Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 03, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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3 190-
Ramcrs of an remediate Advance
Come from TienTsIn.
Services or International Colnmn
Offered to K oppress the Alleged
1 . . . Boxer' Iuvqme'ion.
has 'given way to a feeling akin to
certainty that the I-ga tinner at IV
kin, and the gallauMuariue who man
aged to reach tho Chinese capital Just
fii the nick of ) time, t re not , ouly
alive on Julj -Skl. bnt In all probabd
Itr ore still alive and likely to remain
so until tlieyaiv' released from their
stale-of sieged Tb-, ottlcialH Iktp feel
certain Unit the 'attack by the Chinese
on the lesatlous will not l renewed.
The of lie la Is here, while anxious that
the movement on Pekin liegin at ouc?,
"'do not attach crVIcneo to fle ruuior,
mentioned by General Chaffee, that
the tot-ward marct- wa to begin Unlay.
There are two t reasons for their in
credulity. In the tirst place, Chaffee
force,' his splendid cavalry mil hi
battalion of artillery, are exactly what
are .ticeded to j strengthen the weak
Mt In the International column. In
the second placiv some of the foreign
commander aiv still of the opinUm
that they cannot, begin the campaign
lie-fore the last week in August, at ttie
carlh-st. The United States tavern
incut has not jimtlwl to tjiis Tiow,
and -I relaxing no effort to bring
als-tit a cliange of r-'aus on this ito.nt.
A rather startling proposition was
advanced UmLi-T. which, , if adopted.
Plight put at once to a tent "the, Chi
nese, profession tiuit ' the I lexer, ami
not the ChiiK-si-Government, are re-s-N-iisihlc
for what ha liapioucd in
1'ckiiL This wai.lu the effect that
the Chinese Government sliould be
informed that lite International force
. wa prepa retl j to take that Govern
ment at Its word.' ami to join fo.ves
with It in crushing out the Insurrce-
. tiu-?.- . . : , : j : . ' .
Washington. llnly 3li Adjutant Gen
eral Corbin today received a dispatch
from I.ietttenaut Colonel Coolidge.
commanding the "Nluth infantry at
Tien Twn.' It i-ameiby way f Clic
Uoo, end Is as follows:
"Tien Tsiu. July 7. The following
letter of Lieutenant Colonel Sbilw. the
military attaclie- at the legation -of
Pi kin. dated July !. arrived at Tien
-Tsiu-ou the '2Z, at 9 o'clock In . the
cVenlng: f T':- 1 ' -r-
"" 'Pekin. July '22. leveiitngY. We are
all awaiting impatiently the arr.ival of
the reinforcing army; When are you
-omSng? All the legations have leen
-blockaded 'since the 13th of last month
n ml 'since, the: ""Mir we "have lieen at
tacked cou'jnually .night and day. by
' CI due-Mr soldiers from more than ten
e iieanduetiti.j Bysupremo' eflorr we
are util'l defending. We' are daily
awaiting with the greatest anxiety the
. arrival of rciuforcenu-iit. and IT you
can't reach' here in lesjthan a wiH'k'i
time it Is probable that we will lie
unable to Ih-iI out any longer. The
Kii'leror aud Kmpres-s Iowager ai-H-.tr
to lie -still at pekbi. :. fere ur
reiufiircements to arrive, very proba
bly they would flee to' Wau Sho-iau.
I'p to dale: we hare eight kilted, one
a captain of j' infantry, and one am
bassador's attache; xeven art aerioii
ly; wumKii: jhe first Ke-retary of tin
legation iH-in-r one of twenty who are
Kl'ghtly wounded. The . uumlier of
Ktropcaus killed is ttixtj iu all."
. j . -
Wax-hingtoij. July 3U The War le
IMirtmeut thi afternon received two
-atlcgrauis from China. The lirst
. read: - i ,
"Cite Fim. t;itudateli.-Corbln."AVasIj-ington:
Tii-n' Tfin, July. -T. A iies
sagi' just received fr-m t'onger, says,
since July ltiiliby aarreeuient, no fir
ing. , llave f provisions r for several
weeks, but little ammunition. All
tsa f e Au welL . .
.I . mr.rt 1Hu1 fir Will
mom advance. IracthaIIy -no bi-itJiig,
bv Atuerh-aus; no uiMiecessary killing.
iTransMn) India arrived '.tit h. Order
McCauti. Sladen. 1ntU Aliens, ilitcli
cll and Itrhi' to Join regiment m here.
iSigintli Iaggctt." ' .
The sei-ouO read: ,
-Cie Fisii.j July 31.-Ctirbin. Wash
inglon: Tien Tsin. -uly :v The Fliut-sl-ire
arrived J7th. Two hundreil ami
eftvrven Ninth Intantry sick. Two
doctors, ne hnudnMl hospital : corps
men and twenty signal -men needed.
I'navoldabb delay In unloading trajis
iMirts. Foreign troops arriving. tSign
edl Iagret.'" . - ' ; " ' ; "'
Washtngion! July 31 The War De
pa rtiuent has received tin following
cablegram from General ChaiTee:
-rti. Kiwis. .'July 3.-Adjutaiit t.'i'U
etal, Washington: Have had inter
view wifU J Admiral. Go ashore thW
afternoon. It is ri'iorteI in Takn bay
that It is the' Intention to make for
wartl ; itioveuient tomorrow towards
IVkln: details not known here. Ar
rive Tien Tk-ii too late tomorrow to
cable' frenr there." c .
Wasl'Ingtou. July 31. CoL Henry C.
Cis-bnttie. conimatidant of the marine
bnriieks at lton. ha lH'fi ortlcriMl
t Chiif- lo take comma ik! f the ma
line for-t-s i that coiinlry, aytjregat-
. lug a I out l-'sHi men.
.,' - :' , .7 ' ': ' " .. -
.. ' .-. No ci iu kh messages:
Ctie Fixi, July 31. The Governor-of
Shan Tiiii-T has .telegraphed-I" 11 i led
" St-ite 'Consul Fowler that the Tsnng
LI Yamen desire him to notify the
. eonsnls 'hat.' a' the military oiera
ti n at Pekin and Tien Tsin are un
settled, "only message lu plain lan
guage, without cliher or a ivference
to the military affairs, will deliver
It ' intuirfrK-' Tin- Governor
think the relH ls occupy I'ao Ting Fu
....... v- usui rowier rarH that the roils-
-Mounej there have beeu, niurdered.
Washington, July 31.-Tlu forth
coming annual Mwrt if ComniU-dou-er
of IVusions Evan! will --show a
grand total of 00328 iMinioner on
Jhe rolls on July 1st Ltst. There is an
Incre-Jrse f 21.010 pensioner! for the
year. The deaths numbered 33.8CKX
New York. July 31. J. J. Corliett and
"Kid JIc-iy were matcbed.thlH after
noon, to fight before the Twentieth
Century club an August 30th. TU-
ineu will go twenty-live rounds.
Kt Tui. Mo..July 31. John C.
Meyers, a well known athlete, to-lay
swam front Alton, I1L. to St. IouK
3 ,;d'ytanee of -twenty-seven miles, In
exactly alx hour. , : r
The Health Problem .
Is much simpler than is sometimes
supposed. Health dependsl chiefly tip
on percct digestictv and pure blood,
and the problem is solved very readily
by Hood's Sariaparilla. Yon may keep
well by taking it promptly for any
stomach or blood disorder. Itss cures of
crotnla. ait Thenm. catairh, dyspepsia,
rheumatism and other diseases are num
bered by the thousands. ! "
The favorite family cathartic is
Hood's Pills. , t ;.;
'Home. July 31 All the '. Italian
troop took oath of allegiance to the
hew king today. ; -
nigg-i-ted a few days ago, it seems
ha nlly worth while for the I Fish and
Game Association to waste time tou
Kiilering ? whether It Is advisable to
plant black bass in the ? stmt dm of
Oregon r not. A four-iiouud bans wai
caught a slmrt time ago at the falls
of the Willamette, and then arloubf-les-
more like it' there, and a' Portland
sj-torf sman wh has just n-tnnitd from
Saletu f-tati-i tlisit hrfx uf blak bass
arei-stught In the river there alwiut th
mount of Mill Creek. When it is re-
memlieml "that all the cattish in the
riven and sloU;rli of this region came
from few little ones pro.-ured by
George Whit e of Silver Lake, Wash..
fn Sacramento ami fdsintiil in that
lake, it can tsily 1h imagitved "that the
black lmss has ipffe--ted a loJgment
suniHeiit for all purj iose and is here
tit fit ay,- Some young liass were point
ed in the river near Salem a few years
ago.' and they will attend to stocking
the whole "river. Orerni:irt. Searedy
a day iKisses in the Caital City but
Im-al angler ueceed in catculug a
plentifnl wuiply of thi variety of tih
which abound in great numbers tn the
river-at till .plaw." The fish were
planfetl In the slough at Salem altont
seven yestrs ngo by . 5 Steiuer, the
State street fisli and poultry dealer
who.fel amiIy riwiirded for his ter
vkvs in the matter. .The tish have ab
solutely 110 statutory preoteet ion and
it wa feared for a time that they
might all 1h- fished out s of the river
but the abundance of the tish dispels
that fear. .. .';!.,,., . . : , .
li. McElroy rettirneil from hi farm
near Monroe lac week; lie rejorrs
his orchard and crops iu fine condition.
One field of "io acres of winter wheat
is estimated at from T to bushels
to -the acre. This field i new gronnd
and has been ; heavily pasture-l with
...... t. . t.,1 ulioaii fur ton refit's It is
exneetitl hat imist of this wlieat will
- . . .
Ik sold for fteel mere is aannp
demand already for good plump seed
wheat.... James Yate -threshed
acr- of finelr sutmner fallowed wheat
Friday and , Saturday, it Turneu out
machine measure, 4U bushels. It
ooglit to have yfeld-d ? eastty ovei
.tX)bihheIs.. ..JVe nm-ierstanu ma
J, A. Stevetw had hi ,V0 acre of faP
wheat threshed yesterday, atn n inane
t - . l.. it...
t:i bushels to ti:e acre., iuim i "
ri tinio t-ln" field has sieldinl lss
than -" bushel lo the acre. Eugc-ne
tlhard.. -
tm-etitetl wlnlt Jk calls II
giddier gun" for the ex term in.it ion of
that industrious rodent, and he now
In I'oitlaud tH-IIing county riglits for
r Sjivs the Oregonlau. Th- ap-
oliance coiiHist of a metal stoeK re
sembling that of an) old-fash lorn--1
horse pistol. This Is burled in me
trench maue oy ine jfi",vr ""
1... nVnK' nils against the trig-
cer and i-omnis involuntary suicide.
Fanner now think, nicy m-eu s-jiim--thing
to shoot the cut worm wHh.
but thi gun will not worn on me
eatenir. It wa simply invented
to go Tor tlie go-Hierw. i ? .
V NEW CO M PA N Y.' Tlie Devlin
Srainb Machine Coiai-any filed article
uf inefnoration iu me pwhw '"i"1
loent yesterday., nie timiny will
eugagJ In mauufacturiiig a stamp af
fixing machine and will deal in tlttta.
The place d busiiu- will lie, Portland.
The .company lui a capital to'k f
$(.".; divided Into tdiarea valued at
lt each. J. S. IV-alK A. S. Ileitua.
S. t! fut tie, D. Soli Colieu land T. W.
CuthlH-rt are the Incinerator.
WKUE ALL UK-E LEtTr K D. A t the
annual -.meet lug of the lnwinl of dir
ector of tlie ltauk of ; WiMslbum held
in Woodbum ystenlay afternoon, the
otllcers of tlw Institution were re-elected
a -follow: J. II. t Settlenieir,
presMent: G. ti. rt-liigii.-im. Salem. vice
pres-ident, and Captain J, M. Poorman.
WotHlburn, cashier. J 5 !
i Many, fish an producer musical
swund. Tli-f trigia can pnlnee: long
dra wn notes ra nging - over nearly . a n
octave. Other, notably two si-eeles
of ophhUnn. have sound-producing a t
paratus. consisting of small movalibj
IwHie. which can lie made to pnwlnce
a sl-rrTp rattle. Tls curion "lrnm
tning" made by the sj-ec-le calk.!
umbrlvas cn 1 heanl from a deptu
of ". fathom. i-.i1' -..4-;rt
The soothing ad iH-aliiis' iM-opertles
of ChanilH-Tbiiu's Consh Iteme-ly,r its
pleasant taste m piompt ami p
iniiicut ciins. have made it a gnist
favorite .with- the iple everywhere.
For sale by F. G- Haas, dnigglst. Sa
lein. -; '. '
In the first dii-ectory of the city of
New York. piMrlishe-l over Km years
a-6 the only Vanderbilts whose
name appeared were not mAiiil-ers of
the old -om mot lore's familv ancetr.
They went? Dutch, to lie um and
fpelled their names "Van der lillt.
1 he most prominent moug them wa
a. truckman. ' At that time the auex
tors of the prcsem millionaire family
were pros-ieroa farmer ou Staten
Inland and their name:- did not belong
m a Aew xork directory.
True courtesy ia 6t the heart. : 1
A. lost . opportauity- never : fand
way back. - -
An honor bought dishonestly .is
dishonor. . t .
Saints are not made , by polishin-?
smuer. ; . . .
A thing Is not necessarily true bet
cause It t new. - - ,
The hero l,h who does what oth
er dare not do. v. ' . - ' ;
You can uuaD tell a man's pros
pects by hi ai-.t. -. ' 1 "
The greatest co-wards kick the dead
lion most heartily.
lteadines hi criticism often mark
ignorance of the task. - - r
The rattle of tlie wheel of life 1
call for the oil of prayer. , . i
The men who deny the existence of
in Rtill go on locking their door aul
taking- receiid. ". "
One of the S'nate doorkeeier sta
tioned iu the loldiy next to the niarble
room had j nst warnel a visitor n.t
to smoke the cigar which lje carriel
in hi hand. At ; that moment, say
a eorre-qioutlent of the New 'ork Post,
the electric .bells sounded the call for
a rote, and Senator Lodge hastened
in from a : near-by committee room.
I le wa , puffing - violently on a long,
bl.n-k cigar. .'. ;
"Why don't you warn that man?
askwl the vjsitor. :
;Iiecaue I jmovr my business' ans
wered the cnstodlau of the door.
"That is the man who made the rule."
"What ia lawless set those Chinese
Boxer seem to' lie.
"Ye;- they 4-arry on' for all j tlie
world like Keutuckian In election
time. I mi ia 11a to! i Journal.
"Hot went lM-r I a gresit help after
&IV r - ,.- '- . t -
"What do you UKan?"
"When It t hot we feel justified
putting off unpleasant work till
grows cooh-r." Chicago JSew. ;
At Bed Time
a pleasant herb drink.
take a pleasant herb drink, the nexi
morning 1 leel bright and my com
plexion is better. My doctor say.
it acts gently on the stomach, liver
and-kidneys, and is a pleasant laxa
tiv-f. It is made form herbs anri
is prepared as easily as tea. It, is
called Lane's ' Medicine. Ail drug
gists (cli it. at 25c. and 50c. I-ane'j;
Family Medicines moves the bowel-
each day. - If you cannot get it: send
for a fret sample. Address. Orator
F. Woodward. Le Roy, N. Y. , 5.
Employer "I con?natuIate yon -on
that new baby of yours, IIiggi;us."t
Higgins "Thank you. sir.
Employer "And I have no doubt
that hereafter you will Ih waki'd tti
early eUjOUgh jiiorni.iigs to get to the
ottice every day on time. SomerviiiL
VEG Kl'.' lii SHI )ES.
A IndWn lstuiaker ha palcnlcla
sbo: made exprssly for veiretarians.
It is made of vegetable prnIiM-t ion.
Itussia In Euni has a forest ai-n
of nliout jmmhmmhm) acn-s. One-tiiird
of the i-ountry is fontt.
"I'd like a job. sir, as waiter, '
the applicant.
"You have had experience iu wait
ing. I stipj-oseV" queried the restau
rant proprietor. -
"Indeed I have."
"For how long?
"Why, slK I've taken meals at a
restaurant for V2 years." -Denver Ite
ptihlicau. '
"Mr. Flinimi Is wonderfully
voted to his wife. When lh-v
awav from each other he writes
are her
at bust three letter a day.
"Ves, answere-1 Mis Cayenne.
"She requires him to do that so that
she can look at tlie wstofrice- marks
and know exactly where tie ts."
Washington, Star.
A recent Issue of the Japan Timcs
savs: "It is : i-eportel that a bill pro
hiiiiting smoking by young' peonh
wa present-d In tlie house of repre
sentative. Tb.e main punsis of tine
bill 1 lo the effect that juvenile imk
er nnbT IS years of age sliall le
puuished by a line ranging In amouut
from H to 1 yen and 'the conrisc-i-thin
of pipes and fittings used by the
offenders.",. - '1 Y:L
Litigant You take nine-tenths of
the judgment?-. Outrageon!
Ijiwver I furnish all tlie skill and
eloquence and legal learuiug for your
cause. ''"' - '
Litigant But I funilsli the. cutset
lawyer Oh. anylxsly could do that.
Philadephin Calk - 1 , s(
An lmrovel apfiaratu for the gen
eration of a-etylene cm lia liopier
in which the calcium carlile is
placetl iu granlikir " form, with an
:,d Instable crate M Hie lower end.
through' which the grains fall Into the
water underlie tit. J lie gas press-nre
regulating the po-dtkm of the gate.
"H-rre, boy. what are yon doing In
my orchard r '' - . -
"Sir." pk-asantly repUeil little, Emer
son Iiacoiistreet. "I am examining
the trees for data from which to pre
pare a pJiper ttisrti the effect of bruises
uiion lrk. Boston Courier. , .
Genua uv. too. ba It "Palisades"
quetttioiu "t:on)pbiot are h5ird tlpat
stme of the finest scene in tfl
mountaius known a the Seleuge
blrge are Isntig ruiued by. stonei ttt
tcrs. v -.i ".v.,-"-- ' --,.-
Monut f Edgewntfwv in Alasfc. ha
one of the largest " craters In V
l.t - u.1t.. 8r ". mile III disnn-ltT.
n ,,i i " .... -
which Is filled with dense forests -"
fet twlow the rim. , ' l5
Ir. Frank of Berlin lias discvet---if
.... rnniFiw which destrovs the
U.i of wheaf. : He has uameil it
"Killer of the Wheat Stalk," . j -
":, - ' ' . " '' ' Tf ,,J '.Y I ! '
Flue jol printing. Statesman Office,
StllO.t tfOB A BtRCLAK.
n Ha Sera red tr; Amonat of
Momwy by -Cr-klK- m TrillUwa-
tFroia Daily Statesman.-. Au-r. Li
-Gov. T. T.- t.eer ' yesterday, honored
the re-inisitkni r Gov. Jr Iloge Tyler,
of j Virginia, Mod issued a state war
rant for the arrest and deliry to the
agent of the! state of Virginia of one
Joseph ' B. j Evans.- alias r Harry
Milkr, .alias Joseph ICapley. alia
ToiK-ka JoeJ wanteil in j that f state
for; housebreaking and .Iart-euy. Chas.
W. St. Claire, the sheriff of Williams
Intrg, Virginia, wa ;tle otticer com
lulssloued by tJoveraor Tyler to re
ceive and escort the hunted man back
to the scene pf hi alleged crime. .The
maa with the; tlg suppTy of aliase
was arrestetl in Portland, and held
there a a fugitive from 'jnstice. land
ing the issuance of the Governor's
warrant ou It lie reiuisItlon from Vir
ginia. and the sheriff from that state
went to Portland last eveutug to re--4ve
hi prisoner and start for the
Atlantic sealioard. , 1 ; j
Tlie prisoner is accused of bar
glaiizing the Peninsula ltauk. at War-j-?indiHrK.
Virginia, on :the nlglit of
May 23. 1HUO. where he succeedeil In
getting away with $Un) in gohl, $."
In silver coin, and $4tnM.Jin currency,
a total of 3fCrsm. lie was hunted far
and near. and. though it wa known
who the burglar was lie could not lie
located. The grand jur3 for the coun
ty of James City. Virginia, indicted
the man with many, names, and dur
ing t ho last few Week t he' ottieer
succeeded x la i.x-jiting him In Port
land, where he pas promptly taken In
twit of the wet, with the result that
In lea re today ; to face 5 hi accuser
in the courts of Virginia. The man i
said to: have a j bad n-cord. and is
charged wltlyniany burglaries in nvirl
ous states tin tlie At lant Ic coast, where
orH-er a re anxiously awaiting an oi-
IHrt unity to bring the man to Justkv.
AS A ritiIITl"lt.
la Utro ot Ttnrre Warn At Slxtjr Tixm Yram
. of Af;e: II Is Rravdjr t Coulliiu
a Soldier's Career. ' ; .
The rnct'l that Major
Vleek-r, i-ominauder
tienerail 'Josenh
of tlie l-part-has
, asked the
assign him to
111s nt 'of the I,akes,
war depaiUiM-nt to
duty iu .China, brings
that hardy ' vi-1-
crau skarply: out against the horizon
of the pnblic arena once more, says
the Chicago Tribune. 1
It is Ht haps safe to say that no
man nnwralive in thi country .has
seen as much fighting and had the.
exjierieii-'O oii the liattlclicld under
such variird circumstances a General
WheckT. -He - is 151 yea rs of" age. a
veteran of tlirc wars, ami Itears,:!
r-ccord .of l almost a tuou-und battles,
many of ihiMii what, would be -"termed
by a historian "minor engiigements."
but all mf litem lien-e and ral, i '
. He is ai West Point graduate mi l
lsgan his niilitary awer, under the
United States government, as he will
end It. Ill first duty- was at Fort
l uioii. New exlc. in If to. In
March. 1"!J1; he nslgitel his commis
sion and returned to ids native stat,
ticorgia,. when It j seceiled from the
t'uiou, .-.!-.' . ! '
. Folkiwing i a record of the battk-s
of iiromltieiice t'etieral Wheeler has
taken part in. brnshe with the enemy
and many sharp minor skinnlslio
not Includiil:
Civil War 1MG Shiloh. Wh1si
vnie. i Mtunfordsville, Siiringfiekl. Ky.f
Perry ville. Wild t?at, Iavergu', Mur-
fr"eslHirii. . - ; '
Civil War lHill Coxe's Hill. Fort
Doiiclsoti; SheHiyville. 'Marietta, Tull
ahotiui. New Churt h. Elk Iti'cr, I'ni
verslty - -Place,' Clik-k.'imauga. Mel--mote's
Cove. Owen's--Ford. Lookout
Mountain, McMinnvllle. Farmington.
Maryviile. Little Uiver, Siege of Knox
ville. Kingston. Hin-rtrold.
Civil War 1WJ-I Dug Gap. Yarnell
StatUui, ! Ilesacjt. fass Statiim. New
Hope (liunh; Peach trei --'Creek, De
catur. Flat ShoaN." Flint Uiver. Line
tTeek. Newman, Stewart's Laudin-r,
McMinnVllle. Ietiamm. New Nashville.
Near Macon. CrlwoldriIlo. Ixinis
ville: Itoad. Buck head ! Church. Key
Hold's Fa rut. Itock Siring Ciinrch,
Thomasl Station. Wa.vneslioro, Savan
nah. MeBride's Briilge. I-tTs Cro
Bridge. I Beaufort's Bridge, Spring
town. Biackrllk. i !
CiTll I War--lS'-' Saluda Ilher,
Broad River Bridgiv Coliiuibia. ' Wil
sou's Store. Ilornslw-ro. Fayetteville,
Sinith's i Mill, AveryUirii., Ik iftou ville.
Black Creek Bridge. Morrisviile.
Tlie general wa h:der fire iu ihf
civil war in over J minor, en
n-ent and comuianded in. utire than
a nt battles, many of which"-were -.the
most desiH-rate reiirdHl In tlie history
of the nation. t , .
- In thCi Snanish war of '1WS the
setieral i partieipaUil follows:
Uin CamualKii Is Guaslma.
Sau Juan. El Caney. f
In the PhllipiMne canqaign of IWW
1 Miio the genenir ni-nl is thus brlef
Iv told: ' .' . ; ' - f - - -' ' -' '? ' - - -
Santa: Rita. I'orae Anc-les. ttwelve
eiirag'iaienT. fnuu Oetotier 10 to O
tober lOff,, Bamliain.
r ; i " j- " . - - -,- - ' I-
Sniireme l'urwer Is Vestel in a'Geti
. . ' eral t.'onncil.
. In ' Cliiria proi-r the pf(mlation 1
divlde-l lietw-en tle 1S rvilM-e- f
Sbantwntf. CtiihlL SUanst. llei;in. K'
angsw.4N-ranhwei. KiangsL Oiehklans.
Fnkien. HnneliJ Huuaiu ,SJh-io1. Kan
sn, Sihen, Kwangtnng. K.rtiugsl.
Kweh-bsn and Ylnnan, The piv
Inees, Which ronshly ewrre-qiond with
tre diirtnicHt of Fram-e, the coun
ties of -.England-' or ll-e cotdinon-wc-alth
of the Unitiil State, are eaeh
governetl by a governor general -or a
viceny. who has, umler tlie eiieior.
al-solate sway In his territory, and
who rules tlie provincial administra
tion in-all it department, military'.
judiciaL politk-aF and financial, say
the Chicago Tiine-Herald. Ti- vices
roy ha a cabinet comiHisetl of of
ficial who attend to the affair of the
vaiiou dea rt men ts. Tlie irovinees
are .divided Inttj pnH-tuies. which
are snli-ilivldel Into distrk t. aud
each district has Its rider. AH towm
and Tillages have municipal govern
mental organization of their .own. ;.
In the imperial government the su
preme power Is vested in a gen-.ral
eotiKcit. Imperial affair are ..under
the direct control of the cabinet.
iilled uei-ko. " This consist of four,
members, two of whom must 1h Chi
nese and two Mauchu. ; The "cabinet
is advised by two men from the
Great College. The capacity of these
two assistants i purely legal ami lit
erary. Their function is - to see thit
tbetcablnet takes no action in coutra
vemkm of lae laws laid down In the
"Itegnlations of tlie Tsing Dynasty"
and in the sjicnnl Isxiks of Confucins;
which declare that tlie government of
the state shall lie based upon the
government of 'the family.
Under the cabinet anil the conned
are- seven great -boards. which active-,
ly direct the. affair of the govern
ment. EachT of these boards has. for
its heads a Manchtt and a Chinese,
The fuuetlon of these organii-ation
are described iu' tlielr title. whicl
are: The hoard of 'civil apiotntiuent.
which looks after the public, service
and It officials: the lioard of xv-enu-s.
whk-li mauages imiierial tinau
ce: the boanl of rites and i-eremonies.
dealing with ciistom and observ
ances: the military lioard. In rharge
of defen: the '-board of public works,
the judiciary, and the admlfaltv.
Extraneous to the seven great boards
is an orsranixation of censors co-iih.
m-kh1 of r meuiljers, with a Manchu
and a Chinese for president.. Mem
bers of this" hourd -mar bring any
complaint whatever lief ore the' em
peror.' aud a (censor I alwfty present
at nieetlnj-: cf the seven great lioartl
of the emplrt.' '
Until lSdl i the empire had no gov-
eruinent organliatlon to deal with for-
. i . x . . . - ,... ........
eign an air. - hi mat-year iwuni
famous t sung II yamen. or foreign of
fice, was created. It is couiiscd if
the memlier of the graud council and
r;veral 'other oftii-er . of high state,
and control the affair of instltuti ms
at home in which foreigners art em
ployed, a -veil a the relation of
China with fjoreign power.
In. the wheme of the Chinese go
ernment .tlnf empror lias absolute
power, and i iK'rsoiially eoiu-erm--l
with the smallest ktalls. hi signa
ture lieing reqnlriNl for the most in
significant iiaper of state except
when he gives the givat s-al f the
empire to a minisler. .This triukct
transfers hjs iswer - to the hold"r.
Succession to the throne I not ml I
by heredity.! The heir 1 seb-cU-d by
the ciiiH'ror himself from among tbe
nH-niWrs of a younger generation of
the 4nijierial family. 'Tlie lateSover
cign diet! lie Tore naming bis sucres-si r.
aud tlie sel id ion was made In is7-i
by the fauuis dowager empri-ss. who
placed Kwang-Hn iiioiithe .-throne.
state ind emcf.
Collections DuringJuly Paid to the
State Tieiiurer The Mont Ii
a Heavy One.
In the oliiifiof the Stilt e Iind Board,
at-the Capitol, the iivonth of July was
an extremely busy due. tlie eolleellons
for that length of time exeiH-ding those
of tlie unni t!i of July in any, previous
year in ftliej history of tlie lioard. The
recrit'oggregaled 21.:;r.."i2. and
were yesterday transferred ' to Slate
Trcasurer Chas. S. Ioore. by Chief
:ierk CliainlHrlIn of tlie State Land
ITHmnl. 'Ilris sum wiis-reccivod on ne
count of the s-eral acfouuts In the
folk-wing amounts: .
Selwsd Principal,..'... ".. ,17.1kVj
-clisd I nt er-s t . . .......... i5 -"-"-" 1 ."h
I'niversity Interest ... . HJ.iVi
AgricuI.t"oI. Princrjial. . . . .. 7t1.."i7
AgrkuLOdh-ge Interest.. .. 1 1
Swamp Iwitid... . ......... .Vi.:
Total.. ...
The general assembly of Virginia
has- -recently passil a bill appropri
atlng a sufflcient sum of .money for
the purchase of the homestead of
!hlcf Justice Marshall In lUchmond,
Va. The house is now -owned and oe
cupied by two granddaughters of the
great Jurist, and Is little changed from
what It wa ' when It was lnilt lit
17M5. It will ,le preserved as a me
Cardinal ' Iedwhowsk I I the only
memlier of the -acred nllej:e who
ha had exi-r.ience of tlie nuph-n'sntit
side of prison liTe. A archbishop t.f
posen and primate of Poland, he re
fused to obey the Fa Ik laws, and was
cast Into prison in consequence, lie
wa still the occupant of a cell when
proclaimed a cardinal. In March. 1K7.".
Ilcleased and exiled ill February,
lM7ii. be tiiiKisiWil to Home, where -lie
ha. reidd ever im-e. Washington
Times. - ;
Spstzl-art and! family, of llawkeye.
Iowa, reached) Sak-m tin wnk from
the East and will liecoine jH-niian--iit
resident of the Capital City. Mr.
SpliJ-tBirt having pun-liastil tlw lulsi
nes lieretofore coinliH-tel at the Fair
s-.... .....i- i.v Tlu-n. Nolf. and
.... - " "
he will take oe-lou at once. Mr,
Splttsbart visitui -saiein last. -ni!K
...i,.,n h. lM.-nni faseinateil with tlte
,i. ... . " . -
country ami resolvt-d Jo retuni and k-
cate. He rvtnrtte-1 to lowa nini ui
posetl of-bi general men-liandlse biis
Vnes aivl will In tlie future t one of
the Capital City" sulistantial.Hti-v-ti.
Until Mr. Sjiti-sliart get located, he
and bi family will Is guests- sit the
bome of Id Hd-tiue friend, A. T
Wain. - - '; - i
Taylor, Markm coontv" stoek iin-isi-t-or,
stient the past two days at the
asylum farm. Iu-pcetlng the nlM-ep and
cattl" ki-pt there. Itecently several
cow died at the farm from the; ef
fects of eating itols-nro weed-. bu
aside from this, nq,disease vas found.
Jones, -of Jefferson, a sister' of. Prof.
tJ.W. Joiie. of this city, ha liecn
cteetetl to a position In the All-ony
city w-lssds. - Miss Jones ha had scr
eial year e-q-erietwe in tiwhing. aud
I a. valuable acquisition to the. force
of teachers lu tho AHmny ch(sl.
KtrardUig III ObT-'atlon-i of Condition
Tbcr Woo-trfat S-raoarc- t
- tb ralllpplac.
Gov. T. T. !ot yesterday received
a k'tter from Hon.H. B. Miller, of
Grants Pas. Uulted States -usul to
King Chang, China, who is now at
Shanghai, awaitiug rders from tin
State Dcpartimnt. . The piim lliil por
tion of .Mr, Miller's letter, .which 1
dated at Manila,! Jjue th, Is devoted
to conditions fir the l-liilippines. The
Statesmau Is iK-rnuttcil to give a few
excerpt from the letter, as follows:
"I will endeavor to ruin m my pro
mise and write. ' If you knew hov
difiicult it is tor au Oregon iau to eat.
shep, move or think in this warm
climate, you would appreciate the ef
fort.' . . , .
"1 have li'cu heiv two wt-eks and
lae Iwu siglitst-eing to the extent of
my. eiuTgy, but that is not s-ijing
uuich. liae 1kcU across the island
on the railroad from Manila to Dag
uiMti on the wist coast. The country
i wonderfully rich from an irgrieiu
tural imiut ot vlC-w; hemp, sugar, rUt
and tolKicco lieing the p,'lll'!l,!,l pi"
ducts. Cocoauut. bananas, mangis-s
and many other, fruits grow wild.
Pineapples are uot "-.'cultivated, al
tlotgii tlM-y are swti-t and iiii but
-su'.iil. . Corn is a staple" fir ftMsl. and
grows throughout tlie year. It Is t-
ls sih'U in the; same Held. Ihorougldy
lile aud Just peeping up out -of1 he
ground. A crioked sti-k is ushi fu
a plow ami harrows are mad .with
wosslen lii'th. Th.se. with iiyboe and
knife, ami a solid-wheeled cart ; or
shil. .constitute, tlie eiitirt-i!i!pli'iueiit
out tit of a Logon farmer
Th'. crops they grow however, are
Immense. Men. women and chlldicu
work Iu the fields, rain or sline. Their
clothing cousUt 11101 ly of a big hat.
The' older -icoplo usually Wear a pieee
of cloth about the loins. 1 saw no
cultivated fruits. -
"The CariiiKsi. or water buffak. Is tho
la-asf of burittMi. -There are a few
AiiKiialian ciillle. In api'araiiee much
like our Jerseys. The carils-a is. well
tilted for the native and the cuiiutry
and -lilonbt. if anything lietter could
Is Kiund for nhe low kind farmiiitr.
Near all the farming .Is-close, to the"
sen 1 'vel ,
"Ponies tlie I strongest I ever saw
are usivl for riding and. driving. They
arc wonderful a uinials.
"Some of tho- largest and nncst
hardwiMNl trtis In th" world grow
here. A ls-autlfnl mahogany plank,
four fi"t wide ami sixt--eii I'e-t long,
lM-rfi-tly clear, is not anything of a
curiosity." Immense forest: of many
arletie -f elegant hardwiMHls are to
1' found on many of the islands, ami
their vabie is , beyoml tompiiiat ion
from pre-ent knowledge. It is surely
a souni of groat wealth and our Gov
ernment, should inaugurate . a 1 xlu-y
that will continue tlielr gfowtji.
"mere. is. hi tar as i count see, n
iiiMiMillale prosMi-t of . peace, here.
The natives are vicious in. t heir haired
of American' and nothing' bur force
viU bold tlicm down. They .-are-killing.
alMiut. a many of our soldiec.
now. by stealthy menus, as they killed
iu acteal wertare. - -
"The native are bright and have In
them the making of good people in
time. They have Hot- III litem siHIie
'eiit. Ktabniij r reliability to conduct
a govcrnmciic'tinw. but under proper
ilini'tloii wotdd sishi grow to it.
"I leave here' tomorrow for Naga
saki, Japan, and their I expect lo go
on to Takn. China, as the ship I am
traveling on it he U. S. Army transport
Iogaui I taking tnsips to Cliina.
"My present "-xMi-tat ion I to return
tti Oregon this fall -unless the Chfnose
war iia'. now. I cannot reach my
.st at pics4ut, and Oregon suits nic
very 'well, anyhow. '..:.. 4
"I have heard nothing of the elec
tion In Oregon, or anything else since
leaving. Exjsi-t my ..mail at Naga
s.iki. I a m hi splemliil liealili.'
to li u m it e irr s so n.
New Jersey Italian Annrchlsi Glory
in the Death of the Murdered
King A Humor. -
,Moua. It.'ly. Aug. l. In the' 'midst
of a touching demonstration of wel
come to King Victor Emaiiiicl, bl.iy.
two si fa tiger crie-1 vive -IAiian-hla.
TlK'y were nrrcsted aisl mirrowly s
caunl lnehing.
Pittsburg. Pa.. Aug. 1. A special to
ll;- IV'initiorcial linzette says:
Tonight, ninr Shea's., station, quite
a large gaOierlng of. -"smarchist ui-l
to exult over tlie killing of King Hnni
111.. The meeting was in 4-liirge of
H. Ciancabilll, iilitor of L'Aui'ore, n
aiiarfhit-jeW!-ai-rr of Hoboki u. N.
J. ClaiH-.il-illi dis-Iaiml all' knov-I-I
'ilge of l'lessl's iiiisloii to Italy, but.
heartily approved of the result. The
following cablegram was ordered by
the group to lie scui:
"To, Minister fJazarvla, Itome: We
are exultant over lh- death of tin
king who .inawa-ri-d the js-ople. Hur
rah for our -oinrade, BressL The An
archist tironp Yohaganhaiijr.-
Ioidoif, ,uig. I. The Vienna eorre
stirirident of lle Daily t'hrouiele .ys:
"A rumor has reached .liere from tel
gra ie, that an attempt rwa made lo
assassiHate King Alexander thlafter
iMsiii. whiU li: whs driving tlrrough
the town. "It I said be was shot at
J but wa not injurMl. . The-rumor is
Aiwrfiiin in cw jprwj nraw in-
Iaw .Attention.
VitilnnHfcti .4tir ' 1 Tin, - tin jll
connection Istween Bressl. tlie mur
derer of King 'Humbert, and -the New
Jersey group of anarchist, ha moved
.th's Gov-rumcnt to take measure t.
invesiigate the anarchist situation lu
land around New York.
,,,.- ,l.,k.ri,. . . I . .... r-.-.. -('.