Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 11, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Ceen Ordered to Prepare the Army tor
Retirement from Pekin.
Trauiports Will Meet the Boys la Blue at Takn and Convey Them to the
v. - Philippines, if Final Eetiringr Orders Are Decided Up an
bj the Government. '
WASHINGTON. Sent. I 8 Orders haver?
w . . . . . . i
been cabled te General Chaffee to prepare his
5 forces for withdrawal from Pekin. Further
than that, the War Department has taken
steps to have at Takn a sufficient number of
United States transports to, : remove the troops
to the PJiilippines as soon as they reach
that port. 1 ; . 1 j ,
WASIIINOTOX. Sept. .s. The ord
er, cabled to l.eneral Tihaffce to pre
part to evacuate Pekin, 'an prep-ira-tory.
a ixl do not neeessa rily indicate
that the tJoverumetit ha decided fin
ally uhii tin Immediate withdra vval
from China. It I simply placing it
self In position to carry out Hie pledge,
.-eon vryed in reply, to tin Russian note
in this language:
result of, these consideration
1 that, unless thre I such a general
expression by the I'mvcr in .favor
of eon I htucd occiip.iii.in a to modify
x pressed by tin
ing i'r.v d.iy. The continuance of
quiet in IV loin tending to reassure the
Chinese official is lielieved 'to Is rap
idly hastening negotiations for a final
settlement. Then is- the lest reason
to li'liv that, where.-the Chinese
Coviinint'iit oriee assured of the per
sonal safety of its memlers. ami re
lieved of the fear of tin dismember
ment of China and the menace of a
large foreign force In tin capital, tin
l'mpenr ami Empress Dowager would
lose nil time in returning to Pekin.
of a poor sheep herder, who, during
the blizzard last winter, had oharKe
of a large flock of sheep belonging to
an English syndicate. ; ! r
During the whole night he faced the
fury of the storm, striving vainly, to
bring the sheep into the fold. , Toward
morning he can5e back to his tent ad
wrote a note 4 it hi employe, stating
that he. wan almost exhausted. lut
would make one more effort to save
the flock, as it was his duty to do. '
; The next day. he was -found Jialf
burled In the snow, dead. One of his
dogs lay beside him. guarding the
lody: the other had perished with the
sheep. - ; ' ; . : ' ' " " 1 -
, A cattle raiser on the Oulf of Mexl
eo tells a siiniLir story of an Acadian
herder whomrhe eniuJoved.'
Joe." was 4n guard one night when
the herd, consisting of neveral thous
ands of rattle, took fright at some un
usual sound, and stampeded toward a
bayou otieutng iiito tne gulr. It wan
low tide ami the i ta you was narrow.
nut Joe Knew tliat If tne nera once
entered it they would -trample each
other to death, lie was a large, pow
erfully-bnilt tuau. ? ltunniug lefore
them, he (lung himself into the ditch
and faced them, discharging his pistol
In tlifir races. ; .
.The.wa-ter reached his knees; the
terrified basts, urged by the furious
herd liehlud pressed on him. Again
and again he fell, and struggled up to
renew the dsprate fiKhr. At any
iinmient Ire might have ' reaclu-d the
shore and saved himself. After two
hours help came. The herd was driv
culiack. but .Io was carried home to
- Scarcely a week passes which does
ntd offer its record of sortie faithful
servant an 'engineer, a ship's captain
or ven a coiunion sailor who gives
his life to fulfill the duty whic h he has
Im'cii pal 1 to perform: to kewp his word
In th .ef ace' of death.
In our applause for the soldier who
dies for his country or his home, let
its 'not ovrl.M)k these other heroes who
ate as faithful and brave as he.
Roosevelt Made Twenty-One Speeches
in Forty-Eight Honrs '
South Bend. Indiana, Gave Him
Most Enthusiastic Welcome-He
Will Best Today.
CHICAGO, Sept. 8. (:overnorKoose
velt arrived, in Chicago tonigbt, and
will remain over Sunday. j
The Governor Is much exhausted by
his recent laliors In Michigan and Ind
iana, having made twenty-one speeches
most of them in the open air. In forty-
eight hours. Sjeclres were made to
day at Holland. Aftegan. Kalamazoo,
iteuton Harbor. Niles, Michigan, nnd
Soirtli Bend. I.nd. At al! these pla-es
his welcome was warm and the crowds
At South Bend the largesriwditleal
demonstration of the present campaign
was accorded the !overuor. '
He Talked to Pioneers
Milwaukee, WUs., Sej; 8. W. J.
Bryau maile a record-brenking rail
road run, from Chicago to Aiilwaukee
ttslay, to o'eu the lemM-r:i tie Nation
al campajgu in, Wisconsin. riiiely
siv miniitesafter the candidate's se-
cial train left Chicago. Bryan was
ixiwing to an enthusiastic crowd which
met him at the atat ton here:
tint ern-
Hlld lead to a geiteiul '
the-, continued M-eup:l-gav"
!iistni-l 'tons to
t lie v ! s
tuetlt of I'ltsl.!
flgtcenint fi;
tlon, we shall
wlthdtaw our troops froiu I'ekin af
ter due conference with tluj tilher
eouiiunders as totiie tune a (id man
lier tf wjihdrawat." . ' ' '
I'p to the pres ut tihinieiit our tJiiv
erumeiit has not ehangeI Its oHey in
the inatter of withdrawing troops, .ft
has given the subject nim h consider-'
ation KiiK'e i lie origin.! I iiote Wiis writ
ten. Im lias kit sieailily iu millil the
propriety orf removing the Aim-ri.-an
trMps from1 Cliai.i as soon as could
ls doiie consistently, ft is iiitini.itil
"that 'the prospoet for securing tliese
ol.Jeets llm.o-li a -.io,.Ie III rinoli
ioiis action by the l'owers is briglnen-
." coxijki: INSISTS.
Tien Tsjn. Aug. ..f. I'tiiteil States
Miu'Mer .Conger is said to insist that
l.i Hung Chang shall be allowed to
proceed to" lVkln for a conference.
miers iiav' le-'n receive! from Wash
.ugtoii that .rfUNi American troops shall
be divided let ween Vkiii. Tien Tsin
and Iakn. for the winter.
(Continued from I 'age 15.)
T I . . - - .... . . .
iiriir-r ivous. rNejir. iiwmg io an
K-iji.M ion oi iiisiiirimuees at tonigiit s
celebration 4f the feast of the Lan
terus. elaborate preparations have Iwen
made tt i-opo with eventualities
i nuifis iiave leen servel with fort v
i-.. Hints of hall cartridges, and eon tin
e.i ut ineir 'itarracks. Six Maxims
also in readiness.
i tie ponce nave neen ordered to .sup
press me oragon pnM-ess:ou. but tin
i mnese n-ciare tiiey must IkjM It in
spue oi me a a t tuirn i.
a re
- . . XK J " ---r-
t-owiey county, Kansas. ! Recently Appointed by Governor!
.-jiauicy, oi 1 1 la l State.
tiu sts in :khmaxy.
Cyrus. C. Adams in Ainslee's.)
"KurojH'an trusts are very in tie h like
our owu. but are usually on a far
mti!ttli.r nlt..lt iiti ti l. i l . ....
. - " ' ' - ,17. 1 1
this country. !s4to attain business
ends for which the resources of Indi
vidual companies an inadequate. This
luriss isorten most laudable, and is
calculated to benefit Ihi.U business in
.. .. i t . . . . . ,
".-.i iiini nil- -ouiiiiouuy si i;irgi.
Trusts, however, have made most rap
id developments, and are nioi suc
cessful, in tJerniany,, whose wouiterfitl
trausrormaCion from an agrieultm al to
au mnustrtal empire, s-eeking Inl, i to
every foreign market, striving , in all
ways to make the not of her natural
.-.resources, ami drawing millions of
population from the country to nil the
cities, have givei her greater resem
blance In her present commercial posi
tion to the -fuitod States than to any
other nation. Sueti striving to enter
all industrial fields, to produce most'
paud sell most, have lil of course to
uuhealthful o!i:iHtit!on. to overpro
duction, and to other evils growing
out of Intense business rivalry and'a
tivity. It is these conditions more
than anything else 'that have called
Into existence the trade combination.
250 or nmre in nunitnr, that now con-
. trol to a large extent the output, price
and conditions of sale ofmanY manu
facttHNl pnHlncts. The Uhenlsh-West-phaliau
t'oal Syudlcsite has. Tor exam
ple, during six years, completely j-on-rolled
the amount of coal to" !. minet
aud coke to In made in West
and has dictated the pri-e at which
they shall lie sold, much to the dis
pleasure of many steel and Iron man
ufacturers who have been aggrieved
by the advance In limitations. Some
or. tne trusts, i.ke those which control
the rolling mills, chemical and other
iiMiistrlo. m il all their products to a
central luireau. Orders for goods arc
assigned Ky the bureau to this or that
factory which can only do the work
apjiortioiied to it without taking a
single onler for orllxiiig the price of
its product. Mr. Frank II. Mason, our
notisul t.eneral at Berlin, has reccntly
reorteil that the entire product of pot-
asn sans in tne Strassfurt district
mineral waters, seed oils, earthenware
ami scon of sccializcd clHiuical pro-
duets are all syndicated: ami even the
Mioetnakers. the sugar growers, and
the distillers of alcohol have t-'ken
stes m organize so a to gain a
control of output ami prices.
f 'I'rciiiiineut ss trusts har Ihtoiiic in
the business life of Cermanr. they
nave not excitHi tite apprehension
nor tne (lemiRciation which thev have
aroustti to some extent in this eoun-
ry. irotests against them are heard
on i mey come urgely fnmi thos.
nose, tutsiness interests sufter fnun
llKdr comiK'tltion or from the enhanc
ed price they impose. It may 1h saM.
on Ih whole .that the yeople -of Kn
roie accept trusts as a means of
avoiding serious evils, such as excess
ive oniiH'tition. that an .l.n
presented. We have in the Cniteil
States and iu Oregon, what is distinc
tively an American civilization. Com
posed of the best blood of Ktfrocaii
nations and their descendants, sur
roumhd by environments that bring
out the highest qualities of mnnliood
we have cause for great joy iu th
achievimeiit attained by our ieople
in the arts and sciences and the pro
gress made iu the principles of self
government. How pleased we should
lw that on this bright Septemlier day.
tin precursor of the golden.- tinted
Autumnal leaves, which admonish us
of the transitory nature of this life,
we are permitted to be partakers of
blessings of a higher state of civiliza
tion ami advantages that the Pioneers
who blazed the way for us and re
claimed tilu wilderness were depriv
ed." "There are few of the younger gen
eration who seem to realize how near
the 'I'nited States came -to losing Ore
gon, if it had not been for the sterl
ing qualities of the early pioneers it
would have been lost. You will rem
einiM-r now tne nnestton or 'Fif iv-f.nir
forty or ftghr was forced to the front
as a .National issue. On the trvtti of
Tune. S4d. a tnwty was sicned bv
I ue i uited States with Kngland which
surremiereu to us what was at that
time known as Oregon and a large ex
tent or territory. This treaty cut a
very important part in events which
a ft erwmms transpired. In 1S4S the
l lilted States assumed the armed oc-
cvpancy oi t alifornia. Bv reason of
the treaty almve mentioned 4 he Cnli
ed States a coin red a larcre entent e
territory west of the Rocky Mountains
mat creat mmre extemlincr ff.n.i ,
T? I - n w ...I a- . . ..
n i .oiuiiiiiiius iu ine I'aciiie ticei'i
became American terrMorv. o-.it r.T
...ii.ii u i-i r lililUdl jeiaies III j LIS
I'liti'ii. ieiuiii cmiTini olN'Oli-nc 10
American rnstoms and laws and in
which dwell a Irappy, contended an 1
prosjxrous people.
Little I imagine did Colum! Ills flitnl-
1 . . . .....
y nen ne ser otW on nis rnvnmi nt .tio.
eox-ery from Spain, that he was to be
tin tliscoverer of a continent
rbe principles of civil nfi ft .1trirkliia
in.' .... .....-.
iOM-riy ana tnat an men were created
ejfual wonld spring up and blossom in
to fruition under the genial skies of
i;s new loumi and far distant land
In a manner never before known. Lit
tle did the I'ilarrim Father
ser ti en vrririnis. ltnin.t -.,.1
" . .. . .itiii
01 nor colonies contemi.l t t. tun r
grentness or our Oovernmemt.
pioneers of this xoHlnn r .1.
"Oi eomnretieml to lis
pxlent the glorloin future that wa. in
store ror tliem ami tln.tr A
- (Mltlllin,
"Hi-wiioop or the Indian
'Itmn. - am
1 J. - eru no more In tin
ill 11 111 ,UICVH Of lllu TtnirtiA ...t
jmpqua river. Vatnin .t-.l-
.1.1.. . ... -'lU'.H-
' V.lo.n -.a"y and Bhick Jim
.... i.ii me penalty or tii.tr tmii.
cry. '
'Honored Pioueers of: Southern nJ
jron. you must ierMtuate these met-
ings. Do not forcet il.A
lw. '" U
r m who nrn nnt n-iti.
San. Francisco, Sept. 8.-.!ohn (i.
Wooley. the prohibition nominee for
Piesideirt, tonight addnsseI a hiriri
ami eutnusiastic audience.
j Toyvxi-: ix boisk.
ivuse. ma 110. Sept. N. Charles' A.
Towue siHike to a very larie:netini'
here this evening. One-third of the
address was devoted' to free coiu.isre.
tie speaker making the declaration
that the silver issue was liot dead.
i.very great emergency, when the Xa
lion was threatened wit'i imperialism
hrought forth a leader to save it. At
Ibis tine Itrvin was such ai leader.
I he feature of the evening was tin
natiing of a com mimical ion from
Clilef Justice Huston, in which th
latter asked a number of questions
ore of which was whether Toivm.
thought any Iiemoerat. Populist or
Itepublican "entertalmil a thoujrht of
cit.inglng the present form olt Oovern
tnent. Towne said the I 'lemoera 1 s
ami Populists did not entertain such
an idea, but the Iteimhlicnna diil
the Xens from Clayton. X. M.. says:
Tom Ketchuin. better : known as
"Black Jack," the leader of a gang
of outlaw that has terrorized the
Southwest for several years, was to
day , eonrlctetl ' of train robberj. the
penalty for which In Xew Mexico Is
death. .. 1 -
In Western Australia the camel is
indeed the cycler's friend, and quite
without effort or Intention ou Its part.
As Is well known, horses entirely ob
ject to camels and will not pass 'them
ou the road. The consequence of this
is that through the bush the camels
make their own paths, and these,
pressed out by the animal's large, flat
feet as they follow one another in sin
gle file, are ls-aton hard aud smooth,
so that they make the most perfect
cycle tracks It is hiss i bio to have. This
Is an immense loon to lovers of the
wheel in the nelghliorhood of Cool
ganlle, where ostmen. miners, news
paper toys and many other people
use: cycles, for horses are too dear Tor
anything like general use.
"I had Jeen instructed to reiort. by
sunris'. at General Stonewall Jack
sou's headquarters for spc!al courier
duty." said Captain U . according
to Haner"s. "ami repairing thither
found the general ami staff." In the
saddle, ready- to move to the front.
I was ordered to follow: and the gen
eral, .mounted on "Old Sorrel.' pulled
his can visor down, ami tu.t i.tr nt ..
snarp ganop witn the rest of us at his
heels.The army was In motion, and
the road frequently fo ciowded with
troops as to render It ueessarv for us
to make a detour to one side.' As we
were da suing through a field of oats.
I observed a fat old farmer, with
tlaming eounteiiaiH-efnakiiig his way
from his liou.-s' tothe roadside to
intercept us. A" we rode up. he open
ed the vials of ftls wrath and rated us
roundly for a-ridin through ids oats
The generalmildly replied that he re
gretted 'the necessity for riding
throughthe field, but that the road
was I .locked with soldiers, and it was
iuqiqrtaut. for" us to reach the front
Bit' old hayseed's dander was up. ami
h would accept no aooloirv: .111,1 .1...
Lcjaring that 'ef old Stonewall himself
were to ride through tliem oats, he
would reirt him. and Ie demanded
that -they stop trampling down
the oats. I am Oeneral Jack
stnr was the reply. Xot Stone
wall:' said the old fellow, dubi
ously. l am sometimes so called.
Well, general. said the farmer, his
voice trembling with emotion. I had
no idee it was you when I smke ron-M.
like I did;-an' I axes a thousand par
dons; an' I'll take it as a partickler
favor ef you'll jess trample down all
them oats.'. The general again ex-'
1 esscd regret for the injury done, and
pressed on. leaving the persistent old
soul insisting that he should trample
down all them oats." I
theory that misquitoes disseminate
malaria the bulletin of the Department
of .. Agriculture discussing mosquitoes
and suggesting remedies should serve
a valuable purpose and enjoy a vride
Until recently mosquitoes hare been
considered merely harmless but annoy...
ing Hsrs. Xo serious rouKequcnce
weie attached to their bites. House
hold remedies were considered sultl
clent. The large iiiimWr of these,
lemedies shows that, no scientific ex
eiinients have ever Is-tn made Iu that
field. Here Is the department's list:
Burning pyrethrum jiowder. moist,
eued ami baked In cones, iu sleeping
apartments. r
Catching the liiMcts in cups contain
ing a quantity of kerosene. !
Camphor. eucnlyptol. carlMdatetl
vaseline, oil of lavender., oil of itenny
royal. oil of pepis'rmlnt, lemon juii'e,
vinegar, tincture of ledum pntustrae.
oil : of cloves, oil of tar, camphorated
vaseline rul.b.-d on face aud' hands' or
dropped on pillow.
Piece, of cotton wool soaked in oil
of cloves-attached to each side of lsi
curtains. . i
-f Anoint skin with thretv parts n
IllHsl pa ratlin and one part crushed
chniph.nv , ,
j Oil of eucalyptus and ctcosote eah
ive drops.4.tlioroughl.r mlxeil with one
ounce of gy leer In.
Place a tine uncooked beefsteak near
t tie lsd on retiring. ,
BxiH-riments in. the exteriulnatiou of
tlse llloS4Ulto have l.eeu luaile uiitler
Wie auspices of thy Ilepartiuent - of
Agricuuure.. ini tm y nave. not result,
d in the dis)Yerv of a
the i-Nt ..whose propagation won ill
troy it. The exterminative nieas-
Ores riH'oiiiinemh'd by the department
iire direct'il against the mosquito pupa
nnd give attention to the btveding
places. Iiraiiihig lu.nds and stairuanr
ivatcrs. covering tliem with a n.i..
oat of kerosene oil and 111.-1 hitaiuinir
tish iu them 'are recommended
Science has not done enough w4,rk
tin -this suhjist as yet. but increased'
fit tent ion will doubtless come now that
inalaria is delitiHcly traced to the
d I
l neino. t'olo.. Sept. .S. Officers with
lilood.hounds are on -the chase of Levi
l nomas, a negro, who this afternoon
killed a cohred man. James iSnowden
.iui ins own wire. The cause of the
tragedy is supposiil to be jealousy
Neat tie, Wash.. Sept. 8. Last Friday
1"' men. employed 'iu the. Leary coal
mines of this county, went mi a strike
he.-ause of the compare's refusal to
.recede' to the demand for an increase
01 wages.
I ture
Brave Men Fall
V ictims to stomach, liver' and kid
ney troubles as well as women, and all
icel the results m loss of appetite, oois
on in the "blood,, backache, nervous
(. .1 1" 1. n n . I' 1. .. I .' , ,. ,
"v.,, nvatiaciic ana 1 1 red. ii-mcsi. nin-
Jown feeling. But there's no need to
K-ei tike that. Listen to J. W. Card
ner, Idavi.lie, Ind. He says: "Elec
in, niiian arc just rne imng lor a man
when he all run down, and don't care
whether he lives or dies. It did more
to give me new strength and good an
petite than anything 1 could take. I
can now eat anything and have a new
lease on Inc. Onlv o rents, at Dr
a 1 fc. i drug stores. Everv bottle
Residence Portion of the CItvi Innn-
dateiL and the INople, n High
(.round for Safety.
ere ions anmvieti
and In n fo. .n. .1..
JIHO I HO Slllilrtn-ti t
... .1 --II.M 1 I 1 1( TIM. liYIIj .,..
and vh'issitudes Of this ...Ml .
, . - Mm nave
end. Let u nn strive .......t.
"'"i e.vamiiieti .r ii.,...,.a
.... , , . 'UITI
I he sturdy race of iw..,.. 1
I illsa ntl'l ft n .1 I 0
lu.lt... 1 11 .111.1 ill .1 1 W 1111. ...... ....
""' m-i I An it, , . - ."- jvjis
U"T ho took part iu the
early settlement of Southern OrL.."
its afternoon.
is fast
Houston. Tex., Sept. 8. A hurricane,
eccompaniod by a heavy rain, lias lMen
blowing along the Texas oast for ltW
miles !n land tola.v. (Jalveston is shut
off entirely. The last report froni
there stated that the flood reached
into the residence jiortlon of the city.
The wind is blowing slxtr miles an
Hour in Houston at ' mldnlzhl. and
gn-at damage 1 Itelng douj to business ,h? Houtn Mle- in the southwest ami
Ilonjogeineons. but
La rgely . Va rying
"We are V accuslonied to sjeak
China andr'the Chinese people'
If they wer distinct entities. This
an error at the bottom of main
our mistakes ami confusions. We may
use the word China as a convenient
expression to connotea certain vast
portion of the earth'; surface, but iii
110 more exact sense. What figures
as China on the man is n 1111itilr.4t.rr n.f
districts, often sejihrated from eacfi
other aud from the center bv im
mense distances, differing widely in
climate, resource, and configuration,
inhabited by itcoplc'of largelv vary
ing race, temperament, habit. Veliirloii
and language.
T,he Mohammedans, of whom thero
are 'U l.i N N 1.1 n N 1, regard the Buddhists
as irreligious foreiirners
The Inhabitants of the central and
northern provinces." savs Mr. Keane.
scarcely regard those of the extreme
soinncasf uistriets as rellow country
men at all." "
V native of Shanghai was heard to
say: " There were seven China men
and two Cantonese" A 111.111 from
Tien-Tsin and a man from Can Ko
ran no more talk to each other th.jn
can a Frenchman and a Dutchm.in.
Moreover, there exists lx'tween th:m
a virulent race hatnd. I lost the
bist Chinese servant I ever had 'be
cause, being from the Xorth. noth
ing would induce him to accompany
me. in the south of China, where his
speech would have lietraviil him.
1 anionese velly bal man. master."
be said. "I go home." This curious
Interhatred is conspicuous where Chi
nese from different parts of China
meet, as for example, in Bangkok, or
on the plantation in Malaya or the
Dutch Indie. Savage faction fights
are of constant occurrence. Conse
quently. 1t l easr to raise a forr r
Chinese In one place to light Chinese
in another.
it w pecanse there Is no such thing
a "China" that the milit.irr er
the Alanchoos. comparatively infini
tesimal In numlers. have been nblc
to impose their rule upon the enor
mous masses of Chinese. Thus If is
unwise to predict anything of China
as a whole, or to believe that what
suit one part will necessarily suit
another. '
Over the netrogeueons and eonfltet.
ing masses of China timn. T,a,
leen any efTective central control, and
what control there has
steadily grown weaker. The "ver
milion pencil" makes n faint o.i-
IWood I'reserver Usel ny tTncle Sam
on Yamhill Rlyer Work.
Merits of Avenaritis Carlioliueuni
Rcoguizil by XatlouaL State .
and Municipal tlovern
ments. i
Sonthern Oregon." houses and n-sldence.
F.in Franeisco. Sept. 8. Third Vlee
l resident J. fj. Stuin. of the Sonl nern
. ill iii-i a mnei
" a. m nil 1 iriirTon
aV; V- . 1 . r UUk Company.
i.- 11 ""s,,oen as chairman
...- IRhllll l IlimAlAM M 1
'""i"'-'. aim 1 uiRP It to 1k ua
San Antonio. Tex., Sept. 8. Possibly
Jho last dispatch out of Jalteston was
receivel tonight by Jerry Jterard. an
iioencing ine oeatli of his brother l.v
drowning. The message left Calves-
ton at 8u p. 111: The
IrtIon of Calreston was then flooded
and tlie lMople huddled 4 11 the higher
intehtlon to have a Pr.i,i., t -..'.', I 8oMnL In a pouring rain, for safen
business and ni.rortnn9t r,--i. .'... m J .'"Iz4"1" w Will Iwve
n.. Ti...., .; ... ... . . u 1 I . "o;Keuieni or the
v jl a m ww fill ll'TI I mTtM 1 1 t v s I I ! I I lllT liln r
property I
! trusts. PolKIclans t.n?.i "IT?1 ,n -arge of
... , . : -- - .-.-..... . aci . mi .. i.'i omen ana tr in t n I'.i
in the Interests of workimr ein, 1 1 see no rean --i.J V?u
r . - - i SIT I" II I rl m T j
iave not generally attemptwl to make hol ro outside of the eomnanr for
; I, 1 : "waning iraue com-1" v""irui ,n view or Mr. Hunting-blmr-t
Ions. Neither in (Sermany nor in on Intimate knowledge of the Com
iln.t l.r., . ij.
rue Montana Herald tells the story I
Seattle. . AVash.. SeiiL' ftftr
Kelley. aged 12. and Oeorge Ollessly
were killed by tire danini In an absn.
domd shaft at N'ew Castle yesterdaj-.
1 KiRi Yra HanA.-OTri Poo
extreme northwest it has little but an
academic Influence, and on th Ti.ti
pJ?n !orders none at all. "Respct
tlBT annendetl tn
script In the Feiln Gazette. 1 as far
from actuality as the "Ore!" of ti.a
usher with us. or the chart
o.w.,...', . "
.. cu.iiirinan at tne eoronatloi
TiY. " --""-. uot me least pos
sibility of eatnJ.lt ali inx.nt .1. ri.t
nnlU. I.. -t...i. ....T ..UIIICMe
'i toil WTTlCP. ' Anil tfli nnfmnl'.,
wnicu Is the fatal enrsu f ri.in.
directly du to the
not and cannot be any central au
thority -to exerchw control
officials, or, in the absence of this, to
pay them. The Chinese, iwnnii. in i.
1 a" "I'm msm mMtI
anguage of physics. Is a mechanical
mixture, and noi a chemical eom
pound. and therefore it is Irresponsive
to the action Of anv ftlnzle reavent
and Incapable of exhibiting nny rom-
iiiou property. Aineteenth iVninrr
! - T"' fanu of Avenaritis 1ailK,Iineum
has steadily-extended, as 11m oidy liui
Hle preserver of wcmmI. since it dis
covery in Germany thirty years ago. It
lias sto.d all tests of climate, soil and
water and steadily lived down all pre
tended rivals. T.slay it is inot only eia-lIoy-d
in all countries for the pivser:
vat ion or wood used for hiiiischokl ur
tiiles such as hotisis, barh. femes,
et-.. but flu national government, Ioth
of Eim.pe and America, have recog
nized its value In saving puldie ivu
flructiotis from decay. Following tlieir
example cities and countfc have also
adoptd avenarius earlNdieum for
brl lgos. pavens-nts, etc.. and the k-ud-ing
ship builders and .railroad compa
nies have liovvn tlieir faiih in it mer
it by treating ship tiiiibcrs.- cars, tele
graph iK'les and ties with I Hie ame
iuvr failing preventative azaoist cli-
lmit:,' : decay and rcjac.'iiis wckhI lioiing
vet inin loth of land and water.-
licit iHidies m.ivo slowly, and only
act after mature deliberation. It nay
thercf.,ie safel stated that govern--'
litems and corporations dil Hid employ
avenarius carLol'inciini tintil fully .ii
vimtVl of its money saving s well a
vv.4.l pr serving qualities, i Private in
dividual"' desir.ni of K ngtlu-uing tin;
life of wood work and at the saiiM- time
curtailing e.iis s. neel urn fear to
follow tlie prH.lents estaliish-l.
Recent local . rxamplcM 'proving the
truth of the altove. stateiiK'iits an- not
waning. The." iivonstructcd Madison
slrct :l'ti.lge in Portland has lietn
trcaiiit with avenarius e irlxliiieutii. as
has nls. tin pavement at the intersec-
tlon or four sinetsIn that city wln-re
the heavK'st s l.wi't "? car and wagon
tratlie converge. Tin latter use of the
curi ii. hi ud was made at Ithe earnest
solicitation of streetcar manager who
cotuideutlv look rr gratifying result k.
TIm gentlemen Jn cha lire of the Cidt-
cd States enguieer department for Ore
gon are now applying a vena this carlarf
im'uni to the 'da til's' and hn-k work on.
the Yamhill river, n Haltering tribute
to Its uierits which was ivrtainly not
cxtcmhd until jsr-arching InvcstigaUon
j-atistied the authorities tjiat it was a
iiH iisiirc f practical economy.
Willi -such exaiiqiles Im-Iok' them it
would apiKr that the individual i
fsdisli and tlm ollhial almost eulab!e
who doc no! protect hi own., or lis
taxpayer's iockcts by ung this i-.on-IKuml,
thus saving from: dcay, iid
leu i then ing; flu Kfcof all if rattle striiol
un for which M U Jd-livlduallv or
officially responsible. i f 1
l-lsner, TlMrsen & o. of I'ortland.
Of., are sole I'aciiie coast agent for
ayenariu eartwliueiim, ami It can -oh
found at K. M. Wade & Ck, S.iletu.
wlio will gladly supply Infoniiatioti re
garding Its accompli.diuR.nt8.
Subscrlliers intending1 to pay tu
Statesman In wooil will 'pleaee haul
the same as early as possible. .We cau
use some pole oak ami some small flr."
Li (Hits ax d sidelkihts.
We board the trolley car of life,
We take a seat.
And calmly. vait to bo put off
At Easy street.
- We ask aliotit it when the day "
I neatly done.
And the conductor merely says- '
s ' "Xot our run."
Cost Igan Casey hozn't draiik a
dhroji siace he took out the accident
policy." . ; i ... ' j? , -
Cassldy Wlioy? :i
Costlgan He sez he" noticed tludf
It's always sober' men thot git hurteil-
"Another triamph of the modern wp
nan of middle age."
"Whafa that?" ,, I
"Thousanads of foreign men over in;
China lire eagerly ntnning after a;
dowagerrCleveland I'laln Dealer. '
A Noted Outlaw In New Mpt rv.n.
vlcted of Train Robbery.
xeurer, voio, ept. 0.-A. special to !
In view of the confirmation of the
Those eilitors who are talking alout
curing Jhe defects of our constitution
by amendments are wasting a great
deal of time and. space which might
possibly be put to better ne. Ex.