Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 07, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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,. ..EACH..
VOL. 49. NO. 25.
' ' . """ ' " "" m' ' iwiim i- f i , ,.,., ..i,. , , ! . .wi nwtii iii.i . , mt ii ii II l I l II II.
The Advance on " Pekin Has Re.
suited In a Battle.
As to the Result of tbe Conflict on the
Chinese Forces Anti-Foreign
Element In Contiol.
WASHINGTON. Aug. G.-Tbe an
nouncement, received through Kear
Admiral Remey and Commander Taus
sig, of the reported hoary lighting oil
the river lieyond Tien Tsin, was the
news of interest, in the Chinese situa
tion. Little doubt was. expressed at
the Navy Department that the' news
was substantially correct. It 1 prob
able a latcr report may reduce the
lint of casrtnUIei among the Interna
tional force! .but It is evident that
the move oi iex;u Is at last fairly
under way, audi that a strong opposi
tion 1ms beenieneountered. Tim War
DeiKirtmeut officials, who have been
reticent fot several days a to the
news fro-ni the seat of war, admitted
today when the naval dispatches were
received that the announcement of
the little was not uuexieeted. The
n . s
I! II - II if
I II I 1
is I
This picture illustrates the treatment of wounded Chinese nob Hers in the.
the battle at that place.
oimn among various" o(H i:ils now in
Washington Ik somewhat dividtMt as
to just whatMs presaged by today's
events. The: more -optimisth are in
clined to think that such a severe
Mow as rheMGhinese must have re
ceived at Pei Tsang- will result in a
lcedy disintegration of the fon-es
-noiv opiiosing the march of the luter
natloitai column.
In line With this prdi-tion. it was
proplteshs! that !! Chinese govern
ment would find means to scud the
Ministers frm Pekin under csitl.
and thus stavo oft tin --advance- upon
tb capitol. On the other hand a nuni
ler"of ottk-ers in a -,Misiliou to jude
equally well, held that . the. fight at
Pel Tsang was only the beginning of
strenuous resistance that would Ik
continued to the- gates or Pekin or
beynd. It was urgitl In supiwrt of
this; view that the Chinese hat a hun
dred men to lose against one of the
fillies; tliat i they were well armed
with modern guns, and had appar
ently au abundance of ammunition.
It Is stated that tnucu awn-m:u-i'
exlsis at the reappmram-e
in Pekin
politics, of tiuit rabid and anti-foreign
-fanatic. I.i I'ing Heng. It 7r!".
that, with LI Ping Ileug and Pruu-e
Tuan 111 control or tu' ' "
eminent In Clilna. a religious war of
4l..rHsli-like fanaticism probably will
iw. nitful ncalnst all foreigners
....: r.i,..i.u anions the more
sii. a latMimtl 21 f"
:.n.Ln. - tn their fate under the
Tuang LI regime. , -The
War fl apartment, is lu
. .t..li. rmnt tSeiieral
- v
Mac Vr-
ailditlonal iirtlHery xn
for hi i the Chinese can.paUrn.
-I-, ...... ..omJI,.- Include several Galling
gun, and the remainder of ntle
howitzer siege train.
Washington, .Aug. .m?
cablegram have 1hcu received at the
finii'l.iv morning from .
n;.rf.w, in kllletl ana
to vyyt.
12. chiefly lCulans
Chinese art ntr'a ting.
and J Milanese.
iL Bnnau of Nav-
"Chee Fi. An
Washington: OUKiai .1
pllevel relialle
a Hie heavily rnBag.il
nine ai
IVit 'sang is Die first railroad sta
J. n mnt six M niih-s northwest, of
T.Tiiy n rntiit to IVkill
T.o4s nr.
igc! the nrst ie ?
.,um.m.l.of the Yorktown,
at -Che' Voo. - :r:
1 I -
Iondon.' Aug4. 7. "Tbe ad va nee of the
allieil forces commenced today, . cable
?l,e British consul at Tien Tsin. un
der iat" of .August 4th.- This s the
tirst otticlrl Infonuatlon recelvHl here
that the attempt to relieve Pekin has
leitun. It Is accepted as correct. The
Uritbh consul docs not mention any
fighting, but the Shangha wesiwn.I
nt of the Daily Mall, telegraphing
Sunday, says; - f ,. . -
"The Pekin relief column is reported
to have Bufferwl a tlieck. tThe Chi
nese are said, to have adopted Tugela.
tactics, and after : several hours'
fighting, to have retreated."
This Is the only message received
In London this morning , liearing on
the reiHrts of Admiral Remey and
Commander Taussig, regarding the
engagement at Pel Tsang. In the
same cablegram, which was read in
the House of Commons, the counsul
at Ten Tsin say's; ; , i ; t
' "News from the Japanese Legation
has been received up to August 1st."
Therefore, the edicts announcing the
safety of the Ministers on that date
are confirmed. I ;
Yesterday the ' Chinese? Minister
eonrmunlcated to Lord Salisbury a
message from the Tsung II Yanien.
dated July 31st, which contains this
Important statement:
"The successful termination of the
conferene with the Ministers, for their
conveyance under escort to Tien Tsen.
Is exiieeted. but ' on account of the
re-conmencement of hostilities at
Tien Tsin code telegrams for trans
mission to the representatives of the
Powers are considered undesirable."
This appears to confirm the state
ment that the Chinese will hot en
deavor to stop the march to Pfkiu by
using the Ministers as hostage.
A Shanghai special, dated Aug. Cth,
says: .
"LI Hung Chang has odlcrally in
formed the consuls that the Ministers
left Pekin for Tien Tsin last Friday,
Aug. 3d. w.lth General Lung In com
mand of the escort. The consul are
by no means disposed to credit Earl
Li's statement." ;
All other reports that have reached
London indicate that . the Ministers
have not left Pekin. '
It Is learned nowr that the members
of the Tsung LI Ya men 'who were
C'L'rt S l 71
put to death for their alleged pro
foreign priM-Iivities. wen Hot behead
ed but were cut in twain, tins iieing
the severest penalty under the Man-
chu code.
Trust Those Who Have Tried.
I sulTerl fnmi catarrh of the Worst
Mnd and never lioped for cure, but
Ely Cream-'Balm seems to do even
that. Oscar Ostrom, A7 Waircu Avo
t'hicsgo. III.
I SuflTcred from catarrh; ,lt got so
bad I could not work; I "used Ely's
Cream Balm and aiu entirely well.
A. C. Clarke. 311 Shawmut - Ave.. Bos
ton. -Ma. -
The Balm does not irritate or cause
snccxiug. Sold by druggists at TsM ts.,
or mailed by Ely Brotlier, Tm. Warren
St., New Yolk. f
Heavy Loss of Ufe and ProiMHty
', Reported.
London. Aug. 7. t Tuesday. - a. in.).
A cjciotie has prevnlleil thntughout
the United Kingdom 4Ue early last
evening. A loss of life on land and
sea. and the destruction of shipping
and other proierty are; reiorted.
Government Buys Meat for the
Soldiers in ChliM.
Chicago, Aug. '".The 'Chicago pack
ers today were asked by the govern
ment to furnish 2.ooo.ri0 pound. of
meats, within thirty d.iys. for J he
fATnerican soldiers iu the Orient.- Win
lt.aid to tie the largest reuisuioii
,'vr issuefl by the j;overnmeut of the
fuiteil States. I
-. . 1
A Slot her Tells How She saved 'Her
1 - Little JMughter's Life.
I am t lie mother of "eight i hildn n
and have had a great deal of ckimtI
dice with miHUclnes. List summer
mr little daughter, had tbe dysentery
in It worn form. We thought she
would die. I tried everything I
cou!d think of. but nolhing feeinel
to do ber any goo.1. I saw by nn ad
vxrtisMiiciit In our paper that Clitm
U rlaiu CVdic. Cltolera and Diarrm-n
lteineilv was highly recommended and
sent and p a Iwtlh. at rnw,
r.,v.l to lie one 01 in- -m?
oicilicines we ever
bad In the b.inse.
1 . .. .-...I mr little UaUiXi'WTS
life. 1
am anslons ror -very mother to know
" - ' n,.u1i-ine It IS.
hat an -excci"-
I"" . reat deal of anX!ety and
niv little ,1 ausmrr , V
rV truly. Geo. Burd
B. 1. t or
OF BUY mis.
vvbrt Stored
With T.
" Bmd, to Foll-r of Thor Who
Purchased From llltu.- '
Allany, Aug. L-lu the case of VU.
C. Davis et aL, agent vs. the Portland
Flouring Mills Company, tlie Salem
Flouring Mills Company and Balfour,
Guthrie & Co., Judge 1L P. Boise this
morning rendered a decision of great
importance to the thousands of stor
ers of wheat in Oregon, as well as to
the bdyers of wheat stored In ware
bouses. By stipulation, tbe matter of
the- wheat stored In the warehouse at
lerry and shipped to, Balfour, Guth
rie & Co. was eliminat inl from 'the
case. Tlie decision was In favor of
the plaintiffs. It was held that the
wheat stored with T. J. Black in th
warehouses at Halsey awl Cummin;;
was the proierty of the plaintiffs tiu
til onleml sold by them, ami they
will recover from the Portia ml Flour
ing .Mills Couiany for 2ti bushels
sob! to that conoration by Black, and
3977 bushels sold to the Salem Flour
ing Mills Company, all at 49 cents per
bushel. ;
. The Portland Flouring Mills Com
pany presented an offset of and
the SalemlTouriug Mills Company of
$2110 money advanced to Black, but
not all on account of this particular
grain. It was not allowed by the
court, and the defendants will practi
cally hrtve to pay for the wheat twice
under the decision. The evidence in
dicated tliat Black was speculating on
the wheat of hi storers, and the de
cision is on the doctrine tliat when
this Is done It must lie at the risk of
the buyer and not at the risk of the
storer and that it is the business of
the buyer to know the -authority, of
the warehouseman. The case will
probably be. appealed to the supreme
court. .
An Alsea Lady's Dilemma How She
Secured the Quarter .-Section.
Corvallis Times, 4th Inst.: A mar-
am m
J , , '
.'.' - I
native 'hospitals at Tien Tsin afttr
ried woman cannot tile on a home-
Htend. but a vvhlow can, and thereto
hangs a story. Flora E. Floyd, a nod
V2, an estimable Alsea widow, and .1.
W. WeblK-r. aged .s. of Lincoln coun
ty, were married in Corvallis Wednes
day. The wed 1 in 2 was nearly two weeks
Itehind time. The original lale wt
was July Ist. On that late the pros
ectlve bride and groom -aine to kir
vallis to joiu their fortune. They ai
plnnl at the cl'rk'w otliee ftr a lierse.
There they lertrniMl that a marrleil wo
man could not lib" on a homestead. Oriy
a handsome ouarter wet ion of vacant
land in Alsea Mrs. Floyd had her ye.
To ttleon it was n part of tier 'errand
to Corvallis. To marry and untile at
the same time was Impossible. If she
got the quarter w"ction she must get
it as a widow. One-job e.r the otlnr
had to !. teuiiorarily iMstiKii-l. It
was a stnigirle In-tWeen love and land.;
The land won. "I can get hint for a
husband.- anytime" iiid Mrs. Floyd.;
after a short deliberation; "But I can
only get the land now." So I lie wed-i
jdlng was potp'Hi'd. The filing was
made, and when the proper iikts cs-t
tablisliing the lady's rigid"-to the quar
ter section ariivi-d. the ceremony was
performed iu Justh-e Holgate's ollicpi
with the Justice", lu best bib and tucki
er, ofllciating. . t
He Fooied the Surgeons.
AH doctors tokl Rcn4ck Hamilton, of
West Jefferson; O.. after surTeriig 18
months from Kectal Fistula, be would
die un'cvs a costly operation was per
formed; but he cured himself wrrh five
boxes of Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, the
surest File cure on Earth, and the
1cst Salve in rhe World. - 25 cents a
box. Sold by Dr. STONE. -
lirillED AT Tl'ItNEB. Tlie funer
a I of M. P. Perry, wlrnis' death at Eu
gene was annouuceil in Sumlay morn
ing StateMiiau, took place In Twin
Oak cemetery at Turner. Snnd-iy.
BeligSons wrviccs were coiMbict-! by
the pastor of the M. E. church, of Tur
ner, at the home of Mr. N. W. Sdver,
rali r of Mrs. Berry, after whHi Gie
ImxIv was given over to J "earl .-Lodge.
A F. & -t. M- f which dceasI was
a m4u!rr, for bnriol. Tlie i-eremony
mt tti trrive was conducted by Dr. W.
T. Wliyammin. of this city, in a-very
lmirtvisive manner. The Maecaiw
. lt,ico.
in wiucii Mr. iM-rry earrjf i
for $UM .was also iu atteud-
a nee.
Chicago. Ansr. V Nine persons die.1
and a score were prostratco. as a re
sult of .the heat here today. The max-
luiam temperature was J iegrecsk
IU Izi tea Rzn Km Ej-4
Boars tac
Wi n A -
Will Do Campaign; Work for Mo
Klnley and Roosevelt,
The Election in Alabama. Yesterday,
' Eesnited in Iceretsrd Strength -
of the Democrats.
NEW YORK, Aug. . Chairman M.
A. Ilauna may join the army of cam
paigners to be heard In the West for
McKinley and Roosevelt. .Secretary
Heath, of the! National Committee, de
clared today that Uicre had lieen many
demands from Western states to hear
Chairman Hauua speak..
-hicago Aug. f. Chalrmnn Jones,
of the IiemocratSc National Commit
tee, gave out a list of tli sub-com-mittees
of the main lody 'today.
Former Governor Stone, of Missouri,
was named on the executive commit
ter, and Norman E. Mack, of New
York, was left oft". The only repre
sentatives the. Eastern slates have
on this body are Committeemen Guffy;
of Pennsylvania, and George Fred
Williams, of . Massachusetts. John KJ
Mclan, - of ;OhUi. is put at tie head
of the ways ami means ; committee.
Fred DulKisj, of Idaho, is one of the
advisory committee.
P-irmiiigha'ni. Ala., Aug. d. The gen
iTiiI elect ion. for the state' and county
Wllcers. aml'for miinlwrs of llie.Gen
eral Aseuddy was Im-IcI in Alabama
liMhiy.. and n large majority was re
cunwd lor ' the DeiiKx-ratir -:' ticket,
beaded by William; J. Sautfonl, of Ij-e
county, who will Ih iuaugiirutetl Gov
?riior on Dccm1er t:-t.
; ite licpuidicaiisi Populists and Pro
h'toilionists; besides Hi- Deiuix-rats.
hail tlckels'l iu the Hcld.jfbut the re
Inrtis ro far indicule a victory for the
Democrats ;by, .an! overwhelming ma
jority. The Democrats have also gain
ed -'several I meudS'rs. of - the . General
.Assembly, .-The Popnliyts and Itepult
Pcans' will.; 'loKetlirr. possibly have
twelve of the 13,'t members of the leg
islature, a. toss of alMiut Ts per ci ut.
If'-is 'esliiuatel. by the DciiUK-ratic
iHi'n1lbivi that the majority will be
more thau "hM. TIn chn-tioii was
.I'.'garded as a test on Ih-.'vmootiMl ques
tion of holdiiig a Constitutional con
vention, which is favored by the Dem
ocrats, and the Increased majorities
are taken to indicate that tliejM'ople
ar fav;raIle-to the holding of ft con
vention, .-which will eliminate the ne
gro from jKditics. The legislature,
which meets ' iu Deeeniler, will elect
Senator Morgan to-succeed himself.
Glorious News
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Va-4iita. I. T. He write: "Four bot
tles or' Electric Bitter has cured "Mrs.
Brewer of, .scrofula, which had caused
her great 'Suffering for years. Terrible
sores 'iMHiId brrak out on her hend ami
fttce. and the best doctors could give
t help; Inn licr cure h complete and
her -hcahh rs cxccilcirt." TJiis &ltows
what t'housan-l-s have proved. that
Mlcctric Il!ttcr! is the best tilood pun
-fkr known. It s the. suircmc remedy
for eczema,, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers,
boils awl: running soresr It stimulates
liver, kidney- ami bowels, ex-pels pois
ons. 1Hd$ ditrcstkm builds tm the
strcoKth. Only 50 cents. Sold by Dr.
STONE, druggHU
Dt moiistratlon
He- Left for
in Lincoln When
Lincoln. Neb.. Aug. ti, In accord
ance .with Mr. Brjan'ii wishes, there
was au ifit Ire aJiseuee of 11 demonstra
tion on the part of tlie IJm-olu people
when he --startetl on his trip to lmbaua
IMdis tonight. The party occupied a
sk'ctier on tlie Chlcag-Ienver, Bur-
linston' Limited, which left here a few
moments after " o'clock, ami will
reach Chicago between .8 and tl o'clock
tomorrow. ; 1
Schedule of Shluments to Be Sent to
the Orient.
'Washington. -'Aug. C Tlie Quarter
master's Department . has . nisle out
the following schedule forthe sailing
of shin carrying animals for the
Chinese- and Philippine service, to-
teether with the numtir r animal
each amp WHI carry- uc toiai uuiu
Iter of animals Is 54015:
Klnl nek. August 25th, from
Keattie-.r Arab. mm. August ainh. Seat
tle: iThvria. Septenilier 1st. I'ort'
land: Port Altiert. 7 Seitnitwr 1st,
Seattle; Westminister. 35i. Sptenrfer
1st.' San Francisco: uhelroina, oo,
Svfifcmtier 10th, Seattle: O. O. Pack,
Cii Siiiender 15th. battle; Cope-
niaptu Oetfdier lt. San Frn
clse; leelsnaw. --". Octoher 1st. ft;n
Francisc; Ieonox, 470. October 1st,
Cuban Will Be Pemdtted to
With Ilrligions C-remonIes.
-Xfarana. Aug. . The new marriage
lr. r-vokinir The decree Issued tn
Mar of last year by fJeneral Brooke,
will eo Into effitd nxt Monday. Tbe
Brooke ' Hw " prohibited ecclesiastical
marriages' recognizing only the civil
eereuiouy.' From Monday nest, there
fore, parties wishing to marry may go.
through the ecclesiastical r the civil
ceremony, or both, at their own oi
tiou. - .--"'-.'. ""'
Spokane Bevk-w : Here Is a ride
that matches wet! th famous ride of
Paul Uevere, and. the dramatic dash
of Sheridan at Cedar. Creek. At Har
vey, 111., a family, of seven were iids
oticd by eating toatlstmils mistaken for
uiushrtmms. Thirtoeu-yoar-old Tlioin
a.o Norris. one of the victims, half -clad
and suffering the death agony, galloji
ed three miles to IIoiuewoiI, and fell
px ha listed and dying, on a physiciau's
doors t'p. As a result of that gallaut
dash, the lives of four in-rsous were
vivihI. Uomance lias nothing more
foi'chlngly pathetic, and the Stirling
pases of warlike history record noth
ing more noble than the. dying' ride of
this American loy. It Is a cheering
thought that the quality of heroism
lermeates every das and every age
of this Mople. .. We gain here an tn
slcht Into the character of the rising
generation. We catch the glorious
truth that young heroes are all around
us, awaiting only the call of duty to
rise to noble deeds.
Tlirteen-ycar-old Tommy Nori is has
not died in Vain. Million who learn
of his Inspiring action will give n si
letit tear iu tribute to his loyish mem
ory.' ' Ills Is a sweet story, worth re
couutlng lu every school and by every
ti reside.
Gobi: Gobi: Gobi:
The latest EI Intra do is reorted to
Im' on Nome City Bench, "Alaska.
Thousands of in-ople aiv hastening
there, many cf whom will return brok
en in health. Of what avail Is gold
when health is gone? Guard your
health Willi tiie N-st of all medicines
Host otter's -Stomach Bitters and
you will i? 1 ways have true wealth.
The .Bitters are for iieoplc'who have
abused their stomachs, or are -naturally
'weak. If will regulate the bowels,
stir up -the liver, invigorate the kid
neys, ami absolutely cine iudigcxiioii,
const ipal ion. malaria, chills and fever.
It is a natural tonic, u I politicly free
from dangerous narcoijcs. It, hoti)d
Ih-taken to protct the system from
chills and fever and. -malarial attacks.
It's a good medicine to Keep on hand.
Passenger Train and
Engine in .Collision.
Lafayette, Ind.. Aug. 7 Tuosday..
The Momm passenger train, leaving
here at l-:-t this - inorniMg. - -llided
with an engine running - light ut
Kotlth Itaub. Henry Whitsill, the' eu
glneer.f the passenger train, was in
stantly killed. Three passengers were
killed, their names being unknown.
Toledo. O.. Aug. . Dennis Cogh-
lau. the wealthiest man in Toledo and
Northwestern Ohio, died tonijxht.
ageil Wi years, ills fortune amounted
to f I5,i nn i.ik hi. ,
lls nihil rg. Aug. A case of bil
lion ic -'plague has; lieeu discovered on
vessel In tlie harlsir.
San Franciwo, Aug. . The trans
port Sherniau arrived from. Manila
tonight. -
Scuttle.' Wash.. Aug. . The steam
er r-ertlia. nrnvisi irom ' mk unci aifi
CroniMT river -today. Ilcr ollicej-s re-
iiit lliat Captain Alwrcrombie, in
charge oC Hie roiled Stales. 'Govern-
mcnt work Iu that . sectlou. has com
pleted loo -.ii dies of military road
reaching, into the Interior of . I'ort ai
Portland. Or.. Aug. 0. Tlie steam
ddp Argyh, 'which arrived from the
Orient this -evening, brought LiiX.i.lM)
Calcutta grain bags. A shortage In
the bag market was threatened until
this .shipment arrived.
ardlsts In the vicinity of Salem rejiort
that the Petite variety m, -.the prune
i -
He was recently summoned lfore a CongreMshnial CVunrnltteo to give
an expert opinion on strikes, aisl he stated tliat strikers should shot down
like mad dogs when they menace life and property of neck to interfere with
man right to earn a living. , i:,
family has already Iicgun to crack.
This is a natural tendency on the part
of the prune family, but Is" living evi
denced somewhat earlier this season
thau us.!aL : -
tercn tlon on ( 'out nicrcia I si mt a uon t
'2 o'clock yesterday afternoon lndwecn
t. 1. I'MNirtlsley ami B. 1. IVrgusou.
ltth of Ela. folk county, the former,
who apHaitl to Ik "the aggressor,
came out second In-st. his age, with
the Indiscreet Indulgence In intoxi
cants, proving too much of a handi
cap in favor of his younger adversary.
Yesteiday's scene appears , to have
loii-n chapter In u neightoi hood quar
rel. IVanlsley is iid to have Ikh-ii
following l-Vrguson about the slreet
for a considerable length of time, an
noying and aggravating, seeming iu
tout on causing a quarrel. Fergustui
evaded his tormentor until fllMiit lt
o'clock, vvhvu the tndlision alluded to
took ''place. Fe'rgusou was standing
lu fnmt of Bianson V ltagaii's gr
cery stre when IVards'ey appiach
el him and deliberately kicked him.
Ferguson resented, the assault , by.
pushing his assajbtHf away. -Beanls-!ev
was . mialil' to retain Ills tootitisr
and rolled Into -the street but. upon re
gaining his feet nualn. made for -Ferguson,
wi-oin he kicked violently.
Tit's time Ferguson extended his right
arm quite forcibly,-striking his assail-,
ant, who fell upon -the pavement, re
ceiving a badly lacerated face. Late
jyciteitiy afternoon "I'eardsley had a
warrant Issued out of .lust ire 0"ou.
ald'n ituirr. charging Fergusn with
assault a 'd baltciy. t'onstable 4. H.
Lewis pla-tl Fr. I Vrgnson under ar
i-nkt I i c 1 itVmtiiT fit It 1 tilling tiioi H
9 rt v ii t ii nif iii'iik. 40 11 1
Etla. The accused furnished boiuli
for his apiwaraufie.
Lltchticld yesterday reieivMl a Ieller
from his sou. Mail Clerk ('has. 1
Lltchileld, f the C. & E. railroad, re
jtorting a fatal accident 011 the Yaqul
11a river, which cci urred last Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Welden, tbefr two sons
rtireii 14 ami 4-. years resnctlvely. and
Mrs. Welden's mother, au - agisl lady,
who reside near -Elk City. Lincoln
county, had been to Corvallis, ami
on their 'way home, were crossing tlio
bridge across the Vaquinia, near h
mouth of little i:ik -Cteek and vvltliiii
sight of their home, - wIm-ii the struc
ture gave way. and the wagon mid oc
cupants 'were- piccipltattsl li 1 1 1 1 the'
stleam. Which al this point is about
live feet ileep. The horses were un
injured, and Mr. and Mrs. Welden and
the children were- saved. , bill Mrs..
Lucky, mother of Mrs. AVcldeii. was
killed. Mrs, Wel.hm is badly Injufiil.
ami the smallest -child narrow ly 1 es
capel death by drowning j
" EUGENE CANNERY.--A foixe of
men are at work 'making the Eitueiie
cannery ready 'for ope'rat Ion. Tint
work 'of pt'ep.-lFatioii w ill In' consider
able, especially" iu the drying - rimni.
where tiie position of tlie dryers will
be changed entirely. Mr. Alh-n, Jr
who Is hi charge of the work, say
that the cannery. will be ready about
Seiti 1st. Although the fruit crop Is
not large this fall. Mr. Allen expects
to have a fairly good run. ,riM bush
els of Italian prunes -have already
been contracted lotvand the cannery's
audits are on Ihe watch for mote.
There 'will; le plenty of petite, and sil
ver prunes. T he Cannery will also
make a run on ters, If enough can
l -secured. Register. ' j
.li'dire .lohu II. Si'oll leaves this tnoru
log for lie; north end of .Hie county to
examine a bridge rcs-nily erected, tic
fore It is accepted -mid paid for by the
co'inly court; which nnts" tomorrow,
lie- yesterday reorlved a ih'ski from
tlie jude tf ; l.inn ciMiuty, asking the
Mai Ion coiiut.v court lu meet Jho court
of Linn cruuily 011 Friday, nl Slaylon.
to exnmiiie tiie Joint bridge at that
point ami decide 011 the repairs to lie
miole. The Marlon county "court will
probnhly acispt the Infitalioii; and It
is hopiil, the brldgo will be promidly,
repaired. .1-
F. W. Durbin is Jn ris-ipt if a lin
cane, made ;4f horn. The stick w.s
made in the Idaho innitent iary, by 11
eruivlrf. and was - purchased by R. D.
Plowman, of 'Boise, Idaho, a .cousin of
Sheriff Durbin, and by Id 111 sctit.to
Salem. Mr. Durbln's name !s 111
gravfsl 011 a mllrer plate 011 the bead
of the cane. r : .
Fine job printing, Statesman Ofllee.
i 1 1 it 1 ,
t --