Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 11, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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    1 ' , iiVfl " 111 1 : ' rfN " t ' '
VOL. 49. NO. SO.
American Troops' Withdrawal from Pekin
I Expected at an Early Date.
General Chaffee' Advice In the Premises ilia Bees Given Publicity by the
Government Army Will Be Sent to the Philippines
, I Into Quarters.
WASHINGTON. Sept. lo.-The de--vclopmout
of tin day in (he Chinese
situation r ill point to tlie speedy, with
drawal of tin 1' lifted States trooiw
from China. General ChafTee has add
til the weight of his opinion to that
already entertained by many officials
h'Tc. It pnrbably is significant that
tlx' general's statement on this oiut
uas given publicity by the adminis
tration. No eon lirmat ton is at hand here of
rhe report that Great Britain and Ger
ntany have joined in an agreement to
leniain together hi IVkin regardless of
tin altitude of the other lowera.
Should this Ik trite, the faet doubtless
, would hasten the rearward movement
of the Amerjeau troops.: for there is a
firm determination to arvohl lccouiiug
Involved in any Hash tietwccii tlie
powers such as might reasonably In
iiXected to follow 1 ho execution of
ibis reported British German program.
The part. of tlie problem relative to
-the withdrawal that remains unsolved
is the N'st means of securing guaran
tees for the attainment of the few
bjet ts s-t out in Secretary Hay's note
of July .Jd. which have not yet been
we'll red. It does not follow that, 1m
a use the I'uited 'States troops are to
1h withdrawn this autumn from China
that our interests will -1m left com
pletely at the mercy of the other
The entire army jof General Chaffee
will m ipiartered ih-noine of the pleas
at galveston
The City Practically Destroyed
and Thousands of Lives Lost.
Detailed Accounts of the Horror
rougbt to the (Jul Bide World
The Place" In Kulns.
IlorSTON, -Tex.. Sept, H. - Kichard
Spillane. the w-ll known (Jalvestoii
'man ami day correspomleiit of the As-,
xociatcd Pn'ss ju tliisit -iiy. who reach
ed Houston today after a terrible ex-iM-jlein-",
gives tlie! following a -count
of :. the disaster at Galveston:
t)ne of the inostiawriil tragedies of
iiMHleni times i has visited !alvestn.
The city is In rhi.. and the dead will
probably nuniN-r 1. I am just from
tl city, having ImVu commissioneil by
the mayor and tin citizens' committee
to set In tmicli with the outside world
md ai'ial for help.- Houston was
lie t eirt jM.liit at which a working
telegraph Instrument could ! found,
tlie wires, as well as nearly all build
ings lstweenjiiere ami the tiulf of
Mexico. iM-Ingi wrecked.
"When I left tjalvenuni shortly 1
. fore iKM.n yeslcnlay, i the ople were
t'l-Kautxlmr "for a proiurt burial of the
.dead, a distribution of tin fo-d. ami
all nceess;iry j work after a period of
disaster. '. I
' "Hv :t o'clock Saturday afierHoon
the waters of het!nlf and lajy met.
ami by dark the entire city was ub
iih rg.-d. The ! rl.KMling of t he elect ne
lieht' plant and ga plants h-ft the city
iu d irknesft. To go out Into t4 streets
was to court1 death, ji Tlw wiod was
tbti at a eyHonie velm-ity: rind. eN
terns. Hrtions of lmildinirs. telegraph
is.les ami wall were falling, and 'the
-Doe ,f the w ind, and the crashing of
buildings was terrlfyiiic -n the x
tteir The wind .and waters ros
steadily fn.ni lark Jim til 1:4." o'clock
Sundav nmniiiig. During all this time
the people of Galveston were fike rats
in traps. Tin highest rrti of the
city was four to flvef fet under water,
while In a great majority of eases the
streets were Jsutmierged to a depth of
ten feet. To lea v a house was to
drown. To remain f.asto court ileath
In tbe Trreekagre. j fl-
"The water began to gubslite at 1:4."
a. ti. Wlthiu twolnilMUtes they had
gone down two feel, and Iefore day
light the Ktreet w ere praetieally freetl
of tlie Hom1 waters.! In the meantime
the wind had veered to tlie soutlwast.
"Very few if anyj 4uillding eseaiml
Injury. There Is hanlly habitable
dry house in the eHy. - ' i -Tbe
first, hnrried glance over the
city Phowed tr-at tlw largest stnietnre,
supposed to ! the I roost substantiallj
KUilt, suneret iup mosi. me oquiaus
antcst portions of the Philippines. If
they are wanted again in China they
-an 1m traiisiortcd inside of a. week,
thoroughly refreshed and titled for ef
fective action.
Shanghai. Sept. S. John iMdnow.
the I'nitel States Consul Coneral, f
,ter inquirits In "every possible 'source,
learns that the iminlN-r .r ItritUh and
Aimriean 'inissioiiaries nuirdered dur
ing the uprising In China has Imhu
iiinety-thre, while I7 otliers. station
ed iu Chi Id and. Shan Si provinces,
arc uuaecouiit(d for. and there is rea
son for tin lM-lief that they liave met
tlie tuiine fate Of those whose deaths
have been absolutely proven, twentjf
tw wen America nw, eight iimu. eight
women ami six children: thirty-four
were Pritish. nine men, fifteen women
and ten children. There is Ktrong
jiMf that tlilrty-seveti more were
5?killil at Vai Yuen. Ten men. thirteen
woiiM-n and seven children are known
5 to have iM'en there.
The list missing numbers: Ameri
cans, twenty men. twenty-one women
ami twenty children. Itritish. forty
one men. forty-nine women -and nine
teen children.
It is iuiM'SMhh to get the numbers
of tie Catholics killed, but there wen
many.-French priests and sisters, and
some were in tlie eoun try where (lie
Russians ;ire fighting. There .wen al
so several Swedish and Danish Pro
testants. The massacre ami crxecutioit of
Cliinse Christians continue ."evry
w here, and it is said the anti foreign
leaders Intend to exterminate tlietn.
Home fell like a boost of cards. How
many dear children and refugees are
in the ruins could not be ascertained.
Of the sick In St. Mary's InJlrmary, to
gether with the attendants, only eight
are understood to have been saved.
"Every-. church in tin city; witli ims
sibly one or two exceptions, is in ruins.
"Tlie bay front, from end to end. is
in ruins. Nothing but piling and
wrecks of tlie great warehouses re
main. The life savins station at Fort Point
was carried away, tlie crew iM-ing
swept across the bay fourteen mile's,
to Texas City, two' being drownd. It
will take a week to tabulate the dead
nud missing, and to get anything near
approximately an Idea of tin loss. It
is safe to assume that one-half of tin
,roM-rty of lite city Is wiped out. and
tjhat one-half of the residents have to
face absolute "K'Verty.
."Eight ocean steamers were lorn
from their moorings and stramled lr.
the bay."
Washington. Sept. lo. Miss Clara
Parton. president of the Auieriean Na
tional Hed Cross, tonight Issued an ap
leal to tin M-ople if tlie Cnlted States
iu behalf of the suffering pople of
(Jalvestou, Texas.
THE IlOnitOIt'S GltOW.
Chicago. Sept. lo. The following
statement of the situation at tlalves
ton and along the coast was received
touighf.frotii Dallas. Texas:
"From latest reMrts which arecoii
sidereil reliable, the disaster at tialves
ton and along the coast has not 1een
cxaggerafetl. The waters of the Cub?
and bay met. rerlnsr the island 10 a
depth or six to twelve feet. During
this sudden tloixl a most terrible storm
was raging, the wind blowing about
eighty miles an hour. Many of the
dead have Imm-ji uncovered; others are
still under the debris; others were car
ried out to sea. It Is not po.'l. to
give, at this time, a reliable report
!i t. the number of deaths. From
estimates "made by reliable person
who have just come from tial vest oi !
Mt Is Iielieved that not less than l.ni
and po-ssibly as many as 'junt fieople .
were drowm-d. Of course, tiie wound
ed are numenois. The damage to
property is most sliiM-kinc. Some of
theiiest" pillic and private estalisH
metts were wrecked. Thousand of
'borne were swept "'entirely away. It
Is te safe to set this down as one
of the greatest disasters that has ever
Visited the I'nited State. The loss of
pmertv is irreparalJe; the loss of life
is appalling. S?giied ti. li. Iealy.
Manager, Dallas News."
To aceoniHiodate' tho-e who are pn -tial
to the use of atomizer in appiv
ing liquids into the nasal passages rr
atarrhal tnulIes. the proprietors rre
pare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Pnee
Inclmlinc 4be uprjiying tute is jr.
snts. Druggists or y mail. Th li
juid endnnlies the medicinal prora
tion of the solid preiaration. Crei.n
IViIm Is quickly alsorbed by th
membrane arel does not dry up the
cretions but changes them to a nat
rial and healthy character, Ely l?rota
ers. r Warren St., N. Y.
Tacoma. Sept. to.-TtieaImop rack
of the North Pacific Coast will fall
short 7MO.0 cases this season. The
pack has shown decrease In North
ern Pritish Colnmliia. the Fraser I.iv
er, ltiget iound ami the Columbia
Hlver. The pack on Willapa and
Gray's Harbors is practically that of
last year. A sbortage of 7(UHI0 cases
means that, there will be from 450,000
to ooO.oiio cases less than the annual
consumption. Thi has steadilr In
creased until now It reaches approxi
mately 3,0O0,0iM) cases. This iack of
last year was estimated at 3.22r.0iK.
Canners prh-es ever known. Even at
this llgure the canners will lose money
on this year's business, for they had
made preparations for handling an
output several times as large as the
season's total. On the Sound the en
tire pack Is less than the capacity
of one company's plant. - Northern
Hrltish Columbia Is the onlv district
which will hold Its own. canners on
the ' Skcena
River had a profitable
Corvallis. Sept. H? James Mcljiite.
agi-d C3. was roasted at a prune drier
on the farm of Samuel .Meljine, near
Philomath yesterday. He was alone
at the drier, which he was attending.
Smoke from the drier brought his
brother to tlie scene, when the victim
was found lying at the mouth" of the
furnace Iu which there was a very 'hot
tire. He was lying on his back, ami
was dead. The flesh on his neck,
shoulder. ri;:ht In oast and right side,
as far as tlie spine and as low as the
hip, was .literally cooked.- X coroner's
jury returned a -erdict of accidental
deiMh. with iudrcatiitits that the cause
might have Inch an epileptic tit.
Chicago. Sfit. I.O. Win. J. Bryan
was the ffiie'st of the Nebraska Kryan
Club of Chicago, today, at a reception
held at the Sheeuian House.
Had Almost 5iven I' p. but Was
P.rought P.ack to Perfect Health by
Cliamlerlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy.
Iteail His Editorial.
From the Times. Hillstille. Va.
I sirfTen-d with diarrlirea for si long
lime and thought I was past ix'ing
cured. I hail pcnt uiucli lime and
money and sutTered so tnticli misery
that I had almost decided to clve tip
all hopes of recovery and await, the
result, but noticing the advertisement
of ChainlM-rlain's t'trfie. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Ucmody aud also s!ue tes
timonials stating how sorm wonderful
I suffered with diarrhoae for a long
edy, I-.decldeil lo try It. fter Ink me
a few doses 1 was entirely well of that
trouble, ami I wish to say .further to
my readers and fellow-sulTerots that
I am a hale and hearty man today and
feel as well as I ever did m my Inc.
O. P. Moore. Sold by F. O. IIaa. ilmg
gist, Salem, Oregon. ;
Authorized to I.ilor for peace With
the Powers Shanghai Advice'
Are More-. FavovJ le.
LtNION. Sept. lo. The atnuMini-c-meiit
that the Chinese Ministers at
capitals of the jmiwcis have reei'iv.sl
satisfactory credential. authorizing
them to open jn-ace negotiations, taken
In -on junction with the Injunctions
contained ii' dispatches from the far
East tint ('iilna is developing a le?T
(lipoif Ion to arrange peace terms., is
welcomed here, for the desire to expe
dite the settlement of the trouble is
increasiil by dispatches received froin
Hamburg toilay announHng that fbr
many would si-nd two additional de
tachments of ."SKKi and iKKMi men re-
Meclively. to China early in
These troops. It is reported,
it.ady been orderetl to prepare
have al
for tlieir
Shanghai dispatches, lated Sept'Mii
lsr Stli. insist tliat the great tlisplay of
force must le due to political issues.
They contend that the attitude of tlo
Chinese Is eaceabh and dos not -ail
for the taking of extraordinary meas
ures. They 'say that there have al
nady lecn landed :."t Indian. Kti
French and rs Oermati tnots. in ad
dition to suo volunteers and V navaTT:
men who are available. There are
nineteen foreign warships at Shanghai
Including the I'nited States jrunloat
Princeton, and fourteen at Woo Sung.
Including the United States cruiser
New tirleans.'
Today conies the news that the Ja
panese representative at Shanghai has
Informed his colleagues that Japan is
sending troops to participate in the oc
cupation of Shanghai. Pending their
arrival. It Is addd, t Japanese sail
ors will 1 e landed.
A dispatch from Pekin says that af
ter tlie allied troops traversed the Pal
ace, August 28. the foreign ministers
and generals retnmed and visited the
audience halls, where "they found six
Mandarins, including officials of the
Tsung , I A Yamun. The royal aart
Incnts and the rooms set apart for the
women were not entered! Magnificent
marble staircases, costlybronze and
valuable vases were encountered every;
where. The Euqwror' throne. sijKi
ated in a small building, is surround
ed by pedestals' on which are caskets
containing written' wishes to 'be open
ed r.fter hia death. -
Working Nignt and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made i Dr. Kirrg New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule c4 health, that changes weak
ness into strength, listlessness into en
ergy, brain-fag into mfntal power.
They're wonderful in building up the
health. Onlr 25c per. box. " SoM ' fry
DR. STONE, druggist.
Gilbert & Patterion Harvest an Average of
Two Thousand Pounds Per Acre at Eola.
! V
IncreasA of 70 Ptr Cent. Over Last Year' Yield from a Sixteen Aere
Yard - Eflorti Hade to Coutrol the Output of the
! Willamette Vallej.
Tlie clouds, which hung so threaten
ingly over the Willamette valley 'the
la iter par of last wek have cleared
away ami the weather promises to.be
favorable for tlie coiitlmuitue of the
work' of harvesting tlie hops. The
In avtdiwers; of last week did ne
damage to the yards, at least such is
theNsrj,jMrt coming from every bop
glowing section, of tlie country. No
n-'dd has; yet appeared in any of tlie
yards, and it ii confidently ber.cvl if
the wcatlw-r rctii.iitis favorable for an
other week, ihe tlangec from tilts
wuirc" will be past. Those who have
prayed their .vanb well claim there
i. abolut'ly no danger of tin apjear
nc of mold, even if tile rain should
keep up for some time. The hop Kiow
i is and de'ilers are very anxious that
the crop may;-be harvested without
any" loss or Injury to Its iu.i 1 it y and
they are urging all to put up their crop
as clean and in as goMl shaic as is
osK.ble. co that the Oregon product
nay coo.mand Ihe nihest prii-e in the
uutrket. Hop dealers, fnnii all over
U country, "who are h'ic, say with
tit. t" Itcs'tancv. that the samples so far
el. own .:re tl:i best quality of ' hops
cM"f prod; in ed oj tlie ' coast or any
where cIm- From no part of this dis
trict are hcaid: ciunplaiuts ol the iJJ!il
ily'of lhij year's lnluct. All. without
nn except ton. 'declare iliat the quality
was never 'before equaled in the his-
Dairy Indnatr In Kpl.lly r org Inn to the
rroot-The "ew Creamery llolld
Ing mt Lyons.
The Salem kreanieries are distribut
ing a great deal of money among their
patrons, and the w-ay the farmers are
giving their attention, to the r dairy
industry 111 this vicinity Indicates that
they are 'Irlghly satisfied witli the re
sults so far reached through the cream
eries established here, last spring.
Figure have: leen obtained from the
Salem Creamery Co., Oeo. D. Goodhue,
manager, which show a very healthy
condition of this company's business.
IVclow is given the amount of butter
made, andjthe sums pan! patrons for
butter fat. each month
creamery began operation:
since the
$ 014 VZ
$1003 4!
$21 '25 bl
$1.VC 7."
$1374 i;
kvr. ..
Way . . .
June. . . .
Jnly . . .
August. .
. 5.4:w.
Total.'. .. .ASXXr- "$7!12 J
Jnlv ami August are regarded as the.
poorest months la the year, for the
dairy business and this will account
for the falling off of the amount made
during this time. The creamery busl
n"es of this section Is ttcyoud its ex
perimental stage and there can Is no
dottht but from this time, on it will
.... .... At... nl.tA
grow until It ratiKs as one 01 me unn
ip lustrtes rr the valley. Other towns
aMid villages are beginning to realize
the pndit derives! from a creamery,
and lii every part of the valley the
datrr Industry is talked and the es
tablishment of dairies and skimming
rations Is being urged.
Where dairies have been started very
atlsfai-tory results have leen obtain
ed. The following from the Itrowns
Ville Times shows with what favor,
the dairy btistnes l being receivel Sn
that prosperous s"tion of Hie valley:
! "'The first of every month Is pay'
dar at the Brownsville creamery, and
yoii never see any disappointed pat
rons on that day. Ist Saturday Mr.
Prnekman paid out $:i77.4 for milk
delivered during the month of Jnly.
Butter fat to the amount of 4HS7
pounds was delivered and 2" cents
per pound was pa.Id. Butter has ad
vanced ftitont l"! ler cent ami nie
farnier who has a few good cows In
t hts netghborhod n e l not worry alout
the failure of his wheat crop his cows
will bring Mm out all right."
The building for tlie creamery at
Lvons wa eofiiHHnced yesterday, and
will be completed In time for the plant
to le placed therein and pnt in oev
atlon on November 1st. The prop'
f tbis prosperon wif Wwrboott are
pntting np the buIl.rtngfor the Salem
Creamery Co., and Ri piili te trans-ferrc-1
to the company a!s soon as they
have used It one year for dairying
purposes. This is a good section for
such an establishment and then? can
be nr question of its nece.
A good: Instance of the enormous
ornwth ami t nioortjince of the efeetro-
cbemkal industry in the United States
1 ry of lli- st.itt'. Put reports conic ef
light yields from many phices. and
just how miK'h this year's crop will
tall short of last, is hard to estimate
with any degree of certainty. Preb
ably 7.".tn Hi bales for the state is
close an estimate as can le given at
this time.
Tlten are some . yanls. how
ever, reporting larger yields than
in former years. The -yards iN-lougiug
to Cirltcrt V Pattetsoii. of this -city,
ei e priMlucint; a much larger crop than
last year. The yard of early 'Fuggles.
at Lincoln, gave an increascil yield
over last year, and tlie yard of later
heps at Kola, of sixteen a-fs tlie
picking of which was Mulshed yester
day, gave UTh J 1mxcs, making ol7J
n Minds.' or 'Jinhi HMinds to the acre.
Iist year, on the same yard, i;io
bses. making I'Utoo pounds of the
lriI hop. were harvestitl ami there
was no loss from rain or any ether,
cause. Tills crop has been sampled,
by the lM-al dealers, ami by a New
York b.iyer. and they all proiiouiiee it
;ii extra cheii-e growth ot bops, Tl:i re
are about sixty acres more. to pick of
tlds linn's hops, ami It Is said that the
Remainder of its yards are as hom! as
those already harvested", Oilbert &
Patterstiu's Eola yards wen- "this year
cultivated under the ettieleel m.lll.-fge
nent f II. It. Bropliy, and the results
attained lMar evidence of the exccl
1 nee of hi. wrk. Tlie increase
si own Is 4 ler cent ill flie imiiiiIh'i' of
Iwxes. and 7i iwr j-ent in weight, over
the yield from the pj-mre vanl Inst
y rp.r.
is iin"ofdel by the huge power plant of
flu St. Iawrciice Power Company at
Masse na Springs. New York. This In
stallation will take advantage of an
exetreniviy curiilus coufignral ion of the
country, wiiereby the St. hawreiiee
river Is nearly tif'fy feet higher tha-n
one of Its tributaries, tlw Grass Ulvef.
which Is only three miles distant. A
anal cut across 'this shbrt stretch of
country gives one of the finest -water-powers
in the world and 110 h-ss than
1 .",( 1 horspower. or tliTi times licit
gMieratcd In the great plant at Niag
ara, will Is proiliHMd. All of this gi
gantic power will be usd oil the spot
in electrolytic processes for the manu
facture of calcium carbide, bleaching
lowtlcr, alkali, etc.
Value of Man's Life.
The Supreme Courts fliave recently
decided that) the life of the average
man Is worth just what he is .ibl- to
earn. A ma's earnings depml to n
gjest extent jupou his health. ml it Is
always withjn his jwiwcr to luuirove
his condition.: The- stomach is the
measure of health and strength, liv
ery man may 1h bright, active and
happy, if hi digestion Is normal. If
It is not. Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters
w ill make it so. It puts tlie digestive
crgnns '11 condition to properly digest
and asslnillaje food. Try It for con
stipatioui Indigestion, dyspepsia, bil
iousness, liver or khbiey troubles.
Then Is iiolliiug Just as good. The
genuine has our Private Revenue
Stamp overlthe neck of the Isjttl'1,
Storm Said to Have De
a Million
Bah-s of Cot
South. ,
ton In the
NEW YORK. Sept. 111. The Inleusl
tv of excit'Mm iit and the ,etlvty of
oil the cotton exhange to-
day was without parallel. The fluctu
ations far xeeedd anything hitherto
rceonlcd. tin extrenus b-tng ts oints
as the 'relapses were frepient-and vio
lent, j
As the morning proceeded. secjbi
tion briadiieI until the market was
teyond control of the bulls even. Seti
saiional set-bsks followl the nerve
rylng bulges which kept the oper
ators, of uj matter what lelhf. Jiiiim
Ing to keepj the pace. On the local ex
change eptemter mdd up to $ lfi.-VI as
against !.tvo Satimlay night.
Tlie foundation of tlie bull ideas ami
tlte chief cause of the terrific bull iee
tilation was the news that, the best
section of ; the crop had tsn swept
away by a tropical storm the equal of
which was unknown. The estimates
loint to a loss of TTM"' to l,m.U
m Us.
Failures of T G. Kchlffer ami Gay I.
Sch iffer were annonnee!. these brok
ers Ijeing canght short by the opening
rise. The annonnoement of their sus
oension did not seriously disturb th"
market. The close was Irregular and
excited, with net prices. 4i) isdnts
hlzber. -- '..''
Estimates placed the total transac
tions at 1.2.VM0 bales or'150,0W rnfre
than ever before recorded. . r
Tacoma. Wash.. Sept. 10. Japan
ese coolie labor is driving white lalor
out of the Washington hop flel'l.
The Jajmnese pull the poles and pick
the hops for 2T cents a box. The ind
rone wystftu marks the advent of these
fondgucTs iu the hoptiehls. and they
n henletl by t best lHsses .and paid
from $d to $S a .month and 'boartl.
while the ta drone are paid 75 cents
a iox for the work. Indians will nut
work In the same Held with the Japs.
The Japanese are already working in
many yanls to the exclusion of the
whites. In each Instance they are
wdi king under a padrone who makes
on an average $1.50 a day on each
Jap under hhn. I
The great success of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and DIarrhoetL.iIb"uedy
In the trearnwut of liowel Hroinplalnta
has made It statidanl over th' creator
part of the clvllizetl worll.' Per sale
by F. G. Haas, druggist, SaUm, Ore
gon. ' "'-I-'; :.".'-.....
Green hood Takes His Own Life
Account of 111 Health-Worked
on fin 'Toles'i-Mii.
PORTLAND. Or.,, Wept, lo. Otto
t;reeiihoMl, a wi-ll known newsHer
rcporler, committed suicide in n nom
of the Hotel Portland this evening.
He was for about 'fifteen years em
ployed on tlie Evening Telegram of
this city. Despondency, due to 111
heatth. Is NupiMisod to have caused htm
to take his life.
Negotiations for lVaee Will Not Be
Commeiici for a Iong Tline--.-Powers
of I.I Hung Chang:
WASHINGTON. Sept. H. The; fol
low lug dispatch has been received at'
Ihe War Department-:. ,
"Ta k 11 inn datel Adjutant .General.
Washington Afternoon." 4th. Evl-
dciicc accumulates that diploma tic re
lations will not Ik resumed here for a.
long time. Russian legation leaves
very, soon for Tien Tsln. Appears to
u 4-ertain the Chinese Government
will not return -here- whilst foreign
army remains, and If this Is true, our
legation can transact no business. My
opinion Pekin to n .merely 11 camp of
the foreign army ieiidiiig neltletneitt
by owcrs at other ioints. CliafTec."
Washington. Sept K.-The Chinese
Minister lias rccclved-un imperial edict
conferring 011 Li Hung Chang extraor
dinary Mwer for the complete settle
ment of the Chinese 'trouble. It gives
him authority to make any terms ac
cording to his own discretion, without
referring, them to the emperor. This
is unusual authority, and it Is claimed
at the Chinese legation, gives LI Hung
Chang credential adequate lo meet
nil the objection heretofore' raised as
to his power lo negotiate for peace.
The edict Is-dated two week ago. but
Is just forwarded from Li Hung
Chang. .Minister Wu le1ivered It to
tin State Department this morning.
Iuidoii. Sept. 1. The Chinese Min
ister, In London, 1t Is understood, has
received 'credentials authorizing the
opening of j ten ce .'negotiations.. It Is
iutimafed that "similar powers have
1 ien conferred oil' the 'Chinese Minis
ters at other capitals, and that their
ciedeuHals arc such as will satisfy the
American and Euroeau Governments.
Ixtiidoti. Sept. lb. A special dispatch
from Berlin says that Great Britain
mid Germany ".have agreed not to evac
uate Pekln until full satisfaction for
the recent outrages has. Ihcii obtained.
Kiri TELER S murdt:rer.
New York, 4ept. IO.--A dispatch to
11m Tribune froni .Loudon says: (.'hung
LI, Military C.miinandant of Pekln,
who is resiiilble .for the fiilirder of
tho-tieruuiM Minister, has ls-en arrest
ed and is confined under Genua 11 jurls-
dictioU. t
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