Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 14, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Minister Conger's Last Dispatch Shows the
Great Necessity1 for Outside Aid.
The United StatcOGovcrnment Will I'fge the International
Colamo to Press 1 on to Relieve : the
foreigners in Pekin.
WASHINGTON, Ansrnst 10. Id
from Minister Conner, received by
V Minister Wo today, the attitude of the Administration if, tbat there -
? is bat one thine- to do undir the present circumstances, namely, to ?
press on to. the relief of the beeieffcd garrison at Pekin. this wan
made known after extended communication b-tw.-en Washington and J
the President at Canton. j " ". j
The ponder dispatch was accepted as showing eonelmive juslift- v
cation for the imperative demand of ths United States to the Chinese S
irnrrnmnf ' Wvrfnphiit it ni!if 1 insist lnn tlm t ha immriit ffnnna
5 co-operate with the international
I ters. and nntil this condition, as
bardment, is folly conceded by China, there is no other cours open
bat to press strietly onward on the ni'sion of reli -f J
Washington, Aug. UK The Depart-
ment of State made public this room
ing the following telegram from Min
ister Conger, which was received jby
Minister Wo late last night (August
ink lieiiig contained In a telegram scut
to him by the Taotal of Shanghai. I
was handed by Minisiir Wu to the a t
1ns Secretary of State at ii o'clock this
morning. i I
"Scire tary of State. Washington:
The Tsung li Yajrney states to the "dip
l'Hiiatir ledy that the various foreign
TMhiisten have repeatedly asked,
through the?'" respective Chinese Millili
ters that we -immediately depart froni
Pekin under suitable escort. '-The Ya
tnun asks n to fix a date for oar de
juirtiire. and to ui.-tke the necessary
arrangements to tlu m. Our reply -Is
lluit we will siek instruction from our
Government ami that In the absence of
.. - i . . . . . ..... . ...... ....
,.c . w.im.Ho,, e t....uoi M'Me our.
'I must Inform you That In order to
insure out afe dejmrtnre. foreign
troops only can safely escort us, and
must Ik in sullicient forie to safely
tfuard S0O foreigners, including
women and children, as well as
native Cliristians, who cannot Ik abait
lon4I to certain massacre. We -an-not
accept a Chinese escort . under any
clrcmustaiM-s. All my. colleagues are
dispatching the foregoing to their re
njMi'tive goverunM'iit. of the American
in ;irl iMs seven have leeu kilietl and
ixteei woutHlel, among the latter be ;
ing Oitptaiii" Meyers ami l-tr IA-
X'tt, who are getting along wed. f
Conger." , i i
Thin message Is undatetl, but is sup- i
josel. to Jtave IktU sent, oil or after I
the nth of August, when the Imjierlal
irdict removing the inhibition against
the Ministers sending eiphr messages
was reeelveil by the Tsung 11 Yamen.
It RubstantlallyiecTTIds ' with the-dispatch
of the Frth Miiifeoer, Al.
liclton To his'goveriimebt, which waa
made public in l'aris yesterday.
: Wasliiiigton. Aug. lO. Ii te this a f-
ternoiu an answer was wnt to Minis
ter Conger's latest message. -made puln
lie today. It was announced officially
and positively, that this message wotdd
not le wade pnHHc, either in whole.' or
in substauee. It was. made plain, how
ever, that tlie message- was sntli'-iently
gearthnl an rie.t t further Increase the
jeopardy of our Minister, urease "the
Chinese have access to our ciplier. As
to tlte leniis of the niejisage, they tile
believeO! to iiwike plain that this (Uv
eru'meitt will nt a.lviw. riuieh hss -direct,
that Conger leave Pekin tuitler a
('Www scort whklu as the. -Minister
Jias sfdviMtl Washington, would imau
certain ,le:ith. Mtrever, the reply
doubtless lets the' Minister know that
there is au unaceounta hie error Su the
(statement of I lie -hines tjoverumcnt,
us conveyed to him thiougli the Tsung
li Yamen. that the foreign tlovtne
incuts had urgeil rctafeIIy that tlie
'Ministers Ie sent ut of Pekin, .'under
a suitable escort. Tins clause, contain
ed In Minister Couger's latest tlispatcJr
Sufferers frota this horrible - malady
nearly always inherit it not necessarily
from the parents, but msy be from seme
remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs
through sever il generations. Thisdcatlly
poison may lay. dormant in the blood for
years, or until you reach middls life, then
the first little 3ore or ulcer makes its ap
pearance or a BWoIIfn gland in 'the
breast, or some ether part of the body,
gives the first warnings ;
v To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma
nently all the jKiiionous virus jnust be
iliminated from tlie blood every ve stage
it it driven outj This S. S. S. does, aud
is the only medicine that can reach deep
seated, obstinate blood troubles like this.
When all the poison has been forced out
of the system the Cancer heals, aud the
diiase never returns. i :
Cancer begins often in astnall way, as the
following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows:
AcBiall plmpj came n my hwaVuHn inch
beiow the ear on th left side olnyiAce. Jtgave
toe no fin or Inronvrn
' ciiw,n4 I nfcould have
forjrottl about it ttad it f V,
itch; it would t4red
little, then Kbntr, tt
. l S ... w-l T hi. ' . a . . "
contiaoe-l for aowie time, I - -f
swell, beeotnln ty VT N
eaa lo eat and spread, .-.-Jf . .
v mil it was a Urge a J.. e fy
fjlf doJiar.wlien I heard . s'
tt S.S. S.nddetennif- h
ed to fie it ta' triat, i j . 'i
nnd it wa lemmrkable W ?
-hat wotwlerfnl efi'ect "
Jt had from the vTTbegintit(r;thBorebejrt4
heat and 5ertaki'n)t few bottles diaprared
,r-iY Thiswastwovearsaro: thfie are fill
no aiina of the Cincer, and rnr general rwsitlh :
. l I ja D.Kn,aB I Plats Mn t
jpniiuiic , . 7 7m
is the eTeatest of all
blood purifiers, and the to the south of Tien Tsln. Thy are
only one aran1" morderiug, pillaglns and committing
purely Testable. Send atrocities. "
fe ntir f. rwvv nni It Is TCported that Princ Tuan has
Cancer containine valuable and interest.
rJ :r' hoot thia disease, and
JUtanhotit ronrcaae.. Wr
Mil.' am nr aT-riatx
ke no charge for memcai aovice.
f HE SWJFI SPfcWM etwiiiv
tbe ll?bt of tbe latest dispatch .
the Stat Department thronh "l
forces in. t"ie n gene of the Minis- aj
well as th; cessation of the bow- "a
Hearty shows that I lie Chinese Gov
ernment is leading him to befiev-a that
it I tin wish of . Washington that lie
leave under escort, -" whereas
the 'United States internment never
has entertained for a moment the idea
of having. the MlnNicr sent out on hi.
dangerous iwlgriiuage from Pekin to
th Coa.-t iiudcr Chinese protection.
Secretary of War Root aid tonight
that there wan no couviuciug evidence
In the iossession of this Government
lliat any of our dispatches really had
reached it iuister Conger. Thin iielt
eaten that the Miuwter has not given a
direct and jatisl'a toiy answer to any
of t ti- jueri-j that Ji.-ive le'ii addrer's
ed. to ldiu by tlie ltiarniieut of State.
BrusjMd.-. Aug. IO.TIh- foreign of
has received Ute following ine.s-
' t pip,ucu 'J .aiil.7i. mi."
ir!st .y of Ule iis,au jj.
"Shanghai, Aug. lt.-An Imperial
ileeree iiiimes JA Hnng Chang as Min
ister Fieri ipotentiary to negotiate
St. Petersburg, Aug. 10. It is
portertY 12,000 Chinese trtops
Guanlol constantly by European, American, entl Japanese'troops in anticipation of anj overwherming
attack by the b. bands of barbarians lurking outside the city. One of tlie- many strategic v points in
China is the quaint bridge carrying the Ilonan Road across the Northern River, or Stxtchow Creek, to
the rail way station opposite Shanghai. It is watched continuously by strong details of white troops,
who nro in momentary expectation of an attack .from the heathen hordes hoyeriug around the city.
Should the Boxers advance, a long and furious struggle for the possession of the bridge certainly would
follow, as both sides real izo that it is the key to the important town. f
maifhin from the province of lln
Man oml llu I'H toward I'ekin and
Tien Tsin. ; -
Chlcapo. Auk. 1. The Third latta
Hon or the Fifth lnitd States Infan
try ..left for San Franebsco today, en
route to China.
lxndon, A uk 10.. An edict emamit
insr rrom lekin and anthorizins -. IJ
Hunff -.-Chans, to negotiate with the
powers fir . fHnce ha. It Is renortel
from ShanKhal nntW yesterday's date,
tcen rceivel there. ! ,
The eorretnorHleTits at Yokohama
again fond the statement that a Kusso-
Japanese force Is moving on Pekin
from the north. .The. movement and
number of this force are. It in fnrther
HMrt.l, keint jseeref in orler to nre-
vent the facts from ..reaching Fek!n.
Ixwulon, Aug. 11. The morning pa
pers express wit is fact ion at the latest
development in China. The average
comment in that China Ik now genu
inely suing for peace through Id I lung
Chang. Tlie dlspatobes printed tliU
iiMtruing give further eaiw of the
IfltlTK' mt Vttnff Ttflin r ljvin1in(, ,.v i
-M . . . a.
Thn i.mr foil K.llr nnlil n-l,n
drlren t the last line, tliey fled to
I'ekin completely demoralizetL The
Chinese mv that thev ron-e.-itml li.'"
caose the British "ponrel poison" into '
their troops. This refers to tha lyd
dite hells -which the Chinese then
experienced for the first time. The
correWKHident adds tint tlie British
casualties were 2O0 and the Americans
lost 2.V), but this latter estimate is
(four times greater than that of Gen
eral Chaffee's repert. ; ; ;
New York. Artsr. 10.-A special from
len Tsin to the Herald taya: The
rr-i- T-:n fA
I lCn Alll lO
Ioxers are In tmtig foare ten miles
f Pekin and joined General Song
in liton twenty niles north-
ward, the Dowager Empnss having
IscthNl in imperative command for the
re-oecitimtioa of Tien IVin aud Tuku.
mm. mm,"-. . ... - ..',!,,.... . I. I. ..Ml 1 At m . ,
1 w & . .
attack was led bv the America,,; anl 'f'".1 he:air; and for two minutes t
nil - K li v lis ii m ' varT"wr arf ara ti r - w va . . - -
British. The Chinese nosition eon-ii'J,,u ; furiously. The
ckt.,i r wton Cum nr .nin.n..i,n,.n4U w ,iH g.iiue imt w,n -nnaWc to esca
This fi(p shows a determination
to 'stop the -advance, tmt it may be
IVinee Tuan's plan to escape- : : ;
Will Not Bac Throngh the Country
. - . as Formerly. ; ? ;
Chleaffo. A tig. 10.-rW. J. Bryan vrill
make no neh extended tours of the
country, thw camiiaign, as he did foot
ynr8 ago. lie will make a number of
speeches, but they will be in connec
tion with special oceasions, and not a
part of the general swinging around
the country. . ', -J
Ptiget SouehI Raises the Price Tlie
Tack is Short. t
New Whatwra. Washv Aug. 10. The
Pnget Sound ; Packer '-, Association
made a flight alvaiKe in the price of
Sainton uponi the basis of $1J0 for
tallx. Tlie toemlers predict that the
Swkeye pack this year will not eaual
forty per. cent of the last seajsoa's.
Portland. Or.. Ang. 10. President
Mellln. of the Northern racJne. and
President Mohler, of the O. 1L & N.,
held a conference here today. J As -far
as known, the matter of a truce in
the Clearwater country was. not en
tered Into. :
New York. Aug. 10.-The convention
of Democratic clubs, originally jtet for
Feptember 8ih. at Indianapolis,! has
been postponed until October 3d.
Washington. Aug. 10. The Depart
nieut of Agriculture reports the con -ilMm
vt spring what o August 1st
as r.l. The average t-outlitiont of
spring wheat improved 1.2 iKlnts dur
ing .Inly. lut ou Augiwt M JtSvas
27.2 ioiiit! kwer tliau at the jorres
p mi ling late last year, and 27.8 jolnts
below the ineiin of August overages
of the last ten years.
St. Ixuiis, Mo.. Aug. 10. Articles of
incorporation were filed this after
noon by the I-ilor Union Street Rail
way Company. Its capital stock f is
p'aced at ?o,i.
Philadelphia. 'Aug. lo. The heat to
day resulted in two deaths ami twen
ty prostrations. The maximum tem
perature was 98 degrees,
Pleasant Point, Aug, 10. Threshing
l'gan on the 9th. " . f
Me rliowcr A"Iues4lay. L
Ir. C, l'atterson and wife, of Schuy-
I -
ler, X"b., are visit tug the family of E.
H. Tolman. Ir. I'attertiou is a brother
of Aim Tollman. i
; Mis: Xlttrw I.Talcott Ls on -a visit. to
Fox Valley, I,iun county. : -
P. M. llanshaw, and Mrs." Ilanshaw,
have r"turned from a visit to Kanssis
and Nebraska.; Mr. Ilanshaw formerly
liv.il in Kansas, 'but has liecome no
thoroughly O.regonizwl th--it nothing
iould induce him to tak ni his abode
in tlMSuntIower State, "lie reports the
wheat crop gotnl In the parts of the
state visited by him, bt the corn crop,
especially in the western part, was
tench injured ly drought.
Tle sc!mo1 laiI, at its ioe'tInc on
Thursday 'evening, voted to procure a
pew heating stove 'and to put in a nw
floor. ' ' ? - r' - .. -
i .Philip Smith. late of Minnesota, has
ptirchasefl a farm near I .el union. Linn
eoimty, paying VW therefor.
; Pelfast. N. YJ, Aug., 3. An unusual
fight -;W!ik witnessed . on the lirainard
farm on White 0mk. two miles out of
lrlfast yeterIay. A large gray siiiir
rel. running on n highway fence was
attacked by two unusually large beo
hawks. I- eathers flew lu all diree-
i tm- .-111 HI rrira ill 'lilf 1l.'in'k'
"'HI us, q tllCK IllOVtllg assaikintS. F 11-
'." .with a quick swoip one of the
" -"'rainHHi iw stpiirret lemath
wiugn and circled Into tlie air to a
"gnt or several Iiumlrel feet. Then
ty a dexterous movement it release!
lb tJnuirrel. and wlien Its body struck
the ground there was no life in It.
Th hawks descended toward the lody
and .ne of them quh kly fasteniNl its
talons into the Mewling flesh, spread
out Us w iugs and began, ravenously to
tevoor the head and neckof the squirrel.-,
The other lin-wk owing to the ra
vflums hunger ami greediness of Its
mate was unable to get at tlie body of
the squirrel. When a man who had
watched the fight came np the greedy
hawk w'onld not fly from the spot un
til he struck., them with a buggy whip.
They were I Kith weak, from loss , of
blood. .
i-.vperts or tlM ordnance bureau of
the War Department say that the cost
of firing a twelve-incdi gun of , the
coast defenses, which is the largest
now in use, , is, approxima tely, f 0.
A charge consists ct alwut CiO pounds
of iwwAr, valued at f3, ami aU?ut
8w or ouiu) of shot, at an aver
age cos of SO cents a pound. - .
Mrs. Mary, Alston was. a inourirT re
cc:ntly in the Ewing cemetery. Her ikH
bull terrier, Endymion, bad Iiel in the
morning as the result f, a series r of
tleatlly couflict4, and she was attend
ing his funeral Interthent. Endymion
liad always lecn kept in the house and
w'thln" the Itounds of : the extensile
grounds surrounding the Alstons' resl
tienee. and when several days ago lie
wandered away for a time he met such
serious receptions at t lie. ha nils of the
more hardenetl : canies that ; twelve
bonrs after bis return to the house; he
rolled over on a nig and breathed li is
last. , . .
Immediately after, the dog" death au
undertaker was called, Endymion was
prepared for burial,' and in the after
noon the body was consigned to the
earth in the regular family -plot-of the
Alstons. Philadelphia Record. - "
The -new trans-Siberian - railway,
when "complete. Is to be; the- sjifet.
cheapest, and most comfortable In the
woihL The wfety of the Manclmrian
line will be due to the flatness of the
regions 'traversed,, not; a single tunnel
being necessary letween tle Ural and"
the Amour; that Is to Sjij from one
end of Siberia to the other. ::
" ATKI). .. '
In parts of Sutli America wliere
mahogany 'is used for rflilroai ties aud
other onlinary us-, the jiatlve busi
ness men are said to priase the cheap
hemlock and pine lnmrds which are
sent in the form of w&ea and crates
from thjs country. .
- ..- , I '
Sarah Bernhardt, on being askeI to
give her notion of an ideal- holiday;
wrote the following: "To go to bed in
a quiet room .stay there dnrfug. tlie
day reading and dzing. dine in slip
pers aud dressing gown in the evening,
and as soon as convenient thereafter
go back to bed." ; : jf ;
"What, part of tlie newspa'per shall
I read to you, Harry?"
"Read me tlw- baseball games ' rind
then read me something' about ice
bergs' Chicago Record.
Flauk Movement. "Say," said the
man with the liolio aiiejiranH, "could
vou put something in the a per for
lerr "WHiat is It?" asked tlie easiest
man on the force. "Well,
, , i . 4
h't's see.
, : -?
ar-r r
You might make it a elieese -.'sa'iHlwie'h.
half a -cold ciiickenj . an' a 1 iuart? of
ber. If 'you .'don't feel like the trouble
of rappin' all them things In thep;ntr,
jis gimme the -price Jin 111 tend to it
meself.' lndianaijolfe Press.
The rural tyiiesetter
over tlie cuts. -"',
"What must I do with
Doer plates?" he inquired.
all these
. "Chop off the whiskers' and let th"m
go in as Iloxers. nsjiondetl the eiltt
or. Chicago News.
It Is sometimes the icase tliat so mud
time is spent in t4;iictilng the Iog to
s)eak for his dinner that the children
are not tausfnt to sayj pleas. Atcliion
Gloln. ' -..' '' j ! : f..-. ; :
Sammy, grSiiiavants you to lie a
pteaciier vlieu you gfow up."
"Well, gran'riia.TiKiybe I'll 1h a
preacher, but I tell you now 1 won't
Ie a iirislf nary." -Chicago Record.
B-ars.jia " llu KwJf Haw Afrarj BocgfS
A sheet of water one' IiK'h thick and
one acre In area, It is said, weighs 101
totlS. - '' .C ';-; '- ",
On Jellies
rrearvea and pickles, apreail
a. thin coUnc ot rexlaed
Will kiwp thm thaihutj Dnntm ant
ectdprwr. PutHiMWiintlMiMdiln,
a twa mthrr wj atKnK the boom, fmil
iaectwuui twk pnumi ackaca. ' . .
Sold Tcrywbara.
ViiiPS RlItLlfJ
Contest of the Staggers
Ended In Six Rounds.
Attain Gave Hint the Victory In the
Koped Arcua-The Ohio Figrhter
! Easily Defeated.
NEW YOItlv. Aug. Jp. Eob Fitzsini
lnous, the ex-champiou pugilist of the
world., met Gus ltuhlin, the Akron
giaut, t; the Twentieth Century Club,
Madison J Square Garden, and won by
kiuM-king the Ohioan down and out in
rho sixth round, IU-fortj the tight, and
for some weeks past, I here have been
many reports to the effect that I'itz
simMious was too old to coin success
fully with his Vounger oinioneut. It
was'argned that Fkzsiiunions well-
known knowledge of the game and his
capability of hard hitting would not be
able to counterbalance the youtli ami
strength, as well as the recently ac
quitHHt tactics of the Ohio man. To
night, however, all .this has been
changxL Fitzsimmons dkl the trick
cleanly nd cleverly. It was a fierce
and blomly battle while It lasted, and
at times it looked as Ff ltuhlin would
get thej better of the older man, but
Filzsiintnons, at the proper time, cut
roos with Ids fearful Iksly blows
which finally snuffed out the Ohio box
er's lishti
The bet ting all along had favored
FitzsLnuuous. many wagers at the rate
of 100 to JS( on "Iinky Itob" b:ing
made. Tonight, however, at the ring
side, there was a flush of Huhlin
money, which forced th odds lo take
odds in Itu hi in's favor at the rate of
100 to SO. This state of affairs did not
last loufr. however, and by the time the
men had put up. their hands for the
ojiening round, they were equal favor
ites at even money.
Fitzsimmons liiuiself com-eded alsmt
thirty-tAvo pounds to Huhlin. and this
in itself was a serious handicap. Hut
as tlie result showed, Fitzsimmons was
euual to the task he Jiad set liiuiself
against, and won out with that terrible
solar plexus blow." which, whenever it
Isn1ed. shook 1uh from head to foot.
From the word "go" the men started
lt witb hurricane-like force. Both
were wild at. "times, but Fitzsimmons
was always the quickest to steady him
self. Ruhlin clinclitHl a good deal and
for three or four ronnds was the g
grei?Kor Several blows staggered Fitz
simmons. but none of them landed on
the mark, as Fitzsimmons was too
shifty. Just once Fitzsimmons touch
ed the floor when le slipixrd down
from a clinch at tm send of, a round.
In the sixth round linhlin was slow
sent stniight lefts Fitzsimmons
jumped at his man. Fitzsrmmons got
around ltuhlin, and while the latter
sent straight lefts for Fitzsimmons'
side-stepped safely and landed lefts
and rights to the head and neck, and
with the fearful left on tlie solar
plexus Fitzsimmons sent ltuhlin in a
heap to the floor. .
This wis the Iieginning of the end
that soon followed. Uuiilin. after tak
ing nine seconds of the count, arose o
nis ieeT. groggj rroni me enoets or toe
blow, j Fitzsiminous knew he had Ii.'s
man. and was ready for him. As soon
as lluldiu got up, Fitsinimons turImhI,
sending two lefts to the face, aud then
shot his riKht with fearful force to the
jKiint of Ituhltn's jaw. ttus pitcbe1
forward, as if struck with an axe, and
fell oa Ids face to the floor, where lie
was counted out, al had to le carried
to his corner.
Both (Sides' in the Big Kentucky Case
Deal in Perjury. .
Gwirgctown, Ky. Aug. 10. The de
fense in the case of Caleb Powers.
ex-5Mcretary of State, chargetl with
being an accessory before the fact in
the Goctliol assassination, rest 1 this
TJie proe-iitioTi expects to conclude
tomorrow. The jury, when it crimes
to Vonsitlering tlie evidence, will not
nave to deckle the question of which
side liaa dealt in perjury, but which
side has teen burdened with the
largest amount of that prod net. It be
ing conceded that, perjury, has been
indulged in. in large quantities, by
.soineiHwiy lor the last-few days. The
disagreement of the jury is generally
iookim ior.
Tlie ChHialis Bee-Nngget Washing
ton! ays that the creamery at that
place has turned out KM) jKiuuds of
better ami Tifnt pounds of chese ) dur
ing June, It also esfimates that with
U-e Toledo..' Browning. Ceotralia ' aud
smaller tTeameries in oierntion Iewis
-onnty's dairy-product will reach $7.1.-
) to fWi.i'm ls-r year.
; While buying beef cattle on Weston
mountain, says the leader, for- his
meat market. George Revnolds discov
ered a plienomenou in animal life. A
fat cow that he purchased had !een
milked, constantly for nine years un
til a month ago, when sb went dr.
and In that time had only Ijeeome the
motner or one calf. The reporter to
wliom this story was told " has , been
"taken lu" a time or two. and cross
examined George as is be were the
star-witness In a murder mystery.
He replied that, he had Is-en assured
positively of its truth by Simon Iear
dorff, the, cow's- owner, welt known
as a reputable and truthful citizen,
and ; by Sirs. IVardorff also, , Under
these circamstances the Lender feels
that It Is justified In pro-lalniing a
startling fact to the world.
The Outward Signs The passenger
in the sleeping car awakened by the
stopping of tlie train, pushed askle the
blind ami looked out. "Blitz &
Schlatz. KumpfT A Knopflf Leopold
SchwartzenhelnKT, " he said, rpalug
the business signs that met hhfeye.
-Well, I see we've got to Milwaukee,"
Chicago Tribune.
Sunday School Teacher "Woe!
Woe!" cried the prophet Jeremiah, and
again "Woe! Woer Now, children,
why did e way that? !
Uright Itoy i guess it was -cause
thev didn't have no automoliiles In
them days. Philadelphia Press.
"Do yon like pink teas?" asked the
Brooklyn girl. i -
"I never tasted them," repnea nor
visitor from Cook county; but I just
dote on pink lemonades., urooktyn
Life, - ,; . : . '-' .. ...
"It Is said that a Connecticut farmer
is going to build a chimney out of the
gold bricks be has bought." j
"I suppose that wnen iney asK nun
wliere Bis money went he will answer,
Up the fluer"
Have you no sights here that you
shbw to visitors?" asked the stranger.
"Nothin but buildin sites," answer
ed the native of the boom town. PmI
timore American. ' j
- "Whar"is an Anglo-American alli
ance, pa?" f
"English titles and American mon
ey." Harper's Bazar. j
English liankers In China jdve native
comuKTcial men a name for strict busi
Iness honesty.
BarUctt Pcatr Kmiaed la tb Orchanla Sold
to the Allen Packloa; Comptnjr-
' Ad Apple Crop.
tFroui laily Statesman, Ang. 1
Rev. II. F. Wallace, who is
managing the Walla-e fruit ore
three miles below Salem on the
P -Ik
county IIe.i preiKiring for the pick
ing season vi4-Ii will liegln on Bart-,
lefts next tjHeek. ; A .Statesman e
porter who vfiMtl tlK farm ysterday
found Mr. Wallace hinvself busily en
gaged Jn putting together tlie flsixes
to le ready, against picking time. All
of the Barttihts' i this orchard , h ive
been sold t( the cannery here,' and
tlrey will be put up in tins, ro p) lit
the world's markets. ' Mr. W;iillac
thinks a coirservative estimate of tlie
yield of Bartletts this year is seVeiity
tive to eighty toii. i
The reisirter found two men en
gaged on the farm dn budding jsome
of the trees. They are l wing changed
flYfti II 11 f .1.. m! lift i ,., ,.'ii-1tr ii.w lit
ran jiears. it is genemiiy known 'iy
nil- riiiit-Miiiiii iniut-ia i iiiii iiii
orchard contains siliout ; I7.i acres,
mostly Bartletts: ,Jut within ;i fi-w j
years i iini-h larger proortioii! will
lx' of the later. ami hardier-varieties, 7
ami those better adapted for shipping !
purposes. . . j - - '.
Tlie fact, it is Is-lievinlj has;- not
been published heretofore, that' Pa ul
Wallace, having beoue of age. ii i,s
been chosen by the other cxicutors.
one of the executors of the estate of
li. v ;iri;n-i", iieii.iJ,i. i ih- j umi,
man Is now nt Engme, visiting. lie.
will return to Princeton University
this fall, having two more years nf
stmly there before graduntkin. It, is
presnnied that after that -he will as
sist his uncles, II. F. and J. M." Wal
lace, In the management of the prop
erty. . - 1 :'
A Statesman reporter found T.- W.
Steiger. who ov ' own . tlie !otlle
plaee worth of .the Fair Grounls. busy
on Thursday gathering his crop of
Gnavenstein apides, ami Iwiving them
put in neat 'lioxes for shipment. Tiny
liave leeui purchased by J. M. Kyle
for l'age & .Son, of Portland, and will
go to help upp1y the Alaska trade.
The price paid to Mr. Steiger was :ir
cents a bushel. Mr. Steiger' s Apple
crop this year Is not a full ne. His
prune crop, however, will le larger
than ever before.
ror W. B. Csaall, Wanted In Portland for
Obtaining Money by Kle Pre
tenaea la la YVsablogton.
(From DtiTTy Statesman, Aug. 11.)
Jov. T. T. ( Jeer yesterday issued a
miiiisitioii uiKiu tiov, John R. Rogers.
of Washington,, for the apprehension
and delivery to tlie agent of tlie staM
of OregiiU, of W. B. Cassil. wautel In
Pirtlaml for obtaining money. uihIit
falst firctensea. The hunled man H
under arrest In Walla Walla ami I
tective T,. B. Ford, of I'ortlaud. win
was apiiointtHi agmt of -tlie state of
Oregon, will return hitu to Portland for
trial. '. ';.-.' !'..-
Cassil not bng ago called on Eugene
lloch. a IVrtlaud wholesale j blJr
dealer, and purchaswl a few '.'empty.
barrels, for . tendering ju paytneui
check for ?, drawn on the Commer
cial Natioual Bank, which was accept
ed and he receivel 17 in chaug.
When "the check was presented at tiw
ank, iayment was refused, as ass"
' . . .. . ..... ii i.
was uuKiiown at ine .. ujih ,.
r?ver done busiiM-ss tiiere. ben Mr.
IIoh looked for Ids friend who had
signed the check, the gentleman "turn
ed i.p missing." Iter .he was ira.i-.
to Wallu Walla w here he was rrcieu
and In now hld awaiting extraditioiu
Frflitor'a Awlul night.
F. M. Higgins, Editor Seneca. !(!")
Ncrs, was attiicted icr years with i
that no ovxtor or remedy 1ie.hcd untu
he tried Burklen's Armca bane- i
writes two boTccs vviwily . etirru
It's the surest Pile cure on fan"
the best salve in the world, i -u'Z
guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold . f.
DR. STONE. Dru?t5t. !