WEEKLY! OREGON STATESMAN, . FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1300. re im hear at hand Within the Next few Days Startling Develop ments Are Expected in China. Reports of the Arrival of the Relief force at Pekia Are Circulated, bat Are Taken With Reserve Negotiations With the Generals.1 mm - - - - - . i : j ml 1OXD0X, Aug. 16. The allies are reported to have reached Pekia Monday, ayr tne 8b anbal correspondent of the Dally Ex press. He adds:' ; .. !" "The Chinese onicial news is without deUll." The Paris message reveals this, bat the statement, especially as it emanated from Shanghai, most be accompanied with considerable reserve. ' ; !' - The London papers are divided In opinion, some believing that the allies have already reaehed Pekia. others believe that relief will not be accomplished until the end of the week. ' From Vans: Tsun, Anrnst 6tb, the Daily News correspondent says : "Sir Alfred Gaselee hopes to keep the enemy yunningr, and follow Aim right lata reitin." LONDON, Aug. 10. S'gua 'Vina was occupied without firing a shot, by the allies, according to . dis'iatch to the Daily Express from that plan, dated August 11th, "It in lelleved." the message ad Is. That ('euerals Tuns Fu Sialic. Ma, and Chung an ni trenched, -lO.WO strong, at Tung Clau. Tuns Chan apicars io lie alxmt twelve -..'mites' from Pckiii. A ls patch to the same pajwr, from Sluing Ikif yesterday, says the otlleialr pr; fiM to lie willing to hand im-r the form'gn Ministers, families and wrr ants, but -will not pornrd the depart ure of native t'hrist Ian. , "The Russian tJoverninent." de ela re this telegram, "lias notified ..I.I J f urtfr Chang of Its willlngniss to re Hn; Minister Do tl-iors ntttsid" the walls or IVktn. thus avoid ins the en trance of a Russian ' force. This ac tion Is calculated to embarrass tli allies seriously. Japan demands that i 'client I. Yung l.u shall meet t he allies outside tlie city walls and deliver r!n Ministers, and nil native Christians. THE TENSION I NT HNS 1 1.,, Washington, A us. 1.",.- The tehsioa f the Chinese situation has li-u in tense 1 liroughont the day. for it is ap preciated by the otllcials that- the crisis has reached mi .-H-ute stage, which cannot itt continued many hours without brlngrug word id hhk mcntoii iiuiH.rt. determining cither tor gi tort f wit, -the entire ourse of '-events. One of the new develop , limits, t in lay. was tlie statement tlkit indices are being received from Minister Conger, wlvich ate not trans mitted through any or our official 4ri China, or through the Chinese Min ister here, but dlreelly to the Slate iMftartment; Tlos iivcssages ' i-oioe by way of Tsl Nan. An far a mes Hiigfn Iwre been ns-eivi-!. there Is no Indication that oiigrr ris-eiviil any 1nrormat.!n or diwpotchos from i the State iHiiartuicnt. Nothing could! -1m litirniHi or the contents of the dis imti-Iies ns-eh tl. " ""'; While It h not known what resist ance laia lnsn made, or will n juiole. to the advance at Tung Chow, H?cr tary of War Iimt and otiier ottifials would not Ik mtrprlseil to l-arn of a Kertous battle t that place.'- Won! came early lu the day. to the Navy I .iurt men t. that c'hanVc ',:1i.nl reacheil Ma Ton. atoirt twent'r inllen from Pekin. This occurred Friday or Satunlaj. The fil ling among i the otlh'Ials was liown in the extreme clrcumsinctJoii thrown alxmt all tuc agcs relating to i'hiu.l. and it- wa announccsl, loth at the Slate nnd War Ifciartments. that commtroica tioi from nger or tie l,uit-d fttatea consuls concerning ofTaiVs hi Cliiira wmild not In- made public. It wm .explained that thU was IttisiU solely ou the fact that tlie crisis ml vol red tui many rss;Uliiis At ii.LX.iril 1o the SOO Iga tkmers in I'ekiu. ; tliat the greatist caution inust be ol ervcsl against ttimdontirea -- which iwould further IufoiiI those in dangu. With the army at Ma Ton it 1st tall 4 hat any ne of several conditions might 1 pnsentisl 1n tlie near future. TJe !hlne oificials concnrrwl (n the liellcf expressitl by the tJhinese Mill iliter at London, that tln-re would 1m n iMiMly m MHldcn -hauge.i ami ix-ace -within the next few weeks. Sotne of the Jaiwnse otticials IH-Iieve that, when the allies roach Tutig t'how. they will find I'ekiu a desertiil 'ity nlnad of them. - I :; The arrival of lYesident Mi kluley tomorrow is iookfsl ujkii with great interest. In view of the gravity of the crisis. ., ;, -ny ejiij x amu.i,v TI f 1u-H'nni A COLLISION. Taeotna, Wash., Aug. 15. A freight train collision occurred Tuesilay night, on the Northern Pacific, at Mr-1 oixl. No damage was done s'xeept i t the rolling utock. ! AFRICAN MimiODISTS. Seattle. Wash.. Aug. t."V. The annual nession of the Puget sou ml i-onf entice of the African M. 1-L clmrch opened to day, with a full atlemtante from Waslv- iufton and Oregon. ! teleOiiafu in china: Fystem Pamities Pretty Much AH fvcr Empire. I'nder tJoverunient j - - ; Coiltrol. -. . . I ' ! 'i ; --,v;--.rh.:- ;ln view of the great interest now tak en In news froui China and in the pew methods of its dissemination fropi var I6us joints there, Inipiiry has been made in regard to the system of fHe granhle cmniuuicatioii In tlie -elcn!ial empire. Iu answer to pKt ion.s ,on le half of tho New York Commercial Ad verttser. William Itarclay Parsons, chief vngimiT of the Ua pid Transit conimisMioa, who was in China Uf-1S!iS and issvu, gav the foUowlug axi.-ouut Of the existing conditions In that Mit: , ! "The tel(grflph syslem in Chimi is petcly'a overnsiieiit iilTair. It is call ed tife Chl!nse' imMri;il telegraphs, C.ikI is under tlie maiiageiueni of a gov ernment ollieer, styletl tlie director gen fral of teh'graplis. The system now families pretty much all over the mi pire. reaching nearly all the principal cities, in the interior, an well as on the coai-t. The telegraph liiws extend even to parts of the empire where for eigners are praetically unknown. In my travels there I had a telegraph line le-ar me nearly all the lime. I even sent a telegram from Ch:fng-Sha. the capital of the province of lluuaii. in !ti-h. up to that linn. thi' prseiice of foreigners hail Ikcii iMsitjvely forbid- tleu. "Telegraph lines in China sire well coiftrui I. d on wooden jhjIch, with glass insulators similar ti liiose usiil In the Tinted States. Iu1 some parts of the interior when the lines were firs established, they were, bitterly opMisHl by the inhabitants as a foreign inno vation, ami the poles were cut down. A few Iliads were cut, oil", however, and open antagonism to this form of government work was thereby soon icade unpopular. "The ciir.ons part of tlie Chinese tel egraph system is the fact that, even in the interior, where there are no foreigners.' nil tin tcb-grnph blanks are printid In English.' The Chinese lan ! gu.'ig. lieiiig idiograjmic, having a j character for each word, it is imos ! s'Me t transnili it . by t lw- ordinary Morse signals. It Is. tkereforo, nisvs sary to telegraph either iu a foreign language or by using Arabic numerals. Py tliojslaf ter. method a Chine'-dic-tlouarv is taken mul a numlK-r given to each wont at all likely to lie used in a telegraph disjKitch. Tlie telegram is wnttvn out iu Chinese ami telegrajiluil iu noiulx rs. and then, at the receiving end. Is translated back into Chinese. English was chosen as the other nie dinm of commuuicntiou lHi-aus that is the commercial language of the Ori ctfl. as French has been that of diplo macy, or s Kit in was tlw lommoii latiguage of learned men iu tlie middle ages. "In order to lui-onie' a telegr.tph op erator a Chinaman must learn not only telegraphy, tmt. English. In Shanghai. Tientsin Canton, and other large cities, schools have Iw-eit estali lishctj where Iwith English and telegra phy a ne taught. In sill the towns I IsftiNl 1 found operator who ioke English, and they usually did so pret ty fairly. t6. lii many cases the tele gnipher Is the only niau in his town who 1 kix any Jiiiowh-dgo of English, and when foreigners arrive he is called upon to sH-t as mt'ipretcr lstwii-n them ami the local ollicials. Through out my exfierieiiee lu the empire alj ity telegraphic messages were wnt and nseived without a single mis take. This Is tlie more noteworthy rrpm the fact that I used a clplw-r ode. Tin building and extending of telegraph- liftes were still going on when i was in China. "'lite ocean cables, which run to several Chinese Hrts. are all under foreign nintrol. (u tlie goveriiuient land telegraph the charge are very high. Each word Is charged for, in cluding the address and signature, on a scale according to distance, the ex pense of the i-onstructiou if tie' line, etc.) It lsprobable that In the earlier ilays of Chini'sc telegraphy snie Eng lishuicii and Americans were etnployeil as oierators, but now. so far as ? I know, all the oterators are Chinamen, the i native 'si-hools furnishing enougtt to supply the demand. It. is likely that In the higher nniks of the wrvhv thete are some electrical exietis who are American, "or English, but "even these may have now lnen 'dispensed with. All tfie oivrators use the old-fashioniHl ri'eording Itjstmmeut, with notation on KilKr, although some of them may have tecome skilliil enough to read tin signals by sound. - "Slieng," the director general "of tele graphs at Shanghai, is d man with v!mui I lie-ame well acqualnteil. Ills name is ironoum-eil as if It were snelted "Shung." He Is a very bright, intelligent Chinaman, of drcidiil abil iiyi ludiiil, and Is the issi'ssor con shlerable wealth. He Is a man who is able to retain his otticial wsition mn der all administrations. For si nmn- lr of years he lia'n 1md the head of tlie telegraph system, and he has also been the dinn-tor general of railroads since 1N1CV wlK'n the place was cre ated. He does not speak English, but every other man in his office does. Ills administrative offices occupy an entire building, in which English is the common- language, most of- the men there, native Chinamen, having luen educated in the United States. They use American typewriters. Besides holding his government positions, S-heng 1.4 tlie head of the China Mer clutnts Steamship wtupany, a private iiriHration, whos vessidsi go. all along tlw coast and up the rivers. At the outbreak of the recent hostilities I he put ail these ateamers under foreign Hags. .He is about 0i years old, and Is TT77 a mandarin of th "extra first-class of highest rank, which entitles -him to the exalted distinction of ; wearing tlie carved red button."; - r ; " SCATTERS GOLD IN A SALOON. Scott A. MeKeown Sends ?fi3.000 in Four Months Having a Good Time. Kan Francisco, Cat, Aug. 0. Scott A. MeKeown, son of a millionaire manufacturer of Pennsylvania, who recently wedded Miss Dorothy D. Stu dclsikei, of tlie weallliy family of carriage-makers, lias been scattering $20 gokl pieces all over the naloon of the I'alace hotel here. - MeKeown, It Is said, went East aliout four months ago to nndenlsh hi rapidly di'pletlng purse and returned with about $dTMXo, all of which he has snccetnleil In spend ing iu the alove-inentfoned space of time. His frieuds and hangers-on helned him. in getting rid of his money, and his coterie of cbtrms have had a magnificent time at his expense. . MeKeown. -though only Tl years ohl, has succeeded ' In spending nearly f 100,000 In two years. DIES AT ACE 105 YEARS. Hoffman Was Never Sick, Nor Ever Used Medicine, Tolweco, or Liquor. Hazel ton. Ia., Aug. D. A remarkable old man died In East Butler township seven miles from the city last night in the iwrson ot Henry Hoffman, aged 105 years, two roonth,s and two days. He was never sick a day In his life, never took any medicine and never used tobacco nor liquors. He was rn on a farm near New Brunswick. X.isJ.. on June 0, 17i5, and came of unly and long-lived stock. He was a small farmer and wood-ehoper all his life, "and when he was 1112 years still went out into the woods (daily and ehopiKKl several cords of wood. He was always a kien "hunter and last fall when 104 years old baggeil a num ner of rabbits, pheasants and wood cock. THE ANT IS MEET. A t teuda uce dence Was iDisappoiu ting that Deuns-rats Are in Control. Evi- Iiidinnaiwdis. Iml., Aug. 15. The tirs-t ibiy's session of the Lilierty Con gress of the Natiouiiil Antl-Inrierlal-I'sth Lcagui' was somewhat dhsap Niint!iig tu far as the attendance of delegates -was concerned.. A bout '1500 were present, nud more are promised for tomorrow. A public tneetiug in the evening was better attended, and the reading of I'Hiurke Coclirau's letter was the sig nal for -tremendous applause. The greatest demonstration of tlie session came this evening when Ceorgo Bout well. ex-Jovernor of Massachusetts, coinluded his address as chairman with the declaration that he hail turned his laek on the Republican party, and should support Bryan for Fres-idelll. tJeorge - MeniT, of Iliiladeli)l)li, calleil ? tlie i-onventioii to order, pre senting Edwin Burritt Wtiiith, of Chi cago, as teni-ponir.v chairman. After a diort recess the convention met again and listened to a nuudHr of brief aildresses. The iM'rmanent chairman. Governor Ito'utwell. w.as ac iinhsl a great demotistisition when lie took the gavel and proeeded witli iris address. -. BKYAN S AMBITION. Would Make This Country Groat ami tJood. He Says. f Chicago. Aug. 15. Bryan, Stevenson and ithers made sjmmh1ics. tixlay. at SiMinyside Park, on the occasion-of the annual meeting of the United Irish So cieties id -Cook county. The attend ance was large. Bryan iu tlie course of his sjei-li.-aid: " do not want you to think iny hap piness depends upon any public office Within the girt of I lie people of Cii;S country. I have a higher amliitio.i titan to be President. An iimbitioii to do what I can to make this Nation so great and goi, that to. lie a simple citizen will I greater than to be king In any other land. FUNEUAL OF HUNTINGTON. New York. Aug. 15. -The remains of the late Colli I. Huntington were brought to this city today. The funer al service will lo private, and will lie held on Friday morning. CASTOR A For Infant! and Children. Tha Kind Yea Vim Alwajs Bought Bears the Sienatore of LATE NEWS f ROM NOME. SEVERAL VESSELS WBECKED ON THE COLD BEACH. Thousands Ask fJcneral Ilandall Free Transportation to the United States. for -SEATTLE, Wash Aug. 15. Tlie steamship Centennial arriviil this af ternoon from Niane, with '. over TiiiO passingers. bringing news of the WTeck of siweral vessels on th. 'm.. beach August 2d and 3d, during a seven' storm. The. steamer W. K. Merwln is a total wreck. As far as known no W ves were lost. 'The -tag. Effort ond the schooner Teaser drifted on the lieach. Many small craft went ashore. Several drownings m-ctrrml. : Jenn-al Kamlall ims received au thority to send lwefc the indigent sick and destitute at the expeiis- of the Govrnmient. He received over 3,000 apiilktttious for pAssoge. ! CKIME AT NOME. Seattle, : Wash., Aug. 15. The itIhi liuU dement Is again in the saddle at Nome, according to passengers who or rived by the Centennial today. For n week or more prior to the vessel' departure, thngs, thieves and tire bugs had kept the ety in a state of suppressiHl ; exiitemeut, and talk or lynching was heanLi . The greatest Jndignation was arousjil y tlie distiuvery and frustra tion of three sevuite attempts to burn s the city.; The newspaivrs were full of aii-ouuta of the doings of high way ; robbers, burglars, pickpockets uud hiccudharies. : ; 9 A BIG APPLE CHOP PRE8CNT PROSPECTS BETTER THAN rOB SOME TEAKS. Soccm o la tb Hiulaca InVrrlw -Willi i f tn l4rcest Grww and Shipper lit the World. ' Taken as a whojte, the apple crop of the United States and Canada prom ise better ihls year than for any rv -cent year," saffi George C. Illchardson of Leaven worth, Kan., one of the largest applegrowprs and ghipiiers iu the world, to a St. Louis Globo-Denjo-crat reiiorter. a :Mr. Richardson is a Orm believer In the future of the 3d bison rj valley as the greatest a pple-ral&Iug country ou earth, and has backed his judgment id the extent of some extensive Invest, mcnts in orchard kinds, lie is presi dent -of the Missouri Valley Orchard company, which .owns an 8UO-acre ai ple orchard in Leavenworth county, Kan., said to Ixj.the largest In the world. His firm .ships between 75.OO0 ami lOO.WMi liarrels of apples eaci jear, ptiuciiHilly for exiort, anil also oier aK's a large cold storage plant at Leav enworth. "The outlook In' the apple-raising por tions of Illinois. Missouri and Kansas Is for a good half crop. continued Mr. Ufchardson. "In Arkansas. Nebraska and Iowa the prosis-cts are for 40 per ivnt. of st full crop: in the -Pacific-coast states, Oregon, Washington aud Cali fornia, a full crop; Michigan, full crop, dropping badly; western New Y'ork stud New England, average crop; cen tral. New York, damage of a local nature from canker worms." Mr. liichardsou chatted interesting ly of the apple business and the nec essary qualifications for success iu it. Although ouie of the most extensive glowers aud cxiiortcrs in this country, lie makes no personal tiri'tensions. but lays down rules upon which almost any farmer In the western fruit licit can achieve success. He lndieves tlie apple business is yet in its infancy, and that there is no danger of over ininluction, as the increasing popula tion and growing foreign demand will more than keep pace with the supply. "A man In tin- apple business must use the same care and industry and apply the same methods that he would in suci-essfully raising a crop of corn." sit Id lie. "If lu'. lets his. orchard -grow up in wiiiIs and tlie ground become hard and liaked, so the aindcrgrowth will consume the moisture which tlie tree should have, lie .will, lie disap oointed in his crop. If ln ncgiects tlie cardinal principles of 'scientific spray ing, so as to relieve the tree, of Insect IK'sts and fungus growths, and fa'ls to cultivate, the ground properly, lie will get culls instead of apples. The cniu nicrcial orchards, of which tlMre are many in tliLs section, have proved that both the quality and quantity of the apple crop can 1h improved by -attention to these details. .."Many orchards arc ls-iug planted in tjlte west, but comparatively few in the east. This' Is -regarded by those w4io claim that the-: permanent fruit belt of the country is in the west as a significant fact. It shows that tlie orcnardists of the west flre inakiug money, at any rate. 1 claim that tl farmer can raise a .bushel of apples cneajn'r man a bushel ir com audi get " oiiMieis irom tne acre. At pres ent prill's tic can also get more, or t he tiushel of npples than for the bushel of corn, jins suggi-sfs , the question of priii' ami its influcnci' upon consump tion. I' believe that. were anoles sold at a nrice that would is rinii the wage earners to purchase them as a regular arncie or rood, tlnre could not In; uoi!gh grown to supply the demand I . . I . , . j-i i in- iijipie i-casi' io im ciassiii as a luxury, as it is. cvju lu the "apple Ih It. and 'it iKi-onicg a question not of a market for tin apples, but of apphs io suppiy me niai'Kct. "fold storage as an adjunct to th apple Tiusiucss is no haiger an cxikmI incut. vln ii iroMrly-packed and pr- pann. tne rruit can !o kept for nine months In this manner ami reacli the market in isTfect shape. The trouble wirii many is-ople ;who Iry h kti-p apples la cohl storage Is that they do pox properly pack the fruit In-forehand. r-itig only the sound apples. ;ooI fruit, profierly packeil. sliould ke-p from Oi-tols-r until the following Julv. wlih very little shrinkage cxci'pt tlu'it viilch naturally, result from the liaiige from a tcmjT:i t lire of .75 or "' iiegrecs io degrees, wh ch the c inseiisus of oj tin ion regards hh tlie l est, for cold storage- punsmcs. ' Our cxiM-rience has lieeu that i-old storage prfHougs tls life and kiping qualities ef an apple, and that when the pnqier 'Mul H ions ai( observed it is an un qualified sin-ess. "To the exitorter'-siNi-ially it is an inestimabh' boon. We ship silioiit :;.tKHM" liarri'ls of a)lis from this I'Mtntry to Eu rojH' every year. .Most of IIm' go to England, althimgij Jer leany is buying American apples lu greater qnantities cni-h yir. The' shii jiiug si-ason lasts fmin the Iteginning of the movement op winter apples' in the fall until the following May. The late spring' shipments are.always made on! iMNird steamers w;hlcli have refrlg i lating plants, on which they are load il from refrigerator cars. Tlji're is not match prejudice against American jipplesj nbroad. although Hamburg did Flint our fruit out a few year ago lie cause of tlie San Jose " scalev The scare over this resulted principally from 4he box apples shipped ! from California. In England annles are cat alogued as "tights, etc.. .according To the condition of the liarrels ou arrival. and It Is rNfessary Ixfore shhitiin? nS have the IkutcIs made m'rfei-tlr secure. Ise the im tents wilklie gradeil lower. -ilie most opnIar varieties of apples are still tlie IW-n Iavis, Jonathan and Missouri Ilppin. Tlnse are ail showy winter apples and lit id a ready market abroad. The Jletff Daris Is plant.il imre extensively liy ciinmerclal or cjiardists than any other, for the rea son that it will stand more abuse and ill treatment and conic out Iietter after shipping than any otiier variety The National Apple Shhis'rs associ ation, of which Mr. y ICIcliardson is prcsiitftit. has a tueninershiii of aliout JOO, including wme of the ppU deal-, era -in England, Canada and t?Very state in the American Union, i j " EQUAL TO TUB OCCASION. - ' ',"..' - :..-!.--..; While the Fred C. Cruger assoelat Ion of the llnu Ncw; York assembly dis- trlct was picnicking with Mr. Cruger at! Staten Island the other day Mrs. Cruger up on .West . Twenty-seventh street bad not been idle. She bad glven birth to their first child. Then she sent for a sign man and had stretched across the street a big ban ner. When Mr. Cruder marched proudly back at the head of the asso ciation he was greeted by a sight of the banner, on which was the single word, "Papa,' i A Shadow Barrier. Alva bad always known that David had been engaged before, but his love made lier so happy that .she did not think very much about the matter. When he asked Alva to marry him David-told her of tils previous engage ment, and t5ere the subject rested. Al va had felt no resentment against the other woman, for David's love was too complete to leave any room for jeal ousy. ; Hut one evening, as they sat in the cozy window seat In the library, watching the sunset colors change jind glow, there cans? to Alva the woman's Instinct to prolie the heart of the man she loves, and lay bare all Its secrets. "Do you love me, dear?" she Is'gan, moving cIosit to run her fingers through David's hair. "Indeed, I do, my darling." ' "Better than you ever loved any one ln-fore?" "Yes, dear." 'That other woman the one 3'ou were engaged .to first did you love her?'' "Of course, or I shouldn't have asked her to marry me." Alva's hand dropisnl to Iht side, and the man took it aud held it in a strong clasp. "It seems mid," muscil Alva. "1 sup pose you sat by her side and held her hand just as you are holding mine now. Did 30U make the same pretty slMi'ciics you do to me, I wonder?" "Certainly not," replied David, gent ly. "No man ever makes love to two woiivn iu quite the same way." "No; men are too adaptable for that," said Alva, but there was no nial ice in her voice; and David, glanc ing at her quickly, saw that she did not real tee how deep the truth of her remark lay. "Isn't that nil sky gorgi'ous?" he asked, after a moment. "In a little while it will lie the 'faintest pink." I "It's wonderful," said Alva. "Do you know, ihnir, that you never told me whicli one of you broke that engage ment?" "Didn't I. dear?" "No," Alva answered, "but don't tell me if you would rather not." she addiil softly. "Somehow I feel sure thai you did." "Yes," David said, "you are right. I broke it." "I am glad it was you." said Alva, quickly, "lN-cause It makes ine fee! sure you have no regrets. I never had any patience with tlie false notion of honor that prevents a 'inan from breaking an engagement. I don't see how it can -'lie 'honorable to marry a woman when you do not love her." As she spoke. Alva looked at Iter lover to ''see whether, lie shared her opinion. His face, with the glory of the sunset full upon it, was very so ler. He did not sjieak for .some time, and Alva wailiil. knowing he would soon tell her what was in his mi ml. "I did hot break my engagement tie cause I had ceased to care." he said finally, "btit the woman I was to marry did hie a great wrong, and I lost faith in her. 1 could not marry a woman I did not trust, so 1 rcl'.ased her. I think It risrht to tell you this, dear." "And 1 hen," said Alva softly, "you ceased to care." "Yes, dear, I ceased to care. Not all at once, but gradually. There, now the sky is pink, a pink thai would just liecotiie you. Don't you - wish 1 were equilMM-d with wings, so I could fly UP and get you a piece of that cloud for a ball gown':" ' "Was it ln-frc you met me or after ward that you ceased to care?" Alva asked. "I hardly know. It was before. I think, that I stopjM'd caring, bin it took you to restore my lost faith in womankind." t "And I made you forget?" Alva's voice was hushiil with tenderness. "Yes, dear, you made me forget," said David lu the same. tone.-"See how fast the pink is fading'" he continued. "It is just as well I could not get you that ball gown. I guess. 1 am afraid the color .wouldn't wash." Once Alva would have retorted gayly that -ople didn't wash ball gowns, out now she gave his hand a tiny pressure and said: "It must have hurt you dreadfully to lie treated so. Are you sure the hurt is all gone?'' David returned the pressure, but he did not. siKak at once. Alva looked up at him. but tlw light was growing dim, ami she could scarcely see his face. 'It still hurts a little, drnir ." be said slowly; ''not liecauso I have atiy re grets, but I ft-el a resentment lwcauso of the way I was treated. I shall get over even that iu time, but nowr It makes hie niigry to think of "It. 1 love you dearly better than I ever thought I could1 love any one. but a bli-rhteii trust must always leave a scar, I sup pose.", "Poor darling!" Alva's free Iiand went to David's head, and ran lingcr nigly through his curls and across his forehead. With a caressing emotion her finger touched first jlils cheeks and then Ids eyes. ; jNUiiueniy she icit something wet against 1st lwnd. Her body grew tense,;nd lier arm droiq.Mil to her side as though she bad I men stung, i David had said that the other wo man was nothings to him now. but Umt tear In hlsfi eye! Slow ly Alva drew her hand fyom his clasp, but he did not stem to imtice. Presently she shivered, and lu felt the motion. 1 "What Is ike matter, ilearT' he said. "Aroyou cold? Shall I close the window:? See, tlie pink Is only a dull gray now." "No. I am not; cold, sjiid Alva, wear ily.' All tlie brightness wetm-d to have gone out of hiM" life; It had changed from gorgeous crimson' to a dull gray while the sunset faded. Her heart ached, and her .head throbbed. She venmed to Is' alone to thhik itover. I have a headache, dear." she said aloud. "I thlnk if you will excuse iuet I will 'go-to. bed. "Perhaps It will bo better by morning.' "I hope so, darling, answered her lover, adding Iu a whisper: "I nin sor ry. I'll 'go now,-, he continued, "and tomorrow afternoon I'll come and take you for a drive." '. "Thank you, dear." said Alva, but the face she lifted to his was tui re-, spoiisi ve to his kiss. "Why, your hands are cold'" cried Iavld. "How thoughtless 1 was to let you sit so long beside that open Win dow! These evenings are cool. Put I was watching the sunset and did not think." ' ; Alva sighed..' - It was not the sunset that made him forget, she thought. All night Alva lay awake, staring. Into darkues. YVheu i daylight .came she got tip. nud wrote the following letter to her lover: j "Dear David: I am sorry I did not mean to hurt you last night.' I did not KupiHMtc It iiu Id hurt you to talk of her. Hut It did. dear, and so although you do not know it. you must care, for her still. If you did not love her. the thought of her could not bring tears to your eyes. . - "I am going to break our engage ment, dear, for I love you too well to" have even a memory lietween us. All, j-on don't know bow-it hurt me when I saw that you did not want to talk of her. Dad I shown tact, I would have cliangcd the subject, but I could not do it. "Ami I should always lie wanting to talk of her ro see if it still hurt you. 1t will lie easier to endure the agony of scimmtioii than to go through liXc with this awful ache In my hcarl, and fii-ling that 1 have not jMiwcr m heal a hurt that any one else could cause you. j - r "Do not try to see me, dear. -.Yon caii not alter my decision, and you will' only make things liarder for uie. To think of you is almost more than I can lH-ar, and. yet I must go on think ing of you. always, tiooilby, dear, alul Hod bless you. ALVA." After this letter was snt Alva took up her life tis If It; were soniel hiiig that must 1- got through whh sonic- how. A week passed without bringing any sign from David, but on the. eighth dav a letter' came. Alva clutched ii to her heart with a tierce i-agcniess. She had not known how hard it would In to let hi in go out of her life. Tremb ling she broke the seal and read tlie' letter. S My Dinr Child: I shall not try tu tell you how your letter hurt tne. bat it was it hurt far worse than the hurt of the otiier night, the one. Ilia t cans-' i-I you to write it. 1 am not going to plead with you. dear. I am a proud man. aud i could''" hot do that, but I am going to nU you to alter your ih-cision. I hardly know how lo-iwrite. what I wish to. dear; how to. tell you' what I want you to know. There can be noth ing 1 ict ween us, not cvi n a memory. lm-e 1 loved tha toother' woman. I believed her everything that was good', and womanly, and when liiy.i-onfulenre in her was shaken 1 thought that I never i-onld trust any one again. 1 be lieviil at the time that it was the depth of my love that made -'me si.Ter s. but now I know it was because my t rust had liecn betrayed. I mourned,-' not the woman herself, but the Ideal she had shattered.! That -Is- why ft. stili hurts me to taik of her,' although she is nothing to me now. It was you. dear. Avho brought back my f;t It Ii lu human nature, my trust iu woman: and your power to do this is the liest proof that 1 love you as I l -tve never lovnl before. Si ,:ne people iy that a man's -first love is his best, but they 'do not know. Of course, if his first love lasts and l.-ecoii'-.s tin- fuller, rounded love of his later life, it Is the Js-st, buti-ach time a man loves he loves against greater odds. His trust has more bitter cx perienccs, more cynicism to batt'le. w ith. There c an be" no love that jis worthy the name -without iinf'nleiihv and ilie love that cm bring to lifej a dead faith must Ik the greatest lovet I do not think you can realize 4 litis, -dear; you are too young. Ilut Try to believe- l.tii', and do not send 1110 away from you. I have said that I . would not. plead with you. but I do plead,, dcor. You (-.111 do; what not otic h.i, ever Im-ii able to do you' can make inc. forget my pride. j I know you love me. Your letter told me that, as well as of your pain. I am sorry for tlie hurt, ilear. 1 under- stand, lint. If yoit send me awav now some day when you are older ami have learned the difference U-twiH-n the troubles that are shallows and 1 1n cur s that must Im faceil and fought, you "will In1; very. Very lonely. . 4 Pet ter the joy of love, dear, t ban the lialn of loneliness. Tl- messenger is to wait for an ait swer. Will you say "Come?" i DAVID. "Cry away, dear, it will do j"U giMsi," wiid David, an hour later. Alva had said "Conic.' but im seeing Iiim siic had burst into a imssion of tears. The sudden release from 'the tciH'i'm of tlw past week Was too much for her self coutrol. j , j "I dont khow why I am crying I am sure," she said, "for I am glad oh, so glad! I found out that I coiihl not live without : yon." Ina in the Iinlgcr Monthly. Pri-voort CIItritCH EUIIr OK liL'EEUl'SlI ICS The first place of worship iu western Australia was quite unique Imih ffoia its frail form of construction and also the several purposes to which it Was ilevotitl. This remarkable buiMmg was made at Perth, then merely a town site, by soldiers of the Sei-n' coippauy; Sixty-third ngiment. shortly aftvr tlie detachment arrived at i'tla' colony Jn 1HJ!,; and w as . ''coinnse.. almost "entirely .of bullriiishcs. In ad dition to this ruk lltlM edifice be.inR nsed on Sundays for divine worship It sometimes served as an amateur tln-a-ter during tlie week, and was used during the whole time, as a barracks.-. TURKISH TIME CAUSES CONFU- ; HION. ... --. A recent visitor to Constant inophj re lMrt one custom of the Turks which causes a vast deal of trouble and con fusion. This is the Turkish system of reckoning time, A Turk holds that tlie day begin exactly at sunset, at, that time he sets his clocks aud walches at the hour of i' As the silii has the same , habit of tiresidimr ovi'T Turkey tlutt be exercise with regard Io oliifT lox-alitk'S it may easily. Im seen that this system of reckoning time necessi tates setting the clocks every day. it apiMars that a watch .which could ruu for weeks without losing or gaining minute would be ofLuo siecial value to a Turk. A