Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 14, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    lilt BANDITS
Union Pacific Train Robbers Run
to tarth by Citizens.
The Other Bnrned to Death in a Kan
sas Ranch Had e a Game Fight
: The Booty Destroyed
GOOD LAND," Kan;., Aug. M. The
two Dion who hd.l up the Union Pa
cific passenger train' uearf 1 1 ugo. Colo.,
last Sunday, killing Mr. Fay and
plundering the iiassengers, were killed
today by the sheriff" iose at the
Bartholomew ranch, three uiilcs east
of this place. . j
GOODLAND, Iyans., Aug. 10. The
. wo Union Pacific ' robbers were
located here this morning on the Rar
t holomew ranch. - I kith are dead, one
being ehot to pieces, and the other
burned to death in the house vn the
Bartholomew ranch. After a fight
wnn the posse this morning, when
the first one wass hot, the citizens
sriued themselves onl went to the
ranch. The man inside the house was
armed with a Winchester, and a too
near approach to the limine drew his
Hre. About 4 o'clock this afternoon
some men. by crawling through a
cornfield, got in a shed near the house,
and from this ikice threw two'rali
road fuses on top of the house, netting
it on fire. . It was not many minutes
until the entire I building Was in'
. fl imeji, but the robber made not a
sign, and if he was .not shot by a
. bullet from "the many that were tired
from the outside, lie found his death
In th tiame. J i '
There Is no dou.bt about the men le
ing the train robber. On the Inwly of
the one shot Ml the morning nvas
found a watch,' two black calico
masks, a lady ehalnvnnd, charm, and
an open envi'loie addressed to ome
Illegible iKime atj Iltrgo, Colo. The
man in the house' had a large roll of
bills, but tbone. with the nubliers two
valises.; were brrmed. Tlie house on
tlie ranch, with Jts contents, wan val
ued at $1,200 and will be paid for by
the xonnty. Tw-o citizens. Eriggs and
I'ollin. lHt Hri the light in the morn
ing, are doing well and will probably
receoTer. I
Lhndon. Aug. IdLIt Is rumored in
Iourenco Marques, that President
tsteyn has committed suicide.
; At Red Time
I take a pleasant) her drink, the next
morning I feci bright5 and my com
, plextbn is better. My doctor says
- it acts gently on the stomach, liver
and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxa
tiv. It is madei form herbs.' and
is prepared as 'easily as tea. It is
called Lane's j Medicine. AH drug
gists se'i it at 25c. and 50c. Lane J
Family Medicine moves the bowels
eajrh day. If you cannot get ii, send
for a free sample." Address. Orator
F. Woddward. Lc Roy. N. Y. 5.
will open j klamath lakh
region to the would.
Agreement' Reached to : Rejrjn the
Construction of the Ine Sooil
It Will Cost ?2.1.VMoo.
ASHLAND. tn-.. Aug. 1.--As a re
sult of the conferences held between
the directors of j the Oregon Midland
Railway ; Company and ' Messrs. W.
Thompson and! George X. Lyman
iTprescneing the 3Iklland Const ruc
lion miaHy, during the past three
days, nu an-angeiiiont 5 has been en
tered Into with the representatives, of
the construction: company to build the
proi inset railroad, and the contract
only awaits the; Hi gnatures of the of
ficers of the f company. lrtsblc-ut
George T. Raid win and Vice PxesidMit
Ilufu-. S. Moore were called to .Klam
ath Falls last evening by illness iu
the former's family. , They will re
turn here Monday to sign tin? con
tracts, which, will be ready ou that
date. - : f : ' . ',
The engineer"! estimates liow that
the railroad from a - point on the
44urthcni Paretic trak. on the north
side of the Klamath river to Klamath
Falls will cover a distance of K
tni!. and the jf-ost t building It will
lie f2,WWK- The road I to 1 Imml
rd for the sum of $;..00Mrt. The
promottu s of lh-i enterprise say ; that
work will 'be rinujeaTI oil it he -on-srructkm
In nhont one ; month follow-'
ins the sirnlng of the eontirset. an-l
IMt it will I finMhed and in running
onli-r 1ft no y ca r from t he da te of
comencement of the work. There are
n heavy grades and no tunnels ncer
; jcirr w" lhe pri;sit line, anil the
right of way has all bven practk-ally
Urfns Mo.-e. vUf -president t
the wnpanr. is a brother of
TnflKimT t 'l K M(Kro, of Saiem.
rn pf.-iT!T r.'.ss orran'r. 1 by- prn
Inertt KtumtU V) business .;He,
IOCaJ. ,
Kothtne t-o '
r.-.T t "S
f Sennit i'i
tlj'sto Bib
ottt.ti v. . f o tj. irnsl
Allay tnt'o-tt -,.,.-. ,-..i ..r
tcts Ut ! .
Ren?f of '; ,r
; cury. No Ir j ',,
F.Ui. .'.0 -n ' " ? "
- lruSMi orb , . . . ;"'
KLT BROTH KliiC 14 Ztr
New York. - .
and the road will opn the ldg Klim
ath tKiKin, and the splendid tlndier
wealth of the Ca
Oregon will- thus be brought to tho
u... . i u vi tue worm
Estimate of tlx? Army Tlirt atenlng tlx?
: ... v Chinese Empire. ' ' ;
, 1-Tle -seml-ofrical
MilHair Wocbenblatt this evening
says; '. -. e
"Altoffether fTSOfihrt nwu, .
guns, will Is? iu China within kIx weeks
nu airogeiner 117 war vessels, exclus
ive of twenty-oue tonn-do boats, are
now watching the Chinese coast. ;
Chic-aeo. Anir. ion ..iri.
rommiupo tonight recommended tluit
tlw lpnltsts noify Rryan of his riom
lnatkn, by the ioux Falls isnveutiou
ui lujwha, Jvansas, .ug. IJU.
8attle. Wash.. A 11 1 rt i T Tt "fc 1wsi I
branch of the Unittsl States quarter
master's office today oined bids for
1MMX tons of forage for tmmedkite
smpment to the Orient. f- ; j 1
Wat-o. Tex.Io Aug. ' UK J. I. Kayers
was tfxlay nominated for Governor by
the DentocraU. 4 ; ' :
New York. Aug. Elevei is-rsons
dieil lere today from excessive lwat
Salem Crekmrry Compai; Is Uoiny
. PheMncnal Huolnrsn- Fwnur) '
Are rtraacd. i ' '"
ifFroni Ihifiy Stat-sniati, Aug. TT.)
inirlng the past five days the local
creamery quotation for iiuttler fat has
ailvam-ed -Hi cents.' The prhtv now be
ing paid by the Saicin Creamery -Coui-lany
is as follows:' Rutter fat dclircr-
il at creamery. 22' cents for separ
ator cream, 13) cents a pound for haud
skiionuMl. When 'ol1etrtd at the farM
lsmse by the creamery wagon, but 2)-S
cents is paid for the former and 1!S
cents for the latter. S '
Manager Ceo. IK GVxwlhue says he
exiHfts a farther raise of from two to
three cents per iound In the price of
butter fat within the next ten day.
There is danger, however, that if : the
price of butter goes too, high, the iui
pottathra of tin Eastern product will
be invited. This can 1m avoided by
putting on the market -old storage but
ter, of which there are vast uuauiitio.
I'y this means the supply can bo made
adequate to the demand without neces
sitating the shipping to Oregon of any
Eastern butter. How hlgii the market
price for lnitter can go before? iKia
gering the sirpplying of the hs-al mar
ket with imported butter, 4'eeiids en
tirely ufon the prhs; of Easieni but
ter. At the prscist time, the Oregon
farmer Is receiving nearly 1 cents imt
Huuid more for his butter fat tliaa. the
Eastern farmer, so it will Is- Keen that
the price for butter fat at Bt he . Salem
institutions cannot go much higher le
foro BnMern upwiilators will titid it
profirabki employnjent to engage in the
shipment of butter-to the wast and
placing it on tlx; market in cnnijietition
with the Oregon product, but the sur
plus supply now 011 cold storage is ade
quate to meet all requirements and dis
lense' with the ne-essity of dcis-uding
upon Eastern butter..
The farmers are well pleased with
tlie treatment accorded tltem by tlie
creameries and are very liberally pa
ironiziug them, especially ; w hen cou
ducted on a jMpnlar basis.; Xlanag'
Goodhue, of tin- Salem CreanM-ry. is
abandoning tho antiquated liand-skim-minc
lH-occss and is' purchasing s'par-
ators. which are not only lalsr saviug
devices, but are No a numus of con
tributing to flte farmer's revenue in
that the cream is more thoroughly scj
a rated. Mr. Goodhne says it will be
only a few years until the hand skim
ming process will !m aianaonei entire
ly ; in fact, he contends that the use of
cream s'parators is eswutlal to suc
cessful tlairying.5 - ! r
It niay not lie generally kimwn. but
the Salem Creauwry Is the largest iu
slitiftion of its kind in the Willamette
valley, hi fioint of the output of the
Plant..-" It even surnaKses the Linn
county co-operative creamery j" at Al
bany. The -company lias u . greater
MuMidier of patrons than any other like
plant in tlw valley. : At tle, present
time UO farmers are contributing to
this eH-amcry. while the mimlwr of
pjirrous lias ls n s high 21T. The
falling off in the numlx;r of customers
Is due to t lie dry w;ison and the bar
vesthis time, which Increase the con
sumption -of these fKI proilucts u the
farm. The output or the Sjil-'tn piani
is now pounds of butter inrr week.
ew Structure at Clinton. Iowa,
largest in the Norlil Has
, Fifty Stalls.. .
CMiton. Iowa. Aug. 2.The largest
oendhouse I11 the world ha just been
pished In this Hy by the Northwest
ern Railway company. It ts tofi feet
in d'ai-ietr. and forms a cuiqnere cir
ti t-a ftv stalls, ten more than
sny ottxr muu-ihouse over Miilt. The'
fa. is are matters or pnoe
for the structere. which. may le sjin-
!a its crchftecfursi tines, is a lmuo-
inl.irva tK.-tfll5n'S.". : ' : "
Tlie torn Ih i s ? is siM teI in a thick
iiMilatpd iiirt or tlie tou. ano
t.it4 vrt-re sold and mttx-
,1 away to make room for, II. Work 00
Ui e bmid ni was lHgut - Am"
j i ndr th direction: of 11 . I. ai-.
riiiieiident. of lridges and
beih! ii.'s. Mr. Wal.hu. who Is p years
jd.': pnrl-ed m.e work m ! rapidly
' at it was compIebHl in nine months.
' W' f n t U oiiswler d that, in addition
' I !a nt rorlhonse. coal chutes.
n tu J1olniinr build-
5''!4 j'., (ripe with the main struct-
'f re. this tlf.rf ore.iKs ic
l- nt building ats. ':" i
! Tn- i-aoris of the ontsjd wall of the
rfoueilMni.-e is 17 feet and o lnchps.
The radius of the Inside wail is joe,
feet. Tlie clearanw between the walls
inside ?f tin bu;ie is eiht r-eiH ffvi
an 1 six inches. As the leu-th cf the
longest cfsgine and tender is ifty-two
feet eight and a Iialf InclK, '-tit : ton
table is seventy feet letig. apd 'is s"t
oa a sollu rock foundation. It Js op
crated by electrk-ity. Water Is obtaiii-
ci 1 rum n artesian well 1,175 feet
deep. The drop pits or drir!i:g and
engine truck wheels are cut out of 81
idrock. : ' - . --.' :
The ash hoist for handling the Ir.i-
mtDSe nnir.nnt of ctmlpn r-r.tti'n-r rvkn
m many engines is a new device In Its
wnyt ana was uesignea ty ilr. Ilcajcjv
son,' assistant sujerintemlei:t of motive
power and machinery for the North
western cointmnv. In th nil .x-Iv
clinker it was customary to 'shovel the
cinders out of the pit on flie level, thcu
into a car. iJiter tlje car was run on
a depressed track, so as to facilitate
handling the refuse, but even this was
a slow method, as It was necessary to
keei ensines off the nit while 4iiejihov,
eling "was going ml With the pn?U
niatle lioist it is possible for a man to
stand iu tlw? pit and by the simple
movement or a vaive. Hoist the cin
ders over a car thftt is tndin on n
near-by track, and by an Ingenious ar
rangement they are dumin"d. tlie door
to tne asti uopper-ls closcil, and It rc-
III " -
W. W. Hackett is one of the
most proinisinp: of tlie younger
generation of tennis players tf
tliis country. He lias matle doubles
playing- Ins forto. IIe and his
partner. Allen, fi)rm a coinbina
tion that is hard to beat they
are -both Yale craduates. Last
year he and Allen won the West
ern and New England champion
ships in doubles and are regarded
as one of the- fetrotujest pairs now
nlavincr this ecason. He has
plenty of leisure time, being
wealthy, and spends the summer
going from one tournament to an
other. lie gaineil a high place-
in the ofltetal ranking at the end
of last season.
turns to' the pit for anotlicr load. This
is done while an engine is on the pit
or. while; it Is Is-ing mov,vI. so that no
time is lost during the ojioratiOH.
Engines built in re-ent years are so
much longer than thosje.of tin old pat
terns that it has lwn u--fwirj- to pnt(
vestibules on the ordinary round-house
stalls. In this roundhouse there is;
ample cka ranee In front of and back
f the tender, so that if engiiMs ia
creaw in size the next decade as they
liave in tlio past there will still 'be
mni for them.
Mar'nni County Rod and Gun .Club Will
Take Fourteen Pair of the Rirds
for This Section.
(From Dally Statesman. Aug. 11.)
The Mariou County Rod and tlun
Club met -at the Salem Gun Store, at
fj. o'clock last evening to take steps to
ward securing I-,ngusu partridges ior
this part of the Willamette valley. The
matter of securing these birds was-dis-
cussed a length, and It was stated that
Milton Smith, of Portland., lias now a
feud of.'SsfHi that has levn contritmled
for tlie piin,osp wf inqiorting tlu-se-
birds.. The plan Is. if possible,-to .bring
toOi-egtm 150jviirs. at a -ost of a In nit -
$(I a lwiir. They can be laid down in
New York at - a pair, but It wai re-
qrlre -an -attendant to go to thatcity
and bring them to Oregon.
,Aftr. the-discussion of the niatler. a
isotmlon ..was adopted, ordering the
wn't.iry In notify J.-A. Taylor, of
I'ortland. the deputy-game- wa-nleii.
tluit rnois'y would lw deposited in this
city, subject to his draft, for tlw'pur
disse of fourteen pair of the Euslish
partridges, to le dtlivercd to the local
Dr. J. C. Griffith. E. C, ttross and one
ollir wefubtr. also maile up a pirrse
for tlm purchase of four air of the
birds, to Lh: turueti loose on tlieir
farms. -
'i'he club ttMik steps to ra's1; the fends
rtsxh-i for the purchase cd" the binls.
by levying an assessment tf ?l n eacii
ioeoilH.T. and the geueial pnlnw- Will
ln axked to subscribe to the fuud. ui!-
s-ript ion list for this punwe to I
opened .and left in the various busiss
houses for the ermv utence 01 iimw
wishing to contribute.
A committt-e was apiMiIut-L consist
ing of Dr. J. C. Grithth. E. C. Cross
aisl T. ti. Rarker. to meet the Cnited
States O.iniiiissioii car at the fmtbcr
Pa cS tic station in this clty.lto receiri;
a shipne-iit of -gray bug and irook
trout, to lie placed iu I-a sticaios,
A; E. Cnsby. of-3 he Dalles, was
elected to memttersldp, after 'which ad
ionrorurut was ltad.
An npile orchard in Glenwood. la.,
ocrtipies acres and contains t33ou
bearing treec. '. '
HW KtH'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 H I
fniinrnrrjj a w
LPlLlLUiIll41 i
XMrtfytae Bloe
hiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 n t n
f ' : t ;
' f! iffjl
1 lit .' - 1 : i It
! r. vim
(It f I
WW 1 7
Statlaties Compiled, Showing the ViUue of
Bcbeol Prefwrtjr la trtgm and Uie
' :, ,;. Kabr t Totcn. J. :, -
lrof.-J. II. Ackernian Is making ra
lid progiess la tabulating the statistics
contained in the annual reports of tin!
eouEty sutierintcmlents filed In ltis de
laitmeut in July, to be tocorporated in
his biennial reiiort to the. legislature.
Yesterday several; more tabks were
completed, and are cow ready for the
printer, l'rof. Acket man hopes to l av
a'l of the tabular work id the hands of
the printer soon and as much more of
his report as ' he can prepare at this
time. : i : " ' ;-s , ' f"' '. -
Auioug the tables compiled yesterday
Is the cue showing the school property
in the .staio, the nuuilnf of voters for
school purpes s iu-iach cimnty, and the
average monthly . salary paid to male
and female teachers in tregon.
The foliov.iiig table shows tae estl
ruatixl value of ; schooL houses and
gio&uds, and the raiuc uf school furui
ture by counties: Is
Is.-ho.d ; , Sc-hool
Iloii.-cs.' Fumituiw
I'aker ., .. ...$ r 7S,4.Si $ lo.iS OU
Ronton. . . . . . . a.S,40 s 0O
Chit-kamas. . . .. llT.tta . la.STO 00
t'latsop. . JsS.(3y T.."I50 Ott
Columbia..' .. . ' iU70 3D
Coos.. .. .. ... r.7t;i 7,0-i8 ti
Crook. ll,7lo 1".1S y.i
Oirrjv. .... 4. ISO 1.1 45 OO
Douglas. . .. . .. 57.3Vi S.7t. Ott
t.'raut.. . . .. lo.i:j; 3,7 m
;illiam.. .. ...i '. J52 m
Harney., .. -. 13,(rttl - 3,tNO O0
Jackson.. ,.... m.UKl ' P.JS71 Si
Jo.scphiue. . .. .. rjJSJ 0,047 l0
Klamath. . . . . . 12.75tl 2,7il OU
I-tke.. . . ..... r.StKi 2.011 25
Iuie. . . . ..... . Po.-JR lo.OT.2 oo
Lincoln. ...... is jeW 2.25S 25
Linn.. . . .. . .. 117,.J7; . i:t.2iw oo
Malheur.. ..' 3.254 50
Marion.. . . 2H.M1 32. Kio frf)
Morrow.. "J.v.512 5MI oo
Multnomah.. .. l,23.s,s. 54514 75
Polk.;. .. .. ... 42.275 8.351 UO
Sherman...... 2MiOO l.."sH OO
Tillamook...... , 18,b5l (3,tt!ll HJ
t iuatilla. ,- ... IPKUOll 17.!JS tM
Union.. .... I02.;j lt37 iHl
Wallowa. . . . . . 17,biy i 2.i52 n
Wasco.. .. ...v 111.105 12,180 m
Washington . . . t5.755 2S.427 M
Yamhill.. ,S!M'.75 14.71'J OO
Wheeler.. .. HAAVi 1,25)1 )
Total.. J ...f2JSl,432 ?325.2H1
Tlie liguVes given lsdow show the es
timated value of apparatus, . maps,
glotw s. chart, etc., in ea4i ounty, and
the uuuil?r oC ' Voters for (school pur-
K;is: . :
-.''; :;j -;' " Value f,f " No.
t Apparatus. Voters.
Iiker.. .'. ; 3,2J w 1.U23
iUuton.. 3.iH.3--la
Clackamas. . . .. 1 7.t3 m 3.7MU
;iatsop. . . : . . , . . 8,275 OO 1.152
t'olembia. . .. ! 3.U3 S5 1.27S
toos.. .. .. ii ... 4,3l bO 1.U10
Crook. . . . . . '- . ':. . 1,401 (XI l,t
Curry. . .v ...... ; P75 IK 5iS
Douglas.. . . .. ... 5V2f DO 2.U49
Grant,. . . . . . . . 1,112 L318
Gillhim.. .i'.w ... UVJ i 775
Harney.. .. ... .... 1.427 OU 7KJ
.Iacksm. ... . . .... 4VU W 2.1N2
Josephine.. .. .. .. 2.37il OO 1,432
Klamath.. .. .. .. lJfJO OU 7UU
Iake. . .. .. . . . .. 2.o72 C.21
Iiane. . . v .
Lincoln. r
S.OSO i 3.S7U
' LS'i2 115 ' 819
7.531 OO 2.!7
1,218 75 . 825
'I. (!.72i 4.C37
1.5.58 .-50 i!Kil
s IMII13 85 12,25(5
4.51!) hi 2,148
l.s.3 0l 85(1
2Jiii5 15 , 818
;!'" 7,1132; 73 iSTi
5.317 m 2.521
l l.iW 50 1.U8U
5,tr5 (lO IJjOT
' t;.ir27 2,-VlO
(..781 2.S17
1 l.t (S5 00 700
I.tnn. . ..
Malheur. .
. . . .
Marlon; . -a. . . ..
Morrow. . . .
Multnomah. . . . . ..
Slwrmau. . . . i . . ..
Tillamook. . ..
Union.. ...
Wallowa. .;'t . . ... .
Wasco. ..ii.... . ..
Washington. Y. . . .
Yamhill,. .. .. ...
WbeehT..;.. .. ...
Total.. a.
.$130,953 70 V,1,C,U
can, who went to aie Nome with tlie
Salem god hunters last spring, has re
turned," and he is well sjitlsliisl to re
main as far away from the Nome
liea eh iu the future as possible. IK
fays many of the Salem fntiiiretit are
on the way borne.- He rejHrts that M.
Ii I ogue, atMl Ivrflward Grim of I'ort
latul, have formed a partnership in the
1 tact ice of law and will remain dur
ing the winter. FihI II. tbsT, and
PJyde Brainh-ilbiire are proqectiiig.
Tl'os. Holnian ami hi lRiitncrs have
pttrchansl a goil claim iiid may make
some money. Mr. Duncan rcjiorts Jho
Sjileni 1k-s all well, and says that
smallpox appeared at Nome in light
form, and fiiat tlie report reaching the
states were much txaggeratel. :
Starr, who resides at No. 221 Front
street, yerterdeiy refortel that on the
preeel log night, some tp atlenqite!
to set fire to hw homo. Tin? wludov.
had feen raisml for purj kiws of ven
tihit'srii he say, aiwl the fciee curtains
were 1cilteI, tmt ttio lire wa disi-ov-
erett and extinguislicl Iefore bna;.
Binch ' damage. . Sni' ha If -burned
Dtrm and several; footprints found
oet'!l tlie window tlx? - following
rooliiins. eotiiirmd -Ills snsi-ionH that
sometwly had attempted, to bnrn liiui
out. '. .--;-v.' --;" :' j :
H.IS Rinl RED. John W. Cochran,
for the pat twenty TooKitts rnn ,f
the ?atesiii--n' -tiv news reirters,
hs resigned Wa position. He ltnes
this morning for Wocls. ott tlie Tilta
tnook const, where j lie will enjoy a
wdl-csrtied vacoitof awl Test front
lite ardirui w'rk of the prist year a'J
half. Upon b1 retuni be will enter
the ; service of I lorsl Rrf. tlie hop
growers arnl fe;ilers. ta kin? ait active
part I the .mnareoient of tteir trre
gin proert ie. : JJIr. C-hraa ha
mflde an exr-ellent record as rcpoH
er n this paper, and tlie 5Statenvii
leseak for Mm the ram? success in
hi nw vocation that has attenb?d
bba h the past. V '
A NEW; MAN. G. W. Jones, who
has Just completed a term of four year ;
a9 county wliool suirintendent, will
hereafter be connected with the'States
iuan For the rcseut. lie will work
on the ntws force, and perform such
otJ er dctlca as will teud to make it
;SJU more servlwaliie to its growing
patiouage. The management of the
lai;er tespaks ftsr Mr. Jones the uni
form kind treatmvut from the Salem
public which the represerrta lives of
this paier have ever had.
Some Outcropping of its Pnnee in
This Country in Past Years.
.e Russian secret police have al-
waysrlHen iKHiuhu stock characters in
sensational novels,' said n man wbo
gciicjlilly knows what he Is talking
adsHit, "but. ' of course, the average
ead'r lias bis private doubts about
such peopK really existing. That, let
me Inform you. is wlw the average
render Is mistaken. During the reign
of. tire present Czar, things have leeu
pretty quiet Joi Russia; but lief ore that
time, when Nihilism was rampant and
refugees were coming bcTe by the ship
load, the Imperial government bad a
small army of spies all over tlie world
to keep track of the movements of ex
i!ed revolutionary leaders. It was
their lminea to Ingratiate themselves
with-tlie suspects, pretend sympathy
with the cause and isist the otliitials as
to any mischief that might ls hatch
ins abroad. l'lenty of that exciting
work lias gcaie on right uuJer wir
etses iu this very city.
"A numlxr of years ago. to cite a
case In potnt which can't Iia-mi ati7
liody at iuiseait, I mcule.the aqnanit
aneo of n little Russian watch-maker
who liveil on Rourlsm street ami was
a lenmrkably well educated and Isau r
e.tlng felkw. We imi so nuiny.well
cdiwated foix-iguers, howevvr. in nil
kinds of stations that 1 never isuspiv-t-d
there -w?ts anything out of the com
monplace in this man's history ninil
om day. When We were. t'Hm o hruor
togetlier, he sudduly biut Into tears.
I was astonished, and lie told 'me,, lu
much agitatiini..tluit the day Avas tie
!er .and that be had Iksii trying iu vain
all mosniiiig - to control himself.- The
brother w:is hanged at St. P'terslnng
for complicity In the assassiniatlon of
the Cir. thice the ice wra broke!
the little man nvade me to some extent
his confidant, and I leasmed many "cu
rious tilings about tlie Nihilist refu
Kiis. , jle) was the son of a Rtisda!i
'gentleman of .wealth, but like most
ciMtoreii oi rue upr enow, ii.hi i-r n
taught a trade. Coiiseqiienlly 1h had
watchmaking to fall back on wlwn lit
was fon-od to Hy Avilh many ot!ur
revolutionists, after , the Czar wa
"Hmvevi-r.'to (ret back to tho Secret
Service: bere were at licit time t(m
or a dozen Xilrilist refugii-es in. New
Orhans, and ' ihey used to uuvt reg
ularly in a rtwsii u Conll street ; .to
talk tirfiigs ver. m day a new ex
ile turned up 'In the.pen of a young
mani wls claliueil to have le run
out ia Mftswv as a susjsft. He. was
h member of lb" order, but he
professed warm syinjisithy for It ami
was accepted as a comrade by the oth
ers. I used to hear a griit deal alout
him. from tlie little watchmaker, who
was naurally generous and unsuspic
ious and lwd leen impreswHl by his
xcal ami enthusUism. That sort of
tM-ii'g went on for four or five rn.ni lbs.
Thcni iif Jiigh. my frhiul tin Nlhd
Ist came to me In great excifeiuciit and
told im the new recruit, w a s a Rus
sian .spy. I couldn't Im-Hcvo it; it
souiideil so melodranKitN-; but he
Hl-owiI me a letter tbat was convinc
ing. It. cuiiw from a reliable corres
pondent An Gnnsny. inclosed tlie fel
low's photograph and gave Ids eoui'
plete record. He was a secret agent
of some note. - Luckily he hadn't teon
taken Into fiill'conttdte, so he had
learned BMthmg worth telling, and
while tlK oilMrs were dettatlng what
to do with him. lie suddenly took the
alarm ami decamped between sims.
Had he remained, he would nnjiloulil
eilly iuive met with an' accident, and I
suppose I would havelK-en ail acces
sory Iwfore the racr. m nat was
-,ise that came under my isTsonal o!
siTVaticii. On another occahn a
Russian spy came here to locate a
eoeple of Nihilists who had lecn jour
nalist in St. Petersburg. lie found
one: of them working In a 1m shop.
I'sclosed his Metitfty frankly and told
the refiwo to 1k in'rfoetly tranquil.
He said he was m tiding iu fake: re
port to the government, simply to get
pxion.e money, and promised that they
work up a big Nihilist scare and divide
what they could squeeze out of the
Sfsret Srvh-e bureau. The proposi
tion was 'politely declined. I saw the
fellow's palters and credential-. i my
self; they were undoubtedly genuine.
"The expense of maintaining Mich a
service must havelscii enormous, and,
since New Orleans was so closely
watch.1. one nm imagim the elaoraii
esjioiage tluit was no dould maintabi
I in some of the northern i-ith-s which
have large- Russian colonies. TJhtc
were very few traitors among the Ni
hilists themselves, and duritiir my se
oiuilntsiiice with--- the Toal irrotin I
knew of but one Instance of that kind. J
It had a most dramatic leijomicpiiicot.
A nian who lsid tHtrayel several f
his comrades in Rus'sia nititc ! this
country for safety, and. If I 'remeinlwr
rightly, first sttlit In MoliilK His
pivence was known to the--ifirrtl,r-hood.
which simply ignoreI liim. aul.
as a matter of fact, he was in no dan
ger whatever, but the vIHIan was tor
mented by I he fear of retribution ami
tl' idea finally developed Into an al
wiluie mania. He left SIot!Ie and went
from one place to anotlwr, o--asirn,il-ly
ajeal5ng to the lHce for protec
tion and finally la udefl at Galveston. 1
heard of the cae through the newsia
lr atwl asked my friend conihutt
ally wlw liter the man v.as reiilly apt
to le molested. -" 'Not in foe least. h
repllel, we can't 'afford to get bit
1Ta pflw1 f"T Bfrroiai
.' ' rrr-nr;ef (!!ii,wb
-.., ti. 'JiTi- J M IS-JlTtV;ltW J'ttj
Hi l-jcfortia-i. T tieX !-' Vt C"fi'"'M . tct I-.sts'". W(ti tf rf
-U t-trt'.t e ta.niQi fvr'i'-o e T'f-Ji't nnewi;, -,l ; J.fs't t
aijretjr LZ.tyj. fttl. TUvrrH S1K.7I5 AKO-. v!:v 'rui, VLiv.
uro mm.
' I latiiMMlaSarr, liibstls lmfp, trlr.f an:) ;'.Mt;.(iin
f T" Itn'JI hW!tbf 4rot frnt. fr.r,'iiir.ki-ni.( rtax'ijrri- L.f-ir i ? ti---rl ,
WVl ,-A . U Inli rmrnwiMTlHi'ii t kil tl: l ir?ntf w, 4 1 f :'-: r. !-?.- rt t: -n
- Uvr.the tkiwil MiiiM urnfi tl .i tsuptnwat. CC ti Uf.SH Tfrir.lis. ui
CTM'I! KNK lb mI own wtirkimr.liiiMiti'!i 4,ffrtuin. f H-iiiinnm,,;,. a ,ii -i
t!$rm- wiirfii u4m)Vy rrtnv Znm iu ctV-ct a jj ajjietil cnn. tUiiu iwtJ 1st Vf
"kiUMllA U fl .ICI XK -. CO. Ho ban Ft oc jco. CaL
Pain Conquered t Health Re
stored by Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound.
, (utrrm to aa. nnui so.
T feel it mrdutv to write snd thank
rou for what vour Vegetable Com-
pound has done for roe. 11 is tne oniy
medicine I have found that has dono
me any good. Refore taking your medi
cs no, I n-as all run down, tired all the
time, no appetite, pains in my back and
bearing down pains ana a great sue
ferer during menstruation. After tak-
bag two bottle of Lydia E. IHnkham's
Vegetable Compound I felt lUe a new
woman. I am now on my foufth bottle
md all my pahis have left me. I feel
better than I have felt for three years
and'would recommendTyour Compound
to every Buffering w-oman. 1 hope this
letter will help otliera to find a cure -for
their troubles." Mrs. Dou
Bemickek. R es sselae. Is i. ' "'
, The sertoua Ula of women develop
from neglect of early symptoms. Eve ry
pain and ache has a cause, and the
w arning they give should not be disre
garded. ' j " -."'.
Mrs. Pinkhanv understands these
troubles better than any local phy
sician and will give every woman free
advice who is puaieled a.ioHt her
health. ; Mrs. Pinkham's 'address is"
I.ynn, Maa. Don't put oft writing until
health Is completely broken dowu.
Write at the lirt,t int K-ation of trouble.
trouble over him and, besides, we feel
safe In leaving him to his conscience.
U nv.niK hnivfil tliev were - unite
right. The badgemi, phantom -haunted
wretch crept into me corner or a in-i-niit
tot iiiul shot himself through the
heart. So you see tlmv Is a j;ood deal
f uirsusiMH tcd drama ana trapsiy oe-
neiilli iiiitsuie urfa-i of evcrvda.V
life, and if we: know only a fraction of
whaj is going on an. iiroumi us 1 uare
say we would lost our taste for the.
J K. Tsuruta is the name of tlie
cliatiipioti iclak'rof llie latxl of
the Chrysanthemums. Tho Jup-,
tieso recently have taken to 'cy
cling with great enthusiasm, ami
tracks have been built in eeveral
ol tho larger cities under tho su
Iervision of foreigners. The Jaj
aiiejfc racers jircfer American bi
cycles to all others, the one rildeit
by tlie champion being n well
kiown , American make.
thi-atre and the; novel. I'scak soiuc-Wl-at
frc-ly of llicse cximi iemes Ih-
cpl'se nfc' little friend the watchmaker
Mis been dead Hn-so hi: If 'a doen years
ptor fellow, ami I doiild whether a
sinple one of his old companion In
UllsfortlitM is Kt ill living lu - New tlr-
leaus. New Orleans TJiucs-Heiuocriit.
f Ie--rcuiii frcxers of Ans rlcsn man
ufacture are sold nil over the world,
wherever ice, either natural or arfi
ricliil, is nsl. 'flie ice cream eaten in
Calcutta or hi j Mi lltourne, or in any
other city or country. European iii li.ii
ikI, would Is miore than likely to have
been made' in an American fri.i-sscr.
r -. - i
I A modem rail way mail car, equipped
Willi tho latwt: ciiitri-jin--s. such n
Vestibules, automatic -rupiers. nir
brakes, etc.,' costs 1etween and
$i,t"io. 'I he govcmuictit pays for the
hse of railway mail cars at the 'rate
of ?lo a year for a fifty-foot car ier
track mile, and f.V per year ier track
mile for a siily-foot car. .
'' ' 1 .
f I Jrst Rabbit -That t-mu b iy hnn
wen nro'iinl here marly a wick . ami
eev r tried so k'll us,
j Sc-oiid Rabbit Vs; he si-ems to be
devoid of all human .Ulrf-iue. lu
ff tana polis. Press."
)!iHeati law allows a man to'marry
5'iily. four f bees, and he iiio:;f ninn y
before yt er 11 if nt ail.
fttl .ry. Ml A i- -. t,t Li n rfhf ri It
rtisrwn lr- trKffn, K:Mf,cr tOA hi .&.
i L 3A
':. . -:-v-v:; -' ' '