WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1900. SIN Published every Tuesday and Friday ' ' by the. " " ': ' ' STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. 2G6 Commercial St, Salem, Or, R. J. HENDRICKS, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, in advance..... ...,.. $i oo Six months, in advance... 50 Three months, in advance..... .,.$ 25 One year, on. time. .......... ..?! 25 The Statesman has been estab lished for nearly fifty years, and it lias some subscribers who have received it - nearly that long, and many who have read it. "for ,:a generation. Some 01 these" object to 'having the paper dis continued at the time of expiration of their subscriptions. For the benefit of these, and ior other reasons, we have concluded to discontinue-- subscriptions r.iily when notified to doso. All per sons paying 'when subscribing, or pay ing in advance,, will have the benefit of the dollar rate. 'Bat if they do not pay for six months, the rate will be $1.25 a year. Hereafter we will send the pa per to all -'responsible persons who or- iler it, though tirey niayijnot send the money, with the understanding that they are to pay $1.25 a year, in case they Jet the subscription account run over six months. In order that there may be no misunderstanding, we? will keep this notice standing at this place in the paper, suDscninKRS desiring tub ad. t - j die- of their paper changed must stat the; nam of their former postofrice, a well as of the o-Tlce to which they wiah the paper changed. WOOIt WANTED. SulfscrilH-rs intending to pay the Si.ilewinan In -wood will please haul thtf same as early as jiossible. We can . u some ide oak and some small tir. i IT MUST NOT UK. If you will follow t-he eastern shore of lit" U;icilic frotu UaiM' IIorn U .Maska and its western shn-e from I'f'iiriug sirait to the Malay peuinsuhi and Australia you will pas niy coiinv tries that are iu their infancy in de velopment. The great .development V the future imit t;ike place :ilng tin? whores of the 1'aeilh- and csjKt'iaIly in .ia. Here wil? Iw found the great market for the surplus products of the rest of ih world. Already there are l wo anil a half billion . doljaix worih" of 'merchandise passuig1 anuii.-iliy Ihroiigh the fiorts if the ; I'acifie. bnl tin devi 1 .pui lit of thi :i tr;:d has only fahly I .f;i(.aii forty years a;;o had n i-hiis: j Hieree WIlM t ! oilisxl; oiil Coi.-HV J atit-cly siM-aklirg, but today her "fnJ- clgn trade aiMounis every year i ' nmif than til millions.. India sixty j-ears ago- had a trade v!lh foiciirii cfiMfrh's f 7:t milli'Mii. but now it exceed? '.r.n iniiiion-H ami growing' lasi:r Jhau at any other lie! led' of its history. Sdrt-ria wi ria w itl) its new rail mail reaeh te yai-mc will give au itnitti-: lit;: lb to the de ctopiltclit of lilts at b-rri- torywhieh will sih.m ls-couie tin? borne of millions in par; ii;ate in 'the tl'ltle of tile UaeJiie. . . (ll'!i.l V ill will In- OJM lied lip to tilt" pr whicts of ivilv;a;'!oii; radro.id will lrav'ff:e- -cry part it" !e-r vast tif nhtin an! Iri.g d.v, 11 to ili s'fircis of the l'aciiic iume'iKe stores-of wealth iu ri liaiiT, for our products. Tie Hmunevee with I'hiii't's Htt.OHij. it Miph must ). enormous whejn fully h lojK-d. Wl.e-lher we sh;ill have our part of this trade dejnds upon the ih-isiou of the peiple next .N-.vcnit-r. If vre ptve tsp our tctrl'ory in lL.e (uicut as J'ryin has philtil his party to ijl we lose our optnirt 'unity- to cemm.Hid our jnirtiou ef this vast commerce. ' It i pl.tuily to the disadvantage of iite nation to place Itrvau at the head of Few thing are so deprestng and wealccn- lng as a constant cougn l ew things are as n- couraging as a cough that will not yield to treatment. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery enres coughs when all ether medicine fail, lcatise it is more than a cough medicine. The cough is but a symptom. " Discovery " makes new and pure blood. hels the lacerated tissues, and gives the body the nceilel strength to throw off disease. It cares the cough by curing the mnse of the cough. There is no . alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor other narcotic in the Discoverv." Si - I hd a lerribie cowgh orarthinK cmrr a year ao aad cnoM bad nolhinu to nop U. or er?q to do rae partn lr of jrooil." writnt Mr. t. M. Fair, cf Catneroa. Scieven Co., Ga. . " I cianctxt to ace an ndrfnirnifiit of votirs. and fnTtb-rith ' boujrht a hottl of roar invaluable Gotlrt Ated ical liiwirrt .' jirUvrc I bad taken balf a bot 4i I was entfrrly wrtl. ti 5. Dr. IHerce's Medical Adviser, in paper covers, free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing pnlv. Ad dress Dr. fe. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ' 6 ; I,,, " Terrible; (Sough. mVWl affairs while advocating such a dam- atrinz and danceroos policy. -He must fir? defeated. His election would mean a halt In the nation's progress; It would moan disaster to our trade wjth lire Orient, and would seriously; re- l a rd t Ue development of t he Paeillc 4-uist. . -' , . -. - "' ' - - - FROM A VAC;E, BA RXEIE.1 F Tlie following letter was received at this -office yesterday;. . V . 4 h ': : Saletn, Ore Aug., 10(H) J Editor Statesman: I Iear Sir:-I wish to call your atten tion to au editorial in your issue- of .tug. J 1th. entitled, Vages and Cost of Living." i ' I shall say nothing regarding your htgic or want of logic, but I simply call your attention to the following ticrures , which appear iu that article. You say that "from 1H to 17, with two ami a half years of the Iriujrley ranff-to help things along, the -savings banks deiosits increased from 1tl.7474;l.a'-to .' wc4.- Since- titer.- is hut aIout rXKI.fUXK (mn In money of all kinds in-the I'll i ted States, how is it 1hat the wage earners ha vo more money 011 deiosit than there Is money in "the United States? The wage earners are look ing at figures quite as much as you editors, and when yon give us figures rive us some explanation of them. jThe wage earners don't take their ni.edi'iti without knowing what it is li-fore they take it. ,A V.'ACJK EAKXKR. We presume that if our would-be ireastic friend who signs himself "A M'agi. Earner" were a farmer and had 11 hundred loads of hay, he would v ant a hundred hay racks to haul it v i;h. If ho had a thousand bushels ijf wheat, he would want two thous and half buslel measures to measure i with. If he were a merchant and ) ad a thousand yards of calico, pre sumably he would require a. thousand yard iticks to measure it with. The statcntcnt of the correspondent is admitted. Tin-re are only altout two thousand nfillions of "money" of all kinds in the United States. We furt l'r and tell our eorres linl iit -that there is not that much real money in the United Slates. Not half that much. The money of redemp tion of the United States -and .the rest of the commercial vurld is gold. This is the primary money, tlie measure of v.-iiui. There are only a 1 tout eight hundred millions of gold money iu the United Stales. The oilier twelve hun dred millions of "money'' is not money in 1 he strict sense. It is made up of representatives of money, silver and patter and fractional inoncv of j a!Jy."- Tlii." inHvc hundred million.! of ;o ali d motiey is only j token1 inrii! y. . It t.i.-s fr money, only be-. ca!.-ii- i is rctl-'cnicil iu gold on ih-j n-i:d. or based m I lie vallH jof gold' npe, or on the value of grains of gold in wcild'oi" the standard lin IHtS. So the vng earners of lot Stales l':'.Ve lo their credit United in tli' nearly is rc- s:iviig: lianas of thisxcotiHtry ihici' liiin-s as nincii Value as resctiteil by all the money of ultimate rcdi-iMpl ion in the country. Aid ev ery doll:! r if it is payable in col ,n ri 111:1 ml. or when due- according to contract. And iill, very Utile- of i-vcii this eiiiht huiidred millions of Uifd ever sees the liht of d.l.V. About S'.-JT.KM" . or over one fourth or it. is locked up iu l!ie treasury vaults of he federal (lovrnmeut. Most oi the la!a-e is iii the bank vaults f New York and the other big, cities. Some ten to ttfteeii millions of it cir culiiis occasiouaUy from hand to ham" on I'll l'aciiic cast. Iitile of it is seen outside of bank and treas ury vaults in any other part of the country. Nearly all toe people of this country are wage earn-rs. New.spapet editors are nearly all wage earners, and they generally earn all the wages tltey yet. Think. -of the enormous ttal due to waj;e earners from the railroads of this country, with their l(S!i,.'UX miles of lend! Of tlie auionuis. running up intt tin thousands of -millions, from the building and Joan associations? Of tln life insurance ivnipanies! Of the mutual insurance association all un-r the country Tlie foreign commerce takes two thousand :iiil':oits a year. 1 he public debt of the Lulled Mates in iiver two Shoiif.'iud million. '11 ic liabilities of the national banks aggre gate live thons.'sud million. The clearing house business of the l ulled Stales for the wix months eiel ing with June auiountid to forty-fhre thunnand millions of dollars, and yet only u very wnall proMrtioii of these eight huitJrcd millions of dollars lit gold was usitl in thes transactions. The gold remained In the bank vaults. The "money' for the bal.tno-s was mostly made up of pajM-r representatives,-, and iTicse amounteil to only ttve to eight per -cent of the total suin. The ri'st was .merely a transfer; of figure. Merely a system tf lsok keeping. The clearing house business for the singh inoiiili of June aggre gated m'Vcii ami a half thousand m.l Hons of . dollars and Lin? gold re uiaiiied in its hhlderi phices In the dark vaults. . v I . : tedd, the primary money, in unTely a i ii'asure of value and a store of value., one dollar Js a yanl stick of value that may ineasure n million different transactions. It is nt U.-41I up by 'being; passed .'from Ita ml to hand, or nrore often, transferred'' 011 the ledger pages of the lsok keeisrs. It is worth just as niucli after meas uring a million transactions as ir it had only just leeu dug " out of the Isjweld of the earth ; aad had tlie official stamp of its weight ''and fineness, ami therefore . of Its 'value, put upou it in the mint. ' : ; ' . .; This store and measure of value is Iteing added to enormously in. the United States. Although a very small proportion W- of the W.UOtUiOO worth of -gold now" In. the country is in actual circulation from hand to hand, some $73,twO,JttQ a year Is beiug added to It from our mines being 'piled up In the vaults. The sav ings bank J depositors use very Tittle of this gold. They do upt tee the gold. 1 1 would earn them' nothing if hid awsiv. They wafit merely patter rep resentatives of i1s value, to deiosit and bear theni interest, or to pass ou to others for. the necessaries and. com forts of life. Not only are our mines adding to the store of actual gold, but our manufactures and agriculturaj products are adding enormously to our credits in other countries, which are iiayable in gold on demand. The excess of our exports orpr our im ports for l.V.iS. is; to and Woo, three years to June "JO, were $l,..77S.7Sn. The wonderful significance, of these figures may be. the-: better realized wlreii it is stated that the total ex cess of exports over inqwrts for the whole period from 171) to June o. 117. was only $'&i,m),iV2. We trust that our correspondent will not allow any one to scare hint with the notion that these savings bank depositors are going to draw out all the money in the United States and put it hi their pockets and thus im povcrisdi the rest of the people! This seems to le the inference he wishes drawn from the fact which he has discovered. The dealers seem anxious to take care of the hop growers this year. This is a gowl sign. The! main thing iurst of the growers need.: however, is a good price lor their, iroduct. It would sit-in that the great news agencies ought to give more reliable information from (,'hina than has been coining from tlmt country. As sou as 4 he campaign gets f:i under way, we will realize that the liars ate not'in China'. irly all COl'VliKiliT l. SPKKCIIKS. A novel' and curious case iu copy right is that dcchhsl by tin- House of Lords in favor of the London Times. There is m otiicial publication of the sie cl:es in I'ai liainenf corresponding with ll-c I'oiigrcssiona! Kecotd and the 1-higlish new! aj.i t s employ their own .t !tog:aph ts to -make s'lclr repj'fs a tlii-.v ri'"iiiii-. In this way the Times some year ago. rejfori-.d in exlcnso a number of h-ading speeches' by Lord ltosi bery. . Sulis .-qtieiitly publisher, with the Carl's pej. mission, uride tip a volume of his sin-eci-es. I'o- i-au'pa'gn purposes, using the text Hat had bei-u printed in t hi" Loudon Tillies. The newspaper, which had taken tiie prcc.i ;it ion to enter its reports for copyright, .brought suit for in fringe-1 tin-til, asking an iujttuct ii.n on the sal -of the pei-ciies. v.hi;h it claiiu'il as its property. Naturally (his proiH-rty" right was ih-iiii-d. and the a lgu.iie'it on the jim' raised ail maune;- f ab stract it;estinus uiu tin' nature and jim poses of copyright. It was carried -through all the courts and ib-c'dcd against the claim of the rcMH-ler. The Times took a lin.il appeal to the I louse of Lords, which has reversed the de cision of the Court of Appeals and given the conclusive 'judgment in fa vor of t he Times. According to our American theory oT copyright, as founded on "Ihe nat ural dominion which- every one has over his own ideas," this semis to as sume ihat the reporter is tin author of the ."speech. Jis som. -limes m iloidit he is. though waively in this .case. It will lie observitl that Lotil KoselK-ry's rights in the matter do not enter into consideration. As the Jrd Chancellor observed, "each rciHrier is ciititktljo his owu.reiMirt" and then- might bi as many i-opyrights as rcportcri. Pre sumably, if Koril Itosi-lH-ry wished to keep control of his ideas, he should haie provided his own tejxnter and thus M-cored his iipyright. Having tailed 'o ilo so. it was ojk-ii to tin Times repot er to obtain the owner ship of hi i ch.. Tonl Ilalsbury's view of copyright being that it "Is given by xatute to the lirst priMluccr of a liook." We do not Ih-Im-x e this would bold in the courts of lln Unib"! Slates. They might decide th.nt a public -man who, has i:ttere. h's iditis, without previ ously '-securing them, has d'slicatitl theni'to the pnblh- and lost any ex-j cltortve control; but that tln-y would recognize tin' right of another to pick up his words and make them his own prejsTty. we doubt, even in the face of the IIousi of Itrds. Copyright' is nei-e-sKarily depend'-nt on statntis, and1 whlh the Unglish law. has bad In view n ainly the - property rights of the pub lishers or owner, the aim on this ulde, has !stn the protci-tion of 5the author or creator of Ideas, rather than of the mechanical agency ' through-Which t hey j w fre prmn ulga ted. i T1m sulject. Wwevcr, Is intricate ut I -st . and in the precise form ia which it was em iNwlhl in this case the question. Is not likely to aris here. T T'resident MeKinley has done the projier thing In China; and kept on doing It." its ihe events jirove and as evn bFs i'iolitical enemies will have to acknowledge. And.lt is very fortu- uare that this jrouutry has a man with such a cool head, broad mind and sympathetic heart and a man with suVh "experienced statesmanship and practiced diplomacy, at the head -of its government . to meet file difficulties that will now arise beyond the PaeilSe. They are large hi comparison wlth the questions of policy and action that have up to this time confronted the Administration. - ; - Says the Saa Jose Mercury:' "The business of supplying the otM) horses, forage, commissary ami quartermas ter's, supplies .to fill the ten. steamers to be sent 'to San Francisco by the tlerman government is not going to lw a small matter. This Is all extra bush uess brougHT here because of the Chi iiese war and is in addition to the extra business of our own ami of other foreign . govenwiK'Uts result iiig from the tsame cause.' - iManHa is iu a position to 'become the clearing house for the commerce of Asia just as Liverpool Is or Ku roie. Shall we govern it 4ud -.its-trade or sliall we pull down the" nag and leave it to Ik plundered by Aguin aldo and hr band of pirates as ltryan prooses to. do? I Unless all signs fail the coming Ore gon Slate Fair is going to ImvihucIi thv. biggest and liest ever held 111. Oregon. The interest manifested In the insti tution, all over Oregou is remarkable. It was. great news that ca lire out of I'ekin on Friday. irent news for the civilized world in general and the United States jn part icitiar, and Hie I'acltie coast still more iu particular. The Aurora "Ihirealis"' thinks ihe price for picking fixed b- the Uulte vi!h'lop grow'ers picnic. :J5 cents a Imjx, will generally! ' prevail? if . it doi-su't rain. :;sTrarc cf OiaJrar-nt ; for t atanh la ccmr.iJi JScrcurr, ca mirrurv v.t'l purc'y t:ctroy tt!5 stfc- c' Mnt il an-t cpmpit c5 r i-rsj: go l;.i ".vbc.: . yeU ir whrn cntrrirR it.t'jrcn.b jthc. wucoiib surfaces. Such article phoylj never tc r.scl crccrt on pTispriptions from tnu- blc j.-hv.ic!aim, as tht daipacc tticy will ?- ten- fr Id to the pn! yv ran iiosetbJy U-rivt! from ijciu. Jlilt's ,'atarrt; Cure, manufacture! bv J. t'hi-r.ey & Co Toledo. O., contain o roi rcnry and 19 takr'n iriicoi: surfaces of tbciRveif m. In tuvir.i- Iff! Catarrh Cure be Biire-ou eret.hc penuinci tl is lakrn lutornally and is made in Toledo, Ohio, Jby F. J. tJhency & Co. .O'cstimonials ffe. ajr gold by Urucciiit, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pi!l arc tht bcit. AX IX EXTOKS fiOOO LUCK. Marion. Ind.. Aug. 1. -William E. Heal of this city has made a discov erv Ih'il will pnoiaiily -bring hitn a !.irie fort litre :u:d which promises to solve the . pt'obieni of (purifying ; ihe j .streams of -(m liana that are being pol li?Jed ly refiiM and joids fiom mills a-nd fa-fcorhs. The jj.-ime- nsh itl nearly ail tiie rivers ot Indiana have t ...... 1 ; 1 1 . w 1 , ...:it. -ill n ' 11 . 1 iui .-t. u u'i ,1.1.1 1 been poisoned and -oficiisive iM-lors I floor some-'of the rivers Ii.ive caused injunction preen oings to lie iilcd ag.liitst several tuatiufaci urers. The health otin-crs ami trsli eommissioiiers l ae been trying to solve the pDbh.'di for several years without s.uccess. i A plant was erected by Ilea! which! was -devised to prevent, ihe pollution; of streams ly etilirJiig lli- ;i!r m tctial. Most of litis waste from th tuills cotitains sttlphttric acid. , Jinii j with lleal's method i1 was foimd lff;it the refuse i-otiid Ie convcttetl !i!to lltie vitriol or copiH-ras. and bit stone. The copperas can-be marketed at per ton. while the blue- siott brings per ton. U now rearing a rich harapnt. Meillciil utatla- tic comjUe1 by the 'oert ptij-iiclti3 of the vrorlil bow that y-r ni'vty per c-nr of tli r-ncra of aoqatrod CO.NSL'MPTIOM are .It.B ;o UA CKJPPH. There it're rt'j other point of WfAkneaa, Refer to tlie inimberi on tht . chart. Study rmrh one eare futljr. Familiarize you rae. f Willi them. If yon have nn attack of LA GRIITE tln tba n.o of IU lVA as anon aa th arvle atmptoma Hare anbata4. IIt'lV.?H will brie about Uia reittfraltoa to perfect licaltti. The Parts Affected Arc: I. THE rtUCOC'S riErtBRANU LIMNJ run back rtmTJor op the No?c.-itt eomea luSamed ar4 thtclsenefl, umI ClironH Catarrh la the remit. IIJIYAX will red ne tha Inflammation, and leave the muroiia raii brane In a perfectly healtbr iwuditton. . fTHn CAR DRb'M) TMB V.PGOtJS mnMBRANB OF THE EAR-It becopo-a In flamed aat thickened, Kirinir ri So a!fn-.f total deafnf. fIL'IVA will prerent Ihe pread of the Inflammation. The urn m will not be affected and bearln wJU be unimpaired. . CHRONIC TONSIUT1S, OR CHRONIC SORE THROAT-Froin the aem cauaa a the two precedinf. HCDYAX will preveat lit nnlnf on. r- 4. WEAKNESS IM THE HEART. H V f--TAX will atrencthen the heart nerrea.equalixe tbe rtmilaUon of Wood, and cnnie th heart beatf to become atnma and repnUr. S-. A WEAKENED CONDITION OP THB LOWER LOBES of THE LONOS IIlOVA X will canne the. ln( tiaaae to become atrong ad boaJthjr. . -. ! . -. -" '' 7. LU-r1BAaO.OR WEAK BACK-Iirn-. TAX will atreatctbeti It olmott Immediately. HCDYAX will euro alt of the above ayrnp aoma and leara yonr whole ayctem In perfect eondltion of health. So to yonr dmxict at once and procure a package nf HITM YAJV. for CO eenta, or aix package for F2.M. If yonr drorciit doea not keep it, aend direct to th TUL" O V A X KKNF.DT COMPASi V.Pao rraaclM-ft, Cat. Remember that jrou ran connu :t the II II OTA X WCTORH PRKR. Cait nd aea th doctor. Yon stay all and ae then or writ, aa y dair. Addreaa Huyio Ktmtiy (oropnjr Cornv Stoctt9tir Market tint lli$ Strta, aUM rRANCZSCO, CAU LA QRIPPE i4 WITH KUnilER-TIREp W1IKELS. A Large , Number of the City's I'ire "".ApimtU3 Now, Thus liiuipped. The latest apparatus In the New York Firei -iM-partiuent is to le pro vided with rnber-tired wheels Is 111 triH k at, fire headquarters. Last Wsty scventh street, near Ttdrd avenue, inention of which was nnule -twently ia the uu. This Is tlu tirst truck in the dcita rtnient thtw -H;iiip.l. There are, however,, hi Manhattan and tiie l'ron.1 iucluding .-one "engine not thus actually ctiuipiu'd, but which soon will Is, and including the department's new-electric light engine, twelve in giii.'s with rubber-tired wlnv-ls as fol lows: 4; engine, d-dar street; JS Last Fifty-first j' set reet. near Third avenue; l'J William street, near Fearl; l.'j. Wooster -si ritt. near spring; 17. Lnd lovv stieet, near Spring and In the same house, the electric light engine; 2:5. West! Fifty-eight h, street..' near I.ro:ilway;1.'5. Iryat Jones stieet near Lafayette! place; '. Fire Ileadnuar tcrs. Last Sixty-seventh street, 11. ar Tlrird A venue; .13, East ll'th stieet near -Third avenue, and ."s iu West KIghty-tldrd street near Col u minis av('Rc. ! The truck with its men 'aboard weighs, about six torts, the 'engines weigh about five tons.' Originally two engines wire equipped with ruhber tirod win els exper!iiKiititlly. As a re sult of these experimental trials the department has had. every now engine in litis since bought equipped with ruli ler I ires. The tirst engine thus eqnip-Ih-iI was '23. in IS'iT. At lirst the tires were made of a uniform size ou all four wheels, the ruhlur tK-ing iihouf three and a half inches across the base wi'hin the channel -of lle steel tire iu wfch h it is held. Now the tires are maihijhree and a half inches on ihe front and four upon the rear wheels, iijou which two-thirds of tne weight of the apparatus Is earrVd. Tlie additional cost of an engine ouipicd ; with ruliUer-tireil wheels is froih J?4tii to Jt.o. a-eordins to the s;.e of ihe tin's usjnI. The advantage are, first,; a great economy in the tn.it-t-.-r of reKisrs; 'here is ;'ar less wear and tear on au apparatus isruippcd w;th rul!wi-l 'red w heels, and going less often to the slop, it Is. of course, niore cont inttously in' commission and so affords in greater tneatisiv the pro lection that is designed to give. The 1 1'hlier 1 pred engine is much more p -r-fectiy inii'l-r control in going to and fiom f;re: the driver knows just what be can do with it. He can. for in stance enter and leave railroal tracks with facility and certainty: he knows that 1 he, rear wheels will not slide on the rails, b'.it will - follow the front v I't-i-lf as thi-v would onlinany. With (Jie eniiHte tiiiis under perfect corn Is les ilanger of collision matid iliefi vviih eiifvalid pillars, or other fixed SINCERITY OR TtiE SWORD t i I EiiiP .ifOT III Mil k -A u t k i li 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4tl itIlikl is V'Slil iT--J i I 1 i I I l ..v. . m '.A it , , .'!. - . 1 lllllllf llll V W I'm . - 'lifiiiltl! COL. W. W. President McKInley's Special Envoy to the Chinese Court to Settle the Boxer Troubles. , President. McKinley's .object in seiidiu; the fatuous explorer-oT the u i i iit. t'pl. W. V,'. K'iclvllill. to rckiu is to otTer the" alleruative ef -hotieHy r ' ininlsliuieiit to Hiuperor KwatiLr Sit and lb" 1 lnw.-tvi-r Fan press. The .colo'i I lias travefed not only in I'liiu.-i. but. I li rou-ir- Thibet, tin inol dauiy-fMi. iivdiitry in the v.orhl icr a white man. lie converses fluently iu .the prn-.i-i pal t'Siiiie. :' ili.ilit is and undcr.-laiids the' racial characteristics.' coiistriict ion? iiiiiMdmi'etris in l he.: si pi-1 rnblHn- tircil in the si reel, or with that ui'ifhi lef met with And lirenini, like tlu; -apparatus.' I cause it, rule- eaur. - In Itif'Kly anil (.'mens there nre ii'v half a dozen tire engines eipiipped with ltibbt-r tireil wliei s. iiud in thesi. !i oiiirlis iitH.iit twi'nUy iiorw viipui are thus einiipictl. In Manhattan aul The JtpMi.v. it Well as in IbnoUty n ni-.d Uti ens' there iin- eu-zitie eoitii iiii . i-s 'av'Ihs" eitiriucs jir.' iftu'.ppiil willi!cases. ri'ti'M-r-tii cil wheels. white Its nr;e t rivers. a.-oit Is not; ami nti il:-' oll!:-r ha tel there are abo In Hies" Ifironlis ct,;;i- panics having i Imsc wa m wit'i rub-' pn-k 'will exceed one million ,caes. laT-lilicd heels while lto' h:iUii a ill i . 1 1 cn.im. thus i-itiiotw !. 1 i Mani atl.in. ( thk IIKST rKKM'KHTlOA roil MA for example. enL'ine ciitip:i'i.v :'T"s on-1 ' LAltfA. situ- lis not rublior-t'Fed. but it has n ' fiiills mVl lliliotistuns Is a bottle of nibiM'f-tiriHl hose wa;ri:i. As illu-traf-1 JKOVKS'S T'ASTHLKSS t'lllhl' lis' ociHtoniy In the way of repair;- TOXH". It Is simly Iron and t.H'ii-' cs'tlt, ire- front the use of rubber t:ies i,. jt, a tasteless foiiu- No cure, no It is said of this v,ii;oi! that in t h pny. l'riii? oO eetils. Tour yc;:rs it has been lived there has' . - . ihh'u eo isi-asioit to t'Vi'ti sereiv uti a b.it on it. ' The I'rohibit ioliisfs ofMissoUli p.Iri-d l.:wi votes in the rrosh lent Sal election of. IKr-J :iml IT. 1 Trf in ivrV;. They) have raised ?1.1H) for rrohibi- tion work hi that state this year and have noniiiialeil this .ticket: l'o tiov-; -si,;;,!,, ir es :ievent sun.! roJi" a"d crnori fjiaip-s M. ' Stokes. of iexi-o plttiiilinia. the curse of - I . A.i; laeuuiiant-i:rvi rnor. SWiip-:1,,w,.,. zvl,t fiouthern Mn'.T- sou Kly of KlrksvUie: Secretary of ; where there ure no trees the jJate of State; !;, II. l'!ii!ani ir Ncoslmj And-, t(r(. M( oll t,u, and while build-., itor. . .!. 11411 of Kansas City: Jrejis-j ,' jM shinin-i on miow mer.S, S. Allen of St. Jowpli. ami ; Atlorney-i;i ncral. I -.';. AdaiiM of, immtH.r f fon-.-ress iliari't rhtt county. Tlie wer- two can-1 hlU v ; Yorv county -is eiht, iHi'ates for the no,nii.it'-iii of ;v rn- .i: tM. number of ilisiricis partly J' ,cht li. eniK'-s ami ,-niis .o Kly, : The vote for Stokes was io and for .'illy r.7. Prohibit iontsts n:e not . t m oiiuierotis in rr. jdims. LAi:t;in:i Dti:if ; sckyici:. Dublin tViiurre'ratieii i Had a Merry Time at the 'Minister 'Humor. i Religion services in Ireland ttiv not always soleiim, according to the Ktate- meut of nn j English crergyman now on a visit lo this -oimtrj-, The only time I ever heard a i-ongregatiou laugh nnrestrahiedly during the r-gu-hir services in a cathedral," said he, "was back 7a the XOs, when I was a resident of dear, dirty Dublin. Oi one Sunday morning the .archbishop of Cork prea chinl. He was a splendid .lean, an Irishman to the UicklHine, arid iho4siss4h1 of as lijie a brogue an rver distiiiguislrel a wm of Erin. His congregation was made up of the very esse:n-e'of fashion in iMibliu. whicii in those dais was tine of the greatest. . : . 1 . 1. ......it v- . . l.V. peoiW were living loyond tiieir icerins. for the income from the land- -estates of Ireland had taken a big , tumble. ' l'ut That makes' no --difference, and good drissing went as a matter of course and was one of the smallest of the exiravagautx-s. The arcitbishop pn-aeJnil on the subjci-t of extrava gance, ahd spoke iKirtieularly of over dressing1 as a, prerequisite to attend .a nee at church, llis sermon was a Iwrter arraignment of the sin of debi and the wickedness of setting t tor heart 011 fashion and dress. He :it tacked the overdiX"Ssiil wwucii ami " wound up this iKirtlcidar reference this way: -" 'Now. supposin every one of ye - 1 W B a IFl'l . IIUI II (I till O Olllll II, VI11P'( stand up in this church, take o'V Hi, clothes ye have not paid' - for. just walk'in" out with only tlw things - en your luicks ye have paid for a pretty hHkin' lot of sea rescrows yeM !.' "There was a patist' until the real significance, of- the. suggest ion h;:l jH-reoiated tlirough lite inenilicrs ' !..r his con gregat ion, (hen some one uicki-riHl. 'Every one was 'pii-i ttr-ng to hint and herself tin' real scene tlint would occur shojdd the a rclibi.!iep's idea 1m carr'eil into effect.- v.'hHe wife lHked ai husband and ntendiers i-acl) family nudged one auoihoi ludicrous sid; ' was irresistible, tin? laugh was general." The and FASTI XtJ ANIMALS. A horse will live 2." days wittM.iit solid 1'immI. .merely drinking water. A Iieai will go. for six iitouths. wiiile a viper i-nn exist for lo months without tiHtd. A serpent been known to liio'Hhs. Ill COIlll 11CIIK 111 refuse food for li;is 'I SMALL SALMON I'ACK. I ija !i I Placing Fish for IIi.:i vy 1 irders the Artuv. Vr San Francisco. A tig. 17. Although the salmon c:it-h "litis year is sliort. the .Iapa:ie-e l Jo verninont is placlsig. heavy orders iu the local market for salitn.ii to fiM'd its ariny. Men ,i.--(u:-inted .with the salmon -packing in dustry place the shortage ;! . from UVO.'HMI to 73U.OO cases as coltiji.ired ROCKMLL, - wiili last year, aid sis there arc ts cans in a asv. this means that il.'ic wii; be fioiti :;j,;iimihi to :v.nin.nH less cans of saluioii on' the niarket this yif.ir than l:st. 'Aeeordinsr' to 1. I. Levy, preshli-iit Of tlie ('alifnruia rrodtict fompa.iiy. companil with the o.tck of l-'.O linubhi river shows a shortage of i'l. (Ht cases. l'uel SoiiikI llovs a j shorta-re ' r TimtKf. .-ease's. 1-raM-r trivet shorts a s'honajr of Outside of the packs Tie:- total ' IViitiih tolmi.bki dioul i-iiia1 li-' Hack' outsi'lc f year's, Alaska Is 77:;.iH jnes. The Al.i-.ki ;ti:i:i:s mitmiati: M.NV KVIIA ,i t...i j ..r i. .!- ti-v,.v iiiltiir:ife cli- tiwtic lomlitions. and there is n iliHibt they attract mln . showers-. !:ni-s jreneraie ovyj-'en and absorb - - - - - . I Mil. noxious' trast-'S. lorni'ii; a minnai . .' .m.,,,. ,. .,..i... :i of crowded citic. , y.w Yyrk. -but ilHili'ltnn oilier ; u,rv, is two. Kishf I'onjrres.s disfr'a t- : v...v v..i-l- is -i-neor dele-rat ion ., .-, ...ir ' . ti.rnia. Kansas, f Louisiana. Mliinesola, .Mis.si.ssip.ii, N.biaskii or Sniilh t'aro- ; Jina. : '.-' Beari th Signatnrt) f o r o "n x - lbs Kind Voa Haw Alwm rWET-