Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 11, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, Tuesday, September n.iiooo.
Again we desire to call your attention to our Very large line of gold and
filled watches. , J w r- ;
We hare ladles filled w-atche for$n ami $12..0 warranted lO- years.
A very handsome little watch vvarranttnl 2-Vyears for $10.50.
In gentleman's size .--we hare them from $iL"0 upwards. "
A 2i year filled case with Elgin or Walt ham 'work, a regular Jjeauty, for
.$12.. - -,!;-!-. -
We also have a nice line of chains for ladies and gentlemen.
Barr9s Jewelry Store
118 State Street Salem, Oregon
Farmers, Insure Your; Grain and Hops
-The cost is small. aixut one-half cent a bushel on wheat for Six
Months. Rate for all warehouses In Valley.. F3ve OM and Tried Com
panies. KIRK it SISTON, lU'sident Agents, Successors to Geo. M. Beller
Co. 18 Coniwereial etreet, Jialem, Oregon. ;-;.' f
jMralnl L ill j ycmca
Th rr fvt nm-rf f f .r ncnaM nroatration and all diseaaea of tha creneraUva
'., i cirpaas of either irex, aacb a K-rro lroHrUcn. Failing cr Lest Manhood.
--"N. V lupoiency, f.'urh.iy Emission. Youthful Error. Mental Worry, eiccaaire use
fr5 order we tmaraau-W wrnm or rrf'Mi't thn moDfT. Sold at Sl.OO per box.
a toxo for .K. IK. noTTS CUKXJCAL CO., Cleveiaad oiu.
7 Pr- I s7vzv
131 COURT STREET W. I. STALEY, Principal
.It 'will afford us pleasure to show visitors, through our new rooms. We
are Itctter cquqqied tlian ever lef ore to prepare young men and Women for
usefulness. We offer, thorough instruction in five courses:
Business-Shorthand, tngllsh, Typewriting and Penmanship
. Our shorthand depstrt ment is now In essiou, - and will so continue
through Hie ammer. Our new catalogue will give full Information con
cerning the eoui-Kes of study, rate of tultiou, ete. iSEXU FOR A COPY,
and plan now to attend the coining faiL
AlIxTt Da 11 man Took
Because Ills Flock- Ad
vbed It.
XV. C. Bingham, a former mcmlrcr of
( nmpany D.. Second Oregon, of peu
dlctoit, was in Salem yesterday.
from Awn tw r rf Mrvy,
Cwri1 Hon fw rfTTfwfe. ?-tm-rt prr-. i
' ok lORDSN & CO. t OB I ttaitet St. S F.v
j Proprietor of
The PtorcR, (two in' nutnlxT) are lo
eatMl at No. 'Sir, mid t'lmnutrc ial
Btre-t. ami an?, well HtMkcl with a
complete lino of druai ami Hiadit-iii-x,
toilet articles, iM-rfumery, lru.sUe,
etc., etc., etc.
Has had some -.' years" exjerlcnc in
the practice of medicine and now
makes no charge for consultation, ex-
nitnn 1 ton rt t" irL-.r(i( tvt
iVoria. 111.. S.jrt. . The Uev. Al
lKrt Oaliuiait is iwHtor f a : rm.iti
Lutheran hrrch in Wonlfii, M.-kImhii
oimly. Ill, and he i tiow.tlie . htt's
liaiMl of hi r 'who wax until last Tu
d.iy Mix.x lliiim.i Eiclihoru of l'eoria.
Tln siory of their courtship and mar
riage Is uiiiipn. and alMiut it all is
woven -a pretty, little romance.
H'e year ago Ail K-rt I :i I Im.-i ti w.is
called to the pastorate of the Wordeii
iigregatiin. Then Ihilluian w.i a
haclwinr. Having luiiit a new church
met tire, a new shml. and a !-ew
parsonage for its pastor, the Woi-den
i eiigregaiion thoiiglit tiiat its miii;s
lering head and spiritual le.uler should
i'tive a ciiiiKiiiioii. "Our minister must
take unti himself a wife," said the
l!ers. and their" minister has obeyed
the mandate. The Uev. Mni Dallman
ci. nit h'I'eoria to get u wife, and it
toek him -hut two tlarst. Ht-calletlt
l'i home one Tatni'flay evening in
le;'-, lu coai).iny with hr paxt;', .nv
her at "church wrvi-e the next morn
iie4 kim! heard her sw;ik at the yotieg
jMpes UMMdiiig in the evening. The
nxt moruiiig lie went to-the fair one
who hail won hb love. He told her
what was in his 1i art. and later tlie
same day siie gave him the naswer
which made him happy. The vvdiljng
took place Tuesila.v of the week just
past. "! he Ucv. Mr. liallmau ii -Jl
jars old, and his bride is one year
Near Hie cily of iHiiban. South Af
rica, is the'l'laee or Heath, a funnel
like clef i in the coast rocks into which
,?u th:in gone by tlte ZuUt chiefs were
ncc ;ist(uicd t take the victims uf
iheir wrath to die.
Cljde La Follctt If Ixutallin? Fine
Samples -BnntlDf and Otber
; I "Decorations Seeded.
Will buy 21 acres of rich hill land. miles from the big bridge In
I'oik county, overlooking the city of Salem, and tlie valley, nud with
a magnificent view of the mountains; fair house; barn 20x30 feet;
wen; o acres rruit, orcnaru ten years oiu. uoou terms.
A handsome ruttage of ix rooms and basement: nlee south front
lot,. fenced; fruit, gardeu. flowers, etc., centrally located lu resi
dence portion. This is a sacrifice.- 1
173 acres
Five miles south of Salem 011 Jefferson road; has over loo acres of
beaver tlaiu laud: tine Inntse and barn; 20 acres of good timber;
well watered with spriiip. An Ideal tanu and can be be bought
cheap. -
no acres
Three inlles northwarilifTortt; Jefferson, in "Parrlsh's gap." Ilolling
tanu, part oorroiu; ait oiact 10am soil vven waierea.
160 acres
Close to farm last altove; all but- 20 acres In cultivation,
ground for all kinds of crop.
7 acres
In fruit orchard H renrs old and In good condition; near McKinnev
place southeast of Turner. Can be had cheap and on good terms.
i acre
Near West Salem, !n good fr ult; will exchange for Salem town
property. . ' j-.
14 acres
Of flnesl of land "close by fair ground i. eool hou3c. barn and oni-
buildings; gool orchard; plenty of Iierries and everything to make
a pleasant and profitable home. ' -
Will buy ten acres of land just outside the city Hiu.'ts. that will b
wofth J00 an acre In two years. :
Up Stairs in tho Statesman Building:,
Clyde La Follett, a sou of AJcx La-
Follett of Mission F-ottom, is iffrang-
lug an exhibit In the" Pavilion, at the
Fair ironnds. of the products ami re-
Mources of Marion county, it la
coiui)rthensire collection 'of the coun
ty's products and reflects great credit
on the ronns man. who. alone and at
his own expense, has entered the lists
to represent Marion county in the
county exhibits at the State Fair. lie
is now at work installing hi collectlou
paying all the expense himself and.
hiring men to aid ia doing the heaTy
work. - . - i .
For purposes of 'decoration he will
require qufte a large amount of bunt
ing nnd other decoration, and it is
desired that the citizens of Salem,
who have snch goods to spare, fur
nlsli them to Mr. LaFollett. and assist
him to that extent in arranging for
proper- display of his etfhlblt. Tlie
work Is one purely of patriotism, Mr,
ItFollett having undertaken the mat
ter of representing Marlon county at
his own expense.
All the other counties competing In
this class have received aid from their
reswetive county courts, while iMr
1 Follett was even -refused a small
bill of lumber which he asked at tin
hands of the Marlon, county court. If
any- ot tlie citizens have tlie desired
decorations, they wnl confer a great
favor by taking them to the Pavilion
at rhe Fair (rounds todaj. where Mr,
LaFollett will receive them.
'antiers Near Macleay ltse Their
Feathered Property Some Poultry
Yards Arc' Depopulated.
lUsfdeuts of tlie Waldo Hills, hi tin
neigiiiNiriKHMi or jllacleay, are -oni-
Xi'alniiig of -h"u'ken tldeves, a iiuiiiImt
of peiile ha v i nir snflered seritnts los
s from among their featlwred stock,
Mrs. .1. P. Waldo mourns the loss of
forty young turkeys and three dozen
nice Plymouth Iiock chickens taken
from h-r poultry-3'ttrd during the past
ten days. Mrs. (.'. J. Si literal, of Ma
n-ay, lost all of her chickens .and tur
kets. Sol Durbin, living lwrween this
iiy and Macleay. has also Intn visit-
d by the chicken thieves. All the
liickens on Mr. urbin"s - farm were
tjikeu. even the little 'cliic!;s. scarcely
able to run about, being curried awav.
It is believed that some of these
vchhkciis were .stolen by parties who
have t.jiven a tlirivlng traue in the
lop pickers camps in the surrounding
country. Tin thieves are being watch
ed, and it is likely that, should one of
Jhem invado certain hen coops in tee
iieisrhlHirhood of. those :ilrealy le-
sMiilel. thtty will lind themselves tilled
with, bird shot, and a physician's ser
vices may Ik required, to extract some
of the little pellets.
sroiti: a imiL
AH Oonntirs but One Carried and the
Four Congressmen Are Eas
ily Elected.
PORTLAND. .Maine. Sept. TO.
.'arr.Tinjr out its traditions of many
trs-with but one break. Maine went
Republican In the state election today.
by a good old-time maloritv.
The -Republican stale ticket, headed
by J. P. Hill for Coventor, was elect
ed, as .'were ail four Congressmen.
Mien. Littlefleld. P.uileisli and Pou-
telle. Tlie campaign throughout the
state. except perhaps hi CumlMnland
county, was fought entirely "on na
tional isms.
In Cnmlierland connrr. with Port-
md as the center, tliere was fought
one r the most interest insr contests
In the state. This was solely on tlie
liquor law. Its enforcements or noa-
enforceineiit. Tlie Republican! rtre
seiiling the latter, and the Prohibition-
nl candidate the former issue?
The returns indicate that the Prohi
bitionists have landed their candidate
for sheriff. The ret unis"" tonight show
that the Republican plurality In the
date will in' hse to ' :t!.nio
Augusta. Maine, Sept. 1 ..!. II.
Mantey. chairman of the state Repub
lican Committee-, sent the following
dispatch to M. A. Hanna tonight:
"Maine stands hv the splendid ad
ministration of William McKlnbn-.
TlM' voters of the Pine Tree State
have given today the largest Republi
can majority ever given In the history
of the state to any party, with the
slnale exception of four years ago
when onr opponents were cxjurpleti-lv
paralyzed mud threw the smallest
vnf'e they ever cast in a Presidential
year since ISlo.
"The Republicans, against a deter
mined and united Democracy, have
?arrfel every eonnfy save one In the
stale election, more than l."o ut of
l0 iiiciiiImts of "the Legislature. Tliey
have elected -jnr delegation to Con
gres by majorities ransing from 7m mi
tor 1.. We have earrhil the stale
by Sl.iHlO majority, out of a total vote
of lin,Ono."
concentrated In an X-ray tujte has
grown to such a degree that Ahe plat
inum targets tJion whleii the cathode
stream Impinges, which re the
source of the X-rays, becomes In
tensely heated and even melted in a
few seconds. A new and tilghjy satis
factory method consists in) simply
coating the target with platinum
black. This substance possesses very
Mirli raxliatiusr iwwer ami the neat gen
crated in the target is 4huai rapidly
dissipated. . '- '.'.;.;:
Warden Qnlmby has recei-etl notice
froin Joseph. Wallowa couSity, tiiat
he Indians from the resrvatIoii at
that tiLiee are shooting deer out of
season,' says the Portland "telegram.
One was recently arrested, but the au
thorities at Joseph are afraid to act
independcutly and they ha ve; inquired
of Mr. Quiniby relative to what action
to lake. The Indians are very trouble
some in recard to the observation of
the game law, feeling that they can
shoot deer -whenever and wherever
they please. The Indian arrested- at
"Joseph was allowed -to return to his
tribe pending Mr. tjnlmby's answer.
so that the case Is hopeless now as
far as capturing him agaiu is. concern
ed. He should have been triikl at once
by the authorities at Joepb.j
. - . y ' 1
One of tlie first links of a possible
Trans-Pacitic cable will be laid during
the lirst week of September, con not
ing St. Michael. Alaska, wsth Caiw
Nome on one side and Lnalakiiu on
live other. The triinary olilin-t of this
coieparatlvely short; Kt retch of cable is
to put the niming.camp at Cape Nome
in communication with the rest of the
world through a land line and cable
system terminating at St& .Mlciiael
From the extreme 'western end of tin
system of communication thus created
at Lnalaklik. it is no great distance
across the Ilerjng 'Straits to a point on
the Silierian or Kamsehatkan coast in
communication with the Russian land
lines across Sileria. I
Pacific Homestead, Salem. Or.
farm paper. Issued weekly. $1 a
Complaint Against the Military
tliorllies from Porto Rico.
New York. Sept. IP. Labor leaders
here have reported to the Central Fed
erated Fnioii that they have. received
a letter from more than 100 represent
atives of Porto Rica n laUtr organiza
tions. who have been imprisoned lu the
mnnicipal prison at San Juan. The
letter says that all laW organizations
known to exist an le"mg suppressed
by the uiiliLiry authorities. -Those now
in prison include the presidents, secre
taries and members of the arbitration
etMimdtt'ers rf all th labor unions of
any consequence n Porto Rico. "
The labor leaders" In their letter.
peHtion the workmen of the I'nlted
States to apfieil to the Administration
at Washington r to get' the release
of the men. Hd that the organiza
tion of IalMr unions nwy proceed with
out perseutlkni. , - t ..;
A greatdeal ot biventlon" has ' re
cently '-taken .place in the field of X
ray a pp.tr.it u.. With increasing pow
er, dm to tll. rurr-tinri
. j ... . ... ..is, ti t
toils, interrupters ami static machines,
the amount of energy that can lie'
1 he local market quotations yester
day vcre as follows:
Wheat 10 cents at the Salem Flour
ing Mills Co. s ofnee.
Uat-So cent (buying).
Hay-Cheat, buying $0 to $0.51); tim-
timothy, $8.50 to $10.
Flour 75 and SO cents per sack; ?I.S0
to $"J ikt bbl.
Mill feed Ilrau, $13; shorts, ?1 .".. "V).
P.utter '20 and 'SI cents, buying).
Eggs 1" cents, j
Poultry Chickens, 7c per; lbsmarket
Ixidly overstocked.- 1
l'ork Fat, gross, net.
Ihef Steers, 3, cows, : 3V4c; good
heifer, -ic.
Mutton Sheep, 3 to VA on foot: shear
ed zVi to 3C. '
Veal dYi and 7c dressed.
l Potatoes i.VT,30 cents, guying.
Wool 15 to 16 cents, market weak.
Mohair 25 cents.
Hop Twine 1 cents -per pound.
California Oak-tanned Leather used.
. Harness Oil. etc.
F. E. i HAFKR -
23 State Street " Salem, Oregon
PRirPAniitiri (Hi tfi in uTi n mi mi
U uuUL.ll ttUuUlM VI UUU1L VLU'VJ'
:.'.'. if
Great Activity at the Race Track and in the
State Fair Grounds Generally.
Excellent Programs for the Special. Da jg Interesting Time Promised for
f the Reunion of the Pioneers on Friday Evening, v
September 21st Good Baces.
'OK SALE-I have for sale ten Cols
wold 1 '.licks, tuorwitlioped. lniulre
or address Asa "J5on Madeav, Ore
gon. 0:0-d;t-ltw 1.
MRS. C. II. MONROE atcpreseiiting
the Natural i:?ly Riace Co.. will 1
at r.M ;iiutch sticet, Siilein. diiliu
the Fair. 4 Itw-dSuu.
Notice Is hereby given:-! that I have
funds on hand with which to redeem
all outstanding county warrants en
dorsed "not paid for want of funds"
prior to and including July 13. lM'K).
All of t.a id' warrants will Ik? paid on
presentation at my ottlee, .Interest
thereon ceasing from and after date
of this, notice. -f
Dated this eighth day of September,
1!"NI. -
Treasurer of Marion County, Or.
(KIt-wlt. ' j
NO. 29(3t
Will stand for Marcs tlie coming sea
son at Corner of Ferry and Liberty
streets. l or Pedigree aad particulars.
W7. Long
Surgeon. "! Salem, Or.
Money to Loan
On improved farm and city . property
it lowest current ratea. ;
Orer X.dd St Bash' bank.
FI RLIC SALE. A piiblie aie will
1m held at the Farm House of Ceo.
E. Allen. eait of , Salem, cm Satur
day, Sept. 1 "it h, to-commence' at lo
o'chs-k Jn the forenocm. consisting of
I 'lows, Harrows, Cultivators. Hoes,
Forks, Shovels, Scalding Vat, Rig
Kettle. 1 drub and Stamp Machine
wth 2n ft. wire cable, imlleys'. etc..
J Four spring Hack, 1 wt of Farm
I'lacksmith '. ' Tools, Saws, Axes,
Chains. 2 set of Work Ha rtiess. Sad
dle, I Rifle. l Shot (itjn, 1 Hay Rake.
Terms of Sale All Kums under $10,
cash; over that sum, twelve months'
time with approved sureties. , (2eo.
E. Allen. 0:7-tf.
foo per month and ex-tenses. I'er
nianent position. Experience unnet;
essry. Write quick for iKirtk-nuirs.
Clark & Co., 4th & Locust streets,
l'hiladcphia Pa. 9:I-tim-ilw. '
FOR SALE. Twentyj-flTcVor thirty
bead or '-year-old steers. See Thoni
t csf Watt & Co. . i t:7-tf w
President W. II. Wehrung and Sec
retary M. D. Wisdom, of the State
Foard of Agriculture, are In the city
to remain until after the State Fair,
and they are up to their ears In busi
ness. Headquarters have been cstab
llsned at the IL B. Thielseu Insurance
oHlce, and here Wylle A. Moores, who
has been appointed assistant secretary,
can be found from now until the
opening of the fair, ready to receive
entries of exhfliits and stock. Presi
dent Wehrung and Secretary Wisdom
will spend a good portion of their
time at the fair grounds looking after
the new additions to the several build
ings on the grounds, and the new
horse and cattle stalls.
The new judges' stand, to be built
in front of the grand stand at the rate
track, will lie in course of erection by
tomorrow, the work having lxeu laid
out yesterday. Platforms, sidewalks,
horse and cattle, stalls and slock 'pens,
uave'lieeu repaired and put Jn. order,
and the entire Fa ir. ('rounds" presents
an appearance of neatucs's seldom
seen a week before the ojiening day.
The stock-.' slum- Is growing daily,
and the indications are tbe exhibition
will be. greatest and In'st ever seen in
the Capital City or anywhere .on the
Pacific coast. The siecial days pro
mis to be well attended.
Tuesday will Im Press Day, and st
large crowd will le -.present.. Editors
of hundreds of papers will be in at
tendance and the indications are that
they will be astonished at and thor
oughly pleased-with the great variety
and excellent quality of the exhibits,-
and the splendid horse races.
Wednesday will be Salem Day. and
rhe attendance will doubtless ls a" re
cord breaker. The special race for this
day, for which Salem hangs up a large
purse, will add much to tlie interest
in this day's program. It is expiated
that the business houses of this city
will be closed on this occasion, so that
the employees of the Salem .business
firms may attend on this 'special day.
Thursday will be Portland Day, and
Secretary Wisdom has b"en assured.
by many of Portland's leading bust-
ness men. that the attendance will be
large, from that city. A special race
program of unusual excellence will 1h
among the attractions, a special train
will come up from the metropolis on
that day, leaving Portland at n a. in..
and arriving in this city at 10:3o; re
turning will leave the Fair t 'round
it 0 p. m. The special rate of $1.00
has Imh'H secured for this train, and
doubtless many hundreds will take
advantage of this opportunity to coiue
from Portland and sh the greatest
fair ever held in the Northwest.
Friday will be Pioneers' Day. At
this time It Is hoped to have the larg
est possriuie garnering or me on: em
pire builders, the Pioneers who brav
ed the lungers, of the desert and
mountain and the warlike Indian
triles to come to this land of Oregon.
and build here a state that has at
tracted the" attention of the clvilisccd
world. A Irig camp fire in the even
ing, on tlie Fair ("rounds will be one
of the pleasant features of this sjx'cial
day. and nr efforts will be spared to
"make the visit of the old pioneers a
most pleasant one. They will le made
to fed at home on the old camp
ground as they did long years a;..
and will live over again the stirring
times when they were younger, si ml
when they risked all In order to found
homes lu the wilderness, where they'
and their children are now eujuyiu
tlie fruits ot their laltors.
There will lie many canqn-rs at the
Fair ("rounds this year, splendid cauin
grounds 1eing furnished free to all.
The rating at this year fair pro
mises 'to Ik? the liest ever seen 'in Sa
lem. Splendid strings of horses arc
in the stalls and are in training fur
the fair, and the management is ton
tident that,, at this meet, -many tsiato
records will be broken.
Some exhibits are now being receiv
ed, and in a few day's" many will he
placed in position, while horses, cattle,
sheep, -poultry' and other stock will
soon 'bo on the ground in countless
nuniliers; coming from everv uart of
Owing to the fact that the, fair
opens next Monday, all exhibitors are
requested.' by the management, to
make their entries this week in order
to avoid the necessity of working the
clerks in the secretary's office on Sim
day. Tin entries will Hvitivcly close
at lo o'clock on Sunday nlglif. and all
exhibits must Ik in place on ". Monday
morning at ti o'clock. There will u
no extension of time for entries' or .for
bringing in stock for exhibition pur
poses. The press throughout the state has
been very friendly toward the Slate
Fair this year, as will Is seen by the
following excerpts: ' .
The Pacific Baptist says of the f:ilr:
"Unless all signs are deceptive, the.
tate Fair this year will aiiproach
Hearer the accomiilihmciit iff i .m.
prt heiisive exhibit of all the industries
of Oregon than has lceu attained in
any previous year, and consequently
will Ik of more value t both the
visitors and the exhibitors. The dir
ectors are making earnest efforts to
bring .about smii a result and the
prospects are their wpik will be crown
ed with success.
"It Is desirable that every county iu
the stale should have a good exhibit.
The people of all -tin counties are tax
ed to provide the appropria I ion for the
fair, ami therefore all or them should
take advantage of it to make their re
sources and their industries known
throughout' the common wealth. Cer
tainly .they will have only Themselves
to blame If J:hey do not, for si special
ajiiN-al has been made to .them to'
profit by tfic exceptional'- advantages.'
provided fii- such exhibits this year.'
The Scio News, in a recent issue
"The Oregon State Fair should be
the. best this season that it hasever
been. There is a great amount of the
finest bred stock in the I'tiiPil Stsltes
to lie found In Oregon at the present
time. The management Is sparing m
expense or energy to get the good slock
together, and as the prizes are good
the fanners should not be backward
about placing what they have on ex
hibition; the man with the push is the
man who is going to get. there; coi-h
do not -want to 7uy stock without a
reputation any more than they wauf
t. i-ii'ff. .ill ...-lit. ,....-4. I. . I .... r
t.r .Ml. .Bit t1-l. II II If. I J I!; - I l.lf ,1l
article when it is placed be rore them
for purchase."
op Growers
We have over 200 empty, solid lar
rels on hand to pick hops in, and alxmt
eighteen or twenty new casks and hogs
heads are in good,' solid shape to put In
grain, fruit or potatoes, etc. VERY
CHEAP; and will take fruit or chick
ens for them.
Will trade until further notice; there
fore bring iujirst time you como to the
city, your produce, and get one or two;
or else we will cut it up for firewood;
we need the room, but will give you all
this mouth's time to secure.
210 Commercial Street, Salem. Or.
lem. Oregon, Is CIVINO A NEW
cyclopaedia Itrlttanicn, valuable liooks,
a Cuitar, Mandoliu, etc., to those who
will send in a certain numlier of sub
scriptions. You' simply Hend the re
quired number aud GET THE PRES
ENT. This Is not open to regular
solicitors to whom a commission is
paid. Write for particulars and a
copy of. the paer. We will pay a
iash commission to those who will
devote their time to soliciting for the
paper. Address '
Salem, Oregon.
Hewitt Pays the Freight
On all orders of $20 and upwards,
within a radius of 100 miles of Port
land. Railroad and Logging Camps
a Specialty. : :
No 183 Third Street, Portland, Or,
WANTED TO RENT. Seventy-five
or 100 bead of sheep.. Will give one
half wool and; one-half Increase for
one. year. Fine sheep. Address Pox
10", II. A. Thomas, Salem. Oregon.
l:7-tf w.
Xotiee is hereby '.given that under
and piirsuaut to an order, decree, ami
Iieiisc, duly rendered and entered in
the County Court of tlw State of Ore
gon for Clatsop County, on the 2oili
day of August. A. D. 10OO, authorizing
and commanding the: undersigned,
guardian of the person and estate of
the following minors, each residing in
Clatsop County, Oregon, namely, .ln'in
Neal Gcarhart, Edgar (J. Geaih art,
Philip E. Ceaiiiart and Esther Gear
hart to sell, at private sale, the follow
ing -d'scrilcd real estate, .situate in
the County of Marion, in I lie Stale of
Oregon, lo-wit: The sou-fhwest one"
quarter of Section A'o. 22. in Town--ship
No. 7. south of .1 'tinge No. 3. eat
of .flie Willamette .Meridian, tngcllier .
with the tenements, hereditaments-and
appurtenances ln-longing or in any wise
appertaining the.-cunto; the under
signed as smii guardian as aforesaid,
will rrom and after the !th day if
Octoler, A. D. IJMUl, proceinl to sill
tlie said J above hscrib-d real .-tiitt
and the whole thereof, for tlu bigh
c,t and lnst rle obtainable, cii 'n
hand at' date of sale, subject to be
con li rin.i (ioii tliereof by the su'd Cain- .
ty Court of the State of Oregon 'or
Clatsop county.
Dated at Astoria. Oregon. Ihis-7t.h-'
day of Seplemlter. A. D. IJS".
Guardian of the person n-d cints
of J.flni Seal 'Gcarhart, Edgar C. Cear
bati, Philip E. (;earhart, and Ssth-r
tfeaiiiHrt. minors. Post of lie sdi I re.s,
Astorisv,; Oregon. 0:1 1 -."".
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon. for Marion County. In the
matter of the estate of Ziba A. Cul
burn, deeeawd:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may com-ern. that L. J. Priest, ai
administrator of the alove entitled es-, ;
tate, has fibnl his final account in ''- :
alsive entitled court, and that' l.v an i
order of said curt duly made and en-,
tereil of record therein, on the JSrh!
djiv of August A. D. 100O. said court
has fixed Monday, the 21lii day of
September A. D. 1000, at the hour of
10xclo-k in the forenoon of said day.
at the court house in Salem, Marion
county, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing any and all objections to
sahl final account.
Date of first publication of tWs nb
tice August 21, A. D. 1000.