WEEKLY ORESON STATESMAN, ti csi.av. t "EPTKMRKK 11, RVrt." HOP MARKET FIRM OCTLOOK FOR THE UROWEiU IS IN President M. I Jones Confidratlj Predicts Higher Pricw-OtteLotaf Late v Hop Sold. (From Daily Statesman. Sept. Ki M. I.. June. pivsku-ut.of he Oregon Hop iruwi-ni' Association, was a "a fem business visitor yesterday. Mr. Jones is ntbiitatU- regardin;s: the outlook for a jjimk! hop market, and in discussing the prosiet for remuner- j alive, price yesterday, and the condi tion of the yards, he savid; "Fur several days -the growers have lieen energetic in harvesting .the hop t.rop. Several of the smaller 3-anl.11 have finished picking ami a few lots liave been haled a ml an ready for . market, and. all samples shown so far are choice. ; "One iut of twenty halt vtrns offered lor sale in. Salem ulay. j Then- Is kttn mi 1 liilon to purchase at over 13 cent. It looks like this was to he growers' year and that the dealers will1 have t w.-ar mil kIm liMilur t find gni.wcw who are willing to sell. in- ii-ad of growers falling over ea-li other to find a buyer vviliitig to make an -offer.. '. j "The latent to format ton from Xew Vork i that sriMVt rH are firm ladders lor "JO cents a poind. With the Ore gon growers. Who have Hot yet con tracted, firm holders, (here ""seems to Ite no doubt hut that they will realize from 15 cents to IM cent for their crop. . , "Kepurls justify the conclusion that tin it- will Im. rather less than Lim.iMl hales f hops' grown in the I'ni-ted States; with the average Furonan de mand of from 7-"M to l't.i hales, tliij-ic wiii not In- near enough Imps to ;ro .1111. 1. Should Kiudaud take 7.".'" hales, which is ,- minimum while -l.e lias an average crop, there wi.'ild 1 ;i very slmrr supply for the A ectiea 11 il-fli.-l!l. ! Fifteen ceuts uT ,1'iiiinl is no more jthan a reasoiiahle priee at any time fM" the grower. "Til' consumption of tin brewers" prodi.et having increased pi per eeiit. and lite erop in thejj'tiited States and laiglatid lcing short more than l"t per eeni. Ihe growers are justified in ex ecting from 1T tojiSI rents for their top. ! "liealers are already making offers of 1T cents 011 round lot's from turo to b:les." Tin lost lot of laic hops was yester day .sold in tliis city. It consist-.! of tuU-nty Imles :;7." ' hmi nd urtr.Tii hy m! Siit'itioiis. of t!t; Salt ereek distrU t. in I'olk eoiinty. and was of an exeel lent quality. T.; A J 1-i vesley Co.. of this eily. piiretiasetl the lot at III eents it -pound, anil liiive tie hops stored. a.aitjii'4 orders. Ve-ierd.iy's. heavy shower interferod whh the kinir of the erop in the wi'ley. iin.l .i.i;!il t.lie rain storm eon liniie any lentth of time, there is a pi.ssihllity of some damajre h.-in done. The rain of Thursday in..ruin was ji vieal K-iietii. ; as it- washed the hop without doiiijr danrasre. Pii-t a lorir-eon-t tuned rain, sneh as set in yesferday leoiniiisr and mil inm-d all day. would .ooi rdnee the quality of the li.H. The went her report -.x-k nijrht imli caied ImproViHl eoildilions. liowever. and it is likely that the rain will he of short '-duration, in whieli event the loss to the jrrowers will not 1m jjreat. Many "of the p'ukers from the hop y.-nos ise:ir S.-ih-iu -iiine t tlie eily hist niirlit and' will remain until the weatli er settles. Ihejr eatisps ln-iiis somewhat tnieo'eforta'de. A new market for Imps, in a plaee that was leasi eMs-tel. has re-ently l-eoti.e knoMii l dealers. A nnnilxT of wealthy Chinese of Shanghai, China, are ereet in; Jarge 1revitiir es t.'il(lisiiunls will tequire aloitt to.iHHi or ir.io l.ihs of mr hops to Mipply. their wants this year. Yesler .tt-iy a hale of the l-si variety irrown in Million eoiinty started from Sal.-m l.i Shiinhai. ami it is eonlidently le h -l liiat iht i-ntiri amount consum ed hy tlie-e iireweries will ! taken I r this s!-ne. Tiiefe :le pr;icti.-allv IIO llOfis lis.-d ill tile ttriei't Ht the present time, IH1I ii will dotilitles Iterolite. ill a few .Mats, a lar' eotttinier and if it does. 1 re K01 1 hop growers wiil prohahly siip .1 iheioarke-v Should the IMI.ooH.imO I'iitllesi take kindly to tin use of the pi odllel's 1 of Vmer iean hops, there is every reason ti ln-lieve that the jrrow iier of hops , will lKN-Miie one of th; 11-10st.prtditai.de industries of the I'a- iti- i-o;tst. Alitor VVm. J. C!arke. in this week's issue of the ,ervais Star, fjives the following eouqueln nsive n'lxirt of the hop harvest, and the eondition of the markets; "The hop sitn.it ion. twith a to priee. quantitv and quality, here is all that eoiild Ik desire-I- The priee is strong 1 A Wnoderful Mcdidoe. r. Bnr-.. m.A K'ramii DinondfTH. such l"id .nd HiiB ia tbcStomacb. Sick HeJ.h. Giddioe, Fulness and Sweilms at-tr mtn s. in(s of Heat, Lsa of ApJclitc, Shof'JW of Brrath,Jostvencss. EKMCtieswa ire1?"'" lurbed Sterp.t-'ncNiful Dream,anJ all Hervm nd Tremblini ScBsarioBt,etv.; These ailments all arie from a disordered or abused condinuo of the stomach and liver. 1 , Bcrchtm's Pills will quickly restore rfmiin ta fAfflnlrM luwlrh Th. nmfltntlv ItWOVt ftlf obsiructifHi or irresaUrity of the ystvri. f or a Weak StoMtach, Impaired Digestion, Sick HeadaclM. Diaortlcrcd I jver, etc., fcey act like magic a tew dos will work woc dera apoa the VuaJ Orja; Strraaihcaiog lle Mescalar Svateat, reslwing I he loag iosl CMn- piCTion, tKinfcinf aaca tne iccitocii-ki:i"--l , Mmalth thm whm tttyloml awrerfjy 1 off favora ttrmy rm rMjr -PPWIsrf. Thct arc "facts" aumtitrd ny thatasaads, la all ctas of soc'cly. and mte of the best Kaaraatecs to the Nervous end Ifehiiitated is that S.-echam'a PiUs bve the Largest Sale of any Patent Mediciae ia the arid. This kas bea achieved Wltboot the pubticatioti of tetitnonU.te. Beecham'a P1U htve for tnaay yean Leei ri-e popaiar family medicine wherever tKe E ar.uah laagaatje ia spofcea, and theyjow &taad without a rirak - 10 teats and 25 cents, at til drsc stores. I ' 1 : - - - and inerrasln?; the .inantltr wilt nrr. a?e with former fear Tr. i4iii.un hales-amJ the ptalKy Is excellent. The hurr, however, isVnta!! hut nolhl ami full of lupulin and iinseru.ently weiirhs more to tht ntx tvlien drieL lu a nuniher of eases, where : -yards have Wen eompteted. a larger utuulier of Uixes have ls-n ftatliertil ransing from ,5 ti 1 per eent aver last sen -wot' erop. . . . 1 J v "A simple examined showed "up a greenish -olor hut was rieh ja lupulin aed is pronouneeil by esjrts to W su iei ior to any samples phown last year, yet it was pUked too preen. Tlere is a diversity of lo alitUs as well as soils hi re and a eoneinent nunder f ri'e and u:iriie yards, yet all are picking. I'leklDjr is now general an.l prtigress h under favorahh weather tondi tiens. not witiisiandin-jr a lnavy rain tha't prevailed Sn this seetion last night, which did not stop the workers, tmt rather made the cundit'ons more favorahh for the pieker. j. """iris uuitt-iNiii :ire kijiii etnrs per iss, ami came to the priee without the neels of a strike to hrinsr ii aiMtut. which was in prosecf and wo.ild have uudoui-neilly occurred. '1 iM-re an not too many pickers and flowers are Keinnin to s it that way. OKI pickers claim tkat they are not aide to make as much pi.-kin? hops as formerly, and lay it to the small horr and lighter crop. The efftH-t of under cultivalton Is shown hy the small hurr. and there are many such yard this s-as.n. "In a uiniiitt-r nf cas.s dealers have Imiilit fields out right, pa.vius as much as foo er acre and allowing the own er P.- cents per jkmiikI to harvest the crop, additional.- This hrinjrs tlu cost of the crop up to fully P cents per pund. There are a namlier of deal ers renting lare a re.'iges-herealmuts. and it is not felt by 1 lie farmers that this tieetl cause apprehension as to fu ture prut s as at lhse tipures f cost dealers mi sit 11.1t ed must from neces sity lecoiiie slroii; Iiohlers if they ex pect to come ont whole. "Th're lias htt n a fevvv.eass where sliort time otions have heeti taken at l.' cents jM-r pound, iutt S4 far no ac tual emit tacts have r-sult-d there frttm. -It is not too Iiih to claim- that W tn 11 jn-r cent of Us- Marion county i rop has Hss-d from tirst hands and now contracted hy speculators at prices rallying from s: to l'j cents per Mnuid either hy contract or sale. "A dealer calls your correspondent's .Mi ntioii to the fact that while a nun cultivated hop may Ie lesser in yield and smaller in size of huir, yet it is almost - universally richer in lupulin. Not having fully invest igafvd this point it is given for what it is worth, with the added remark, that this sea son's crop largely liears out the obser vation of the dealer rcferreit to auove, J'he foUowing retort was fient out fiom Xorth VakPna, Wasliinglon. un der dale of S.ilentiier (Uit. reuarding t in situation in the yards of the hop district surrounding tttt citv: I loppii-kiug has begun in nearly all of the late yards in this valley. The acreage is not so large a last year. I ut the ipttlity of hops is Inciter, l'.uy ers are tiuite numerous and 'offers of l." cents n pound have Ih-cii re fit set I by some of tl:e large growers. A great n.anv advai'ce sales were made at In tents, and I he Imps mortgaged to g.d iooiiey for picking, before it was gen erally lielieve;1 that prices would ad vance. Now some- of those remaining art' held at 15 cents. It is believed that lite general shoitagt will a.ivartc:' prices even altove expectations of the iri owers. , The crop of Yakima county is esti-li-.'lie.l at 1 1 ,,t M S l.i.l. s of choi -e hops, pickers are ncitncrovis ami the work will be eoiiiplet.'il .'and hops 'ready for maiket by tleto'tM-r 1st. The iiuiuImt 0 Indians eiig.igttl ibis y-ar is ri cat er titan for soon- season's p:isl. This is account t-d for by the fact that the white men :'.nd women are kept busy earing for the -fruit, and .potato "crops which are unusually large .a nil good demand. ..The pickers are paid 1 -er Imix of I'm pounds green hops. The gen eral shrinkage in this valley is a little over two-thirds, HM pound,' of greeu hop making alwuit twenty-eight ' to thirty-three mhiikIs when pn p.-irctl for the bales'." ' 'al nlitii' Iicwi. of New York, the v. "Sera 11 liei iiier. li.ini. in his I'r.nlnc- rs Price Ctirr.atl. says regarding t'ic l'l.'ttl.ct uinler date 1 f S.'pleml'r 1st: i.itles. IIeeipts for week f;e-eipis from Sept. I.. Ite. e'pts sai:ie time last year Inputs to KuroiM for week. l-'Xor.s from Sept. I... K port -s,saiof tini" last vear. Impoits for Week ....k. finMrts from S:pt. 1.. i..... Imiiiiils s:inii lil'ie h;st year. -VJ"i 11 l.tio I r. 1.71 7 -rj is. no KKI.C,':! - i r..:i7u l't'siiie--s on tin hwal market has bi;-t' very 'ivi-t again I his. week, btit the light stocks reitiaining in first bat'ds in tliis cofiiiry an I prospts t-i oii.-itb-r.ibh shr tii.ilge ill the i:iigl:-h er.. t.'od t ii'.it.e it rather firm hohl- i:: of most grades. y, .im make no nsi i iiil change in .protaiions as t!i: :". transact Ions. tejKilel are in thi rr.c.'e tf these fiurures. New Imps ha -. not aeiievi'ed on the niark'-t as yd. The ueatjser has leeit very fat orabh to t!ie riiening of the hops iu New Yotb state. It now looks a if we shall g-t good quality, ami the pt:iii tity m;iv be a blth t!ire than hiM year. Ilinrphrevs are tsoft being picket! "ami are j'eomiiig down in lim shape: siit sales of seedlings are r I ortr't! it I f't !- Picking. tie later crop, will general Xfou.Hy. 'i the rat 'He co.ist the crcp h k vet gooi. In Caliittrnia gttw ts at- pit king. Iu Oregon they have liegnn 011 tltc early var:7'tu-s ::;tt by September -lib pick ing will be general. Taking tin eoa t fls whole Ihe eiiihx.k Is fow.inr a seieewl-at l!icr,:tsl yield as compared with IMfi. ft w contracts have al tcativ'le,n math, but a a rule gr.rvv t t;s are md at present itu Ihr'd to sell. JM Jr nrali cf p is jest Invited to In aiuuu "P ,,,st :Tear. The Knglish ami IVlgian erons are tJie only tt:es h-r-c'cirt. Seven I cables from Tindoii this week giving varying estimate 0. -.iMHMi tt ldiM cwts.. which is con sMertbl.- Ik1.vv- their ri-ptlremem. Not over half a crop Is expectetl in iviginui.' ,, ' Stale, 1.ae. choice, per lb. ... ti U ?iate. 1Vi!. gd 10 priuie.. .12 fiibl State isre. ttnitnion to fair. .1 .H'l Pacific toast. 'hoIv;..l.i,.A14 Iic. co.ast gootl to prime. 11l-4l-Vi I"a oast.ls:,.. ioot to fair. T 61 11 State or Pac. coast, lfOS-.Ki 5 f ! Stale or Iac. coat, oW-oMa. L j 5 1C" CTll I r.nnuf iv r.lrer. After .-dms XI II I liIJflllnJlg'3"11' After admission to the liar. . he - UIIUIII1IU MOKE BPLOUX !Uk UROIGHT iXTO THE STATE. ( Ki ve II and red Will lie Shewn at the Fair This Tear- More Boon Has to Be Provided. - : Ftom iaily Statemaiu Sept."k) Wlw-u the ct'lttire of IM.gian hares was inrrodneetli in Ore-ion about a year agt it was thought that, ourshte of a few fanciers f iet sltrck. few would engage in breeding the little animals, that the "boom would le short-lived, the pritlietiou was freely made thst the-industry Would not amount to 51 tich. These doleful predictions have fa lieu short of the mark, for lielgian hates are umv bred hy iiinitlregs f tiregoti's most energet'c fietple. aiid inau.y hundreds more ate eagerly iu- turiring for stock with which to iopti-j late new iabbitrir-s. lN-lng anxious U engage in the propagation of the ltcl glatis. recognizing in this industry an other branch for the tiivcrsiiictl farnt iug. Thus far the breeding of JS-I-giaos iu Oregon is con lined tr ptotluc ing biopsied. higli-scriiig stH-k. bui the tendency is towartl mea'i prtMbie liou. and the time is trot far distant Whelt the meat of the hare . Will be come a staple article of diet in 'this state, taking its place alongside of On liecf, Mrk. mutton, chicken and tur key, and other provisions, now tiiitliug ilieir places on a well appointed table. At this y-ars Slate Fair the Helgian 1. at -ei section in tin poultry and jkm siiwk. pavilion, the department presitl cl oer by tietirge I . lbolhue. tiicie pifiieises t be a lack of room for l In hates th?.t will Im- entered for exhibi tion and for premiums. Already ap plications have Is't-n made for the en trance of .";o ISelgians a nil more are coming, and the indications are mat. many exhibitors who contemplate en tering their stock at the fair will be en-.' 1.1c in find room -unless ihey make their wishes kif fWIl eat ly. so that the iiianagciiieut ' can make preparataus bcftireharitl to imuse the slock. This pic mitotic tf t!ie Itclginn iiiire ill Oregon show to what an extent the industry has grown in one short year; since the .Statesman lirs! anvo taleii tlie lireetling of ihe Hclgians in this state, and still ithpiiries for breed ing slot-U are being sent tti the los Angeles and other C.-ilit'oruia rabbit -t ies from every part of this state, and .hutches are being slocked in every city, town ami hamlet in Oregon. 'l'he adaptability tf the clinile in tin Pacilit Northwest for the propa gation of tlie Iklgians. is a question thai lias been discussed at lenirili in various quarters, but it is now gener ally conceded that no other iurrt of Hit country is. by nature, so well tittett fo;lhe lioiue of the F.clgiau. as is the Pacitie Ntrthwesl. A writer in tiie Northwest Poultry ami Pets, a journal published iu Spokane, in disce.-ing Ihe question: "Are- Climatic Condi tions Favorable in the Northwest -for liaising TlieinV" says: "Froin tlTt-ee years' experience as a bleeder. 'I can say yes. The essential thing iu this climate is to provide soil able places where they can kt-p dry ami le protected frmn the heat. "The P-elian seems to be at Ihe 1.......I.. ..r 1.;. i...,......... t.... 1. ...... O. ... 1.. ....... .... ..... eery era wis tiowu .-i;sitn jiiui ot io.v jsei-o. While the young Itelgian is a great fet der. his growth is equally in proportion. He is ml particular, however, ill vvh.it he has to eat. He will e.it almost all kinds of weeds, is a natural lnitanisf. tliscarling any v ee.l that, is poisonous. Young hares heed some grain, as grass, hay or wt ed are too soft a foot-4o properly sustain them in their woudtrrTuI 'growl h. Tin yo"i')g. P.eljrlan s h"siies is to cat and gvovv ami he thn's boih in a phasing manner. They .must have water every day for lx-st result-, .ex cept winter time, then iterhaps he, will not drink more than once a week. "I have bred Pclgians for the market a till Iin.l it far more profitable than I ton I try. I cannot agree with some siateim-nts I have seen in print that tin Pelviati hare does not take on fat. I can prove Ihe contrary by the butch ers to whom I have sold ll:i!in in Sp.i k.me. They accumulate fat on top o" their s!;odtlers and on tlie inside of tl-eir bodies.- I have dressed t'.jetn when there was. too much fat ' n tiieni ami it hat to ( taken off: if not done the meat Wolil.l !e too oily. I lierc art some claims made by bretsh-rs that should Ih taken with a grain .of allow ance. Tht F-el'ziati can stand on his own merits; he is h:irdy ami prolific to a fault: Is v ry ' wholesome and palat able food. Young fried chicken Is in tto way his superior. 1 have lately v s he. I .-ei 1 ie of cur Itelgiati bleeders anil find tiit iti rill satisfied with ilw m. iu fact delighted." A PNHJFK ISA I K- POAP PIIKSIMKNT. Then Has. Never Been a Strike Against A. P. Stickney. of the t hit ago i b eat Western. iV. S. Ilarvvtiotl in Aiushs''s.) "If it were possible to give a formu la ft.r the preparation of a character like thai of A. it. Stk klley. the Presi- thiit of the Chicago t'reat Western i;a:?ro.ttl. -perhaps the prescription wo'dd reatl like this: 1 ,; Take toe art of old fashionett. rug' cd hot.esty. iiin part of New Ktiglaiid; iht irt. oik part of uiinagging Intlustry,; tne part of keen business sjtgaeity. 010? pan of te.idfast do vol it .11 to the inter ests of associates, one i-art justice, and one of kin. In ss of heart. lWeii.l these, allowing Tor the usual minor biein ishes which Is-long to all humanity, and you will have A. Ik Stickney. a iriiuioe". figure among American rail vv.tv pte.itlents. peihas if you throw in a sjilce 0 mlacity ami a dash of obstinacy, you wo. hi nu 1 doiiis ;mi.ss. "Tlutiigh the life wink of Mr. Stlckr. ney has 1 en -wholly Wsteru. he is an I la istern 111a n by birth, coming from an old Maine family. Tie was born in the town of Wilton. -Franklin county, hn l.s-tu. After & eoiniimu sehtud etlitca tiou. Ire legan teaching selmol at the age of seventeen. Iiter he enterttl tbe-lav. office of a famous Maine law- j r i ii l ii - i ' w m m m h ij M ' M m m . m ' ' " - - " I vveot Yet. where be soon abau.hjneil the law for the iarg an.I euuimauiliug J fieUl of the. railroad. "This in a nutshell, is the luogrnphy of lids ia.i -a. If you should ask him fcf details, you probably would receive tl.tS a:jsv.-er once given by hhu to a i -iarter who wanted some 'tiuileriah l"No. sir: I haven't anything to give Jt'ti. The t!me to- write a man" life liejter comes till he is dead and not tiin rnless he has tlone something worthy of lieing written alxait." "Fait liU Intimate life of tlay lie 11 ti.t easily hide, for he has vvrit tea ii in the hearts of thousand of l--.-4.ple with whom he has come iu tifi !."!:. while his public life is tn-lng w ratten ntit tlte activities of the eouu ny iu a clear rand Inihl haml. r It tltH-sir't nuikt any tliiTcreitee what kitnl of a suit-of clothes a man i:s -'on. wlietber it is the wirk of a New York laikir and worn by the rich -esjt man iu America, or whether it is tla coarsest iiomespnn. black with the griease ami tlitt of the engine, ho nian ti:is tie get an interview wiih Mr. Sijit km y if he has any sensible reasou ior asking it. ' ''I ids ii-mark. made to me by a c'Ose friend of Mr. Sticknev. illustiates admirably. tr;e of his characteristics, lie i eise of tiie tiit'st approachable linen in tiie .World.; If you were, to .-tjody this man from the short range of )iis tailroad oiiices in the city ofSt. I aid yirti woithl see tliat the grimiest htukeiuati 011 his railro:itI mieeis with jifst .-is warm a welcome, if he has bpsiness to tr::is;u-i. as the man with oHtiy tiih-s. Mr. Stickney is esseniial '. y 'IcliitH Till ie. Y'Aed he is not only democratic, but 1 e is 1 ... the t.-jli!roa he is demoerjiHcail v Ji.st. If anv one thousands of cinpl.ies on his t.-jli!roatI lias ti grievance, or if he j-al-lyhas none, but honest l.v believes he it has !'is. lie afcs:; I lie iiiay 1 as sure of an audience head "of the greatest Eastern cerpit! at ion. not a perfiftictory. Ihw-ioon-will yoi'i-lM--tl. rough audii-m e. but j satisfactory ' autlieiice. in vi w f 11 is. ii is not so strange that, in all the yiats lh. Stickney has 1mcii at tiie bead tf tl?e Cliicjigo Great Western tiei- ltas never been a stril-. Once, itfcrc'.v to I-.! iov the leader, there ua asyilipalhv strike, but thel-e lievcr hits Jiccn a strike tga ins him." - At Bed Time take a pleasant herb drink, the next t.rning L ft-el bright antl niy om- picxu.n ;s better. My doctor says it acts- "trtt'y on the stomach, liver an.j kidnry's, ami is a piea;u.t laxa tivr. It is made form herbs ami is . prepared, a; easily as tea. It is ralk-d Lane's Medicine. AH drng ftist .veil it at 25c. and 500. Lane't. .Faiiciy edicits moves the bowels each day. If you cannot get it. send for F. a trtc sample. Address. Orator Woodward. Le Roy. N. Y. 5- ImiVT KCSII INTO C IT IKS. 're id -tit Stit km y Says t'ountry opportunities Are Large ami Tempting. K ; iY. S. I iarwcod in Ainslee's.1 "IV lias long been 1 lie belief of Air. Stickney. the president of-the Chica go Cicat Western Hail mad. that the II a mi lite of America has Ih-cii need lessly sombre. He is a very earnest :;ith tK-ate tf a foinplcte change in the methods id 'farm life, lie is in favor d creating a'liiile community wher i'f'Vel there an- even a half tlo.eil farfli-;it-rs si-atleri'tl on tiie With' Western .'prairies. If. wnuld have these fartii e: s t oiiie into a eoiiimoii coiiimunity. Uiot in any sense "theoretically 01 11 1 1. 11 1 tit I. bm a community for cnlti- By;,,,,,,, for metitiil airvanceiiietif . for social progress, for tlie .fostering of the-. liner ami tlie jollier features of life. He advocates Hie union of these fanners into such a town or cominiiii ity. each one going otil from his home in the uiorning 10 his t.eld as a eily laborer goes tint to his work. The houses lie would have ..built at some Intersecting oini. which xyould at all limes leave I lie families of ihe farm ers in immediate eoniaci. Not only would' there In a great increase iu th satisfaction of living, but protection would be iu-itrcd in the emergencies of sickness, lire ami tramps, lie would obliterate the isolation whicu sepal ajes il;e farmer from the world. .and Which, n wo are to belie vet host who h:i vc tnade a s:utly of the subject, does iam h to increase insanity in rural re glons. "V't 011 -no point is he more strenu ot's in ids writings tnau 11 the fool islmess show 11 by intclliirent men In IIK-king to the cities for when tin oppi t uttMles in the cottniry are so large ami temriling to the man of char vision. Here is a quotation from 1111 -address .which Mr. Sticktiey gave some t ime ago: . 'To the dogs with the sentimental m-iisense that the ''rnmiiiii'g: . process f pie city scIhmiIs and tlte alv:titag's of icity chtirches, .which you seldom enter, "are all that makes life living. and that to temove to tlie country 1 to rob your children of -those advant ages. Lot laboring men examine the pt digre;' ,of tlie successful busiuAss men. the .'-distinguished lawyers, the lead tig physicians, tiie most eloquent chrgymeii, ambulates) Without excep C011 tlrey re country b.ru. rearetl and f educated. " to ActjuiRi: coon vocabulary Read Ottod Rooks and Listen While Well Kdueated People Talk. "A pood vocabulary is acquired by rending- good looks. as well as by hearing the talk of those who express short roads. m nd light loads. . rCood for everythiii'j that runs on wheels. ..'':'' ' Sold Etrywbtr V Mmm fcr RAVOARD Oil. CO. themselves In the sjweili of educatetl pijde." writes Margaret li, :iiirster iu ihe Septeiulter Ijitlles Home Jovur-. n I. "Thought Pes tiack '" of speech, ami the more subjects ititerest us the more coiumund tf laaguage we shall tiave In widen to tU-serile tlient. They wlitt reaI seleniitie lssiks .will have a grasp of scieuiilie terms. They wbo discriiuinate uietly ami use the very Inst vvt.nl .to iy what they have in their minds will consult a dictionary .intl Kit- what are the simllaritiesi or the contrasts of t-ertain-words: will choose, as among ceins. the flawless ruby or crysial: will not le SiitlsthHl except with the exact word which call express precisely the meaning they; w ish to tuvey. The reading of trood ; authors lifts mr vo.-abularj f rmi i iceinuess ami u.e.-g-r,.e-.s to wort Is which are like a lKaut!rul embroidery- tu the garment of tt.iily life, ami furnishes tts with allusions. pu tat ions and phrases whicii are pict ttresque, apfnisite or fonveiiieut for illusiratious." " - TIIE RUTH- ON ITUK.-Whlle at the dock at NewlKTj u Sunday 'even ing. alout Jr o'clock, the ). Ii. & N. steamer lluth narrowly .escapetl bciug lest roved by tire, says the Hay ton Hera hi. The mate had occasion to look "after some article In his locker, which is In front of the boilor antl I'tnhTiieaih tht stairway in ihe for ward part of the steamer: uion open ing the locker door, he discorcred a bale tf oakum on the 'Inside ,011 tire. 'Without ''closing the door be riishett to the upHr tleck To give, the alarm. In tiie meantime Johnson one of t lie hands. seeing the un- usual conduct of the mate, went to j but he had 110 intent iott of comjug, to the l.s-ker tt .investigate and finding pi, k hops iu tiiis section of the state, the Inside on tire, got tiie hose, and : When he left lit wore the same clothes Chief Kngitieer Hrisctd and tiie lirei m w hich Ihe bo.ly .at ! the tmu-gue is man getting the pumps to 'work aiiiressed. The buok'foiiud in his Mcket 1 stream of water was soon playing ut tlie fire, and by that and the water description .written therein wai gone up in smoke ami ihe officers nul piafcd 'there by Frank Morton," .of men. tlie lire was -soon put out. The llama sen '.he . IT-' year old soil damage was estimate at. alhittt Sl'O. If t.!ouniy Commissloiier Pit hard was :i very close call for the steamer. Morion of Cl.o kit .11.1s comity, and was Had the fire been discover! but a few j w rittcit In a spirit of fuiidia ving in uiinuivs later, the l.-at Would ha ve : Hpet ial meaning. - -wt-nt up in smoke and tlte oilicers am! j- The young matt evidently did not. crew save themselves as lies! the.v r.ti.l work-in Portland, and' thus was could by -swimming ashore. Notwith-. vinbicetl to come to Salem to nick Stil Il.l iliLT 1li.it for :l .liot-t lime ttl. "boys" were hard at work and intent on saving iln steamer, several incid ents occur nil; over which they enjoy ed a hearty laugh. ; Purser "ilbert rushed .tint of his room with his clothes in arms re.it ly lo leave the ship' or sink vitli-!t: other oilicers ami men were at work in their night clothes ami bare feet. A-stream of wafer from tlie host, struck tht steward fair ly in the hack and doubled him up as if shot. A Mothers croup or a ttift to Word "to Mothers. of children affected with severe cold I iced tioi lit si inlitiiiiister "CliainUrla ill's Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate nor narcotic in any form ami may be given as coiiliili.'ntly to the Italic as to tin adult. The gretil success that has Miiemlctl iis ue in Ihe treatment of colds and croup lias won for it tlie ap provaFaud praise' it has received throughout the United Slates ami in foreign lands. For sale by F. tl. Haas, druggist, Salem. Oregon. 1'tlY P.PRt Jb.KS.--"Two P.l ycar-i old youths. .1. I.. A'iii:Ioio -and Kdi Rose were arri sled -yesterday by Hej tt-ciivcs Ford and Cordano for robbing the house of Mrs; M. Pagan. Ss." l;ieis i reet." says I lie Oregoiiiau of yesleiS day morning. "Fortunately, the propi city stolen was toil.nl ifjtoii the per; sons oi' tiie prisoners It consislctl f two valuable gold watches and a nug get. . lined altogether :il sr.V Itot'l intloni auTl Pose belong in Portland. aiid li.ie Ucii in m.-i its of the St:iie kei'.nm School. They will be .li ed toiiay iii the municipal court." I toys had been pamled fttuu the Kcl'o-ii! Schtio). tlttriag good belt Wintiom in ts'tx m..l l'tsi in ralgu The State a vioi'. 1V.KI. Si'pi ' . n . 1. 1 1 1 1 H. I'!. Hickers was" yes tcniay titiiihed by the IVii'tlainI autlior il'es of the crime toiiimiltetl ly ilie lints iiittl went down on the aficmooii tiiiiu ;o lei t them back to the insll : to ion. They will probably be com pelled to s.-rve their full sentence, which expiies , lien tlicy become 1 years- of :ii. A TWO HPAIU'H SNA KK. Mis Laura T. Slurp, of tliis city, has, lM-eii visiting her .gramliiioi lier ami other relatives at Klamath Palis. rr-Jurnitig home yesterday. A few tlavs leftre leaving the Kliiniiitli region, she cap tured ." valuable specimen of nature's itccasiomil monstrosities., it is .1 yoniig water-snake,' about fourteen inches long ail perfectly foi nu tl in ustial snake Ktyle except that it has two heads. Those grow out simultaneous ly from ilw neck, and are seemingly etptal in dimensions an 1 functions. Kach head acts independently. Thcy sometimes lie sitle by side ami some times spread ut at right angles or even a greater distance. Miss Sharp brought her trophy Inum with her and consider it of considerable money value, ns she has beeji offered a good figure for It already. She will present it for Jm.iecthn to the IJingiing 'Pros, ttslay ami it may ltccome a part of that already womhrful aggiegation. Bon tW Vi Haw A.'ats Baa AN IRRItJATlON COM PA XV. The Citizens" Water Hitch Company: o .Toseph, Wallowa county, fihsl article of ineororatlo!i in the State Heparf ment yestertlay The. ctonpany pro poses t construct antf operate a sys tem of water t! itches and canals, tak ing the wafer out of the Wallown,rive for domestic use ami for iirlgation pttriMistt. - Joseph is tin heathfuartcr ttf the corpora t ion. . 'The company has a capital stock of fuoo. iPcled itit j shares valued at 1 eac'i. J. J. Stan ley, president, and F. F. McCnlly. sec retary ami treasurer, are the Imor- porators of rettitth A portrait of the lab Walter . Giesham. secretary of stale nndei ITeSitlerit Cleveland, is to be given a place of honor In the gallerh-s of the emperor of J.ijian. This Is to lie . dort- as a triome to Jir. iretiams servici In r.egotiatiiig tlH" treaty Utweeii th- Unitctl State and Japan whit h Wa. adoptctl tluring Cleyt-laiid s. mi oik! term. ; -: " -.. .. ' .; "Some men lift re no Judgment." Uor ItistameV Tl.ete's old Mmieybag. After mh"-: nir a milliitn beL ltecame a vegetarian and a Iroh'.bitionist. Judge. THE BODY IDENTIFIED TllEDIIORC TtUt-SWtrH HOIVY .; CXlltSIKIl lESIEKUiy.- WAS Afeother laqoMt Will ! Hl ToJay-A i llrolhrr or th IHMid MQ j ! llr. : (From Daily Statesman, Sept. .. The dead man w m was" pulled out ot the river at Wheatland 011 Tuesday, declared to Ik Frank-Morton, of Ham asciis. )ngn, ty tht coroner's jury. XVcdlleS,t:iy atld burled ill Salem oil Thursday, "was yesterday exhumed, atid Identified by Joseph Pillsier, tf lkuuascus, as the remains of the lal ter gentleman's year old brother, Theodore Pillsier. With the result that Pot oner 1. 1 Iiue last evenintt de-; anuthor imptest at IU cldetl to hold a. 111, today. .. . . ' - Jostih Pillstcr and Walter Ifelser, of Iiamasciis, arrived iu Salem yes terday afternoon, the body of thelead liiau 'having lK-n exhumed before their arrival. The remains had beeu taken to the undertaking fiarlors of Cl.mgli ..V nigthiti. ami the. ovo yotmjj: tin 11 readily idcniilied ihe tlcad nun. They stated that youuj; I'illster left ; ta ma sens on VA ediiewlay, August j 21111. having Iseu taken to Portland iiy his stepfather, Henry Troge. 'Hie lioting nihil s plan was lo llmi vvork. uvas' the tlead man's nroiK-rl V. but the hops. .'Who was. his partner. Is un known to tils friends. The young in.itt who claimed to-have Im-cii will. j hi in. and who is now at. the Hoist fpros." hop yard tin the Jo ranch. ?was cvIdetiiTy ttuly.a chance actpiaiut- ii nee. He is unknown to ine tinm man's relatives. He was seen last evening at the Hove ranch. : and said that he came up. the ...river, with young Pillsier. .that "ho .had owed. Pillsier $l-". which he paid to the young, man. hav ing found Him short of -fit itt Is. Thai he last saw Pillstcr near Lincoln on the slcamenpugeiitvoii Thursday .eve ning.' August 1 :ioih. The young . 'man hail been drinking, but was not in toxicated when Ihe iwtiv fr'ctids went to uleep on the tleek'of the steamc,". That w lide he was lyiug rolled in his t.laitkets. I'illster arose nd left him. and (hat he had not seen .the young i:m since, and beliei c. the yontig feliew h.i l fallen overboard, lie senn et I io be Very tlllfonceined abnift llit " lte of ii'ts frielltl. Tlie .story of I Im payineni tif the $15 is not credited by 'in tle.id man's -relatives. An etTort will "e made at the ' In piest this moriiing. it i said, to secure the evidence of the df'ad tii.iti's whiim fricml and I r.i fling companion, which uliould Hot le ilrtlictilt. Miss Nellie- '-Pillsier and Mahr WiiUe Pillstcr, brother ami sister of the tleceast-d. spent the p.isi week ut Moulsoii's hop y.'ti'tl near Pixie, and they were last evening brought to S.i lem. The sister leaves for home 011 Ihe Albany' Idea! this morning.-' w hile the younger brother ' remain' for the impict. The family is. much shacked hy the s.-hI fate of .-their .-young broth er, who list always borne a jro.d repu tation. .Tliis is tin .second sudden deaflt lnitle of a few years, iheir fallt'T having sdeeiiniln'il fo heart di ni'.Kc four year ntro. The remains' will Ik taken lo Oregon City this afternoon. .1 ml will be inter red fit homo. 1 , T'he relative of the 'tleceasetl are nslttu to have a thorough Invest i g.ltlou made, and if -there Is evltlem-, of foul tilay. they wish the guilty parlies brought . to justice. The fain- Hy utand high In Clackamas county, the county oflh-ers'at Oregon ("i(y vouching for the respectability-and hi te:riii.V of tht peojilc, iind no efroils will be sjiaietl to see that Justice is done. i'ine printing. Statf.mair Job Oflier. 'I RUSTS IN A I S I R f A-Il PN S A RV. More llaletl Than in Any Other lean Couiiiry,. Kitro- iCyt us f '. Adam In Alnslee'sf 'There is more tleimuci;i I ion of ti-iist in . n stria Hungary than in ii'tiy other country of Ihirope. lull mil her. talk nor laws have harmetl the system. The Anstriaii. Miliar triirl, lo Im sure, was tiisstdvetl after a-short exislcllf',. 'ttt Im-c.-MIsc Ji W;t: lliliipll- lar. though tlie. price IS.vetl tin its com ln iil'ty !ifi I made il inasiy f-meoles, loif becau," ttf disscii-con aiming l( meiii !'!. SiiP, p ests have 'not . cv leiid -.l ; r'iidl.v in Austria 1 1 unwary a .In tJermany. and. llV-re is stror:gef sciili 11. -nt in favor of resfrlctlfig tra!" ceiit'iina lions among Austrian lcgi lator th. 111 in the Oerman Parr.imcol. A bill was iutrtsliiccd'a w'it'de agt in tie Au-iiian Rehlii-iittli for govern trt ut sj!erv isi.,11 of frud engaged In Llhe protlucti-m of brainlv. lteer. m.ti -tral il ainl oilier iirticles thai tire iU'bjcft to excUe. but tiothiug i-iime of It: and the oijti-r law t.f IkVj d clariti !dn-'tl i ll ( Olllbillilt loll iile'-'al "H long uw.t icc.ihd.. Atrrcitii-iit :ind t rt 1 acts tit raj-ie the price t.f com tc'itdii ie . or Injit-rlottsly P ,nfcc ihe Ifjieiesfs of Wt.rkllrg fiit li are Vi.i.1 by 'aw: but ne'ihe'r ltd imr any other legislation agaiusf-' trust In. Austria' h;.s cvr r.prevenv ipf he formation of .1 tttsde comliiii.t Ibe- h is' iiif -rfercd with it n fkit5,." CATARRH la U its Ura tbete rh'mld tta clejiiil.oO'S. . Elj'f Crc cm Iialm lj t,!iM ; txtliie rs! Ii t. ! tlie 4:ael nn-.sriike. ft enr t rrh Mi4 tlrit 1 ay eoitl ttt U Uc&4 tjuickiy. ..Ov..". Cream "Batns '.s pineal tr.to tiv nottrl'.d, tpr&a J over th ntaVtn and i '.tsn',A-L l..iii:ii BrliileelaC'Me!oUwe. R i iiot (Irjin fi ot fOi'occ n&ee.iii". l".re irl. tJtiiK &t U;uj.-. M? or by wkli ; Trial ftivxv If n-u' Ur t-miL VLi tltomElii.Sti Wairu S:teel.Iiw York. 4 v r f 1- r.