Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 17, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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An Undated and Unsatisfactory Message Is Re
ceived from Minister Conger.
The State Department; Says It Is Not In.Reply to One Sent Him
Aagnst 8th -No Report from the Relief
Force Received.
WASHINGTON, "Ayr. H. Atthe close of the official daj at the
State Department, tbTTollovrinjr announcement wa bulletined :
"Th j Department of State announces that a mes;e from Minis
ter CoDgrer has been received, bat of uncertain date and not in reply
to the telegram aent him Aujptst 8th. It will not be made public."
London. Aug. ! L- A special from
Slmnghai. dated August 13th. sap:
Numerous reports from . J'ekin, dated
August fcth. have arrived there. It ap
pears the Chinese arc again desperate
ly attacking the Legations, which have
very few defenders k-f t. It ia also al
leged that Prince Tuan and 1M high
officials have left Pekin, and that the
news of the ''rapture of Yang Tsun has ,
caused a beavy exodus of residents.
It is said that Chleg Swn Huan, who
was the sMcial ambassador to Qiwcn
Victoria's jnbilee. has created wide-
inroad terror, and that Vu Lu. former;
Viceroy' of Chi LL was killed in the
battle of Yang Tso'u.
'Washington. Aug. 11.- Minister Con
ger's message was received in Wasn i
jiitlton shortly Jtetore noun. ctuing
first to the Chines IinsstT by, th.-!
usual route through the1 Chinese of j
ItciaH. it waft in tit" Atnenetn c:
idier. without date, and signed vit!it
the AI itjti.s!er.'s u.ime. Throitgli.Mtt Hiejt: If era Id from ('lie Foo. datetl ,ng
sif(4'rno4Hi the Jtale Hiariiiit iJ! M.ilti , i lir.-t nth. says: The Chinese plan fo.
tallied an ttnaeeMiiifa!de i-ti-enc.t i -,. r: apun of the Tien 'I sin atid
iae'rn;ng the sa:jvt. deeiining tT;ikti foils has Imvii xanctioucd by the
admit-that tit message was Iji haud. j-utneror.
Tlie susiMnse wa.- rleared nu .-br 4 '
o'clock by the atxtve nnnonoeeitsenti I
It won Ktatcl a ttiliorita lively tltat Cue
disiiatch .showed neillier a
iK-tter nor !
a. worse condition on the part of the
Legationers at I'ekin.
Thronghoiit tin- day word wast .irt
Jously awaited froji Cneral IiaiT"e
as to the !ove!.ipi!!erit of the military
situation near I'ekin. but not a w d
came. The last heird frrvm Chaffee,
he was nr !!' Si W'ti :t'n must av
he very .near' I'ekin u::h'.s yen it
have OCelllTed to tiel,!.v ihe" ! I-n.
It vvn sated 5y an ':!vjial. who has
lived at l'e in. . i imtlnug slne-f eT
lie hefivifst art ilh-ry eotiid iiaU. iauy
Imprcssiott tiwn tin? walis or tsi- jt,'.
p rial city.' 'lie aid lhn light artiHery
would Im' of no avai me.! t!ie ndvAZicc
of a flying colnn n. even tii t Ce
-walls of the eit.v. jirld efTft little,
if a tnlliortr iIi'umj Was determivii
njxni.- '! i
Although the situation - fdtnU ;
the prospect of an asauU rpon If4;;!i.
the -Ooyernment offleia! ere decided
ly mor' iiojeful Uwlay that the solu
tion of the Chine.H' "prohieni may In
found without reo,iie to such heroic
The attitude of ,tiie t'nited StaiM
CAncerntng the landing of I?ritH'i
troops at Shanghai lias bn m id ?
known to the foreign governineiits,'
Thl hnn had the e-Ttt of pmctieaifv
eliminating tlse LuiUd Stales from
the question.
r,i;t)ti!!i;ss ok ai,i.ii:s.
Iottdoii. A ng. 1 1. -Tin otdy .ti 'ws
whlcli lakes "'the" advate e ttjwm I'ekin
furtlier titan ll Si Vu. . eMiics fn;u
Paris.- The I;onfhTi pars eo?tt:'in
nothing t eoiiMrm the I'reneh report
4liat the allies are within sixteen miles
of I'ekin. although a Che Foo dispatch
is printed, say Pig they were within
tuei'tr seven miles of the goal Satur
day. Conftrming the arrival of -the Inter
national ferees at Ho Si Vrt. the Pally
Mail' eirerspntlerd adds:
"The 4'hiltese fifteriNl little real oppo
sition. The arrival of the allies li ni
trated a determined attempt to dicrt
the course f the river. Tie heat is In
tense, but the health of the trtops Is
A St. IVterlmrg speeial saj:
1!ie latest news from General I.ine
vlteh. eommandinsr the Itussian triKpH
in IVI Chi !i. is that the-allie-. alter
the- eapture of Yang Tsun. iiKk one
day's rest, and on Aliens Tth site van
guard was. form.-d. oiKistiiig of one
Silierian regiment, one regiment "1 of
i'othuf l'tKs;ieks. thrs Itattalions I of
Japanese infantry, 'one Japanese sap
ix r comiany, and an American mount
ed battery. j
"Tlie column proceeded 1y fortiil
inarc5is alKut 1 1 ?-j . eisi towanl J'e
kiiu eucoiuitering at .Man Tuang. almut
forty-id ne in ils fyiu the eaptral, a
"hiuese tletavlfuieiit. wliieh foiisiht for
an hour ami a Palf. Finally the Chi
nee threw (h.wir their nrnis and ded.
A hen thin iews w'aa . ficftibark ail the
allies started forward' 'U tene i-l-iimns."
The Chinese Minuter in Imdou is
ipiotevl ai tbiyitig that lie lelieved
Hace would 1 w." estahHshetl between
t'liina and tlie powers wltliin tlie next
Kir weeks. Yesterday he transmitted
to the liritish (foreign oflice a mesat.e
from theBritiiili minister at Pekin.itlH
i-ontctits f w lltcli the oJliVials thus far
refused to make-public. ' j '
The Standard, after, expressing! ;1!ie
opinion that there Is ground to lioie
tltat the Ministers will I r rescued :
the arrival" of the allies at i'ekin on
Tburslay. if the initial rat of iregress
Is nia'ntaineI. ays St may Im taltea for
cranteil that the fMtlicy attrllutel to
the Washington cabinet, represent tbft
absolute minimum of the demands of
the combined powers.
New York. Aug. 14. A dispatch to
the World from headquarters of lli
allied troops in the field. Tai Tung,
China, August Xth. via Tnku, Cb Fm
and Shanghai. August ISth.'Vay: ! The
general n.dvanee f tlie ullie!, foree
legan this OVelheslay) morning. ( The
mnler ls.t rush to PekJn with no, rest.
The Chinese are refiorted o ha v re
treated straight lo Pekin After Kinsr
- - - . ; '- -V -'1ir ":-
driteit tint of Vang Tsun on Monday.
Va:;g Tsuti -was captured by the
A nigricans, under' Jem-rat Chaffee.
Tlrrjr lil me allies in the forced march
from Pei Tsang and attacked before
the watives ljil re-jviwI frm the ef
fects of their signal defeat of the day
Ifoiv. The t'liiicd States regulars
i. ado a dash when they found the i n-i-w.y
;;iid soon wen- piasters of the po
sition. ," i I A I ' I " K I" O H RO P.OR ATE I .
Chicago. Auu'. I'l. A sjMM-ia! to the
i 'l"iiifs-l I era Id from a !u:;i:ti.n savs:
!A ,.,.,,,,, iispai. li corroborating the
ii'!ri front Ceneral Chaffee that the
iclri" id:ii::i i:;:d arrive! at Ho Si Wu
I an l-on p. -cived. Th: dispatch,
v, !i h was unsigned, was direcicd to
the l'.i:rc:j;i of Navigation of tlie Xavy
J j.-si.-i rt iJiiriit and evidently was from
Adinira! licii'i j. Here is what the De
:iarMi:cii; n .nJe puhlie of this dispatch:
"Advanced A:gnst !th to Ho Si Wu.
Chinee lUd after tiring few shots. No
- t:.:4t ios."
i'oik. Aug. 14. - A dispatch to
v....- n, ii ..l,
, - " ' . .
iitte 1 1 ei . i i'l iroiu i jen isui. 'l.tu'ii .ug-
list ."II. .ays: (em-ral Porward is in
command of the forces left to defend
T'"ii I'sin. The t'hincxe have riiH-'ived
ri-lfirfo-etiiepts from the south. The
It:plu il.v of the. Southern Viceroys ac
counts for this.
The reform of China mean ruin to
half a liiillioil official.
Ki:i;r;i;i; aski:i tih: i nited
To Find IIre a Place -of Kef mrc if
. ' Ji'v Nee-ssity for One Should
l.O.NPON. An;, it President Kru
ger .iddnws.-.! a formal application
to tlie Uuitetl States to grant him a
san-tuary. in c-asc tin mi-cssiiy for
ir should arise. This occurred, accord
ing lo Sc-retary lleilz. the day Lord
IlolH-rtjj entered Pretoria. The details
of the event have !M'n relatid by F
Y. Fnger. who has just returned
'from the Transvaal, ami who secured
the information from tHcrctary UcUz
and others.
I 'tiger did not know whether the
Stale Pepartmeut eventually gave a
sjM-ciie- answer to Krugu-r's repjcst.
Iomion. Aug. 14. Lord lloberts re
lrts to the Var Otlice. under date of
Pietotia. Angus! 1.;.- as follows:
"K.ili !i -ne-r reports from. S-hool-plaats.
eight miles east of Ventera
dorp. that IHwet blew up three of his
uigus. Six llritish prisoner who
osc;ed from. P'Wet's camp statt
that. President Steyn is confined in
camp, under surveillance, and that
iMti't wa.s fored to abandon his atu
mmiitioii and '.V hors4s. They also
cr rirm the report that Methuen -a'p-tiired
one of liewet's guns and Klielied
tie main omvoy effeclively. Ian
Il.upil'oii tih'graphl that lie hopes
to be at lllaauwbauk txlay with his
main 1kI,v. Mahon's mttntt. troop
are pushing on to the -westward."
Another report from Lord ItoberLs
of the sum' late says:
Methuen and Kitchener, still fol
lowing Pewet ami Steyn, yesterday
rrachd Moddersfoutein. I'l miles cast
of Yenterwlorp.. Methuen is in touch
with Pewet s rear guard.
"Smith-Porh-n rewrts that the
Shropshire r'cinieiil n-ently mandied
4.i miles in SO hours, and the City of
I,otKlou lmMrial Yidunteers : mile
iri )t hours, hoping to prevent" -pewet
from crossing the Krugenu.lon.P6t
chefstnxini railway.
"Puller' oecuiat'im of Krtnalo is
havinir a uoixl etTit.
A .Field Cornet and "Si mirgliers
of tlie Standerton cmnnKindo turrtii-
dertnl yesterday to Clery."
A (Jerman Oeean Liner Establishess a
.. New Mark in tire Atlantic.
Plymouth. Aug. 14. The Ilamburg
A mrica n I Ine st ea mer 1 eu tschlaivd.
which Faihd from New York August
Mh for llaufburg. arrived here i HJ.D
tlil morning, making a new record
for the east ward passage and the
fastest time ever attained by any
oeean Rteaoier of Ii days It hours an-J
4.1 minutep. llcr highest day's run
was o."VJ knovs.
The IHuts-hlaiwl made an a-erage
upeed Of 23.S4 "knots during the pas
satre. - -
The lentscldand cleareil the Sandy
llook liightship at" oUJT p. in. last
Wlnes.lay. Following the dav after
the Kaiser Wlthelm der tlrosse. which
arrived at Cherbourg yiRtenl.ij-. Cn
siderable Interest lias Iteen taken in
watching for fhe arrival of the two
great rivals. x Ity her pre.eut per-
-fonnance. tlie leursclilann has lieaten
tlx reeonl4reaking time made on her
timiden passage easfwam in July by
3 boors and 21 minutes. ;-. -- r : "
Memphis, Tenn Aug. 14. Fout
employees of the earner IT11I City
were drowned this morning at lilua
Point Landing, 31 iss. Tne men were
repairing the wheel" of the steamer
and were precipitated into the river.
The dead are:. William Brown, It.
Fresher, John Darge, a fireman, name
unknown. .
He Is Comddered In a Dangerous Con
dition, and Is Sinking.
Atchison. ; Kas.. : Aug. 14. Ex-United
States Setiator John J. Iugalls, who is
in Ias Vegas. X. 31 for bis lwtiltli. is
sinking rapidly and his fou. Shemdd
In calls, totlay started for the bedside
of his father.
X telegram from Mrs. Ingalls, receiv
ed here today, a nnotiuoed the serious
eondition of Mr. Ingalls, who has Ieen
in the Southwest for over a year for a
throat difficulty. It 'has leeu lielieved
for three mouths that he was fatally
Nw York, Aug. 14.Charles II.
Wort h. son of si weIl-to-lo Standard
Oil official. Is missing and bis par
ents fear lie has met with foul play.
The family summer home is at
Chadwick, N. J. Worth was last on
on Wednesday. In Atlantic City. X.
J.. where he was alniut ti take a. train
fr this city. He wore valuable jew
elry ami lmd !isidenible liKinej- w ith
him. A general alarm . has lieen sent
out from police headquarters and a
pystematie wareh is InMng ; made for
him througltotit the Last. Worth is
:V years old.
Vancouver. It. C Aug. 14. -The
Canadian Pacific railway boiler-niak-
i-rji and bfcicksmiihs quit work this
afternoon. In sympathy, with the ma
chinists tdrike. I here are now tu
men at work in the ' locomotive d
partmeut. A DEMOCRATIC
'Idea go, Aug. 14. Senator Jones
Chairman of the Pemocratic Nation
al Committee, today apiointed P. C.
IXinl ar. National Coniiiiitteeni:in from
Clali. to be i member of the Press
khkmkks at maclkav asi a dais
Bjr Selling Their Crop in Lrg Qaantitl
to Kig Dealers -Some Fair
Ylehlrt Krportetl.
I From 'Daily Statesman. Aug. 15.)
Tin farmers in the vicinity of Mae
leay. Shaw ami Ainnsvilie have iKohd
their wln-at and oats and as a result
are securing" a gixwi price for their
crops. - Monday the owners of oats
hail a meeting and accepted the oSTer
of Moore and Ferguson, of San Fran
cisco, for P5.SOO bushels at cents.
tlanlner Pros., of the SI ay ton mill,
have ofTered the farmers of this se.
tion 7-y, ci-ut.s n busiiel for wMieat. di-
livere.1 at 11nir -mill in Stayton. This
mill will require at last S'l.tX- -hosti
els of v.lieal ti supply its demau ls
a.id if is probable that a large par!
of the crop of this section will le sold
at the ligures offered. 1 iie offer holds
good for thirty days and no doubt
many farmers will take advantage
of it.
The condition of the Willamette
valley grain crop has so orten boon
painted in the . darkest colors imagin
able, and tlie fmj-ill yield exploited,
that the public generally lieliovos th"
v. heat crop is a failure throughout t'e
valley. Hut ,reoi-ts, coming from in
dividual farmers tin every portion of
Marion county, are more favorable
than was. anticipated, -and the on think
is not as gloomy as lias Iiceu stated in
the pa si a
John Short, who resides on tin L.
". Crti'litii farm four miles e:tst of
Maeleay. and adjoining the line farm
of Citv. T. T. ;er, reprts an excel
lent yield for this season. He had
llo acres ' in wheat, ami recently
thresheI the crop. Sixty teres of
litis wheal -one Held yielded 2'Z
bushels lo the acre, while another
field of fifty acres, yielded a trifle over
IS bushels er acre. On tw adjoin
ing farm, last year, -the yield of wheat
was l bushels flier acre, making this
year's ; crop about half of that har
vested last year.
W. II. Downing, of ' Sublimity, had
forty acres In wheit this year, which
y!cldd nearly 17 bushels er . acr,
and others, .in this same section se
cured crops nearly equalling this.
II. J. Workman, on Salem Prairie,
had a fine field of wheat, which, up
to the- harvest season, promts! an
excellent yield, but It was somevhnt
of a disjiiUHiintitM'tit .as it lurnd out
but 15 bttsliels er acre. This. hw
evir. Is the b-st. yield rcNrtd from
that nelghliorhooil. and is much Ht
ter Uian the ttverage north of this
-ity, when the crop was. in many
instances, almost a. failure.
bicycle suits ami .bicycle pants at the
New York Racket. Ct-wlt:
A inovenient Is on foot at Malpas.
Cheshire, England, for the restoration
of the chnrcia with which the name of
Bishop Ileler is associated. It was
iu tin neighlMiring rectory that 1 was
lxirn. 'and the register t-sti ties to the
fact that he was christened in Malpas
church. Not only so, but td. father,
Reginald Helier, was the builder of the
rectory -and ms mother v.as the archi
tect. Frati .Maria. Elizabeth Wentzel-Iicrr-mann
is Ihe first woman during the
last two hundred years to lieeome an
honorary rneiidier of the lierlin Royal
Academy if S.';enee. Fran Weutzel
Hermann some time ago gave the acad
emy alHint $5,io. One of the re
sults of this gift Is the new critical
edition of tlie Greek Church Fathers,
of which two volumes bare already
Miss Iillie J. Ray, daughter of Daii
iel A. Ray. recently made Fnted States
marshal at Hawaii, has leii aiqMdnt
d. deputy -marshal to lii-r father. Miss
Ray lias for the last year or two lieen
Iu the -tension bureau at Washington.
She had previously served u icier her
father In the Lmd department, of
which lie was chief.
The Reasons Why It Docs
Not Survive Marriage
and Motherhood.
.. -j- - - -
Hero and Leaiuler are. tlie abiding
tyies of romantic alTe-tiou. lieganl
less of rheumatism Leniuler nightly
swain the Hellespont to see the fair
maiden. Hero, whom be loyed. And
.eaielcM of draughts and cold feet, He
ro stood with a guiding lamp, waiting
lo welcome her wet and dripping loycr.
Unhappily Iander tried -tlie" trip once
too often and wa drowned.
Put KjipiKtse, . Leander bad lived and
marriage , bad --consummated this ro
mantic aff-tion. Would ' tbe Iove'rs
have Ikx'u bnniiv? Fancy Ieandcr with
the rheumatism, "dozing and grnihb-!
ling in tlie chiinuej- lug." and Hero
with her back aching iuid heart; -aching,
wondering what she. ever saw in
him to marry. r
Sudi things havi beri and will ugaiu
lw the outcome of a roiuautic hvv.
In the failure of marriage to carry
out the promise of romantic love,- the
man .always blames the woinan.; He
has no patience with tlu strange fau-
: i 1 f ? - it
ies :it'l ".vhitiis. the niif it and yarl'a-
b'e iiioimIs. wlic-li pn'ssige materniiy.
II lias no kiioM!:lde f tlie pains of
Ixnly and pamrs of mind wilii w hi li
ihe moling wif:' appruacm s ijte hour oi
her trial. And so ihe wife recoils froin ; health. Life is a burden to anyoit
file seeming yettishnes-s of the b:i.M!id.'i wilnnt healiii. I havi told a" great
wlilch after .ill more siiddity than j many of my friends' aliout Ihe great
.-eltishin'ss. And as ih t'oiiug wife'ati.d I nietilcfne ! took.
leotl-r. worn out by' pain, can't 1m al-! Women w ho suITer from disease in
ways, tl-e smiling lo er. tliey drift ! chronic form- -are s-iecially invited to
apart. ; -' -onsult 1 r. Iii-r-. by letter, free, and
Men are eysenrtally more selfish han i so receive the benefit of tin advice of
women. I'rt every man should ! aisle ! a ' physician .who has made th tieat
ti put, aside his selfishness in syinp'a-j tern' VU1 cure of womanly diseases
thy foV his wife's suffering. Yet,; bet-; his life work.
ter th:Mi all this, is to ilo away with i All orrespondenec is strictly private
i !i" suil'iTing entirely, or so minimise ; tutd sa-rily eonliileni ial. Address Pr.
it that it is only dke ;-the shadow in-
stead of the substance of suffering. To!
enable the wife to kep . her .luxlily
lK-auty and nienfal buoyancy; to break
away from her aching limbs tlie fetters
of cruel disease; to enable the mid her
! pass through ih-. birth .hour'. practi
cally without snft'ering. and give' her
abundant vilahty to nurse and iioiirksu
iter infant. This is the ideal oinlitio:i
of healthy woiiini!lioML"
I.loW can wotiM'U aeiiieve tliis ideal
condition of health? Is jhere any
wouian v. ho has doo it. who knov. s
how and will' tell other women the
way? Y. Mis. IJemmls, among
ot iters, knows how and she will le'.t:
"AImiiu teti years agri I was marrid
and three ntoiiiiis later I le--anie sjek.
btit l did nor know wiiai was the mat
ter with me.'' writes Mis. John II n
;i 's. of Muif'ou Station. Pa "I was so
si k and nervous, was not sible to do
any work at all: had to hret all-doi; -.
My husbaird s mother.' had been using
your remedies, ami one dav sin- came
over to jeciin a ltd brought some t "'
.4iiir 'Favorite Proscription' with her.'
ami sh said. 'Take that niodicjr.c- I i
know if will hlp yon.' I took it ami if 1
did help' me. iljul I got better of the ;
ti.-ni te;iings iiint i i. no i.-erore l. com
tueiii-eii taking it; was sium atl to l
t ii'fi
mv work i.iv-self. I took the in
rig'-tt along till after confinement, ai d
I can -safely say that: pr.' Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription' -is better than all
the other doctors medicine 'put togetn"
er. N!W; I am liapirv and well. aul
. ... I . ' . . i f - I. .. r.
1 f!lll
wno saw me li-fore when
was si-k ami se me How have saitl - j
'How well you look.": and they ask in'
what I got to tuiiki tue s well. I
qi'ii kly lell tlu'Ul wliJH made me liot
trr.' Sonic f the nigtdorH ha.: used
tlie s.-imo -ntdiciii tbrough; my 'ad vie-,
and they have lieen greatly teiic lited
too. - As long as lJol hts me live.
wl' -never I h-i any kiictif drugs, I
will send for Pr. Pierce's Favorit-
Prescription and Peil.t.'-! It uis.I to
lie lHfor i Usl your lilii-ilicin'e lliilt
everv. inoiitii I had pains like" lrilor
pains for-a wck at -a tim,
wck at a tinw, and
would have to lie in bed.Juit now th;
' .
is ail over. I can g ahead wilii. my
nftcr I
(t, ',,.
work as if nothing was the m
will I ever tnanklul to ..ol a
for having such remedies to help jmoriS
stiflerlng invalilsle I was myself. I i
advise every sufferer w!i ts in inn-d
of a iltK ior io put aside the doctor ai.d
get sme of Dr. Pier-e's medicine, and
that will be the .lst hctpr-they ever
Lad and .tin one who will tlo them tin
iiic-sf gH-d." . . -. ; v j . i. . .
All that was -done: for Mrs. He -minis
has been done for. many another wik;
man by Dr. Pierce Favorite Preserh-'
tion. It regulates the icriods. dr'es i!i
tressing drains an! beals itjiil.-ininiation
and ulceration.. .It 'pracflcally does
awar with tin? iwtius of childlifrth and
gives abundant vigor to nursing nioth -
In a great many case bj statements
from HMaIprart it loners w ho siiy tliat
nothing can te done, leesifise tliey have
'failed' of success Iu their own treat-
intent. Xiue limes out of I en tha fail-
treatment of the
nttiu ic.-. ; - - -
"I. had itoor health for muc-vears
tever since ,the birth of y child),"
writes Mr.-. Armtie Walking, f Ac
me Kanawha C., W. Va. "Had fe
male weakness, was very irregular and
would sufler imtohl misery. Our fam
ily doctor did not do ne any od and
I concluded to write to you. When I
wrote I had no idea that I would ever
get well. but. w ben your letter reached
me I lniran to have hope. I commenc
ed taking Dr. Pierce's medicines as
directed and began to improve in
strength. I was soon able to do tin?
work for my fcunily of six. I have recommended'-Dr.
Pierce's medicines to a
numlH-r of my friends, and they think
there never were such medicines in
the. world- I thluK so myself. 1 took
"eight bot ties, three of -Favorite Pre
iscription' and live of 'tlolden Medical
Discovery' and two vials of Pellets."
: The wonderful tonic efi'ccts of Fa
vorite Prescription" are not due to
stimulants nor opiates. It contains no
alcohol and is absolutely free from
oplini."ctieaine and all other narcotics.
It is purely vegetable preparations a'nd
cannot disagree" with the weakest con
stitution. It- siothos the nerves, re
stores tlie apietiie. and induces re
fjv'sliiug sleep. It makes weak women
strong, sick women well.
"I take great pleasure in recom
mending Pr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription for female weakness."' writ"
Mrs. Susannah Permentor, of Pauls
Store. Shelby Co.. Texas. "I was troub
led with bearing-down pains in my
I fir, tJkf. t
jback and, hips for
' wrote to Pr. Pierii
six years, and I
for advice. I tried
j Ids Favori'
I'r's-ript ion" and six
I tjottles
ure Is due to the
cured no-. I feel lie a newjtia
; person
ami t main; ir. i icr e mr rt
It. V. Pierce. lUiffalo. X. Y.
'.'There .are a great many offers of
"free 'medical advice" made by irre
sponsible people. Those offers are so
worded as to imply thai tin medical
advice lofi'cj'cd is that of a cotniH-teitt
piiysieiai). It is wise to examine every
such offer, wlt' thi'f mailt by man or
ivotiian. and I.i lit whether the advice
offeml ' is that of a physician or only
tin "advice" of mmiic. unskilletl. un
ipi.iiiljed person., which cannot Ik d-l-itilil
upon ami which may prove to,
la l;ngerotls. 'Keep it ill. llli'ltl litat
only a dodor can give reliable medical
ailvic. ami iii'mtl ihose who. having
u metlical know lodge and being legal
ly barred from practicing medicine,
yet make speciotts but 'spurious offers
iif "f r mciii-al advice."
P-nt even among doctors there is a
i'"l erciiee iu abiliiy. and the specialist
claims tl:t :irt eonsid,ratin. PM-ttr
Pierce, for more than '"thirty 'years
chief -consulting iTfiyst -i,i ji to the Inva
lids Hold and Surgical Institute. ISnf
f.rsio, X. Y.. assisted by his "slatT f
ne:rly a s-oi. f physicians, lias treat
ed ,trtd riiretl over lial.f a million wo-
: men. He via nils a! tin bend or luedl-
cal s-jMM-iati.-its. with a rH-ord of curis
i Vv liii-h i-aeii'il be T.. I ii ii-.i i i-i I in iiii-i1i-:i I
Occasionally some dealer, .tempted
by tlie 'xtta pmtit or a less meritorious
in diciiie. will lender it to a -ustomer
i "just as good as pr. Pierce's. If
j n,i- t '.inn niii-; msr i in-n- s llOill.ilg
.I... ..I..!... .. V . .1 . . .1
: '
Ili i : i . . . , .
- !
'.-ier-i nun i: i oiii jl!?-t as goolf. ,S
i a..
ii'M tiM'i't is no medu'ine ;ts good as
1 1 r.
I'"erco"s Favorite !res-ribt hm. A--
Vpt no substitute.
out you wont o as well without it.
3 V.
lietl:iT yloi are married-, or siii"'li-
"It." is Pr. Fie see's I'oiiiinoii Sense
1ed'ical Advisr. This great work ttm
tains UK'S ;ages. It treats of tlie
j ' V , ;
i ti "Ss . t iofi joiej-ej ii
every-' ma u and Eomau. The l'ok will
j U-ost yoti iioihiu but .-ox f cnse of mail
. ! ing. Send :1 oiie-et-nt stamps, oximusc
aif mailing only, for the iHMik In baml-
!,,,m,, ,ot'- binding, or 21 stamps ir you
! '"' " content witirso valuable a lM.k
- .i'n pafK-r t-overs. Addr.ss Dr. R. V.
,; 4' 1 ' ' V
, ' '''.
X. Y.
SWEIT P.Y fire:.
Vancouver. It. C, Au
tovn or Coluurfria. It. C
practically -.wJimhI out by
. !.". Tlie
has been
lire. The
" Las a population of .dVK but no
. snpply. The loss Is estimated
lal" ,'"JJW'
Prices for tlie large slztsl banners
which N.!iti'-al chilis hand across the
htM rii-igt fnuii ?.V, for the 15 or
i20 fw,t size to ?2t5 for those fiet
!? -IO. . . , . j-. - . .
CRASH .HATS-Reduced at Hip New
York Racket; tT cent hats at 5 cents;
i" '-eut hats at 35--ents: i5 cent hats
!at 'M rents. - "1 V d21-wlt
Twice a-wcek Statesman, $i a yean
the men 'employed by E. Et'kerlen. on
his farm near this crty, was at traded
by the Iwtrklug of a dog to one of the
Ileitis a Tew nights ago. lie found
the dog bad cornered n. iKireupine,
and with infinite trouble and ran
siK-ceeded in eajrturlng the animni.
It is a large one, and a rare lind in
this portion of the valley.
For the last.lO years there "has 'been
an-increase? or -i annually in i the
number of tlrcat Itriiain's insane.
A great many IieadaclK'S women
have come from wearing too high Col
NOTICIv Is hereby given that I have
given my daughter, Ed?th Repass,
ti,t V ..-III i. .
ocr ttiiit-. turn iii.ai a us ui
rcsiKinsable for any ietts contracted
by Iier. Datetl this 15th day of
August, ' 1JHHJ. Mrs. Cora Repass.
LOST. A large steer mostly while'
with blue qots on neck, weight
aliout 15IKI, got out of pasture at,
Iike Iibish. Any information ad-
- dressetl to II. C. M'cDowcl, Saloiii,
5NI Mission street, will In property
rewarded.. . N:17.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be riceived at tin otlice of
the County Clerk for Marion county.
Oregon, until August MK I'.hm'. at in
trcltn-k :ii m.. for making nils as f,..
lows: One on- the east 'end" of the
bridge across lti-siver creek, near C. C.
Wciigcr's place, extending d fvt in a
westerly direction from tlie cast end
of said bridge, also one .extending front
west end of said bridge in an easteily
direction 1".' feet, said fills to be as
high a:s the floor of said bridge ami Ps
feet tin top. with a stone abutment on
the east end of the west till. -
Said work is to be completed by Sep
tember L'o. 1!HX, The rigid to reject
any and all bids is reserved. -
K:15-ltdwtd. County .Itidse.
Oltice f the County Clerk of Lihui
County, Oregon. Aug. 11. I'.khi.v
Notice to oiilKictors: Pursuant tJ
an order of the courts or" Linn aii
.Mai'on t ounties. tiregon. notic- i
hen by gicit lli.tt scalcij bids will
rcccivil iy me at my-otlieo in Albany
Linn County! Oregon; until August:;!!
I'.kio. at 1 o'lock p. in. for tetimlM-r
big the bridge across Cue North Sa:;
tiam river at Stayton. Oregon. ii!cMil.
Ixaiiis xceplelii said repairs to 1m
conqilet-ed by iclolr 1. I'.kio. ami. lit
timber used to le tirst-class timber. re.
or yellow ttr. .
Said bids will be opened on said Aug
ttst .ttl. lPoo. at I p. m . at Albany ly
tlie Joint 'uni t nf Linn and Marion
Counties. A bond in tie; amount o
li'o bid will Im teqiliriil of the surics---ful
bidder. Cash to ihe amount of .'
: r iel)t. of the amount b .I l'HIl
iiii:inv i .oil bid: same to be-forfeit)
by M!'-i-essf'ol bidder if lie fa i's to corit
t -with said "counties wiilu'n tlirei
llie Court reserves the right to it
jeet anv and all bids.
Countv Clerk of Linn, 'oimty, t M if
goii. by 11. II. Motilague. Deputy.
lem. Oregon", is C1V1NO 'A' "NEW
cyclopaedia Rrittanica. valuable books,
a iuitar. Alandolin. etc., to those who
will send iu a certain nuiyltor of sub
scriptions. You simply semi the re
quired number ami OET THE PRES
ENT. This Is not oU'ii to regular
solicitors to Whom a commission is
paid. Writ for part iouhus and a
of the paMr. will pay a
ce.mmissioii to thoe who will
their time to Koltcitiug for the
Address i 1
. Salem. Oregon.
ilcwlTtTays the freight
, " - .f
in all ord-rs of $'JO and upwarsls.
within a radius of Um inihs of Fort
land. Railroad and Logging Caijip.s
a SjH-cialty.
So. law Third Street, Portland, Or.
NO. 29ft.lt
Will stand for Maresjh com.i-iig ea-
son at Opener .of Ferry- ami Liberty
streis. For Pedigree' and parli,i;lirs.
call on
Dr. Mil. Long
Yehteriuary Surgeon. Sal -m. j'"'
Under the dirii tion of thr Sistrji of
the Holy Names of Jesus ami -Mi'n.v,
will bo reopened on Tuesday. 'Sept. .
It is tidvisable for students to content'
the In-ginning of the-session. For
tber particulars, address the Ae.-Kh-jniy.
at. .Salem.
Oreg-oii, or apply at
Money to Loan
On Improved farm and city jroierty
at kwat current rate.
Ovr Ldd & Buah'S; bank.
prntium paid for Marion and I'oU
county warrants, fit tlie tlice of !
P.reyman. with Boise k. P.arker,! ZtO
Commercial stnet,- Salem. 7:l-dw
rjusEun oFofliinTOHY;
mi uuec r.. in i wast en-
Th. Laiwr Aaatonina M '.Tsi
ttisrtwe nllllWl'1'"' J
NTPMII I ItwwWT rrt,f'-- I
tmm 44M tf t Hie m 1 "
r.Hi'xl c- l-r -l- !V"iI; i
frMmtm. It IM. juruw' H' e '
- L
. A Wf. (Wl I" r." -
mclriaVe.. WH nr I.. MIW f" , TT
4milillir., UAILU Utt. WI'
oewn .It mr ' ; T
OK. iOROAN CO 1051