Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 07, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    '"-', " rrrft P-rAnr. ' , r , " ' - ; . - . . 7 i T7- 1 ' 1
The lowest prices In the state.
KQ lbs. HAI.K.(;R(UND..'.. 2VH
too lbs. 1 1 A 1 4" G H O US D ."T . . . . V-ct.
50 lbs. FIN K I A I RY .4 sets.
50 lbs. FINK WELLINGTON -iscis.
100 lbs FINK WELLINGTON 5cts.
No. 91 Court Street ; 'Phone 1781
, : "The Fec4 Men " .
or; exTianged fofc. flour and feed at
branch office of Aurora Roller Mills,
warehouse en Trade street,: near IIig?i.
Salem. Oregon., . 1 , .
Bicycle Repairing
New and Second. Hand Wheels
Ga-s and S'.eam fitting. Manufact
urer ot Iio and Fruit pipe.
u3 SUte S.. Tel. 151. Salem. Or.
Carriage ami Wagonmaking. sjieria
attention pa hi Ito intent-ring and lame
ness of horse st !
185 Commercial iSt.. Opp. Brewery
J. F. COOK, Al D.
Cures Consumption. Carreer. Tumors
Gravel and Kidney. Trouble. Asthma
Skin "and Ipc .Disease vwivixti; knife,
plasters, pois;ns or pain. Also I'.lin.l
' t Salem. ( rcg'n
I'ro. ielor8 tit tie
; Best Singe; and DxdJe Rijs in the
city. de.- care jivtn to hoarding, and
tran&ietrt stock. V THephone 241
Cor. Liberty anl Ferry Sts., Salem.
Hcff's vreH fed. pond accommoda
tion. Fine j Riij?'- Goxt. Rigs rr
commercial men 1 a Specialty. 'Horses
fccfcariknl by day. I week 'or rn-otW'h .
Red front Livery, Feed end Boordino siome
164 Conmicrcial. St., Tel. 85 1. Salem
South Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
Harm; boiughi W. J. JHufTman's
Teed and LtTery business, wc have re
yovrd it 'tdi the Willamette StaWes,
outh ol the bredce on Ownmercial
tree, where! wc fwiil le- toutvl prepar
ed to serve ihe puh'ic in the best p-ng-sihle
mar.ner. We furnsh ri hr driv
intr. Gentle tca;n f-r ladies and R.;od
accommodation for transient tem.
Board horse ty dav. r - week. A
blacksmith shop will he ran in conne
Zion with the barn, where you can ftej
yourjhoroes jshd ami all kinds e-f re
pairing donei All work guaranteed
satisfactory, j 1 i .
S r the
lort State street, Salem.
M KILLOPI &fBi;uKllAKT. Tn.p
lim ii'i'veu m.-rr. eoa?I w
..Carbolincum Avcnanus...
Will out weir Clir It l a'.T a )U t em
f?melv AKaist CltKket e . .
Its ipi5leaU.J tu the luV wu? .;t p.H.l
try Uus,t w I tM-ri.t Of 'oly
Hmin.t' nil l-llv '
UeKvtt- Ili ilrhy Chi. k -flent7 eps?"
Write tor circular- prices teu
tioo thl i'p r.
n M VAIK -TO.. As-enf. .
R. M. "A'jj, OREGON.
'. ..... .,.1. in,: is At.b
a. " rnTTtitng Fever. GRttTj.
W . t..r4V uinutMi C
Hotel Santlam
At Detroit". Orcffonl,, Now .ofwti for
Summer Tourists. 5 New 1 Jouse. uewiy
furnished- first-class accommodations,
price front Si. oo to ,$1.50 per dav.
j II. Jacohs. rropnetor.
; Yotir Work Solicited."
S.me pr.in-t ro still idd-faishioned
enough to li" tlit-Ir debt'- evta tboush
uot 0.1H1H-IIK1 .v law tvtl. o. lnir
vN haukersi of Baltiimtre, fai!
xl In IStW Jatui their crediiont jnt ut
IMtle. Turvisi & Co.. lmukers f W d
ii..,,,rt advertUe their desire
to pay aUj elalm asninst the -loiis
defunct urtii.sayui?f im ..
of houor aiMl will lx-.p.iid resanlles
,f luinknnti laws or statutes of luul-
......... i..w;d a f'o.of lS.-W,-.were
rraiidfatli.T nnd father of the Wil
liamsoort tu:tu. I . - '
for infants
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paro-
Iguricv urops anu Mimn syrups. It Is Measant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverbdmess.
.It cures niarrlioea and "Wind Oolic. It relieves Teeth
injT Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the'
Stomach and Ho wo Is, giving healthy .and natural bleep.
The Children's lanaceaTho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Use For
Pii- si; 4.;:irt.
Due :al.. ."fl.
ir-. naif
SA VAGE & REID: Seedmen
322 and 324 commercial Streets North
a31 b80?C.S laJtClCtlllltaalAtKIKS rr.H.b,.r.,ti.ir-tt,..v
.H KMKK l. pmf r.na.-i.it lifter Prim SI STrfl a---- --
laiirual BiisiI r -turn .,.urio 'iv ,i;i j,a c. r.oi.
itt.ttO. All.vli 4 luilv (hf-vrti -il i:i 'ir liv. Kew
NMkiM Uikpr, litili.i lor tins hkU- UUt t.OUM.1 l.cAiHlk U
iiMDittit1ofltinic Bkkmi K.ri uij.r t k,u. DfttiMi. with ..Ho.. t
,.mGtn. Vrl'.iiff!M IWrarf i. lrjtij u-r. rLolf.iii;lip!,j4 .rr
-- (uti.i: Av ttlMi
I i H' rtllk-Xi SOLID OUART
--.1 riotii t tic-.d
tnk, IW
MS. OA. nal then fr cITriK-sa that j. .r irr ii uo t il'J.f-, pay your fjriirfct tD the BISBO.
JiV i;, BKIl TOI.B !..& If at aay time within thrrc mmti tou tay yon ax net tatufieti. Oklwl
7rT D1AY fear. Ktiu It ,f te. ar Mmno,hlt r-iuilttr. ?jlitor.) .
Address, SEARS.ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III
4 y t
"1 l- :-S '
Who "were rut t pieit-H.!.v 1'iiuee Tnan's hlrKidhotinds at I'ekiu, dnrln?
ceueril 4auliter of 'forelaiirrj la th; tMiiiiese ttipffctl.
ar- i
1 m Hit ut aM t k -r
. f .. v- .... . .t
Fiahth'fr at rlow quarters is tkis
I awaer m mT u.. rr: r
row. t hat f he
Pile W Iiiletne-l',-ll retiet
betweeu the walls rwmuyoi lue irc:ii. ..... ; , : - ; ;
of mecstruaUon.". They are "LITE S.VLIIta' gtg
womanhood, aiding clevelcpment of organs and body.
wodsbbuou, ' 4v.m . ronrtot do harm life
. lTUSS&T. iJL
Hit ft I'tfc.anl
and Children,
Signature of
Over 3 O Years.
rwTOM errr.
. .TIk u- of th!s pr'p:trntion has
!m'-iiu' univortal. :til results
nrt so satisfactory, that inot
poult ry-r?isier vuM iut'rknw
Imw to kN'i hust without it.
If is no lunger mnty t dtp or
lust poultry t kill tin" lice. A
:tn of I.'! . Lirt KIlltT, a puinF-ln-ttsh.
and u fv uiintitos work
in applying it to tho nxKts.
iiiciins sill tin- exiH'ust ami labor
now :ie"SJary to k-op tlw- fowls
I'l from Win mlU'H nmllody
lieo. A ran of it should lw ii
orory poultry liotisiv It, kills ati l
"pr.'vi'iits uiitt'M ami. lit. an I
kv! t Isf air in tin poult ry-hotis'
puro and sweet, killing disnse
senlis and previntiusr the ot-wr
enemies of the poult ryiisen rup
and eiiolera.
wi wnt nii oil uu-t Mini
10 cajty -ur .,..r -
nkh. vuiil line Ay 3
RTER SAWED OAK BBjpjtSt tttiMrr,
tirnfOTiit' In-fi t-iiLi.1 ti be U:t . Tlr tftfcM. ataaf
olhi r ,.-o .itn full ienirlh a.ul bead in iUti;f Ol
3 rw 5
tneJa!"iiHrmU4lcat,inct6iitsU, finest rn kel draweri.-nlla. rtM n fyui
rnt.kr. tiastal.i' treau-. eenuincknjUi iron ta. litt BUri krm
lnf. Hitiv5 lnur imi.to IwL wif thremtnuw virung tuika.tttonurtc
iKiM'in i'1"r. nijuj'tll bfariPi.ii, rat '.'tit tonstion l;lijrator.lm.rj'i I
whevl. t;.ljutab.e if"jre foot mpr,vc nhnttl' errtT, aUttnejKhr,
Vbtpl III. H GUARANTEED . Kektnt nuto, am d jri.: u Maml
.,tiM-I.M m.HLj. Immb arrncawet at f nj-ni'hi rul o'jr free In-
Etructioa B ok tiljns bnnmc ran run :taJ da cither plain or Any
kiml tl laiuy urk. Mt-TwirfliiBiliMtttaaniBif.Uaeiit UheTry machine.
IT IT.PTC Vftil NnTUIPjft (araaaa.iaailB.thtaaatltita. compare it with
II lUvl TUU flUlfllWlT those ,ou. te .jiB at f 4..0O to
1 - -
is ; . -. .1-.- . .
' :
ft war vesei ns "
- --- . tniir.n9 iu.Uia w '-.
- tn -y- :
They overcome Weals
nesH, Irregnlajrity and
omissions, increase ijr
s or and banish "pains
H(FrS CH tSliCAlTco.. CIerelnd, Ohkx
Splandld Sti-lags f Fast ami Fratalslaft-
i AalBala OwMrt Appreciate
I : !...-.. r ' i -,.-,-'. .-'
j tut lea's Track. :
t ", v.- . ...,,r .:;:
; lroui Daily Statesman, Aur. 3.)
,Tue Tair Grounds race! track near
lhiscty has Mui Int-u kaowu as oue
of the iiuet trainis traeks in tbe
eouE,irj'. as It. the. fastei't race track
by several seconds, in .j the " Pacific
?sorthwe!L aud tbe nuuilier. of bora's
iu tramlus there at this time of llie
year j' Is evideu-e of tlw fact that this
track H apprrn-latetl by the trainers
aud owners of micins st tick. Among
tte sunny cxceileiH stabh"S of borsw
now iu the track; Koine are here fr
thtt lirst time, wbile others have btn-a
luie; often and often, all lvins pieasetL'!
with the esfJleut coinlitiou of the
tiuek for traiiihur. Tuesiays aud Frt-
tlays are phhI day, when most of tbe
hofs ate riven v an oiHu-tunity to
show the excollent Work they. cat) diK
Ki'Iow are jriven. the names of fome
of 'the owutds .iuiviiig lnirs's In train
ing, at the track, together with the liue
.uihiiuU eoiistitutin their strlns:'
(t-orge .K. Perriuer. of Pendleton,
lias; n sl.alle f splendid borsest, iu
cbarire of Trainer. A. 11 Heller.. The
siring is headed by the paving stallion,
Pathinaik. theU-year old wn of lath
muui. the famous : tr'jfon iHrfornu-r,
w Itli a Si'.Vi ret-iH-d. who was last year
sent to CuuatLi. l'atbiuark is a greeq
.brse. but at ,tlu free-fr-all pace at
Everett. Waslilnton. ou July Oth. he
won the day in 2:17Vi. against some
famous lorso the purse wutested
rr I'teins -5lo"0; it was a iiiarvltus
rfoi ijianee. ainl ruiliou Iu tliuso let
tinjj eii the race, ar- l'athniark was nut
eou?hlerid a iKissibiliiy. Other horsu-s
in this siriutr aiv llewev Ann. a pacer.
fhehalis llaid, a I'year old
i.ieer: Kiuney Maek. a 2-year, old trot
itr: Sly Ktta, a jrreeii 'pacing tnaie,
and lr..'ljontrV-Trilby, a 2-year-old
;i:eer. . ,
it. . Kitrer of trvallis. has a spleo-
lid si 1 in"- of ? litirseM. The stable is
aeaded by Silver Uftht, a luajiuilitjit
.iu'Stutit surrel ."-yar old Mailion, by
YUlae liew; Sadie .. a trailer witn
i tTtitiin recti rd of 2:.'7i!i. ly Iiniout;
t'ilot l-iii', a 2 year old jtroiter, by
i'oeur tl'AIene; rhis yuii;ter was
ruj;ht mi the track as a yearling in
ISUI. aml a enallene f,r ettlts o Jii
ijle. for .'rfMNiy -found 110 lakers; he has
irown ituo a : tuaguilieeiit animal, and
:s -ertaiu to iii.ike a record befoiv he
s 'three tvarsi.old. In this ntrius; there
,1 re also I tewey, a 2-year old . by C'oeiir
l-Alene, ciit. rol in the PrtHluee Stake,
in Kiu Altautoiit. ti 2-ye:ir ohl pacer.
?y: AUauiont.oiit of an AIwmm1 inare,
.wHed by 1. rSiMedy, of t.'orvallis.
J. K. Sawjers stable contains Or'
rn Maid, a 2-y ar old pacer, by Hel
.Vol te"; Chief Seattle, a 2-year old trot-
;er by ! rethue ',; Mack Citse. S-yar
.hi nsr. by Antrim: Altalu. by;Ab
.tip, a green trotter: K rex. by Director;
lOe'iver, a 2:l-" pae-r, by Altamont;
Uoaid I!oy. by Iloseuion. 2:1!U2: Kin
lit'ouut with a 2-year ld record of 2uVI,
now 4 years ohl, ami a brown Scarlet
Letter mate, a jreeii trti.erv
4. It. Stetson has Iovelace. a 2:2o
letter, by Egotist; Ljla. a 2:27 trotter,
'y AltaiiHMit: Oracie ;ell. a 2 year old
t miter, by Del Norle; Alta I Ml a 2:1
p:i.ir fiy llolnnlcl; ;illl licit Itolt. a
oaeer with a 2:lf' iinnki by Alexis.
Mr. Stetson expects to tvlii gxnl money
rtttii. Ins string of iea titles.
In .Tohu Penler"i string there is Tap
tain .tones, by McKinney. a gre-n trot
er; Ntl Wilkes a grHu trotter: Alma
K.. a green pacer: Helen J..; a trotter
irith a reeord of 2:1SV.. ami Allan, a
pacer with ;i : record of 2:l.r.:H. !
fls,-nr Will Is in tliarge of the stable
of Ir. Powell Ueeves. ami has a line
string ef" horws. Tennsyoiiiau, black
-ttailioit. liy Kleetricly. heads I he list,
'it? has ai inlting mark of 2:17' j: I-ady
Iliitvan. a 2-year old trotter by Aruoiia;
l:Mleiie. a jmeer. by NutwofMl; 11a
elwicb. a line pacing mare liy 'hiw.
The line string of Charii Simpson.
f IVintleloii. is here under the car.' of
Oeorge Wriglit. The Imrstn are Phil
Ann, n gelding, by Itoiiurr X. Ik. a
trotter with a 2:2!',i mark: Alta Nortel
t pacer by IM Norte, 2:liU4.: lUn n i
X. P.. a trotter with a nctUd of 2:17', ,;
Stintiam. a ierrien st.illi'tii.fby t'aiilioii:
and a fnnji .trtitter by McKinney.
.1. Ervin. if Pendleton, has John Kd
'son. a iKicing s-tallion, 2.tMvar.d
Ovita, a Iwy irtrtthig mare., by 0au:
tion. with a rc:eord of 2:22'
W. Itelknap. of IWnton rouiity.
has Alteiio. sin-d by Oneeo, a lieautifui
aitimat. -
I MI Force lias a string consisting of
Volo, a Iwiy tnitter. 25: P-elle Air, a
'iay pacing i mare, wltJi a record of
i:ll4: iKtnauioif. a 4-year ohl grceu
trotter, that t'ok fseeond premium at
the last fair; this is one pf AHamont'a
!est l-"Ifs. ? .j
J. Fitzgerald, of ' Oerv.ais. has May
Morn, a bayacing mare, with a prom--In2
f nt ere. i
:- Vj. E. StaatJi ha a string consisting
of Almolene, a 2:2T. pacer; Isaliel. ti
areeu trotter; Oracle S.t n 3-year 1I
trttter, and Mount Shasta, a 2 ycarj
jld trotter. ' . ::i '' - i
i I. . Moslier ha the famous Coeur
4'Akne, tli trotting stallion, with a
reeortl of 241; Black Egypt, a fin-
young1 trotting mare wlrb a 2-Toi
uiark. and John A. trnwfonl, a imrer
with a retiord of 2:17: he also lifli
lioljert II a ,2 year old pacer; f'atli
A I iie. a 2-year old t totter; Xoonday
Pell, a green niare; StamlMul Bell, a
trotter with a 2:21 mark, and Stap-
tose 3 une pacer, wn u n recont oi
r J. W. Shannon, of Ralm. lias Moiine.
a crix-n trotter; Lena Mack, a yearling
1 a t il
by JTcKlnney, ant 3iay, iy ttoimueii.
a 2-year old trotter. ; - '
Frank .Par-tows has Lis fanirriis
gr.hleh'ss pacing stallion. lel Xorte,
together with two 2-year ohl celts a nil
two yearlings, of the Ikd Xorte strain,
tho yonngwters Ieing lroken to the
track for futrrre nw as racers.
V. T.Middleton, of Allaiiy, lias a
fine Plereland lay roach horse. Light
Poy. a niagniflcenl stallion, quartered
at me track.
. Frnnk Trazier. who a few years ago
became famous as the owner of the
great Oregon 1 racer, Cbehalis, will
couh to rlie Salem track on Tuesday
of tlii week with a pplendld. string of
tine .luirses. Auou? them Is the fani-
oui paeiu mare, iniauams. wnu
reorl t Westfletd hlaefc stal
lion, trotter. 2 2Z. by Billy Wilkes:
Haalo. Uaek tualliou, jii-een pacer.
by We?tQeld.
Salem Olrl Wetls An EasJern Oregon
Merchaut-Will llenitle in
. Wasco County.
Another quiet home wedding, char
acteristic of the Capital City, was
teleiratetl last Wetlnesslay, the 1st
int when at the home of Uie bride
mother, Mrs. E. K, lewis, at Nn. 141
Marion street. Miss Mamie -I. .Lewis;
of this city, txHame the .wife of James
13. Ward, of Klngsley, Wasco t-ounty.
i The cereuionv tra iterformel at 1
o'chK-k. in the presenee of only the
immetliate relatives ami friemls f the
vouns couole. by lier. TTni. Italy, rec
tor of St. Joseph Catliulie church of
this city. Following-tbe ceremouy a
sumptuous riast was serrel.. min
ded with the offering of "earnest aud
sincere, congratulations ana best wish
es for the happy young couple.
the past four years and in that time
baa made numerous warm acquaint
ances -wlto rejrret her let.irture from
the Capital Citj but wish her 1111141
hanniues. The gnHun is a liierctiaiu
at Klngsley, aseo 'county. risiern
Oregitn. whence he left with his bride
on Wclnclay afternoon i where -they
will make their home.
Three Contracts, Made by Marion
ounty Farurere. Placetl I iui
the ltecordt Yesterday.
iFroin laily Statesman. Aug. .".
Three courracU t or PAW Iumw - wer
phwed upon the Marion county rec
ords yesterday, showiug that contract
ing 1 still trolns: on though not as
many of these documents idnrw up as
have done so In the past. These con
tracts were; 4
James F. Davidson. May A. David
son and Iiwrence P. Oitoding i( St.
Paul sold to Yaleiitine Iowl. of New
York. HUa iMuinds of Imps, grown in
their yard near St. Paul. 5 cents iter
pound' to Ik- paid about SepieinlhT 1st.
aud .-ceuls. upon delivery of the hops,
free or charge, at Mission l.amliiig oil
I he Willainette river.
Frank ltnsky. of Wooilburn. con
tracted to sell to Valentine levi.
IO.OOO pouiitls of the !! cmp. "V
cents a totiud U be . iwld on Seiteni
ber 1st ami tlie remainder Hrre tK-IoI-mt
."1st. the hops to In delivcreI at
I he Southern Pacific station in Wood
burn. N. Noiling. of St. I'aul. sold Io.immi
Miimtls to Vuleiillne- l-wvl. of the
P.mo cnp. grown on his farm near
WMHtburn, ." cents er sund to Im
pa ill 011 SiijUeurlM'r 1st, and ." cenls mi
or lefore th-tober Itl-st, when the hops
are to le delivere,! to tlie' purchaser
at.. Mission:- landing.
Why. Some Canned OimwIs Are Shipped
Crated and tubers Are Itoxcd.
"(hMwls in large packages like, for
iiiKlance, tomatoes iu gallon cans,'
said the canned-good man. "are some
time crabsl. Otis lM-ing done fr the
sake of eetuioiny, the crate costing less
than a Ihx. Put canned gHls in
smaller packages, of Which the nnm
ler of cans put up Is enormous, are
commonly shipied in boxes.- The reas
on tor this is very simple.
"The big cans are likely to have only
a strip or a band label, the rest of the
broad exianso of tin 1 icing. left uncov
ered. It Isn't necessary to pul this
package tip in fancy 'style, for it is not
lo 1h displaytsl any wliere.. These pom1:
:rre miUI to hotels and restaurants ami
other large users. The stcward.or oth
er purchaser knows "the g.ods iM'rfei!
ly by the label, which is to him an 1111
mistakable brand: he wouldo, care a
bit If the .laid was scratched or mar
red, as it might be by coining in con
tact -with something through the ojmu
space in the crate. What be- wauls is
the goods.
"On the other hand I he small cms
are comph'N ly covered with a hand
some lald. which helps to make the
go.nl salable. These cans are dis
played on the shelve.-t and 011 counter!,
and it is jtnjMirtant., of course, that
these should lie III : iM-rfi-ct ol der lis to
the lals lii. The cans must mrt lie dent
ed in. One bad -looking tan - might
mar a whole display. Ifealdes not wil
ing so well Itself.-.' So the small cans
are i-hipiHil in lioxe for their protec
tion, which Is if more Importance with
these goods-than- Hie saving that
n'ight if effected by crating them."
Cut ' Worm May Prove to IV a
Pleasing In Jisguise;
Aumsrille (Or.) Aiig. 4. Threshing
has fairly ''commenced In Oils neigh
brtrlMXMl and the yield Is very for be
low tlie-average. Tlds is quite discour
aging to farmers, but we should all
led thankful that Ave live In a land
.where we never have an entire failiire.
Short crops and low prices for grain
are bringing farmers, to reallste that
they must diversify, nnd we predict
that five years hciit or even siKitief.
there will lie a wonderful change In
the mnnuer of conducting farms in the
Wdlamette valley, therefore dog -fen
eel, iieariiie. FreiM-h pink, green aphis,
cut ttr army worm. etc.. may yet prove
ble-sinss lit tlisguist if they serve to
drive Oic.fartnrr out of stone of tho
ohl nits in which they are Traveling
ami wlilch they should hare abnndou
e:I years .- '; '
!. W. PaynanL section foremai at
this place, has moved onto his farm
easr of tfwe. '
. WHlle Shaw. who has been etnployeil
Iu Soulhetii Oregon for ncrcral; months
i at home for a -short time visiting
Ida iiarwils, yfr. and Mrs. W. II. Shaw,
O. W. Webb ami family hare moved
to the Mohawk. wher Mr. Webb has
employment at a sawmill. -
1. W. 3Iartlu. who has lieen at the
nlllroad lwispltal In Portland for the
past few months, receiving treatment
for a complication of diseases has re
turned home luiu li improved In health.
- is. M. Pettier lias lwen tpiite k-k for
a few days, but b? some what better at
presenL r - - ' ; ,
Panl, - id Mrs- Pkndennore. ac
cording to tbe Smart SeL, as they rose
from dinner, breaking tbe .silence that
had i prevailed throughout . the meal.
do you know, tuat we were marriett
Just live yearsi ago tday r . ?
-If I dd bieu there U woiti.i ueter
have - bapiiKHL" an.swerel Mr. Pon-
deiuiau. who is rather tusent-numieu, -piifsutrg;
hLs train of thousrht aloud..
Er-e.cust nie, my dear, you, were
saying - '; ' - .
-That this Is the ttftn, anutver5ary
of "our winlding. relied Mrs.-Pon.ter-
uiore. who is usetl to her hns.land s.
ihlnking out loud; "and 1 1 has set me
to contrast iug the, two times, lam.
do you know that you 'never kiss me
mornings and '"evening as you used
tor . '
"Er etrtainly not. I don t think U .
a s'uiible move at lill: It might put us
in a very rhlU uItnis. light if it Iwn-aiire
oublie" liurrmurtHl Mr. Poiiderinoie.
I leg your pardon, niy dear I'm
afraid I was slightly inattentive-uiai
V. It. 1. ami 1. deal Is wirryimx me
somewhatwhat vas it ym sail"r" '
"Th.at you ueghH't to kiss ine as you
usl t wlrvii we were first hiarrled."
said Mrs. Pondernioro. patiently. I
know it isn't iHHtiuse joii don't love
tee a uy more. Paul. Ii dmt you think
yU .could reiueiulKr to:"- ishe asketl
wistfully j
1 Mr. Pondcrniore contracted his
brows tightly in a ti honest .-effort to
corral his errant thought and tlx thent
upon' what his wife was saying.
"Er yes. my dear." he. sjild." "what
is ft I have ihslccted'"
"You don't kiss, nie as ofl on a you
used to, Paul, relucted his wife softly.'
'Iont 1. my darling?" crietl Mr.
lVnitlermore. all contrition. "It's Ibis
wretched business that" engrosses me
so; but If you'll forgive inc. sweetest,
I'll never forget it .again.- Never. Er
that Is. lie added, the absent look
creeping Uaek into7, his eyes. Jut
make a note of. will , you? -a nil I'll -have
one of the clerks attend fo it tlie
first, thing In tlw morning."
How Some Church Folk In Maine
Made I'se of a Climatic Anomaly.
, The congregation of a little chureti
iiu nnumg the Ilotisick hills of West
ern Massachusetts.. has an Investmept
iu What wottltl seem a very Vphcnieritl '
sts'iirity. , being mulling less than a
snow bank. Winter comes .early In
that legion nnd, ctunes In a business
suit. He stays late,--. too. lingering s
hug that be. wears out Spring's lap
and loiters even aUiut Summer's ktiee.
East Hauley hill is. of the cluster -of
lillls therealMtiirs.- Ihe xbleakest and
windiest of them all. tln one certain
gully under t he Ice-of d rising wall of
earth the snow drifts early !inf slays
after the June roses come in the gar
den. - -
Several years ago, following an un
usually severe winter, it 'deposit of
suiiw was found there oulhe I'ourth
of July, ami th interest ' which Its
presence at that season excited put an
Ithm into the thrifty minds of the
church folk who make tip ihe ' 1 It t It
congregation of the pretty East llaw.
ley church. . The ln-xt year the .gully
was looked after. 'Hie snow drifted it
ttsual. and its keeping lH-aiiie a mat
ter of careful watching. -.-Before the
end of June It was seen that II could
not last much longer, ami -a church en
tertainment of a "sugaring otT" in
summer-with real snow was promptly
enrried.throiig.il..; lis fame spread, ami
the next year tiieans were adopted tor
preserve the snow .still long r. . Now
th.e July "sugaring olf" Is an estab
lished iiniiual festival, to Which na
tives and sojourning folk, lin billing
the tminipresent -sumnier loarder, gtt
ftviin a ratlins of lifb-eii .nnd .Iwcnly
miles. -If. Hie snow shows slgu.-t of dis
apiM-aring : lHfort ; Jjil.v. has tirrlvetl
means are' taken to keep It. . Sruce
lioughs and sawilust cover It. and so
far Ihe supply has never-failed. The
event .is regularly - counlc-d uism as
sine tl lid appi'eei:llle mlilHioll to the
yearly iucoiue f the church.
This year a pally of New Yorkeiw
hsslciieil their depart lire from (he i-ily
lo bo presf.-iit a I Ihe novel ciilcrlaii
leeut. Tt' lay bail Im-cii very lnt In
New York, and the -'change 011 leaving
Ihe cars at 7 o'clock at Ihe lillie sta
tion in the valley, whence wagons tve!
to be taken, teas re fref It iii g. TIW
church was reached in a drite of a lit
tle more than an hour up Ihe hill utid
through Ihe Woods, rich with i.irly
summer foliage and heavy with the
spicy, fragrance of nnses and fern.
A programme of iitiiK-le and recita
tion prectthtl the chief event of the
veiling. There wa- a curious,: and
pleasant-' Incongruity - lo sit plying u
fan iu the hot. lamp lighted church
and hear outside the unmistakable
sound-of show being gathered up lf
tvooflen shovels. At lo o'clock- tin
company adjourned fo the sugaring oft
room, w here on long tables coveretl
with slo-cls. were set tint fully two
i'Vudred pans of sixiw, white ami spot
less, though ratlw r coarse grained. To
each isTsoii was allotted 41 pan nnd a
saucer of: hot maple syrup with, fork
and sjKMiii. The syrup was ladelM on
ItVe snow in HHoiifuls and pickitl nil'
with the fork to ls eaten as it hard-
entil pitchers of Jhe hof syrup clreuliil-
ed constantly to refill the. saucers us
fast as they were emptied tlll.nll wee
satistietl with the sweet feast
By 11 o'clock the company Iw'gan to
dlsjerrY a train of wagons, carriages
ami buggies sintchlng mit in nil di
rection as-they ih"parted By nw uf
those freaks of weather to which Haw
ley Hill I subject, the warm, fragrant
air had lecome, suddenly chilled by, a
wind that was bll.r..ird like Iu lis In
tensity nnd frigidity The blasts blew
out of the north as If old Boreas were
enraged at the Juggling with Jiis seas
ons ami Inclined b give the sevkir
for novelty n bit of real winter with
their prenerred snow The particular
party of -city tra vdera already -referred
to were glad enough to reach the val
ley, which they did aloiil midnight,
and af'er their remarkable day of trop
ical and arctic tem-jcratnre. crawl int
coii'fortabh lied ami sle-p HirHU'tly
with. .July tlHoigh it was. Iieavy blank
ets piled ovp them. ' f
A V.n-s ami Death Fiht. ?
iff. W. A. Hines A Martchester, Ia
writinjf of his almost miraculous es
cape from death, say: "Lx-posure after
measles induced serious , Itmg trouWe,
which cnled ir Consumption. I had
frequent 9ierrKrrhtigcj and coached
night and day. 'All my doctors saiil I
must soon die. Then I began to use
llr. King's New Discotcry for Con
sumption, which corrrjIetcly cured me.
I would not be without it even if it
cost $5 a bottle. Hundreds have used
it on my recommendation arwl all say
it never fails to cure Throat. Chest and
Lung troubles." Regular size 50c and
$1. Trial bottles free at Dr. STONL'S
drug stores. . . .. .