Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 11, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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: .: . , .!'," .(
IT III It RcrrrtH and Taken to
TalIm for Trial iratctl la
Many State.
lie escaped with a sentence cf
rear.: , . !;'.-, ' - -. ,' - ,
TLe AYalla Walla
- I From 1 n ily Statesman, S-pf. M
Frank I!k, alias E. II. McDonald,
who ha nerve. 1 1u the Oregon peniten
tiary- during Hie; jwist year under a one
vear sentence for cattle stealing, will
be released this utorning, his time hav
ing expired. A tie lesivesi the irison
door and In-cobkh a free man he wilt
Ih- promptly placed under 'arrest by
Dmty Sheriff It. D. Colbath, under a
state warrant Issued by 2ov. T. T.,
t leer, on the retptisi'tiou of Iov. J. II.
U.tger, of Washington, he leiug want
ed in Walla Walla -county of that fate
to ijnwrr to the charge: of cattle steal
ing, lie will le delivered by Mr. Col
bath to Deputy Sheriff. II. Sanderson,
of Walla Walla, who yesterday came
to SjiUih witiiitiov. ilogers' reuuisi
tioii, a the agent of the state of Wash
ington to receive the prisoner and take
liirii back for trial.
The prisoner lias an Interesting his
tory, lie has teen a hunted criminal
for a number of years, and has oitera-
vrmu or. iim arrest and at im-. b.i.i
their plan o store lioss at the end1
of hi term, and their desire will be
gratified K fore S o'clock this morning,
lor the arrest will lie niade at 7 o'clock
and Depnty SkerilY Sanderson hopes
to leave Salcui with his man on the
AUmny local at 1JH a. in. todav, for
Walla Walia. t ; ." j' f
Itoss is also wanted in Boise ' City.
Idaho, for hiring; a team and selling it
in Eastern Oregon. . i i 1 . -
Mr. Sanderson- tdatcd that he had
wt'U the irisoner iu the foundry at
the tenitcntiary during yesterday, liad
idemihed him, ami was sure of his
maiu and that. If he ever stood trial
in Walla Walla, with j the many
charge agains-t hmi. In- wouhf doubt
less secure a lonj; lenience. ; Wh-eu
ue- asliiugton uuthor.tic are
lhroux.li with the fel!ow, Idaiio officers
will try io nil k him tu. Mr. Sa nder-
a iilalil It a his In-Iicf. that Itusw
planned his theft of the milch cow in
I'nion county .with. a view of set-tin
into the Oregon ieniteiitiary, w as to
drop mtt of sight for a time and throw
the Washington officers ! hi trail.
one! who caught four of the sheep faction
Jin a house at Holbrook. The four
authorities' got" broke from the house by four different
r.IKY TIMIIS. It looks pretty
ly these morning o hear the tooting
of the different whistles, and rhe ruh
of men and women to the different
places that they are employed at work.
Also to Nee the hop piekers rushing
out. to hop yards. One morning this
week a reiwrter took in the scene,
which was loth interesting and amiH
ing. There were ohl and young, little
and big men. women and children, and
route, through, uoors and window,
hoping to pot the aheriflf by a divided
tire. All atone hecaluiir starteu to
pump bis Winchester rifle, apparently
bectlles of the rain of lead. When he
had linisheil. the four were dead-laiid
the cool little sheriff had not a scrijteb.
At the last only a single male of the
Hrahaui blood remained ' alive. ID
save ut the light and fled to the Salt
Hirer Vallev. where lie married sand
nettled down to a ouiet farm life.
While market in ' h! first crop " of
grain he was eshot from ambush on
the read to Tetutie. The deed was
done bv two uumasketl horsemen.
indeut'ilied bj two young women as
lL Tewksbury and liis riglit-hatut
man John liliodes. The latter vas
lather 5 summarily dis-haTHl ; frm
custody ly a justice' of the iaceL af
ter a narrow escaie from death at the
hands of lira ham's young widow, who
had brought her huslKUid's trusty re
volver to the tirtirt-room. -Tewksbury
was fouml guilty of murder in the
tirst degree. Hut- a sliarp lawyer
found that the clerk f the court had
failed to enter tlie plea of Xot guilty.'
though the notes of the court stenog
rapher showed the plea had 1eeu made
in pnjer form: so t lie ease was twice
retried with hung juries, and finally
the iirwiiMT'was turned loos-e. . 1 !-
lieve lie is at present a constabi at
tllol e tJ'iii."
... . . Milil't Mt IIIU. I1U1IK II .(H'l IU1IUM II. UIIU
ted in Northeastern' Oregon, ist South-, ,.v, n f;irn.ers with their wives,
ci.tern Washington and m Idaho, and
his work t)iisbteil of steal ng .cattle;
which he sold oeniy in the cities",
a nd 'in hiring horses and rigs, driving
them to iieighltoring towns where they
were quiekly dispo.-n-d .of.
He has served one term in the Walla
children, barrels, baskets ami imxes
for flicking, women in buggies, youug
and old on bicycles; all rushing at
fi'.ll sliced: to the hop yards to get a
good start picking. The -fruit, oiatocs
an-,1 hops in this, vicinity, is a bon
anza to all in tills section thi season;
"X4 -l-rL "S9. & C '
fcra ter'-V'1' fmH&r rr;-J t fft
- .J-r ' -SZ"'" '
f , . TS-:-?. -, - mttlh t -
hkJTje. " ' .
LS2.'"t. ,m?f , , -
Tie I'P the Coal I'Hs Instruetionsl
.May t'ome at any MinuteA
Hard Struggle Exeeted
IN I l AXAPOLIS. Ind.. Sept. 7. ru
der their constitution, the rnited Mine
Workers of America executive" ftoafd
int'st decide. I efore o'clock rom-pr row
night, upon the application of; the dis
trict iidnai-'d in the anthracite i-egiou
for .-ru:issiiin to -strike. i
The indications toniglit are that lie
fore I lie time limit lias expired, mes--asres
will have N-eii sent to the presi
dtlits of the three districts 'in qties-
ii,,n m ti!i..n!u-iiiLr that nermissi'.iii lia
len rriinled. .Following tin? He lues.
ages vill Pe oliiers ordering Hie me.i
tint of the mines. -
Tt'e question of ordering a strike
v;;s not suinnilled to a vne at -the
111. cling of I hi" executive Itoard whiell
has 1 1-; en in session In -re all day. Pres
ident Miiclieil said tonigiit:
-I y.i'ul some lime ago that, in my
clHli.oll. there wouiu a J"
After talking with my colleague
1 have no reason -to change
l)ll()VNKI AT TOLEDt).
Alliauy. Sept. '7. A . Mrs. Thompson,
of Toledo, was drowned near that
place Wednesday evening, while cross
ing a si. nigh in a lnuit. Tiiere were
six- children in the loat. an-l while
M-s. Thompson was J lying to cover
one of the children with a wrap, for
fear it would take com. sue lost ner
balance, and full inlo the water. It
was impossible do save her, as there
were no men in the lioat. Mrs. Thomp
son leases six small cliiblren. ,
For the third of a century the stand
.ard for strength and purity. It makes
the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other
pastry light, sweet and excellent in every
just as
- ' i -
, purity
No other baking powder is
good as Royal," either iri
or wholesomeness.
Many low-priced imitation bakinjr pow are upon the mar
ket. These are made with 'alum, and care shouUI be taken to
avoid them, as alum is a poison, never to lie taken in the food.
(iiiinea and through Samoa
eiety islands. Aiuslee Ma
lo the
Walla eniiejitiary for cattle stealing.
Released from prison .fl few years ago,
he went to Waitsburg' Where he 'hired
'lo . Itoliiism. a farmer, doing ordi
nary labor foe siv inoiiliis. He piit
work n Saturday, was paid on", and
left. On Sunday evening "he return
ed, sMole hlM former einployer's- band
of sixieeu -catile. drove ti:em to Walla
Walla and sold tliem. leaving the city
alter odering to !! Ieputy Slicrill
Sanderson JSl'Hi on the result of the
election it wo jears agoi. He nex
Wi Ml. to b-H iston. Ilia ho", where he
Idled a tei'iu and bin kixi.ir I. d.ove itie
tig lo Itavion. Washington, where he
Md Ih" luicklH.ard. traded tiie horses
for a g iinl ad lie- horve. riding the
h. tier to iMidl. lors. Here In-sold the
horse and was next heard from at
H-irtMicr. The sheritf from l.ewiston
i i..,.,,iv :.erifi' Sanderson were
i.it. ti" rra.-k. I lie- Idaho" ollUir
i.. . i i-v..nei at Henimer. and
r". iiiii-. i. -...- - -
he was taken to J.t-wiston to aw a
While in jail at !.wist on. Uoss. for
lhat is tiie f. llow -s real name, together
with four ft Iter pi isiiers. lileKe J.m
and esciped. Hie -Washington an
ti'iititics at ome secured a photograplr
of Uoss and itci;!a;ed it. but faihl
hod -I'd m. .Meanwhile Uoss ai-iMared
ii. Iti Walla and under -the .nose of
n.. vino irr iii:-el a horse, roilt
into WalI-iT.il ro.int.v. (n-gon
it to a rancher."
a fj'rnt Ie i-c. at
he found ll:
they will to some extent, offset
shortage, in the wheat crop.
A I.K! A L. AI ISKK.- The city gov
ernment yesterday, employed John A.
leffries .the attorney. to moK r
the legal inlerests or tne . enj. me
, .... iv.-.ml.ii lttollllV
citv lias not 11.10 .-.
for stune lime past and tlie appoiiu
ment of Mr. Jeffries is oidv teiniKir-
UartforO. Conn., Sept. 7. The Ali
bot reduced the worlds mile trotting
lecord t a wagon this afternoon, at
Charier Oak Park, to 2:o. The
record was formerly :Vi- held by
I.ucili-, mtide at Cleveland in 1S07.
j New- York. Sept. 7. Dun s
!of Trade say: The failures
i w eek were 1 b" in the Unite
la-'.niiist 1:52 last year, and
for tlie
il States
tw enty-
1)1 ED IX MONTANA. Mr.-. Asa
Wvman. of tliis ity. received word
yesterday of the death or -Mrs. W.b.
.Merce'. whii-h oceurriMl Septendx-r 3d.
.it Helena. Montana.' Mrs. Mei'ccr was
formerly Miss I'lorenee Meaeham. of
roitlanil. and was w-ll known in Sa
lt m. wliere shewhad many friends who
jX'uh erely sympathize w itii the t.en ax
td littsliiind. They 'were iihirried one
jear and have lived since in, Helena,
where she-ideccased was lniried Sii
lember oth. .Mr. .Mercer is a ousie. of
Asa Wymnn. and " foriiM-rly lived in
this city lor a time.
Eimineered the Mos DesjK-raie Herd
i'eud Si the Soul IiWckI. 'Tlie Famous
"P.uckey" O'Neill's Part in It.
iJl C S.I
' Ci"
Ollt of
four In Canada against ten last year.
ilow the Kjotous Cowboy Compares
Willi tiie" Lonely Sheep-Herder.
Vienna. Sept. 7. During the Austri
an military maneuvers today, a big
.,..o ovot.xlfil. killing four men oui-
7igbt and fatally wounding eighteen.
iCapt. J. II. McClintoek in Aiu
Tin. most dcsiiel.Uc felld
Ln.mii in lit)' Southwest grew
an at temp' ' sur.e siu ep in Pleasant
Vaialev. in impel" Tonl U-isin. Arizo
na. -The noted Tewksbuiy brothers
undertook the engineering of !!. op-ration.
' Tiiev MIc ech iL but wiieli '-
xli-ep si.h- of .-the controversy had
forged to the front Uiirty-tvo men
,i- ...i The casuiilti. s were not
Incurred in pi'ehed etriigemcnts
tighiiiig contiriucii during a
i. ili. late eie-hilcs.
. .... i.. ij....i .tt-i - -etidelia ;;i.vi
lliilie in - .
i ... ii... i. .en v. we"t ove
.;.-:.i,." sii.ilMi-hed on mmjnram
Holland Conn's Next
the Value of Her
to Englaiid
year or
ll was
it over
and s ihl I dozen
He -next app-arii at ; tmii. tn oppo
ilusk ot-e day. where j4,f,j mail. Al K-s
farmer liiilmg n,s -iv moroum
Assuming the name .. i.. u. -
nit!, -i ot-eitiiiient sum kman "i
niate. he iiiiroilu-ed himself
tart i-r and deiii;ndj"l la
.l. l.i. i .,f the -iWS. ns
A 'l"ewks
ed by if
he claimed
bbtfT.did not
:-r- otderiug
ll ev were !ie uwn
.v.h'l- ita.tt evr. rlie fa
the fellow I efT tic jd.-K-. i t
His next exploit was to steal a mUK
row near I liiou. and ieaibng the j-ru-mal
inlo town, st-ppi-d in front of a
...,.eL..c and. stating li s name
iE. 11. M"Ina!di. onVreil lo
.I.titcher. He bad ma
nilstake. however, lhat vest him dear.
The cow1 was t If' pro-H-rty of the
butcher, having leeu tak-n from the
I iit. her- own pasture, ami m ioie
wilv rfook'iiuiM get awav. h- was or
w.'i i-iftd)Weil. but his his
lory teinj uukuown
trails 'and .-ihr in ll?c i.acu
s. ...... :.,.n..-l),ilil v, a- be-i
it..., ........... .
members of the l.raiiani !,-
ing pan .v.. " '"
went out in tin eai;
pall of water. he
Den i 'w-is shot and ki'i.it vui.jh iiii
thatk.i .1,.. .l.e.isieo. Ami there Ibe corpse
lay nubiiri.iJ -for three Hays
..i". .f ii... siiiiimer sun. The
rvitt.iti the ho.'se. slebd in their
two..- iiom il.irst. apir-ail for er-
i,iis:u to bnry their dead. It was
,i.:.. This is only j fair saw
i , t)f (!ie many alnwities that marked
Ihe progrets of I lie feud. The Phas
.. .nee war ended only when all
.in ......-- - 1 1,-
unrrir IIL' e mi oa I a (1 1 s. MM" 1
11 lb
with Ine
st of their neigiilMirs
k a i-. rfi l (ill-
a 'cath-red up ami ijikpu i n--. .......
r Z l..oirl l- ollll".
er iieadetl iy sneriu on.i.n
tin itiK. 'Puck-y' O'Neill who was They w
Lnie.1 !.efore San Juan' Hill b-ading Euro,"'
- ' l 's trips of Hough Ki.lers. a waning
-hnliucme was als., exerte,! hy 'rilT
The Pacific ocean, westward of Ha
..-..ii ..i.. I M.. Xliieoiiesas. is like u fitl-
eratioii of EtirojMan nations on Asi
a tic soil, united by the free commerce
of the s-as. The nations vary in size,-
strength and importance, as t lie
of Europe or of the American
C.reat Jtritain commands I tin
w ith a -landed area of nearly a.Mf
soi..-11-o miles; Piwir Spain once mag
..Hi. .-nl enoiire s shrunk J-O less ui.ni
tifty s.piire miles, a smaller toiai
than belong to black King !eorgi
.e .1... T.,i.,-:is. Holla li. I. I lie eouuir
from whii-h emanatei ine mooh..
P-oers. owns over 7:v, square mu.-.
sellleil with nearly eight times as
...n.v iHHrtile as Inhabit the larger
area'owned by Hreat .Hrilain. (b rma
... it... new eivilixer among 'he na
th us, ha domiuam-e ovef more Ibafi
liiillitUI adll 111 111 iles and alHiur s
f.-i'iiv iH.ote a there are mi
Fraiiee. with less tlian
a .........a f. l:llltt. Is at
n,ot ImiH.rf.int points of stretcgy and
.t the iH.int of greatest travel. Sever
..i .... ........talent states lie ill the midst
-li at.-., ......... t
. ii.u r.-l..i Dillon as Sw lt.etiafKl
Ot tin.-" a.--- -- ...
,t.w- in Knr..!H.; several others in tin
..... . ... - , . .
i. v Kiixerainteii position ui
Transvaal in Saiiith Africa.
ir ..II il,,. Ilnmls .-oil til lx IUt
eoi'.tinuous Umly of land tley world
most heterogeneous en.pu.
mild include, in ablitl;n
i.t. .i.A-w .kfl.i..na
all ieopieS( vmi. iih-.i ...--
apt. 1." H. 'McClintoek in Aiiislee's.l
In the character u"'" "
care for tlie herds .and thick can be
fouml an interesting subject for study.
The cowboy.' if-he '! geunine ar
ticle, is ii'man who daily does tints
on the range that would win applause
- . . i .. i.:.. ..!..,..-..
at a lit w mort. in ni .
after the fleet, unliraililill jearnn,:. i-
U etmielhil to rn!e at headlong spci-u
.. a-.... l.....f.. i.-.tll.l
over countrv -ina i a ma mno. . .........
consider sure death.' Danger confronts
him in variiil form, and no man can
Ik. an i th.-ieiii cow puncher w ho hasn't
in liim the spirit of recklessness. Tie-
.vitiii.sse.l a slaiUIMHie oi
drives him mad. He cannot endure,
the monotony and tlie neiessary separ
ation from li tinaiiity. with only a dog
for company for tuont,u' ' A stnleli.
And the ili -t. mainly tea and mutton,
is too simple for his luxurious alale.
Il is a fact ih.it sheep -herding furnish
es a greater, number of inmates for
Western insane asylums than -does any
other occupation. Tin' shepherd, like
I he eowlM.y, is gradually assiiuiiaten in
his snrron'ndiiias. aud naturally ac-
.. mo. h at the nature of his
charges. To his credit it must be s-aid
lhat he is rarely unfaithful to the in-
teiesls of his llock ami its owner.
11...... is noihini? lioethal aliotlt iliSfl.
but, he will risk his life for the safety
..c ., !...!. :intt will doirediv seareli
nit icirhi if there be a stray, lie is a
i.im-h linieter" fellow "than the cowImiv
even In his cups, when the wool lias
been cliuped and the hands -are In
i. .xvn for a little Jlilig. He lias no Wild
ve.irni'ig for idly shooting holes in tin
t'irmament. He is happiest on a siuiny
hillside. Iving at ease where lie may
...... t.u.L hU llock and hear toe cease-
css voicing of its lamentation."
writer once
A great herd
.f the
one-tenth, of
some of tin
i. i;in is i . t .ijiii'Cii. . . - ,-
I'uion county. !c, n.mol re Owens, of Apache onnt.
nf ncf mat loll.
They overcomft Teir
nesS. Irregularity and
omissions, increase f(
itn4 iMtnish "pabis
Tbey rre -UPK SAYIjlW" I--J
rto in
land. Ohio.
WJ vomanli.tKxi. nmmg uv i - c.t,v:. do hp.t
.. . .1 . ...1 L.au.;ill VMI1I?. i I
.,r t.r hr nes. a -oninei o. :
" - . f- a I
and 4 inl civilized cuiuvaiors o.
ml commoiiwealtu: mi emiH.i ......
pitatliicls more uiversimt. m"'. "
juiar on a midw ay plaisam e. a mjs-
terv of traditnins as inesp.ic..e
Him oHgiti of th American Indian.
ITofoundly roresiei ill l lie ........
West Indies, the island U-.-ome.iln
Western Australia more mirmi .!.
the lava l.eds of Pastern Oregon, and
more irredeemable than the tip,rmost
wilds or Uritish loiuinoia
I luvnrhms in Hk
. . . . i !.-;!
XeW illl.lHI, aja.
wild cattle al midnight
- tieinsr held in a canyon
xi.iTUit il .M'.mitains. I he night wa
as dark as it is possible for uigni io m-.
A .-..yote's bark stariid -the ncnou
auliea. slo then feet, anil tne wen
off. The, two riding guard on watcli
iKiwbil for help. 1 licir si.-, ping com
rade wife lip in a twinkling. Each
, . al... , ltfti. -:l.lll
. .a luinu' :t i i ..." .... - - -
inoeiK.tl without saddle, stopping
... t -!! I.Mio of tiis riawi alM.ut
,.,.,- nw. Pareiv a dozen
i .... . .....j...i in.. oie i lie caiiii' Hi' n
desert.il. Tlf civvlM.ys were pinngnrg
in the dark aTter the llceiug came.
Ihrrt-'h a -wild, ne-ky. unknown dis-
triet, filled with inesapjit,.' nmi caeuis.
cut tV dangerous ai . .....
von. Pv noon or the sine. idling u;.
- . a . I...IC . 1 . .a
Hie drive wa resumeo. . m.h
steer's liad Imcii 1-ft Iwhind. lam.sl or
dead. 'in the gulches, while a few of
the horse in the wrangler's buncli
In i:.e lead w ere sKinlien an . .onion.
l-.o ' the cow l-ov. tleir .lothlng
fr.no tin- thorny midnight
HH-dy jolvnl on their niutual at--ar-j
apee and s4.lac.Ml their weariness
oltnc.-o and with endies son g. As a
rub, the cowln-y I an American. In
the plateau region In may hail rrom
anywlwre. buf usually come either
from California: r from Texa. Ibtt
itipv alb fraternlr.e. making issue only
over the liking of the Californlan for
a .t.lle willi a singlei-arrei.-.i rut.
n),Hi I s-id tle wit n a f insie uin.i.
Tiw T"xan .jp.se anyimmi ".
don!.le-imh-I ablle. though usually
he doe not tlgutell llie secouo
tti.- t.i,Mn herder .-nn
a - r-.
a hi lll:.eC H TUie. ...
r.-aif-r.i.tiic few Amerhun employ-
.t-twTintr in .Mwdt'on of unnnal trust.
- -"f a . , .a i
Mi of the herder aiHr io w
r:m or FretK-hmen. It i wrid that
i.-.tt ! tle let and most eare-
Sam.frtl hepherd. They .me from Nrti-
Sniln. many or mem pii""""..
Into bot ! far this employment, i lo ir
e-- ... ..... at...ei -. no .-
t'at tlK-ir age -makes-j.n.d.cted everyb
iving tiling. ' They u.miH.rsinw
Pert oe,
t..i..t-a.siintf' Com-lusions of a liovenr
.....it it.OM.it. --These i;iant Moil
. ..a-ii of the .Forest Have I'l-obaUy
Li ed ."..in H Years.
Washington, .ej.t. :t. -The depart
nienf o1 aKf iciiitiire liar- i.-sued a report
on investigation of the big frees
of California thai brings out som in
teres! ing new conclusion. II shows.
ai,..t ii... .lioieiisions of . the big lre-s
are une ina lied: th
lhetn ih. oldest bl
are described by .the rcort as ine
'iand.fl. 'largest, oldert and ino-:t in;l-h-Htlcallv
graceful or trees and the
scan est of know n tree specie. With
the extreme scientific vailie of lK-ilg
oidr ' best living " prcseiuaines ... .
former Jiliingum at;.-.
Tlie report says the back of tin big
tries often is two feet thick and al
,..! ....it combust ible. "Tlie oidesl
tt.a...i..n os fell.-d.! it 11 y. .rare
.....i.i -at heari. and fiiinius is an oi.
ll.v lUlkll.wn to il; Yet the big trees
aj'paieutly have .not in- .f;.. d Ihe.r
range iiwi- I lie- flaclal - epoch. l.h-y
have onlv Just mamiM-d to hol.l ilw-ir
own on -the little strip of laii.rw her
tl.. climate is Im;iII.v fav..tabe."
The imr-t reeenl. in vest iga ions. -e-
y-nrdiii" to the report, i oiilirui me esii-
" . i t Ik. -.
,, males t!ir! tliese giaiu .i.-c-
;- . . . .. . . -. .. . .... .... a.,,.,.., - l liaa
pfolj.ll.iv nvetl ,V e... ft
average rale of gro-.vth est hiinfci
at on- iiicli of diameter for every Yi
vear The report nl i-rrrol.'raie the
Mate.o.nts of ..ne aiilority. who says
lhat one i ree, on which he conntel
4IK4I rings, vra iindottbteiHy in h
e a.-tii" It. 4he Sierra wind
. net-. r-,. ....... ,
when Christ walked the earth. f
ri... r...M.tt stati-. among other
thing, jis'th- result of ..tib ial inv.-sti-ciiio":
. - '
-The onlv lace in the world where
tti.. 1.1-r tree exists i ill 1" l.vI;'',
...t .!t.. we.l Hlotae of til" Sierra
Nevada momitain The ie.
ever, represent a urvivbig prehiyt..r.e
a.f tre om-e growing wbl.v
over the glole. The .utherti ground
dhow ;' iiiw -- teprliiction through
which there i ' h of perituating
these grove. In the northern groves
the specie hanlly hold it ortn.'
'iirioii j Plieiiomena Near The
Dalle.-ft : la ry Marvelous.
A gentleman win 'recently niade) a
trip to Wapaiiilla. a little town aimi
r miles from Tin- Hall.-, fells of a iw
ci'liar freak of nature, in tiie form of
a small, deep hole In the gr'otiud u in.-
farm of Van Woodruff, from w;hicti tin-
a'r rushesw itli sDch great force tliat at.
lime it can be heard a distance, or
ovei-a quarter of a mile, say the Law-;
ton Standard. For a jK-riod oi six
hours the air is forced out of this lioh;
nud then for a similar length of lini.
it is witii great force drawn Ihick
. ' ... t , I.. . .. I ....o... I I..t.
again, anin so on wnnom 1 1-.-. i e-...
Alwuit P years ago an - ohl nnijii,
Hampton Kelly, now dead, who owned
ih.- farm, iM.red for a well, and n
leaching the depth . of, 1 PI fei't llie
drill sud. b nly and -without any warn
ing fell for- a considerable distance,
aiid it was found that a large cavity
had been struck and tin- air rulied
from the hole with a treuieiidnii. force.
From that day to thi the air ha con-,
tinmd. hour by hour -ami-day by day.
iipceasingly. and with regularity to be
forced out for sll hour and- then
drawn in for n like m-iUmI or six hour,
never failing, never diminishing. -A
limes the air rut .he, w ith great r force,
. a . ...... .I..... ..a ..tl...fa
roar ami weiro mioihi i...... an
and the old settlers there say that
whenever this happens a great chauge
hi Ibe weather lake" place or a storm
invariablv follows; and for yeai bid
Hampton Kelly was .able lo predict a
slot in or change of weather, and it
was found more- reliable than a bar-'
ote.Jer. .and when a gmit (tonu wa
Miy pnpareo
al the iiKiiilh of flu-
hole is ill wily the wiine. aiiotii .. n
rees in w inter and In summer. Year
ago Iheowm-r. always exi-erlineirting
and iiiveiiling. coiiuctel this air by a
pijH- and run "it into a uiilkhotise' ml
in the beat of the siiiiimer flu- litlh-udlkhoiisa-
was always cool, while on
ti, ootcide sill wim sw Hieriiig. and in
.old blas-ts of winter, wJien the mer
cury Hood low ill the thei inoiiiefer, the
"n! Hi He htilkllolis.
i a
was Knir wiiiu.
k'.Ic. and I he old man stored all
ito'.rttoc ailld other, vegetable
and 1hey would never freeze.
llun.lre.rs! of j'.ple have visited thi
slt.llle atwl Weird phenomenon fleet.-
..a- I, a.iitiiiot lie follll.l In t lie
li.r oa .. in.
whole iit rounding eoimlry. Many
are tlie eplaiiation and th.-orie ad
vi need a io the cause of Ihi stranz-?
ai-tlon. One is -that the cavity extend
to the ocean and when the tide rl-
it pnrtlallv fill thi cavity and force
the air out 'through thi hole and when
the water fc'le the nfr rushe In
again. A Mother 1 thai when the at
mosphere ftceome heavy, it compress
es the air in the cavity, ivhh-h is al
wims of a differ nt lemM ratttre. and
wlo-n the Atmosphere l'comes nguier
the iompn-sse.1 air 1 forced out of the
cavilyagaln. The surrounding coun
try i all volcanU'. Not a great dis
tance away are the warm spring on
the Indian reservation, and : further
...tl. are f..nt..l tlie great lava bed.
lo.w- vbatcver the cause, whatever the true
explanation, it I a most strange treat..
and is wondered at ij an.
....art.. t
Ti.iti ther are traiisforme.1 i' "m
. . . i. .i.t.. .L..,1 nwf or Int. bot
l.lllH.tiie.-a.--" - ,, , .l...l . l-.in.r twiu r CVCI1
cuanMivereil or c
.i.ra prodtu ing dit rtliail the iiy of i-owl.y or ranuhaml
and east of a line but th nervoiw Amern-au cannot
Th" I'ari Miburl nre suffering from
..i,i .iw.or ftie. ami tle blame , laid
.. in.. iHn.tde who slaughter the Kin-all
urai- ti a.ver Fraii-v for the .feather
market. .
Tor Inlanti and Children.
The Kind Yea Hai? Always Bcht
Bears the
on the map "" .-- ". r - ; ., . .,.rt..ftn -ima'
to Newiiatand the life.
drawn from the Philippines
266 Cemmerclml Street,