Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, August 03, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Published every Tuesday and Friday
by the , ; :. , -; 1
. 266 Commercial ; SL, Salem. Or.
R. J. HENDRICKS, Manager.
One year, in advance. . . .... . ... .$1 00
Six months, in advance. ...... ...$ 50
Three months, in advance.. 25
One year, on time. $1 25
The Statesman has been estab
lished for nearly fifty years, and it has
some snDscriDcrs nno nave receivea 11
nearly that long, and many who bive
read it for a generation. Some oi
these object to having the paper dis
continued at the time of expiration f
their subscription. For the benefit of
these, and for other reason, we have
concluded to discontinue subscriptions
only when notified to do so. All pcr
; son paying when subscribing, or pay
ing in advance, will have the benefit of
the dollar rate. 'But u they do not pay
for six months, the rate will be $1.25 a
year. Hereafter we will send the pa
per to all .responsible persons who- or
der it, though they may not send the
noney, wuh the understanding that
they arc to pay $1.25 a year, in case
they let the subscription account run
over fix months. In order that there
may be no misunderstanding, we will
keep this notice standing at this place
in the paper. ,
diets of their paper changed must stmt
the name of their former postoftlce-, a
well km of the office to which they wish
the paper changed.
So1seriIer intending to iay th
Statesman In wood will identic haul
fh same as early as itosslble. .We can
use some pole oak nnl some small fir,'
The "yellow" iiewspaiters are hav
ing a brilliant opirt unity to show
their proclivities during the trouul'!
with the yellow fellow! of the Orient.
What Is everybody's business Is 110-
IhmI.vj business. . Then must be a
State Engineer of Roads ltefore Ore
j;oii will eveu ltegiii to have a system
of permanent highways.
"The Republicans will le satisfied
with nothing less than a majority of
In the' state of New York this
fall, and they feel confident of secur
ing It," says an exchange. This is
probably just a little enthusiastic, j.
The growers are already advertising
for pickers, ami this remiii 1 us that
the hgira to the hop yards will soon
commence. If there is little or 110
nila to delay the maturing, picking
will be general, if not nuitersal, by
the first of the foinitig month, i
Ills detractors find it a litticiilt 'mat
ter to pick ' any. flaws, in President
McKlnley's Chinese iolicy. Anil this
fsu-t is not attributable to "McKriTey
luck." It Is due entirely to AlcKinley
statesmansliiit. inrludiiiir all the at
tributes which that term Implies,
made up of experience, 'patience, cau
tion, wisdom, foresight ami "hors"
There is.no ust toMn 'discouragI
ovit the poor grain cnps f our farm
ers. tr tlwj rjvagis of the cut worm.
The 'former' -will accentuate the ihm-ck-si(y
of diversified agri-ultitfe. which
is the inalu Ihi of our. country, aad
the latter will prolwibly not come
again. for fifteen years 4 lie length of
time they have -.alwirted theurselves
niik-c their last viHitatlou.
lNu:ild Maekay. chairman of the
i:1tubliaii city and county -'commit'
te's. In Mutliutiiiali. is out iu a prist--d
ex thi n:i thui of how the regular
publicau legislative candilafcs hap
IihiI to le defeated at tlie clctiitu
in June. tr. Mackay tells nitlditg
that Is new to the iteople of MultOi
ntrtli county or of the state. Ills fx
pl.iiiatioti is mainly a 'lot f charge's.
There are many lU'publ leans in tr
gou who thought Mr. Maekaj had too
much sen . and discretion to write
such a foolish letter, cryinsj over
spilled milk. It serves no gixsl pur
.pose..-, T1m wise tiring would have
been to keep quiet and profit by the
exiH'rieuce of defeat, 'which was due
fo arbitrary methods of IksIsui. '
A report of the t'hief of Ordnance
of the .r1u3vhas just liceii' published.
As it Is for.4he year ending June! 'H
I 3l, just a yir ago. it cannot lie said
to contain much of "contemporaneous
buttitiu interest," ex-trt for studeuts
of ordnance and -lmllisili-s. Yet it
tells of the proiHtsition tO; simplify jtli
tflVcc system, to redwe h numlH-r rf
returns required, and to decnasej tin
amount of red taie usL '...The pnp
itiou will uut't with general ,aj
pioval aiti'tug Army officers and Ariuy
clei ks. A recent article friui Manila
related humorously, yet truly, the
tr'als ttf an oIHcit who hsul accounted
lor ouiy hve out -or six immk-us with
AvHS-h he had Ihhh chargitl: -.Ids re
turn of 'supplies was following j him
'l ov-r the world, having grown to
a'i enormous ,s!w lcaits t,f einlors4
lucnts added to it by every .'Ulcer
t! rorigli "whose hands I It pmssimI. Auy
llii!g Ih-it xv 1' I do away- with red
t:ile and yet ke nccursite aeeonm
of suppftcs Ismi nl is of Interest to
. .... i .-- .
ntye w; o mi:eve in i:aing .ur Army,
however large or stnatl ; it may In-.
i n.oieni in every way. Red tais is
rt-F ;iry: l;itt t toti - tn itch tais; jre
vi.oi tlt f re u-ye of tic .tnux. anl
! - ! ail. fii'v'allr' In
an army.
I "Line! an - uijiui! uif iraviiuir, !,r
State Fair will thfe year approach
.nearer tbi accomplishment of a com
prehensive exhibit of all the indus
tries of Oregon than has been at
tained In any previous year, and eon
sequently will be of more value both
to the visitors and to the. exhibitors.
The directors are making earnest ef
forts to bring aboot such a result, and
the prospects are their work will be
crowned wHb success. It Is desirable
that every county in the state sliould
have a good exhibit. Hie people of
all the counties are taxefr to provide
tin appropriation for tike Fair, and
therefore all of them should take ad
vantage of It to make their resources
awl their Industries known through
out . the commonwealth; Certainly
they will have only ttpetuseBei to
blank; if they do not. for a special
apitca! has k-en made to tliem to
profit by the exceptloneil advantages
provided for such exhibits this year.
Albany Herald. :
If the period of fair w-eat her holds
out continuously, or nearly so. the
farmers of Oregon will be through
with their harvesting in time to take
their vacations at the Fair. They are
sum? to do so in larger number than
heretofore, on account of the fact
hat It has gone forth that the Fa il
ls to be a great success, and the ad
ditional fact that the farmers . are
much more generally Interested thau
heretofore iu diversified agriculture,
hicludlug the raising of more and bet-
a ' . . . " ' ,
ter tock. They win want to s?e tn
specluiens ou exhibition, and to study
the breeds and their good ioiuts. In
this way the State Fair will be worth
to the couitnonweallli treasury vastly
more than the annual nimropri-
atlon that goes towards the payment
of premiums on agricultural products.
A writer in tlK New York Sun
thinks the old Democratic voters who
-hoke at the Kausas City platform.
but who will support Bryan or neg-kn-t
McKInlcy for the reason thnt
Rryaii has bin'U uoniinnte! . its a
Democrat and they have been bred
to support the "Democracy, are like
the children whom McClur e a Maga
xlne recently told of in the schools
They "ha'd lteen taught to sing patriots.
songs, in .vmenca iney nau u
of "ro-ks and rills," "templetl bdls.
and ; "rapture," and when asketl tu
write what they had learned, .they
wrote: '.- .
"I lovbfthy rots and chills.
Thy w'oods awl teiuinT pills,
My heart with rateher thrills
Like-that aoove.
We will quote Drake's "Address to
he ! Aiuerkau Flag to show into
what It was turned 'by repetition with
out imdorstandiug:
"For ever float that standard sheei!
Where breathes the foe but falls is'
fne us.
With freedom's soil beneath our fet.
And freedom's bauuer strcamiujt
o'er us?'
This Is all that the singers knew
of it:
For ever wave that standing -!toat '
Where breeze the fo; but falls be
forus. With 'freedoms 'oil bem'ath our feet ,
And freetloms bauuer screaming
orus." .-'-.-'
What real difference Is tliere be-
ween tiiese quaint little parrots of
he school and the solemu partisan
of "Democracy who follow the Pop
ulist ie nominee of Kansas. City' mut
tering "Democratic, Ieuiocratic. Dem
ocratic?" Thei-y is no sense lteueatn
the words in ei finer case. .
Dryanisin is indefinitdy more an
tagonistic to the democracy of Thom
as Jefferson than was Alexander
Hamilton. It is repudiation of what
was Democracy twenty years, ago
radical and complete.
What democracy, in the old-utean-ing.
tliere Is in American isdith-s to
day Is ti be found iu the Republican
party. .
Evev If he Is growing Id. with a
Imld sfwit wiHre his pate has so lonsr
vim nnd to feel the crown of Kogland
n-stiiig t)Mti it. there Is eons'ulenilth
majesty lion ting around the -h-i-sou f
Alltert Etlward. I"Tince of Wah-s, esp.--chilly
iu t lie st-ial r-aliii over which
he rules with a wepter of irou.
TIh-w is something truly imMrial In
the in;ui iter iu which Wales's will has
prevaiiel to prevent tlie t.!oniwaHis
West-Indy Randolph Churchill m:r
ringe until he was good ami ready to
sanction Ihoso nuptials. Lhuteiiaut
Wst was of age and !ndy Kamhpij
Chtn chill had age to burn if they
wanted to -marry you'd think they
would simply go ami marry, like sen
sible iNHpIe of age nuy where, else
would do. Rut no; they and their
friends must Itemin-h the PHu-e, who
at first ptoKed the match. fir his
consi'nt, di'ferrlng tlM nnhtn of two
fond hearts until Albert." Edward
should give the word. And -he has
only now coitsentetL' and there was
great rejolHug t tlte week-eiil houst
IMirty wlwrv his t-ois'iit was votce l.
As the kvhig . subject of the old
King of Yvefot uim1 to sing, j-our
tndy romautic nature j will fe-4 like
fdns;ing uoa-, of Wales "Siug lro.
Ihi! and-lie lie, he! Tirol's the kind
of a King for iner Tliere s .'.true ro
Itv iu sills exerHse of the rijilit; f
"high justk'" in the court f love.
AUs'rt Edward's-kUigly isit!.n Is so
prttty imhiMl tlwt one is' tempted to
wish he may never le"omo the real
King of a real j.ngland. He shoiHd
Isdong exclusiv4y to the royal de
mesne f entimeirt - for all time to
come. St. Iuis RcimMic.
And tlie fact Is. this J- about .the
iteight of tlie royal iower In England.
It 1ms tcen well said that tl tiitecn
sl'ip of Engl.-iiid 1ms come to lie twr?
Iy'a social functkm. That is. the
tiueiii ran prvscrifH the sirt of cloth
ing her subjects of. her gender may
wear, ami the f'linee, f Wales ein
do the same for --the . male . subjwts,
acd thoie two can fix the sooial stains
of lersoiis in J hat iconntry,, . Itut If
cither of them should attempt to in
terfere in any way iu legislation or
(the government rn the remotest; de
,gree, that- would be quite" another
the4, ... . j. , . r..t. t
is therefore never attempted.
I The Oregonlan lias In-en attemitlng
to stir up the people of Portland, and
have theui take some Interest .In, the
develotuient of . tber country, which
would result in the buJhlinjr up of the
city. vThat pap-r said aM few days
ago that If the Bohemia !mlniug dis
trict was located ' hi Washington , or
California,' It would -long-1 since have
hid a raOroad.; The same way be
said of several other sections of this
state. Take the Tillamook country,
W!tnes "Southeastern Oregon, an era
p"re without a single mile of railroad
The S:intlam mines, too, should have
been devekiied ; long ago. T'ortland
has been sitting jvlth folded bands.
while Seattle,! Taeoma, Spokane and
other places have pushed, out for new
fields. Their people have pulled . to
gether for the common good. Nearly
every rich wan In Portland is afraid
some other wan way mate some
money If ehe does any tiring for. the
good of the cRr and "country. : Tlie
time has come for a general advance'
went all ahng the line in Oregon.
There are great opportunities in sight
Not only the people of Portland, but
the people f the entire state,, should
unite and pull together for the gen
eral good. Oregon should invite new
capital and new enterprises and peo
pie. and pusJt forward. and take ad
vantage of the ; markets and opportu
nities that are? in reach." Who will
take the lead? Portland idiould an
swer this question, for to tlitit t-ify
would accrue the greatest benefits.
The Spokesman-Review- was. asked
to estimate the number . of iersoun
who would be : given . employment if
(he j'Utire available water power-of
the Siokane falls were put to use. A
few years ago. Dr. Coleman -.S?llers
pulrfihlicd a table showing the amount
of itower reiuirtHl iu different iutlus
tries. He aminginl this on the in
structive fidan f giving the bom?
power for each artisan employed. . For
examide. iin a flour mill, : each iiitui
was found to nitnl 13.2 horse jiowcr
In mechanical industry; in lumlter
sawing the priorrion is i.."K; horse
power; in irou and steel manufacture,
2.S2 horse iower; m cotton fabrics,
1.49; and in wooleits, lSi' horse itower
for each operative. Accepting the
moderate etluute of 3MKX) horse
power as the minimum flow of the.
Siwkane ! river this power, if entirely,
applied to flour milling, 'would af
ford employment for 2oUO itersous; if
applietl to lmwbt'ring, it would ctn-v
ploy nearly 00OO; If to Irou aud st el
manuf?tcturers, lfMBO; if-..to' - cotton
fabrk-s, 2H,0O(); and if to woolens, 21,
Think of the army of wen. who
wxruld be given employment In Salesn
If all rhe available water itower werti
utilized!; If Silver crek were bar-!
nessed for our services, and tha Saa
t m 111. and the energx transmitted by
electricitj-, ami 1f all the power of
Mill creek within two miles of the
capital were used to the Itest possible
advantage. There is no reason why
Salem should not become a manu
facturing center.
The many liens that are
iu cliscussing tlie China
have not always found happy sources
of illustration and precedent to round
out their theses. But tlie outbreak
iu Pekln can liud a parallel in that
of , .Pa ris in ITtrj. which was precipita
ted Just as this one iu Chiua Ims been.
by the fear of invasion. A master
pen lias toueiteu mat sccim? ami a
eontemptfi-ary writer thinks tlie imru-
itig wonls of Carlyle can almost ie
jpplicd'to What has happened iu the
yellow man's- capital: 'Ve have
roused .her i-' .then ye emigrants and
despots f the world. France is
routed. In have ye bit-n iecturitig
ami tutoring tlie poor nation like
cruel." uncalled for pedagogues. Shak
ing over her your ferules of fire aud
steel. It is loiig that '.ye have pricked
ami sAHlped and affrighted her there
as site sat ; helpless in her dead cere
ment ; of a constitution, J'ou gather
ing in 011 her from all lauds with
your 'armament and plots, your in
vading and : truculent bullyiugs. Aud,
lo! now ye have prlckeil her to the
quick and she Is up and her blood
U up.l Tfie dead cerements are rent
Into eobwtbs and" she fronts yon iu
that tcrrible strength of nature
which no' mau can measure, which
goes down to madness and Tophef;
see how ye will deal with her."
A Suleui Ftock buyer says jie .does
not1 find uwre hogs in ' the -ouuUy
than he did hist year, though tt would
seem .that our farmery nhould raise
more of i them aul they probalily
will, uov that tliere lias come an ac
tivity; in dairying. He Hays lie has
never seen nearly as many sheep iu
t he valley 1. as he fimls now, though
they are not for sale. V It is aluiost
Iniios!ibIe to buy any of them. 1t h
also luird to find-licef cattle for sale.
Tlris buyer ssi ys the farmers generaliy
lire turutug their attention 4o .irtuckv
to a greater extent than ever leToie,
and lie predicts hat there will soon
te twk-e as many of all lduds for
sab1, if the present good privskcep
!. - This Is rf very favtrulde"
sign for tins future prosiierlty of the
Wtlhiiuelte volley. :
Iresdent Mc Kin ley. , as he coustl
tuted representative" of a- great Re
public, has lifted the yoke of oppres
sive IiuiH'rialisni from the shoubhfs
of .jUM) Porto It leans, from l..j4m,
- -
4 4 Do Not Grasp zt tKeShzd&o
and Lose the Substance 9
Zla ny people ore but
shadows of v their, former
selves: due to : neglect of
health Look . oat for the
blood, the fountain of life,
the actual substance; keep
that pure by regular use of
Hood s SarsaparUla. and ro
bust health 'will bithe result,
DyspepsU,'veJutss, -and Mother xooe
tie HU& b -things of th pjist snd tif
be voorth Uving. V 5
; "; Hacking Cough troubled
Koith dry, fucking cough, One bottle of
Hood's SrspruU helped me and three
bottles cured me and made
GcorgeW Bemom, Cootspring, DeL '
UwCtd SaUafyWiifk
Hoxl" FUto wft tlwer IU ; tb on-trritatfaHt "
nly cfcthrti f tk with Hood' 8rprUtal
(x0 Cubans, and 10,UXU)00 Filiminos
He has freed more subject colonist
from the tyranny of Spain than Wash
iugton delivered front the oppression
of Great Britain, yet in view of these
facts of history Bryan would have
the ' country believe that it must
choose bet wen him an an Emjieror.
Information from Germany indi
cates tliat inuch alarm lis felt in shli
plng circles there lest the u:wsage of
the American shipping bill will reH
strict the ! devchipment of GoruS-ni
shipping In the Auierie.ru foreign car
rying trade. This is one of the stixiEi-
est points in fa-w of,1 the passage of
the bill, or of sxue othee bill th.it
will accouiidisli the object of build
litg up an, American nicrchaut ma
rine, so tliat the enormous hums now-
paid to foreigners iu ocean fares and
freights each year may accrue to cit
izens of this eouutry
Senator Frye estimates that asisomi
as the shipiHUg bill, which he expects
to put through Oougrpss at the next
session, lias built up a substantial
fleet of American shipc. there will be
a large and ieriuaneit reduction in
ocean freights, the Ieucfit of which
would go more largely to our fann
ers, whose products compose nearly
thrte quarters of ourl entire exioi:ts,
Ukiu to any other chissof our citijwus.
The imports and exirts of l'orto
Ilico for the month of May. A'JW.
were each ..about U) per cent gretrter
thau for .the corresponding month
of the year 1SK1. Thfe is the : poverty
and -(list-ress to wiikir the Iemocnuic
platform said the RepublicansL had
doomed the island. (
His Famous. Bed Five Fee From the
( Allen Saugree In Ainslee's.) '
"Since tny last mletiDg with Mr.
Kruger. two years agio, he has Iteeoiiie
more venerable in Mippearam-e. and
seems to -have lost physical vigor.
ins uair is now snow white and
sparse; his complexion ashy, pale, and
us nmsst-e features, as a - itikm!
burgher put, it to me. remind one of
hippopotamus. His eyes give him
trouble, and over them he wears at
all tiwds smoke-coloretl sitectacles.
with gauze sides. Two little gold
rings in his ears, tliat were put in
when he was a youngster, sHow plain
ly against the white hah. lie smokes
less than formerly, drinks more cof
fee, and while talking, spits iuv a
nervous, jerky manner. y
Hie war has proved a terrible
strain on the old, Transvaal patriot's
nervous vitality. For thetirst time iu
his life lie lias beeu compelled to
forego the habits of a lifetime, and
I"retorIans tell with wonderment how
they liave seen him working at one
or two clock in tlie morning witli
his secretaries. s . ' - ; i
'So exlia usted has he .beep, u sev
eral oeciislons thai' he mounted with
great difficulty into tlie ancient Dutch
Hd which came out from Holland
with the first Jacob Kruger. This lied
s five feet 'from the floor and reached
ty a stairway. It is a wnderous af
fair, sliapod like a pyramid, broad
elow and; narrow at the top. A wide
strip on one side prevents his. honor
from falling overltoHrd. It has been
Mr. Hruger's custom to retire! to this
oucli at swen in the evening and
aris at four. But with the i arrival.
if telegrams and mturiers friin the
front, his rewt' is constantly InteiTupt
ed. ; - : - . , r .. .
"Xot- so -with his working ;regimei
rhough haggard In countenance, lie-Is
never one second fcite in arriving at
lie Ilaad ' house at nine a. tu.' S
punctual Is he that when the clock
shows exactly sixty minute itast
leven he breaks off, abruptly, some
times in the middle of a- woiil. and
stalks from the room. Xo possible
utingnej-, apparently., would, - ke'p
blm' after - that moment. At two
o'clock he is again at his post, and
enialus there until four.
Brigndler Cienera! William Ludlow,
who has -sailed for Europe, accom-
tauiel by his wife aud aid, will ex
amine the -general staff- organization
of ; French awl German armies and
on Information thus obtained, will
m.tkt' reeoiiHnendatk)s'vto the war
department jw ; Washington on his re
turn. The ' general thinks the great
est military need of this country U
staff organisation. -- '..-
, niovemeut-ls -on foot at; Mali us.
Cheshire. England, for the restoration
of the church with ; which tlie nau.e
of Bishop IelKr is associated. It
wa in the uelghlwtrlug rectory that
he was 1 sir n. and the register testifies
to the fact that lit? was christened la
MaIikis church. Not only s; Imt Jii i
father. Itegmald HcIht. was J the
milder f the rectory and his mother
was the architect. -
The' -chief exitort of Germany to!
Jmit Britain b sugar. whidi antount-1
ed In value List year to 12s;jJtMX"
luarks. ;' , .. - ! . , . i
Washiugrou, I. C July 28. Minis
ter Coiig;.?"s alleged db-patuh has gix
en rhe to. Inquiries' as to whether the
Chinese government, could have pos
session of our d iplom a t k sit ret code.
This has just leeiv changed but Min
ister Conger has not retKceivd his
new copy so that communication with
Mm has to lte by tlie old one. This
the Chirese way have. They certain
ly -possess tlie cipher dispatches sent
over their lines to the United States
f cr the last 15 yea rs and they have
the translation of most f these pub-
lished In the United. States. Given
enough samples of this sort, a pretty
accurate Idea of "the code should be
worked out. , .
Alnntt f.t.X worth of the old frac
tions! currency comes into the Treas
ury Iepartiu-nt every year for re
tleiiiittion and IMs ,believed tliat there
is ; still out-standing, some. $13.lxo,lK)
of it. the bulk of it held by Collectoi-s
and. private individuals. , Every now
awl then soni Id person dies, and
the heirs, .finding a quantity'. -of - tne
"Shinplaster In a disused pocket
IsHtk or swiin ther hiding place, send
tiiem to Washington to lie redeemed.
Occasionally,' too, . banks forward
qu'te a lot of the notes in unbroken
sleets, just as they got them many
years iigo. .
The Assistant ' Secretary of the
Treasury lias informed a millinery pu
IHr which made iuquirk iu reganl
to the importation of plumage under
the Lacy act that tliere is no restric
tion to the importation into the Unit
ed Stated of plumage of birds other
than that of the English sparrow, the
starling-,.' elc or of other noxious
species., specified In the act. Plumage
of prohibited birds associated or ar
ranged with tlie plumage of the barn
yard fowl is not admissible to entry,
as tlie separation for the purioses of
entry of" me iortlou and exportation
of the other itortiou would be imprac-th-aF.'le.
Ottlclal figure's show tlie liioKed ex
tent of United States trade with
China. Stated in dollars. In ltftWj
the total inqmrts of China were $11H1.
iNNMNHt ami exisrts 3143,XMNHi, ' a
tetal f JF:E(MHMMHW. tif this the
United States got 12 per cent. Great
Britain and her colonies per cent,
and Japan more than half of the re
mainder. It will be seen that al
though American . trade with China
has steadily increased in recent years,
it is very small compared with Eng
land's. The trade of the. United
States 1 tot h ways with ail China and
including Hongkoug for the fiscal
year 1WK) was JM3.mh).k). which is
only 24 per eiut of the total volume
of our foreign commerce for that
year. .
The Secretary of War has approved
the sentence of Imprisonment for life
imposts! uiton Henry Vance. Co. L.
37th Iuf::utry.: for deserting to Hie en
emy. He wore the uniform of tlie
rebels and remained in their ranks
pntll apprehended near Pangil. in
April. '.He. tried to persuade another
musician of the same regiment, to de
sert awl go over to the enemy. He
will In confined In Uk Bilidad prison
et Manila.
The Division of Customs and insu
lar affairs. War Deoarinient. has
made public Its regular - monthly bul
letin on the subject of the trade of
the -Philippine Islands for the six
months ended December SI. lKlttJ.
The total value of merchandise im
ported Into the islands for this period
was Jll.450.o7rt. divided as follows:
From -China. Sr..r!r;49.": the I'uited
Kingdom. '$2.fCiMr20; Sitain. Si.;i2t;.-
(Ct): British East Indias. $1.021.48S;
Unitel States. $7W..U7. Tlie exitorts
were $ AW2S. divideit as follows:
To China. $2.377.;2!): United King
dom. 2,2:r2.!M:j; United States.
1S7.2UT: Japau, ?822,7lMV and Spain.
$i7..Y. -' - -
Tlie first Infantry, now posted in
the -west of 'Cuba, will be at once
brought home. kaving only ni.iKW) sol
diers still iu Culta. The island has
Ihmmi 'ilivided into two departments in
stead of.Tiie existing thre, and it has
lteen decided that the constitutional
convent ion shall lte held early in the
fall, tlie exact date Iteiug left to Gen
eral Wood. The election and entire
withdrawal of the United States from
the island will quickly follow. Gen
eral Wood says that piee and quiet
prevail in Cuba, and that troojts are
kept there simply for tltcir moral in
fim uce and as an indication to the
Iteople that lawlessnes will not be
tolerated. .
The Treasury is now coining $1,
oiM.UMM of silver dollars eieh month
from bulliou purchased under the
Sherman law.: This is being done un
der a law of Congress, which also
provides for the canceling of the same
amount of the existing Treasury
Tlie condition f affairs on the Isth
mus of Panama will almost certainly
mi pi ire- that a gniiboat le sent there.
The Machias, which was there for
some time, was recently recalled 'un
der the lniicf 1 hat the trouble was
overt but. It has broken out again
worse than ever. So far tlie liellJger
ants have l.fen induce! tni iisiert the
towns of Panama and Colon and con
flue -I heir: -'hostilities to the country
outside. ISut; this cttwlitiou can
scaively crtntinue, ami the Xavy De
part went Is under the necissity of
udiu'g a vessel to protect American
Interests n the isthmus. ; :
The In: migration otficers an Wnr
by the 'irnnouncemcnf t hat 3WH.Mi
UoiuiMtiians are preparing td come tp
tbv Unitfil Stabs.- , Thcs iefpl a
r.mnlMT f wiiom have ali-eady ar
rived, ji re tvot disirable as a class,
li-ey i-jirry pas-istrts. which allow
them to dep.-krt from their own coun
try with -'-the : stipulation that they
sbalFnot return.-and tlcy are only
'Kissed 1Iirough Germaay under Imtid
to n.ake sure that none sf theui stops
there. Most of those who have ar
rival have iteeii ndmitt'.il under Isnid
that they sl-all not , Ini-ome public
charges' within oiu year after lauding.
Practically' all raeancJcs In the
army wlll iif ti'.Hl from army sourc
es. - After the ,Wst I'o'.iit class was
provhleii p!acts in June there stjll r
nvtiiicd 7.i vacancies in the grade ttf
x-cond lieutenant, awl to fill tiiese
Hm War 1'eiKirtmeiit ordered. exa mi.
nations in all tlie Military Dcnnrt-
ineuts f Ibis iiuiitry mid the. colo-
u!cs for enlisted 'men wIioko t-rni tr
service and conduct reconl admitted
of tlwdr lieiug ordered ltefore tstards.
Uo turns received from five , depart
ments at home show that 41 men
have passed, and when the full re
ports an- sent In It is exiM-ted tln
sPccessfnl candidates will be more
than sufficient to fill all existing va
ca ncks. Xever since soon after the
(Mvil war-has the; army ;iHen so oihh
to promotion for the common soK
dier. I'robably 2W have lteen
pointed In the past two years. .
. ap-
Many Folks IIoM That Iteforni. Like
; Charity, Sliouldf lkgln at Home.
(Prof. John Fryer In Ahtslee's.)
"Many KHftle among us are led to
say we should reform the millions of
ignorant and vicious citizens in our
own. land ltefore commencing oj K-rations
on tlie nathen Chinese. The
Chinese also will point with scorn to
the crowds of deliauched American
and other sailors who get '.leave- to
go ou shore when their shijts arc iu
Chinese ports, and run in drunken
riot among the harmless natives In a
manner "that is disgusting in the vx
trenie. . Even the well-to-do mercliaut)
and other riireseutatives of our
Western lauds when In China too of
ten live anything' but moral lives, so
that the Chinese are led to cry shame
upon thenE-" Attend to your own iteo
ple first, they say. anil when yon have
lifted them np to the standard you
preach to us, we will gladly listen to
your words. j
"The Chinese officials do not haff
tlie average regular missionary as a
man; but they dislike his teaching.
The missionary's pure aud upright
life as an example for. the Chinese
people is a continual and unmistak
able object lesson to the official,
waking manifest by contrast their
own ernel. grasfting. evil lives. Tlie
corrnjit ofiiial is ls-tter pleaseil with
the depraved Euroiteau or Anierlcan.
merchant than he Is with the mission
ary. He feels that the mcjvhaut ami
he have much in oiniuoii. are birds
of a feather. In theory.: the Chinese
cbissics hold that the-officials are in
lie "like parents to the iMHple." It s
therefore their duty to aid and in
struct tlie people on all toiuts of mor
ality and doctrine. This duty tliy
not only do not iwrform themselves.,
but they very strenuously 'object jio
the seiiHible self-Ienying inissioii:i-y
when he ceiues unacked to jH'rfniii it
for them. The more the 'stupid com.
uion . people, as t uey are ca-fieii. can . -be
kept In ignonuice. tin unre.-easily ';
can they lte governed, Hciico-tlic jit
tenipt of the missionary to uplift thui -is
a nspiracy against ne tf tlie
strongholds f ofticialdom. The ntis
repri'sentations of tlie object 'and tlie
work of missionaries, and the many
evil things attributed to them, as well
as the riots stirred up by tlie ofilciais.
ending iu 'the -occasional murder (of .
tlie more aggressive missionaries, are
mostly due to this cause." !.'.."
Itecmits for the British artillery re"
now peruiittinl to lie two inches shoirt- :
er 11i)ii ltefore the war.-but the can
didates for the line and for the army
servhe cotps get a remission of oaly
a half inch. The Civil and MiJii.trv
Gazette-' of India protests ag.iiust Jin
exclusimi from the British arinyjof ,
short men. Few men. ft Miiits out.
. .i i ..ti
aix snorier man me omnirhjis lim-
er.thau the Highlanders, yet. it says
that out of these. two comes soine;oi
the lsst liglitlng material ttiai v.
ltritish empire can i ins nice. n
exdnde from' the army. it dishu'es.
"men built on the short tihooiUa par-
tern, it WOHUl IK quio as ic;i.-mmi;hm.-
to keep out the tall Highlander."-.!.. ;
There are many clo students, o;
physiology who insist that short.- men
are ou the whole stronger lhaii their
tall brethren'. Such are fnd of cit
ing the case of the bluej;iek.t, who.
as the rule of height Is uot so strict
In the navv as In the army. N often"
conipjiratlv'cly slutrt. yt it would
a rash ihtsoii indeed who should con
shier tlie jack tars weaklings. Army
anil Navy Journal.
It is not often that a msii is luhied
with $."sH) 1ft his pockets His j-ela-tives
generally look to that. But tuuir
a case has actually happeneil iu this
city. - - . '-'
A few Uaj-s ago ion Minno irujmo
died and was buried In Dolores -on..
Monday last. After the funeral U'e
niece, f the '.deceased infornied. the
relatIHs f the dead man that h lj:l
at the time of his death the sum C
$."iOri ia one of his Ks-kets; for lu.win
buried in Tils ordinary clothes. She
had sku hltn iy the doctor, a short
time ltef ore his death, some 'money;
and pot - The remainder. .-VtO. in hi-
bfc.ir Do-ket- As no one had thouulif.
of hKiking for the money, and as the
young lady was prostrate .with J-''J
at the death or her uuck ami so on
not rememlier? Anything -a 1 suit tin,
matter until after the funeral, tlie
money : was burled with the con.ee.
Two Republic.
An" exchange gives this example f
the difficulties sometIims enco'unterel
under ltusslan biws. Said an ofticiid
to a traveler suspected of too great
curiosity: ' "
"You can't remain in this -ountr.r.
Sir." - .V .'- -,.;' ; -. j
"Very Well." returue-1 the tntvehT,
"thi'ii I'll leave it." t
"Have you a lermlt to leaveY' .
;"No sir." - . : - ' ' ' '',
Then you cannot? leave. I Kf 'oV
twenty-four hours for , making "I'
your mind what to dor' ' :
Hswarden castle, where Mrs. ''
stone was I torn in 1812. and whieii
was her home during the Ions: ihtk-i
of lier life, now passs to her rraiJ
sou. William Glynne Chiirhs .iac
stone. w!k is a Isty at Eton. ! ' i,r .
of age. Tho estate was purchiissl
Sir Jolm tllynne 'ln BiTi2. "and th hi
castle ihites back to the times of i1"
Britons. ! . i
Bombay Is an iinniciise city, with
hind anj wit shipping qual to ip
It, has - large comment- .-,.,
and manufacturing lulcreMs.
Its buildings, are s:Ud. to be the line.-,
in India. -
Jajtan got Its first telegraph Hne iu
-Today u has 141.70 HHhj l
line in servk-e, with 12w olfiees.
ilbt Kind You Haw
! RnntJu 4
Fine Job printing, Btatrtinan Ofn.