: tion. relesrtains are pouring Into every Texas city, asWin: for lime, J carUdh- acid and anything that -will operate to purify the air. ' ; J A new Iwit ror Is iufrtutlug Salvestoit - a sMt'ul illspositl4iu ' of 5, ij many tf t tie dead. I todies, thrown Into the tert. afre tloaliuv: Iwrk to Jj the city; They must Uow be disosed of by lturuim;. lisinfetanls 3j liecatue more neetlful as a conseAiuence tf this new feature iu the Ml- JS i ration. f j' J t.'AKVKSTOX. Tex., Spt. 13. Cal vc.fon is beginning slowly to recover from the stunning blow of last week, and though the city apMars tonight pitifully desolate, tin authorities iiiy M-tliiig their forces to work, and; a start has leeu made toward a--, re sumption of business 011 a moderate sc:'Iv'. ' i Tl. preseme of the troops has had WucticiaT effect upon tlie criminal lasses, and the fear of a reign of an archy no longer exists. Ihe further the ruins are ln iti'to tin greater te- uies the increase in the list of those who perished- ' On the lower beach, yesterday; a 'arching party found a score j of orpses within a sinan area, going 10 show that the bulk of tlie debrts tnat lies across the island conceals many more lwMlies tlmn have Iwen account- d for. Here ami there business then have already put men. to 'Work to re pair the damage, but in the maiu rthe ommercial lifter! seem nnaitle; to follow the lead of those -.who show faith in the rapid rehabilitation of lhe sland city. . It Is dirtlcult to saj-. as yet. what the ultimate effect of the disaster Is t lie on the city, .wauy jwopie nae pen. 1 ml some may never ret urn. The, cx- lerience of others still here were o frightful .that- all will not remain if thev can find occupation in other itiea. The bulk of the population, liow ver, is only temiMirarily panle-striek-n. and there are . mists who helpd to make Calvestou prosjw'rou who lou tipou the catastrojthe as involving onlv a teiniMirary haltin the advance ment of the city.. - '; iuoug the worst sufferers by the illsaspT Were the chiH'hes. 401110 itf tliem are entirely wreck e I lieyond re pair. The work iif n-lief continues. Miiy- or .(ones ami associates are iKuiiug very . nerve to open a direct liiie of tin importation with llusnn. M by which: they may promptly receive a great quantity of provision now on tlie way to the city. . WHOLE FAMILY DEAD. La Junta. Colo., , Sept. 13. C. J. Sea ley. a' young 'man of !alv.eton. Texas, who is in this city; ha receiv ed a telegram fronrf the Mayor of Cal- teston. lnforniing him f the death of lwenty-tiiH of .his rela tires, among wttom are his jnotlier, two sister ami Hire' brother. He said tnlay that he did not iH-licve. he had a relative left on earth. STATIONS WRECK ED. ; Washington, Sept. 13. The keeper ami five of the crew of the Calvestoti life-saving station have lauded at Texas 'City. tline surf-man arid the keeir s wife Hfe missing. The keep er of tin San Luis station, wife and children, and two surf-men. have ar rived ttt tJalvesroti and rcMrt the sta Hon r"'KiHl. Four surftuen were left iu the wrecked building. HELP FROM PARIS, j Parlii Sept 13. At a meeting here today. the Americans raised; no.issi f i a lies! in fifteen ininiite.. for the f Jal snfferer. Tlie French pajs-rs vestoti have also oiened ttuliKcript ion .lists, NEW YORK SENDS AID. New York. Sept. 13. The siibscriie n this clti. to date, for the re- f ions I lief of Calvestoti sufferers, totals over' 134,i4m. 1 V IIICAC.O HEARD FROM. Chii ago. Sept. 13. Over w0 has lieen Went .front here to the lialveston suffeijers, lMides a traluload of sup plies. The Atchison. To-ka & Saute Fe Itiillway ent a cheek for ir,sN. i FROM KANSAS CITY. Kansas City. Mo., Kept. l-'Phla city has sent P.os ami a large amount of supplies fo the Texas sufferer Next! Sumlar a Mjeclal llectlon for viifTerers wilt 1m -made 4v Ihe Snlva tion Arnir all over the Culted Stated. - " ' i FROM THE COAST. ri San Francisco. Sept. 13.-4Jver XiMW ha Iw-en subHcribed for the Calrestou relief fund. ! J - Mckinley in canton. Canton. O.. Sept. 13. President and Mrs. MeKJnley arrived In Canton thl TO Needed to Save What Population, cry Mil! '.come from CalvoMoik for eveniiig. They soine time Apect- to re ma Iji herw .Sl'UPUISEI C1IIXAMEN. , ... f, ' ' . Pekin, Sept. .". via Taktt. Sept. 10. A' troop of American i-avalry, sent to sif-t as a convoy for cattle. surprfd :um iiii'terlalisl quarter's! at the Tem ple Shalto. Tl.ey killiil :ui and capl"ur ed l- rifles. The .enemy tie I north ward. Boxers recently attacked two companies of Uusslan" who., were guarding a railway working party at tin South Maapo Ion. lteinfrce menfs succetlel In disHrsiug. the at tacking party. Two of the Kusslan-t were wounded. A litis was not the first M(:tsioii when attacks of thifl, liiilure have Occurred, a punitive forc under Colonel Pretiekoff was sent with 'order to 'burix the surrounding towns. SEKIOFSLY tXNSIIEUEI. Cliicago, 'Sept. 13. The: anthraeito coal miners' Mrike was the ubjct of iwrlous consideration at the Republican National twadquanler loIay. Sena tor Hanna aiid Vlce Chairman .'Pay in held a long conference with the resi dent tnemlM-rs of the advisory commit tee, a to tlie lost steps to take; that a Klil IcaT color be nl gl Veu the In dustrial difjiculty In 'Pennsylvania. PHOFITABKE POSTOFFICES. San ' Frani'lsCo. Sept. 13. PoMotllce Inpectors M. II. Fllut and II. B. Hall have returned from Honolulu, when they" have been for the paat three months organizing a ioiotlice system throughout tlie Islands. They estab lished 81 offices, and the profit a for two months ami 17 day were Jfl7,"Hi0. To accoinnuMlate those Who are par tial to. the- use Yr H'lomlwr In apjily Ing liquids Into the nasal passages for catarrhal trouble; the proprietor pre pare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is . cents. Druggist or by mall. I he li quid elillMMllc tlie liiedlcllial proper- th of the nolhl prejMiral Ion. - cream Pal ih Is uulcklv absorlMd !) the membrane and does not dry up the; secretion but change them to a nat ural and healthy ''character, Ely Broth- ets. .! Warren m., i. Truth Is tis itnMsslbIe to be.Holledi by- nil v. outward touch a the aim- I wa in.--Milt on. Flatulence ts cit d by BEE- CHAM'S PILLS. JUST COME AND SEE "LORD LURGAN 2d " I .!.-." -.' i Score Q4 3-4, By Qore Sertlce Fee S3. Mrs. Bush, the noted Judge, says h will sHu core more than 03 Kluts. j Does and litters cheap. Does 'bred and unbred. Plenty of youngsters ready to( sell In pairs, or alugly. j JIve the boys ami girls a chance to make easy money by raising them. Will exhibit Hmres at tbo State fair, '.':- i See Them. Marion Square Rabbitry " I , A. WELCH, Prop. 391 Commercial St., Salem, Or n THAT DO , I SELL... You B I Pedigreed llnOW? Ocan - "j ' ' ';. Hares at $1.00 to i 4 $50 f Each..;...