Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 17, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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    : i
; . 1.
VOL. 40. NO. 20.
Goc line
COe line
25c line
rerluced to
" ,"v " o.C
;reducea to ;.t 20c
Men's Bicycle Suits Reduced
5.75 bicycle suits reiluced to $100
4 50 bicycle suits reduced to 3.00
13.35 bicycle suits reduced to 2.25
12.70 bicycle suits reduced to 1.75
They're bargains if you can tise them
Men's Bicycle Pants ReducedAll grades from $1.25 to $2, reduced
to SI. Bioycle pants in sizes and 3S only. Ladies gents'
and children's tan and brown shoes reduced. We want to close
all summer lines out and will make it pay you to buy them.
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store
I MNUAL shoe sale
J , 10 per cent, discount on all shoes
we inaugur-
une year ago
ated our annual shoe sale. Our customers will remember the
wonderful! success of our monster shoe sale. This month we
will have theigreatest shoe sale ever heard of. Ten per cent,
discount cjn all shoes. All goods are marked in plain figures.
evening with many utlK.-rs. iu a recei
tkni given in tlnfst.it' ejpiud grounds,
which partook more of the nature of
an oilicial function.
Mobs Attempt to Lynch Peaceable
and Unoffending Negroes.
Dispersing- the Rioters on the
Streets Noisy Crowds Create -
Trouble io the City. i
historic ricfiiK ix Kansas
The End Cain' in New Mexico.
Where lie Had Coup to Seek
Jtclief from Disease.
NEW YORK. Auff. 10.-Many fishis
lietween whites anl blacks occurred
iu this city tonight. Alexander Itob
inson. a negro... and a colored friend,
were on a Thirty-fourth street car.
Soneoiie set up tlie shout, as the car
ueart d Eighth Avenue, that the uo-Ei-oes
ought to be lynched. A man
with a clothesline uppeared from soiue-
li.--Kx-I"nited States Senator Johu J.
Ingalls, of Kansas, died litis morning,
and his remains were started for
Ateiiisou. Kansas, this afternoon.
John .fames In Us was Imi-h in
Middlelolk. Massachusetts. Doceiiiler
.ISiZi. He was graduated from
Williams Cillege tu 1.S.W, studied law,
and was admitted to the liar in lsT7.
1 lo . removed to Atchison, Kansas, in
IN-"", v here he practiced taw. .He
win a nifiiilHT i.f i lie Wyandotte con
vention of 1S5!. secretary of the Ter
litorial Council in 1S, and of the
State Senate in is;!, and a State
Senator in 18U2. In the same year he
was an unsuccessful candidate fir
Lieutenant O oyer nor. After his de
feat he accepted the -editorship of the
Atehison CiMilnpioll. which he re
tailed for tliree years. He was again
defeated for Lieutenant Coventor in
Advices from China Indicate the Relief
of foreign Legations
By the Allied forces at PekinPatbetic Appeal. of LI Hung Chang to
Washington for an Armistice Received
Scant Courtesy.
m.l- A cnhlc
iVkiu: hut tlrt
like the othe:
still without i
17.- t Friday. ?, A7, a.
mi to Vicuna from
initotinces tlie eattture of
Austrian lovernment,,
Knroj":iu powers, .is
'itilirma 1 1 . of. this re-
An orti.itil telestam. tl.lted
Taku. August 1 It h. has Im'cu received
at Koine. v Inch assrts tli.it tlie at
tack on lYkiu iM'gan Monday, that
Sir Claud MacOoiiaki. the ltritisii
Minister, h.itl oimikhI -ommunicatioit
Anieiicau tJoverntncnt In that, If thcro
is to be a halt an arniisli i - it must
le at the walls of the inierlal city."
The lalest disath from Minister
Conger was sea u tied with eager inter
est, tut it 1. tou-lii little information
Itevond that already at hand.
Ui tine respe-t, lwTcvr. it gave tlio
Co et nmeiit sltnig encouragement; lis
it was almost a categorical ansiver U
tlie,lniuiiies of the Stau 1 epart nieijt.
Tliis.was liie litst leinite kn.txUc.lge
that we were in direct . touch with our
Minister, for air of his dls-iatches up
V.Ui ilOKEST l'UlKSt
Icstriyiiigi TiinlxT and Olher
vrty; .in CohH-ado.
Oenver, Coloj., Aug. '!;. A stK'cial to
the . News' from Alamosa. Coio.. says
a. forest tin- lA loirniiig east of South
1'ttrk. frotii 11 vie to tw-uty miles wide,
an.l i- destroying valuable tiinlM-r,
mining machiinery and buildings. It
has already traveled thirty live miles,
and 'I he damage will run ituo the mil
lioiis of dollars.
T "li'eommoiiate tliost who are par
tial to the use f atomizers in applying
lhjuids Into th nasal passages for ni
larrhal trttubles. the proprietors pr--jia
re Cream Halm in Ihtiid form, which
will 1 kmwn as Kly's l.iiiid Cream
Calm. Irii-t ini-ltnliiig the spraying
tiibo is To cents. Druggists or by mail.
The Iiiui"l f'lrtn enilNMlies the tneli
cinal propTties of Hm sdUl prepara
tion. Cnimi Balm i- -ndVMy absotlMil
by the m.-inbra ik' and doe not dry up
thi- sl-cret ions lint clianges them to a
natural and iie.il thy -character. Kly
-IJtothers. .v; Warren St.. N. Y.
Keports Show Kaput rwth Invited
t Meet iu I'ontkiiul Two
Years Hence.-
SALT EAKE CITY. I tnh. Aug. 10.
The Woodmen , of the World spent
the morning in listening to the report
of Head ..Consul Falkenberg. The
re-tort shows thai the order is iu a
very nourishing condition, and that
the" Padtic .l.urixdict ion is increasing
iu inenibetrffliiu rapidjj-.
At the afternoon session, telegratus
were read from OoxVroor Ceer. of
Oregon: the Mayor and the Chamber
of Commerce, of fort kind, asking th.u
11m- next Head Camp session be held
in fort land. Chaimir.-t TV. C. fTaw
lcv. of Salem. Oregon, rend the bien
nial report of the Hoard of Head
Managers, which showed that one
assessment er month is ainjile to
nteot all b'inanils on th: lKnetit fund.
'l"l IT"'"
ii 'I " '
2 . f
i i1'
it; tit' s nii
I iill ;! nil 1 I I
t' I lbllUHVii i t
2 -ies&z ikw i
- m 4 &
x- W - r m
T I til
vvr, Vv.A'. 4i-
Of the Fifth United States Infantry, Sw En Route to China to Support the Advance on Pekln.
a njc cr.N.
Berlin. A:itf.-ftL ' Hcrr
begin practice. mi August
caiiiion shotiiig fourteen
Kritpp will
S'.. with a
after eating. .
PILLS fordislrcss
a strictly casli busiijess. That's why
they sell to cheap. l2t-w lt.
Hcrlitt. Aug. 15.
T!en Tiin. dnte.1
nomioi's that the
Chang Vhia Van
The Chinese h-rt
-A diiialch from
August 141 h. an
allles cailur'd
.UN) d
whcix. and the two negroes were pull
ed off the car. 'Hie rope was thrown
around Robinson's -neck and with fifty
men ana 1kvs pulling, the mob started
for a lamp lost.
A 8piad of Mlice appeariil liefore
the nmb had gone far; a ud with much,
clubbing dispersed the crowd. The
two negroes got away. Several other
uoisy crowds were dispersed.
A favorite Chinese weapon is a native-made
ritle of one-inch caliber, re
quiring two men to handle, it.
Creeled by the Citizens of Lincoln A
Lincoln. Nct.. Aug. Id.- I.itn oln to
day tendered a very handsome wel
come to W. .1. Hryan upon his return
to his home after an absence of ten
days. He was met at the station by a
large concourse of people, who escort
ed him to his residence and who. after
li.ri.t l.is i Usteninir to a siteech there ami sliaK-
id on thejing hands with loth Mr. and Mrs.
I I'.ryau. only disiersed to meet in the
I.NU1. but was elects! to.th.? fliited
States Senate for the term beginning
March 1. 17:'.. and. re-elected iu IM'.J
and 1SST. In 1XM he was defeated
for re-election in the Legislature
which -was controlled by the Demo
crats and fopulists. Since, that liuu
he has devoted himself to journalism
and has. lectured whhdy. He was
among, the ablest debaters iu the
t'nitcd States Senate dining his serv
ice in that bidy. and his work in
joni-iudisio is unrivalled. He neemly
went Co New Mexico for the tM-iietit
of his failing health, but sank rapidly
and diAl as itdiaied above.).
Orler lo Eight the Expansion
Views of the Adininistration-
.V Noisy Crowd.
A ? Number of Americans Were Massacred By the Kurds Three Years Ago Today.
While it is our desire to kep our special value- in Summer Coods on the
minds of tlw public, we feel it very m-cssary to inform tlnw wlio are l..k
ing for advance styh-.s that we have many new arrivals now oM-n and ready
for your lnsp'tioii. .
ladies Suits
Fall styles' arrived early. Theyf wety
such gHiis that we tnuMli't wait until-SeptemN-r
lt to opii tlMiii.
Golf Capes t
Kight ready styles, such as will lead
this Kail.
I Jackets
A few up tfulatei ents just opened.
Children's: Golf Capes
Extensive showing of elaborate
styles. - ; ' I '- "- -! -
Children's Jackets
fTlwe largest assortnient ever brought
to Salem. ';:;'
Silk Waists
Neat anl natty styles Iu Fall pat
tern;.; : ; " -
: riannel Waists
: Made of nil kinds of prool3, ncb as
Ontlug. French Flannel. German
Flannel-. Sackings. Mercerized Lus
tral.s, etc. - '
Bast Conformers
The French models are found here.
Taffeta Ribbons s
A new line arrjved tolay.
... '
Stock Collars arid Ties
Beautiful Chiff.ins, Silks, etc; a full
assortment of coForings, from 25 cents
np to $2.50. ; ;
Jut the thing for Dressing Sacqnes.
Wraplers, etc, at IS cent per yard.
Men's Hats
The new shaies are in and we would
be pleased to have you look thent over.
Men's Suits
One shipment arriveI, and it opens
up in perfect shape.
Men's Pants
N n talking: 'they MtiTass any
thing shown In town, and Hie frire
are right. Extra td7.es for big men.
New Trunks
Another one jf those big shipments
arrived. '
INDIAN.M'OI.IS. Inl.. Aug !;..
Tin I.ilMTty t'ongress of the Amer
ican I-ague of Anii-tiiiiM-ri.nliPts to
dav eiiilorsel tlie candidacy of Wm.
j J. I'.ryan for fi"ident. The conveii
'tioii did not adopt the p1atfirm as
KiibiiiTlted iy the resolutions t-ominit-
tee without a long ami heated detnte.
bflt when I lie previous question was
'ordered,. lc4 than a si-ere could Ik
maishaliiil to vole against the Hryan
endorscmenr. The vote wa viva
voce, and the exact result will never
In- known, tun the wmiment was
shown in favor of an endorsement of
fry an. as 'the most effective manner
of 'theiking the allegeil imierialistie
policy of the admin'ist ration.
The, most ' vigorous , opixmenls of
the Hryan pronouncement in the plat
form were memliers of the "National"
third ticket convention, who were
also admitted as delegate- to tle
Anti-imperialistic Contress. Tlu-y
were I.mI hy Tho. M. OsWrne, f Au
burn. N. Y..;and .advocated .-tlie noin
Inatien ef a third ticket on th-tluory
that I lie followers, while opposed to
McKinley. were not prepared to ac
cept Hryan on the Kansas City plat
form. Every mention of Jtryan'
mmi ealbnt forth applause. The
sjieakers who opfKse the Bryan
plank In the platform were n-eeived
with cries of titne from delegate,
.and the chairman at time had dif
ficulty In" obtaining a hearing for
them. '
, After the adoption or the resolu
tion endorsing HryanJ the represen
tatives of the third party met and se
lected Thomas ltMnie. of ; Antmrti.
X. Yj. as chafrinan. and Everett V.
AbU.tt. of NewY ork. seretary. A
bMitini i wa made and carried that
a nvetitkn 1- held in Xew York
Citr, Septetuter T.th. for the puno
of pomiuatlng a ticket. It Is aakl the
thinl iKtr.tr men offereil the Yxi
dential nominafin to ' Moorfield
Storev. of Maxsachnsetts. llat Huit he
dclined, Wm. I. Ilealner. of Cfdo
rado. was reporteI to te their choice
for Vlee-J'resldent.
witli Hie relieving forces, and that tin;
allies have establish!! their licail
iuarters at Tung Ch'ow.
The Chinese otticials in Shanghai,
are reported as admilling that the
allies inlli. led a lnMVy defeat on Hie
Cliinese Imperial triois around Tung
Chow, on Sunday, and rheii ma relied
direct on fekin. This, if 'true, 'carries
tlie Japanese oilicial advices, .announc
ing the capture of Tung Chow one
step farther,
Tlie Western . fowcrs, according to
a dispatch to tlie Ii-a'ifly Express-fromi
KIm. have accepted- the proposals
formulated by Japan, for arranging
an armistice, dependent upon tlie ini
iiH-diatc deli veryof the foieigii Iga
tions to the allies, or the .granting of
iwrnrissioti to the allied forces to en
ter fekin and o guard the legations.
I 'poll this basis Hie cori'es'HilidclIt
says. Japan lias already begun to -negotiate.
Shanghai dispatches
the Chinese
final attack
Sunday, but
declare lliat
had intended to make a
up. m tlie legations last
whether tin pi. in was
carried out is not known there.
The appeal of China and the prompt
response of the America ii Oov em
inent were the subject of supreme liu
jMtitance throughout the day. Coming
at a moment when the allied armies
w ere in the shadow of the great, walls
of fekin. the circumslauces iu which
Hie corrsoiidence occurred were of
a iweul'mrly iiiotiientous character.
The concensnsif opinion, expressed
by the morning pa ers, tends; lo the
lMlief tliut the legations are nov
pafe with the allies.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or. Best
farm paper. Issued weekly. $i a year.
WASHINOTOX. Aug. I HI.-At' the
close of a day of intense anxiety, the
State Department tonight) made pul
lic the latest orrspoudeii"e Intween
the United States Covefnnieut and
China, constituting not only a remark
able series of state paerH, but at the
same time dispelling all doubt and un
certainty as to the American iolcy in
the present critical Juncture. ,
The urgent, almost pathetic appeal
of-Id Hung Chang, pulmiitted early In
the day. that the victorious march of
the allies fdop at Tung Chow, and that
the militaary comma tnlcrs on the Held
lw Instrncti-d to arrange an armistice
at that io'.iit. was met with the re-nimn.se-
that Ceneml Cliaffe already
Lad Iteen given complete instructions
etnimwerlng him to nrry out any ar
rangement. Iu concert with tlie other
commander, for t lie delivery of the
Minister and jerson under their pro
tection, to the relief column, not at
Tons Chow, as Lad leen ftiggeKted.
but at IVkin. lurth-rmore. it was
known to Cliina tlutt Ceneral Chaf
fee's lnstrm-tkns left him a free rein
as to wledlK'r le . !ouId Insist ttimn
enterintj J'ekfn and coins to the
tioiis. or nhonM receire tlie delivery of
Igationrs at the gaW of the Inner
Tartar cfty or at tlw? uter woll.
In short. China, through her peace
envoy, besought a hair and armistice
at Tung Chow. twelve miles from fe
kin. whereas the reione of the
lo today, had conveyed theTnforniav
lion without refeleui e to tlie repeated
iiiouirics of the Covciiinieiit. That.
Iheil nation Is 'desperate is sliown by
his statement that oite of the attacks
unoii t lie Iega lion iK-cnrrl theylilght
before the dispaUh was sent. It Is
evident that the Minister is informed
as to the approach of the column, as
he says, "the Hearing of tjrt allied
forces gives us iHrpe," ! '
I'.e.vond Ihe liiiporlanf dipo:nalie ex
chauges of tlw day and the rs-elpt of
tin Conger messagel he chief ititer
esl is ceiitertnl jiu tlie exact where
abouts of tlw alliI army. ' Whetln;r
the allhil forces! act tially were iu fe
kin was Ihe all absorbing ipiestiou of
which everyone, in oilicial and Inter
national life, awaited the word with
keen anxiety. j
A dispHlch was rceived during the.
day, from Admiral Keiiiey, coureying
the Japaues report of the K''iltatlon
of Tung Chow, and itddjng the wtute
tiient. als, on Japaix-se Authority, that
the attack on fekin was ciin-cU-d to te
made ytteiday: - j
I'litlM COXCiEU. , j
Wiishitigton. Aug, Id. The Acting
Secretary of State has-made public
The following xp-act from a dispatch
from Conger. It is undated, but would
seem to have left fekin bet Ween Aug
ust 5th and 11th: . j ;
" "Our cipher is nafe. Therewas con
I in tied artilh-ry and rille Drink i unl.ll
JulylTth, only ritle tire since, but
daily, with frequent desperate attac ks.
Tle French, Italian. Itetglan, Austrian
.Hid liiifch legations, and all other
foreign projierty In fekin, are de
stro.vc'd. i
"Dr. -Inglis' child Is dead. Marlueal
Faiiiiiiig, Fisher. Turner, King, Tu fill
er. Kennedy and Thomas are -killed.
All other Americans are alive. Tho
Hearing of the allied forces tflve U4
hoe, . " .
'."" ". ' " t
A Ilt'HSIAX YitrroiiY.
St. feterbtirg, Aug. 10. ;eneral
Ucetuenkamp, according to advh-erf to
the Itusslan war oil ice, while pursuing
the Chinefte from Algus, found 4(nnt In
fantry, 5io cavalry and twelve jjuns
In a strong M-ition at San Jnhan. Al
though the Russians were inferior In
u u in ler, they made combined front
and 'flank attacks on the Cliinese oh
August 10U. The Chinese succeeded
In breaking up the Hank movement,
but eventually were compelled to evac
uate the position and withdraw tho
Two Wohen of Iortland Committer
Suicide Yesterday.
Portland. Or.. Aug. 10. Two women
committed sulelde here today.- Mrs.
I". IL-Wwlwwth.-th wife of a loco-
luiotlve fireman In AUdna, shot her
self throtigli the lieart, with a revol
ver, and Mr. Mary Richard took
mhhou In tlie Xarrow linage Jrnlglng
lems. Thef onucr snleide Is said ti
liave teen caused 1y sickness, and
the latter by nnreiultel lore.
Fine printing. Statesman Job Office,