Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 14, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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S.4L77 SALT!
The lowest prices in the state.
50 lbs. HALF GROUND..... 25cts
loo lbs. HALF GROUND...... 45ct$:
50 lbs. FINK DAIRY . ..... .. 4scts.
So lbs. J?INE AVELLINGTON 45cts.
100 lbs. FINE 'WELLINGTON 85ts.
No. 91 Court Street 'Phone 1781
. "The Feed Men ' '
or e-xhanged for flour and feed at
branch office of Aurora Roller MilK
warehouse on Trade street, near Hrgh.
Salem, Oregon. I'll:''' :-A ' i V" -
Bicycle Repairing
New and Second-Hind Wheels
Gas . a nd Stcani fittin jr. ' Manufa-ct-OTer
ol Ht undJjl'nih pipe.
1 03 State &k. Tel. 131. Salem', Or.
Jtf. F. R. S7VTITH
Carriage and Wagonmsking, special
attention pakt to interfering and lame
ness f horses. , j ;
185 Commercial St., Opp Brewery
kY3ICrANSr' "
iii F. COOK, M. D.
Cures Coii&umptHwi, Cancer, Tumors,
Gravel and Kidney Troubles. Asthma.
Skin and Iknie Diseases. witlHHrt knife,
piasters, posisotre or pain. Also Blind
tUs. i j Salem, Oregon.
fropdetors of the '
Best Singe and Double Rig- in the
tty. Best care given to boarding ami
transient stock, s ' Telephone 241,
Cor. Liberty and Ferry Sts. Safem.
HorM: weH fed, good accommoda
tions. Fine Rigs. Good - -Rig for
commercial men a Specialty. -Horses
boarded by dayj week or month.
Rea m livery, feed end Boarding siofcie
164 Commercial St., Tel. 851. Salem
South Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
d lav hi? bought W. T.- Huffman's
and Livery business, we" have re
oved k to the Willamette Slahlrs.
South ot the bndsre on Commercial
tTet, whercl w will be 'found prepar
ed to serve the public in the hc-4 pos
sible nia.neri' Wc furnish rig for driv
ing. Gentle (teams for .ladies-ami goo:!
acconmKidataons for transient teams.
Board horseis by day or week. A
blacksmith sh wiil be run irr cu-nncc-tion
wih the barn, where you can pit
our horees she'd iand all : kinds A re
pairing done. Alt work guaranteed
satisfactory. I i
" ' " - ' at the -"
106 Slate street, Salem.
FIR POST, coated
..Carbolincum Avenarius..
'I- i ' : : ' "
WHt out wtmr Ce-lnr It Is nlsa a Radical
HemelyAKirtst Chicken -Lice.
Its application to tha liimlo ws f poul
try housJ-s'wiH permanently -rrminito
all LICK.
RruHv Heal.hy Cht'-kous Plenty KKS.
Write for circular and prices an 4
. - tlon this paper.
II. M. IVAUK r tTt Asr?na.
Dr.Fennef sOntQEM RELIEF
Hotel San tlam
At Detroit, ! Oregon, i : Now open for
Summer Tourists. New House, ncwlr
furnished first-class accommodations,
price from '$1.00 to $1.50 per day. j
- H. Jacobs. Fropnetor.
Your; Work Solicited.
Vast qnantits of wheat are rolling
Into IVndleton every day. All of the
teams procurable are engaged
raged in haul-j
.u in such
Ing. horses hating wen
hnmlmra a t fi ul.1 ke teams in e
mand. Warehouses ; are rapuny 11-1 1
tnr mid the mills are buying largidy ij
for the coining season. Last Oregon!-:
n - - , l .-
It Is a curious fact that, despite the,
1 t..,.ito of the deadly now-
..r -,id.rti.tendon ekM-tnc . currents
.. .i -iii tnnun usk for executrinff
r-rtmiosls. tliere Is no re-ord of a
.... .. . .
liberate suicide hy electric bhock.
. . TZ ; -
for infants
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OIL Pare
porlc Drops and Soothing Syraps. It is Pleasant. It
coiitams neither Opiuin, Morpblno nor other Narcotic
ffubstanco. It destrors AVorma n.nrl n.l!.iv i.WHhn.u
?' CUTCS arrhoea and Wind Colic. It reUeres Teeth
Jnr Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates tho
Momacli and Bowels, siring healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Eirid ; You J Have Always Bought
.Bears the
In Use For
W 1. a-
Price on quart, S.V. Half Gal.,
.0c One ;al.. ?1. Five Gal., $1.
Lee5s Oce Klilleir
7. -as?
mv i 1 m r
SA VAGE & REID, Seedmen
322 and 324 Commercial Street, North o P
or and banish "paint
of menstruation." They arc "LIFE 8AViJIt3" to girls at
womanhood, aiding development- of orgaus and body. No
known remedy for women eqwals them. Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure, $1.1K PKIt liOX 11 Y MAIL. Sold
!y druggists. Dii. MOTT S C11EM1CAL qp.t Cleveland, Ohio.
Wiil buy 21 nero.-s f rich hlil land. tniles from -the big brjdge in
I 'oik K-iniiit4y. nvloiklus the eity of Salem, and the valley, aud wiih
a luagitlfirciit yl w of tlie mountains'; fair house; barn OSotJ feet;
well; 5 neres fruit, orciianl ie.Tyears old. UwhI ti-rins. r
A handsome tt:ie of six rooms and lMtsemeut; nice south
iot. fi'iiee!; -frtth. garden, flowers, ete.. centrally located "in
tlenee poi-tion. Tliis Is a saeritiee. . ,
173 acres
Iive mi!s fj;iuth 'of-Salem osi
Im':it dam land: .line lioiiw
;wi-!l wa'trnl v.ith spring,
die 1 p. '"
no acres
Three iuib-s- northward from
land, part boijom; all blacti
160 acres
Close, to farm last alore; all
ground for 1 pll kinds of crop.
7 acres
In fruit on bard S venrs old and
plac!. southeast of Turner. Can
i acre
Xeay West
Salem, in good fruit; will exchange for Kalcm town
14 acres
rr fiii.. nf tind'7-lose bv fair
ItiiiMings; gool orchard: plenty of U-rries and everytliing to nake
a pleasant aud 'profitable home.
Will buy ten acres of land just
worth ?itiO .111 acre In two years.
TJp Stairs in the Statesman Building. ,
9. There nity
tHr iiH-nV irl a l f
,v ii-dtrviiiir deleiaitions
at the
Afi-ICIiil4v home tefore the end
,tf i
iii.t fftninaizn. There may. or
may not U- a trip.MtI
bv the President. Put neitner ,wdl
.ttled by the ,L,ns an-
Tla fllltcll tS " S
mned 4Iay. oH,npy uf i we
dent's time up
to tits t
he si lid. Mrs. -Melvinley
tnw AVashlnsrton h 1 muiv
r nawnuisi . . - ----- - - , .
will Ik- for an i. ia'iKfc idana Haw U-cn decided uj it
or more, for tney are
for the
. At.- t 1 ..!Mniiiirnt'ui. v. .
..f RcmiSilie i-efore
t'rand Army
returning to their tJanton-uome.
Th.- '
j route.
and lime oi nainut
or more. it i" ' "T ... .L.'.i jJi.r tvirt of tlie uiue nerore taa
and Children.
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
. .The use of this preparation has
lKeoiue so universal, and results
nre so satisfactory, that most
IKMiltry-rasiers would not know
how to keep house without It.
f It is no longer necessary to dip or
dust., poultry to kill the lice. A
ea n of Lee's Liee Killer, a pain?T
brush, and a few-minutes 'work
in applying it to the., roonts,
means all the expense and labor
.now-necessary to keep the fowls
free from loth mites and body
liee. A ean of It should be In
. every iMnltry-iioust. - It kills and
'prevents mites aud liee.- and
keeps the air In the poultrj'-house
pure and sweet, " killiug disease
germs and preventing the other
enemies of the poiiltrytuen roup
and eholera. ,
They orercome Weak
ness, frrcgtilarity and
omissions, incrc&se vhjr-
Jefferson road: lia3 over 10f neres of
and barn: acres of g.KMi tinilx r;
An ideal f;inn ami an be le bougid
loam soil.
In "Pnr'r Isli's gap
Well watered.
but 'JO
" ) :
acres In cultivation.
tn pooa eoii'iiuon; near Jicwionoy
1 had cheap and on gnd tc.ui.
Grounds. gool house, fiarn aud oot-
outside uie cny nmus. mai win
Chicago trip have not lxn arranl.
but it will le from, Washington, aad
so far as known? there will lie ; no
-rn,y V
escorting tiie l"resi-
jHMU. Ml Itaa mt-u f -
1'restdettt nas as -yet giveu ho
era t ion , to aut-h a plait, aitnougn u
has 4een discnssetLby some of -the If.
; A- It. men. - -1 14 -
. From Clucago they will return to
Canton. Tor. ten day or J
"r"si- lieu iurj w . o . t . ---
jPa. the summer home to. A biier lie
start IKlnley, to atten-1 the wetlding of
M.1iMi iieilUlCy fflim n. on-
.or. n s nt. 12tlu I'youd inat
" - -
election win iy !-..
Fine printing. Statesman Job Oluce.
oitukjk roa a. ticud or good
Tber la Tery Lllu tBcar of Ten
rteklag WIU Bests Earlier
-1 Ft bin Iaily Statesman. Ang. 12.)
The present ': favorable , weather is
doing wonders for the hop yard of
the Willamette valley, and. unless a
change should occur soon, Oregon will
thl year prodnce, one of the best
crops of Jiopa quality, not quantity
evergrown here. Vermin is almost
unknown this year, owing to the vig
orous j Spraying of the yards and the
favorable weather conditions, and. the
crop promises to mature somewhat
earlier than, usual, a fact' that" hi eu
couraging to the growers, as that will
insure the harvesting of a large por
tion of the crop before the early fall
ra)naet in..'". ' :-:V'j.' ;" j.-
The early hops a f env of J the; yards
nearfhla city have: Fuggles tind the
Imported Early Kentish are almost
ready for the pickers, and probably
before the end of this week, oiera
tions will begin on ;these lu some of
the yards. These are a sura 11 propor
tion of the hops In the valley, how
ever, and the majority of growers
will not begin before the end of the
present month. : ; : :
The prite to Ik isikl for picking is
a mooted questjon at this time, and
in various itortlons of the valley, ef
forts have been made to organize the
growers wSth a view to inlying So 1-3
to 35 cents per 1hx. I. O. Allnto &
Company, ,'operatlng. the Mlnto yard
south of this city. liowever,are offr
Ing 40 cents iierOx. and others are
said to le ready to pay the same, ami
it Is likely that tlie price will vary
according to locality.
Valentine Loewl, the veteran hop
dealer of Xow York, in his Producer's
Price Currents under date oi August
4th, says of the hop market:
. y ; Hales.
Receipts for week fio
Receipts from Sept. 1,. .... i . .111.1110
Receipts same time last year. .153.107
Exiwrts.to Europe for week;.
Exiorts from Sept, 1. i.
Exiorts same time last year.
rmiMirts for. week.... . .'. .....
Imports from ept. 1 ...... i, .
Imports same time last year.
. 47.IB2
. 5.!a-i
. 2.S23
Weather eonditons 3of late have been
favorable to the growing crop in New
York state, and the vines nre reorted
clean of .vermin; but with decreased
acreagei we cannot expect as many
hops as- were grown kist year, aiid
that was a light crop. On the Pacific
em-st the yards are generally doing
well. In some sections of Oregon lk"
have apicflred and fanners are spray -1
lug. Jit is1 now estluieited tliat tins
seasoti's -rop."on Uie Coast will fall
10,HH to 20.O00 bales sliort of l ist
year. Poth mail and : cald advhs
from (England Indicate steady io
provefnent In the plantations under
the ' Influence of good weather and
faitliful washijig of the vines: hut un
der ,tbe most favorable coiHllrious for
tlMjreqiniuder of the ..sea-son It would
be Impossible." 4o; secure 1 as large ft
yieid as last year. On our local mar
ket ybuslness Ikis niorwl nlonsK stead
ily find values have 1een firmly main
tained on nearly all grades. Exjort
ers have not , lieen operating, iut
brewers have neelel goods to replen
ish their stocks, ami holders are ex
peetlngl that n pretty good clearance
will.liej effeete! iy the time of the in
eondngj of the new crop. The gov
ernment; report , ifor the fiscal year
ending! June SO,' sliows that the sales
of feniiented liqitors were .'Mi.lO.SI'.i
lArreW. an increase of 2.740,S5 bar
reev over tb pnflous year.
State, ttson. choice, per lb. i .13 Hl "
LState, -lSOO. good to rri'"'"1- 6n-';-
State, lyno. com. to ratr. . . .10 m 1 1 y;
Paclfie const. 1 :!. choice. w. 13 frr14
Pae. -oast, f0. good to irlme Itm'i
Pae. coast. pl. poor to fair. . 7fr?l1
State or Pae. coast, 108. . i. S r 0
Stare or Pae. const, oh olds. 2 H 5
r ' 'i
iYlLL" RE-KXLIST.-Frel. Ramsey.
sn of Judge Ramsey of this city, will
leave Monday for Washington where
he expects' to re-enlist in the marine
service of the United States. Air.
Ramsey enlisMl at -Mare Island. Cal
ifornia, s over live years ago In the
navv and was assigned to duty on the
Oregon -.".which. -went' into commission
about that fTme. ne was on the Ore
gon on her famous voyage to Join
Admiral 'Sampson's squadron on the
Atlantic awl took part In the destruc
tion of Cevera's fleet. He remained
In the service until last Miy when
he was nnisfcred out , at Tokohama.
Japan. MrJ Itamwy attainetl the
rank of gunnery sergeant a nd under
he rulesqn his re-enlistment, will
1h restoreil to that grade.
Iirge Lniier ami Railroad Com
pany to Itegin Operations iu
That Section.
; From I ta lly Statesman. Aug. 12.) ;
In tlie ohlce of the Secretary of State,
1 ... .
yestertiay, three; new coriwratious iueu
articles. Among them are two, organ
ised by the same men. that will under
take to develop, in aiarge measure, tlie
Tillamook country, and especially, lusx
section tributary to Nchaleni Bay . The
iijrtlcles -filetl sre:
The Wheeler- Lumber Comiwny iro-
poses to engage in the lumtwr business
in all Its brancnes 10 carry on a uiuui
and cauing busin-ss; build railroads,
rrauwavs. etc.; traffic In merchandise.
operate electric light and iower plants.
lav out towusitcK. aiMl k a general ue
rr'liipmm t business. Tlie' principal- of-li-e
will lie located at Nehalem, Tilla
ifiMKik county." The i-apital slock is fix
ed at $10,000. dlvhbd into shares vai-
nS1 arl each. George R, olnrg.
('. JL Wheeler, J E. Duitois. J. L. Vos
burg. J. K. Gambill, are tlie dire tors,
nd George. R.i Voburg. J. I Vosburg
ami J: lv. Gambill are president, vice
pi-ejiident and freerctarr. respectively.
The Nehalem TransjortatIon Com
pany proposes to engage In the frans
portalioii of iassengers and freight,
ami for this purpose will construct and
onerate steamboat, tugs. targes and
tiai i urmnj....-, "... ..,...,.
and operate warehouses, .docks, etc-.,
and do a general development Ihisj-
ness.:- The iprinclpal ofricv will be lo
cated at Nehalem. TIk company lias a
capital- slot k of ?12,r0, divided luto
shares valued at $100 eaclw C.1 H.
Wheeler, J. L. Vosburg, J. K. Gambill.
George IL Vosburg, J. E. Duitois, are
the directors, and the first named three
are the presMenL vice president and
secretary, respectively
The John Day School & Land Co m
iwny win t-onstruct a school -building
and carry on an institution of learning,
consisting of an academic ami a busi
ness course; to deal In land, and do a
general rval estate business.. The head
quarters will be located at John Day,
Grant county. The corporation has a
capital stock of JsiOOO, divided into
shares rained at $10 each. - Clarence
Johnson, E. J. Bay ley and R. D. Wil
liams are the Incorporators of record..
Kirk C. Ward, city editor of the Sau
Jose, CuL, Mercury, was strickcu with
paralysis a few days ago while walk
ing in the streets of '.that city. Ill
right side was paralyzed, but while
his condition is somewhat critical, his
ultimate recovery is hoped for, Mr
Ward is a native son of Marion coun
ty, having tlrst seen the light of day
on the Claggett place north of this
city, and his parents, for mauy years
lived in the John Miuto neighliorhood
shut h of Salem. Mr. W'anl left Sa
lem when a young man, - going . to
Portland some twenty-live years ago,
and was for ciauy years thereafter in
the newspaper business In Seattle.
He has been connected with the Mer
cury for some time, and Avas in Ore
gon on visit not long since, :
Frank W. Durlrin yesterday cnduet
ctl.an cxrcution sale nt the court
house, selling to tlie higliest hldder f
acres of land in the southwest quar
ter of sect iou 24. township 0 south,
range 3 west, being tlie projHrty In
volved In the foreclosure suit, In
which the Capital National Ilauk, of
Salem, was plaintiff, and Ssther V.
Worden and It. A. Wonlen. defend
ants. The property was purchased by
tho plalntlir for rsii.lKi.
Jtnlge T. F. Ryan, of Oregon City, te
chairman of the Clackamas county
committee on arrangements for an ex
hibit at tlie State Fair, has applied to
W. II. Savage, superintendent of the
pavilion, for sjwice to cnnt a miniature
fish hatchery. This will be something
unique iu tho line of exhibits, and will
doubtless prove a very interesting fea
ture of the fair
AC.AIN OPEN. The Capital Soap
Wrks.is again open, Chas. II. Muths
having taken sole charge of the busi-
m i w .
: in A
If- k- jVv-as "'. .
Licensed by the cmiHror. . lagging Is an olllclal proression in China. Mcm
liersor the order are licensel and numbered, and nil iiersoii caught begging
without license are I'mnlslnsl wilh the Kangue a huge wooden frnme that
weighs heavily around the neck nhirshoulders. This Is a photograph of a Pe
kin liegger. It was taken iu front of t he AiiKrican Legation building, which
since has isen niae a 'scene, of carnage.-,
ness. Mr. Muths will conduct the bus
iness along strictly commercial lines,
and will furnish the trade with a first
class article. ' -.
ALDS. It 3s Impossible to evt any definite
-alue on ruldes at preseiit. said a
New Orleans jeweler. "The mines
were exhausted several years ago, ami
tlie few fine stones that remain on. the
market are 'Worth whatever one
chances to ask. They -art far more
valuable than diamonds in fact, the
price is purHy arbitrary deiendiug
chiefly on how Iwidly tlie purchaser
want rhe irein. The last mines to 1h
worked were in Slam, but they are
now entirely clos dowu. Practically
the same thing may lie said of emer
alds. A few find their way to the
dealers now and then, but the. supply
has dwindled to' almost the vanishing
point, and to secure a Hue siccimcn Is
purely a matter of luck. They are no
longer kept In stock by the wholesal
ers, and wlcn one turns up re nnngs a
fancy figure. I am sjs king, of course.
of first-class stones. Ihth rr.bies and
emeralds vary enormously in quality.
Sometimes it is hard to tell just what
they tack, but Its abs4cno Is uninls
takable. and constitutes 4be difference
between a true gem and a mere color-
is! stone. For example, I have a four
carat emcrahl that I have tried to sell
for $loo. It is a pretty stone ami
seems outwardly to Ik f perfect, but It
lacks somethaiig. I have s" n ,f-nr-carat
emeralds sell for $d.oi0. They
were the same size, same weight, same
Khajse, same color as tlie one I have,
Imt, ah! the difference T" New Orleans
TI iues-remocra t. . 4 ,
Oregon City Enterprise:
W. W. Austin, one of tlie stockhold
ers in the Ixrgan chisse factory stats
that the factory Is,utili7.ing alont 1-V0
pounds of nolk fciily and tsrodwes .HE
IPnaiels of cheese. Tlie factory has a
greater demand for Its product than It
can supply, and their clx!" bring 12
cents r pound wholesale. Most of the
ppm. 0f thu factory is cmsumcd in
Oregon City and the remainder is sent
to Portland
Mr, rrsok BUtr Eajoys Ins Bstls
Ui Coaatrj Cmipr mt Hys
5 Creek Bek.' '
MT. AIRY, Waldo Hills, Aug. 10.
Most people think that to enjoy good
health during the winter, a summiT
outing is a necessity. To thluk of
lreiking up housekeeping, packing up
half of your household good, climb
luto a hack, or vehicle of some sort,
plodding along for three or four days,
reach your destination tired and hun
gry,' set up camp, sleep ou a straw
bedV dream of snakes and cut worms,
is not very jrreat pleasure to one;
an where one lias tho gol fortuno
to receive an invitation to siHud a
few weeks In a country home, that
one is foolish who would not accept
It. Not being foolish I accepted such
an luvfrAtion.
Coming from a country of cyclones,
blizzanH hot wimls, chintje-bugs. aivt
PopulistA, om Is tfully able to appre
ciate tlft? climate of Oregon. While
Salem is a very deslra-ble place tu
wlilch to Mve,! it Is not tb be com
pared with the Waldo Hills.
We left Salem atout 2 p. 111. on
day last' week. In company with .Mrs.
O. W. Putnam and son. Ivan, anil
phMldid i along in the ' dust my first
exiiericnce with real Oregon dust, to
which 'distance- leuds 'etichaiiliueut.-
We reached "Mt. A1r-.M the smntry
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Put
nam. In the Waldo Hills, covered with
what we supposed was -gohLdnst; tint,
haviug found a pan-and tested It, woj
decided It was ns great! a delusion as
the -gold-fields of Nome. Aftor a few
hours! struggle, with soap ami water,
we emerged from the bath-room In
qnlte a, retqiectahlo eoiKlitlon.
Tlie ijext thing was snpior, we
call It dinner in Salem, 4iut this was
a genuine good country supper, to
which we did ample Justice.
We retlreil". iNirlyj cntrary to city
habits, but fell to talking -not gos
siping we thought i for fifteen min
utes, but next morning our next door
neighlior entcriMl a- omplalnt of 100
much talking for country folks. Ar
tor a good night's rest, we wcut to
the I Kirn -yard to watch Ivan "pall
the cow;" after lielng lauglMsl at for
not knowing that n. ieculiar hioklug
little tlirce-cornerel cncern. lying
quite close to tlie ground, was a
chlekcn-eoop, Margaret proitosed .that
they siiow me what a calf was, but
not Isflng a M-lssourian I didn't havo
to be showed."
A more beautiful morning never
dawned than Friday, August loth,
mode more is-autiful by Hie scenery
of the surrounding country. Just
north of "Mt. Airy" Is a stretch-- of
land perhaps a jinlle across, which
rises high alpoVe tlie rest of the 'con ii-'-try,
and where. I the threshers ha to
Just finished, their work. It pri'sent-
a most Iteauiifitl islglrt. -The greater
iwrt f this hill was planted In grain,
bnt some place were found unlit for
planting, and now one may see a yel
low mass, dotted Iwre and there with
patches of bright green.
Just on top of the hill stands ono
lone tree, throwing. -out Its branches
and making a sluide. Inviting one to
rest there: on reaching' -the sot one
find, the place - occupied by a few
sleek-looking cows, wsrulnar all tres
lassers to ki-ep away; a little farther
on along tin western slope-of the hill
Is a stretch of tlmlier alKut a quarter
of a lutle long which ahl much to
the In-tuny of tin? scene.
' IXMkfng eouili a very different sceno
preents Itself. Not less IpcaiiMful,
though, for there It Is all trees for
mile and miles, as far as eye can see;
a lover of nature might gaxe for
hours and never fire. One knows '
nothing of the !eauties ot nature Un
til one visits tlie connfry. and per
haps Jut at harvest time 4s the best N
of -nil. ( Mi, what a place for a 'cam
era fiend !
Ivan has Just driven to the door
with .tho .carriage-- and called ."AH
alwwnL" You think that 'sounds city
fieil, but that is tin? way we live at
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