Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Why, I Can See
As well as ever! I the exclamation of
Iteople for whom we have lilted.
We use cln title method and fan fit
plasss wli-re others have failed.
There is nu expenso for ha via;; your :
eyps tested, and if glass arc needed
we can furnish -them at a moderate
price. - - s
Herman iWBarr
Scientific Optiian.
118 State St. Salem. Oregon
, Mannfajetaror of ;
Salem Improved Grader and Pricker.
- v . :-: ... " ,. , . ; i
Tor green prunes. Practical, dura lib? ami cheap.
TRIPMPI1 CRADEU for dried irum. Tli. lM-st nia.lo. II4IF BAS
IC I "IS and Teiw-ing of all kinds. 4iet our pries ud SIIIN4iLES, Poultry
Netting, ami all kinds of woven win? fencing.
CorresiHUidciic-o solicited. ' . f . 1
SALEM' FENCK WORKS,. No. ."! State St., Salem.
Better than poultry,
Produced Cheaper.
rinc Bucks, also Does bred and
BARGAINS :-: :-:
Joes ami litters- for.....?20 (K)
IS no
" " 1 00
AM fine Litters.
If you know a bargain in lU-lgiansj ou
will not hesitate, a tine start
witjitiat waiting.
Write fur prices or enquire at Statesmar
- of flit!. r
1 1 v 1 n 111
Prepared from pure rattlesnake oiL
A (;inir;iiiicHl cur for l lu-uin:i I ism.
wltfliitT acute, fiironii-. s-i.ni- or in
llaiiiiinitury. Relieve iri.Hjaiittsuisly
li-aila-he, iiei'V.ilfria paiii. ar ache.
K-liiiiir. KwclIiiitiH of t1n throat.
-onlract-l irilH ami sill pains ami
ailu-s. 1 i-nfiiess -nnl with rattle
Mi ike oil liniiticiit. Price , cent p(
liottle. i
Por ie by I. .1. Fry, -Salem, Of.
. . LA-CA S-KA . .
The Yaipiin 1!mn1 ami nerve Ionic.
A ptin ly ' vij:"lahle i-ompouiul. free
from all mint-nil mioii. it t-!viiie all
bilious ihTanjreiiHMit ami impurv blood
from the system and re-.tore we.ik n
od const it ut ions. Tones tin-nerves,
created a;etite ami makes it a ivi
live cure for r-brumajisui, tlol dijsn--b-r,
stouiaclt treubh'S. liver ai.tl kid
ney complaints, sh-k ht'ailaclH's. ni.-i'
laria. pimples. dystcpsia, catarrh, ttyt
stipatioti. heart tronbleSj nervousneiss,
skin disaes. salt rheum and neural
gia. Female weakness and irre.iiularl
!!! promptly relii'Artl and permanent
ly eunil. Price cents per Uitlle.
I'or pale by 1. J. Fry, Salem. Or.
An Estey Organ
Thert are many families that very
lunch desire to have a Jmm1 musical iu
Ktrument In their homes, yet do uot
fe"l that they ran afTord a kmm1 piano,
yet will not buy a cheap onein whi h
latter thought tliey are wise. . j
The Kstey Orsran can 1h hail for nny
prii-e you're pte'iaiid to paywithin
reasuti ami in any trade you buy you
yrl Kstcy iptabty. m IucIi I'a sto d now
.for years, the lst rhat It's iHisiile
to prMlih-e. Oak or walnut caMs. stud
mouse j.roof. of course., not with a
whole array of "dead-head" slops. but
with the projnr number t manipulate
the s-ts if retnls they contain, and to
prmluce the . lones that are possible
only on an Kstey. !
t'hicaaro Cottage, loo-a trille Icpm.
perhaps, hut world renowned. j.
I't's show "ou llioe. 1
, - i
307 Commercial Street -h
Opposite the Postoflice. . j .v.
r;.noR. Orjraus, Rewins Machines
aud Bicycles. 1 .
5J- to "S
T 1
V 1
fir S!
a -J a -- i gtr . Th-artF
T . !
fine Pedigreed...
Ifml. or with litter; also some young
bucks for sale.
Write us or call at the rabbitry.
If 3011 want to see the genuine Rufus
Riil, inspect our stock.
To Applicants Who Iaed the Recent
KiaiuJnstlon Only Three Men in
the Number.
Prof. K. T.. .AIiMres. county iSuperin
l ndi-nt of s.-hMIs, together with Prof.
A. W. Ali.c and Aiss i'arrie Itradshaw.
the examining lioard, yesterday com
ph'icil the work if grading the paiKTs
of the teachers who took part in the re
cent examination ;1nd ccrtiticates were
iiiauted. to llie successful ones last
evening. The list of teachers, receiv
ing cerlifnajcs, contains the names of
only throe men, the fairer sex having
almost :iioii..Knetl the rwent examin
ation. . Tin suecessftil applicants are
yiiven iK'iow. showing the grade of pa
pers received by each:
First (Jrade.
Jennie TimlH'rlaket Mehama; Ktta
Ruskey. AWKidburn; .Mary Wood, Tur
ner: Mi.llle -Matkland. Silvertou; T. M.
Mitchell. Fruitlaud: Nellie I. Durfee.
Shaw; Ik-atrice ;Hdkmcht. S;tlcm;
Mania P.urtun. Salem; Mrs. Laura 11.
Tanner. Salem; Kstella Parker, Moni
tor; Kiuma Her, liuttt ville.
Second tirade.
Play I'arby. Lewisbungf tiussie Pale,
Aurora: Maud A. Cussforth. Laurence;
Amanda Swau. Champocg: Aliie Ala
son, t Mi it wikmJ; t'ora Ncal, Argent I; Liz
zie Miller, llariiuant; ' Lucia A. I tower,
Sihcrloii; Kate Freeman, Silvertou;
Triiie - poss. Silvertou; Nettie Read.
Turner; KUa IVarson, Salem: Iaiella
t iomle. Salem; Mrs. M. H. Cordon. S.i
lem; l'otia Allen. Silvertou; Minnie
Mc'ourt, Salem; Fannie Nichols.
Frail land-:. Rertha P. P.yrd. Salem; Kl
.n Roll. Lilwrty; Ilallie M. tiilmore.
Silvertou: Margm-rite I'etersou, llow
eil; Pearl ICress. Salem; Marian llet
rick. Salem; Kmma P.ailey, Momnout h.
Third tirade.
Anna Winter. Ilult; Kthel Iarby.
I,ewibiirg; .lessie PamplK-11. Ale; aii
P. Starrett, Silverton; Uaura M. Reau.
Salem; Mary K. Miller, Manpiam; Amy
Riches, Silvertvt: vnal Siineral. Sil
verton: Agnes Fin la 3-. Salem; Zula
Waters. Siayton; PessU. (iosuer, Sa
lem: Myrtle I'rager. Salem; Mary
Rowcruiun. Salem; Kdith McPoitrt. Sa
lem; Pearl 'liurchman, Sheridan; P.er
lha Lick, Salem; Iora II. llodgkin.
nvernn; ! rank ( roivr. Salem.
Primary Certificate.
HaTlie f. Thomas,. Turner: Nellie I.
lrl'ei Turner; Reitlia t. Ryrd, Sa
lem; Maude I vers, stale ut.
Ringlitvg linrs Pircu.4 to Kxhibit In
Salem, September Slh.
Ringling Pros." Worhl's tlreatest
Slums will exhibit in Salem Satttr
da.v. iS4'puiulKr stli. This will 1m
giHnl news to all who -thoroughly en
Joy n hisrh-crass -ircus perfonnatu;'.
Ringling Rros.' circus is the big show
that made .stub a pronounced hit in
PottLind and other coast cities last
year. At that t'ttne the statement was
made ly the leading newspapers of
tin state, that it was not only the
largest ombinod -ircns. ineuag.rie
ami hlpitodrouie that had ever leen
seen in this section of the state, but
also that the ierfonna nee was so far
alnive the average as to break all pre
vious r-onl. .
It.was a matter for regret at that
time that the show did not ranm to
Salem, but It was imiiossiblo owing tc
the fact that ; the Southern Pacific
Paudh-s only one shmv a -ear. a nl
another show had already arranginl
with the road. To make sure of se
curing this pud of the state, however.
negotiations were opened with the
Southern Pacific last fall.' and Kalem
listed 33 one of the cities to lie visited.
Salem Ss a good .show town for the
right kind of a show, and there Is no
doubt that this big Istitutiou will
exeat ? a sensation here. j .
.'ALT., TAN AND BROWN Shoes re
duced at the New York Racket. d2t wit
The great man is he who does not
lose his child's heart. Meneius.
Oeorfe W. Mobbard. the Vetera Dealer,
Talks 1 m Hopeful Terms of the la
das try for ThU Tear.
Oorge Hubbard, the veteran
hoi dealer, arrlvwl Ju Salem jyester-daj-
inorulug from his home In Cal
ifornia, and will enter the, bop mar
ket here. In conversation wit U a re
resentative of the Statesman yester
day, Mr. IIutbard, in 5iKakiug of the
condition of hops and the market,
said: -. : : : 1 . . i- -
So far as I saw the California hop
imlnstrj-, and what I could hear of it.
the crop will 1h 'of goixl quality and
the 'yield aliout as represeuttnl-lo.tiixi
to 4,t'K tntles. i ' ;
'IstiiH-il oft at tJrants Pass and
insecUil the jards there. I found
the yards In fairly gmxl -oudition and
prmuisiug a very fair yield ami a
good quality. "The same coultl be said
of the Wilbur section. From j there 1
cam straight on: to Saletu.
"So far as my ols-rvations are con-
cernil, I feel justitied in s;i'ing that
the i-rop of Oregon will Is not far
from the l.S'Ji crop, and I have never
siH-n a lime wheu it prinuisml, at this
stage of it growth, a betler Equality,
on aecouiit of this quality I fd as
though fanners neil mt be untas
alsiiu not getting remunerative prices
for Hieir lalsr In raising tliis crop.
and there will le no need of ; farmers
leaving unpicked onefourth if. their
crop, if all nre gKsl hops, in onler to
teceive remunerative prices as the
ciHisumptitiu has increased so as to
more thau kel un with the produc
tion."' Mr. Hubbard comes here, this year,
in a shape linam-ially to assist tann
ers, when -they need assistance to
gather their crop, if their yards prom
ise a good yi4d of a marketable qtial-U3-.
As he is a hu.ver for Pnglish as
well as American dealers he expects
to le in a position to pa.v as gisxl
prices as the markets of the world
will just if and will Ik pleased, tit
an.v time, to see all his old acquaint
ances among the growers, to whom
he will give the sitjiat ifn as he linds
He wili look after his contracts in
this siwtion tf the coast hop tlistricts
as well as in the Yakima countr.
and exjiects ti see one of the lvest
sea suns expcrieiHusl in the hop dis
tricts on the Pacilic coast.
WANT A SP RSI 1Y. -Fred V. Car
ter, the-manager of the 'Pioneer Wool
en Mills at I a lias, has made a pro ni
si! ion to the Chamber of .Commerce
of Astoria to put into operation a
woolen fiilll in that city if a subsidv
of U2.Mn would le given to put up
tne neeossar.v buildings on a sire to
be donated by the Chainlior of Pom-
merce. It is understood if the propo
sition is accepted tin mill at Itallas
will be moved to Astoria. The reason
for moving the. plant is said to be
the scarcity of help and the inade
quate water supply.
!A CENT HirjHKR. The price of
wheat advanciil one cent 3esterday,
the price now lieiug paid at the Salem
Flouring Mill is fort--sl cents.
Wheat continues to conn in at the
rate of alMut-1000 bushels a day to
this cor.ipan.v's warehouse on north
Front street.
Will Re Run From the' Country to the
City of Port L ml Very Low Rate
by the Southern Pacilic.
Sunday excursirtii business In this
station of the iinirtr' has heretofore
bien confined to movements from the
city to the eounlr.v. but the Southern
Pacific Co. is not satisfied with efforts
which have Ikcii made to Induce travel
to the country ami is going to try the
experiment of Snnda- excursions from
the country to the city.
Commencing Sunday. August lftth.
tberefuiv. and continuing until the last
Sunday in September, excursion tick
ets will be soli 1 from Albany and inter-
ms!iate iKiints to Portland, good going
ou the Albany local leaving Albany at
:N) a. m., reaching Portland at li:lt.
Returning, leave Portland at 4.-0 p. in.,
reaching Albany at 7:10. The rale for
the round trip from Albany ami inter
mediate points' as far as Salem will be
S.'Hi. Fiom Salem and intermediate
points as far as tiervais. ; JM.tio. ner
vals, $l.2-". Woodburn and all points
north. .$1.4ii'. Tickets will be good only
on tiie Albany local going and return
ing, and under no circumstances will
the.v be extended or use iermittcd 011
other trains.
This will give Sunday visitors to
Portland six hours in the city, and will
afl'onl the conntr3" eople. who cannot
find tiiiM. to make the trip on wei'k
days, opportuuity to spend a pleasant
Sunday in the metropolis at small ex
pciise. '
I ft he experiment l successful, these
excursions will lie continued during the
summer months next season.
And ReeeUed an Honorable. Diarbaree
f rem Ueaeral Somaaera Participated
la Every Essagenieat.
Jor. T. T. fjeer yesterday receirei! a
letter from CapL II. I., Wells, manag
ing editor of the San Jose' (Cal.) Mer
cury. I and who comma mhsl CJompauy
Ij. Second Oregon Volunteers during
the war In the Philippines. Captain
VVellsi asks as a favor that a suitable
medal, similar to those awardd the
members of the regiment, be provided
for the mascot of Company -1., a pug
don. ) known as Tip." who went
through the whole campaign.
Oovernor Goer decided to grant the
r quest and said he would see the man-
(n ques
urers tf the medals and ask then
But go to FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET STORE where the weather is cool and comfortable, and
where goods can be bought at prices that will suit the pocket book of all. Have just got in a handsome
line of table damask, fine hemstitched towels, butcher linens, ah elegant line of silkolines at prices that
sell them fast. A complete new line of ladies' neckties and pulley belts, handkerchiefs, and hot weather
crash skirts, parasols, fans and new dimities, j " ' . .
IDF MEWS WEAR ; :: ' : - '
New crash anl linen suits, new hats an immense tine of bicycle cap3, sweaters and hose, new suits in
tweeds arid other weaves, neckties, collars, also a large assortment of trunks, valises and telescopes, sus
penders, shirts, hop pickers gloves, a complete stock ot men's underwear and nijtions; in fact. full lines
of everything kept in a well regulated dry goods and clothing store.
At Friedman's New Racket Store
Corner State and Commercial Streets
Ve are closing them out. Women that are going hop picking should come
ir and get a pair lor $1.25. They are good stock, not trash. We also have
some lor 1 a pair. Large assortment of children's shoes. Come in and see
X)ur fine pulley leltst 25c
to make and -suitably engrave a medal
for the little four-footod veteran, and
the same will In seiit.-to the dog's own
er at, The -Dalle's, to be attached to the
harness worn by Tin.
The letter of Cairtaiu Wells is as fol
lows: "Enclosed I take pleasure in handing
you a communication 1 received from
a committee of former members of m.v
coinpaii.v. requesting a 'Spanish war
medal for Tip. the company' masiit.
which I. most heart ilv endorse. Tip is
an Pnglish pug. who belonged to one
of- the members of The Dalles com
pany-, which was consolidated with
mine. lie went over with us ami went
through tire entire campaign and Into
everj- light we had. There were two
other dogs with the regiment, but
neither of them went through the cam
paign, lioth remaining in Manila. .Tip.
however, is a veteran Warrior. Who has
smcllcd powder amP listened to .'the
siren song of the Mauser bullet. When
the regiment was musteml out Colonel
Summers gave him a regular discharge
and now wants the medal lie earned
by gallant service in the field. You
will notice the expression of a willing'
ness on the part of the- committee to
stand the exivense of' making the
modal. I trust you will see your way
clear thus to honor a brave soldier and
please the boys of Companr L."
The letter to Captain Wilis, from the
meuiliers of hfs compauv. Was signed
by M. .Kartell. J. 4). Klton and C. E.
Sanders, as a committee. A copy -of it
accompanied tin letter to the Governor
and reads as follows:
'"Believing that a good soldier has
Ix-en 'overlooked, one who, in pur opiu-
K.n. is deserving of the medal which
was presented to the other UK-'mliers of
the Second Oregon Volunteers (Tor he
possesses a discharge vouching for his
gallant services), we petition' you. as
captain of Company I.. to Use your
!est efforts to secure a. small plate or
other suitable emblem for our mascot.
"Tip." which may be attached to his
harness.' the same to have the wording
of those present el to the other mem
bers of the regiment.
"We wish to express 4nr willingness
to stand the. extra expense in making
the same. If impracticable to si-dire
a plate or other emblem we , would .be
gian to have the regular modal, with
his name and company engraved. 4ur
main object is n secure something for
him. which lias tiio stale seat upon It."
At Ithaca there are ruins which are
gem-rally known as the Castle of
Ulysses. Although eycjojveaii walls
witli gate -oMnings are found, and the
site, which is 4M foot alwve the sea.
was adapted for the residence of ; a
pirate chief, many archeologists -have
Iwh'U doubtful whetlu-r the idel(ilica
tion of the place should cntiuue to lie
accepted. Dr. Dorpfcld has been pro
vided with funds to undertake a niore
thorough exploration of the ruins than
has hitherto Ikh-ii attempted. Several
years ago he examined the Island , of
Ithaca aud fixed on a stte in another
part of It. He has since come to the
conclusion that the residence of Ulys
ses Is hot to le found there, but In the
Island of Iucadia or -Santa;" Mora.
Mr. Trevs, the great snrgeon. In
his hM-lnre to medical students at the
oiwiiing of the new club roiims in the
London Hospital, i reported to have
said that "genius. 1m took It; was
some form of neurosis, an tintaliuLited
iH-tTous disease. Tin? few. persons of
genius he had known bail Ih'U ex
ciHilingly hnjM)ssMile iersons, and if
there was one profession' whore gt'Uius
was out of place it ; was Toe medical
profession.- The thing which in that
stood almve all else was hard work,
and oue very iter-uUaf faculPy. that of
clost observation." London SiHctator.
4l3Ughkeepsie Sunilay Ctinrler;)
HOLDHRi-fLOSE At Jersey City.
July by the Rev. Charles J. Allen.
Charles E. Holder f Lillie W. Close;
loth of Poughkeeps
Student The hair of. out; heads, even.
are all numbered. ? .
Baldhead Well, then.' IV! like to
secure a few nack numbersl The An
gust Smart Set. 1 . 1 ;
There Is no distinction of parts of
Ieeeh In the Chinese language, and
no recognition of the principlev of In
flection. .' ,
For Lesslftian Wholesale Cost
Isadore' Greenbaum
First door south of Postoffice.
Chinese military statistics are vague
and uu reliable. The X1 lowing figures
am the outside estimates made by
Lord .Charles Rerosford during his viit
of , Inspect ion two years ago:
4 ion. Yuan Shi Kai . . . . 7.4H
4!en. Sung4 . . .x. . Io.iuhi
tieki. Sisui Ching. S.tMiO
4Ieu. Tung Fit Siang. .Mii.poo
4ien. Nieh i:,XiO
4 Jen. Y I Ke Tong l.".4Mio
4ien. 41iug t'hi Tung. i.oi
4ien. Liu Kn'cn Yi 2MH
4ieU. LI ii.lMKI
4Ien. Hsu Ying Kwei Sam'm
4I.J1. Kwei . 2(Mmhi
tien. Tan Ching . . . . ri.tum
Mongolian cavalry rmmmmi
Cavalry at Kaiping. ....... 1 M
Peking field force. .... i liU!
4intou garrison ...... r.o
" Total ..IMI.ihm
Tin fmregoiu'g hiclmles only the lead
ing garrisons of the empire, and the
si'veral arniU'S are divideil over a large
area. The figures quoted by Lord
Charles Reresfonl can only Is taken as
an esiiuiate of the leading commands
in China, not of the. military resources
oi t he empire.
A phase of the trouble In China
which may prove to 1m of great im-
IMiriance is the fact that the 4iovcru-
nieiit of. that country is not a party to
the tieiieva Red Cross Convention, by
w;hich the signatory . Powers Isiimd
t tiemsi'lves in lime of war to respect
the Red Cross, ami to treat surgeons
and iiiiws lieloiigitig to the armies of
fhe enemy as non-combatants. It Is
thought Hssihlo that this fact may
ucter tin War Denartmeiit from per
mitting: any of the, women, nurses who
are lning sent to the Far East from
landing in China for duty there.There
are ninetci'n female nitrsey on the
transport tirant with tJeii. Chaflro.
and five on the Sti inner, which sailed
from San Francisco two weeks ago.
'Misltcai RiHiird. - v
If Is not generally known that In
France It is a jwnal ofTeiis' to give
any firm of solid food to babies under
a year; old unless It In prescribed In
writing by a projierly qualified nvedical
man. ;Nu"ses are also forbidden to use
for llielr charges any sort of feeding
bottle i having a rubber tube. Thse
and other equally stringent laws have
tii-cutly Ims-ii cnacteil by the Fii-ncli
government, for in despair of Incceas
lug the birth rate of their icoimtrs"
they are now doing their utmost- to
save ihe lives of the comparatively
small munlier of babies. who are lxirn.
At flie dinner of 4)riel collece . Ox-
ford, lafter the conimeiicenieiit exor
cist's,- tfie toastmaster. In speaking of
Proressor Charles Eliot Norton, one of
The guests, referreil Ao the first visitor
from LAmerioa to England, a ctK-oanut
washed?-up on the Irish coast long Ie
fore America was discoveredThe nut
was then richly mountd in silver and
has ever since, every year for centu
ries, stood on the table at tlo Oriel
dinner -before the provost of the . col
lege. -j ' ' -' -
The Americans Introduced the first
sewing machines into ; China after
great difficulties and taught the Chi
nese their use, and today, in the flour
ishing cities of Shanghai, Hong Kong,
ami even In Pekin. tlto tailoring eKtali-
'lishments are beneCled by them. -
Salem, Oregoa
The Paris
Two doors northof my old stand.
Don't be -misinformed. I have
no old stock, nor do I need a
branch house to sell my goods.
Proprietor of
The stores, (two in nuniltcr. are lo
cated at. No. 2.V and iUKJ Commercial
stre't. ami are well stocktnl with a
complete line of drugs and 'medicines...
toilet articles, iierfumery, brusUtrs,
etc., etc., etc.
IIasxhad soiik? 2 years" exprience In
the practice of medicine and now
makes no -harge for consultation, ex
amination or prescription.
. Corvallis Times: One night last
we k. a load of newly tliieslinl oats
disappeai-ed from the field of Joint
Walker, who resides a couple of miles;
out of town. 1 mv following mornmg!
the srrain was missed and the tiipks;
of the wagon as it went out of thej
field were trae! as far as PJiilomathj
TlnTe.- however, traces disjippcaretlj
and tiie attempt to locate the thief
had to Ik- given up. No one had snp-j
m)S4-I that the short crop ..had--, made
gram so prs-ious that peole would
resort to stealing to get-it.
Few iMHinle realize that Wind cave.
near Hot Springs. xS. D.. is the largest
ami most Ims-iuI iful viivp in the i niteu
Slates. No one Knows how large it
ideally Is. 4)ver 1H mlh-s if jiassages
and rtiN.M chamliers have leu exploivil.
And that Is only the Itcglilning. 'theie
ail fourteen ititTei-ent route." oiitV
three if which have Isi-n opemil iui
till. Iklllktl,. TIijiv iirik L-r,ki-it ft4 ' ttse'
4iarden of Eden, Fair 4 iron mis and
1 'early (iates. f. r .
, The local market qnotations jeitef-
day vere as follows: j
Wheat It. cents at .the' Salem" Flour
ing Afills Co.s ofSctu I
Oats 26 and 28 cents (buying), j
Hay Cheat, buying $7 to $75
timothy, $8.50 to $10. !
Flour 70 and 75 cents per sack;2.7S
per bbl.
Mill feed Bran, $13; shorts, $iS
Butter l.V to 2iV, buying.
Eggs 1 f cents, cash.
Poultry Chickens. 7 to 8 per
young chickens (friers) ioc, live weignt.
Pork Fat, 4H gross, sJnet.
Beef-Sleers, 3j4, cows, WM
3Hc, good heifer. 4c. . j
Mutton Sheep. 3 to 3A on foot: shear
ed 2J4 to 3c.
Veal 6lt and 7c dressed.
Tota toes 20f225 cents, buying,
Wool 15 to 16 cents, mairket weal-
Mohair 2$ cents.
Hop Twine 14 cents per pound.
California Oak-tanned X-eatiier
Harness Chi. etc. j
23 Sute Stxeet. Salem, Oregol
Mil KID.