5 m ro rule: chines An International Administration of the Customs hVithft Allifrt PntUD J .1 - iiiiivu I UflVI O Is the Han of the United States Government-Beports Are Beceived in Washington from Conger Xore German Troops Arrive in l'ekiu Memtera of the Thud? LI Yamen Appear; : i . .'' ' WASHINGTON, Aug. 27.--.lt is said in administration circles tlmt in tliA AVPnf nf i ha 5 ability of the Powers to policy that will preserve the integrity of the Empire, the plan most likely to be adopted Fill provide for an International administra- tion ot the customs service. Under this plan i the representatives of several of the allied Powers having forces on Chinese soil will be stationed at all customs ports of China to su pervise or administer the service and watch the revenues with a view to insuring the col lection of the enormous indemnity that will be individually demanded by each of the governments. W ASH INGTON, Alls. 27. After sev eral days hiteriiwssion in tho Chinos adtlce tin Government today receiv ed two tllsii-he which presumably bring its advice up to the uiunt n Yeni dale. There aro iieIicalioiH tliut tho principal delays iu the Hues of s-ommunle.ltkin' are rneounfercd be Lwocii Tion Tin ami l'ekiu. a faet ex plainable by the uewspaper ' ad ices that small liauds of Boxers aro operat ing on tho lino of (iiuiuiuuicatkm of th l'ekiu cutup.tigu fore. Tho last dispatch of bslay was one fnuu .Minister Couger, referring to tho miliary situation In l'ekiu. Unfortu nately It lacked the date. The mes sage was allowed publicity for what it worth. Conger" reference to the arrlv.nl of . freii Gorman troois caused some surprise, no one apparently hat ins closely watched tho movements of the contingent, which i .now arriving with fairly regular froMUoiiey iu China, ttml which eonse- njuoiitly iiwiy ! xpete! wxm to Muai in ntmioriojil stnUKth tho niilitary ''insiiilM it iiuy of Uh! KoroiK-au n:i tioDH there rvpreHetito'l. A sijfnitieanr statement -hi .Minister: Conner's dispatch hi that respeetlin; tho MpiM-aram-o in IVkin of kouio uiem lHr? of the Tsun M Vamou. The natural eonstruction to be girou to tlri Ktat-nroivt is that those luintsters wivh to iiiidertiiko fwrnmlly repres eut the Ch-riie Government in nego tiations with the INwer. With some teHponsiblo iwrwoti or in-rsons to deal with. It may ho possible for tho Unit ed Status to tme to some agreement as f a wtllHiifiit of tho fihiios. trouble. The Unite! State .rem nient o-iihl not withdraw IU troop -ven If 'mo disKWl. w ithout arranging for 4ud.-miiithation for tho havy ost tt iws Ih-cu put lo iu the IVkin amiUn. -Alt it must make arnino inents with ?-hiio tvsKinillf autlr -ity fr the future iMotectloti of Awer Uiut Int.sest iu China. a our busl-nt-s iutoro!u eannot ' wlrli.irawu along witJi UMf army of occupation. H TI1K AI.I.IKS AtU.UKSSIVE. . . . itv ' . I lit- iiiiii-nt . -. in ' HL'srrossjv1' oporatlo-t. h iv taken tho disuu-t we of I'eki... Tlris nte ftivMt hasel on Chinne authoiity.Ui ,tnbl-'l frbm Shanghai. From the raine rUtee couit the further tat n.ent that 1.1 linns Thau: wlnil the Lai n Iowaer at IlUn Fu. re-iuert-tns tho arrost of ITinco Tiwn and to diannamout of the Itoxer in order to zlve bin an openiug for neotiAUoini with the rower. ; The Hhniiiruithuw projwte.1 atM""; ' .i .r t rustier ot n-ii I - i ti iiitiir:i i itfii - ' - rekln ha b-en abandoued Uirt they . i i i ,,).,. a n itkit ooiltrtnik . t A n.Ai-4fc kin i trim K. IIOIIIl M - "Evident? Iia leen receiveI Here. ay the Shanghai c.rniimLnt of the Standard. rgoin to show that entrai iMne Walwas the real uthor of lue jinti forded outbreak, tho Empress dowager. Prluet? Tuaa atiil others all baring lin persuaded by him to take tm- cxtrrtm attltudi while lie tood aido aitillH'-tvaite! doveUipmeut." American refugee misionarie In Amor. aoording to the Ibn? Kons c-oritViiondcnt of the Oally ilail, nrc nslou to return to the Interior, but the 1'nited States consut ham forbid den thouv lo do so and org them to ro to -the ilWiiMdiH or .retinii to Amer!e:n . Shanghai advices to the DiilT New ay that the consular ?ninion theiv looks upon Ate Japanese, action in kindin trooiw t Amoy de spite the protests of the consul, m empire " - agree upon a Chinese klmilar In 4hit if T? nj '-it V Chwang the whole Indicating a ten dency to the partitiouof the Empire. A SCAUR. . Paris. Aug. A' iiieiaL dispatch to tlie Siecle, from St. Petersburg, say: "It is crsist.ently rumored in .St. Petersburg that tho Russian Govern ment .ha received a dispatch assort ing that, after a tierce hat Ik lusidc IVkiti. the-allies, retreated. Itr-tim; l.sim men mostly Hussfciii. It is further said that the Chinos occupied forty fortified imsitiotis from which they aro lsimliarding the allies in a murderous manner. .'News 'About StaJiiiM. An inii'vatkni in intstal orvi"o wliioh Is Min to Im of roat onvoni ene Is n plan lately suVoptil of fur nishing stamps Jn little I rooks, with wax slets lnMWeii them. Tho jrov orutnoiit I to eliaw. mm rent johH tion il to ho ninount of stamis eoti taitMNl therein, atwl k is ih)w estiiuat ol the --Vrotit 'on -tiws luniks will amount to t auutim. It 1s also stfniat"l 'that tlM sum imid for Mm l'rlvato Kovenuo Stamis )laeed over tlw top of Hie lo4th- otitrtainiuK llosU-tter's Stomaeh Ititters very M:iHv hiii.i1s this. T1m Hitlers 1s a rWiabh- iTimnly for oonstipa.tion, indi ces tion. lyiisia. bilkmsness. live- a ih! kidney troubles. It may In do- imIiI iiimmi to Htro stouiaeh disor- - .. .. -- , venrw. G0VEKN0R UOUKRS' DOOM. HE LOST THE OIHIAXIZATIOX TWO CONVENTIONS- IX Democrats and Populist Oosed the Present Executive of the Stab of Washlusion. to SEATTLE. Wash.. Ang. --'T.-Tlie o- Hsit!ion forr-e In this state to f lie Ke- lu!iliau patty are holding- their con vention in thi city. They weul into session at 2 o'chn-k this afternon. and did not ailjotirn except for hort i'rl o.I until late toiiitrht.' The Populist are liokling their conveutMi in t.er lenniii iiail. the I'emoiTals in tlio Amwirr building, and the Silver Ite puhlicnn iu Mawunc nad. The con vention will Ik iu nession tomorrow, ami may not adjourn Kino die uutd Wednesday or Thursday. The most l?nitlcant development to day lie in the apparent h fent of th ltoger vlate, wjdeh catrie with it tiwernor ltogorw a the fuku nomi nee ror rhe otttci he now o-cupie. Tin Poi'd' have k Lirl frwiu 11m tart that they wouhl uot stand t r . r xtfii Tho leafier ot tlio party j j .M.,i a"niniiler of antHlogor can etise ami nit an"cit imi n.v party would Iny againt lger. Tliey ngure.1' correctly, for when the Popu list convent Ion met. State I-amI om iiioner Brhlge -wa 4octel clutir inaa by a good-sid iiKiJority. BrKUe , i.t.A in tits oiiinisitton to the tiovernor. lie wa a Hmonw-u .... a committee, of five to cimftT wifh like cmnmittei from le other conven tion. Each man ue uameu TiieKocer men In Hie Ienoeratie couventkK were fullyiware f Populist omrt" to Koser, lut de clare,! that they wonkl nominate hmi on a straight lemBt 4i-ket and al low the 1'opnlist to put In an Imle indent ticket in the field. Ton, Vam-e ,asltant attorney geiien.1. wa made temporary chalnuad uf tlie IHro- wratie eonrention. The Itocerf and anti-Roger ieoph uaiiod on fiimV Tlio Hocers i.l have maintained for several day tlrat hejr would control the eonveution by a good majority. Tonight' esim proved thi elaimo le without tt basis of fact. Senaftr tJeorK Turner was nominated hv. rtxmt ror emianent cbairmau.- Charle t!. lleifner ;wa nominate! by t lm antl ltojrer people, and wa cfeeted lv a majority of lire or ix. The' antl Hoeer pooile say the vote wa a true test of strength, and liogers. It would seem tonig.ht, 1 out of the race. Faw eett. of I'iereo county, or Voorhees. of Spokaue, Is likely to lie no)ninttl. al rhongh there U opiioKkiou to tiyth, and the t-outention may unite on it1 dark horse. -Tlw Silver Republican have done nothing. , THE ISITKIt BITTEN. Chkago, Aug. 27.-1. W. D. Turner, a proiuinent and wealthy physician of Ias:nleaia, Cal.. ami a memlier of th John 1. tiodfrey l'ot 5. A. 1 1, "of that city, lis in the cnsttMly or the;iKiIke awaiting tho outcome of the injuries Inflicted on Dauiel Carroll, who lion5 at the point of death in a hospital. witli a fracture of the skull aud heiikorrhage of the brain. Dr. Turner was riding in a utreet cn'r when Carroll seutere l and it; is alleged abused the doctor, afterward attempting to strike him. In the struggle Carroll was iushed from the car, striking on his head. WENT HY DEFAULT, A Lively Fight Wound Up iu a Pecu liar Manner. New York, Aug. 'TToinnty West won from Jot Walcott in the twelfth round tonlsht. Tho bout had gone eleven -rounds very much In YValeott' favr. When the bell rang for the twelfth round, to the surprise of everybody. Waleott refused go on. claiming that Jio had injured his left arm. I'oferee Charley White, suspecting crookedness, insisted on Walcott' con tinuing, but the Negro refused to do o 'which left White no alteTuativt other than to declare West the win her. JAPANESE TKOOl'S. I.-iudcd at Amoy in Spite of the Pro tests of tho Consuls. New York, Aug. 7. A dispatch t rhe Journal and Advertiser from AmoJ China, say: The Japanc have lKia lamling marines for thrtv dav. rr only without pnvM-jitiiii. but aga.iist j tin protst of tin ciisnls. Att'hleittaij destruction of tin Japanost temple -by tire wa the. allegoil excuse for their act, but Amoy officials have proved tlmir ability to preserve perfect -order.. The ofl'K'ials, with s-ores of mer chants, have visitiil tl A morion u tVinsutate, pleading with the Consul to hit encode in tlio wttlidrn wal'of the ma rine, otherwise they deeJareit will bo iniKsfible to prosorve onlor. The landing of tlio ni.-iriii'-s ly tie .lapan!4i bre:iks the agTo'foeiit of the I rowers with the ViN'ritys. Washington. Aug. '21. The gunboat Castroe, Commaiiiler Howtfian coih mandiug. hn !eeu ordond to Amoy, China . to r imrt on 'add:ti'i: i!ni". The Castine is at ' Shainrhai. OLIVIER A PHISOXEU. I'-ritisli Troops in Africa H'aptife a IhK-r Lender. - Ltitidon. Aug. J!7. The War Oflh-o has receiveil" tlio following, dispatch from Ijord liolwrt: "The ItMrs have 1mou lioaton Iwick by Hruce Hamilton, at Winburg. t Jen oral Olivier has lioen capturl." Tho text of Lord ,'ltoliert; dispatch fixiin Helfast. under today's, date, an nounchig tlio capture of t.oiicrnl Oliv ier, shows that three of Olivier' sons also were -apturel in th tta-k wlricti the ltor .made from three ides on WInburc. Iord Holrt adds that General Olivier wa "the moving spirit among the Itoers In Hie southeast por tion of the Orange Colony during the war. In all -tdge of Nasal Catarrh there should Ih chuilins-. As exMri mw-o proves. Ely's nam Balm 4 a clo-.i us er. oothr.niid hosilor f tho lis-jiil membrane. It is not drjlng nor in-l-tntln'T. atwl doe not pnxlttcv MieezSirZ. I'rh-e r -nts at druggists or it will In mailed by Ely Brother. TrfS Warren troit. New- Yrfc. tlon llug pla'-od Into the !iotril it inad over the membrane and relief i Immediate. It 1 an agrecul cure. , - NO WAIl IECLAUEl. IxiiHlon. Ang. rr. There i abolute ly no truth in tlio diiiatcli from Clie l'oo of August iMtb, faying It wa ru mored there m food authority that Uuia, titrtnauy and Japan had de clared war on China ainl bad InvStetl ;riat Britain and tlw United State to retire from rhat country." Jmiuirie male at St. Pe1erburg. IWriiu and Toklo how the rejxirt fanniediately re jcted at thoe capital "a unworthy of notice," i CiOOD A t VICE. Several young men" from Salem were In tnis city Sunday, baring made tlie trip op bore on lifcycle. They pot in tlie day snowing bow little tliey knew, as well as how little reiect they liad for any one lmt tbetuselve.? After riding on the sidewalk on, Main street for some time lieeillen of :tlie limit ntkes. two of rhclr wlieels were taken xrliarge of by Marshal Pilyeu. who releaseil them only afte siring the riders, a few pointers Young men who visit neigh boring town where all are -strangers to them should remember that others have some privileges as well as thni nelves. and that older people can nee Just Ikiw ridiculous they act. Scto Saatiam News. ' THE 7 !i ('' ;"! OP MARKET fl Old Stocks, Now on Storage in This State, Aro Being Rashed to Rfports from All the lisp Districts i Prices Are Promising to Only a V. i Yestenlay. the 2nki bales of lat year" lioii, lielouging 10 Lilicuthal Bros., of New York, and for the past yr stored iu the.lHip warehouse of The Southern Paeitic Company In this city, lx'gan 4o inove in respon? to an ihcrac; 1u price of old hop iu the Eastern markets. lt will take twenty, five ears to njme thiInimens stot-k f hops and H will ! a week or more before the last of them hare rtartod for their domination. The j hop ate consigued to various point in the At lantic state. The scarcity of old hop l vxea tor than It has been In many year as will, lie seen 113- an exatnln- tlon of the eondRhjn of the eastern market. A late New York trae publicntlon has "the foHowIng- report regarding the condition' of the hop market: "Tlie improvement iu the tone of the market contiuuts. Advh-os from the IVicific coast 'by wire are to "the effect tliat tlM market there i extitctl. owing to the Iieary iorder scut out for iS'.K) hops from lirtf 011 account; of tin Im possibility of, getting udoiiKK!c 8ttp-plk- in (hi market. Nothing is to 1m had iu Ban F-anetco tnider 7(fi V there. There continue d considoraide Inquiry jor 1S!J crop hex. The supply is said to lie shorter rha n in tlie past twuiy flve yoars at this time. Tlio etitbre sia-te f Xcw York, aeeonling to con-eni-tlve estiiiKfe, has not at the ouijiitle over "Jm liale. while Pacific cit"t linps hj'e m;tU to he very hard lo ot-rtlti sr 1)ie roawn 11 Hit the few wlliioh rwrtam m the t'nKt jnre cou tioHo'l fry rm bolder. nio;t of who!ii nMllttiig to sell; at presut prices. "The sjjjjt-iwsirket close ! very firm an '1 T tlio 'wlioie 'Jftf.'r lienor than two week ago. -Cable Jtt.r 'to band rejiort that. pnisHt are worse ilran nt last sdvloo, 'Hie crop on the icoiH Inept 1 estimated at a tifth les than that of kir year, while the English crip 1 t-stluinted by soino at Ki.oiki old duty r 4HM'n hundnvl weiglrL iany put thartXtop t notxpver 3i.tn old duty orUUX0 humdril weight, while the consumption in England ainoimfs an iually oi tfil " hnmlro'1 we'glit. Heal ers generally expros confidence that Jri-es will rule sonic wlrciit: higher than last year, but jnwt Imiw great an ad vance there will lie depends upon crop development lietween tin prose'nt and har-oKt time. I Is retmrted fnun up tJie istate that one 'country house is bidding 15c lo grower for contracts. New York srtale, IWO. hoh-o, nomleal, 'i:Vfi 1."V; prime. - 1 1i.vd1.uU: mtslium, JWilIcJ IStiS, 5fri0c: olds. 2nc; Pacific c Jt. 1K. choice. VMil'w. prime, 1 1 GlV.; medium. JXJfl.lc; JS!8. M?Sc; olds. 2ff?Gc; Cerman, rtc. crop of ISO), 35 ft -1 tic." Parties In this cWy liave received from Morrl Terry, a hop dealer in Waterville. Now York, a letter-throwing some light iion it he condition of the hop nvarket in that state a well a the ref of the world. Below are given extract frtnu the letter: ."We had a iig crop 'last yar. Ore gon had 80.0110 bales. California oo.nno. and New York oo.ntxi. making in.au 2o.VKti. Englflfid tilsi had a large crop over 000.000 lnindretl weight and for all of that the niark-f Iki not Ihou so sliort of hops In twenty-five year. This tost Tvngland estimates her crop at .400,000 huudred weight. The cm tlnrist ha less than kit yonr. , Tlie Pacific dors and New York state one- Sdrd hss than last year. If those are fact. Enrland will want more than New! York tate will prodiw-. ,Wlth the present outlook hops ought not lie sold -for le than .'' cent. Onr grow er are (wiling iom enrlr ones at ISc ami I am ofTerlng 15 cents tiut can not buy nt that prh-e. If the grower .-an not pet n paying price for their crop thi year, the 1st tldng ttHy can 00 i to plow up their yard and go to raising sometlihig they can ell with out so much loss. Hop started Jn to blight ntty bad. but a. cold rauu came and checked It. The condition of -the hop gardens In Euglaud 1 not h good as was expect ed la, the eaxller part of the h-.isou. T1m lark I-aue Expross. of b'wfcui. mKlor date of Ausrust 13th. has the following rcrts from the hop dis tricts un.ler date of August 11th, indi catins a wad atnte of atTalrs: "Canterbury Tho bi cop iKimIs to fa41 nhort of prerioo rooicra4e esti mate. The gales have done a great auiouu't of fttlshef. ami much of the bine Is IrretrleTably bruised. Mould, too, U very prevalent at places. A warm, even tetni?rature Is Igreatly neishnl. Wor res t er T tie succession f heavy galew turn done far more danwge than was anticipated, the branches ami burr liefng lirokeii off or lireised materially, and growers' reiorts to. lay ere much more gfciomy than last week. Tlie cold wet weather haseotne at an an fort th nate time, and given a severe, check to the plant, when fine hot weather akme cold bare derHol the partial crop expecteLI'nIes favourable weather follow there will lie only a very small crop, and many yards are unlikely to the East for Sale. of the World Indicate a Shortage Advance -England Will Have Naif Crop. reiver. Business fc rstrl-tl by. the small supplies and higher price de manded for tiie hops on offer today. ; "Tlie report, from our hop planta tions are uot so favourable this week, a great -ileal of damage Iki been done by the rough winds, and thf burr is not devehiping properly owing to the cold wet weather. Hot sunny day with wanner night are now required, ami unless we get these k-.hiu our crop will .lie reduced considerably. There J very little trade doing, but price are very firm." j ; "Kent The 'outlook at the time of writing is gkjomy in the extreme. !.ile has sue-eeded gale. A 'riienomonnlly low temperajuro for.tlie time of year, and rain falling practically every day, must tend toj reduce -the crop to a very appreclablt extout quite twenty iier cent. Ie fthjnn the estimatfHl growth of, ay a forjt night ago. Where wash ing was rem rted to early and in'rsist ently kept up there is a fair amount of bine, but in many pbues very "bliml." On rhe of her lin-nd. the neglected gar dens .have 1 iltogethor gone to', the "wall." T lore never was a greater disjtat'ity 1 'tween the wo11-w:nld hops and tli e that have had Mi take their chance Picking must, under the circumstance, lie late, and many gar dens in Ihlsjdistrict will never have a bin put in teem. All have been bruis ed and knoj-kd aliout to that extent that it i hnjiossiblo to ases the'daiii- agi wrougiii. "London bieough).:, August loth. Messrs. W. H. and II May. hifp factor. 7 Urough High lreet, liu- don. S. E., reHirl: The damage done by the wet I weather liows up .more iwiw that we ilnive some Mtuishine and the brubnil burr U drying up and dropping oft Mild the prospect tolay is cert. -1,1 nly rot- rather Jos man nair or last year," f Not from the Yails. In the vlHnlty of Butteville 'tiie gpower arf very active 111 prep.irttirf for 'the picking season which will I jo- gin in a few days.' Nearly alLwill lie at work next Monday while inany will 1egiii tlio (alter part of this wiek. Pick its Hii vk teen -ngaged In many In ftan-es ami are now on the 'ground ready for j-ork. The prevailing price in this fsecjkin la Co cent a box for picking. I Hort Bros, iwho tinve two largo vard. one a few miles north of thfet city and the other near Iudejendence. will comnn'jnce picking; with Hum pick er next .Monday, reptemtie.r ..a. Thus yard are reorted to i In -x- ceileiit "onlitlon antl a largo yield i promise!. 1 I. Hops continue to thrive, nu grow ers all aro unanimous in looking for a big 'yield. f.v Iho Hillsboro Argus. The hop louse, so far, Iki done little or no hfirni. and the weather has lieeh favorabh for devclopmeiit. Many vard will fonimetH-o ph-khig within ten day or t wo weeks, and some earl ier. PiV-kors aro exMcting eighty cent's (nor humlredi this year, and in all lik.-lMiood they will get ,thH much, if ml more. ' , . In -the Gilbert & Patterson yard near Lincoln seventy five pickers lieg.Hr the work of picking thirteen acres" of early hop yesterday liMirniiig. Jiml they ex prt to finish -the yard by Thursday. Tlie hops Jn this yard arc in excellent rconditi-oii, free from 4ii-c, and promlao a. comparatively heary yield.. Tliere are tliJrty-two acres of , later hop in the same yard, which will lie ready for nicking by Monday or Tuesday of next week. Other yard in the Ma me nelghliorhood arf nearly Teadr for tlio nicker, ami all promino n yield of ex illcnt qiiiility. Forty cent per lix 1 paid m that setloii. T Two lion' contracts were yesterday, filed at the eortrt honse. at t and l ,-cuts ier 'pound, ripectlvely. n fol lows: 1 M rs. I. T. Ikinney. T. L. ' Howiey snd Ira rnntiey, of Hnbbarrt. to IL J. Miller lo.tum pound of hop, al cents per pound 4 V rents to tie ad raneel for plcklngj purKss. 4ohn T. LUisn. or Oerrnis, to Mc Klnley Mitchell. isitin.ls of tho crop of hos "grown on the V. Manning place near Oervai. If' cents a kmiiiI. 3 cents to 1 advancd on' Septenilier 1st for picking pttrposes. T0WSK ON THE STUMP IIEJKCTEI SILYEIMTE -TALKS FOU THE FUSIOMSTsl' He Attacks Attempts tlw AdmiuistraHon 1 to Answer Govenior Iloosevclt. 1 1 1 ml DCLimi, Minn.. Aug. 27. The largest gathering to listen to a politi cal speci'li that ever assembled in Iu Inth. cscurrcil thi evening at tlie arm ory, when -Hon. Charles A. Towue ofiened the -ramisilgn In a lenstby ad dress In wlddi be replied tt the recent speech of Governor lCoo.eveJt. deliver ed at St. Paul tt tlie occasion of the National Convention of the Iague of 1 1 tepubl b an Clubs, ami he arraigned itlie Ad ml rtst rat kin's iwllcy in tlie j riiHippine. The speech, which will be used as a campaigu document, i consldereI a Towue' greatest -jHdrt leal effort. Town will Ravo Tinttday or Wlue d.ty for Idaho and other western points to enter actively into the work of the campaign. " j ENDpItSEH- STEVENSON. ; A lliUago. Angj At a metlng of Um l,ple" Party1 Natiomil Commit - '... t... .1. ...;.. ..a 1.... M . 1 A. Towue. a the Vice-Presidential iKmiiHi for the partj", was -accepted, and tho nam of Adlal E. Stevenson wa put In hi dac. Thi ri"ult wa cbtaiiiol after a long debate. But one lst vote wan taken. A motion wa made to cndor Stevenson. For thi motion. Washburn, of -Massachusetts, moved s a substi tutor that u Populist Ih placoil UIkui the ticket. The Mile Htitute wa 4ost by a vote of 21 aye to 71 nay. Tho original motion wa thou adopted by a viva vikv vole. There were 1-1 nieuilnr of the coui-mittiH- present -or reprcstutetl by proxy.- I v H4D A Ml KILLING THI P. AWFUL EXPEUIENCE OF A MAN IN ALAKA WILDS. WO- Alone and Ijost for Motitli She Float- til Down u Hirer on a Haft and Wa Saved. SEATTLE. WasFJ.. Aug. -'T A thrill ing trip down the Koyukuk river re cently fell to tho lot of Mr. Hewitt, wife of a Chicago' physician, now at Nome. Alone and lost for month In the dreary waste, she - managed to reach tin Yukon liver on a log raft. There he wa renom-d by. the river steaiiMT HiUinah, plckl up and eut to Nome, to 'her husband. Mrs. Hewitt left (Chicago two j year ago. When, she rt-acbod Nome she gav out com pletely and is a total physical wreck. VETERANS IN ENCAMPMENT The Greatest Gathering of Survivors of the Civil War 18 NOW BFJN0 HELD IN L'HICAUO The Veterans of the Kavy.Ricelved the Cheerg Vctterdftf Urjaa t Will Not He There. CHICAC.O. Aug. f.-AccMidiug to the estimates of tlM railroad ofUcfal, this evening, fiilly 4r.mm ld Kohlier had arrived and that :iihi,iio other ex- cursionrist had -onie with them to at tend the National Eiicainpnieiit if tho ti. 'A. H. It Is expocbMl th.it there will bo rm.tmtt additional arrival by tomorrow morning. (ieneral Brnfg, of Wisconslu, said today that 1-lookisl to w, tomorrow the greatest. -' nuiiihcr of old Hohlier that had inarched at one time lieuoatU I In-Stars and-StriMs since the mem- 0111 Idc review; In Washington at tho close of the CiVil War. The first day of tlw encainpiiient wti one of ideal iK-autj-, In marked i-ontrast to the hot ami huiniil week that have pn-.cded it hioe the first; day of August. Tho right of tlio line on the iieiiing day wa given to the men who sailed t Iu sin during llioicivil war. Tho olner hig loda'y- wa all for them, and all honor wen theirs. Tin army will come to It own tomorrow. Tls -heroes 'id! 'the .river n'd sea of the Civil " War are a small band now. Of the l.'W.twm men enlisted In tin navy In the days' of the war, less than Hum marched today, and It. 1 agreed by old saikir that their iiuinlier wa gt cuter In tho march loday than It will ever be in any parade .to come. i Hit YA N ST A YS A WA Y. -Chicago, Aug. TT.-W. J. Hryau ha followed the example of J'residiut Mc lx ill ley 'ami dclind to be a visitor at tl:. NutioiMil KiM-ainpliMut f the i. A. It. Ho thi aftern6ii. siiit a uhhk'' to tho executive committee 1n chargo of tho encampment, saying; 1 ' . 'Sinco rrilh'iit McKltrley I detain-etl- by pnt'lic tiusim, 1 iH-lk'Ve that Ill rif(ilkHrLMl rfrf 4lia fi'i iM I.iiirl ftj! that I als-i . Wliu, and relievo tie; reunion of any apiarauce of partl-saiislil-i." A JAIL miKAK. III 1liCf. Mont., Aug. 27. A whole sale Jail delivery occurred be re Sun lay morning. rirlie on the outside pried off a vIndor liar and oimiioI the cell with skeleton key. Frank Wosl stock. an allegl horse thief; Hick JoIiiimoii.: a 4wlf-lrel, who taMed a Whit man at Jolk-t hvt wek; Tinkler, an alleged forger, and John-WHhiim, alia Walden. wantd at Clayton. N. AI., for cattle stealing au I jailbreaklng. -apel. It Is upiMHd the four mit hare gone into WyMiiUi to Jin the "Hole In the Wall" gang of denwr adoe. This I the third time the jlil has l-n opened from the outside with in two years.' for t, write for It. die for 1t, do every thing except live for It. Colton.j Tlds said old earth -mast liorrow -mirth . It Iras troubles euough of Us own. 1U