Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 14, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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tee im mm msm
Published every Tuesday and , Friday
; by the V" ;
2C6 Commercial St., Salem, Or.
' R. J. HENDRICKS, Manager.
One year, in advance.. $l oo
Six months, in advance. ...... ...$ SO
Three months, in advance. 25
One year, on t?me......i.:....$i 25
The Statesman has been estab
lished for nearly fifty years, and if has
some subscribers who have received it
nearly that long, and . many ; who bivc
read it for - a generation. . Some ot
these object to having the paper dis
continued at the time of expiration of
their .subscription. - For the benefit 01
these, and tor other reasons, we have
concluded to. discontinue subscriptions
only - when notified to do so. All perr
sons paying when subscribing, or pay
ing in advance, will have the benefit of
the dollar rate. 'Rut ii they do not pay
lor six months, the rate will be $1.25 a
year. Hereafter we will, send the pa
per to alf responsible persons who or
der it, though they may not send the
monty, with" the understanding that
they arc to pay $1.25 a year, in case
they let the subscription account run
over si months. In order that there
may be no misunderstanding, we will
keep this notice standing at this place
in the paper. -
dairying business Is going to help out
tbe prospwt for swurinj; good rani!.,
to. Kilter -ways will ha ve" to be pro-
tided for getting the products of the
dairiew to the creameries, during the
wet wajaon, as well as In dry weatlr.
diets of their paper changed must tat
the name of their former pastofllce, as
well as of the office to which they wiah
the paper changed.
Suliseriliers intending to pay tlie
Statesman in wood will please haul
the same as early as possible. We can
use some pole oak ami some small fir.
-Little vrold is coining from Nome, but
plenty of hard luck stories. .
The bloody old. Empress Dowager Is
growing more diplomatic as the allied
fom approach mirer to 1'ekin. .
One thing has lieen accomplished by
the partial failure'of the grain crop in
the. Willamette' valley. No further arj
guieeitt 'will, tic necessary to prove that
exclusive grain raising will not pay
and that the main hoiie of our country
Is in diversified agriculture, i j
Mr. liry.-m parauiount-d ihnjierial
Isiu at Indianapolis, itut he ivill par
amount" ll-to-l as lie get further
west. He does not s eni to realize!
that tin Associated l'ress dispatches
have no South, no.. North, jm East and
no West. This is n eoMioolitau rtiun
try. It is growing more so all. the
time. Mr. J'ryau will find it hutch
more so this year than in l.NJHJ. !;
The San Jos4 Oil.. Mercury rviorts:
It is a queer state of affairs in (he vil
lage f Nova h7 where live China unia
accused of illegal fishing were iermitj
ted to fo f ri- lKcause a jury could nijt
lie found to trv them. Every man suli
ject to jury duty wa placed in thk
venire a1ul .exeu.44nl on hi assertion
that he was so prejudiced ag.tiiist Chi
namen he. could not give them a fa r
trial. - This is fender solicitude for the
rights of one "accused of crime ttirrhld
to the xtreUH. In no country in tile
world save this could such an aveniie
of eseaie from punishment le found!
Everything that will help the condi
tions of the fanners of the surrounding
country will help Salem, j (iotni
roads, for Instarw-e. Motor lines'. The
free rural mail delivery -system. . .Tine
latter they are goiuj to have sofa,
it Is almost certain. The former'-Will
follow in the course of lime, and the
faster on account of the dividing tip 'of
the law farms that w ill result ..frui
the free rural delivery. The prowwsr
May be very old in suffering. She! i
erv a to neglect the earlier symptoms'
of disease. Oltcn when she takes treat
ment it is the rong treatment Ibr-j,
ner case. . v fry
many ycttng
women writtfc to
Dr. Pierce ind
consult himjbv
letter free. Aft
such , corf ec
spondence I is
strictly private,
and womanly
modesty i is
tpird the
shock, of indeii-
I -cate examina
tions, unpleas
ant question
l'J ing and offen
sive local treat
ments. .: ; j :
" I "offered with
female trouble,"
writes Miss Ajjncs
McGewne, of tin
Bauk St.. Wash,
in g ton, IX C. "I
tried various rem-
The negroes-of the South, having
been. Itom In this country, umJer - the
prtite-tlug gis of the Declaration of
IwlejX'iMlen-e and the Coustitutiou,
havjiig enjoyed the iK-nefi-of preeeiit
and example in Instruction In citixeu-
Kltlp ni 1 s-ien-e of government
and having possessed the franchise for
a third of a century, are not fit ' to
jnni ip:.te in a government of the
l-ople and tlieiY consent Is not necc-s-
Kary for their government by others;
but the Tagals, having never known
anything but Spanish rule, never hav
ing enjoyed the ballot and utterly
ignorant of the principles of a govern-
!jiKnt'lr lie iteonle. are capable of
.sustaining an Independent repnWican
govemmenl, and it would -lie a crime
Against liberty to undertake to govern
them wit boat their consent. That Is
ilK- Pryan attitude. That is the gist
f the Bryan iaraniount." The Dee-
iaratiou of ImleierMlenee and the Con
stitution are for aliens who understand
wither,, while the man of dark skin
phoni in our own country and a direct
heir of l.'th of those documents Is 'de
prived of them. "It may be all right
to deny lilterty to the negro," remarks
an exchange, "but If so why this fren
zy alsut 11m Ta"gal?v
iJisiuttehes from lmth Pretoria and
fjoureiuso Marques say that the army
of Botha, is rtHlul to a skekton and
that iiiore than half of those remain
ing with tle commandos are desirous
of inntce, while Kruger is willing to
give up if the British will assure him
that' le will not 1m- imprisoned or ex
iled. An vxchange very aptly remarks:
"Kruger has dwindled wonderfully
'from the patriarchal proportions be
possessed wlien the war" legau. In
stead of continuing tlwe war as a self-iu-rificing
patriot, he seeius to Ih mak
ing its continuance or cessation I'
IH'iid upon Ids own personal fortunes.
Thousands of Boers have given their J
lives iu this war lie brought uion his
count ry. and uoav he is bargaining for
ik rsonal terms.' Arngant and bigotel
In hi supiosed strength, he plunged
into war. Now he is willing to end it
if he himself Is not to lie; harmed.
Steyu, IreKident of the Free State,
and dragged Into war by Kruger, is
s-t ill lighting and for the past ; two
iuonths has been doing all the-reaPl
lighting. Jle is a grand figure com-
Iared with this shattered Idol of the
rrausvaal." .
King county's ns.-x'snieut foots up a
grand total of $3I,.S9,ST1. f which
nearly ?38,lHMXX is iu Seattle. Ore
goniau. Multnomah county, according to the
assessment nill for-lite year.1H!K. has
total taxable pniMrty valued at 31,
(SCi.7l. Seattle appears to lie ahead.
1' V
flrulglngly the Bryanites ncknowl-
etlge ilie fact of higiierwages and in
creased -employment, but they attempt
to break the force of this knockdown
argument by contending that the gain
In tlie rate of vagi's ami in the amount
of lalor eniployied is more than offset
by ; the advance iu the price. of com-
modifies.' This would be a gooi an
swer if it were a true answer. lAt us
sef how Irue it is. It is to lie taken for
granted fhat tlie great "bulk, prolxably
!C ter cent., of deiosits In savings
Ictnks are laevd' tliert by wage earn
ers. Nolxxly ilenies that. Adopting
the savings bank deposit as ;a fair
and reliable test, this Is what we find:
" In 18t)l. when we had a Democratic
ad 111 iiist ration and a Ieruoeratie taritf,
enacteil by a Iemocratic Consjress, the
savings, bank deposit fell from jFl,T8.,
l.Vi.if.T in to $l,74T,Wil42S.
From 1NH to ..IKK), whh two and a
luilf years of the Diugley tariff to help
things along, tlie savings hank depos
its IncreaiMHl- froiu ?l,747,lMilSf to
: The decrease of savings bauk depos
its in one year of Glevelaud and Demo
cratic' tariflf reform, ' IStO to 1KH, was
$CJ7.lNa,77. ;":' v ::; ' ; ,
Tlte increase of savings lnk deios
its in the next five ycn, lSH-lKT.),
was $-l!S2,4trM;74.
i If the Increase in tlie rate of wages
and tlie incrensu in the sum of employ
ment under McKlnley and protection
have been couuierualanccd by tlie in
crease in the prices of the necessaries
of life, as the Bryanites contend,
whence comes this enormous increase
Iu savings liank jkiHeits2 Nearly ev
rr dollar of this Increase of $4.2,4aV
74 was put into savings banks by
wage earners. How did they manage
to, save this vast sum In so short a
4ime? Because tbe ratio of, Increased
& N. Co, for a shorter LanU but at a
hisrher price, (so It Is stated ly Presi
dent Melku of 4he Northern Pacific),
than it costs that road to take it clear
aroutxl by way of Tacoma over ; its
own Hues. 6Theit nation Is a Iso re
ceiving Koto at tent Urn oh account of
the struggle of -Mr. Hammond for
common jioint raus over his roads. lie
desires ' this eoheessiou In favor of
Astoria and Albany. - Mr. 'Mellen
makei a convert threat lt take Irukv
Iiemleut action,-so far as the Northern
Pacific Is concerned, and treat Astoria
as a H)himou: oiiit, thus favoring Mr.
Hammond's road wit Ti a part of v the
carrying trade for re-shipuieut by
ocean vesd. There is little question
but this; will 1m. the out eon ie. fit is
said that the lumber niilh of the-Sau-timi
region. In making shipiuenU to
the California markets, and those if
the inter mountain states, or further
east, orS4uth, are obliged to pay the
Im-al rate to Portland, in addition.; to
the common point rate, -or the one
Portland ishiriers would be obliged to
pay. In other words, that such offer
ings of freight are treated as if they
were shipped : to Portland and from
that city forwarded to market.,: If this
- -
Is true, the roads in interest should
correct the practice and come to a just
agreement. Albany t-hould bej made a
common ixiint, at least for such shl-
tnents. So Khoulu Astoria. So should
Salem. There should lie no, favoring
of, Portland to the extent tliat this
would indicate, or at alL In fact and
in truth, the doing of Injustice to any
Oregon towu, and stifling its growth
and the development and prosperity ui
its natural industries, "is no favor to
Portland, however much it may be
Imagined to be so by a uy of the peo
ple of that city.
There will be all kinds of selenies
lH'fore the Iegislature this wrinter, no
doubt, to correct these evils. No legis
lation should lie required. The railroad
lminagers themselves should do justice
to one -another, and therefore to thef
coniniunities in which they; do busi-J
110s. No railroad should lie encased
in building up any town or country,
in preference to any other town or
country it 'is serving.
No state railroad commission, should
be required to id just these matters,
though it were befter that tlie state
bear the cost of such a commission
than that they remain unadjusttnl.
Otezon Is coming to a ioint In her de
veloiment " when she 1s in need of
every advantage of fair and generous
railroad management and construction.
it Is no time now either to make war
epon the railroads and thus discourage
further railroad building neither Is" it
a time when there should be discrim
ination to the detriment of any part of
the state."
' tOrezonlan. Saturtlay.) -
The Empress. Do ivager of-llhina was
uierelv th1 concubine of, the I0nilerr
Ilieu Feng when she liecame tlie uiotn
er of his ouly son. Teiig Chilw whi
succeeded. Him. 1'ls tuoiin r, ine jires-
ent Empress ; itegent i of ', China, ac-
qeireil tlte status, of sectjudary wife oh
tlw birth of iter siu.- as is customary
in ',hiua. aud was apiioLnted co-ltegeiit
with tlie real Eiupres, the 4irst vif
of It ten Feus. ? The tvgeucy sotiii - de
volved on the shoulders J of tluilo
flirer, Eniiress.s aiKl . practically froul
thaw until now she has governs t China
On tls death .of her son, Tung Chin,
who eauie to the throrH? at t tie age, of
17 ami died after a nominal wign -of
font years, she arbitrarily selected as
his siieessir the infant child of I'rince
t'hun, her Iat lnsliauds brother. This
child.- the unfortunate -Kwaiig; Hsa,
asceudeil tlie throne in 18S7 at 1 years
if age. But in 18 his aunt, tlie Ihn
nre-s ihiwager.vuo iaa practically
reserved to herself the supreme lx)WjtT
by retainiu.sr the" great seal and the
appointment of all the'priox-Iitil civil
and militarj- -onieials, seized the tier
son of the Einiieror, who -henceforth
was practically iniprisouetl in the 'wal
ace. his life only siiared because it
was convenient to have; a noinln
Emjieror. He was terrorized . with
threat ami compelled tjj( sign dj.;tt
hieuts In dirtMt contrailiCtlon u his
previous reform ; scljens. Tlie - Ein-
press Dowager Is yeatfs old; Prince
Tn.tnr.f liephew of the Eiiupress. Is a
man of no ability, but Ids child has
lieen chosen ! . her to f sneceetl , the
present Em perof, Kwang Hsu. T. lie
southern Viceroys refuse) to acknowl
edge the government, ad when,' the
united armies of the powers- get ; into
Pekln their first act will Ik to uiset
and exiiel from anthority'.the Empress
Dowager and restore the Emperor to
111s riffiiiiui pmee uihiil me jieuejocK
throne. ,.. ! . - ;
' - ORAM.
The indications are that Southeast
ern Oregon is at last to be counectetl
by rail with tlie outside world. There
Is to be a liue from .the Southern Ta
eific into Klamath county within the
next year, according to report, and
there is' fair promise of the early ex
tension of the Corvallis & Eastern into
Crook and Tvla math counties, with Uk
lrospect eventually of a connection
with a transcontinental line. Western
Oregon cannot but receive great lwne
fit from the development -of Southeast
ern Oregon which will follow the com
pletion of these lines.
Italy Is a iioor etiuutry and the Ital
ians are a pKir people, but tlt late
King HginlMTt managed to get togeth
er something like $2iMK),(J(ii before he
died. If royalty was not uch a useless
and expensive luxury the people who
maintain It might be able to save a
little more out of their earnings.
There Is complaint alsmt the poor
quality of a greal Heal of the wheat
raised In the Willamette valley t hi
year. Some of it may not make tlu
best flour. But it will make splen
did chicken and hog feed, and more
of it ought to Ik marketed Iu this way
than ever before.
Adlal Stevenson says that political
Iiartles are "things of the hour. A
man who has run on both a Cleveland
and a'Brynri platform might lie- ex
leted to take an via stlc view tif iwili
ties. t. r - ' - "' , '- "- - -'"
very encouraging reply and commenced treat
ment t once. I hsa "not used the "Favorite
Prescript ioa s week before I beirsn to feet bet
teT, and. as I continued, ray health grnuhwlly
improved. It is iniprovrn every 4y snd 1 still
cuuiiuue to take the medicine. r: i . ,
scemeU to do any earnings far exctletl the ratio of in
permanent good. '
The doctors said it .
was tbe worne cse
of internal trovbie
they ever, had.- t
deoded to write t
Doctor Pierre (or
help. I received
creased -cost of living. That is what
tlw' savings bank figures tell. It Is a
plain story of truth and fact that can
neither hes misunderstood nor disputed.
It settles once for all the rinestkin
whether tlie United States have or
have not profited by reason of McKiu
ley and protection.: 1 ' - - ?
U CiVa
He Prescplpiica
Tlie railrojtd situation in tlds state
receiving a gootl deal of attention
now, on account of tle determina
tives Weak Women Strong ik,n ot th Northern PactSc to haul its
and Sick Women Well ?whU over its own lines to Portlmnd.
instead of turning it ove? to the O. K.
The clown In Shakesjieare siK-aks of
the lie with circumstance and the lie
dim-tJ-If j he had wanted to include
all known or possitile warietie he
would have mentioned the lie Chinese.
iemocrats and Populists fuse with
each other in Nebraska and shoot each
other In North Carolina. ' The para
mountcy of the matter has not yet
lieen explained by Jlr. Bryan.
Says the St. Louis qiobe-Democrat:
"If Pryan should fail to be the Social
ist candidate for President In 1904, the
political symptoms of the present time
re deceptive." .'- - .V;-;
1 The fanners on the yroposed rural
mail delivery routes are beginning to
Imiulre when the service will be
stalled. They are, almost to a man,
anxious for it.
If It were not for the quadrennial
exfoliation of played-out paramount
isstv tlie Democratic party would find
campaigns hanging heavy, upon Its
hands. ' .. . . - '' ''
In their confusion over a paramount
issue, scores of thousands of Demo
crats are going' to perform the para
mount duty of voting the Republican
A noble lord, as proud and foiwl ns
a man should lie of his lienntlful wife,
was just about rising to speak In a
deflate when "a telegram was put into
his hands,, says tlie London Tit-Bits.
He read. It, left, the house, jumped into
a cab, drove to Charing Cross and
took the train to Dover... '
Next day he returned home, rushed
into his wife's room, and, finding her
there, unbraided the astonishing lady
in no measured terms. She protested
her 4gnomnce of having done anjtfiing
to offend him.
"Then what lid you mean by your
telegramY" -he asked. ,
' "2dean? what I said, of course. What
are you talking alKiutV
"Bead It for yourself,"; lie said.
She read: "I liee with Mr. X. to I)o
ver straight. lray for me.". t '
For? the moment words would not
come; then the suspected wife quietly
remarked: "Oh. thos dreadful tele
graph ieople! I telegraphcil simply. I
tea whh Mrs. X. iu Iover stceet. Stay
for me." . . 1
. V; ; , i IN OLD POLK.
ItPliiizer 10 th: . S
"It is Indieved tat;25 car loads of
prunes will lie dried fn. tlie vicinity of
Itnllas and that th. producers will pet
lK'twten 4 and 5 'cents a pound. The
efops of JI. M. Ellis (a ml Hugh Hayes
have "beep, contracted to a San rYali
eiseo firpi.
' Beginning next Wednesday a rural
tee delivery nui II route will 1m estab
Hsiied lsgjiining at Suver a nl making
a westerly circuit of 24 miles. 'It will
cover an area of 40 sfjuare miles, and
serve rO0 people. Bisides private lioxes
there will lie erected along the rout
five iron mail lHixes7: I Iarvey Fru.iu
will le carrier! at an annual Siilary of
$."so. The Sur-'Piedee mail roitfe
may l discontinued and theMon-nionth-Iewisville
route . extendtsl to
lierlee. . . . - ;
Tlie rough part of the Atlantic ocean
is lietween the 40th and 5oth parallels
of noil h latitude.
la rather otmnoB disrsse tnd la net with
anxuiest young women. i is c-au.e1 front an
impoverished eoadUion of tb blood. Botne
blood disease Chlorosis
can b cured by
11 1 1 V .!'. the (jreat
vrrftsble remedy for
the blood and herves.
IIl llYAS .wUl en
rich the blood and sirs
It back Its health f, red
color. The Wood hctng
In a poor condition,
none of the organs of
the body are properly
nonrlihed. IIL'I
VAX trill rsuj tbs
blood to become pars.
nilllTAX will restore theorgmnstos healthy
sondlUon. III'IYAS will brin bck the
bloom to the cheeks and ektiM tbe green tinge
to dtxappesr. If yon bare the symptoms, tske
UGJUYA9I new, sad they will leave red.
,, -,: ------ - - , ,.
win make the blood wnre-end nutriUoma end
the besdscbe will dissppesj.
eomplexiea ted and rosy.
to the watery condition ot tbe blood, and wl'J
disappear shortly after tbe ase of IIUD YAJI
Is eommeneed. ' " ; ' -,
TT1E HEART. IITJDYAX wtu strengthen
tbe heart and make tbe beat fall, strons; and
MralatC J -:'-,-': ii':''-; " 1 - ? '
HTJUYAJT Is tbe remedy thai yew want,
Tbe color will return to year ebeeba. Tour
keadacbe will disappear and you will ne lonrr
appear weak and miserable. ACDTAJf will
restore tbe functions of nature. . Bemember
that IICDTAX Is for men and women. Oe
to year drnrBlm and get JKU0YAIV and
follow the drreetloM as clrea ta tbe eircoiar.
DIIDTAX Is eoafl at a eente per paekaee,
ar packase for 1X90, If yoax enggiat doe
ot keep IK seed diree to tbe H CD YAW
BEHF.DY COarAjrr, lea rrandsco.
Cat Kemember that yew eaa eon salt tbe
ee tbe doctors. Yea mar eall and eaa them ee
write, as ye desire, Addrss
A--' "":- -. ,s- "
Kudyan Rensijy Conpany
Cbroer Stockton, Markwt mni tlllwStrta,
KXAPSACKS OF MAXY XATIOXS.! pretentious and Iwpt way of say,
. --."'.-- jing a. tiluiple thins that I had ever eri-
When the tlermans heard of the rej counter.!. 'Jhm't talk t the. tuotlueer,
cent ioriinit casualty list on the fa-j was the sijru to be found on all these
tal 4Aldershiit .flehl. day, alKiut;,which jears. and the UMire I Mmdered over the
official IiiquSry- 'has lieen held, there 'tnatteiv the more ridiculous It spchmhI
mu-h ?: keif -coin placet!: head--g- to manufacture such an elaltorate word
(X'inx ami many unkind thing were
ald r?iirdiii); th siamlna and march.
Ins "capacity of Thomas Atkins.
As a maiter of fact, any liody of
troois under tderilical conditions would
have haor.au equal casualty list; but
tlie tit-mans o twit realise thest coudl
tious, liccaijstf In their maneuvers they,
and, indeed, all the track continental
armies, without doidit, ;do tht?se thing
fietter." But tlw Jermaus can inarch
and so caa the Frxmchmeu and Itus
siau.x, jtudj moreover, the two former
iu "marching .order" carry a bigger
had on their back than the, British
soldier. Marching with them Is an Jm-
porlaiit accoiuplishmeiit, and one not
to tie taken for granted. ,
The (lerroan recmit. aftr he has had
Ids lKtrade-drill frround .thoroughly in
to him. he taken tut to Ktrtdch his legs.
First, he marches in uniform only, then
be Is ; given Grille to" carry, next his
knapsacks, and so ou until his jnarch
ing order Is at full weight.
Iiuring'aU this the-' distances are lie
Ing gradually lengtheuetl. and finally
the pace is increased. .Wlen trained
lie is going his twenty miles regularly
twice a wet k. 'and he may lie called
utiou'to h a thirty-niiSe march occa
sionally, and lit as he Is, he accom
plishes it "on his head." : "
That Tommy Atkins can march, too,
ntJuidy will deny, but when comparing
his comparatively spasmodic pedestrl-
en effortsjwith thost of the foreigner.
general conditions must be taken Into
account, 'and here lie does not, as a
rule, compam.loo favorably except af
ter a fortnight or less in the field. .
Tiien. : again, though some of our
authorities differ on tlie point, he must
have a breakfast Xo march upon, 'and
a small amount or food every live
hours or so, and an. occasional mouth
ful of water to wash the dust out of
his throat. j
Tly get all these things on the con
tinental maneuvers, as a matter of
course, lu ours Mt Is not always so in
fact, an officer writing from the front
has Kaid that so far as hardships and
lack of food are concerned, the Trans
vaal is a paradise compared to Salis
bury Plain as It formerly was.
The continental soldier carries a
heavier kit on his back, than the Brit
ish soldier, because he relies less upon
ids transport, and no matter where the
baggage train Is he can always pitch
h's tent at night and roll himself tip in
his blanket.
When In heavy marching ord:r Tom
my Atkins carries a coat ami cape,
mess tin (comprising plate, frying pan
and kettlei, a valise holding spare uni
form, shirts, socks, lioots, brushes, etc..
a canvas haversack for small articles
and a. water bottle. This wvighs com
plete, with rifTe. pouches, bayonet and
loo rounds of ammunition, - sixtj-Ix
IKiunds. !
Tuf?erman is provldm with a great
coat, one blanket and ground sheet, a
quarter of a tent ami iiole, a mess tin
(which for 'the present Is alsd his wa
ter liot tie) and an axe. His vali:e con
tains a spare pair of boots, three pairs
of socks tor foot rags. If he is a Bavar
ian), spare uniform and- fatigue dress
brushes,! etc. The whole equipment.
with bayonet.'; rifle and l"r rounds of
kiii carinuges? weigns seventy-two
pounds. ;
The I-Tenchnian carries much the
same. Including tent section and blan
ket, but no waterproof si icet or haver-
sat k. ! The company cooking jMits are
divided up among the men. A drinking
cup and spade completes his rig-out.
which weighs, with rifle, bayonet and
110 rounds of ammunition, seventy
two pounds.
The Itussian carraes only sixty-eight
liounds of iklt, but then he has no blan
ket ror waterproof sheet. He Is only
berdenod with teventy-live rounds of
ammunition," which is fastened aliout
him in jsonivwhat clumsy fashion.
So far as. food is concerned, the red
coat, for all the millions that are sjient
on him, really fares worse than his
conscript comrades. ith Vuem iis-
cuit and coffee or chocolate at o a. in.
is the rnh. Dinner Is at 12. and con
sists ami this is tin' maneuvers, too
f soui. meat, salad and leer for the
(Jernians, and one pint of wine iier
man for the French. At :) Is a sup-
Ier of cold meat, salad, bread and
cheese'' and more wine and.lwef. Tlie
Itussian menu Is varied with salt fish,
but he fares well on the whole". From
rhe Ijoudon Kxpress.
When a simple one that Is very mneh
1-tter alridy exists. TlKnv is noth
ing iu the combination ',-inotluetr that
ihn-s not exist In iiHitorman.' But that
wont Is too ordinary for the progress
ive and advanelng West. It require
somethiug uucommou-llke motiue"r.,'
- Sun. .
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh fhat
contain .Mercury,
as mvecry will purely destroy- the eease of J
smell and completely derange the whole system
when entering it through tbe mucous surfsces.
Erich articles shonld never bo nnt-d except on
prescriptions from reputable phvsicians, as tbe
iamaw they will do Is ten fold to the rood yon
can poiwibly dTiv from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufacturat t.y F.J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, ., contains no mercury, and in taken
internally, actinic directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces (jfthei:jHtoiii. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be mrevou ptt tbe gnnine. It is
taktrn iuu-rually and Is made in Toledo. Ohio
byt'.J. Cueiiey&Co. 'iVxtimoniaU frn.
r EKJia ty JLlrugikts, price 75c. per buttle.
Hall's Family PUl are the best.
Before-Breakfast Apietile i of 2-Year-Old
Boy Proves Exiiensive.
Charles Schnackle, livihg at o. p;pj
Harrow avenue, Kvansion, is mit ?it,
a result of the vorat-ioii; :v liie
of his 2-year-oht son, Frank, says th.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Schnackle laid two $.1 bills on the
bed yesterday morning, while In- wan
dressing for work. The lioy was in u.
room at tlw time, appaiviilly playing
about the floor. When Schnackle' fin
ished dressing he turned to the. lied-to'
put the money fn "his pocket. It was
not there. IleJooked everywhere. ;md
was about to give tip the sc.-ireh when
be saw the ragged cdjre" of iue of the
bills protruding from the chubby ha ruin
of the baby. The latter .had swallowed'
nearly two-thirtls of it. and was in the
act of disposing of tlie remainder when
discovered. The other bill
where to lie found.
Schnackle nought for a long while
for a way to restore his lost currency,
but finally decided that the baby -was-y)
dearer to hhn, and that he was our,
that amount. He says that in tlie
future he will be more caivfui with his'
money at least until his son is bl
enough to realize that is." bills are a
very exjK-nsrvi', and at the same tinw,
unwh)lesome brelikfast fooil.
was no-
One Stable Will Keep .a Large Neigh
borhood Supplhil With Flies
- for the Season.
Chk-ago Inter-Ocean: At the dose of
the.. fiscal' year of 1802 the Unitwl
States treasury contained ?2.V..77.7(';
in gold. 'From that time till the chist
of Cleveland's adiiviuistration it 1k
tame necessary for the 'government to
wll lMHds at Intervals In order to luaia
tain.tlieleg.nl reserve.
The g:ld in the treasury Hank to
$l,4.V.-i:n at the close of the fiscal
year in 1. to $131,217,434 in .1SSM.
roedo$l."M..aJ2 in ISICi, and fell to
15i;si7,lK in l.W,, notwithstanding
the heavy borrowings of tlie govern
ment, fin 1S!7, at the conclusion of the
first year of the McKiniey administra
tion, tlie gold In the treasury rose to
$178,(7i.tr4. Today the treasury con
tains $4-"Wt.Kl.tsiO worth -of the precious
trrtaij with the ulmost absolute assur
ance that gold now on the way from
Alaska aud Australia will raise the to
tal to $4rjO,fMMMMN within two months.
The Bank of France, which has iieen
struggling for years to Increase its
Iolding of the metal, and has protects
its hoarding by the application of meas
pres that could not be resort tnl to in
4 his country, contains only $0,000,000
more tluiu we have accumulatel since
XKhi.- -.' '. ;
There Is nothing to romind the treas
ury officials of Cleveland's administra
tion of tlie finances but the debt be
created to bolster up a reserve suffer
ing from lack of confidence. From the
day of Bryan's defeat In 18JMJ to the
nreseat time "there has lieen' a steady
flow of gold Into the treasury, tiii re-
lllarvey Sutherland in Ainslee's.)
"If rou burn insect, powder in an
old tin pan it will kill inos4piiio's. A
person, 1 mention no names, tried it to
kill flies. It made tlie house smell like !
Fourth of July, though quieter. The i
flies went alnnit their business as nu- 1
at, and never so much as coughed. Two I
or thrive alighted on lie. edge -of ihe
imn. 'Hello: said omv tWhat's tJiisVj
Something new? Say, where was yo.i "j
yesterday? I was lookin for you "311!
over. It never feazed them. Lavender j
flowers, fhev'sav,' will' oisconrage Hies. '
Iont you iH'lieve it: Tliey. won't do
any thing wf tlie kind. At the s.m1:i
fountains, iliough. where otherwise the
sweet slops -'would attract lls's by the!
millions. ,Uk druggists scatter essence!
of sassafras. It is rather amusing to
watch a fly sail in the dHir and niakex
for the counter. 'I'innie see now i'jO
can almost hear him say, 1 thnikfrTf
take van ilia iee-cfca ' and tlienlhei
strikes that sassafras and cries: "itue
Iyt me out of here quick! Flies do iiotj
like sassafras at all. It is rather an
insistent perfume, and I do not know
that I myself should care for it for
breakfast, luncheon ami dinner forf
weeks and weeks, ail through Uy-liine;
"Hear the conelnslon of the whole
matter. The armies of flies are to lie
discomfited only by attacking the basj
of supplies. It is;n old saying that
if you kill one 11 y, forty will come to
the funeral.'. " These little skirmishes'
with fly ioison and sticky p.ter are
useh'ss. To fence ourselves in villi
w-iwiw Is hardly worthy of civilized
people. It is like living in forts Ite-
slegisl by savages. It is soinciiiiies
said that tlie old-fashioned hojisekeener
wlu Is forever cleaning up is bothered
with few insect- Visitors of any kind.
But I put tip an umbrella against ilw
storm of iinlignation sure to break
over my head by declaring that tw?
most scrupulous cleanliness will liiit
avail when there is a stable near. "ne
stable will kiH'P a larg ii-irbliorLtMd
aipjily snpplictl with Hies daily in the
Jtstiii. It Is ..-possible by throwu?S
the nianun", in which they breed, info
a pit ami covering It with quicklime t
kill tlie eggs and larvae, but where one
man Is thus careful, nine hundred and
ninety-nine will not -take the trouble.
So great has lieen the progress of tl
trolley-car, tlie bicycle and' the" aiiio
inobile that every one lifl confidence-,
in tlie ability of invention to give b
horseless travel, bt't we shnil iMiklmg--and
look In vali'r'for the day of '
l'fs milk. Till then we -hall have f
endure, with. Pharaoh of the Exodus,
the plague of flies." I
.LARIA, ''!''
Chills and Biliousness Is a fiottle-of
TONIC. It is simply Iron and tti
nlne In a tasteless ftmn. No cure, uo
Iay. Price 0O cents. .
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or. Hfst
iarm paper. Issued weekly. $i a yer'
r.XECUTOIfS Ntl-TICETO-7!: 1H-""-'-,
ilTOBS. , '
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for .Marion County. In the
Matter of the j Estate of Oeorge Wel
ler. deceasetl: f
Notic h hereby given that the nn
tlerslgnad has. leen. duly arl)"i,ai''
executor of the last will of Cihiiit"
Weller. Vdeceasetl. bv the llononiMe
suit of. the reKtoration of the export county 0urt of '.Marlon County. Ore
trade Tippled ro liatlly Ty a tariff-tmk- Kon. All - jiersons having clali"
fnu. inruiiniatif; Mitto iiimt i a i ou, unit
of prosperous business conditions at
home based upon a sound financial
policy. -
mriin.i M,tt,i u il.l li(-e;tseti
are hereby requlretl to present tliem
with the projHHT vouchers, within '
Mimilm fn.ni llm l.to of this Iiot'ce,
to the nndersignwl at his p?ftc of U'
t i ri.r cmtntv - Ore-
... ,. .-: t - . - - . pon.
Motorman Is a gooil enough title . Dated
for t be man behind the whetd on the 1000.
istLi ooim horo In New York said a
innri-J xv-lir, loit roirtlv been -nllffl Prnlni. nf tw )-,t Will of (leorge
West on business, "nut in a Jsimsast Wetier, tleceasea.
town I saw a new form ot me namei i akko.n & auaju
Salem, Marlon County, Ore-
atC Salem, Oregon, July 3L
which struck we as lieing the nios