ALLIES ARE WEAR ; PEKIPJ Chaffee Reports the Advance of the Interna tional Relief Column. Sir Claude MacDonaid Wires that the Situation Is Desperate-Rapid Advance ; of the Coropean Annies Is j I Urgently Needed. LONDON, Aug:. H. The British eonsnt at Canton, gays the Dally Telegraph's correspondent there, has received the following1 message, ' dated August t'th, from Sir Claude ilaeDonald, British Mluiiter at ; Feklu: ,!: . ; v. -:--:';.' 5 1 " --j i -:- . "Our situation Iiere is desperate. Ia ten days oar food bupdIt will be at an cud. Unless we are relieved, a general massacre Is probable. ! ' ::.; : "The Chinese offer to escort us to Tien Tsin, but remembering Cawnpore, we refused the offer. There are over two hundred Euro pean women and children in this legation." ''""'"'''-:.' The .Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Express, wiring yester day, gays: -: i : . "The allies, at noon .Saturday, were within twenty miles of Pekiu." ! WASHINGTON', Aug. 13. - The American cominander In 'China.' in a dispatch of just. three words, rwcived at the War Department late tliis af ternoon, -cnt a .'thrill -of exultation and exeetancy throughout 'the official quarters by anrwnuH-mg his arrival at Ho Si Wu, only miles from IVkin, Thursday.? Tlie lut heard from him lieforo thN vwas at. Yang Tstin. which had lwnn captured after hard lighting, and word of Jiis movements since tbeu had eeu eagerly awaited. Thursday lw was eighteen miles be yond Vang Tsun. Lang Fang, the place where-.-the ill-fated Seymour ex hh)!m4i met its fate and turned back, had len lert; tieldnd. Tlie battle oT Yang Tumi was fought on tlie rtth, and the advaiu-o to flo Si Wu was aoviinplLslu-d on the Oth, a march of eigIitcMi miles In three days. ..This was fur day ngo. anil at the sam rate o? TTTfTJrre Chaffee is even now AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN MISSIONARIES. -l T' l. . .. ' " ' V v .2.. Slaughtered in China by the fairly within Htrikttig distance of the walls of Pektn. It was the cojisum matw whiih t!u War Debarment had nwaftisfc calmly, as It aeeordisl with their tab-n la t Ion, although the dvanc bad s been nior rapM than was cxjicckhI. ' - The dispatch from Chaffee, convey ing so much lu so few words. Is as follona: ; "it-he F.vni. Ang. JO. Adjutant Gen eral, Washington: Arrived Ho SI Wii iSigmHl Chaffee The word of the advance -soon spread throtnrhont the ofllcial quar ters. In the enthusiasm- the rejiort got About that this nvas the day of the actual arrival at IVkin. but the War Department has not a word :f th Advance leyond Ho SI Wtt. It was dcemeil hardly likely that the march to IVkin could have been made since last Thursday. At the rate of progress, six miles a day, from ang Tsun to Ho Si Wu. "about twenty-four miles would have lwen covered iu the last four days, and im to today this woul.l still ; leave tlw International forces nine miles from Pekln. Viewed from aiiT standpoint the advance to Ho Si Wu was of tlie utmost linpor . tanoe. not only strategically, but slmwing that "communication-' was oieu back to Che Fo.. that the ex pected opposition from the -Chinese honles had nt lieen snflicient t pre vent as,teady movement, and the lu ll uenee ft i-would exert ujwu the t'hi- nse tJovermnent. Brief a tlie dispatch Is. It eooveys much Information bevond that cipher- Icallv containeil In its few words. Although . tt Is not stated whflt for-e Jun arrived, the. War: Depart ment accepts It to uuan that this is the Interiwitlonal force which first took lcl Tsiing. anl then Yang Tsun It has gone steadily forward along the left bank of tlie IV! Ilo river, keeping ion the main road which skirts live river bank. At Yang Tsun the ; railway crosses the river and branches off to tlie west. Now the forces have- left the rntl way far in the rear., and are-depending upon the highway and river. THE EMPRESS' WARNED. BerllW Aug.. 13. At the Chinese Le- gut ion. ju Rerliii, the representative of tlie Associate! Press was informed to day Hint tic Empress Dowager hail le clared her .'ntctitiou to leave IVkin. and to transfer her -ourt to' another city liefore tlie allied forces reached tlie capital. I,u Hal 1 Ionian, the Chl n'st Minister here, on ' learning this intention, telegraphed to botli tlie Kin press Dowager ami the Kmperor, not to leave IVkin but quietly await the arrival of the International forces. THE UPRISING CHECKED. I.oiidou. Aug. 13. The Daily Mail's St. Petersburg ".corresHiideut. declares that the taking of Aiguit has sealed the fate of the rising in Northeastern Manchuria. He says: ",-,- "No prisoners were taken by the Wholesale ; massacre Was the. order of tlie day. and when the I tattle was over the Cossacks rode over tlie tield, killing all the wounded with the butt ends of their muskets." Boxers and Imperial troops. t GOLD FOR EXPORT. New York. Aug. 13. The interna tkmal monetary ltnation was given considerable' prominence ' In Wall Street bslar, through tlie engagement of .".rsnMnii gold for export to r.n rots tomorrow and iHncsuny. o effect twas produced ' On the local nnMiey market - by tlie gold engage ments tMlav. which brings i the total nut go -of gohl, on this movement, up toS14.000.OO0. .'? EVADING DUTIES. Victoria. .It. C. Aug. ! 13. Vt . Marhnrser. a trader on tin ukon. tells a storr of wholesale smuggling of '.in.idkin cissls from Iawsri Into Atnerienn -territory. He says: ibtn U mt a Oniric instance that; I-ew- eountereil on tuy trip of, '.rs mih down the Yukon, meeting more man jut timiv .111.1 lwiats lielongiug to trail ers. where any one had been called Usn to pay duty." A Mother Tells 'How She Saved Her Little Daughter's, Life. . I am the mother of eight children and have bad a great dnil of experi ence with -medicines. IJt summer my little thtughter had the dysentery in Its worst form. We r thought she wonld dint I tried everything I could think of, but nothing wemed to th her any gotst. t Mrpy an a-i n.riiumint in our paper that Cham lierlaln Ctolie. "Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was biguiy reeommenuei au a'n.i mit a bottle nt once. H ,rrl to be one of the wry test medicines we ever had in the house little daughter s lire. I nnv 1114 'fnr rerv mother to know nU " 1. 4 .an -- I'Trvlll'Ill Ilielll-1M- Had I known it at first It would have iive.1 me a great deal of anxiety and mv little daughter j ranch snffering.--Yours tmly. Mrs. Geo. Liberty. It- I- or hy 1 ? 1" IIaaS- STABBED AN ITALIAN. x- x-tr An?. 13. James Syefane -" ,.t;n fibbed to death with . .m.. i eitr. last night. His brother. Angelo. koomt who the ninr derer Is, but he will not tell. "I hare sworn to the vendetta. he sa ill. "No one shall kill htni but I f llie two Syefanes came from Croton I.ake to visit frieuds and in the coarse of their ' visit became involved " in an argument with a fellow Italian in a saloou. relative to King Humbert's character. The Syefanes -eulogized the dead monarch, the third Italian de scribed him as an" oppressor of the people.; The quarrel ended J an af fray in which James Syefaue was stahlied'ln the left breast. If Is assail ant escaped .though pursued by a mob. SUGAR IS ADVANCING. 1 Portland, Or, Aug. 13. Sugar of all grades was advanced 13 cents per hundred today, mating a total ad vance of at cent per hundred with in the past week. BIG STATE EVENTS! Detroit, Mich.. Aug: 13. The race at the Highland tParfc course opened today. There Is a large list of entries ni the meeting will hist until the 25th. There are three stake events on the programme, each worth $1(IOO. The attendance is large aud every thing points to a successful meeting. BY A TROLLEY CAR. Portland. Or.,.. Aug. 13. Hubert K. Marsh, a well kuown citizen, was run over and killed this afternoon by an leetrlc car on East Ankenv street. Announcement. To accommodate those Who are par- iai to the use of atomizers in allying quids into the nasal passage for" ca tarrhal troubles, tlie proprietors pre- are Cream Palm in liquid form, which will lie known as Kir's Liquid Cream Halm. Price Including tlie spraying tnls.' is " cents. Druggist or by mail. Tlie liquid form embodies tlie medi- inal projH'rties of 1 Ik solid prepara tion. Cream Kalto is iiuii-klv attsorbed y the membrane ami does, not dry up he secretious but changes them to a atmal ami 'healthy character. Ely 'rot hers, Zti Warieu St., N. Y. THE FIRST GUN. Jefferson ville, Ind., Aug 13. The rst Democratic gun of the campaign was tired tiere today. I tie priiicip.-u leaker was Frank IC. Burke, who is redited with lie;ng ie of the men who want the nomination for Con gress from the Seventh Judicial His rict. cxnu posed of the counties of Marion and Johnson. Mr. linrke. who is a itoptilar orator, lias itromied to make as many siieeches during the nutpalgu as the State Central-Com mittee' desires. Much enthusiasm was displays! at "toilay's m-eting. A BIG LICENSE. 11 it Portland Will Charge &iut a Day for a Circus IVrformauce. Portland. Or.. Aug. 13,-Thc city council today passed an ordinance. inn king the license fee for circuses $;.imi for aeh is'Tforirtance. A councilman stated that the li cense was plactnl at practically a pro hibitive figure for the purpose of pre venting a circus from jierrormmg here during the week of the Klks' street fair in Septeuilier. UTOPIANS. ORGANIZE. 1 : .X San Francisco. Aug. 1.1. The BrilSJ ish-Amerh-an Union has ls-en orgau Itah in this 4tv. Its purpose is stated to lie the furthering. In every way of a lietter understanding lietween "boih great branches of a common race.'; t is JioihsI thus to anoro a roinmou rallying grouiwl. not only for tlie ;im M Britishers In California, our lor all those who rsognlze the mutual interests of the British Kmpm-jm-i he Uiwteil States. A Iswru or j. ,m- r"ctors have Peen cnoseu iiuner . preskh ncy of WiUiam u. iiarrim. That Throbling Headaclie. WouM tfuickly leave ott, if you use J n'l rJ sufferer have oroved their matchless merit lor iscK ana iMer Headaches. They make pure mooo. and strong nerves and build up your t,th F.asv to take. Try thein. Onlv cents. Money back il mt cttrS. Sold by DR. S. C STONE. Druggist. ' ' THOMAS B. REED S IDEAS OF DO- IXtJ Hit 1111. "Vnn ar well exterleuced " In this -nrI.r affairs." I rent tired. "What do yon take to lie the objeet of lire? Moi$- eyr - No. individual happiness"" Not wholly. Right action. A man should take a part In the affairs i his fellow men and live np to tne ic tabs of his couschtict in ail log. He should be of pmae us. I f In has nVres. nil the Iietter. A desire i or any thing that will help others and satisfy jou Is a gmsl thing. A man Iras a right to desire money or place or public braise, but be has no right to aay otrtsh feellne in the matter. He ought to desire to lie liberal ami earn nis re- - . . . . r . vt..l - .- 3 want ny service oi ; t ''l you think tbo world offers .as mrch to individuals as It ever didf . -If we caU trust history, it ooes. j ne literature of earlier times seems more complaining than our own. Men were lust as dissatisfied a thousand years thev are now. Man seems ; al ways to have era re I a great teai mure ttMti li- coiihl uDtata. llliiiVKiuiiur. i hlvftr. the aare Is richer with oiiportUBl tiea than for ages. Tne system uaoer rhieh' we live is somewhat: defective. n.l msnr suffer br i but Jt Is c ha lin ing and the world grows better. The nuselUsh man will find nongh, I fan cy if h honestly' fulfills his duty to Kt fellowmen. It Is all a question of pence of mind, and that can be oh talnetl In 'various "ways the best one, by doing right." Success. j TO NAME A THIRD TICKET National Party and Anti-Imperialists to Meet Today. OPPOSE BOTH M'KINUY AND BRYAN The Democratic Caudidate Fntet tains a Negro Delegation and Heeiles a 8peeh Into a Phonograph. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Aug. 13. The delegates j to tlie National party's cjuuveution are tiegtnuiiig to arrive. The mem4srs of the National party form' an alliance' 'with te Atitl Imperialists, and they hoie the Auti-ImiterialistS will etidonse the ticket they nominate. Following is their plat forth : : Independence and protection to In habitants of I Culsi. the Philippines. Porto Rii-o and Hawaii. '-Single gold. standard and a sound hanking system. Atntlititm of ail seclal privileges. ; f Public serVitt! bastnl on merit only. The call for the convention is ad-dressH-l to -all opposed to tlie candi dates and platforms of the Republi can and Democratic parties. v - ANOTHER PARTY, Iiidiau,-iolts, Ind., Aug. 13. The congress of. the Anti-IuqierialiMt ic le ague will tie ciiIIimI to ortler Weil ucsday. by ex-Senator John B. Heii dcrsu. of Missouri. w!k will intro duce ex-Governor Itoutwell. of Mass achusetts.1 as the presltlingottk-er. . Governor lioutwell M oplmsl to placing a third ticket Is the Held, ami likewise to" the IndorsiMiient of Bryan .UmI . SieyelisouJ He tielieves strong resolutions, ilcnouuclug inqsrialism. should 4c adopted and that then the meeting should adjourn. :.-ni Schuj-ait is atttrmed. will' In dst upon the eudorseiucnt of Bryan and Stevenson. Bourke t'tH-Iirane is expected 1o make-an adilress. Those w1m-favor a third ticket have stiggesteil the names of Thomas Ii. JReed. llicli.-jrij Olney. ; ex-Governor imtwi u nun ex-enaior jienuerson. A COLOREO OELKGATIONJ Chicago. Aug. 1.1. -Bryan had- a conference today with a dctcgatkiu of colorel men.' headl by J. Milton TuriHr..of St.; I .on is. former Minister to Lilieria.i Tiiey rejresin that tin re was much dissatisfaction among the meniliers of their race with tlie preseut Administration, and assured Pryan that' he would ; ris-cive the votes or many or tnem. tiiey. mere fore, nrgiil tlie ImiHirtanci' of the or ganization '. of Bryan Democratic llliw. INTO A PHONOGRAPH. Chicago. Aug. l.'t. Bryan closeted hims-lf with a phonograph today, and delivered over again parts jf the sjHHfh of ncceptam-e he ' made t ln diauaK)lis last week. Those section In which the 'candidate '-promised, to call an extra session of Congress to deal with tlie Philippine' question and the closing periods were tlie princi pal parts of the sieech that went into the phonograph." It is expected Bry an's spoocn, a ground out by the. phonognifih, will play an important part in tle campaign. THE STORY DENIED. New 'York; Ang. 13. Touching the dispatch from -Pretoria -and printed In London. 'August RHlC In which It was stated that President Kruger U contrMmtimr $.'U0O,tiU(t to the election of Win. J.Ttryan. and also that Wel ter Davis had received ft2.V from the same source as a wutributton for the Deniorrafcic campaign fnnd.;t'has. D. Pierce, consul general, and P. lianler Wessels, special eommissloner of the South African Republic In this elrr. todar rave ont a denial of both statements, ailing to tne neniai ine followlnir: ' ' ; "The Boers Ira ve other anu uetter us for their funds. i WILL NOT MEET. Chicago. Aug. 13. The Chronicle tomorrow will say: "Col. W, J. Bry- sn will not beJn ilcago tin Tuesday August 2Sth. the day of the great twt- rade of the O. AIL lUther than em barrass President MeKluiey ny demonstration, the Demo cratic nominee will oefer his arrlvnl ia h PTt dar. or nernfln two nays hti This decision -was reacnea ni ter Bryjfn was made acqitalnte! with tiA nmrnim DDO tne tan hi nuiru he was essignei. A NEW CANDIDATE. ntnnhfi An2. 1.1. tilllWt H. Hitch- cock, nablisber of the Omaha World llrall r wilt nrint in uiai iwper io- letter to the voteni of N snhotuteiniZ' tliat he will be the Dentorratle eanoidaie tor i dhhi . . etitda Senator, to sticeeeil Jotiu si. Thurston before the next Legislature. THE rOWERS CASE. Argument Before, the Jury to Begin . Today iiany Jpee-nes. Georpeton, Ky., Aujt. 13.-Tbe hear ing of i testimony In the case of ex Secretary of State Caleb Iowers .wa eoncludeil today, and tomorrow the ar mim.iif before the Jury will liegin. There will be fite Speeches on each side. The case Is expected to reach the Jury hy Saturday. JaJge CantrSU has announcetl that Yontsey's case will le taken up Immediately. . . , . AN AL.VSKA CABLE. San FrancisetK Ang. 13. The steam er Orlxaba lias lieeu chartered by the United States Government to lay a. cable between St. Michael and Cape Nome. This, vessel will leave about the middle of the week for Seattle, where she will take tlie i-able on tniard and then proceed north. The cable will connect the military posts in Alas ka. ' RAISES WHEAT. Pendleton. E.-O.r t1aude Steen is a farmer a few miles from Weston, who does things ou a big scale. He has lioO acres of wheat this year. His winter-wheat of '1:31 acres went 40 bushels to the acre, while' 350 acres of J.pi1ng wheat went IS! bushels to the acre. That makes a total of rT,t a bushels as "Mr. Stis-n's contribution to the total yield of Umatilla county. CREATED A NEW INDUSTRY. AlKiut the middle, of the century it was the universal custom to face- the white keys of pianos and orgaus with Ivory, and to make the blue, ones of trlmny. loug ago Ivory U'came tin, 'X petisive jor any but the finest ' key ImuiixIs, celluloid taking its place Nov eliony also luts adratUHil In price, ho that a substitute for it Is iu demand. logwood has beem ftHiiul to serve tic purKse excellently, and It can Is stained n. tine black ami oilel and poIisleI until it eiual elony luith in durability and apHaranee. . Tlie . In dustry of cuttlug and marketing dog wotHt. om-e a -valueless tree, for this' puiiKise Is already giving. employment to u considerable uumiier of eople. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. ohn Oliver of Philadclplua, : was the iubject. Is narrated ly liim as follow: "I wa ia a niot dreadful comditioti. Mv skin was almos yrllw. eyes sunk rn, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, 'no appctrte gralually growing weaker day by day. 1 hree physicians had given me up. For tunately, a tneno aUviscd trying luicc- nc Bitters; and to my great joy anu sarprrse, the ttrst oottie nraae a ue- cided improvement. J continued' thei use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my hie. and robbed1 the grave of another vic- m. 'No one sicould fail to try them. Only so cts.. guaranteed, at UK STONE'S Drug Store. " : TO KlfAIH CCIN1Y BBIDCES. The Structure at Stayton Will Be Re- tlmliered and the Salem Bridge Approaches FIoed. The Mrtl'iifii county' Commissioners ottrt was In M-sslon for a short tiuie estenlaj. when several minor order were made. The court on Friday and Saturday examined the Stayton bridge and has. since cxn mining It., determin ed to act in conjunction with the Linn county court in making neithsl repairs. To this end the two courts will meet n Joint session at Albany on the jth tnst., when bids will lie received for re- tmls'ring the main spans of the bridge liefore the fall rains set in. r The court. y"sterday, Iu -cjfm junction with niemls'i-s of the Salem city t-oun- d, Insiiei'tetl the stetd tiridge across he Willamette with a 'view of -repair ing Hh flooring on the approaches, but owing to a press of business, no .defi nite conclusion was reached. The mat ter will lie attended to promptly, how ever, as the bridge needs repairs ls- fore the fall rains set iu During the clvlf waras well an iu our late war' with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome din eases the army had tn contend with. In many Instances It lscanie chronic and the old soldiers still sUffer from it. Mr. David Taylor of Wind Ridge, ireene Co., Pa., is one of these. He uses Chain! icrlaln's Col i.e. Cholera and DIarrlHa Remedy and says he never found' anything that would give him such quick - relief. It Is for sale by F. G. Haas, druggist. Salem. S VERY PROMISING HOP TAKOS IM KXCCLLKKT COMDI TIO.TTO 1IAKK BICH TIELtM. fta Market Oatlosk la Alao rtottariaa; Urewcra at BotUvllla rix tha PrUa tor Plcklat;. Tlie outlook for a good bop crop was never better, at this season of the year, than It Is now. The yards are everywhere in excellent condition. there is absolutely no damage doue by vermin, and the growers feel jubilant over lh excellent prsis?cts. - It Is true,' the crop will not lie as heavy a one as was harvested last year. but ine. quality of the hop promise to he so niuch better, "a nd the mar ket outlook la so nattering that hop growers .are taking new hope, and believe They will this season make np for some of , the losses sustained 4n the past, ;"' : i ''' Dealers, who have exa mined tlie yards in the country' surrounding Sa lem, bring Jn excellent reports. Many of the yards make promise of heavy yields, and In those where the yield will not be heavy, the Indication are tliat the qnaHty-will p far above flie average. The burrs even of the lat- hop are beginning to turn a rich yellow. ': j -'-'. '" , ; -The ButteTille Fire Relief AsocIa tkn held a picnic at that place on Sat urday, when the hop Industry in all 4rs branches was discusser! by the gathering of growers. there tieiug twut W prest-nti All sections were represented, and the discussion was, animatetl. jdtowing tliat an incrcastl effort was ma It lug to Improve- Wil liam Young, of Stierwoott. was -chosen president, sifcd lleury 1 Stents, of Bnttevllh se'retary. The 4iuestious tliiscussed were as follows: "The Com para rive Benefits of Pole, Trellis and Twine Systems." "Culture, Grubbing, -Cultivating, Training, etc." i- "Plcking, Weighing vs. Measuring Hops." I i'TU king. Handling Pickers, etc." . '"Handling Hops: from Field to StortrtHMn." I'rocr Methoit of Curing Hops." "Proper Method'.of Bating llojs." "Use and Abuse of CiiemicaU iu Bleaching Hops." "The Kind off Hops Preferred by Dealers." r ; "Benefits to Bei Derived From IJin-i Ming Production " "Benefits to Be- Deuivetl From Judi cious Organi2atlon." "A Short Sketch of The Hopsrow ers' Fire Relief Asswlatlon." "Exiierieiice In Marketing Hops." "The lrlce to Be I'aid for l'icklng Next Crop." ( The priuoipal ;speak'rs were: Wil liam II. Egan. of UitMiks; W. R. Townsond, of WhkIIiii n; William Young, of Sherwood; Henry L Bents, of BiHtevllle;-J.j Vaughim. of Butte vllle: Phil Neis. of Portland. I'lKin the o,iies (ion of prices for hop picking, there was some difference of opinion, as some thought "t:t l-t ceuts. or three Ikixcs for SI. was sutlh'ient. as agriHl to by the Silverton : grow ers, but .To ifiits-was agrcel umii. and will stand as the price to be paid In that section. ! JwrgA - Hulriiard, the veteran hop dealer, wlio resides In California. Is coming jo jSaletu. He was In Grant's Pas yesteKlay. and will, on his way to this city; stop at several Hlnts' In the Willameite valh'y to hMik into the hip industry.. He is ex pected to arrive lu this city on Sat unhiy. i '-.'' I AFTER TWO YEARS' WORK. CONDITION'S ARE IN lORTO VERY BAD. RICO Because of thej Ignornuci of the Peo pleMake No Attempt to ilelllj Themselves. NEW YORK. Aug. LI. Major E: Graff, a iniinlssloiier of eilucatlon for Porto IUco. has cotitributol to tlie recent Jssue of tlie IinleNMilcnt au article entitled "After Two Years' Work lu Porto Rico.". The Major, after reviewing the Improvement, lit sanitation which resulted In tlie ex tinction of smallMx. by wlrich the island whs enrscd. detail other Im provements iiwmIc by the Americans, lie tells of the establishment of uew schools, ft tid ays; "Standing armies are not needed with Kii. li a force as that of the insu lar pol'H-e. 1 "AU the great -damage .'liotie to the roads by thei hnrricaiie of. August K. lflK. has lieeu repairtsl, wilh tlie ex ception of j replacing cistly Iron bridges," writes . Major Graff, who tlien draws a dark ph-ture. He says: The effects of the hurrlinne are st ill felt In tlie continued scarcity of food, ami there is still great suffering and sickness! among" " the eopIe Ih cause of a lack of nutrition. At the presiHlt moment, the City of Ponce Is suffering more' t ha ii -any other, point. A reiwrt Just made to the Stifierlor Boanl of Health shows that tlie death rate is" now I about- Hi isr Ko per annum.' and ! while the deaths are all recorded in the official reports as due to gastroenteritis, the lnieetnr of the board reports that these deaths are almost wholly due to starvation. "The condition favoring us Ju Porto Rico 1s this j That Island sells sugar and coffee and tolmceo. and buy near ly all Its food. The great storm ami progressive financial difficulties have mined the planters so iuai;iney are nnable to, employ the lalnirers. The"S tM-rsons. wno receive never more finni :) cent gold iier'day, having no work, do not tnrn to rmlsin-g rood ror them selves, but dig wild rjiots and slowly tarve to death.' ; "Gardens are practically unknown In the Island. Tlie people live itpMi the. clslllsh, lieuu ami -wild fruits and roots. : The whole mass of tin population. Is In a chronic state or starvation. From lack of fsl tho laborers are nnable to work more than three dyn each ween; tiiey are willing to wirk, but have not the strength to V .. Yet certainly one tenth of the Island H. In cultivation. Here are ft million tsnph. who hav a rich o!I. uncultlvateil. a good cli mate, slowly starvlug to death. Why? The only explanation Is that they have so long lived under bad law and unfavorable economic conditions tliat now. In their extreme isiverty and IgnoraiM-e, they do not know enougti to draw their food from th earth." . ' - - " AGAIN IN CUSTtlDY. A warrant wa is tied by Justice of the Peace O'ltonald yesteritay morning upon the application of B. L Ferguson for the arrest of O. Iteanlsley. The com plaint alleges that the defendant has threatened on various occasions to kill the plaintiff and asks that he be placed nnder bonds to Keep ine peace. .r. Reardaler was brought Into court yes terday afternoon, and his case was et for hearing this afternoon at 3 o'clock. This is the result of cotiHiderable trouble lietween the two men. Old man Bcardsley recently assaulted Fer guson In this city and got tlie worst of It. loiter he had Ferguson arrested, lint failed to appearto prosecute th case, and Beardnley was next arret-d for assault and battery, and was nmii $." and costs, amounting to .".7. -Tliis he tald yesterday morning. He has, it is alleged, frequently threatened to inl-o It.. llfA nf lYrcilann atnl 1 1 1 t- gentleman proposes to protect himself by having the old man put nnder peace bonds. J